Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Drownproofing and the Water Safety Spectrum,1982,53,5,56-58,Smith Are We Safe Yet? A Twenty-Five Year Look at Playground Safety,1997,68,8,32-34,Mack How Safe Are School and Park Playgrounds?,2005,76,1,16-20,Thompson A Pluralistic Approach to Gang Prevention: The Long Beach Model,1992,63,,3-5 23,Blancarte Putting our heads together: collaborating for student success after concussion,2014,85,8,5-8,Schmies Creating Socially Fit Heroes and Reducing the Incidence of Bullying in Elementary Physical Education,2014,85,7,36-41,Wenos Time for a sport sex-discrimination uprising of a different sort,2013,84,1,11-13,Lopiano Mismanaging concussions in intercollegiate football,2014,85,2,38-40,Moser The development and content of the "2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans",2014,85,7,13-16,Buchner Questionable supervision by physical educators,2013,84,8,13-14,Sawyer Implementing athletic trainers for the management of cheerleading injuries,2013,84,1,20-25,Nakajima If not you who? Responding to emergencies in physical education and physical activity settings,2013,84,2,47-52,Howe Running backwards in a relay race: Brown v. Burlington City Board of Education,1990,61,1,33-35,Barrett Adapted sport programs for veterans with disabilities,2012,83,3,27-28,Goff Skating on wheels safety concerns lie in the shadow of popularity,2003,74,2,21-23,Loy On the front line: the role of physical educators in preventing student suicide,2022,93,3,25-31,Whisenhunt Reevaluating the latency period between CPR recertifications among non-allied healthcare providers,2023,94,5,3-4,Griffin Children need playgrounds--but playgrounds need help,1988,59,7,47-51,Bowers School Sports Club in South Korea: Supporting Middle School Students' Physical Activity Engagement and Social-Emotional Development in Schools,2023,94,4,9-13,Oh