Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author "Mended or ended?" Football injuries and the British and American medical press 1870-1910,2001,18,2,110-133,Park Daredevils and early birds: Belgian pioneers in automobile racing and aerial sports during the belle époque,2011,28,2,205-239,Ameye Football in inter-war Northern Ireland: Ballymena Football and Athletic Club Limited - religious and political exclusivity or civic inclusivity?,2010,27,13,2212-2233,Laverty 'A man's game': Cricket war and masculinity South Africa 1899-1902,2011,28,1,63-80,Allen 'Preventing Huddersfield': The rise and decline of rugby league in South Africa c.1957-1965,2011,28,1,9-31,Snyders Football hooliganism as a transnational phenomenon: Past and present analysis: A critique – More specificity and less generality,2007,24,4,411-431,Spaaij Capturing racism: An analysis of racial projects within the Lisa Simpson vs. University of Colorado football rape case,2007,24,2,172-196,Crosset Modern pentathlon and the First World War: When athletes and soldiers met to practise martial manliness,2011,28,3-4,410-428,Heck Wartime rugby and football: Sports elites French military teams and international meets during the First World War,2011,28,3-4,372-392,Waquet American Sammys and French Poilus in the Great War: Sport masculinities and vulnerability,2011,28,3-4,351-371,Terret Sport in the trenches: the new deal for masculinity in France,2011,28,3-4,331-350,Waquet Historical review of sports policy in rural China (1949-2008),2011,28,7,1055-1071,Wenyun Playing With "patriotic fire": Women and football in the Antipodes during the Great War,2011,28,10,1388-1408,Hess A history of leisure activities at SANAE an Antarctic research base (1970-93),1998,15,1,188-193,van der Merwe Surf lifesaving: the development of an Australasian "sport",2000,17,2-3,167-187,Booth The origins of French boxing: bare-knuckle duelling savate and chausson 1820-45,2001,18,2,168-178,Loudcher "An epoch in the annals of national sport": football in Sheffield and the creation of modern soccer and rugby,2001,18,4,53-87,Harvey Respectable identities: New Zealand nineteenth-century "new women" - on bicycles!,2001,18,2,54-77,Simpson A martyr for modernity: Qiu Jin -- feminist warrior and revolutionary,2001,18,1,27-54,Fan Modern sport modernism and the cultural manifesto: de Coubertin's Revue Olympique,2001,18,2,78-109,Brown Tribulations and achievements: the early history of Olympism in Argentina,2001,18,3,59-92,Torres A glittering icon of Fascist femininity: Trebisonda "Ondina" Valla,2001,18,1,173-195,Gori The later evolution of modern sport in Latin America: the North American influence,2001,18,3,43-58,Arbena The early evolution of modern sport in Latin America: a mainly English middle-class inspiration,2001,18,3,9-42,Mangan "Plucky lasses" "pea soup" and politics: the role of ladies' football during the 1921 miners' lock-out in Wigan and Leigh,1999,16,1,38-64,Melling Why Lance Armstrong? Historical context and key turning points in the 'cleaning up' of professional cycling,2014,31,8,951-968,Dimeo Fútbol para todos (soccer for all): democratization populist legitimization or quasi-authoritarianism?,2017,34,11,1061-1087,Bar-On Encounters on the dirt track: Polish - British speedway from 1955,2017,34,10,866-879,Newsham From the concept of the communist 'new man' to nationalist hooliganism: research perspectives on sport in socialist Yugoslavia,2017,34,9,713-728,Brentin Sandwiched between sport and politics: Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile Formula 1 and non-democratic regimes,2017,34,7-8,535-553,Næss Touch rugby masculinity and progressive politics in Durban South Africa 1985-1990,2017,34,7-8,619-638,Morrell Loss protest and heritage: Liverpool FC and Hillsborough,2017,34,3-4,251-265,Cronin Fifty years of Super Bowl commercials thirty-two years of spectacular consumption,2017,34,1-2,46-64,McAllister Cycling in the city? Belgian cyclists conquering urban spaces 1860-1900,2012,29,14,1942-1962,Delheye Beyond the brink: Beachy head as a climbing landscape,2012,29,10,1383-1404,Gilchrist