Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Violence prevention and health promotion,2009,14,1,25-26,Bastos Poverty disability and violence,2009,14,1,21-23,Marinho Situational analysis of poverty and violence among children and youth with disabilities in the Americas: an agenda proposal,2009,14,1,7-20,Goldson Firearm-related deaths and crime in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires 2002,2006,11,2,327-338,Spinelli From repression to prevention against violence: a challenge posed to civil society and the health sector,2006,11,2,339-348,Concha-Eastman The impact of suicide on morbidity and mortality in the population of Itabira,2006,11,2,409-418,de Souza Violence a global public health problem,2006,11,2,277-292,Krug Large-group psychodynamics and massive violence,2006,11,2,303-314,Volkan Survey of cnidarian accident records in some beaches of the coast of Pernambuco (Brazil),2007,12,1,231-237,Neves Race and epidemiology: strategies to build on biological differences,2007,12,1,253-261,Laguardia The panorama of urban violence in Brazil and its capitals,2006,11,2,363-373,de Lima Networks for prevention of violence: from utopia to action,2006,11,2,429-438,Gomes The inclusion of violence in the health agenda: historical trajectory,2006,11,2,375-383,Minayo The deterritorrialization of violence,2006,11,2,270-271,Sento-Se Major rural accident: the pesticide "rain" case in Lucas do Rio Verde City - MT,2007,12,1,105-114,Pignati Agricultural activity and environmental externality: an analysis of the use of pesticides in the Brazilian savannah,2007,12,1,131-143,Soares Violence against children: a global report,2006,11,2,453-460,Pinheiro National poisoning information system - sinitox and human intoxication by pesticides in Brazil,2007,12,1,73-89,Bochner Pesticides poisoning in Brazil: the official notification system and challenges to conducting epidemiological studies,2007,12,1,25-38,Facchini Justice law and epidemiological data bases,2007,12,3,633-641, Success and limitations in the prevention of violence: a case study of nine Brazilian experiences,2006,11,2,397-408,Gomes The effects of the armed conflict on the life and health in Colombia,2006,11,2,349-361,Franco Brazilian responses to violence and new forms of mediation: the case of the Grupo Cultural AfroReggae and the experience of the project "Youth and the Police",2006,11,2,419-428,Ramos Reframing political violence and mental health outcomes: outlining a research and action agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean region,2006,11,2,293-302,Pedersen Correspondence analysis as a strategy for describing the profiles of women battered by their partners and assisted by a specialized unit,2007,12,3,799-809,Assis Social representations of rights and violence in the disability field,2009,14,1,57-66,Minayo Stones crushing lives: victims and their widows in the marble industry in Itaoca,2008,13,4,1361-1369,Moulin Representations of informal jobs and health risks among housemaids and construction workers,2008,13,1,165-174,Santana The profile of violence against children and adolescents according to child protection council records: victims aggressors and patterns of violence,2007,12,5,1129-1141,Costa The influence of falls on the quality of life of the aged,2008,13,4,1265-1273,de Souza Study of intrinsic risk factors for falls in institutionalized elderly people,2008,13,4,1209-1218,de Menezes Adolescents in conflict with the law,2007,12,5,1185-1192,Priuli Migrations forced by violence: the Colombian case,2008,13,5,1649-1660,Minayo The net for protection to the elderly of Rio de Janeiro: a right to be conquered,2008,13,4,1153-1163,de Souza Violence against adolescents: differentials by gender and living conditions strata,2007,12,5,1193-1200,Ribeiro da Costa Obstacles hampering health promotion programs and schemes for preventing harm caused by violence among adolescents,2007,12,5,1112-1115,Fernandes Mattos Situational diagnostic about violence against children and adolescents with disability in three institutions of Rio de Janeiro,2009,14,1,45-56,Cavalcante Marital violence a social and public health problem: a study in a police station in the state of Rio de Janeiro,2009,14,2,595-604,Minayo The perception of domestic violence of pregnant and not pregnant women in the city of Campinas São Paulo,2009,14,2,587-594,Audi Conceptions of normality and mental health among prisoners in a correctional institution in the city of Salvador,2009,14,2,567-575,Coelho Assistance for the adolescent victim of violence: Participation of local health managers,2009,14,2,547-555,de Souza Maltreatment: Study from the perspective of the police department for the protection of the child and the adolescent in Salvador