Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Grey scales uncover similar attentional effects in homonymous hemianopia and visual hemi-neglect,2002,40,8,1474-1481,Brouwer No link between left-handedness and maternal age and no elevated accident rate in left-handers,1991,29,12,1257-1259,Peters Neurocognitive mechanisms underlying identification of environmental risks,2009,47,2,397-405,Han Visuospatial attention: effects of age gender and spatial reference,1990,28,3,291-301,Robinson Contributions of the pulvinar to visual spatial attention,1987,25,1A,97-105,Robinson Cognitive and emotional processing in high novelty seeking associated with the L-DRD4 genotype,2009,47,7,1654-1659,Roussos Executive Cognitive Functions and Impulsivity as Correlates of Risk Taking and Problem Behavior in Preadolescents,2009,47,13,2916-2926,Romer Body And Movement: Consciousness In The Parietal Lobes,2010,48,3,756-762,Daprati Just another face in the crowd: Evidence for decreased detection of angry faces in children with Williams syndrome,2010,48,4,1071-1078,Silva Brain-behavior relationships in young traumatic brain injury patients: Fractional anisotropy measures are highly correlated with dynamic visuomotor tracking performance,2010,48,5,1472-1482,Smits-Engelsman The Limits of Agency in [sleep] Walking Humans,2010,48,6,1628-1636,Kannape Dual-task interference during initial learning of a new motor task results from competition for the same brain areas,2010,48,9,2517-2527,Swinnen A simple measure of neglect severity,2010,48,9,2758-2763,Rorden Insights into the neural control of locomotion from walking through doorways in Parkinson's disease,2010,48,9,2750-2757,Peters Egocentric reference and asymmetric perception of space,1993,31,3,267-275,Imbert Time for reorienting of attention: a premotor hypothesis of the underlying mechanism,1993,31,3,241-249,Pillon Double dissociation of spatial and object visual memory: evidence from selective interference in intact human subjects,1993,31,3,211-219,Seamon Focal and global attention modulate the expression of visuo-spatial neglect: a case study,1994,32,1,13-21,Halligan When does "no" really mean "yes"? A case study in unilateral visual neglect,1994,32,2,151-158,Kosslyn How lateralised is visuospatial neglect?,1994,32,4,449-464,Ellis Framing Effects: Behavioral Dynamics and Neural Basis,2010,48,11,3198-3204,Wang Self-Alert Training: volitional modulation of autonomic arousal improves sustained attention,2008,46,5,1379-1390,Fitzgerald Ignoring left and far: an investigation of tactile neglect,1996,34,1,41-49,Cubelli Implicit redundant-targets effect in visual extinction,1996,34,1,9-22,Prior Effects of focal brain lesions on visual problem-solving,1996,34,5,387-398,Miller Visual illusion and action,1996,34,5,369-376,Toni Hemispheric specialization for discourse reports of emotional experiences: relationships to demographic neurological and perceptual variables,1996,34,5,351-359,Borod Visuomotor sensitivity for shape and orientation in a patient with visual form agnosia,1996,34,5,329-337,Milner Hand preference and the incidence of accidental unilateral hand injury,1993,31,4,355-362,Porac Changes in visuospatial attention over the adult lifespan,1993,31,5,471-485,Parasuraman Defensive engagement and perceptual enhancement,2010,48,12,3580-3584,Keil Why don't you feel how I feel? Insight into the absence of empathy after severe Traumatic Brain Injury,2010,48,12,3585-3595,Li Physiological and neuropsychological correlates of hostility,1997,35,10,1405-1411,Harrison A blindsight conundrum: how to respond when there is no correct response,2008,46,3,870-878,Cowey No fear no risk! 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Deficits in form-from-motion perception,1997,35,9,1299-1310,Schenk Visual motion perception after brain damage: I. 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players,1994,32,6,649-662,Cremona-Meteyard In the eye of the beholder: individual differences in reward-drive modulate early frontocentral ERPs to angry faces,2009,47,3,825-834,Calder Orienting of attention in deafferented patients,1994,32,9,1079-1088,Bard Left visuo-spatial neglect can be worse in far than in near space,1994,32,9,1059-1066,Ellis The Yin and the Yang of visuo-spatial neglect: a case study,1994,32,9,1037-1057,Halligan Visuoperceptual-spatial ability and visual memory in vascular dementia and dementia of the Alzheimer type,1994,32,10,1287-1296,Ricker Automatic and voluntary orienting of attention in patients with visual neglect: horizontal and vertical dimensions,1994,32,10,1195-1208,Ladavas Increased activation as a limiting factor of performance in sharp shooters,1995,33,3,385-390,Dittmar Effects of distraction upon reaction time performance in brain-damaged and alcoholic patients,1972,10,3,363-370,Holloway Parkinsonism: alterations in spatial orientation as determined 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