Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Reflections on Violence,1959,88,2,363-368,Sorel Casualties,2011,140,3,179-188,Shay What are the consequences of being disconnected in a broadband-connected world?,2011,140,4,17-31,Horrigan What contributions have social science and the law made to the development of policy on bioethics?,1999,128,4,295-325,Capron Threats and promises: negotiating the control of research,1978,107,2,191-209,Nelkin Freedom and risk,1978,107,2,115-127,Bok The Supreme Court in the 21st Century,2013,142,2,36-48,Stone Fighting violence against women: laws norms & challenges ahead,2020,149,1,144-159,Htun American gun violence & mental illness: reducing risk restoring health respecting rights & reviving communities,2023,152,4,45-74,Rosenberg Female suicide bombers: A global trend,2007,136,1,94-102,Bloom Indigenous Historical Trauma: Alter-Native Explanations for Mental Health Inequities,2023,152,4,130-150,Gone