Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Home care clients' participation in fall prevention activities,2008,27,1,38-42,Smith Using senior volunteers as peer educators: What is the evidence of effectiveness in falls prevention?,2009,28,1,7-11,Peel Individual differences in South Australian general practitioners' knowledge procedures and opinions of the assessment of older drivers,2008,27,3,121-125,Wilson Dementia severity and on-road assessment: briefly revisited,2008,27,3,157-160,Clark Personal emergency alarms: what impact do they have on older people's lives?,2008,27,2,103-105,Lewin Perceptions of personal safety among older Australians,2008,27,2,72-77,Quine Longitudinal study of the Home Falls and Accidents Screening Tool in identifying older people at increased risk of falls,2009,28,2,64-69,D'Este The immediate effect of physical activity on standing balance in healthy and balance-impaired older people,2009,28,2,93-96,Brauer Age differences in fall-related injury hospitalisations and trauma presentations,2010,29,3,117-125,Mitchell Involving older people in community‐based research: Developing a guiding framework for researchers and community organisations,2009,28,1,41-45,Kendig Osteoporosis risk in a home care setting,2009,28,2,75-80,Lewin Recruiting older adults to health research studies: A systematic review,2009,28,3,149-151,Auster Age‐friendly buses? A comparison of reported barriers and facilitators to bus use for younger and older adults,2010,29,1,33-38,Broome The assessment of frailty in older people in acute care,2009,28,4,170,Smith Minimising harm to older Victorians from heatwaves: A qualitative study of the role of community‐based health profession and carer organisations,2010,29,3,104-110,Ibrahim The effect of Baroque music on behavioural disturbances in patients with dementia,2011,30,1,11-15,D'Este Elder Abuse among Clients and Carers Referred to the Central Coast ACAT: a Descriptive Analysis,2001,20,1,41-47,Livermore Suicide of older people in Asian societies: an international comparison,2001,20,4,196-203,Pritchard Fear of crime and protective behaviours in older and younger adults: results of a community survey,2002,21,2,92-97,Howells Older Indigenous Australians: their integral role in culture and community,2007,26,1,3-7,Warburton Perceptions of elder abuse among Australian older adults and general practitioners,2007,26,3,120-124,Helmes Review Article: Healthy ageing in rural Australia: Issues and challenges,2008,27,2,56-60,Bartlett Assessment of older drivers in New Zealand: The current system research and recommendations,2011,30,3,148-155,Severinsen Validation of the de Morton Mobility Index (DEMMI) with older community care recipients,2011,30,4,220-225,Hill A study investigating the travel habits and preferences of older Australian adults with a falls risk,2011,30,4,208-214,Kendig Geriatric assessment and intervention in an emergency department observation unit reduced re-attendance and hospitalisation rates,2012,31,1,40-46,Foo Falls in older people receiving in-home informal care across Victoria: Influence on care recipients and caregivers,2012,31,1,6-12,Hill Staying Safe at Home. Home environmental audit recommendations and uptake in an older population at high risk of falling,2012,31,2,90-95,Haines Rates of hospitalisations and mortality of older adults admitted with burn injuries in Western Australian from 1983 to 2008,2012,31,2,83-89,Hendrie The Enhanced Primary Care program and falls prevention: Perceptions of private occupational therapists and physiotherapists,2012,31,2,72-77,Mackenzie Transportation behaviours of older adults: An investigation into car dependency in urban Australia,2012,31,3,181-186,Buys Doing what's important: Valued activities for older New Zealand Māori and non-Māori,2012,31,4,241-246,Kerse Violence against rural older women: Promoting community awareness and action,2013,32,1,2-7,Roberto Fractures related to falls in older patients attending an emergency department,2013,32,1,64,Gonski Older community-dwelling people's comparative optimism about falling: A population-based telephone survey,2013,32,1,34-40,Dollard Impediments to applying the 'dignity of risk' principle in residential aged care services,2013,32,3,188-193,Ibrahim Epidemiology of ambulance responses to older people who have fallen in New South Wales Australia,2013,32,3,171-176,Tiedemann What are older adults seeking? Factors encouraging or discouraging retirement village living,2013,32,3,163-170,Anstey Development of an Australian version of the Alcohol-Related Problems Survey: A comprehensive computerised screening tool for older adults,2013,34,1,33-37,Fink Falls prevention research in residential aged care is itself tripped up by medical clearance issues,2013,32,4,247,Clemson Do continence management strategies reduce falls? A systematic review,2013,32,4,211-216,Batchelor Evidence of limited evidence: A systematic review of continence management interventions to reduce falls in older adults,2013,32,4,200-201,Ostaszkiewicz Predictors of long-term function in older community-dwelling people who have presented to an emergency department after a fall: A cohort study,2014,34,1,47-52,Hill General practitioners' opinions and attitudes towards medical assessment of fitness to drive in older adults,2013,33,3,E33-6,McCarthy The prevalence and risk factors for psychological distress in male and female older people affected by the Wenchuan earthquake,2013,33,3,E20-6,Cheng Use of the Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions (STOPP) in older people admitted to an Australian hospital,2013,34,1,15-20,Manias The injury profile and acute treatment costs of major trauma in