Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Prevalence and correlates of truancy among adolescents in Swaziland: findings from the Global School-Based Health Survey,2007,1,1,15,Rudatsikira Prediction of posttraumatic stress in fathers of children with chronic diseases or unintentional injuries: A six-months follow-up study,2007,1,1,16,Landolt Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children after paediatric intensive care treatment compared to children who survived a major fire disaster,2008,2,1,9,Bronner Frequency stability and differentiation of self-reported school fear and truancy in a community sample,2008,2,1,17,Müller Prevalence and determinants of child maltreatment among high school students in Southern China: A large scale school based survey,2008,2,1,27,Chen The clinical effectiveness of different parenting programmes for children with conduct problems: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials,2009,3,1,7,Stewart-Brown Health risk behaviours among adolescents in the English-speaking Caribbean: a review,2009,3,1,10,Maharaj The occurrence and nature of early signs of schizophrenia and psychotic mood disorders among former child and adolescent psychiatric patients followed into adulthood,2008,2,1,30,Engqvist Alcohol intoxication and mental health among adolescents - a population review of 8983 young people 13-19 years in North-Trondelag Norway: the Young-HUNT Study,2009,3,1,18,Strandheim A pilot study evaluating a support programme for parents of young people with suicidal behaviour,2009,3,1,20,Morgan Depressive symptoms from kindergarten to early school age: longitudinal associations with social skills deficits and peer victimization,2009,3,1,28,Perren Effectiveness of a single-session early psychological intervention for children after road traffic accidents: a randomised controlled trial,2010,4,1,7,Landolt Symptoms of anxiety and depression in adolescent students; a perspective from Sri Lanka,2010,4,1,10,Rodrigo Impact of resilience enhancing programs on youth surviving the Beslan school siege,2010,4,1,11,Mueller Clinician-rated mental health in outpatient child and adolescent mental health services: associations with parent teacher and adolescent ratings,2010,4,1,29,Kvernmo Bullying in school and cyberspace: Associations with depressive symptoms in Swiss and Australian adolescents,2010,4,1,28,Cross Long-term outcome and prognosis of dissociative disorder with onset in childhood or adolescence,2008,2,1,19,Jans The psychopathological and psychosocial outcome of early-onset schizophrenia: preliminary data of a 13-year follow-up,2008,2,1,6,Warnke Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A): a clinical Trial for Patients with suicidal and self-injurious Behavior and Borderline Symptoms with a one-year Follow-up,2011,5,1,3,Fleischhaker The influence of behavioural and health problems on alcohol and drug use in late adolescence - a follow up study of 2 399 young Norwegians,2011,5,1,17,Strandheim Ethnic differences in the mother-son relationship of incarcerated and non-incarcerated male adolescents in the Netherlands,2011,5,1,23,Dekovic Correlates of self-reported offending in children with a first police contact from distinct socio-demographic and ethnic groups,2011,5,1,22,Vermeiren Psychopathology trauma and delinquency: Subtypes of aggression and their relevance for understanding young offenders,2011,5,1,21,Plattner Childhood adversity mental ill-health and aggressive behavior in an African orphanage: Changes in response to trauma-focused therapy and the implementation of a new instructional system,2011,5,1,29,Elbert The Treatment of Severe Child Aggression (TOSCA) Study: Design Challenges,2011,5,1,36,Findling Differences between children and adolescents who commit suicide and their peers: A psychological autopsy of suicide victims compared to accident victims and a community sample,2012,6,1,1,Groholt Bullying behaviour in schools socioeconomic position and psychiatric morbidity: a cross-sectional study in late adolescents in Greece,2012,6,1,8,Araya Non-suicidal self-injury: state of the art perspective of a proposed new syndrome for DSM V,2012,6,1,9,Fegert Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Adolescents,2012,6,1,14,Washburn Non-suicidal self-injury youth and the Internet: What mental health professionals need to know,2012,6,1,13,Heath Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescent inpatients: assessing personality features and attitude toward death,2012,6,1,12,Ferrara The co-occurrence of non-suicidal self-injury and attempted suicide among adolescents: distinguishing risk factors and psychosocial correlates,2012,6,1,11,Andover International prevalence of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury and deliberate self-harm,2012,6,1,10,Muehlenkamp The ethical landscape of professional care in everyday practice as perceived by staff-A qualitative content analysis of ethical diaries written