Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Accessible and Total Lead in Low-Cost Jewelry Items,2008,4,3,358–361,Yost A New Process for Organizing Assessments of Social Economic and Environmental Outcomes: Case Study of Wildland Fire Management in the USA,2010,6,3,469-483,Brink Public perception and stakeholder involvement in the crisis management of sediment-related disasters and their mitigation: The case of the StoŽe debris flow in NW Slovenia,2011,7,2,216-227,Mikoš Bridging science management and responses to environmental disasters,2010,6,4,615-616,Wenning Strategies to improve chemical-related risk communication in Canada,2010,6,4,782-783,Krewski Life cycle assessment in management product and process design and policy decision making: a conference report,2005,1,1,60-65,Cooper Importance of risk communication during and after a nuclear accident,2011,7,3,388-392,Perko The hazard communication of fragrance allergens must be improved,2013,9,3,358-362,Klaschka How closely do acute lethal concentration estimates predict effects of toxicants on populations?,2005,1,2,109-113,Stark Risk communication discourse among ecological risk assessment professionals and its implications for communication with non-experts,2013,9,4,616-622,Hunka Is it safe to use the word 'safe'?,2011,7,3,506,Cairns Effective environmental risk communication-success stories or urban legends?,2015,11,1,173-174,Hunka Evaluating the role of coastal habitats and sea-level rise in hurricane risk mitigation: An ecological economic assessment method and application to a business decision,2015,12,2,328-344,Thompson Population vulnerability to storm surge flooding in coastal Virginia U.S.A,2015,12,3,500-509,Diaz Risk communication in the case of the Fukushima accident: impact of communication and lessons to be learned,2016,12,4,683-686,Perko Societal and ethical aspects of the Fukushima accident,2016,12,4,651-653,Oughton Tailings from Fundão tragedy: physical-chemical properties of the material that remains by the Candonga Dam,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duarte Figueiredo Facilitating the decision-making process after a nuclear accident - case studies in the Netherlands and Slovakia,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Asselt Ecological consequences of Australia's 'Black Summer' bushfires,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dickman Evaluating the perceptions of pesticide use safety and regulation and identifying common pesticide-related topics on Twitter,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Prosperi Chemical hazard assessment toward safer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ogunseitan