Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Driving decrements in type I diabetes during moderate hypoglycemia,1993,42,2,239-243,Gonder-Frederick Diabetes and head injury; a case in court,1955,4,5,377-380,Reed Sickness and injury experience of employed diabetics,1960,9,,303-310,Pell Attempted suicide with phenformin,1965,14,12,811-812,Dobson Coma and hyperglycemia following drinking of acetone,1966,15,11,810-811,Gitelson The posthumous misfortune of Captain Bligh of the "Bounty". Hypoglycemia from Blighia,1974,23,11,919-920,Mitchell How does type 1 diabetes develop? The notion of homicide or β-cell suicide revisited (Diabetes (2011) 60 (1370-1379)),2012,61,6,e1648,Atkinson