by staff in child and adolescent psychiatric in-patient care,2012,6,1,18,Engstrom Childhood depression. Exploring the association between family violence and other psychosocial factors in low-income Brazilian schoolchildren,2012,6,1,26,Avanci Suicide or accident? a psychological autopsy study of suicide in youths under the age of 16 compared to deaths labeled as accidents,2012,6,1,30,Freuchen A prevalence-based approach to societal costs occurring in consequence of child abuse and neglect,2012,6,1,35,Fegert Analysis of prevalence of PTSD and its influencing factors among college students after the Wenchuan earthquake,2013,7,1,1,Wang Opportunities for prevention and intervention with young children: lessons from the Canadian incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect,2013,7,1,4,Trocme Non-suicidal self-injury and emotion regulation: a review on facial emotion recognition and facial mimicry,2013,7,1,5,In-Albon Internalizing and externalizing problems depression and self-esteem in non-detained male juvenile offenders,2013,7,1,7,Metzke Suicidal behaviors in depressed adolescents: role of perceived relationships in the family,2013,7,1,8,Hassler Parents of young people with self-harm or suicidal behaviour who seek help -- a psychosocial profile,2013,7,1,13,Morgan Correction: Differences between children and adolescents who commit suicide and their peers: A psychological autopsy of suicide victims compared to accident victims and a community sample,2013,7,1,18,Kjelsberg Suicide related events and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treatments in children and adolescents: a meta-analysis of atomoxetine and methylphenidate comparator clinical trials,2013,7,1,19,Bushe A school based study of psychological disturbance in children following the Omagh bomb,2013,7,1,36,Fitzgerald Mental disorders in foster children: A study of prevalence comorbidity and risk factors,2013,7,1,39,Heiervang Physical activity in adolescents with psychiatric disorders and in the general population,2014,8,1,2,Lydersen Adolescents' multiple recurrent subjective health complaints: Investigating associations with emotional/behavioural difficulties in a cross-sectional school-based study,2014,8,1,3,Kolaitis A two-year perspective: who may ease the burden of girls' loneliness in school?,2014,8,1,10,Hjemdal Contact with child and adolescent psychiatric services among self-harming and suicidal adolescents in the general population: a cross sectional study,2014,8,1,13,Rossow Predicting aggression in children with ADHD,2014,8,,15,Ercan A cross-sectional study of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury: support for a specific distress-function relationship,2014,8,,23,Lundh Adverse life events and delinquent behavior among Kenyan adolescents: a cross-sectional study on the protective role of parental monitoring religiosity and self-esteem,2014,8,,24,Beguy Pilot study: feasibility of using the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ) during acute suicidal crisis,2014,8,1,28,Fegert Risk factors for rehospitalization and inpatient care among pediatric psychiatric intake response center patients,2014,8,1,27,Bilge-Johnson Mental disorders and criminal re-referrals in juveniles who sexually offended,2015,9,1,1-7,Boonmann Current state and recent developments of child psychiatry in China,2015,9,,10,Zheng Comparing three diagnostic algorithms of posttraumatic stress in young children exposed to accidental trauma: an exploratory study,2015,9,,14,Alisic Prevalence correlates and prospective predictors of non-suicidal self-injury among New Zealand adolescents: cross-sectional and longitudinal survey data,2015,9,,28,Garisch The impact of attitudes as a mediator between sense of autonomy and help-seeking intentions for self-injury,2015,9,,e27,Martin The Ottawa Self-Injury Inventory: evaluation of an assessment measure of nonsuicidal self-injury in an inpatient sample of adolescents,2015,9,,e26,Nixon The effects of nonsuicidal self-injury on parenting behaviors: a longitudinal analyses of the perspective of the parent,2015,9,,24,Claes Non-suicidal self-injury maintenance and cessation among adolescents: a one-year longitudinal investigation of the role of objectified body consciousness depression and emotion dysregulation,2015,9,,e21,Heath Characteristics of nonsuicidal self-injury associated with suicidal ideation: evidence from a clinical sample of youth,2015,9,,e20,Washburn Parenting behavior in families of female adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury in comparison to a clinical and a nonclinical control group,2015,9,,e17,In-Albon Nonsuicidal self-injury in sexual minority college students: a test of theoretical integration,2015,9,,16,Muehlenkamp Predictors of self-injury cessation and subsequent psychological growth: results of a probability sample survey of students in eight universities and colleges,2015,9,,19,Whitlock The long-term effects of being