Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Fitness for automobile driving of patients at an epilepsy outpatient care unit,1986,38,12,728-732,Wendt A form of pedophilia resulting from sexual impression formation,1970,22,7,249-253,Burian Sexual peculiarities in psychotics,1970,22,4,137-140,Muller-Hegemann Phylogenetic and psychiatric aspects of self mutilation,1970,22,7,247-249,Haack A special case of self mutilation of the genitals,1970,22,1,22-24,Wilkens The problem of suicide prevention,1969,21,12,472-474,Liebner Clinical and social welfare aspects in suicide attempts of juveniles,1967,19,5,183-186,Leder "Hara-kiri" suicide,1971,23,5,304-308,Schumann Catamnestic view of patients hospitalized after suicide attempts,1971,23,4,247-252,Bahr Head injuries with suicidal intent. Case reports and studies of the psychology of suicide,1972,24,12,750-760,Rossner Suicidal actions in childhood and adolescence,1972,24,9,528-538,Parnitzke Multidimensional clinical psychotherapy of a group of children and adolescents following suicide attempt,1972,24,2,104-110,Ott Communicative elements in suicidal action,1973,25,11,647-655,Späte Self-destruction of minors caused by social disintegration,1973,25,10,606-614,Parnitzke Physician's obligation to help in reference to attempted suicide,1973,25,9,529-534,Hinderer Self castration due to sadistic impulsive preversion simultaneously a contribution to anti-androgen therapy,1973,25,7,435-442,Schott Case records for suicide patients as a basis for care of suicide suspects,1973,25,7,414-428,Kulawik Suicide prevention in Brandenburg,1973,25,4,223-233,Späte Suicide in children and adolescents,1973,25,1,42-52,Siegel Changes in the topics of depressive psychoses. Study on the cases of 90 years (1880-1971) from the Psychiatric University Clinic Helsinki,1974,26,6,332-343,Niskanen New medical guidelines for evaluating the driving ability of persons afflicted with nervous diseases and mental disorders,1974,26,10,606-616,Koschlig Neuropsychiatric disorders in children of divorced marriages,1975,27,11,668-674,Gebert Dispensary care of suicidal cases in later life,1975,27,9,534-541,Decke Suicidal trends in urban and rural districts of Brandenburg,1975,27,4,239-246,Späte Electroencephalographic examinations following strangulation,1975,27,3,147-154,Klepel Psychotherapy for suicidal inclinations,1977,29,8,490-497,Ott The psychopathology of suicidal tendencies,1977,29,5,257-265,Kulawik Multiple sex drive abnormalities in a patient with Klinefelter's syndrome,1977,29,3,152-163,Lahl Young suicide patients and emotional climate in family,1977,29,1,39-45,Ficker Suicide with cesium-137,1978,30,2,116-119,Vassileva Suicide and its ethical and legal evaluation,1978,30,1,1-9,Hinderer Suicide attempts with drugs,1979,31,3,174-183,Otto The value of pentetrazol (Deumacard) provocation in EEG for the evaluation of driving ability,1981,33,12,726-733,Lietz So-called "interval forms" of poisonings of the nervous system,1982,34,7,409-413,Bojinov Severe abnormal development of the personality that can be regarded as pathological--initial results of a catamnestic study,1983,35,7,425-432,Friemert Morbidity rate in delirium tremens,1984,36,6,331-339,Gruner New medical guidelines for fitness specifications for automobile driving (Tauvo K)--neurology/psychiatry specialty,1984,36,2,75-83,Lietz Epilepsy and suicide,1986,38,11,625-633,Diehl Suicidal behavior in childhood and early puberty--syndromatic nosologic aspects,1986,38,5,241-245,Schier Epidemiologic studies of neuropsychiatric morbidity in the Reichenbach/V. district (analysis of 1980),1986,38,3,117-123,Albert Reflections on suicide in a psychiatric hospital,1985,37,10,573-581,Nitzsche Suicidal tendencies in schizophrenic patients hospitalized for the first time,1985,37,4,205-214,Marneros Psychodynamic aspects of depression and suicidal behavior in childhood and adolescence--with reference to the monograph by Hermann Emminghaus 1887,1987,39,11,686-692,Lobert Arson and (para-) suicide,1988,40,11,647-654,Lange Aggressive behavior in the psychiatric clinic,1988,40,9,542-550,Kruger The epidemiology of suicide and attempted suicide,1989,41,8,449-475,Hafner Firesetting as symbolic suicide,1989,41,5,304-305,Lange Parent mother or father loss in childhood and suicidal behavior in adulthood,1989,41,4,218-223,Lange Pedophilic-voyeuristic