Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Threat of Suicide in Psychotherapy,1964,1,3,124-128,Tenenbaum Unique Qualities of Telephone Therapy,1974,11,3,219-221,Lester Professional psychologists' conceptualizations of intimate partner violence,2000,37,3,270-283,Wandrei Changes in male partner abuser attachment styles in group treatment,2006,43,2,232-237,Lawson Responding to therapists' sexual abuse of adult incest survivors: ethical and legal considerations,1998,35,1,96-104,Broden Race/ethnicity as a predictor of change in working alliance during cognitive behavioral therapy for intimate partner violence perpetrators,2012,49,2,180-189,Howard Suicide risk assessment in clinical practice: Pragmatic guidelines for imperfect assessments,2012,49,1,81-90,Fowler Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality in an inpatient setting: Results of a pilot study,2012,49,1,72-80,Ellis Training psychology students and professionals to recognize and intervene into partner violence: 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violence,1991,28,1,16-20,Seagull Adults with witnessing histories: The overlooked victims of domestic violence,1997,34,4,478-484,Von Steen A comparison of formerly and chronically battered women on cognitive and situational dimensions,1991,28,2,339-344,Frisch Severe public humiliation: its nature consequences and clinical treatment,2012,49,4,492-501,Bergner Integrative approach for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in 9/11 first responders: Three core techniques,2013,50,3,336-340,Weiss Treating complex trauma: Critical interventions with adults who experienced ongoing trauma in childhood,2013,50,3,331-335,Lawson A group therapy approach to treating combat posttraumatic stress disorder: interpersonal reconnection through letter writing,2014,51,4,546-554,Schneider Dialectical behavior therapy for adolescent binge eating purging suicidal behavior and non-suicidal self-injury: A pilot study,2014,52,1,78-92,Fischer Predicting early positive change in multisystemic therapy with youth exhibiting antisocial behaviors,2014,52,1,93-102,Brennan The realities of risk the nature of hope and the role of science: A response to Cook and VandeCreek,2009,46,4,474-475,Brown Informed consent with suicidal patients: Rethinking risks in (and out of) treatment,2009,46,4,459-468,Brown Complex trauma complex reactions: assessment and treatment,2004,41,4,412-425,Courtois Development of a treatment protocol for Puerto Rican adolescents with suicidal behaviors,2016,53,1,45-56,Spirito Psychodynamic art psychotherapy for the treatment of aggression in an individual with antisocial personality disorder in a secure forensic hospital: a single-case design study,2019,56,2,297-308,Hackett Psychotherapists in danger: the ethics of responding to client threats stalking and harassment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dunn "I cannot change what happened to me but I can learn to change how I feel": a case study from ImpACT an intervention for women with a history of sexual trauma who are living with HIV 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special section on suicide and crisis management in clinical practice: theoretical and practical integration,2022,59,2,140-142,Bedics Association of childhood maltreatment with adult body awareness and autonomic reactivity: the moderating effect of practicing body psychotherapy,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Porges Should psychotherapists conduct visual assessments of nonsuicidal self-injury wounds?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Westers Culturally competent interventions for abused and suicidal African American women,1997,34,4,410-424,Kaslow Application of adult attachment theory to treatment of chronically suicidal traumatized women,2004,41,2,136-143,Gormley Psychogenic seizures in an Espiritismo context: The role of culturally sensitive psychotherapy,2005,42,1,6-13,Martínez-Taboas Time for full disclosure with suicidal patients,2009,46,4,472-473,Vandecreek Transference interventions and the process between therapist and patient,2014,51,2,258-269,Ulberg Risk management in dialectical behavior therapy: 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adolescents: a treatment development study and open trial with preliminary findings,2012,49,1,62-71,Levy Beginning to envision a life worth living: An introduction to pretreatment sessions in dialectical behavior therapy,2019,56,1,21-27,Harned PTSD and alexithymia: Importance of emotional clarification in treatment,1991,28,1,129-139,Boudewyns