Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The effect of violence in the media on children and adolescents from the viewpoint adolescent psychiatry,1995,91,1,3-6,Mal True and false accusations in cases of child sexual abuse,1996,92,1,25-31,Kocourková "Perpetrators" of sexual abuse,1996,92,1,18-24,Raboch Anatomic puppets. (An aid in examinations of sexually abused children),1996,92,2,86-89,Malá Information on evaluating applicants for purchase of weapons,1996,92,2,109-111,Lukes Aggression in children and adolescents,1996,92,Suppl 1,58-67,Malá Neuropsychology of traumatic brain damage in children,1995,91,1,43-49,Preiss Psychodynamics of aggression in neurotic structures,1995,91,4,208-215,Hasto Do antidepressants increase risk of suicide?,1998,94,5,272-281,Marsalek Masaryk on suicide,1998,94,1,45-52,Smitka Attempted suicide by medicaments - Analysis of a group of patients hospitalized at the metabolic unit. Faculty Hospital Motol,1999,95,8,529-534,Koutek Reaction of patients in the psychiatric out-patient department to floods in 1997,1999,95,7,478-482,Kucerova D-fenfluramine test in depression - Final results,2000,96,3,126-130,Hosak The quality of life of epileptic patients in relation to psychiatric variables,2000,96,3,136-141,Preiss Cholesterol and violent behaviour,2001,97,2,69-73,Papezová First literary document on suicide,2001,97,7,374-377,Smitka Lower cholesterol levels in delinquents with affective violent offences as compared with delinquents without violent offences and a control group,2001,97,8,414-417,Vevera Obsessive compulsive disorder in childhood and adolescence,2002,98,1,15-23,Ruzicka Common pathophysiological mechanisms of depression and cardiovascular diseases,2004,100,6,360-367,Kitzlerová Therapy of bipolar depression,2004,100,4,229-237,Češková Human Torches in 1969,2003,99,7,360-365,Cerny Clinical aspects of suicidality,2006,102,3,137-141,Novotny Family correlates of depression,2006,102,3,130-136,Csémy Current view on the suicide risk during treatment of antidepressants in children,2007,103,1,22-27,Drtílková Suicide in the light of historical attitudes of the society and some forensic aspects,2007,103,2,85-87,Pavlovský Risperdal Consta - Long-term acting injections in the treatment of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders: Preliminary 12-month results of the project e-STAR in the Czech and Slovak Republics,2008,104,2,59-67,Pecenák Self-harming behavior in eating disorders,2010,106,3,173-178,Papezová A case of "cybersuicide" attempt using chloroform,2012,108,6,e320,Veselý Drug overdose - Suicidal or self-harm behavior?,2013,109,2,81-83,Kocourková Schizophrenia and suicidality,2014,110,3,158-164,Kalisova Development of a adjustment disorder after a breakup of a close relationship,2015,111,1,23-32,Praško Suicidality and anxiety disorder,2015,111,3,155-160,Látalová Inpatient forensic treatment in the Czech Republic 2018-2020,2022,118,1,9-16,Toman Murder suicide accident? Psychological-psychiatric case study,2023,119,4,164-167,Heretik