Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Coaxing and Coercion in Roadblock Encounters on Nigerian Highways,2007,18,,437-452,Mele Intertextuality and national identity: discourse of national conflicts in daily newspapers in the United States and China,2009,20,1,85-121,Juan Li '9/11 changed everything': an intertextual analysis of the Bush Doctrine,2009,20,2,195-222,Dunmire Police interviews with suspected paedophiles: a discourse analysis,2009,20,5,555-569,Benneworth Defending whiteness indirectly: a synthetic approach to race discourse analysis,2009,20,6,685-703,Foster Hate speech and identity: An analysis of neo racism and the indexing of identity,2010,21,1,27-39,Josey "I’m not gonna hit a lady": Conversation analysis membership categorization and men's denials of violence towards women,2010,21,1,59-82,Stokoe Legitimation of massacres in Israeli school history books,2010,21,4,377-404,Peled-Elhanan ‘Doing denial’: audience reaction to human rights appeals,2010,21,4,438-457,Bruna Seu ‘Target’ ‘cancer’ and ‘warrior’: Exploring painful metaphors of self-presentation used by girls born of war rape,2010,21,5,524-543,Erjavec The idiosyncratic language of Israeli ‘peace’: A Cultural Approach to Critical Discourse Analysis (CCDA),2010,21,5,565-585,Gavriely-Nuri Telling it Like it isn’t: Obscuring Perpetrator Responsibility for Violent Crime,2004,15,5,499-526,Coates Domestic Discord Rocky Relationships: Semantic Prosodies in Representations of Marital Violence in the O.J. Simpson Trial,2001,12,3,291-312,Cotterill Migration ethnicity and competing discourses in the job interview: synthesizing the institutional and personal,2007,18,3,243-271,Campbell Members' gendering work: `women' `feminists' and membership categorization analysis,2002,13,6,819-825,Eglin Discourse Gender and Sexual Violence,2002,13,1,5-7,Ehrlich Frequency and Specificity of Referents to Violence in News Reports of Anti-gay Attacks,2002,13,1,75-104,Miller A thorn by any other name: sexist discourse as hate speech,2007,18,6,719-740,Lillian Communities of Practice at Work: Gender Facework and the Power of Habitus at an All-Female Police Station and a Feminist Crisis Intervention Center in Brazil,2003,14,4,473-505,Ostermann War legitimation discourse: Representing 'Us' and 'Them' in four US presidential addresses,2011,22,3,287-314,Oddo Ideological collocation and the recontexualization of Wahhabi-Saudi Islam post-9/11: A synergy of corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis,2011,22,3,315-342,Salama Apologizing for historical injustice: Emotion truth and identity in political discourse,2011,22,5,507-531,Augoustinos Football it's a man's game: Insult and gendered discourse in The Gender Bowl,2011,22,5,547-564,McDowell 'I'm not sexist but . . .': How ideological dilemmas reinforce sexism in talk about intimate partner violence,2012,23,6,643-656,Palazzolo 'Ordinary decent domestic violence': A discursive analysis of family law judges' interviews,2015,26,3,349-365,Muldoon The cowboy and the goddess: television news mythmaking about immigrants,2016,27,1,95-117,Ana Bridging language barriers bonding against immigrants: a visual case study of transnational network publics created by far-right activists in Europe,2017,28,1,3-23,Doerr Legitimizing ethno-sectarian conflicts for power: construction of victimhood and disenfranchisement in Iraqi media interactions,2017,28,2,119-141,Al-Tahmazi Confrontational yet submissive: Calculated ambivalence and populist parties' strategies of responding to racism accusations in the media,2017,28,3,262-280,Hatakka Greetings and compliments or street harassment? Competing evaluations of street remarks in a recorded collection,2017,28,4,353-373,Bailey Memes as reasonably hostile laments: a discourse analysis of political dissent in Oman,2017,28,6,573-594,Al Zidjaly The construction of anger in comments on the public behavior of members of the social elite in Chile,2017,28,6,595-613,Arancibia 'Do you think it's a crime?' Building joint understanding of victimisation in calls for help,2019,30,6,636-652,Tennent Beyond risk and safety? Identifying shifts in sex education advice targeted at young women,2019,30,3,225-247,Carr Pledging to harm: a linguistic appraisal analysis of judgment comparing realized and non-realized violent fantasies,2019,30,2,154-171,Grant Pain is temporary: Discourse analysis of inmates' accounts of suicide,2020,31,5,498-519,Jing-ying