Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A Preventive Intervention Program for Urban African American Youth Attending an Alternative Education Program: Background Implementation and Feasibility,2009,32,3,445-469,Hanlon Early Childhood Intervention Programs: Opportunities and Challenges for Preventing Child Maltreatment,2008,31,1,73-110,Hansen The Adolescent Transitions Program for High-Risk Teens and Their Parents: Toward a School-Based Intervention,1995,18,4,478-498,Dishion Aggressive Attitudes Among Victims of Violence at School,2002,25,3,273-287,Cornell The effects of a school-based functional analysis on subsequent classroom behavior,2014,37,1,95-110,Davis Functional behavioral assessment and students at risk for or with emotional disabilities: current issues and considerations,2014,37,1,111-135,Gable Immediate effects of a program to promote school readiness in low-income children: results of a pilot study,2014,37,3,431-460,Pears Teaching pairs of preschoolers with disabilities to seek adult assistance in response to simulated injuries: acquisition and promotion of observational learning,1996,19,1,3-18,Christensen Constipation associated with self-injurious and aggressive behavior exhibited by a child diagnosed with autism,2009,32,1,89-103,Ringdahl Child pedestrians' judgments of safe crossing gaps at three different vehicle approach speeds: a preliminary study,1996,19,1,19-29,Parsonson Preventing unintentional firearm injury in children: the need for behavioral skills training,2004,27,2,161-177,Miltenberger A survey of the frequency of accidents/injuries for preschoolers enrolled in an inner-city head start program,1996,19,1,46-54,Huber Childhood injury: a prevention model for intervention,1986,9,4,307-19,Jones Using stimulus equivalence procedures to teach relationships between english and spanish words,1993,16,1,48-65,Joyce Teaching skills to second and third grade children to prevent gun play: a comparison of procedures,2007,30,3,29-48,Miltenberger High-probability request research: moving beyond compliance,1999,22,4,470-94,Killu Comparative analysis of sensory extinction treatments for self-injury,1988,11,2,149-56,Luiselli Teaching a first aid skill to students with disabilities using two training programs,1992,15,1,15-31,Agran Public policy on physical restraint of children with disabilities in public schools,2006,29,4,711-728,McAfee Review of state policies concerning the use of physical restraint procedures in schools,2009,32,3,487-504,Peterson Naturalistic assessment leading to effective treatment of self-injury in a young boy with multiple disabilities,1996,19,2,101-23,Sigafoos Applying behavioral principles to motor vehicle occupant protection,1986,9,4,320-33,Sleet Working together to make change: an example of positive behavioral support for a student with traumatic brain injury,1997,20,4,425-40,Horner Use of a behavioral graphic organizer to reduce disruptive behavior,2015,38,4,505-522,Flower The use of structural behavioral assessment to develop interventions for secondary students exhibiting challenging behaviors,2015,38,2,149-174,Katsiyannis Community engagement for reentry success of youth from juvenile justice: challenges and opportunities,2014,37,4,713-734,Mathur Implementing Strong Kids school-wide to reduce internalizing behaviors and increase prosocial behaviors,2014,37,4,659-680,Warren Systematic review of the Check-in Check-out intervention for students at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders,2014,37,4,635-658,Hawken A preliminary investigation of emotional and behavioral screening practices in K-12 schools,2014,37,4,611-634,Bruhn Choice-based stimulus preference assessment for children with or at-risk for emotional disturbance in educational settings,2014,37,3,531-558,King Factors associated with the use of restraints in the public schools,2014,37,3,461-475,Barnard-Brak Ethical and professional guidelines for use of crisis procedures,2014,37,2,307-322,Simonsen Using additional analyses to clarify the functions of problem behavior: an analysis of two cases,2014,37,2,249-275,Neidert Characteristics of students with emotional disturbance manifesting internalizing behaviors: a latent class analysis,2013,36,4,127-145,Gage Defining administrative support and its relationship to the attrition of teachers of students with emotional and behavioral disorders,2013,36,4,71-94,Albrecht Teachers' perceptions of students' challenging behavior and the impact of teacher demographics,2013,36,4,51-69,Alter Disproportionate poverty conservatism and the disproportionate identification of minority students with emotional and behavioral disorders,2013,36,4,29-50,Kauffman Evidence-based interventions for immigrant students experiencing behavioral and academic problems: a systematic review of the literature,2013,36,4,5-28,Bal Adopting and adapting PBIS for secure juvenile justice settings: lessons learned,2013,36,3,121-134,Sprague Closing the achievement gap of youth with