Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Cultural Dynamics and Economic Theories of Fertility Change,1988,14,1,1-45,Lesthaeghe The Easterlin Hypothesis and European Fertility Rates,1989,15,1,107-122,Wright Crime gender and society in India: insights from homicide data,2000,26,2,335-352,Dreze Evidence for an Incipient Decline in Numbers of Missing Girls in China and India,2009,35,2,401-416,Chung The Benefits from Marriage and Religion in the United States: A Comparative Analysis,2003,29,2,255-275,Lehrer “Demodystopias”: Prospects of Demographic Hell,2008,34,4,725-745,Domingo Childless or Childfree? Paths to Voluntary Childlessness in Italy,2008,34,1,51-77,Tanturri Delayed Marriage and Very Low Fertility in Pacific Asia,2007,33,3,453-478,Jones Longevity Among Hunter‐ Gatherers: A Cross‐Cultural Examination,2007,33,2,321-365,Gurven Mortality of American Troops in the Iraq War,2007,33,3,555-566,Preston Sero‐Discordant Couples in Five African Countries: Implications for Prevention Strategies,2007,33,3,501-523,De Walque The Effect on Elderly Parents in Cambodia of Losing an Adult Child to AIDS,2007,33,3,479-500,Zimmer The World Health Organization on Health Inequality Inequity and Social Determinants of Health,2007,33,4,839-843, Women's autonomy in india and pakistan: the influence of religion and region,2001,27,4,687-712,Jejeebhoy Project Europe 2030 on the challenge of demography,2010,36,3,647-650, Cooperative decision-making and intimate partner violence in Peru,2018,44,1,63-85,Svec Adult mortality five years after a natural disaster,2017,43,3,467-490,Thomas Why Demographic Suicide? The Puzzles of European Fertility,2013,38,Suppl 1,55-71,Pritchett Where does the Black-White life expectancy gap come from? The deadly consequences of residential segregation,2024,50,2,403-436,Hendi