bullied or a bully in adolescence on externalizing and internalizing mental health problems in adulthood,2015,9,,42,Wallander Do girls with depressive symptoms exhibit more physical aggression than boys? A cross sectional study in a national adolescent sample,2015,9,,41,Hassler Adolescents in a residential school for behavior disorders have an elevated mortality risk in young adulthood,2015,9,,46,Gissler Nonsuicidal self-injury: a rapidly evolving global field,2015,9,,49,Lewis Research with adolescents who engage in non-suicidal self-injury: ethical considerations and challenges,2015,9,,37,Rodham A cross-sectional matched sample study of nonsuicidal self-injury among young adults: support for interpersonal and intrapersonal factors with implications for coping strategies,2015,9,,36,Wester Immigration as risk factor for non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempts in adolescents in Germany,2015,9,,e34,Kapusta The association of self-injurious behaviour and suicide attempts with recurrent idiopathic pain in adolescents: evidence from a population-based study,2015,9,,32,Resch The DSM-5 diagnosis of nonsuicidal self-injury disorder: a review of the empirical literature,2015,9,,31,Zetterqvist The functions of nonsuicidal self-injury: converging evidence for a two-factor structure,2015,9,,44,Klonsky Parents of youth who self-injure: a review of the literature and implications for mental health professionals,2015,9,,e35,Lewis Suicidality among adolescents engaging in nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and firesetting: the role of psychosocial characteristics and reasons for living,2015,9,,33,Hasking Two dimensions of social anxiety disorder: a pilot study of the Questionnaire for Social Anxiety and Social Competence Deficits for Adolescents,2015,9,,47,Kröner-Herwig Erratum to: Do girls with depressive symptoms exhibit more physical aggression than boys? A cross sectional study in a national adolescent sample,2015,9,,53,Hassler On the incidence and prevalence of child maltreatment: a research agenda,2016,10,,17,Jud Correlates of conduct disorder among inmates of a Nigerian Borstal Institution,2016,10,,e13,Olashore Implementation of a text-messaging intervention for adolescents who self-harm (TeenTEXT): a feasibility study using normalisation process theory,2016,10,,14,Owens Changes in parenting strategies after a young person's self-harm: a qualitative study,2016,10,,20,Kapur A German e-learning-training in the context of early preventive intervention and child protection: preliminary findings of a pre-post evaluation,2016,10,,25,Ziegenhain Effects of problem-solving interventions on aggressive behaviours among primary school pupils in Ibadan Nigeria,2016,10,1,e31,Ajuwon Emotional dysregulation and trauma predicting psychopathy dimensions in female and male juvenile offenders,2016,10,,43,Krischer Do seriously offending girls differ from their age- and offence type-matched male counterparts on psychopathic traits or psychopathy-related background variables?,2016,10,,e38,Kaltiala-Heino Treating nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents: consensus based German guidelines,2016,10,,46,Kapusta Distinct profiles of reactive and proactive aggression in adolescents: associations with cognitive and affective empathy,2017,11,,1,Stadler Temperament and character traits in female adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury disorder with and without comorbid borderline personality disorder,2017,11,,e4,In-Albon Prevalence of depressive symptoms among schoolchildren in Cyprus: a cross-sectional descriptive correlational study,2017,11,,7,Sokratis Self-reported frequency of sex as self-injury (SASI) in a national study of Swedish adolescents and association to sociodemographic factors sexual behaviors abuse and mental health,2017,11,,9,Wadsby The link between infant regulatory problems temperament traits maternal depressive symptoms and children's psychopathological symptoms at age three: a longitudinal study in a German at-risk sample,2017,11,,e10,Cierpka Specific coping strategies moderate the link between emotion expression deficits and nonsuicidal self-injury in an inpatient sample of adolescents,2017,11,,e21,Shaffer Adolescent health and subsequent risk of self-harm hospitalisation: a 15-year follow-up of the Young-HUNT cohort,2017,11,,e25,Bjerkeset Infants and the decision to provide ongoing child welfare services,2017,11,,e24,Trocme Cognitive and behavioral risk factors for child physical abuse among Chinese children: a multiple-informant study,2016,10,1,e36,Liu Dysfunctional maltreatment-related cognitions in children and adolescents,2017,11,,e31,Goldbeck The association of monthly diurnal and circadian variations with suicide attempts by young people,2017,11,,e35,Kapusta Mortality of young offenders: a national register-based follow-up study of 15- to 19-year-old Finnish delinquents referred for forensic psychiatric examination