emotional and behavioral disorders through multi-tiered systems of support,2013,36,3,15-29,Kutash PBIS in alternative education settings: positive support for youth with high-risk behavior,2013,36,3,3-14,Simonsen PBIS as prevention for high-risk youth in alternative education residential and juvenile justice settings,2013,36,3,1-2,Jolivette Truancy and zero tolerance in high school: does policy align with practice?,2013,36,2,117-138,Sugai Training behavioral research methods to staff in an early and intensive behavioral intervention setting: a program description and preliminary evaluation,2013,36,1,139-160,Leblanc Understanding the experience of girls with EBD in a gender-responsive support group,2012,35,4,623-646,Srsic Girls with emotional disturbance and a history of arrest: characteristics and school-based predictors of arrest,2012,35,4,603-622,Gage Discipline referrals and access to secondary level support in elementary and middle schools: patterns across African-American Hispanic-American and White students,2012,35,3,431-458,Tobin Comparing results of systematic reviews: parallel reviews of research on repeated reading,2012,35,2,333-366,O'Keeffe Secondary prevention efforts at the middle school level: an application of the behavior education program,2012,35,1,51-90,Lane An assessment of the evidence-base for school-wide positive behavior support,2012,35,1,1-24,Chitiyo An investigation of the impact of function of problem behavior on effectiveness of the Behavior Education Program (BEP),2011,34,4,551-574,Hawken Transition services for juvenile detainees with disabilities: findings on recidivism,2011,34,4,511-529,Mathur Social validity of a positive behavior interventions and support model,2011,34,4,445-468,Heath Patterns in recidivism and discretionary placement in disciplinary alternative education: the impact of gender ethnicity age and special education status,2011,34,2,193-208,Booker High suspension schools and dropout rates for Black and White students,2011,34,2,167-192,Cornell Anger and violence prevention: enhancing treatment effects through booster sessions,2011,34,1,1-14,McWhirter Juvenile justice teachers' job satisfaction: a comparison of teachers in three states,2010,33,4,623-646,Houchins Examining gender and the academic achievement of students with emotional disturbance,2010,33,4,601-621,Rice Using systematic screening procedures to identify students who are nonresponsive to primary prevention efforts: integrating academic and behavioral measures,2010,33,4,561-584,Lane Function-based planning for young children at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders,2010,33,4,537-559,Nahgahgwon Decision-making in secondary and tertiary interventions of school-wide systems of positive behavior support,2010,33,4,513-535,Rosenberg Promoting positive interactions in the classroom: adapting Parent-Child Interaction Therapy as a universal prevention program,2010,33,2,261-287,Budd An investigation of Turkish preservice teachers' aggression levels,2010,33,1,85-114,Kurtyilmaz Evidence-based school behavior assessment of externalizing behavior in young children,2010,33,1,65-83,Bagner Juvenile correctional schools: characteristics and approaches to curriculum,2009,32,4,673-696,Barber Bullying status and behavior patterns of preadolescents and adolescents with behavioral disorders,2009,32,4,655-671,Hendrickson The effects of varying quality and duration of reinforcement on mands to work mands for break and problem behavior,2009,32,4,605-630,Smith Forty years later -- the value of praise ignoring and rules for preschoolers at risk for behavior disorders,2009,32,4,513-535,Gable Longitudinal functional analysis of problem behavior during an atypical neuroleptic medication cross-over evaluation for an adolescent with developmental disabilities,2009,32,1,105-119,Symons Function-based academic interventions for problem behavior,2009,32,1,1-19,Horner Identification and treatment of anxiety in students with emotional or behavioral disorders: a review of the literature,2008,31,4,583-610,Schoenfeld Perceptions of gender differences in the expression of emotional and behavioral disabilities,2008,31,4,549-565,Srsic Primary prevention programs at the elementary level: issues of treatment integrity systematic screening and reinforcement,2008,31,4,465-494,Lane Detained and committed youth: examining differences in achievement mental health needs and special education status,2008,31,4,445-464,Leone Cultural sensitivity in the application of behavior principles to education,2008,31,2,239-262,Oswald A service-learning model for at-risk adolescents,2008,31,2,223-237,Eckstein Noncontingent reinforcement as treatment for tub-standing in a toddler,2008,31,2,213-222,Ward Validation of the SSRS-T Preschool Level as a measure of positive social behavior and conduct problems,2008,31,2,183-202,Nangle Implementation of school-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in elementary schools: observations from a randomized