Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Aggression prevention training for student nurses: differential responses to training and the interaction between theory and practice,2008,8,2,94-102,Beech Commitment to partnership: interdisciplinary initiatives in developing expert practice in the care of survivors of violence,2002,2,2,92-98,Sully You have no credibility: nursing students' experiences of horizontal violence,2007,7,3,156-163,Curtis Exploring bullying: Implications for nurse educators,2007,7,1,26-35,Edwards Overcoming mixed messages on alcohol consumption: a teaching strategy,2010,10,5,279-284,Willsher Advancing affective attributes and empowering undergraduate students - Lessons learned from the Bali bombing,2011,11,6,411-415,Hanson Virtual reality disaster training: Translation to practice,2013,15,1,53-57,Farra For us or against us? Perceptions of faculty bullying of students during undergraduate nursing education clinical experiences,2014,14,3,271-274,Seibel Strengthening and preparing: Enhancing nursing research for disaster management,2014,15,1,68-74,Mills A workplace violence educational program: a repeated measures study,2014,14,5,468-472,Gates Chinese nurses' relief experiences following two earthquakes: Implications for disaster education and policy development,2014,15,1,75-81,Turale Preparing for disasters: education and management strategies explored,2014,15,1,82-89,Alfred Nursing education: preparing for the inevitability of disasters and emergencies,2015,15,1,52,Turale A descriptive study of baccalaureate nursing students' responses to suicide prevention education,2015,16,1,104-110,Pullen Midwifery student exposure to workplace violence in clinical settings: An exploratory study,2015,17,,123-127,Boyle Disaster nursing: self-reported competence of nursing students and registered nurses with focus on their readiness to manage violence serious events and disasters,2015,17,,102-108,Johansson Paramedic student exposure to workplace violence during clinical placements - a cross-sectional study,2017,22,,93-97,Boyle Uncovering degrees of workplace bullying: a comparison of baccalaureate nursing students' experiences during clinical placement in Australia and the UK,2017,25,,14-21,Birks Intimate partner violence as a subject of study during the training of nurses and midwives in Catalonia (Spain): a qualitative study,2017,27,,13-21,Gómez-Fernández Confronting reality: a case study of a group of student nurses undertaking a management of aggression training (MOAT) program,2017,27,,78-88,Bulsara 'Asking the hard questions': Improving midwifery students' confidence with domestic violence screening in pregnancy,2017,28,,27-33,Smith Mass casualty education for undergraduate nursing students in Australia,2017,28,,156-162,Jorm Developing nursing and midwifery students' capacity for coping with bullying and aggression in clinical settings: Students' evaluation of a learning resource,2017,29,,89-94,Hogan Changing students' perceptions of the homeless: a community service learning experience,2018,29,,133-136,Gardner Preventing suicide; nurse education and the occluded issue of gender,2018,32,,58-63,Martin Readiness of newly licensed associated degree registered nurses to screen for domestic violence,2019,35,,75-82,Spangaro A theory to guide nursing students caring for patients with suicidal tendencies on psychiatric clinical practicum,2019,38,,157-163,Sun Interprofessional education: a disaster response simulation activity for military medics nursing & paramedic science students,2019,39,,67-72,Murray Australian nursing and midwifery student beliefs and attitudes about domestic violence: a multi-site cross-sectional study,2019,40,,e102613,Hutchinson Research on the resilience of Chinese nursing students to workplace vertical violence in clinical practice,2019,40,,e102624,Zhang Emotionally intelligent strategies students use to manage challenging interactions with patients and families: a qualitative inquiry,2020,43,,e102743,Foster Occupational health and safety incidents at a university school of nursing: a retrospective descriptive appraisal,2020,44,,e102776,Boucaut Nursing students' experiences and perceptions of learner-centred education in a disaster nursing course: a qualitative study,2020,47,,e102829,Hung A multi-center study of horizontal violence in United States military nursing,2020,47,,e102838,Dumayas The effects of an intimate partner violence educational intervention on nurses: a quasi-experimental study,2020,47,,e102854,Alhalal The impact of violence against women courses on the attitudes of nursing students toward violence against women and their professional roles,2021,52,,e103032,Ozturk Social culture and the bullying of midwifery students whilst on clinical placement: a qualitative descriptive exploration,2021,52,,e103045,Muurlink Editorial: Addressing the persistent epidemic of violence against nurses,2021,54,,103098,Oerther The impact of horizontal violence on the individual nurse: a qualitative research study,2021,54,,103079,Estefan Responding to a simulated disaster in the virtual or live classroom: is there a difference in BSN student learning?,2021,55,,e103170,Wiese Violence experienced by undergraduate nursing students during clinical placements: an online survey at a Scottish University,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hunter Establishing best practice in violence risk assessment and violence prevention education for nurses working in mental health units,2022,61,,e103335,Daffern Testing the validity and reliability of the Arabic version of the Disaster Response Self-Efficacy Scale among Saudi nursing students,2022,64,,e103443,Cruz Sustainable disaster risk reduction training model for nurses: a descriptive qualitative approach,2023,69,,e103616,Hamid Disaster preparedness in healthcare professionals amid COVID-19 and beyond: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials,2023,69,,e103583,Ahmad Effectiveness of female genital mutilation/cutting education for health professionals: an integrative review,2023,69,,e103621,Diaz Newly qualified graduate nurses' experiences of workplace incivility in healthcare settings: an integrative review,2023,69,,e103611,Hills The mediating roles of moral courage and moral resilience between nurses' moral distress and moral injury: an online cross-sectional study,2023,71,,e103730,Berdida Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program: long-term impact on confidence and attitudes on SANE trainees,2023,72,,e103757,Torregosa Developing entrustable professional activities to enhance application of an aggression prevention protocol,2023,73,,e103827,Daffern Competence in managing workplace violence among nursing interns: application of latent class analysis,2023,73,,e103850,Guan Change Laboratory intervention for promoting learning about causes and prevention of workplace aggressions in a mental health facility,2024,75,,e103878,de Almeida Misconceptions about traumatic brain injury among nursing students: a cross-sectional study,2024,76,,e103934,Iderdar The core competencies in disaster nursing of new graduate nurses in Guangdong China: a cross-sectional study,2024,77,,e103987,Tan Shared learning to improve the care for young people and mental health within nurse education (SHYNE). Improving attitudes confidence and self-efficacy,2020,46,,e102793,Carter General nurse competencies in disaster: a Delphi study,2024,79,,e104037,Santos