Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Excessive Force in Self-Defence,1971,34,1,106-108,White Compensation for Banned Handguns: Indemnifying 'Old Property',1998,61,2,188-206,Story Medical mores judicial review and the last days of Steve Biko,1986,49,3,374-381,Taitz Caste Discrimination: A Twenty‐First Century Challenge for UK Discrimination Law?1,2009,72,2,182-219,Waughray Cohabitants Property and the Law: A Study of Injustice,2009,72,1,24-47,Douglas Choice Culture and the Politics of Belonging: The Emerging Law of Forced and Arranged Marriage,2009,72,3,331-359,Enright Failing to Protect: Victims' Rights and Police Liability,2009,72,2,283-295,Burton Cohabitation and Comparative Method,2009,72,1,48-72,Leckey The Reclassification of Extreme Pornographic Images,2009,72,1,73-90,Murray Wrongs and Reasons,2009,72,4,648-668,Simester Gentle Civilizer Decayed? Moving (Beyond) International Law,2009,72,6,1016-1034,Hoffmann Alcoholism and Criminal Liability,2001,64,5,688-709,Tolmie The Review of Sex Offences and Rape Law Reform: Another False Dawn?,2001,64,6,890-910,Rumney Multiple Wrongdoing and Offence Structure: A Plea for Consistency and Fair Labelling,2001,64,3,393-412,Mitchell When Culture Means Gender: Issues of Cultural Defence in the English Courts,2003,66,4,510-531,Phillips Toward a Feminist State: What Does ‘Effective’ Prosecution of Domestic Violence Mean?,2007,70,6,908-935,Dempsey The End of Domestic Violence,2006,69,5,770-791,Reece Regulating Marriage and Cohabitation in 21st Century Britain,2004,67,2,143-176,Barlow Progress at a Price: The Construction of Non‐Stranger Rape in the Millberry Sentencing Guidelines,2003,66,6,870-884,Rumney Forced Marriage as a Harm in Domestic and International Law,2010,73,1,57-88,Dauvergne Judicial Representations of Scientific Evidence,2000,63,2,216-251,Edmond Future Uncertainty as a Challenge to Law’s Programmes: The Dilemma of Parental Disputes,2000,63,4,523-543,King Beyond Electocracy: Rethinking the Political Representative as Powerful Stranger,2008,71,1,1-35,Guinier Fair Labelling in Criminal Law,2008,71,2,217-246,Chalmers Human Rights and Unfair Dismissal: Private Acts in Public Spaces,2008,71,6,912-939,Mantouvalou Incitement to Religious Hatred: All Talk and No Substance?,2007,70,1,89-113,Goodall Intoxicated Mistakes about the Need for Self‐Defence,2007,70,1,127-138,Dingwall Police Shootings and the Role of Tort,2008,71,5,801-811,Palmer Reengineering the Child Support Scheme: An Australian Perspective on the British Government's Proposals,2007,70,5,812-836,Parkinson Remanding Women in Custody: Concerns for Human Rights,2007,70,3,402-426,Player The Case for a Rational Reconstruction of Consent in Criminal Law,2007,70,2,225-249,Elliott The Law and Incapacity Determinations: A Conflict of Governance?,2008,71,3,433-463,Boyle The Treatment of Foreign Terror Suspects,2007,70,3,427-457,Walker Historicising Criminalisation: Conceptual and Empirical Issues,2009,72,6,936-960,Lacey British Columbia Royal Commission on Automobile Insurance,1969,32,5,547-551,Atiyah Damages for Lost Amenities: For a Foot a Feeling or a Function?,1972,35,1,1-17,Ogus Duty and Foresight in Negligence: The "Control Devices" out of Control,1975,38,4,468-471,Binchy Insurance for the Criminal,1971,34,2,176-181,Fleming Seat Belts and Crash Helmets,1974,37,3,308-319,Hicks Some Economic Aspects of the Settlement Process: A Study of Personal Injury Claims,1976,39,5,497-515,Phillips The Position of the Injured Third Party,1938,1,4,258-268,Hughes The Protection of the Purchaser and Consumer under the Law of the U. S. A,1969,32,3,241-261,Pasley Vicarious Liability and the Master's Indemnity,1957,20,3,220-235,Williams Prosecuting domestic violence without victim participation,2002,65,6,834-858,Ellison Rape defendant anonymity and evidence-based policy making,2013,76,1,109-133,Rumney The rise and ruse of administrative law and scholarship,1985,48,3,293-324,Hutchinson Vicarious liability and non-delegable duty for child abuse in foster care: a step too far?,2016,79,5,884-900,Tofaris Interdiction and indoctrination: the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015,2016,79,5,840-870,Walker Badges of modern slavery,2016,79,5,757-785,Paz-Fuchs Towards a transformative conceptualisation of violence against women - a critical frame analysis of Council of Europe discourse on violence against women,2016,79,3,406-441,Choudhry The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 - secure colleges and the legitimation of state sponsored violence,2016,79,1,102-121,Arthur Historiography and constitutional adjudication,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Partlett Assisted Suicide in the Netherlands: The Chabot Case,1995,58,2,232-248,Griffiths