Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fatigue and reaction time,1972,65,Suppl 3,492A,Rougier Motor effects of waking sensory stimulation,1958,50,2,319-320,Hugelin Apropos of poisoning by glue thistle extract (Atractylis gummifera L.). Effects of induced hypothermia on the course of this poisoning,1961,53,,293-294,Bonnet Physiological problems related to the dynamics of space flight,1962,54,,9-75,Grandpierre Comparative sensitivity of sensory motor vegetative and respiratory tests during attention,1967,59,4 Suppl,342,Vincent Psychomotor reactions in the absence of the sense of gravity,1967,59,4 Suppl,539,Grandpierre Ventilatory sensitivity to carbon dioxide of undersea divers,1968,60,Suppl 2,410,Michaud Maximal muscular exertion under carbon monoxide poisoning,1971,63,2,87A-88A,Petit Heat transfer coefficients of humans in cold water,1971,63,3,459-462,Goldman Temperature regulation in swimming,1971,63,3,406-409,Robinson Convection coefficients of man in a forensic area of thermal physiology: heat transfer in underwater exercise,1971,63,3,392-396,Rapp Exercise temperature plateau shifted by a moderate carbon monoxide poisoning,1971,63,3,362-365,Nielsen Ethological models in research into the neural mechanisms of short-term memory,1983,78,9,870-871,Bures Neuropeptide effects on brain development,1985,80,4,268-274,Handelmann