Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Torts: Negligence: Use of Spring-Guns,1904,2,4,326-,No Author(s) Listed Parent's Liability to One Injured by Firearms in Son's Hands,1904,2,5,418-,No Author(s) Listed Assault and Battery: Apparent Ability,1912,11,1,65-66,No Author(s) Listed Parent and Child: Injury From Act of Child -- Negligence of Parent for Jury,1918,16,7,554-555,No Author(s) Listed Crimes -- Murder: Accidental Killing,1925,24,1,67-68,No Author(s) Listed Handgun Prohibition and the Original Meaning of the Second Amendment,1983,82,2,204-273,Kates Aggravated Assaults With Chairs Versus Guns: Impermissible Applied Double Counting Under the Sentencing Guidelines,2000,99,1,183-215,Barth Constitutional Law: Police Power: Michigan Statute Requiring Motorcyclists to Wear Protective Helmets Held Unconstitutional,1968,67,2,360-373, Scrutinizing the Second Amendment,2007,105,4,683-733,Winkler The Second Amendment: Structure History and Constitutional Change,2000,99,3,588-668,Yassky Expanding Forfeiture without Sacrificing Confrontation after Crawford,2005,104,3,599-625,Deahl Advocating the Rights of the Injured,1963,61,5,921-938,Marcus Compensation for Pain: A Reappraisal in Light of New Medical Evidence,1974,72,7,1355-1396,Peck Crime the Public and the Crime Commission: A Critical Review of "The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society",1968,66,7,1487-1540,Lehman Devising Procedures That Are Civil to Promote Justice That Is Civilized,1971,69,5,797-820,Rosenberg Driver Behavior and Legal Sanctions: A Study of Deterrence,1969,67,3,421-454,Cramton Insurance: Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation Law: Compensation Assured for Innocent Automobile Accident Victims,1959,57,4,624-627,Jackson Liability in Tort of Infants and Insane Persons,1924,23,1,9-37,Bohlen Motor Vehicles: Legislation: The Michigan Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act,1966,65,1,180-194, Nuclear Power: Risk Liability and Indemnity,1973,71,3,479-510,Green Offsetting Risks,2007,106,2,243-276,Porat Personal Privacy in the Computer Age: The Challenge of a New Technology in an Information-Oriented Society,1969,67,6,1089-1246,Miller Products Liability: Some Observations about Allocation of Risks,1966,64,7,1329-1348,Keeton Products Liability: The Expansion of Fraud Negligence and Strict Tort Liability,1966,64,7,1350-1387,Sebert Punitive Damages in Products Liability Litigation,1976,74,7,1257-1371,Owen Radiation Injuries and Statistics: The Need for a New Approach to Injury Litigation,1960,59,2,259-304,Estep The Economic Treatment of Automobile Injuries,1964,63,2,279-326,Conard The Extension of Insurance Subrogation,1962,60,7,841-872,Kimball The Sale of Human Body Parts,1974,72,6,1182-1264, Voluntary Intoxication: A Defense to Intentional Injury Exclusion Clauses in Homeowner's Policies?,1992,90,7,2113-2153,Silverman Women Mothers and the Law of Fright: A History,1990,88,4,814-864,Chamallas Constitutional law: national firearms act: usurpation of police power of states: constitutional right to bear arms,1940,38,3,403-404, Constitutional law: compulsory sterilization statute,1942,41,2,318-321, Witnesses: wife as witness against husband in prosecution under Mann Act,1950,48,4,546-548,Gordy Public support for pro-choice abortion policies in the nation and states: changes and stability after the Roe and Doe decisions,1979,77,7,1772-1789,Uslaner Roe v. Wade and the lesson of the pre-Roe case law,1979,77,7,1724-1748,Morgan To keep and bear arms - the origins of an Anglo-American right - MalcolmJL,1995,93,6,1333-1362,Kopel A comprehensive administrative solution to the armed career criminal act debacle,2014,113,1,151-178,Kupfer Torts: Guest Act: negligent conduct of the driver,1957,55,8,1197-1200,Muir Killing the willing: "Volunteers" suicide and competency,2005,103,5,939-1009,Blume Is there a duty? Limiting college and university liability for student suicide,2008,106,7,1379-1404,Dyer Negligence: liability of hospital for suicide of patient,1951,49,5,766-768,Darger Evidence: effect of presumption against suicide,1945,43,4,797-800,Boos