Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Confidentiality: ethical and legal aspects for Canadian psychologists,1993,34,3,342-363,Dobson Ethical issues in field research: balancing competing values,1990,31,2,147-154,O'Neill Media Violence and its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the Scientific Evidence,2003,44,2,179-180,Crooks Aggression in Adolescent Girls: Implications for Policy Prevention and Treatment,2001,42,3,200-215,Leschied Sexual Abuse Victimization and the Child Witness in Canada: Legal Ethical and Professional Issues for Psychologists,2000,41,3,160-173,Welder Understanding Bullying: From Research to Practice,2007,48,2,86-93,Craig Preventing violence in relationships: Psychological science addressing complex social issues,2006,47,1,44-50,Wolfe Integrating selective attention into developmental pedestrian safety research,2006,47,3,203-210,Barton Mandatory reporting of child abuse: Legal ethical and clinical implications within a Canadian context,1995,36,3,163-182,Walters Review of protecting children from domestic violence: strategies for community intervention,2005,46,3,170-171,Trocme Aggression in Adolescent Girls: Implications for Policy Prevention and Treatment,2001,42,3,200-215,Leschied Challenges facing East Asian immigrant children in sexual abuse cases,2016,57,4,300-307,Roberts Psychology in and out of the shadows,2016,57,3,226-231,O'neill Four decades of outcome research on psychotherapies for adult depression: an overview of a series of meta-analyses,2017,58,1,7-19,Cuijpers Violence risk assessment: a brief review current issues and future directions,2017,58,1,40-49,Mills Remembering the hurt of childhood: a psychological review and call for future research,2017,58,1,58-68,Noel Prevalence and correlates of depression in Canada: findings from the Canadian Community Health Survey,2017,58,2,116-123,Knoll Violence de-mystified: findings on violence by young males in the Pittsburgh Youth Study,2017,58,4,305-315,Farrington From research to practice: bridging the gaps for psychologists working in indigenous communities affected by gangs,2017,58,4,345-353,Goodwill Criminal responsibility in autism spectrum disorder: a critical review examining empathy and moral reasoning,2018,59,1,65-75,Kelley Teacher mental health school climate inclusive education and student learning: a review,2017,58,3,203-210,Nordstokke Systematic review of comorbidity between DSM disorders and depression according to age and sex in youth,2017,58,2,124-139,Bergeron Concurrent substance use disorders and mental illness: bridging the gap between research and treatment,2017,58,1,50-57,McKee Women's experiences of immigration to Canada: a review of the literature,2018,59,1,76-88,Rezazadeh University and community acting together to address youth violence and gang involvement,2018,59,2,151-162,Bhatt Campus mental health policies across Canadian regions: need for a national comprehensive strategy,2017,58,2,161-167,De Somma The new research agenda for a cultural psychology,2002,43,3,154-162,Kidd 35 Years of working with suicidal patients: Lessons learned,2005,46,2,64-72,Meichenbaum Recension des études utilisant un échantillon probabiliste sur la santé des personnes gaies lesbiennes et bisexuelles,2005,46,4,235-250,Julien Les grappes de suicides: Un phénomène psychosocial réel ou une aberration statistique?,2010,51,2,120-132,Pouliot A systematic review and meta-analysis of cognitive behavioural treatments for suicidal and self-harm behaviours in adolescents,2015,56,4,368-378,Pouliot Counselling transgender individuals: Issues and considerations,2018,59,3,252-261,Weir Psychological aspects of medical assistance in dying: A personal reflection,2018,59,2,132-143,Wilson Treating Insomnia in patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders: A focused review,2018,59,2,176-186,Perlis Proposal for the Extension of Rights to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) to Mature Minors in Canada,2021,62,3,318-325,Patton Multidimensional Perfectionism Turns 30: A Review of Known Knowns and Known Unknowns,2022,63,1,16-31,Hewitt Teaching Dialectical Thinking to Enhance Graduate Trainees' Competence in Outpatient Psychotherapy for Adolescents Experiencing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors,2022,63,3,392-404,Turner Provincial correctional workers: examining the relationships between alcohol use mental health disorders and suicide behaviour,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carleton