Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Communication of suicide intent by schizophrenic subjects: data from the Queensland Suicide Register,2007,1,1,6,De Leo Community perceptions of mental health needs: a qualitative study in the Solomon Islands,2009,3,1,6,Ritchie Evaluation of psychological support for victims of sexual violence in a conflict setting: Results from Brazzaville Congo,2009,3,1,7,Grais Trauma-related psychological disorders among Palestinian children and adults in Gaza and West Bank 2005-2008,2009,3,1,21,Grais Suicide attempt in a rural area of Vietnam: Incidence methods used and access to mental health care,2010,4,1,3,Allebeck Determinants of psychological morbidity in survivors of the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh and Nias,2010,4,1,8,Maramis Rehabilitation of torture survivors in five countries: common themes and challenges,2010,4,1,16,Higson-Smith Development of a multi-layered psychosocial care system for children in areas of political violence,2010,4,1,15,de Jong Collective trauma in the Vanni- a qualitative inquiry into the mental health of the Internally Displaced due to the civil war in Sri Lanka,2010,4,1,22,Somasundaram The Ha Noi Expert Statement: recognition of maternal mental health in resource-constrained settings is essential for achieving the Millennium Development Goals,2011,5,1,2,Izutsu Admissions to acute adolescent psychiatric units: A prospective study of clinical severity and outcome,2011,5,1,1,Hanssen-Bauer Innovations on a shoestring: a study of a collaborative community-based Aboriginal mental health service model in rural Canada,2009,3,,27,Maar Media awards for responsible reporting of suicide: Experiences from Australia Belgium and Denmark,2011,5,1,15,Nordentoft Reducing the use of seclusion for mental disorder in a prison: implementing a high support unit in a prison using participant action research,2012,6,1,2,Giblin Development of disaster mental health guidelines through the Delphi process,2012,6,1,7,Kim Stakeholder's perceptions of help-seeking behaviour among people with mental health problems in Uganda,2011,5,1,5,Kigozi Transgenerational consequences of PTSD: risk factors for the mental health of children whose mothers have been exposed to the Rwandan genocide,2014,8,1,12,Elbert Psychiatric staff on the wards does not share attitudes on aggression,2014,8,,14,Putkonen Mental health and psychiatric care in Bolivia: what do we know?,2014,8,,18,Mari Attitudes toward suicide among college students in South Korea and the United States,2014,8,,e17,Park Attitudes towards people with mental illness among psychiatrists psychiatric nurses involved family members and the general population in a large city in Guangzhou China,2014,8,,26,Rosenheck Australian rural football club leaders as mental health advocates: an investigation of the impact of the Coach the Coach project,2010,4,,10,Liaw Acute stress responses in Chinese soldiers performing various military tasks,2014,8,1,45,Huang Potential predictors of delay in initial treatment contact after the first onset of depression in Japan: a clinical sample study,2014,8,1,50,Nakagawa Correlates of psychological functioning of homeless youth in Accra Ghana: a cross-sectional study,2015,9,1,1,Meyer-Weitz Difference in suicide methods used between suicide attempters and suicide completers,2014,8,1,54,Park A preliminary taxonomy and a standard knowledge base for mental-health system indicators in Spain,2010,4,1,1-10,Salvador-Carulla Where there is no evidence: use of expert consensus methods to fill the evidence gap in low-income countries and cultural minorities,2010,4,1,1-6,Jorm Schizophrenia and quality of life: how important are symptoms and functioning?,2010,4,1,1-8,Grassi Mental Health First Aid guidelines for helping a suicidal person: a Delphi consensus study in the Philippines,2010,4,1,1-9,Jorm Comprehensive SDG goal and targets for non-communicable diseases and mental health,2015,9,1,1-4,Izutsu Access to mental health and psychosocial services in Cambodia by survivors of trafficking and exploitation: a qualitative study,2015,9,1,1-13,Zimmerman Existing public health surveillance systems for mental health in China,2015,9,1,1-6,Xiao Beyond the crisis: building back better mental health care in 10 emergency-affected areas using a longer-term perspective,2015,9,,e15,Saxena Mental health first aid training for the Bhutanese refugee community in the United States,2015,9,,e20,Yun Which deliberate self-poisoning patients are most likely to make high-lethality suicide attempts?,2015,9,,e35,Park Associations