Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Pedophilia: Diagnostic Concepts Treatment and Ethical Considerations,1986,7,1,13-30,Berlin Legal Aspects of Child Abuse and Child Neglect,1982,3,4,151-158,Krell The Dynamics of a Parricide,1986,7,3,11-23,Chamberlain Therapist-Patient Sex: Satyriasis in a Physician,1986,7,2,20-24,Cleary Dangerousness As a Standard for Civil Commitment,1983,4,4,169-174,Cohn Evaluating Murderers for the Criminal Courts,1985,6,4,37-47,Coodley Psychodynamics of Rapists,1985,6,2,38-47,Coodley Psychiatric diagnosis and pattern of drug abuse among violent adolescent criminals,1983,4,1,5-20,Daniel Patients Who Murder Their Psychiatrists,1982,3,3,120-134,Danto Cases of Self-Destructive Behavior Involving Multiple Methods During a Single Episode,1985,6,1,38-45,Danto Criminal Responsibility of Juvenile Offenders,1986,7,2,25-39,Drukteinis Breaking Confidence: An Application of the Tarasoff Rule,1982,3,3,135-140,Finney Predicting Dangerousness for the Courts,1984,5,2,77-96,Hall Countertransference Issues in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases,1984,5,1,5-16,Okin Murder and Madness: Suggestions for Homicide Prevention,1986,7,2,40-47,Lunde Psychiatric Disability Evaluations: Plaintiff and Defense Perspectives,1986,7,2,11-19,Marcus Fathers who commit incest: jail or treatment? Need for a " victim oriented law.",1985,6,3,8-13,Marvasti Punishment of the Mentally Ill Offender: The State of Nevada Vs Patrick Henry Lizotte,1984,5,1,17-27,Master Psychological Profile of the Rapist,1982,3,4,159-172,McDonald Mental Illness or Malice,1984,5,2,53-62,Miller The Indeterminate Sentence Option for Sex Offenders in Canada,1986,7,3,49-57,Noone The Mentally Disordered Sex Offender: Facts and Fictions,1982,3,2,87-99,Oliver The Medea Syndrome: Multiple Infanticide--a Canadian Case,1983,4,2,61-66,rboleda-Florez Homicide and Suicide Associated With Akathisia and Haloperidol,1985,6,2,3-7,Schulte The Relationship of Mental Illness to Homicide,1985,6,1,3-15,Wilcox Characteristics of Seventy-One Convicted Murderers,1986,7,2,48-52,Wilcox Punishment,1983,4,2,89-95,Ziporyn Psychosurgery: its definition,1979,1,3 part 1,83-94,Yap The Medea Syndrome: Multiple Infanticide a Canadian Case,1983,4,2,61-66,Arboleda-Flórez Incestuous Mothers,1986,7,,63-69,Marvesti Psychiatric research--the psychotic patient and informed consent,1978,1,1,42-63,Hall Depression prevention suicide and prevention in elderly Asian Americans,1997,18,3,75-82,Yamamoto Coping with violence in the workplace,1998,19,4,67-78,Lemoine The Michigan Psychiatric Society's experience with physician-assisted suicide,1999,20,4,79-92,Klyman Dissociative identity disorder: A transcultural forensic psychiatric analysis,2000,21,3,19-36,Silva Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and cases of alleged related violence,2002,23,3,5-38,Fine Mothers who murder their children: An impressionistic study,2004,25,2,45-54,Hogg The death of John Wilkes Booth: Suicide by cop?,2004,25,2,25-34,Houmes Forensic psychiatry in Nigeria: The current status,2003,24,4,45-64,Mafullul Death in the nursery: Infanticide and suicide as a consequence of postpartum psychosis,2006,27,3,5-20,Klyman When a patient commits suicide who is to blame? Causation causation causation!,2006,27,2,25-32,Fine The imprisonment of Dr. Jack Kevorkian,2006,27,2,63-68,Slovenko Applying legal competency in the Indian practice of Sati,2007,28,1,21-28,Mehra Lessons from Columbine: Virtual and real rage,2007,28,2,5-33,Block Serious side effects of SSRIs,2007,28,3,59-76,Glass The psychological concomitants of capital punishment: Thematic analysis of last statements from death row,2007,28,4,7-14,Kelly Childhood sexual abuse indicators (SAI) for differentiating genuine from false allegations,2008,29,3,5-23,Fox Suicide and serial killers,2008,29,2,41-45,White It takes two villages to raise a terrorist: Psycho-political aspects of suicide bombers,2009,30,3,5-20,Marvasti Questionable basis of an expert's opinion,2009,30,2,63-71,Slovenko Forensic musings: The metaphysics of "hedonic loss",2011,32,4,5-16,Weiss