trial,2008,31,1,1-26,Leaf Prevalence and comorbidity of emotional behavioral and learning problems: a study of 7th-grade students,2007,30,4,165-181,Lopes Identifying and supporting students at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders within multi-level models: data driven approaches to conducting secondary interventions with an academic emphasis,2007,30,4,135-164,Lane Teacher perceptions of the useability of intervention information from personal versus data-based sources,2007,30,4,27-42,Tankersley Understanding emotional and behavioral disorders: are we paying the cost of borderline ethics?,2007,30,4,11-26,Mathur Peer experiences as predictors of adjustment across the middle school transition,2007,30,2,73-88,Kingery Aggression social status and affiliation in kindergarten children: a preliminary study,2007,30,2,53-72,Estell Preventing disruptive behavior in the urban classroom: effects of the Good Behavior Game on student and teacher behavior,2007,30,1,85-98,McCurdy Check in/Check out: a post-hoc evaluation of an efficient secondary-level targeted intervention for reducing problem behaviors in schools,2007,30,1,69-84,Horner Reducing disproportionate minority representation in special education programs for students with emotional disturbances: toward a culturally responsive response to intervention model,2006,29,4,779-799,King Integration of culture in reading studies for youth in corrections: a literature review,2006,29,4,749-778,Rutherford Prisoner perceptions of effective teacher behavior,2006,29,4,729-748,Allday Consider the opportunities: a response to No Child Left Behind,2006,29,4,533-547,Neel Classroom-based functional analysis and intervention for students with emotional/behavioral disorders,2006,29,3,421-436,Higbee Importance of social skills in the elementary grades,2006,29,3,409-419,Meier Preschool-based programs for externalizing problems,2006,29,2,311-339,Dobbs Transporting evidence-based therapy for adolescent depression to the school setting,2006,29,2,287-309,Shirk Matching interventions to children's mental health needs: feasibility and acceptability of a pilot school-based trauma intervention program,2006,29,2,257-286,Brown Responding to today's mental health needs of children familes and schools: revisiting the preservice training and preparation of school-based personnel,2006,29,2,197-217,Koller Building an interconnected policy-training-practice-research agenda to advance school mental health,2006,29,2,173-196,Weist Bringing evidence-based child mental health services to the schools: general issues and specific populations,2006,29,2,165-172,Hansen Effects of noncontingent reinforcement and functional communication training on problem behavior and mands,2006,29,1,23-50,Doughty Effective advocacy for students with emotional/behavioral disorders: how high the cost?,2005,28,4,414-429,Murry The internal consistency of the school-wide subscales of the Effective Behavioral Support Survey,2005,28,4,400-413,Burke Stakeholders' view of implementing positive behavioral support in a juvenile justice setting,2005,28,4,380-399,Nelson Academic achievement in juvenile corrections: examining the impact of age ethnicity and disability,2005,28,4,361-379,Rutherford Intervention with students with learning emotional and behavioral disorders: why do we take so long to do it?,2005,28,4,345-360,Lopes Response to intervention: an alternative means of identifying students as emotionally disturbed,2005,28,4,328-344,Gresham Preventing trouble: making schools safer places using positive behavior supports,2005,28,3,265-278,Oswald Theoretical and empirical underpinnings of parent-child interaction therapy with child physical abuse populations,2005,28,2,142-162,Herschell Parent child interaction therapy for children with disruptive behavior and developmental disabilities,2005,28,2,130-141,Bagner School characteristics related to the use of suspension,2004,27,4,509-526,Nelson Sometimes practice makes imperfect: overcoming the automaticity of challenging behavior by linking intervention to thoughts feelings and actions,2004,27,4,476-489,Van Acker Positive behavioral interventions and supports in New Hampshire: preliminary results of a statewide system for implementing schoolwide discipline practices,2004,27,4,453-475,Muscott Teachers' perceptions about teaching problem students in regular classrooms,2004,27,4,394-419,Rutherford The retention and attrition of juvenile justice teachers,2004,27,4,374-393,Houchins The Santa Barbara Assets and Risks Assessment to predict recidivism among male and female juveniles: an investigation of inter-rater reliability and predictive validity,2004,27,4,353-373,Furlong Hard times and an uncertain future: issues that confront the field of emotional/behavioral disorders,2004,27,4,341-352,Gable Outcome evaluation of Girls and Boys Town's family home program,2004,27,2,130-149,Chmelka School-based responses to children who have been sexually assaulted,2004,27,1,64-81,Hall Predicting