behavior,1989,41,2,109-111,Fehlow Autocastration by a schizophrenic patient,1990,42,11,704-705,Schmal Cause and result of mistreatment of children,1950,2,5,151-154,von KEYSERLINGK On the physiology and psychology of street traffic accidents,1967,19,5,189-190,Muller-Hegemann Seizure episodes and death by drowning,1988,40,1,33-38,Mundt Two cases of nervous disorder internal hydrocephalus and radiculitis due to carbon monoxide and discussion of carbon monoxide poisoning,1951,3,7,193-195,Schilf Evaluation of compensation in a case of suicide in morphine addiction after military service,1952,4,8,246-248,Rennert Psychiatric evaluation complicated by an unusual suicidal attempt,1952,4,7,206-211,Schwarz Epicrisis of 700 suicidal attempts,1952,4,5,147-152,Von feudell Three cases of carbondisulfide poisoning of the nervous system with considerations of the exogenous types of reaction of Bonhoeffer,1952,4,5,139-176,Kruger Suicide and longing for death in childhood,1953,5,5,210-216,Geisler Psychiatric observations on incest and its incidence,1954,6,3,80-87,Rennert The problem of studies on the motor function in psychotic and mental deficient children and adolescents,1955,7,10,283-286,Oserezki Child psychology. III. Suicide of children,1955,7,2,42-54,Schilf Electroencephalography of a gunshot injury of the brain,1956,8,12,363-365,Niebeling Studies on perception with personal test methods in cases of brain injury,1956,8,11,319-329,Walch Typological particuliarities of motor development in children (motor infantilism),1956,8,10,311-314,Muller Acute alcoholic hallucinosis and its repeated interruption in suicide attempts with illuminating gas,1959,11,5,148-150,Pogády Cerebral phenomena in persedon poisoning (suicide attempt),1958,10,5,151-153,Krober On the forensic-psychiatric evaluation of juveniles,1960,12,,433-439,Wieck Thoughts and suggestions for a reform of juvenile court law,1960,12,,392-398,Goellnitz On the psychopathology of individual forms of delinquency,1960,12,,266-273,Jarosch The danger of suicide in alcoholics,1960,12,,123-125,von KEYSERLINGK Remarks on the incidence of suicide in recent years,1961,13,,397-406,Parnitzke Contribution to the pathogenesis of encephalopathia pugilistica (encephalopathy due to boxing),1965,17,12,448-451,Sommer Training of the conditioned motor reactions in children at 4 years of age,1965,17,11,418-428,Plavius Negligent manslaughter in traffic--the limitations of mental capacity,1964,16,,378-385,Szewczyk Neuropsychiatric phenomena following lightning-stroke accidents,1964,16,,310-315,Somogyi Aggression following cephalic trauma,1964,16,,104-107,Student The effect of alcohol on attention from the forensic and accident-psychological viewpoint,1964,16,,34-38,Pap From behavioral psychology--case of a young murderer,1964,16,,24-27,Kothe Unusual course of carbon monoxide poisoning in a married couple,1967,19,4,147-152,Weigt Children of dipsomaniacal parents,1966,18,1,1-5,Parnitzke ["Firesetting caused by homesickness"],1988,40,9,572-574,Lange "Mental distress" as a motive in homicide,1969,21,7,262-266,Szewczyk Psychiatric problems in childhood and adolescence,1969,21,6,212-218,von KEYSERLINGK The significance of Bonhoeffer's exogenous type of reaction for modern psychiatry,1969,21,2,51-55,Hoff Children and juveniles as arsonists,1969,21,12,463-471,Knaape Self stimulation in photogenic epilepsy,1969,21,11,427-434,Klepel The spreading of alcoholism and its determination using a comprehensive questionnaire,1969,21,10,361-373,Schirmer Motivation for arson,1974,26,3,155-164,Wagner An arsonist with a sexual motivation,1989,41,6,361-366,Lange Endogenous psychoses in relation to absent phenylalanine hydroxylase activity in thrombocytes,1990,42,12,730-743,Franke Catamnestic surveys on somato-psychosocial development in childhood and adolescence of patients with unipolar depressive and bipolar manic-depressive psychoses,1984,36,8,480-488,Müller Developmental peculiarities social environment and family structure of 100 juvenile delinquent habitual-social drinkers,1969,21,8,311-317,Lange Exogenous causes in schizophrenic states,1970,22,9,345-349,Siegel Exogenous reaction types in barbiturate poisoning,1970,22,11,411-413,Zapotoczky Symptomatic psychoses after application of "Kolton-Gelee",1971,23,7,426-431,Cammann Chronic arsenic intoxication with atypical involvement of the nervous system,1972,24,10,604-610,Gitter Gradual lesions of the wake system as a pathophysiological mechanism of the mode of action of cerebral noxae,1971,23,8,449-466,Schulz Cynanthropic behavior during alcoholic intoxication. A brief case report,1972,24,4,229-231,Gaitzsch Carbon tetrachloride poisoning and the CNS: review of neurological and mental symptomatology in man,1973,25,1,1-12,Lahl Paranoid-hallucinatory psychosis following chronic abuse of Sedafamen,1973,25,4,245-249,Otto Evaluation and differentiation of the penal responsibility of the sex offender,1973,25,5,257-265,Hinderer Type specificity of alcoholism. 