Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Trauma surgery and traffic policy in Germany in the 1930s: a case study in the coevolution of modern surgery and society,2006,80,1,73-94,Schlich Suicide among the sick in classical antiquity,1969,43,6,501-518,Gourevitch "Doctors' orders": the American medical profession and the origins of automobile design for crash protection 1930-1955,1981,55,3,407-424,Eastman American psychiatry and the cause of suicide 1844-1917,1986,60,1,36-57,Kushner "Helps for Suddain accidents": Stephen Bradwell and the origin of the first aid guide,1993,67,1,51-73,Gevitz Benjamin rush intemperate drinking and the common council of the city of new york,1963,37,,377-379,Schneck Gender age and diagnosis: the rise and fall of involutional melancholia in American psychiatry 1900-1980,2009,83,4,710-745,Hirshbein The correspondence of Morgagni and Lancisi on the death of Cleopatra,1969,43,4,299-325,Jarcho Trains brains and sprains: railway spine and the origins of psychoneuroses,1995,69,3,387-419,Caplan Galen on contaminated cereals as a cause of epidemics,1970,44,4,332-345,Lieber Matters of life and death: the hospital of San Pedro in Puebla 1790-1802,2002,76,4,669-697,Hernández-Sáenz Atonement: understanding the no-treatment policy of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission,1994,68,3,454-490,Lindee Anatomist of infamy: August Hirt,1977,51,4,594-602,Lachman The New Jersey radium dial painters: a classic in occupational carcinogenesis,1978,52,4,560-570,Sharpe Smothering and overlaying of Virginia slave children: a suggested explanation,1975,49,3,400-404,Savitt An early American hangover: the medical profession and intemperance 1800-1860,1976,50,3,405-413,Cassedy Botulism and the ripe olive scare of 1919-1920,1976,50,3,372-391,Young African american southerners and white physicians: medical care at the turn of the twentieth century,2012,86,2,178-205,Pohl "Too good to be true": the controversy over the use of permanganate of potash as an antidote to snake poison and the circulation of brazilian physiology in the nineteenth century,2012,86,2,153-177,Vimieiro Gomes When ice cream was poisonous: adulteration ptomaines and bacteriology in the United States 1850-1910,2012,86,3,333-360,Geist Earthsickness: circumnavigation and the terrestrial human body 1520-1800,2012,86,4,515-542,Chaplin Psychiatry authoritarianism and revolution: the politics of mental illness during military dictatorships in Argentina 1966-1983,2013,87,2,250-278,Ramos The hygiene of the wheel: an episode in Victorian sanitary science,1978,52,1,61-88,Whorton The primal parricide,1980,54,2,153-165,Wallace Acedia the sin and its relationship to sorrow and melancholia in medieval times,1981,55,2,172-181,Jackson The origin of freemartin,1946,20,3,461-466,Forbes Coroners' inquisitions from the county of Cheshire England 1817-39 and 1877-78,1985,59,4,481-494,Forbes Births and deaths in a London parish: the record from the registers 1654-1693 and 1729-1743,1981,55,3,371-391,Forbes Residential treatment and the invention of the emotionally disturbed child in twentieth-century America,2016,90,1,92-123,Doroshow On anecdote and antidotes: poison trials in sixteenth-century Europe,2017,91,2,274-302,Rankin Blowing smoke up your arse: drowning resuscitation and public health in eighteenth-century Venice,2020,94,1,29-63,Bamji The dramaturgy of epidemics,2020,94,4,578-589,Cohn "I'm at my rope's end": suicide in New Orleans 1920-1940,2021,95,1,53-82,Adler A conjure woman in court: African American conjurers as health practitioners and performative poisoners in the post-emancipation south,2022,96,4,639-660,Hicks "The weight of perhaps ten or a dozen human lives": Suicide accountability and the life-saving technologies of the asylum,2016,90,4,583-610,Brian Rest in Pieces: Body Donation in Mid-Twentieth Century America,2022,96,2,151-181,Lederer