Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Human time perception and its illusions,2008,18,2,131-136,Eagleman The dynamics of dopamine in control of motor behavior,2009,19,6,615-620,Bergman Re-valuing the amygdala,2010,20,2,221-230,Morrison Dynamics of Active Sensing and perceptual selection,2010,20,2,172-176,Wilson Visual pathways supporting perception and action in the primate cerebral cortex,1993,3,4,578-585,Goodale Psychophysical approaches to motor control,1995,5,6,742-748,Soechting Neuromechanics of muscle synergies for posture and movement,2007,17,6,622-628,Ting Serotonin social status and aggression,1997,7,6,812-819,Edwards Getting ready to move: transmitted information in the corticospinal pathway during preparation for movement,2010,20,6,696-703,Cohen Selective attention in humans: normality and pathology,1995,5,2,191-197,Driver Neurobiology of skill and habit learning,1995,5,2,184-190,Salmon Representations of uncertainty in sensorimotor control,2011,21,4,629-635,Wolpert Computation and physiology of sensory-motor processing in eye movements,2011,21,4,623-628,Osborne Properties and mechanisms of perceptual priming,1998,8,2,227-233,Martin Neural correlates of visual and motor decision processes,1998,8,2,211-217,Schall Complex motion perception and its deficits,1998,8,4,494-502,Vaina Development of human locomotion,2012,22,5,822-828,Ivanenko Motor control is decision-making,2012,22,6,996-1003,Wolpert The social phenotype of Williams syndrome,2013,23,3,414-422,Järvinen An evolving view of duplex vision: separate but interacting cortical pathways for perception and action,2004,14,2,203-211,Goodale Role of the basal ganglia in the control of sleep and wakefulness,2013,23,5,780-785,Lazarus Evolutionary themes in the neurobiology of social cognition,2014,28C,,22-27,Hofmann Motor-related signals in the auditory system for listening and learning,2015,33,,78-84,Schneider What can neuronal populations tell us about cognition?,2017,46,,48-57,Arandia-Romero Parsing learning in networks using brain-machine interfaces,2017,46,,76-83,Pesaran Neurocircuitry of aggression and aggression seeking behavior: nose poking into brain circuitry controlling aggression,2018,49,,184-191,Russo Mechanisms of injury-induced axon degeneration,2019,57,,171-178,Ding Cortical circuits for integration of self-motion and visual-motion signals,2019,60,,122-128,Chaplin Brain-wide representations of ongoing behavior: a universal principle?,2020,64,,60-69,Kaplan Neural mechanisms of persistent aggression,2022,73,,e102526,Falkner Studying dominance and aggression requires ethologically relevant paradigms,2024,86,,e102879,Chen Refining the circuits of drug addiction: the ventral pallidum,2024,86,,e102883,Morais-Silva