older people in New South Wales,2013,33,4,264-270,Curtis Effect of comorbidity on relative survival following hospitalisation for fall-related hip fracture in older people,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Finch Supporting housing and neighbourhoods for healthy ageing: Findings from the Housing and Independent Living Study (HAIL),2014,33,1,29-35,Mackenzie What's loneliness got to do with it? Older women who use benzodiazepines,2014,34,1,E7-E12,Canham Commentary on: Falls prevention research in residential aged care is itself tripped up by medical clearance issues,2014,33,1,8,Newbury Age-related trends in late mortality following traumatic brain injury: a multicentre inception cohort study,2014,34,2,E1-6,Nott How do general practitioners engage with allied health practitioners to prevent falls in older people? An exploratory qualitative study,2014,34,3,149-154,Clemson Working at the frontline in cases of elder abuse: 'it keeps me awake at night',2014,33,1,59-62,Cairns Caregiver distress in dementia in rural Victoria,2014,34,4,235-240,Reid Fear and overprotection in Australian residential aged care facilities: the inadvertent impact of regulation on quality continence care,2015,35,2,119-126,Ostaszkiewicz Prevalence of the geriatric syndromes and frailty in older men living in the community: the Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project,2016,35,4,255-261,Naganathan The validity of three fall risk screening tools in an acute geriatric inpatient population,2016,35,3,167-173,Latt Seat belt repositioning and use of vehicle seat cushions is increased among older drivers aged 75 years and older with morbidities,2016,36,1,26-31,Brown Bongs and baby boomers: trends in cannabis use among older Australians,2016,36,1,56-59,Roche Adding self-management of chronic conditions to fall prevention: a feasibility study,2016,36,1,E23-E25,Waters Community demographics socio-economic and health status among older Australian residents of Japanese origin living in New South Wales Australia,2017,36,3,238-242,Watanabe Comparison of fall-related traumatic brain injury in residential aged care and community-dwelling older people: a population-based study,2017,36,2,144-150,Draper Adherence to a multifactorial fall prevention program following paramedic care: predictors and impact on falls and health service use. Results from an RCT a priori subgroup analysis,2018,37,1,54-61,Lord Risk factors for falls among older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in urban and regional communities,2018,37,2,113-119,Tiedemann Fall risk assessment tools for use among older adults in long-term care settings: a systematic review of the literature,2018,37,1,23-33,Henwood Use and clinical efficacy of standard and health information technology fall risk assessment tools,2017,36,4,327-331,Wilson Exercise interventions in healthy older adults with sarcopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,37,3,169-183,Waters Key issues to consider and innovative ideas on fall prevention in the geriatric department of a teaching hospital,2018,37,2,140-143,Naganathan Health professional student education related to the prevention of falls in older people: a survey of universities in Australia and New Zealand,2018,37,3,E116-E119,Sturnieks Fatal road transport crashes among Australian residential aged care facility residents,2019,38,1,52-56,Bugeja Association between neighbourhood convenience stores and independent living in older people,2019,38,2,116-123,Igarashi The relationship between discharge medications and falls in post-hospitalised older adults: a 6-month follow-up,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haines Nursing home resident deaths due to road trauma and the potential roles for nursing home providers to promote public safety,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bugeja Falls fear of falling and related factors in community-dwelling individuals aged 80 and over in Turkey,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ucku Influences on general practitioner referral to allied health professionals for fall prevention in primary care,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tiedemann Toileting-related falls at night in hospitalised patients: The role of nocturia,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rose Do orthopaedic and neurosciences inpatients who are at risk of falls have best practice fall prevention strategies implemented during their acute inpatient hospitalization?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tse Prevalence and nature of resident-to-resident abuse incidents in Australian residential aged care,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Joyce Implementing a 'Safe Recovery' fall prevention program: refining intervention theory using realist methods,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Martin The other side of late-life intimacy? Sexual violence in later life,2020,39,Suppl 1,65-70,Bows Frailty and risk of re-hospitalisation and mortality for aged care residents following a fall injury hospitalisation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Draper Factors influencing duration of compensation following road traffic crash injury in older vs younger adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cameron Patient and hospital factors influencing discharge destination following hip fracture,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cameron The Tasmanian electronic falls ascertainment tool-a pilot study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Callisaya The extent of polypharmacy and use of 'fall risk increasing drugs' in the oldest old admitted to a regional New South Wales hospital,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thomas Attitudes towards dignity of risk in older people: a survey following a short narrative film,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bugeja Providing fall prevention services in the emergency department: is it effective? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Celenza Exploring patterns of personal alarm system use and impacts on outcomes,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Srikanth Emergency ambulance demand by older adults from rural and regional Victoria Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cantwell Simulation and coaching to prevent aggressive events in aged care: a pilot study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gordon Can we relax surveillance on more mobile older inpatients with high fall risk?,2021,40,2,225-226,Abdoolakhan Ten-year trends in lifestyle habits among community-dwelling older people in Taiwan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huang Development of a Victorian falls and balance service directory,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Levinger Aged care nurses' perception of unwanted sexual behaviour in Australian residential aged care services,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ibrahim Psychosocial factors significantly predict driving self-regulation in Australian older adults,2016,35,2,133-138,Sullivan Fears and freedoms: a qualitative analysis of older adults' basic psychological needs for autonomy competence relatedness and beneficence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Buys Mild cognitive impairment and fitness to drive: an audit of practice in a driving specialist clinic in Australia,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berndt Patterns of health service use before and after a statewide fall prevention initiative for older adults at risk of falls,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lord Daily surveillance of falls is feasible and reveals a high incidence of falls among older adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wallwork Advancing Australian public health initiatives targeting dementia risk reduction,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Armitage The effects of social isolation due to COVID-19 on the fear of movement falling and physical activity in older people,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Atıcı Association between loneliness and acceptance of using robots and pets as companions among older Chinese immigrants during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chiu Cycling without age: an Australian residential aged care home experience,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cyarto The rising cost of falls - health researchers are calling for action,2022,41,4,487-489,Sturnieks DriveSafe DriveAware: a systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coventry Developing a multivariate prediction model of falls among older community-dwelling adults using measures of neuromuscular control and proprioceptive acuity: a pilot study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wallwork Still in first gear: exploration of barriers for implementing driving cessation support,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pachana Stand strong: an indigenous perspective on fall prevention,2023,42,3,448-449,Waters Fall prevention from an Asia-Pacific regional perspective: the importance of local context,2023,42,3,445-447,Hill A physiotherapy-led review of guideline-based care for community-dwelling older people presenting to a metropolitan hospital with accidental falls,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nelson Findings from three methods to identify falls in hospitals: results from the Ambient Intelligent Geriatric Management system fall prevention trial,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boyle Monitoring falls in residential aged care facilities: agreement between falls incident reports and progress notes,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sherrington Association of ethnicity with unintentional injury-related hospitalisation and mortality among older people residing in two regions of Aotearoa New Zealand,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kerse Improving hip fracture care: a five-year review of the early contributors to the Australian and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Close A randomised controlled pilot study of a Nintendo Ring Fit Adventure™ balance and strengthening exercise program in community-dwelling older adults with a history of falls,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chan Cross-sectional survey of staff and family perspectives on the use of CCTV in Australian residential aged care,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Porock Suicide in the elderly: Some good news,1998,17,2,54-55,Harrison Suicide prevention,1998,17,3,e151,Rosenman A comparison of changes in drug burden index between older inpatients who fell and people who have not fallen: a case-control study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hanger Managing falls onsite in residential aged care homes reduced hospitalisation: mixed methods results from the Falls Outreach and Residential Mobile Assessment Team (FORMAT) pilot study,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Miller Impacts of brightness contrast road environment complexity travel direction and judgement type on speed perception errors among older adult pedestrians' road-crossing decision-making,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wu