Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Power Optimism and Risk-Taking,2006,36,4,511-536,Anderson The Influence of Stereotypes on Decisions to Shoot,2007,37,6,1102-1117,Correll Effects of Terrorism on Attitudes and Ideological Orientation,2006,36,2,259-265,Echebarria-Echabe Individual-Level and Community-Level Effects of War Trauma on Social Representations Related to Humanitarian Law,2006,36,6,907-930,Elcheroth The Unresponsive Bystander: Are Bystanders More Responsive in Dangerous Emergencies?,2006,36,2,267-278,Frey Who Is This Donald? How Social Categorization Affects Aggression-Priming Effects,2007,37,5,1000-1015,Stapel Making Sense of War: Using the Interpretation Comparison Model to Understand the Iraq Conflict,2007,37,3,401-420,Stapel Variability in the collective behaviour of England fans at Euro2004: "hooliganism" public order policing and social change,2007,37,1,75-100,Stott Ego Depletion and Aggressive Behavior: Is the Inhibition of Aggression a Limited Resource?,2006,36,1,1-13,Baumeister Personalization and Differentiation As Moderators of Triggered Displaced Aggression Towards Out-Group Targets,2007,37,2,297-319,Pedersen How Regulatory Focus Influences Consumer Behavior,2007,37,1,33-51,Werth “Could this happen to me?”: Threat‐related state orientation increases position identification with victims of random “senseless” violence,2009,39,2,223-236,Lodewijkx Jealousy in the blink of an eye: Jealous reactions following subliminal exposure to rival characteristics,2009,39,5,768-779,Dechesne Accountability processes and group dynamics: a SIDE perspective on the policing of an anti‐capitalist riot,2009,39,2,237-254,Reicher Cognitive load trigger salience and the facilitation of triggered displaced aggression,2009,39,5,684-693,Vasquez Elaborating the police perspective: The role of perceptions and experience in the explanation of crowd conflict,2009,39,6,991-1001,Prati Punishment as restoration of group and offender values following a transgression: value consensus through symbolic labelling and offender reform,2009,39,3,346-367,Okimoto A study of minorities as victims,2007,37,4,725-746,Moscovici Dealing with the past and facing the future: mediators of the effects of collective guilt and shame in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2008,38,4,669-684,Brown Media representations of majority and minority groups,2007,37,3,561-572,Crano Need for closure and competition in intergroup conflicts: experimental evidence for the mitigating effect of accessible conflict‐schemas,2008,38,1,84-105,de Zavala Opinion‐based group membership as a predictor of commitment to political action,2007,37,1,19-32,McGarty Self‐esteem moderates preferences for accepting versus rejecting interaction partners,2007,37,5,955-967,Sedikides Social representations of history and the legitimation of social inequality: the form and function of historical negation,2008,38,3,542-565,Sibley The KKK won't let me play: ostracism even by a despised outgroup hurts,2007,37,6,1176-1186,Williams The relationship between marital standards dyadic coping and marital satisfaction,2008,38,3,462-476,Wunderer The role of attachment in influencing reactions to manipulated feedback from romantic partners,2007,37,5,968-986,Carnelley Why do citizens want to keep refugees out? Threats fairness and hostile norms in the treatment of asylum seekers,2007,37,1,53-73,Schuller Red and romantic behavior in men viewing women,2010,40,6,901-908,Elliot Right‐wing authoritarianism social dominance orientation and prejudice against threatening and competitive ethnic groups,2009,39,2,270-289,Cohrs Social sharing of emotion post-traumatic growth and emotional climate: Follow-up of Spanish citizen's response to the collective trauma of March 11th terrorist attacks in Madrid,2010,40,6,1029-1045,Páez On the relationship between personal experience affect and risk perception: the case of climate change,2014,44,5,430-440,van der Linden Different relational models underlie prototypical left and right positions on social issues,2015,45,2,204-217,Simpson Women's attraction to benevolent sexism: needing relationship security predicts greater attraction to men who endorse benevolent sexism: women's attraction to benevolent sexism,2017,48,3,336-347,Overall Effects of exposure to alcohol-related cues on racial discrimination: effects of exposure to alcohol-related cues,2017,48,3,380-387,Bartholow Uncertainty and prejudice: the role of religiosity in shaping group attitudes: uncertainty and prejudice,2018,48,2,O91-O102,Sekerdej Will we be harmed will it be severe can we protect ourselves? Threat appraisals predict collective angst (and its consequences): Threat Appraisals Predict Collective Angst,2018,48,1,72-85,Wohl Addicted to answers: need for cognitive closure and the endorsement of conspiracy beliefs,2018,48,2,109-117, Belief in conspiracy theories: basic principles of an emerging research domain,2018,48,7,897-908,Douglas Social identification and depression: a meta-analysis,2019,49,1,110-126,Postmes Connected guys: endorsement of masculine honour predicts more frequent contact with members of criminal organisations,2019,49,1,157-168,Travaglino The world may not be just for you but you'd better not say it: on the social value of expressing personal belief in a just world,2019,49,2,270-285,Sutton 'I have not witnessed it personally myself but…': epistemics in managing talk on racism against immigrants in Ireland,2019,49,2,398-412,Sambaraju Effects of a companion dog on associations of danger and threat with oriental-looking targets,2019,49,2,439-446,Pfundmair The influence of war on moral judgments about harm,2019,49,3,447-460,Laham Powerless people don't yell but tell: the effects of social power on direct and indirect expression of anger,2019,49,3,533-547,Willis The power of nonviolence: confirming and explaining the success of nonviolent (rather than violent) political movements,2019,49,4,688-704,Leidner (Not) thinking about you: differences in victims' and perpetrators' self-focus after interpersonal and intergroup transgressions,2019,49,5,1007-1021,Barth Women experience more serious relationship problems when male partners endorse hostile sexism,2019,49,5,1022-1041,Overall War experiences and emerging rights claims in postwar former Yugoslavia: the role of generalized conflict exposure and collective anomie,2019,49,6,1173-1189,Elcheroth Refugees in the media: exploring a vicious cycle of frustrated psychological needs selective exposure and hostile intergroup attitudes,2019,49,7,1471-1479,Jonas The interplay of modern myths about sexual aggression and moral foundations in the blaming of rape victims,2020,50,1,111-123,Bohner A comprehensive measure of attitudes and behaviour: development of the Support for Gender Equality among Men Scale,2020,50,2,256-277,Ryan Relative deprivation: a mechanism for the ostracism-aggression link,2020,50,2,347-359,Chen A social identity model of riot diffusion: from injustice to empowerment in the 2011 London riots,2020,50,3,646-661,Drury Sexual violence and traumatic identity change: evidence of collective post-traumatic growth,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Muldoon Darkness into light? Identification with the crowd at a suicide prevention fundraiser promotes well-being amongst participants,2017,47,7,878-888,Kearns Self-sacrifice as self-defence: Mortality salience increases efforts to affirm a symbolic immortal self at the expense of the physical self,2008,38,3,531-541,Arndt Predicting aggressive collective action based on the efficacy of peaceful and aggressive actions,2016,46,5,529-543,Spears