teacher interventions in bullying situations,2004,27,1,37-45,Yoon A truncated functional behavioral assessment procedure for children with disruptive classroom behaviors,2004,27,1,9-25,Shute Evaluating the utility of a risk assessment to predict recidivism among male and female adolescents,2003,26,4,467-494,Furlong Early intervention with children at risk of emotional/behavioral disorders: a critical examination of research methodology and practices,2003,26,4,362-381,Gable Bringing research to bear on practice: effecting evidence-based instruction for students with emotional or behavioral disorders,2003,26,4,345-361,Tankersley Anger & aggression management in young adolescents: an experimental validation of the scare program,2003,26,3,273-302,McWhirter A developmental ecological perspective in systems of care for children with emotional disturbances and their families,2003,26,1,52-74,Mohr Who gets suspended from school and why: a demographic analysis of schools and disciplinary infractions in a large school district,2003,26,1,30-51,Knoff Addressing the needs of at-risk and adjudicated youth through positive behavior support: effective prevention practices,2002,25,4,532-551,Nelson Inhibition of antisocial behavior and Eysenck's Theory of Conscience,2002,25,4,522-531,Center Serving students with or at-risk for emotional and behavior disorders: future challenges,2002,25,4,507-521,Gresham Integrating academic and non-academic instruction for students with emotional/behavioral disorders,2002,25,4,459-475,Van Acker Early literacy instruction for first-grade students at-risk for antisocial behavior,2002,25,4,438-458,Lane Use of different measures to identify preschoolers at-risk for emotional or behavioral disorders: impact on gender and ethnicity,2002,25,4,415-437,Forness Changing antisocial behavior patterns in young boys: a structured cooperative learning approach,2002,25,4,380-395,Quinn Providing instruction from novel staff as an antecedent intervention for child tantrum behavior in a public school classroom,2002,25,3,356-365,Luiselli Community treatment of extremely troublesome youth with dual mental health/mental retardation diagnoses: a data based case study,2002,25,3,339-355,Fabry A tool for identifying preschoolers' deficits in social competence: the Preschool Taxonomy of Problem Situations,2002,25,2,208-223,Blankemeyer Toward a socially valid understanding of problem behavior,2002,25,1,142-153,Kennedy The effect of an idiosyncratic stimulus on self-injurious behavior during task demands,2002,25,1,131-141,Carey Assessment-based antecedent interventions used in natural settings to reduce challenging behavior: an analysis of the literature,2002,25,1,113-130,Kern Functional behavioral assessment: a school based model,2002,25,1,67-90,Vollmer Assessment and treatment of severe behavior problems using choice-making procedures,2002,25,1,26-46,Wacker Collaboration with families in the functional behavior assessment of and intervention for severe behavior problems,2002,25,1,5-25,Horner Translating research into effective practice: the effects of a universal staff and student intervention on indicators of discipline and school safety,2001,24,4,495-511,Golly A comparison of teacher and student functional behavior assessment interview information from low-risk and high-risk classrooms,2001,24,4,480-494,Sugai Evaluation of a comprehensive behavior management program to improve school-wide positive behavior support,2001,24,4,448-479,Biglan Constructing cultures of non-violence: the Peace Power! Strategy,2001,24,4,430-447,Mattaini Antisocial behavior: its causes and prevention within our schools,2001,24,4,414-429,Mayer Behavior differences between African-American and Caucasian students: issues for assessment and intervention,2001,24,3,336-350,Hosp Effective instruction: the forgotten component in preventing school violence,2001,24,3,309-322,Nelson Early detection of students with antisocial behavior and hyperactivity problems,2001,24,3,294-308,Gresham An examination of the disciplinary histories and the individual and educational characteristics of students who participate in an in-school suspension program,2001,24,3,276-293,Morrison Disproportionate representation of males in special education services: biology behavior or bias?,2001,24,1,28-45,Wehmeyer Classwide peer tutoring: an effective teaching procedure for facilitating the acquisition of health education and safety facts with students with developmental disabilities,2001,24,1,1-27,Utley High-probability requests and a preferred item as a distractor: increasing successful transitions in children with behavior problems,2000,23,4,423-440,Davis A model for early detection and primary prevention of emotional or behavioral disorders,2000,23,3,325-345,Forness Effective crisis management planning: creating a collaborative framework,2000,23,3,248-264,Rock Effects of a short-term auxiliary reading program on the reading skills of incarcerated youth,2000,23,3,239-247,Malmgren