Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The Medea Complex - the Mothers Homicidal Wishes to Her Child,1948,94,395,321-331,Stern Broken Homes Among Attempted Suicides and Psychiatric Out-Patients: A Comparative-Study,1962,108,457,772,Bruhn Contrasting Suicide Rates in Industrial Communities,1961,107,451,1011,Stengel Suicidal-Behavior in Depressive-Illness - A Study of Etiological Factors in Suicide,1958,104,436,884-891,Walton Suicide in Hong-Kong,1958,104,435,266-301,Yap The Complexity of Motivations to Suicidal Attempts,1960,106,445,1388-1393,Stengel Urban and Rural Suicide,1960,106,445,1327-1336,Capstick The community and the aggressive child,1948,94,396,623-628,Pearce Delinquency and epilepsy; a clinical and electrophysiological note,1948,94,395,439-443,Hodge The modern approach to juvenile delinquency; observation centres,1948,94,395,283-304,Kennedy Morale and flying experience; results of a wartime study,1949,95,398,10-50,Stafford-clark A case of aspirin poisoning,1951,97,406,214-216,Robin The effects of ethyl alcohol on maze behaviour and motor coordination of rats. II. The assessment of degrees of intoxication,1953,99,415,295-300,Macleod Measurable effects of group psychotherapy with defective delinquents,1954,100,421,944-952,O'connor Controlled projection responses of delinquent boys,1954,100,420,643-656,Anderson Alcoholism and attempted suicide,1954,100,419,451-461,Batchelor A characteristic form of overactive behaviour in brain damaged children,1956,102,428,550-558,Ingram Patterns of cognitive test performance as functions of the lateral localization of cerebral abnormalities in the temporal lobe,1957,103,433,758-772,Meyer The stabilizing effect of occupational therapy on chronic psychotics with a tendency to aggressive forms of behaviour,1957,103,432,597-600,Robin The sexual behaviour of young criminals,1957,103,432,527-540,Gibbens An investigation by means of the object relations test into some of the effects of early separation from the mother on the personal relationships of adolescent delinquent girls,1957,103,431,381-391,O'kelly Observations on the pathology of insidious dementia following head injury,1959,105,,714-720,Brierley Persistent psychiatric disorders after head injuries in children,1958,104,437,1205-1218,Harrington Psychological effects of centrally acting drugs in man; effects of chlorpromazine secobarbital on visual and motor behaviour,1958,104,437,1093-1099,Kornetsky Suicidal behaviour in depressive illness; a study of aetiological factors in suicide,1958,104,436,884-891,Walton Suicide in Hong Kong,1958,104,435,266-301,Yap Mental abnormality and military delinquency,1958,104,434,174-178,Gibbs Problem-solving deficits following wounds on the brain,1960,106,,1377-1382,Jarvie Urban and rural suicide,1960,106,,1327-1336,Capstick Contrasting suicide rates in industrial communities,1961,107,,1011-1019,Stengel The precipitation of juvenile delinquecy,1961,107,,1033-1034,Clarke A study of alcoholism as an occupational hazard of merchant seamen,1961,107,,18-30,Glatt Broken homes among attempted suicides and psychiatric out-patients: a comparative study,1962,108,,772-779,Bruhn Homicidal incidence in the depressive psychoses,1948,94,397,782-792,Batt The interpretation of some sexual offences,1925,71,294,410-424,East An unusual form of suicide,1927,73,302,428-430,Auden Loss of memory from penetration of the frontal lobes. (attempted suicide following homicide by revolver shot.) recurrence of similar impulses from alcoholism and amnesic condition,1927,73,302,466,Annandale Suicide due to Demential Reasoning and other Kinds of Suicide in Insane Persons [Le suicide par logique dementielle et les autres espèces du suicide des aliénés]. (Bull. Soc. Clin. de Méd. Ment. May-July 1927.) Courbon P. and Fail G,1928,74,304,144-145,Chambers Study tour and post-graduate educational information sub-committee: tour of Dutch mental hospitals and clinics,1929,75,308,192-206,Evans Certain personality problems in relation to mental illness with special reference to suicide and homicide. (Brit. Journ. of Med. Psych. May 1929.) Gordon R. G,1930,76,312,155,Fleming The possible liability of physicians in cases of attempted suicide. (Med.-Legal Journ. March-April 1930.) Herzog A. W,1931,77,316,244,Smith Medico-legal note,1933,79,326,514,Smith Suicide [Del suicidio],1934,80,331,740-741,Smith Epilepsy and Suicide [Epilepsia y suicidio]. (La Semana Méd. vol. xli p. 394 Aug. 9 1934.) Loudet O. and Dalke L. M,1935,81,332,216,Smith Suicide by Means of Four Revolver Shots. (Arch. di Antropol. Crim. Psychiat. e Med. vol. Iv p. 586 May-June 1935.) Guareschi G,1935,81,335,967,Eddison The body-length-leg ratio in the general population and in mental hospital patients and its possible significance in suicide,1936,82,336,38-42,Strecker A case of euthanasia and suicide,1936,82,336,70-71,Smith Attempted Suicide: An Investigation,1937,83,342,71-94,Hopkins On the Predictability of Suicide,1942,88,373,580-582,Reitman Psychopathic states,1942,88,373,485-490,Henderson Suicidal head injuries,1943,89,374,85-91,Guttmann Problems in the diagnosis and classification of mental disorder in old age; with a study of case material,1952,98,410,66-80,Roth