Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Sampling of Road Traffic,1957,6,3,161-170,Tanner A Bivariate Ordered Probit Model with Truncation: Helmet Use and Motorcycle Injuries,1993,42,3,487-499,Weiss Modelling Risk Ratios from Matched Cohort Data: An Estimating Equation Approach,1994,43,1,223-232,Greenland Ordinal latent variable models and their application in the study of newly licensed teenage drivers,2013,62,3,435-450,Zhang Local polynomial estimation of Poisson intensities in the presence of reporting delays,2008,57,4,447-459,Chen Bayesian non-parametric analysis of multirater ordinal data with application to prioritizing research goals for prevention of suicide,2014,63,4,539-557,Savitsky