between 1980 and 2010,2017,11,,e37,Kaltiala-Heino Quality of life in anxious adolescents,2017,11,,33,Dyregrov Youth in the midst of escalated political violence: sense of coherence and hope among Jewish and Bedouin Arab adolescents,2017,11,,e42,Braun-Lewensohn Socioeconomic position and self-harm among adolescents: a population-based cohort study in Stockholm Sweden,2017,11,,e46,Engström Children's mental health problems and their relation to parental stress in foster mothers and fathers,2017,11,,43,Konrad Autism in adult and juvenile delinquents: a literature review,2017,11,,e45,Rutten Predictors of adolescents' mental health problems in Saudi Arabia: findings from the Jeeluna(®) national study,2017,11,,52,Albuhairan Child maltreatment in Germany: prevalence rates in the general population,2017,11,,e47,Brahler Suicidal deaths in elementary school students in Korea,2017,11,,e53,Kweon The relationships between gender psychopathic traits and self-reported delinquency: a comparison between a general population sample and a high-risk sample for juvenile delinquency,2017,11,,e64,Schmid Many more most: four risk profiles of adolescents in residential care with major psychiatric problems,2017,11,,e63,Vermunt Child Protection Service interference in childhood and the relation with mental health problems and delinquency in young adulthood: a latent class analysis study,2017,11,,e66,Doreleijers Mobilizing agencies for incidence surveys on child maltreatment: successful participation in Switzerland and lessons learned,2018,12,,e3,Jud Lifetime and past-year prevalence of children's exposure to violence in 9 Balkan countries: the BECAN study,2018,12,,e1,Ajduković Quality of life delinquency and psychosocial functioning of adolescents in secure residential care: testing two assumptions of the Good Lives Model,2018,12,,e4,Bongers Association between attempted suicide and academic performance indicators among middle and high school students in Mexico: results from a national survey,2018,12,,e9,Borges Mental health status and suicidal thoughts and behaviors of migrant children in eastern coastal China in comparison to urban children: a cross-sectional survey,2018,12,,13,Wang How has the presidential election affected young Americans?,2018,12,,e8,DeJonckheere Disruptive behavior scale for adolescents (DISBA): development and psychometric properties,2018,12,,e17,Stein Determinants of early child development in rural Tanzania,2018,12,,e18,Svensen Current research on child maltreatment epidemiology,2018,12,,e21,Jud What do young adolescents think about taking part in longitudinal self-harm research? Findings from a school-based study,2018,12,,e23,Sayal Cost-effectiveness of dialectical behaviour therapy vs. enhanced usual care in the treatment of adolescents with self-harm,2018,12,,e22,Mehlum Trends in child maltreatment in Germany: comparison of two representative population-based studies,2018,12,,e24,Brahler School-based gatekeeper training programmes in enhancing gatekeepers' cognitions and behaviours for adolescent suicide prevention: a systematic review,2018,12,,e29,Mo Validation of the Child Post-Traumatic Cognitions Inventory in Korean survivors of sexual violence,2018,12,,e32,Chung Deliberate self-harm among adolescent psychiatric outpatients in Singapore: prevalence nature and risk factors,2018,12,,e35,Lauw Incidence of depressive symptoms among sexually abused children in Kenya,2018,12,,e40,Khasakhala Multidimensional family therapy in adolescents with a cannabis use disorder: long-term effects on delinquency in a randomized controlled trial,2018,12,,e44,Doreleijers The NSSI family distress cascade theory,2018,12,,e52,Whitlock Starting from scratch: prevalence methods and functions of non-suicidal self-injury among refugee minors in Belgium,2018,12,,e51,Derluyn Earthquake exposures and mental health outcomes in children and adolescents from Phulpingdanda village Nepal: a cross-sectional study,2018,12,,e54,Brown Parent and peer relationships as longitudinal predictors of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury onset,2019,13,,e1,Stepp Overview of European forensic youth care: towards an integrative mission for prevention and intervention strategies for juvenile offenders,2019,13,,6,Kaltiala-Heino The relation between mental health problems and future violence among detained male juveniles,2019,13,,e4,Grisso Maternal and peer attachment identity formation and non-suicidal self-injury: a longitudinal mediation study,2019,13,,e7,Claes The bumpy road to change: a retrospective qualitative study on formerly detained adolescents' trajectories towards better lives,2019,13,,e10,Vandevelde Maltreatment history trauma symptoms and research reactivity among adolescents in child protection services,2019,13,,e13,Wekerle Gender differences in Korean adolescents who died by suicide based on teacher reports,2019,13,,e12,Kweon Sibling relationships of female adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury disorder in comparison to a clinical and a nonclinical control group,2019,13,,e15,In-Albon Social factors associated with non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI),2019,13,,e23,Brown Parental military deployment as risk factor for children's mental health: a meta-analytical review,2019,13,,e26,Kölch Online sexual abuse of adolescents by a perpetrator met online: a cross-sectional study,2019,13,,e32,Wadsby Cannabis and amphetamine use and its psychosocial correlates among school-going adolescents in Ghana,2019,13,,e33,Oppong Asante Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among targets of school bullying,2019,13,,e43,Kaess Looking into the crystal ball: quality of life delinquency and problems experienced by young male adults after discharge from a secure residential care setting in the Netherlands,2019,13,,e45,Bongers Are school difficulties an early sign for mental disorder diagnosis and suicide prevention? A comparative study of individuals who died by suicide and control group,2020,14,,e1,Renaud Psychosocial stressors and protective factors for major depression in youth: evidence from a case-control study,2020,14,,e6,Allgaier Attributional and attentional bias in children with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits: a case-control study,2020,14,,e9,Hartmann Outcomes of reducing stigma towards alcohol misuse during adolescence: results of a randomized controlled trial of the MAKINGtheLINK intervention,2020,14,,e11,Lubman Challenges and burden of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic for child and adolescent mental health: a narrative review to highlight clinical and research needs in the acute phase and the long return to normality,2020,14,,e20,Vitiello School refusal and bullying in children with autism spectrum disorder,2020,14,,e17,Kawabe Mental health in adolescents displaced by the armed conflict: findings from the Colombian national mental health survey,2020,14,,e23,Gómez-Restrepo Comorbidity of disruptive behavior disorders and intermittent explosive disorder,2020,14,,e24,Coccaro Hidden scars: the impact of violence and the COVID-19 pandemic on children's mental health,2020,14,,e33,Maalla M'jid Alexithymia aggressive behavior and depression among Lebanese adolescents: a cross-sectional study,2020,14,,e32,Hallit Bottom-up and top-down approaches to understanding oppositional defiant disorder symptoms during early childhood: a mixed method study,2020,14,,e34,Axberg The attitudes and feelings of mental health nurses towards adolescents and young adults with nonsuicidal self-injuring behaviors,2020,14,,e37,Pintar Babič Family violence against children in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic: a review of current perspectives and risk factors,2020,14,,e40,Pereda "I feel good when I drink"-detecting childhood-onset alcohol abuse and dependence in a Ugandan community trial cohort,2020,14,,e42,Tumwine Prevalence and risk factors for youth suicidality among perinatally infected youths living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda: the CHAKA study,2020,14,,e41,Kinyanda Violence against children and adolescents by nursing staff: prevalence rates and implications for practice,2020,14,1,e43,Brahler Shared residential placement for child welfare and juvenile justice youth: current treatment needs and risk of adult criminal conviction,2021,15,1,e2,Grob Gender differences in externalizing and internalizing problems in Singaporean children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2021,15,1,e3,Lim Assessing adverse childhood experiences social emotional and behavioral symptoms and subjective health complaints among Hungarian adolescents,2021,15,1,e12,Kovács-Tóth Do risk profiles moderate the relation between age of onset of disruptive behaviour and two types of externalising problems among adolescents admitted to secure residential care?,2021,15,1,e13,Bongers Attentional variability and avoidance of hostile stimuli decrease aggression in Chinese male juvenile delinquents,2021,15,1,e19,Zhang Child maltreatment cognitive functions and the mediating role of mental health problems among maltreated children and adolescents in Uganda,2021,15,1,e22,Hecker Conceptualizing callous-unemotional traits in preschoolers: associations with social-emotional competencies and aggressive behavior,2021,15,1,24,Koglin Vil Du?! incorporation of a serious game in therapy for sexually abused children and adolescents,2021,15,1,25,Dekovic Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among trauma-exposed adolescents from low- and middle-income countries,2021,15,1,26,Franic Reasonable suspicion in reporting child maltreatment: a survey among German healthcare professionals,2021,15,1,28,Jud Using the biopsychosocial model for identifying subgroups of detained juveniles at different risk of re-offending in practice: a latent class regression analysis approach,2021,15,1,33,Popma