Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Traumatic carotid artery dissection caused by bungee jumping,2007,46,5,1044-1046,Zhou A multivariate logistic regression analysis of risk factors for blunt cerebrovascular injury,2010,51,1,57-64,Rowe Penetrating thermal vascular injury in a child: a case report,1993,18,6,1060-1063,Luterman Bilateral internal carotid and vertebral artery dissection after a horse-riding injury,2010,52,4,1052-1057,Berne Traumatic thoracic aortic injury and ruptures,2010,52,4 Suppl,41S-4S,Tefera Celiac dissection after blunt abdominal trauma complicated by acute hepatic failure: case report and review of literature,2007,46,3,576-580,Mutschler Acute aortic occlusion in a child secondary to lap-belt injury treated with thromboendarterectomy and primary repair,2011,54,2,515-518,West Ethics of unprofessional behavior that disrupts: crossing the line,2007,45,2,433-435,Jones Aneurysms of the mid axillary artery in major league baseball pitchers--a report of two cases,1998,28,4,702-707,Todd Venous thromboembolism in trauma patients: standardized risk factors,1998,28,2,250-259,Morrison Functional morphologic and molecular characterization of cold storage injury,2012,56,1,189-98.e3,Ebner Common femoral artery injury secondary to bicycle handlebar trauma,2002,35,3,589-591,Sarfati Anatomic distribution and mortality of arterial injury in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq with comparison to a civilian benchmark,2012,56,3,728-736,Rasmussen Common femoral artery injury secondary to tennis ball strike,2006,44,6,1350-1352,Vasdekis Changing presentation of knee dislocation and vascular injury from high-energy trauma to low-energy falls in the morbidly obese,2013,57,5,1196-1203,Georgiadis Comparison of military and civilian popliteal artery trauma outcomes,2014,59,6,1628-1632,Holcomb Acute traumatic aortic aneurysm: the Duke experience from 1970 to 1990,1992,15,2,331-42; discussion 342-3,Duhaylongsod Associated injuries management and outcomes of blunt abdominal aortic injury,2012,56,3,656-660,Nathens National trauma databank analysis of mortality and limb loss in isolated lower extremity vascular trauma,2011,53,6,1598-1603,Kauvar Comparison of conservative and operative treatment for blunt carotid injuries: analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank,2010,51,3,593-9 599.e1-2,Li Functional and survival outcomes in traumatic blunt thoracic aortic injuries: An analysis of the National Trauma Databank,2009,49,4,988-994,Starnes Limb salvage and outcomes among patients with traumatic popliteal vascular injury: an analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank,2006,44,1,94-100,Salim Early management of pediatric vascular injuries through humanitarian surgical care during US military operations,2013,58,3,695-700,Mahoney A decade of pelvic vascular injuries during the Global War on Terror,2016,63,6,1588-1594,McDonald Contemporary outcomes of civilian lower extremity arterial trauma,2016,64,3,731-736,Alarcon Regarding "A decade of pelvic vascular injuries during the Global War on Terror",2016,64,3,881,Pasquier Determinants and outcomes of nonoperative management for blunt traumatic aortic injuries,2018,67,2,389-398,Azizzadeh A contemporary 7-year analysis of vascular injury from the war in Afghanistan,2018,68,6,1872-1879,Rasmussen Survival trends after inferior vena cava and aortic injuries in the United States,2018,68,6,1880-1888,Long Vascular repair after firearm injury is associated with increased morbidity and mortality,2019,69,5,1524-1531.e1,James An analysis of the vascular injuries and attempted resuscitation surrounding the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr,2019,70,5,1652-1657,Pappas Predictors of blunt abdominal aortic injury in trauma patients and mortality analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,de Virgilio Asymptomatic carotid stenosis is associated with mobility and cognitive dysfunction and heightens falls in older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Guralnik Clinical aspects and present challenges of the seat belt aorta,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gouveia E Melo Lower extremity vascular injuries caused by firearms have a higher risk of amputation and death compared with non-firearm penetrating trauma,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kalesan Outcomes of TEVAR in patients with concomitant blunt thoracic aortic injury and traumatic brain injury from The Aortic Trauma Foundation Global Registry,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Starnes Bullying in vascular surgery trainees,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smeds Incidence and characteristics of vascular trauma at a level 2 trauma center,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Whitaker Current outcomes following upper and lower extremity arterial trauma from the National Trauma Data Bank,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Prevalence and risk factors for burnout in U.S. vascular surgery trainees,2022,75,1,308-315.e4,Bilimoria Vascular surgeon wellness and burnout: A report from the Society for Vascular Surgery Wellness Task Force,2021,73,6,1841-1850.e3,Hallbeck Symptomatic collapse of a thoracic aorta endoprosthesis,2006,43,6,1270-1273,Mestres