Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Integrated response. Caring for survivors of sexual assault,2007,4,1,48,Bhan A review of the ethics in research on child abuse,2007,4,3,113-115,Chandra Opinions on suicide: a web-based discussion group in a programme on biomedical ethics in Pakistan,2007,4,4,181-183,Anwar Should mental health assessments be integral to domestic violence research?,2009,6,1,15-18,Chandra Creating panic during disasters,2007,4,2,97,Tripathi Awareness of issues related to torture among medical students in Mauritius,2007,4,3,131-132,Agnihotri Legal changes towards justice for sexual assault victims,2010,7,2,108-112,Jagadeesh Ragging: Human rights abuse tolerated by the authorities,2009,6,2,60-61,Chandra Narco analysis leads to more questions than answers,2007,4,1,9; discussion 10-1,Jagadeesh Misconceptions about narco analysis,2007,4,1,7-8; discussion 10-1,Mohan Binayak Sen: redefining health care in an unjust society,2007,4,3,104-105,Sathyamala Willing participants and tolerant profession: medical ethics and human rights in narco-analysis,2008,5,3,130-135,Jesani Supreme Court judgment on medical interrogation: on the just use of science and the ethics of doctors' participation in criminal investigation,2010,7,3,139-142,Jesani Reflections on the High Court's dismissal of the'TISS rape case',2011,8,4,246-247,Contractor The Bhopal gas disaster: Focus on community health and environmental effects,2011,8,2,95-96,Sheehan Dealing with spousal violence,2010,7,4,246-250,Rege The Bhopal gas disaster and the poor state of occupational health and safety India,2010,7,4,204-205,Thomas Moving from evidence to care: ethical responsibility of health professionals in responding to sexual assault,2013,10,1,2-5,Bhate-Deosthali New regulations on compensation for injury and death in drug trials,2013,10,2,76-79,Jesani Theatre of the Oppressed in medical humanities education: the road less travelled,2013,10,3,200-203,Gupta The murder of Dr Narendra Dabholkar: A fascist attack on rationalism,2013,10,4,217-219,Phadke Public health perspectives in cross-system practice: past present and future,2015,-,-,1-6,Bada Math Preventing ragging: outcome of an integrated programme in a medical faculty in Sri Lanka,2015,-,-,1-3,Perera Domestic abuse and the duties of physicians: a case report,2015,12,4,248-250,Hossain Aruna Shanbaug and workplace safety for women: the real issue sidestepped,2015,-,-,1-6,Nair Domestic abuse and the duties of physicians: a case report,2015,12,4,248-50,Hossain Trade in kidneys is ethically intolerable,2016,-,-,1-4,Martin Who decides the "best interests" of the child?,2016,1,3,184-185,Ayarkar Ethics in humanitarian services: report on the earthquake in Nepal,2016,-,-,1-5,Aacharya A question of ethics not nationalism: author's response,2017,2,2,128,David Ethical concerns related to mandatory reporting of sexual violence,2016,-,-,1-5,Jagadeesh Use of pellet guns for crowd control in Kashmir: how lethal is "non-lethal"?,2017,2,2,124-127,David The safety of women health workers at the frontlines,2017,-,-,1-5,Dasgupta Medical ethics in times of conflict - why silence is not an option,2018,3,1,39-42,Chisholm Need for gender sensitive health system responses to violence against women and children,2018,3,3,254-255,Chandrasekhar Five years post Nirbhaya: critical insights into the status of response to sexual assault,2018,3,3,215-221,Lingam Emergency care in rural settings: can doctors be ethical and survive?,2018,3,4,329-330,Bawaskar Gender-based violence among Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: a public health challenge,2018,-,-,1-2,Hossain Benefit sharing in the revised Indian National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants,2018,3,3,204-209,Dierickx Institutions should take responsibility for student suicides,2019,ePub,ePub,1,Madhiwalla Workplace violence against healthcare professionals in China: a content analysis of media reports,2019,4,2,95-100,Lu The deteriorating patient-physician relationship in India: is it time to look within?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sharma On the absence of a doctor's dilemma in India: reflections on impatient violence,2019,4,4,332-333,Srivatsan Should a medical ethics journal discuss the actions of the security forces?,2017,2,2,127-128,Ghooi Response to David's article on the use of pellet guns in Kashmir,2017,2,3,217,Magotra Twin public health emergencies: Covid-19 and domestic violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ghoshal Workplace bullying in medical institutions: response to Karpagam,2021,6,1,1-3,Verma The medical profession must urgently act on caste-based discrimination and harassment in their midst,2021,6,1,1-5,Kumbhar Workplace bullying in healthcare facilities: role of caste and reservation,2021,6,1,1-7,Verma Police vs doctors: harassment of Covid "heroes" by Covid "heroes"?,2021,6,1,1-5,Ali How trainee doctors and nurses react to simulated scenarios of violence against healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sharma Ethical dilemmas encountered in suicide research and management: experiences of young mental health professionals,2022,7,2,93-102,Bhatia LGBTQIA+ rights mental health systems and curative violence in India,2022,7,2,127-133,Kottai Abuse with impunity in sports: some reflections,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Prakash Police investigation and unethical "scientific interrogation",2023,VIII,1,3-6,Lokaneeta Self-correction is essential to science: Author's response,2023,VIII,1,68-69,Patwardhan The word soup handicap: why finding the right way to address people like me is tough,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Raamesh Disclosure of intimate partner violence while studying positive mental health in wheelchair users: ethical dilemmas,2023,VIII,4,310-313,Babu Concepts and debates in end-of-life care,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chakravarty Domestic abuse and the duties of physicians: a case report,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hossain Ethics tries handling inner conflicts scientifically/spiritually,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kothari (1935–2014) Euthanasia: a worldwide dilemma,2004,ePub,ePub,ePub,Waghela Film Review : A ragging cure,2011,ePub,ePub,ePub,Garg Opioid use at the end of life: working out the physician's intentions,2011,ePub,ePub,ePub,Capps Opinions on suicide: a web-based discussion group in a programme on biomedical ethics in Pakistan,2007,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anwar A writer's suicide: On creativity mental health gender and ethics,2022,7,,,Urmila Ethical dilemmas encountered in suicide research and management: Experiences of young mental health professionals,2022,7,,,Gupta Declarations of conflict of interest are still inadequate,2018,3,,,Breimer Institutions should take responsibility for student suicides,2019,4,,,Madhiwalla LGBTQIA+ rights mental health systems and curative violence in India,2022,7,,,Kottai Alcohol withdrawal management during the Covid-19 lockdown in Kerala,2020,V,2,105-106,Varma A writer's suicide: On creativity mental health gender and ethics,2022,VII,2,133-137,Urmila Not a case for social triage,2019,4,3,252-253,Barua