between changes in the pattern of suicide methods and rates in Korea the US and Finland,2014,8,1,22,Hong Neighborhood social capital and infant physical abuse: a population-based study in Japan,2016,10,,e13,Kawachi Service user and family member perspectives on services for mental health substance use/addiction and violence: a qualitative study of their goals experiences and recommendations,2016,10,,9,Wells The mental health and psychosocial impact of the Bougainville Crisis: a synthesis of available information,2016,10,,18,Bolton Violent events ward climate and ideas for violence prevention among nurses in psychiatric wards: a focus group study,2016,10,,e27,Välimäki Beliefs and knowledge about post-traumatic stress disorder amongst resettled Afghan refugees in Australia,2016,10,,e31,Slewa-Younan Promotion prevention and protection: interventions at the population- and community-levels for mental neurological and substance use disorders in low- and middle-income countries,2016,10,,e30,Chisholm Mental health services and R&D in South Korea,2016,10,,45,Ha Problem Management Plus (PM+) in the treatment of common mental disorders in women affected by gender-based violence and urban adversity in Kenya; study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,2016,10,,e44,Van Ommeren Suicide surveillance and health systems in Nepal: a qualitative and social network analysis,2016,10,,e46,Kohrt Suicide first aid guidelines for Sri Lanka: a Delphi consensus study,2016,10,1,53,Jorm Poly-victimisation and health risk behaviours symptoms of mental health problems and suicidal thoughts and plans among adolescents in Vietnam,2016,10,,e66,Wolfe The prevalence of suicidal ideation and depression among primary care patients and current management in South Korea,2017,11,,18,Lee Screening for substance use and mental health problems in a cross-sectoral sample of Canadian youth,2017,11,,21,Henderson Perinatal depression in Nigeria: perspectives of women family caregivers and health care providers,2017,11,,e27,Kola Socio-demographic characteristics clinical profile and prevalence of existing mental illness among suicide attempters attending emergency services at two hospitals in Hawassa city South Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study,2017,11,,e32,Ayehu Correlates comorbidities and suicidal tendencies of problematic game use in a national wide sample of Korean adults,2017,11,,e35,Hong An overview of mental health care system in Kilifi Kenya: results from an initial assessment using the World Health Organization's Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems,2017,11,1,e28,Kariuki The Child Behaviour Assessment Instrument: development and validation of a measure to screen for externalising child behavioural problems in community setting,2010,4,,13,McClure Lack of access to mental health services contributing to the high suicide rates among veterans,2017,11,,47,Hester The mental health and help-seeking behaviour of resettled Afghan refugees in Australia,2017,11,,e49,Slewa-Younan General practitioners' experiences and perceptions of mild moderate depression management and factors influencing effective service delivery in rural Australian communities: a qualitative study,2017,11,,e54,Hansen Mental health literacy: what do Nigerian adolescents know about depression?,2018,12,,e8,Aluh Alcohol use in a rural district in Uganda: findings from community-based and facility-based cross-sectional studies,2018,12,,e12,Kigozi Correction to: Problem Management Plus (PM+) in the treatment of common mental disorders in women affected by gender-based violence and urban adversity in Kenya; study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,2018,12,,e55,Van Ommeren Crafting safe and effective suicide prevention media messages: outcomes from a workshop in Australia,2018,12,,e23,Pirkis Exposure to gender-based violence and depressive symptoms among transgender women in Cambodia: findings from the National Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey 2016,2018,12,,e24,Yi 'The threads in his mind have torn': conceptualization and treatment of mental disorders by neo-prophetic Christian healers in Accra Ghana,2018,12,,e40,Swartz Prevalence and correlates of post-traumatic stress disorder among survivors of road traffic accidents in Ethiopia,2018,12,,e50,Fekadu Socio-economic trafficking exposures and mental health symptoms of human trafficking returnees in Ethiopia: using a generalized structural equation modelling,2018,12,,e62,Brand The long-term effects of a prevention program on the number of critical incidents and sick