Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Height of Hospital Beds and Inpatient Falls: A Threat to Patient Safety,2007,37,12,537-538,Tzeng Violence against nurses working in US emergency departments,2009,39,7-8,340-349,Gacki-Smith A suicide precautions policy for the general hospital,1987,17,10,36-42,Hogarty Establishing a screening program for abused women,1991,21,10,24-29,McFarlane Inner-city safety for home care providers,1992,22,9,42-47,Nadwairski A study of patient falls from bed,1979,9,5,31-35,Walshe Reducing the incidence of falls in high risk patients,1988,18,7-8,24-28,Johnson Fall Initiatives: Redesigning Best Practice,2010,40,9,384-391,Martin Meta-analysis of Fall-Risk Tools in Hospitalized Adults,2010,40,11,483-488,Harrington Driving improvement in patient care: lessons from Toyota,2003,33,11,585-595,Thompson Workplace incivility: state of the science,2006,36,1,22-7; discussion 27-8,Hutton Preventing workplace violence from negligent hiring in healthcare,2004,34,3,157-161,Bradley Violence prevention in healthcare organizations within a total quality management framework,2002,32,9,479-486,Henry Community collaboration. The nursing administrator's role in implementing a child abuse prevention program,1998,28,6,43-48,Ales Healthcare violence. A nursing administration perspective,1996,26,2,41-46,Claravall Breaking the cycle of aggression,1995,25,12,55-64,Kingdom Measurement of patient outcomes: data availability and consistency across hospitals,1995,25,4,52-59,Mark Creating a healthy work environment in the midst of organizational change and transition,1997,27,6,35-41,Wright Workplace bullying: concerns for nurse leaders,2009,39,2,84-90,Johnson In Search of Elegance,2009,39,12,507-510,Clancy Above all do no harm: patient and staff safety,2000,30,12,571-573,Brent Risk factors for assaults on nursing staff: childhood abuse and education level,1999,29,12,22-29,Little Preventing burn injuries,1973,3,1,9-11,Swartz Strategies for nurse leaders to address aggressive and violent events,2012,42,1,5-8,Hardin Policy issues for improving institutional response to domestic violence,1996,26,1,39-45,Langford Sources reactions and tactics used by RNs to address aggression in an acute care hospital: a qualitative analysis,2013,43,3,155-159,Autrey Addressing workplace violence among nurses who care for the elderly,2014,44,3,152-157,Rodwell An exploration of relational aggression in the nursing workplace,2014,44,4,212-218,Dellasega The economics of preventing hospital falls: demonstrating ROI through a simple model,2015,45,1,50-57,Spetz The American Organization of Nurse Executives and Emergency Nurses Association guiding principles on mitigating violence in the workplace,2015,45,7-8,358-360,Chappell Managerial and organizational discourses of workplace bullying,2015,45,9,457-461,Johnson A phenomenological study of nurse manager interventions related to workplace bullying,2015,45,10,492-497,Skarbek From evidence to outcomes: promoting pediatric fall prevention around the world,2016,46,5,232-234,Gonzalez Transforming care for victims of violence,2017,47,6,301-302,Boatright Associations of organizational safety practices and culture with physical workload perceptions about work and work-related injury and symptoms among hospital nurses,2017,47,7-8,404-411,Lee The relationship between and factors influencing staff nurses' perceptions of nurse manager caring and exposure to workplace bullying in multiple healthcare settings,2017,47,10,501-507,Olender Suicide prevention: a healer education and referral program for nurses,2018,48,2,85-92,Zisook The American Organization of Nurse Executives and American Hospital Association initiatives work to combat violence,2018,48,4,177-179,Wray Testing a strategy to identify incidence of nurse suicide in the United States,2018,48,5,259-265,Zisook The effects of occupational violence on the well-being and resilience of nurses,2018,48,9,452-458,Eley The American Organization of Nurse Executives and American Hospital Association initiatives work to combat violence,2018,48,10 Suppl,S3-S5,Wray Evidence on fall and injurious fall prevention interventions in acute care hospitals,2019,49,2,86-92,Dunton Impact of behavior management training on nurses' confidence in managing patient aggression,2019,49,2,73-78,Schoenfisch Impact of psychological empowerment on workplace bullying and intent to leave,2019,49,4,179-185,Rayens Ensuring workplace safety: evidence supporting interventions for nurse administrators,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Painter An evaluation of nurses' perception and confidence after implementing a workplace aggression and violence prevention training program,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scott Emergency preparedness competencies among nurses: implications for nurse administrators,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Alfred Fall prevention decision making of acute care registered nurses,2020,50,9,442-448,Shorr Inpatient nurses' perception of workplace violence based on specialty,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walker Leadership after a crisis: the application of psychological first aid,2020,50,10,505-507,Owen Strengthening a culture to address bullying and incivility in the care environment,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meier Impact of psychological empowerment on workplace bullying and intent to leave,2021,51,11S,S41-S47, De-escalation training as part of a workplace violence prevention program,2022,52,4,222-227,Thompson Leadership implications related to bullying and intent to leave among licensed practical nurses,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Filipova Selecting an instrument for assessing the risk of patient violence across a healthcare system,2022,52,5,314-318,Emmerling The relationship between practice environment variables and nurse manager perceptions of workplace mistreatment to identify factors amenable to change,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones Partnering with patients: fall prevention agreement,2022,52,12,636-639,Hoke To end workplace violence integrate high-tech with high-touch,2023,53,3,130-131,Taylor Implementation of a violence risk assessment and interventions aimed at the prevention of patient-perpetrated violent events across care settings,2023,53,3,168-174,Croland Addressing workplace violence with evidence,2023,53,11,615-620,Majers Violent event severity tool for reporting violent incidents,2023,53,12,648-653,Kim Evaluating a workplace violence management program and nurses' confidence in coping with patient aggression,2024,54,3,160-166,Emmerling Racism and nursing leadership in Massachusetts: a mixed-methods study,2024,54,3,167-171,Dzurec The effect of an educational intervention on nurses' knowledge beliefs and actions to be taken regarding suicide,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kramer The state of health and intentions for action to advance mental health and well-being for the nursing workforce,2023,53,4,220-227,Kennison An Interview With Judy Davidson: Nurse Suicide Risk Detection and Prevention,2021,51,9,420-421,Reid Ponte Staff role of nurse executives: suicide or survival strategy?,1995,25,5,10-11,Weeks Intervention Effects of the MINDBODYSTRONG Cognitive Behavioral Skills Building Program on Newly Licensed Registered Nurses' Mental Health Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Job Satisfaction,2019,49,10,487-495,Melnyk Healing the Heart of Healthcare,2023,53,12,625-626,Hand