Troubled children grown-up: antisocial behavior in young adult criminals,2000,23,3,223-238,Kemp Age appropriate no-suicide agreements: professionals' ratings of appropriateness and effectiveness,2000,23,2,143-155,Range The effects of pre-correction and active supervision on the recess behavior of elementary students,2000,23,2,109-121,Sugai How to prepare and present effective outcome reports for external payers and regulators,2000,23,1,60-74,Thompson A structural analysis of school violence and disruption: implications for creating safer schools,1999,22,3,333-356,Mayer Issues of conducting research on setting events: measurement and control of dependent and independent variables,1999,22,3,317-332,Shores A statewide survey of special education administrators and school psychologists regarding functional behavioral assessment,1999,22,3,267-279,Rutherford Mentorship in the field of behavioral disorders: an intergenerational responsibility,1999,22,3,234-243,Cheney Level 1 research: where the rubber meets the road in the treatment of serious mental and physical health problems,1999,22,2,189-202,Moore School-based behavior management of cursing hitting and spitting in a girl with profound retardation,1999,22,2,171-178,Weist Data-based clinical decision making in the treatment of an adolescent with severe conduct problems,1999,22,2,157-170,Hansen Emerging issues in the research on child sexual abuse prevention,1999,22,1,84-102,Miltenberger Collaboration between correctional and public school systems serving juvenile offenders: a case study,1999,22,1,55-83,Hellriegel Constructive discipline for school personnel,1999,22,1,36-54,Mayer Enhancing the effectiveness of social skills interventions with adolescents,1998,21,4,489-513,Hansen Social skills training to promote resilience in urban sixth-grade students: one product of an action research strategy to prevent youth violence in high-risk environments,1998,21,4,461-488,Meyer Exposure to traumatic violence: some lessons from Bosnia,1998,21,3,396-411,Pullis Maintaining sanity in an insane classroom: how a teacher of students with emotional disturbances can keep from becoming an emotionally disturbed teacher,1998,21,3,370-384,Cavin Where the boys are: do cross-gender misunderstandings of language use and behavior patterns contribute to the overrepresentation of males in programs for students with emotional and behavioral disorders?,1998,21,3,321-332,McIntyre Interagency collaboration and the transition to adulthood for students with emotional or behavioral disabilities,1998,21,3,303-320,Malloy Decision making factors associated with placement of students with emotional and behavioral disorders in restrictive educational settings,1998,21,3,275-302,Hendrickson Mental health and Head Start: teaching adaptive skills,1998,21,3,258-274,Forness The discipline of students with disabilities: requirements of the IDEA Amendments of 1997,1998,21,3,246-257,Yell Unpackaging special education categorical variables in the study and teaching of children with conduct problems,1998,21,3,234-245,MacMillan School refusal behavior: prevalence characteristics and the schools' response,1998,21,2,160-170,Miltenberger A cognitive therapy model for behaviorally disturbed adolescents at a residential treatment facility,1998,21,1,62-73,Rosen Working together to make change: an example of positive behavioral support for a student with tramatic brain injury,1997,20,4,425-440,Horner Behavioral characteristics of elementary and secondary students with emotional/behavioral disabilities in four different cascade placements,1997,20,3,336-356,Muscott The web of zero-tolerance: characteristics of students who are recommended for expulsion from school,1997,20,3,316-335,Morrison Office referrals and suspension: disciplinary intervention in middle schools,1997,20,3,295-315,Skiba Understanding the psychosocial characteristics of gang-involved youths in a system of care: individual family and system correlates,1997,20,3,281-294,Furlong Drugs and school violence,1997,20,3,263-280,Corral Aggressive and violent behavior: a personal perspective,1997,20,3,250-262,Nelson Social competence and students with behavior disorders: where we've been where we are and where we should go,1997,20,3,233-249,Gresham Debriefing: a transition step for promoting acceptable behavior,1997,20,2,209-221,Sugai Policy and practice: observations and recommendations to promote inclusive practices,1997,20,1,105-121,Roach School refusal behavior: classification assessment and treatment issues,1996,19,4,474-486,Miltenberger Social-emotional problems in early childhood: new directions in conceptualization assessment and treatment,1996,19,4,458-473,Merrell Description and effects of prosocial instruction in an elementary physical education setting,1996,19,4,435-457,Sharpe Legal and policy developments in the education of students with emotional/behavioral disorders,1996,19,3,371-385,Yell Does the way we teach create behavior disorders in culturally