Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Is peer victimization related to body esteem in 10-year-old girls and boys?,2006,3,1,25-33,Hwang Body image and suicidal ideation in adolescents,2007,4,2,207-212,Muehlenkamp Reality television and the muscular male ideal,2013,10,3,309-315,Dallesasse Social dominance orientation predicts drive for muscularity among British men,2013,10,4,653-656,Swami A qualitative study of preadolescent boys' and girls' body image: Gendered ideals and sociocultural influences,2013,10,4,591-598,Ricciardelli Body ideals for heterosexual romantic partners: gender and sociocultural influences,2014,12C,,22-31,Murnen "It's all about acceptance": a qualitative study exploring a model of positive body image for people with spinal cord injury,2015,15,,24-34,Gammage Are tattooed adults really more aggressive and rebellious than those without tattoos?,2015,15,,149-152,Voracek Body dysmorphic disorder symptoms and risk for suicide: the role of depression,2016,19,,169-174,Shaw Precarious manhood and muscularity: effects of threatening men's masculinity on reported strength and muscle dissatisfaction,2017,22,,156-165,Frederick Anti-doping rule violations in sport: the attractive leniency effect and attributions of guilt and punishment,2018,28,,76-80,Allen Body-related embarrassment: the overlooked self-conscious emotion,2019,32,,14-23,Sabiston A quantitative systematic review assessing the impact of burn injuries on body image,2020,33,,47-65,Cleary Effects of taking selfies on women's self-objectification mood self-esteem and social aggression toward female peers,2020,36,,193-200,Fox The roles of weight stigma emotion dysregulation and eating pathology in suicide risk,2021,38,,162-170,Gordon Adverse childhood experiences and body dysmorphic symptoms: a meta-analysis,2022,40,,267-284,Badenes-Ribera Examination of hair experiences among girls with Black/African American identities,2022,42,,75-83,Perez Yoga and nonsuicidal self-injury: mediational effects of self-compassion and body appreciation,2022,43,,17-24,Muehlenkamp Longitudinal association of homonegative school climate with body dysmorphic disorder among cisgender sexual minority adolescents: testing mediation through proximal minority stressors,2023,45,,86-93,Schrager Associations between violent victimization and symptoms of muscle dysmorphia: findings from the Canadian Study of Adolescent Health Behaviors,2023,46,,294-299,Rodgers Does the interpersonal theory of suicide explain relationships between muscle dysmorphia symptoms and suicidal ideation?,2023,47,,e101644,Smith