1. Introduction and review of the literature,1984,36,1,1-11,Bauer Victimologic studies--a comparative study of perpetrator-victim relations in homicide crimes,1984,36,2,84-90,Szewczyk Desensitization in special maldevelopment due to laminar and nuclear neuroses,1974,26,7,422-430,Dummer Manslaughter committed by juveniles with early childhood brain damage,1974,26,7,385-394,Szewczyk Interpersonal exposure to danger and risk-taking in the group therapy process,1975,27,9,524-528,Szönyi The female sexual delinquent,1975,27,10,612-618,Fehlow Significance of twin birth for the appearance of cyclic psychoses,1976,28,2,89-98,Leonhard The motormetric Rostock-Oseretzky scale,1976,28,3,130-139,Göllnitz Neurology and the locomotor system: aspects of manual therapy,1976,28,4,193-211,Sachse Experience with special classes for mildly brain-damaged children with behavior disorders,1976,28,7,403-413,Kleinpeter Aqueduct syndrome,1976,28,10,623-629,Haas Acoustically evoked brain stem potentials in acute alcoholic intoxication,1990,42,2,102-106,Klemm Emergency psychiatry and crisis intervention in a primary clinic,1990,42,4,206-210,Greger Neuropsychiatric and electroencephalographic studies of the course of patients accidentally struck by lightning,1978,30,9,567-576,Müller The forensic-psychiatric diagnosis of pathological intoxication,1966,18,7,267-270,Irányi The increase of alcoholic delirium in our area since 1972,1977,29,7,409-414,Schedifka Problem of abnormal alcoholic intoxication in forensic psychiatric judgment,1978,30,6,365-371,Szewczyk Differences in the drinking behavior between alcoholic men and women in the Schwerin district,1979,31,3,168-173,von KEYSERLINGK Studies of incest,1980,32,2,92-98,Männel Social behavior of mentally retarded young adults,1980,32,2,87-91,Dober The voyeur behavior and its modification under the influence of alcohol,1980,32,4,199-205,Somogyi Neuropathies following carbon monoxide poisoning,1980,32,5,298-308,Pankow The dominant inheritance of periodic catatonia,1981,33,3,158-166,von Trostorff Phenytoin intoxication and serum level,1978,30,7,414-423,Cammann The forensic-psychiatric expert opinion on offenders under the influence of alcohol. Structure and problems,1979,31,12,746-752,Schirmer Several epidemiologic aspects of delirium tremens,1980,32,10,618-622,Wenzel Development prognosis in serious skull and brain injuries in children,1980,32,11,641-648,Kleinpeter Remarks on a case of acute alcoholic hallucination with delusions of jealousy,1988,40,1,46-50,Postrach "Intentional physical injury" in grand mal seizure,1989,41,2,112-113,Lange Causes and incidence of self-mutilation in severely mentally handicapped patients,1989,41,5,293-296,Fehlow Legal aspects of traumatic cerebrovascular lesions,1989,41,5,288-292,Dachsel 'Commitment-adequate' personality diagnosis using the Seitz (revised) Personality Questionnaire for Prisoners within the scope of forensic-psychologic-psychiatric expert assessment,1989,41,5,280-287,Littmann Changes in the manifestation of guilt perception in endogenous depression in advanced age,1989,41,5,257-268,Bron The soiling and damaging of baby carriages--fetishistic regression into early childhood with neurotic aggression,1989,41,8,505-506,Lange ["Munchausen syndrome" with variable largely neurologic symptoms],1990,42,11,686-692,Klein Endogenous psychoses against a background of absence of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity in the thrombocytes ;;Endogene Psychosen vor dem Hintergrund fehlender Phenylalaninhydroxylaseaktivität in den Thrombozyten,1990,42,12,730-743,Franke A case of Munchhausen syndrome with variable predominantly neurological symptoms ;; Münchhausen-Syndrom mit wechselnder vorwiegend neurologischer Symptomatik,1990,42,11,686-692,Klein