different students?,1996,19,3,354-370,McIntyre Teacher and student behavior as a function of risk for aggression,1996,19,3,316-334,Van Acker Special education teachers' standards for the classroom behavior of students with behavioral disabilities across a variety of cascade placements,1996,19,3,300-315,Muscott Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and emotional or behavioral disorders in primary grades: inappropriate placement in the learning disability category,1996,19,3,286-299,Gresham Prereferral intervention and students at-risk for emotional or behavioral disorders,1996,19,3,272-285,Forness Functional assessment as strategy assessment for teaching academics,1996,19,3,257-271,Gable Evaluating the social and ecological validity of analog assessment procedures for challenging behaviors in young children,1996,19,3,233-256,Conroy Think about these things: gentleness truth justice excellence,1996,19,3,218-232,Kauffman A review of habit reversal with childhood habit disorders,1996,19,2,197-214,Miltenberger Naturalistic assessment leading to effective treatment of self-injury in a young boy with multiple disabilities,1996,19,2,101-123,Sigafoos Abduction prevention training: a review of findings and issues for future research,1996,19,1,69-82,Miltenberger Assessing the long-term maintenance of abduction prevention skills by disadvantaged preschoolers,1996,19,1,55-68,Huber Teaching students with moderate disabilities to make safe responses to product warning labels,1996,19,1,30-45,Collins Effectiveness of children's mental health services: a review of the literature,1995,18,4,443-477,Kutash A process for facilitating the appropriate inclusion of students with emotional/behavioral disorders,1995,18,3,369-386,Muscott Interactive case studies in behavioral disorders: looking at children from multiple perspectives,1995,18,3,348-359,Semrau Portraits of dysfunction: criminal educational and family profiles of juvenile female offenders,1995,18,3,309-321,Miller Who are the victims of school violence? A comparison of student non-victims and multi-victims,1995,18,3,282-298,Furlong Early identification of antisocial boys: a multi-method approach,1995,18,3,272-281,Rutherford Identification of critical factors in the assessment of preschool behavior problems,1995,18,3,261-271,Severson Case studies using functional analysis for young children with behavior risks,1995,18,3,243-260,Ellis Toward a more functional analysis of aggression,1995,18,3,226-242,Gable Emotional/behavioral disorders and the "Ziegarnik effect",1995,18,3,216-225,Wood Assessing and modifying parent responses to their children's noncompliance,1995,18,2,105-116,Richman Alcohol and other drug use prevention for youths at high risk and their parents,1995,18,1,65-88,Elmquist Teachers student teachers paraprofessionals and young adults' judgments about the acceptable use of corporal punishment in the rural South,1995,18,1,53-64,Kennedy A behavioral comparison of preschool children at high and low risk from prenatal cocaine exposure,1995,18,1,1-18,Rotholz Suicide postvention with adolescents: school consultation practices and issues,1994,17,4,468-483,Rodgers Use of a classwide self-management program to improve the behavior of students with emotional and behavioral disorders,1994,17,4,445-458,Kern A case study of the effects of altering instructional interactions on the disruptive behavior of a child identified with severe behavior disorders,1994,17,4,435-444,Shores Virtual reality and social skills training for students with behavioral disorders: applications challenges and promising practices,1994,17,4,417-434,Muscott Integrated service systems for troubled youth,1994,17,4,387-416,Fredericks Prevention and management considerations for aggressive and violent children and youth,1994,17,3,370-384,Myles Factors associated with the experience of school violence among general education leadership class opportunity class and special day class pupils,1994,17,3,356-369,Furlong Correctional special education: disability prevalence estimates and teacher preparation programs,1994,17,3,347-355,Bullock Implementing comprehensive classroom-based programs for students with emotional and behavioral problems,1994,17,3,312-331,Reitz From segregation to inclusion: one district's program changes for students with emotional/behavioral disorders,1994,17,3,332-346,Cheney "Why should i? That's not my problem." defensive thought and behavior patterns and children's resistance to adult-sponsored socialization,1994,17,3,302-311,Wood Timeout and students with behavior disorders: a legal analysis,1994,17,3,293-301,Yell Educational outcomes and standards for students with behavioral disorders: it's not just academics,1994,17,3,277-292,Shriner The impact of social structures on friendship development for children with behavior disorders,1994,17,3,255-266,Meadows Use of students with emotional/behavioral disorders as behavior change agents,1994,17,3,267-276,Gable Links between language