Longitudinal association between parental-to-child-maltreatment and self-reported generalized anxiety disorder symptoms in Pakistani adolescents,2021,15,1,e36,Azam Adolescents amid the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective study of psychological functioning,2021,15,1,45,Thoresen Health-related risky behaviors in Chinese adolescents with autism: a cross-sectional study,2021,15,1,39,Liu Risky sexual behaviour among Russian adolescents: association with internalizing and externalizing symptoms,2021,15,1,e40,Ruchkin Association of the type of counselor with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts: a survey of South Korean adolescents,2021,15,1,62,Park Harsh parenting and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescence: the mediating effect of depressive symptoms and the moderating effect of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism,2021,15,1,e70,Wang Impact of parental divorce versus separation due to migration on mental health and self-injury of Chinese children: a cross sectional survey,2021,15,1,e71,Wang Bullying at school and mental health problems among adolescents: a repeated cross-sectional study,2021,15,1,e74,Källmén Elucidating adolescent aspirational models for the design of public mental health interventions: a mixed-method study in rural Nepal,2017,11,1,e65,Kohrt Responding to safety concerns and chronic needs: trends over time,2017,11,1,e60,Trocme Polytraumatization in young male refugees from the Middle East and its association with internalizing and externalizing symptoms,2021,15,1,e75,Petermann The mediating role of internalizing and externalizing symptoms in the relationship between childhood trauma and suicidality among adolescents: a structural equation model,2021,15,1,e79,Kim The effect of special educational assistance in early childhood education and care on psycho-social difficulties in elementary school children,2022,16,1,e14,Friis Registered psychiatric service use self-harm and suicides of children and young people aged 0-24 before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review,2022,16,1,e15,Sourander Lifetime prevalence and clinical correlates of nonsuicidal self-injury in youth inpatients with eating disorders: a retrospective chart review,2022,16,1,e17,Correll What stops Korean immigrants from accessing child and adolescent mental health services?,2022,16,1,19,Park Suicidal ideation and self-injury in LGB youth: a longitudinal study from urban Switzerland,2022,16,1,e21,Hepp The school environment and bullying victimization among seventh graders with autism spectrum disorder: a cohort study,2022,16,1,22,Chen Developing a post-discharge suicide prevention intervention for children and young people: a qualitative study of integrating the lived-experience of young people their carers and mental health clinicians,2022,16,1,e24,Kolves Differential associations of conduct disorder callous-unemotional traits and irritability with outcome expectations and values regarding the consequences of aggression,2022,16,1,e38,Schwartz Mediating role of depression in the association between alexithymia and nonsuicidal self-injury in a representative sample of adolescents in Taiwan,2022,16,1,e43,You Adolescent perspectives on depression as a disease of loneliness: a qualitative study with youth and other stakeholders in urban Nepal,2022,16,1,e51,Kohrt School bullying victimization-associated anxiety in Chinese children and adolescents: the mediation of resilience,2022,16,1,e52,Sun Callous-unemotional traits and anxiety in adolescents: a latent profile analysis to identify different types of antisocial behavior in a high-risk community sample,2022,16,1,e58,Roza A comparison of expressed emotion between mothers and their adolescent daughters with and without a history of nonsuicidal self-injury,2022,16,1,64,In-Albon The experience of bullying among adolescents receiving mental health care: an interpretative phenomenological analysis,2022,16,1,e69,de Kernier The protective role of mindful parenting against child maltreatment and aggressive behavior: an exploratory study among Chinese parent-adolescent dyads,2022,16,1,e72,Cui Long-term methylphenidate use for children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and risk for depression conduct disorder and psychotic disorder: a nationwide longitudinal cohort study in South Korea,2022,16,1,e80,Yang Evidence of individual differences in the long-term social psychological and cognitive consequences of child maltreatment,2022,16,1,e88,Chan Personality functioning and the pathogenic effect of childhood maltreatment in a high-risk sample,2022,16,1,e95,Schmeck Adverse childhood experiences recent negative life events and non-suicidal self-injury among Chinese college students: the protective role of self-efficacy,2022,16,1,e97,Liu Development and validation of a shortened version of the Child Abuse Self Report Scale (CASRS-12) in the Arabic