Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Evaluation of postural control systems in elderly patients with repeated falls,2008,43,2,71-75,González Ramírez Utility of posturography in the evaluation of falls,2008,43,2,67,Ruiz Hidalgo Falls and osteoporosis,2008,43,5,330-333,González Ramírez Spanish contribution to international advances in the linguistic and cultural adaptation of a screening tool for elder abuse,2008,43,3,180-188,Pérez-Rojo Differences in the momentum development during transfers sit to stand between fall and no fall elderly,2009,44,4,200-204,Guzmán Accidents associated with the use of physical restraints in the elderly with cognitive disorders: a study of three cases,2009,44,5,262-265,Fariña-López Risk factors for falls amongst older people living in nursing home. A cohort study,2009,44,6,301-304,Díaz Grávalos Changes in the incidence of falls in an intermediate and long-term care center,2009,,,,Sanchez Driving and aging,2010,45,1,30-37,Cantón-Cortés Fear of falling,2010,45,1,38-44,Alcalde Tirado Effects of tai chi on health-related quality of life in the elderly,2010,45,2,97-102,Romero Zurita The influence of physical exercise on depressive symptoms and functional fitness in elderly residents of south Brazil,2010,45,2,72-78,Justino Borges Fear of falling in the elderly with recurrent dizziness: A descriptive study,2010,45,5,274-277,Perez-Jara The regulation of pedestrian traffic lights in Spain: Do older people have enough time to cross the road?,2010,45,4,199-202,Romero Ortuño Living arrangements of elderly adults in Catalonia (Spain). The impact of health deterioration on residential independence,2010,45,5,259-266,Zueras Safety problems associated with using physical restraint devices on the elderly,2011,46,1,36-42,Fariña-López Prevalence of familial elder abuse and associated factors in Ocozocoautla (Chiapas Mexico),2007,42,1,27-34,Gómez Ricárdez Linguistic and cultural adaptation of two tools for the detecting suspected elder abuse,2010,45,4,213-218,Pérez-Rojo Relationship between unipedal stance test score and center of pressure velocity in elderly,2011,46,5,256-260,Rodrigo Antonio Falls and osteoporotic fractures prevention units. Proposed Osteoporosis Falls and Fractures Group of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology,2011,46,5,268-274,Formiga Magnitude of the problem of falls in a regional network of Spanish nursing homes,2011,46,5,283-284,Gómez-Conesa Prevalence of foot conditions in a geriatric population and their impact on mobility gait and tendency to falls,2012,47,1,19-22,Martínez-Gallardo Prieto Cognitive impairment and the risk of falling in the elderly,2011,46,6,311-318,Casas Herrero Characteristics of hip fracture and functional recovery in elderly people with a history of recurrent falling,2011,46,6,289-296,Jiménez-Sánchez Falls in nursing homes and institutions: Update by the Osteoporosis Falls and Fractures Working Group of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (GCOF-SEGG),2013,48,1,30-38,González Ramírez Experience with the use of an implantable loop recorder in a series of older people with falls and suspected arrhythmic syncopes,2014,49,3,121-124,Martínez [Geriatric assessment tools in Spanish Geriatric Departments.],2014,49,5,235-242,Flores Ruano Effect of a physiotherapy exercise program on physical performance in institutionalized elderly,2014,49,6,260-265,Chávez-Pantoja Physical exercise in the frail elderly: an update,2015,50,2,74-81,Casas Herrero Epidemiology of accidents in a cohort of adults over 64 years old in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country,2015,50,6,281-284,de Castro Randomized clinical trial of a fall-prevention strategy for institutionalized elderly based on the Mini Falls Assessment Instrument,2015,51,1,18-24,Coll-Planas Dignity of the elderly,2015,50,4,195-199,Ribera Casado Falls in the Spanish elderly population: Incidence consequences and risk factors,2015,50,6,274-280,Yuste Effects of cognitive state on balance disturbances and gait disorders in institutionalised elderly,2015,51,2,88-91,Díaz-Pelegrina Sleepiness repercussion on gait and balance,2015,51,3,182-183,Moreno Morales Interventions based on exercise and physical environment for preventing falls in cognitively impaired older people living in long-term care facilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,51,2,96-111,González-Román Clinical application of the "Stop walking while talking test". Relationship with geriatric assessment parameters and other tests of balance and gait,2016,52,2,61-64,Miralles Is there workplace violence in the Spanish nursing homes?,2016,52,2,105,Pérez-Testor Relationship between balance tests and mobility scale fear of falling and the number of falls in the elderly in a rehabilitation department,2016,52,4,226-227,Oliveira Martins Tako-Tsubo syndrome after homicide attempt on an 89 year-old woman,2017,52,4,230-232,Oviedo Briones Patients with cognitive impairment and falls in a psychogeriatric clinic,2017,52,6,348-349,Bajo Peñas Fear of falling: validation of a measurement tool in Chilean elderly living in the community,2017,52,4,188-192,Valenzuela Three years experience in the detection and follow-up of violence against the elderly in a tertiary hospital,2018,53,1,15-18,Santiago Statin and risk of falls in the elderly: a sytematic review of the literature,2017,52,6,317-321,Venegas Sanabria Gait speed and the appearance of neurocognitive disorders in older adults: results of a Peruvian cohort,2018,53,2,73-76,Runzer-Colmenares Family violence prevalence in patients from the gerontology module of a family medicine clinic,2018,53,4,229-230,López Nieto Gender violence: when the aggressor is a patient with dementia. About clinical case,2018,53,6,365-366,Aranda Rubio Effect on fear of falling and functionality of three intervention programs. A randomised clinical trial,2019,54,2,68-74,Curcio Gender differences in the risk factors of falls in the elderly,2019,54,4,238-240,Rejón Functional and clinical outcomes in patients admitted to nursing homes after hip fractures. Implementation of a multi-level intervention program,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alarcón Physical restraint use in relation to falls risk in a nursing home,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fernández Ibáñez Probable delayed neurological syndrome after carbon monoxide poisoning: a clinical case and a review of the literature,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eguzkiza-Ezponda Suspicion of chemical submission in older subjects attending a hospital emergency department,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lázaro del Nogal Domestic violence among the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Calleja Socio-demographic determinants of violence in older people in Ecuador,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vinueza-Veloz Editorial: Improving falls prediction by the self-perception of the risk of falling: "Do you think you may fall in the next few months?",2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Formiga The violence of the elderly person towards the professional. It is necessary to involve the institutions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vidal-Martí Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on the incidence and severity of falls in institutionalized older people: a longitudinal study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jerez-Roig Parasuicide and suicide among elderly residents of a long-term-care facility,2003,38,3,170-174,Anía [New contributions towards the understanding of suicidal ideation and attempt in Peruvian older adults],2020,55,3,180-181,Caycho-Rodríguez