leave days,2018,12,,e71,Isaak Implementation of gatekeeper training programs for suicide prevention in Japan: a systematic review,2019,13,,2,Yonemoto Encountering staff-directed aggression within mental health and substance abuse services: exploring conceptions of practice following education,2019,13,,e20,Maagerø-Bangstad Feeling safe or unsafe in psychiatric inpatient care a hospital-based qualitative interview study with inpatients in Sweden,2019,13,,e23,Kjellin Religious education can contribute to adolescent mental health in school settings,2019,13,,e28,Gregorio Mental health problems both precede and follow bullying among adolescents and the effects differ by gender: a cross-lagged panel analysis of school-based longitudinal data in Vietnam,2019,13,,e35,Dunne The evolution of domestic violence prevention and control in Vietnam from 2003 to 2018: a case study of policy development and implementation within the health system,2019,13,,e41,Dunne Child and adolescent mental health problems in Nepal: a scoping review,2019,13,,53,Watts Australian R U OK?Day campaign: improving helping beliefs intentions and behaviours,2019,13,,e61,Bassilios Intersectoral collaboration for people-centred mental health care in Timor-Leste: a mixed-methods study using qualitative and social network analysis,2019,13,,72,Martins Trends in suicide-related research in Australia,2020,14,,e2,Pirkis Inequality and mental healthcare utilisation among first-year university students in South Africa,2020,14,,e5,Stein What about lay counselors' experiences of task-shifting mental health interventions? Example from a family-based intervention in Kenya,2020,14,,e9,Kaiser Exploring mental health needs and services among affected population in a cyclone affected area in costal Bangladesh: a qualitative case study,2020,14,,12,Ahmed Participatory model building for suicide prevention in Canada,2020,14,,e27,Orpana Schizophrenia in the context of mental health services in Palestine: a literature review,2020,14,,e44,Marie Analysis of attempted suicide episodes presenting to the emergency department: comparison of young middle aged and older people,2020,14,,e46,Kim Prevalence and associated factors of depression among Jimma University students. A cross-sectional study,2020,14,,e52,Kerebih Barriers and facilitators to the effective de-escalation of conflict behaviours in forensic high-secure settings: a qualitative study,2020,14,,e59,Price Exploring staff conceptions of prevention and management practices in encounters with staff-directed aggression in supported housing following education and training,2020,14,,e60,Maagerø-Bangstad Lived experience peer support programs for suicide prevention: a systematic scoping review,2020,14,,e65,Reifels Community-based psychosocial substance use disorder interventions in low-and-middle-income countries: a narrative literature review,2020,14,,e74,Heijdra Suasnabar Analysis of news media reports of suicides and attempted suicides during the COVID-19 lockdown in India,2020,14,1,e88,Vijayakumar Measures of depression generalized anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorders amongst Yazidi female survivors of ISIS slavery and violence,2020,14,1,e80,Slewa-Younan Suicidal ideation attempt and its associated factors among HIV/AIDS patients in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis study,2021,15,1,e13,Necho Prevalence of suicidal ideation and attempted suicide in the general population of Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,15,1,27,Tiruneh Characterizing individuals accessing mental health services in the UAE: a focus on youth living in Dubai,2021,15,1,e29,Barbato The burden of mental disorder in Sierra Leone: a retrospective observational evaluation of programmatic data from the roll out of decentralised nurse-led mental health units,2021,15,1,e31,Harris Effects of the mental health first aid for the suicidal person course on beliefs about suicide stigmatising attitudes confidence to help and intended and actual helping actions: an evaluation,2021,15,1,e36,Jorm Factors associated with involuntary psychiatric hospitalization in Portugal,2021,15,1,e37,Saraceno Prevalence and correlates of suicidal behaviour among adults in Malawi: a nationally representative cross-sectional survey in 2017,2021,15,1,57,Peltzer Child and adolescent mental health services in Uganda,2021,15,1,66,Skokauskas Outcomes of community-based suicide prevention program in primary health care of Iran,2021,15,1,e67,Fakhari Exploring men's use of mental health support offered by an Australian Employee Assistance Program (EAP): perspectives from a focus-group study with males working in blue- and white-collar industries,2021,15,1,e68,Matthews The Youth Aware of Mental Health program in Australian Secondary Schools: 3- and 6-month outcomes,2021,15,1,e79,Torok Lessons to be learned: identifying high-risk medication and circumstances in patients at risk for suicidal self-poisoning,2022,16,1,e4,Eyer Networks to strengthen community social capital for suicide prevention in regional Australia: the LifeSpan suicide prevention initiative,2022,16,1,e10,Torok Adapting the depression component of WHO Mental Health Gap Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG.v2) for primary care in Shenzhen China: a DELPHI study,2022,16,1,e13,Blashki Preventing suicide in refugees and asylum seekers: a rapid literature review examining the role of suicide prevention training for health and support staff,2022,16,1,e24,Fitzpatrick Magnitude and determinants of suicide among overweight reproductive-age women Chacha and Debre Berhan Town Ethiopia: community based cross-sectional study,2022,16,1,e41,Belete How do health care services help and hinder recovery after a suicide attempt? A qualitative analysis of Finnish service user perspectives,2022,16,1,e52,Holma Preparing for the unexpected: a comparative study of policies addressing post-terror health reactions in Norway and France,2023,17,1,e13,Stene Dynamics of hospitalizations and staffing of Ukraine's mental health services during the Russian invasion,2023,17,1,e20,Skokauskas The mental health toll of COVID-19: significant increase in admissions to ICU for voluntary self-inflicted injuries after the beginning of the pandemic,2023,17,1,e22,Ansaloni Shifting drug markets in North America - a global crisis in the making?,2023,17,1,e36,Jang Clinical and sociodemographic predictors of inpatient admission after presentation in a psychiatric emergency room: an observational study,2023,17,1,e44,Bleich Support or justice: a triangulated multi-focal view of sexual assault victim support in a UK sexual assault referral centre (SARC),2024,18,1,e15,Murphy A review of web-based support systems for students in higher education,2017,11,1,,Payne Help seeking and suicidality among people with epilepsy in a rural low income country setting: cross-sectional survey,2017,11,1,,Fekadu Mental health care providers' perceptions of the barriers to suicide prevention amongst people with substance use disorders in south africa: A qualitative study,2017,11,1,1-11,Bantjes Cotard's syndrome and delayed diagnosis in Kashmir India,2008,2,,,Wani Hope despair and transformation: Climate change and the promotion of mental health and wellbeing,2008,2,,,Fritze Developing and implementing mental health policy in Zanzibar a low income country off the coast of East Africa,2011,5,,,Jenkins Rebuilding community resilience in a post-war context: Developing insight and recommendations - A qualitative study in Northern Sri Lanka,2013,7,1,,Somasundaram Factors associated with choice of high lethality methods in suicide attempters: A cross-sectional study,2014,8,1,1-5,Kim Comprehensive psychometric examination of the attitudes towards suicide (ATTS) in South Korea,2016,10,1,,Ji Prevalence of depression and associated factors among HIV/AIDS patients attending antiretroviral therapy clinic at Dessie referral hospital South Wollo Ethiopia,2020,14,1,,Seid Barriers and drivers to service delivery in global mental health projects,2021,15,1,,Ryan Lessons from a theory of change-driven evaluation of a global mental health funding portfolio,2021,15,1,,Lee Applying systems approaches to stakeholder and community engagement and knowledge mobilisation in youth mental health system modelling,2022,16,1,,Dudgeon Barriers and facilitators to implementing the HEADSS psychosocial screening tool for adolescents living with HIV/AIDS in teen club program in Malawi: health care providers perspectives,2022,16,1,,Gaynes Conceptualization detection and management of psychological distress and mental health conditions among people with tuberculosis in Zambia: a qualitative study with stakeholders' and TB health workers,2022,16,1,,Bond Development of the Mental Health Peer Support Questionnaire in colleges and vocational schools in Singapore,2022,16,1,,Gallo Do improved structural surroundings reduce restrictive practices in psychiatry?,2022,16,1,53,Kennedy Externalising and emotional categories diagnostic groups and clinical profiles,2010,4,,e20,Mellsop Treatment rates and barriers to mental health service utilisation among university students in South Africa,2023,17,1,e38,Stein