language,2022,16,1,e100,Fekih-Romdhane Trajectories of stressful life events and long-term changes in mental health outcomes moderated by family functioning? The TRAILS study,2022,16,1,e106,de Winter Predictors of chronic loneliness during adolescence: a population-based cohort study,2022,16,1,e107,Iso Peer victimization depression and non-suicidal self-injury among Chinese adolescents: the moderating role of the 5-HTR2A gene rs6313 polymorphism,2022,16,1,e108,Li Longitudinal association between interparental conflict and risk-taking behavior among Chinese adolescents: testing a moderated mediation model,2023,17,1,e5,Dou Resilience trajectories and links with childhood maltreatment in adolescence: a latent growth modeling approach,2023,17,1,e10,Zelviene Child maltreatment exposure and adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury: the mediating roles of difficulty in emotion regulation and depressive symptoms,2023,17,1,e16,Yuan Maternal adverse childhood experiences and health-related quality of life in preschool children: a cross-sectional study,2023,17,1,e19,Lin Exploring associations of adverse childhood experiences with patterns of 11 health risk behaviors in Chinese adolescents: focus on gender differences,2023,17,1,e26,Zhang Parental stress and physical violence against children during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic: results of a population-based survey in Germany,2023,17,1,e25,Brahler Latent profiles of childhood psychological maltreatment and their links to adult mental health in China and the UK,2023,17,1,e30,Obsuth Deficits in psychological resilience and problem-solving ability in adolescents with suicidal ideation,2023,17,1,e31,Xu The psychosocial consequences of Covid-19 in adolescents with nonsuicidal self-injury,2023,17,1,e33,Svedin The impact of COVID-19 and bushfires on the mental health of Australian adolescents: a cross-sectional study,2023,17,1,e34,Batterham Specific interpretation biases as a function of social anxiety and callous-unemotional traits in a community and a clinical adolescent sample,2023,17,1,e46,Becker Social media use of adolescents who died by suicide: lessons from a psychological autopsy study,2023,17,1,e48,Gilissen Evaluation of an information booklet for adolescents on depression: evidence from a randomized controlled study,2023,17,1,e65,Allgaier Differences between problematic internet and smartphone use and their psychological risk factors in boys and girls: a network analysis,2023,17,1,e69,Montag Callous-unemotional traits and externalizing problem behaviors in left-behind preschool children: the role of emotional lability/negativity and positive teacher-child relationship,2023,17,1,e82,Guo Suicidal behaviours and their correlates in school-going Lebanese adolescents: findings from a national survey,2023,17,1,e89,Wang Mother-child interactions in adolescents with borderline personality disorder traits and the impact of early life maltreatment,2023,17,1,e96,Kaess The aftermath of war; mental health substance use and their correlates with social support and resilience among adolescents in a post-conflict region of Sri Lanka,2023,17,1,e101,Sumathipala Psychometric properties of the Trauma Checklist 2.0 and its predictive utility of felony re-offending among high-risk juvenile offenders,2023,17,1,e111,Neumann A systematic review on gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: focus on suicidal and self-harming ideation and behaviours,2023,17,1,e110,Sani Developmental pathways of repetitive non-suicidal self-injury: predictors in adolescence and psychological outcomes in young adulthood,2023,17,1,e116,Lundh Mental health of South Korean adolescents in the COVID-19 Era: web-based survey focused on suicide-related factors,2023,17,1,e117,Kim Clinical characteristics of child and adolescent psychiatric outpatients engaging in fireplay or arson: a case-control study,2023,17,1,e119,Mikami Receiving a gift and feeling robbed: a phenomenological study on parents' experiences of brief admissions for teenagers who self-harm at risk for suicide,2023,17,1,e127,Westling Cognitive and affective control for adolescents in care versus their peers: implications for mental health,2023,17,1,e128,Halligan Bridge symptoms between parenting styles and proximal psychological risk factors associated with adolescent suicidal thoughts: a network analysis,2023,17,1,e129,Li Depressive symptoms and anger and aggression in Russian adolescents,2023,17,1,e130,Ruchkin Reciprocal associations between early maladaptive schemas and depression in adolescence: long-term effects of childhood abuse and neglect,2023,17,1,e134,Liu Outpatient screening for anxiety and depression symptoms in adolescents with type 1 diabetes - a cross-sectional survey,2023,17,1,e142,Gohlke Association between patterns of biological rhythm and self-harm: evidence from the baoxing youth mental health (BYMH) cohort,2024,18,1,e3,Wang Young adults looking back at their