and emotional/behavioral disorders,1994,17,3,244-254,Donahue Wherefore art thou Juliet? Causes and implications of the male dominated sex ratio in programs for students with emotional and behavioral disorders,1994,17,3,228-243,Callahan The Balkanization of special education: proliferation of categories for "new" behavioral disorders,1994,17,3,215-227,Forness Social safety skills instruction for individuals with disabilities: a sequential model,1994,17,2,163-184,Clees A comparison of procedures for teaching abduction prevention to preschoolers,1994,17,2,113-128,Miltenberger Generalization of social skills intervention for preschoolers with social delays,1994,17,1,29-51,Storey Reconceptualizing behavior management and school-wide discipline in general education,1993,16,4,361-381,Sugai A case study of the reduction of aberrant repetitive responses of an adolescent with autism,1993,16,2,187-197,Shores A dropout prevention program for at-risk high school students: emphasizing consulting to promote positive classroom climates,1993,16,2,135-146,Mayer Providing support for teachers working with students with severe problem behaviors: a model for providing consulting support within school districts,1993,16,1,66-89,Sprague A review and critique of research evaluating child sexual abuse prevention programs,1992,15,4,335-354,Miltenberger The relation between the length of play period and the frequency of reported conflicts by preschool children,1992,15,4,310-319,Boisen School programs for at-risk children and youth: a review,1992,15,3,255-267,Vacha Supporting biracial children in the school setting,1992,15,2,163-172,Wardle A study of race and gender bias in the punishment of school children,1992,15,2,140-146,McFadden Teaching first-aid skills to students with moderate handicaps in small group instruction,1992,15,2,101-124,Wolery The University of Kentucky program in developmental and behavioral disorders,1991,14,4,333-348,Wolery Preventing behavior problems in early childhood special education classrooms through environmental organization,1990,13,4,274-287,Twardosz The life and contributions of Burrhus Frederick Skinner: a biographical sketch,1990,13,3,258-263,Hawkins The effects of publicly posted feedback on middle school students' disruptive hallway behavior,1990,13,3,249-257,Staub Reducing aggressive behavior during car riding through parent-implemented DRO and fading procedures,1990,13,1,21-35,Fox History mission and organization of the Juniper Gardens Children's Project,1989,12,4,301-329,Greenwood Behavioral treatment of hyperactivity: a review and overview,1989,12,3,265-275,Van Houten Maintenance of child behavior change: what happens after the experimenters leave?,1989,12,2,190-199,Baer The effects of training students with learning and behavior disorders to modify the behavior of their peers,1989,12,2,134-151,Sugai Considerations for the use of rules in academic settings,1989,12,1,82-92,Joyce Runaway children in America: a review of the literature,1989,12,1,73-81,Burke An unexpected effect: restitution maintains object throwing,1988,11,3,252-256,Jensen A primer on self-injury,1988,11,2,157-165,Bauer Comparative analysis of sensory extinction treatments for self-injury,1988,11,2,149-156,Luiselli Applied behavior analysis and behavioral disorders: a report on the use of marker variables in treatment studies,1988,11,1,63-69,Epstein Residential re-ed treatment of highly aggressive youth: preliminary indications of effectiveness and the precursors of improvement,1988,11,1,52-62,Lochman The management of disruptive behavior in unsupervised settings: issues and directions for a behavioral technology,1987,10,4,367-382,Johnson Protection for clients undergoing aversive/restrictive interventions,1987,10,4,311-325,Lövaas The behavior teaching plan: a model for developing and implementing behavior change programs,1987,10,3,279-290,Sugai A search for the elusive setting events of school vandalism: a correlational study,1987,10,3,259-270,Mayer Effects of spatial density on 3- and 4-year-old children's socially directed behavior during freeplay: an investigation of a setting factor,1987,10,3,247-258,Brown Self-monitoring with at-risk students in the regular class setting,1987,10,3,225-236,Hendrickson Classroom density and the aggressive behavior of handicapped children,1987,10,2,134-145,McAfee The influence of task variation on the aberrant behaviors of autistic students,1987,10,2,105-119,O'Neill Contingency-based strategies for preventing alcohol drug and tobacco use: missing or unwanted components of adolescent health promotion?,1987,10,1,33-47,Stern Health education and behavioral analysis,1987,10,1,19-32,Prue Child abuse and neglect: community problem community solutions,1986,9,4,344-354,Lutzker Depression and suicide in children and adolescents,1986,9,4,334-343,Ammerman Applying behavioral principles to motor vehicle occupant protection,1986,9,4,320-333,Sleet Childhood injury: a prevention model for intervention,1986,9,4,307-319,Jones Behavior analysis and public health perspectives: combining paradigms to effect prevention,1986,9,4,287-306,Sallis Severe developmental disabilities: defining the term,1986,9,2,153-167,Handleman Evaluating outcomes in programs for behaviorally disordered children and youth,1985,8,4,321-355,Lentz Describing the clients in programs for behavior disordered children and youth,1985,8,4,265-273,Reitz Preventive consumer education in children's judgments of televised advertisements,1985,8,3,199-219,Peterson Evaluation of an instructional program designed to teach minimally literate juvenile delinquents to read road signs,1985,8,2,133-151,Murph Primary grader's juvenile offenses: implications for teachers,1984,7,3,259-266,Sametz A home-based ecobehavioral parent-training and generalization package with a neglectful mother,1984,7,3,183-202,Lutzker Child adult-interactional and socioeconomic setting events as predictors of parent training outcome,1984,7,4,351-363,Dumas The communication patterns of troubled mothers: in search of a keystone in the generalization of parenting skills,1984,7,4,335-350,Wahler Using the case study method to treat several problems in a family indicated for child neglect,1984,7,4,315-333,Lutzker An analysis of home contingencies to improve school behavior with disruptive adolescents,1983,6,4,389-399,Trice Aggressive behaviors of children: a review of behavioral interventions and future directions,1983,6,2,175-191,Sallis Reducing out-of-seat behavior in developmentally disabled children through brief immobilization,1982,5,3,249-260,Jones Project 12-ways: an ecobehavioral approach to the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect,1982,5,2,141-155,Lutzker The generality of self-control procedures following a change in the classroom teacher,1981,4,3,253-263,Szykula The comprehensive rehabilitation of a behavior problem child in his home and community,1981,4,3,195-215,Salzberg The corporal punishment cycle: a behavioral analysis of the maintenance of corporal punishment in the schools,1981,4,2,157-169,Rose Increasing the school attendance of a truant adolescent,1981,4,2,149-155,Bizzis The paradoxical effects of "moral" stories on children's behavior,1981,4,2,115-124,Lutzker The effects of feedback and a principal-mediated timeout procedure on the disruptive behavior of junior high school students,1981,4,2,101-113,Van Houten Self-cued relaxation in the control of an adolescent's violent arguments and debilitating somatic complaints,1980,3,4,315-322,Williams Responsive parenting: a preventive program which incorporates parents training parents,1980,3,3,239-257,Hall Elimination of a retarded blind child's self-hitting by response-contingent brief restraint,1980,3,3,231-237,Christophersen Controlling disruptive behaviors of an autistic child: parent-mediated contingency management in the home setting,1980,3,3,195-203,Luiselli In search of the sand man: shaping an infant to sleep,1980,3,3,173-182,Hovell Using contingent decreased freedom-of-movement to eliminate classroom running away: a case study,1980,3,2,123-132,Striefel Modification of the disruptive and productive classroom behavior of a severely retarded child: a comparison of two procedures,1980,3,2,113-121,Miles Effects of adult-mediated attention on the social behavior of physically-abused and neglected preschool children,1980,3,2,91-99,Strain Behavioral intervention procedures for deaf-blind mentally-retarded children,1980,3,1,73-76,Lachter The family training program: intensive home-based family-centered parent training,1979,2,4,287-292,Christophersen Managing corridor behaviors in a child care setting,1979,2,3,185-195,Lang Elimination of disruptive bus riding behavior via token reinforcement on a "distance-based" schedule,1979,2,2,101-109,Iwata The syndrome of hyperactivity among elementary resource students,1979,2,2,91-100,Rich Developing the individual educational plan: process and perspectives,1979,2,1,43-54,Forness Negative preference management: behavioral suppression using Premack's punishment hypothesis,1978,1,4,5-13,Powell Problems of quality control in the development and the use of behavior change techniques in public school settings,1978,1,3,43-51,Kapche Reduction of undesired classroom behavior by systematically reinforcing the absence of such behavior,1978,1,3,35-41,Poling The "good behavior game": a systematic replication in two unruly transitional classrooms,1978,1,3,25-33,Konarski The elimination of inappropriate response to adult direction,1977,1,1,19-22,Dampf Using contingent access to activities to increase accurate responding,1977,1,1,5-8,Fowler Resurgence: the unintended maintenance of problem behavior,2017,40,1,7-26,Ringdahl Teaching safety responding to children with autism spectrum disorder,2017,40,2,187-208,Rossi A systematic review of precorrection in PK-12 settings,2017,40,4,465-495,Lane Addressing Adolescent Stress in School: Perceptions of a High School Wellness Center,2022,45,3,277-291,Moya