experiences of treatment and care for nonsuicidal self-injury during adolescence: a qualitative study,2024,18,1,e16,Andersson Electroconvulsive therapy for adolescents with severe depressive episode and suicidality: retrospective comparison between responders and non-responders,2024,18,1,e13,Zhang Emotional dysregulation and its pathways to suicidality in a community-based sample of adolescents,2024,18,1,e15,Romanos The hidden curves of risk: a nonlinear model of cumulative risk and school bullying victimization among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder,2024,18,1,e17,Yan Adolescents' mental health and maladaptive behaviors before the Covid-19 pandemic and 1-year after: analysis of trajectories over time and associated factors,2022,16,1,42,Lanfredi Childhood adversity and psychopathology: the dimensions of timing type and chronicity in a population-based sample of high-risk adolescents,2024,18,1,e37,Kamperman Network analysis of maternal parenting practices and adolescent mental health problems: a longitudinal study,2024,18,1,e38,Li Suicide warning signs that are challenging to recognize: a psychological autopsy study of Korean adolescents,2024,18,1,e41,Bhang Childhood maltreatment and alcohol and tobacco use trajectories in rural Chinese adolescents,2024,18,1,e51,French An exploratory study on spatiotemporal clustering of suicide in Korean adolescents,2024,18,1,e54,Ryu Perceived school bullying and psychotic-like experiences in sexual minority adolescents: the mediating and moderating roles of resilience,2024,18,1,e55,Fan Novel CHATogether family-centered mental health care in the post-pandemic era: a pilot case and evaluation,2024,18,1,e57,Yuen Youth suicide crisis: identifying at-risk individuals and prevention strategies,2024,18,1,e58,Ajluni Vulnerable conditions syndemic depression and suicidal ideation among school children in China: cross-sectional census findings,2024,18,1,e59,Li Off-label psychopharmacologic prescribing for children: History supports close clinical monitoring,2008,2,,,Fegert The ethics of psychopharmacological research in legal minors,2008,2,,,Tan Does switching from oral extended-release methylphenidate to the methylphenidate transdermal system affect health-related quality-of-life and medication satisfaction for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?,2009,3,,,Bukstein Use of electroconvulsive therapy in adolescents with schizophrenia in China,2018,12,1,,Zhou Prevalence of unhealthy behaviors and their associations with non-suicidal self-injury suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among Chinese adolescents,2024,18,1,e61,Lu Adolescent suicidal ideation: dissecting the role of sex in depression and NSSI predictors,2024,18,1,e68,Yan Emotional well-being in children and adolescents treated with atomoxetine for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: findings from a patient parent and physician perspective using items from the pediatric adverse event rating scale (PAERS),2008,2,1,e11,Schacht Victimization polyvictimization and depression symptoms among immigrants and native children and youth in Chile,2024,18,1,e72,Pinto-Cortez Risk factors for subsequent suicidal acts among 12-25-year-old high-risk callers to a suicide prevention hotline in China: a longitudinal study,2024,18,1,e73,Tong Acute response to the October 7th hostage release: rapid development and evaluation of the novel ReSPOND protocol implementation within a children's hospital,2024,18,1,e76,Ziv Frequency of antidepressant use and clinical characteristics of children and adolescents undergoing polysomnography: an observational study,2023,17,1,,Ferri Trajectories of children and adolescents attending a psychiatric emergency unit during the COVID-19 confinements: 2020-2022 longitudinal study,2023,17,1,,Lopez-Castroman The importance of mother-child interaction on smart device usage and behavior outcomes among toddlers: a longitudinal study,2024,18,1,e79,Lin Risk and protective factors associated with mental health status in an Italian sample of students during the fourth wave of COVID-19 pandemic,2023,17,1,e78,Lanfredi Association between number of confidants and adolescent anxiety/depression: a school-based study,2024,18,1,e87,Okazaki The burden and its determinants of mental health distress among adolescents dwelling in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,18,1,e90,Shumet Latent heterogeneity of deviant behaviors and associated factors among ethnic minority adolescents: a latent class analysis,2024,18,1,e93,Yip Pediatric suicide attempts lagged during the COVID-19 pandemic: a European multicenter study,2024,18,1,e98,Erlangsen Youth mental health care use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta Canada: an interrupted time series population-based study,2024,18,1,e101,Rittenbach Training approaches for the dissemination of clinical guidelines for NSSI: a quasi-experimental trial,2024,18,1,e99,Keller