Bahia,2009,14,2,539-546,Carvalho Why are adolescents violent?,2009,14,2,533-538,Garbarino Family violence and aggressive and oppositional behavior in childhood: a literature review,2009,14,2,507-518,Pesce Measuring child exposure to violence and mental health reactions in epidemiological studies: challenges and current issues,2009,14,2,487-496,Bordin Stressing events in socially vulnerable children and adolescents in Porto Alegre,2009,14,2,455-466,Koller A reflection about prevention of violence based on a study on human aggressiveness,2009,14,2,445-453,de Andrade Mental health in primary care: ways to reach an integral care,2009,14,2,477-486,Tanaka Violence and post-traumatic stress disorder in childhood,2009,14,2,417-433,de Assis Epidemiological analysis of morbidity and mortality from suicide among adolescents in Minas Gerais Brazil,2009,14,2,407-416,de Souza When living with violence brings a child close to depressive behavior,2009,14,2,383-394,Avanci The situation of Brazilian children and adolescents with regard to mental health and violence,2009,14,2,349-61; discussion 362-71,Avanci Punishment penalty or providence? Morbidity due to external causes in basic healthcare Porto Alegre Brazil,2008,13,1,111-120,Lopes Psychological mistreatment of children: current controversies and challenges for research and practice,2007,12,5,1124-7; discussion 1127,Malo Dealing with the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents: challenges and paths,2007,12,5,1115-1118,Faria Mistreatment in childhood and adolescence: an overview of personal and collective prevention and intervention mechanisms,2007,12,5,1110-1112,Bazon Is violence man's thing? The naturalization of the violence for young men,2009,14,4,1151-1157,Gomes Comprehensive health (care) services to women in gender violence situation: An alternative to primary health care,2009,14,4,1037-1050,Schraiber Trafficking in persons: a health concern?,2009,14,4,1029-1035,Watts Gender-based violence in Public Health: challenges and achievements,2009,14,4,1019-1027,Schraiber Violence and impunity in check: problems and perspectives under the optics of the forensic anthropology in Brazil,2009,14,5,1855-1863,Lessa Maxillo-facial injuries in victims of violence at school environment,2009,14,5,1835-1842,Cavalcanti 'Broken hearted teenagers': adolescents that had gone through suicide attempt,2009,14,5,1825-1834,Pordeus Diagnostic analysis of the rehabilitation services that attend victims of accidents and violence in Recife,2009,14,5,1817-1824,de Lima Traffic injuries among youth in Goiania Goias State,2009,14,5,1807-1815,Caixeta Stopping with the criminality: a way out of youths involved in traffic of drugs in slums in the city of Rio de Janeiro,2009,14,5,1797-1805,Meirelles Alcohol-related injuries in emergency departments in Brazil 2006 and 2007,2009,14,5,1789-1796,Malta The mortality differentials by violence against adolescents according to living conditions strata and race/color in the city of Recife,2009,14,5,1781-1788,Ludermir Impact of violence on the health of families at Fortaleza Ceará State,2009,14,5,1773-1779,Pordeus Invisible sequels of traffic accident: the post-traumatic stress disorder as a public health problem,2009,14,5,1763-1772,Cavalcante Neither ill nor victim: the self-injury in the emergency care,2009,14,5,1741-1750,Machin Suicidal attempts and obits in the district of Independencia Ceara State Brazil,2009,14,5,1731-1740,Pordeus Discourse analysis: research potentialities to gender violence,2009,14,5,1721-1730,de Azambuja Domestic violence in the conception of health professionals trainers,2009,14,5,1709-1719,de Souza The risk of the military profession in the city of Rio de Janeiro in 'peace time': the perception of the troop,2009,14,5,1699-1707,Neves Actions and possibilities of accidents prevention with children in daycare at Fortaleza Ceará State,2009,14,5,1687-1697,Vieira Profile of unintentional injuries involving children under ten years of age in emergency departments--Brazil 2006 to 2007,2009,14,5,1669-1679,Malta Unintentional injuries at the Emergency Department Injury Surveillance System--Brazil 2006,2009,14,5,1657-1668,Gawryszewski About the national health policy for reducing accidents and violence nowadays,2009,14,5,1654-5; discussion 1655-6,de Lima Dialoguing on the implementation of the National Policy for the Reduction of Morbidity and Mortality from Violence and Accidents in five Brazilian capitals,2009,14,5,1652-4; discussion 1655-6,Moysés The analysis of the implementation of the National Policy for the Reduction of Morbidity and Mortality from Violence and Accidents highlights the problems at the Unified Health System,2009,14,5,1650-1; discussion 1655-6,Cavalcanti Analysis of the implantation of the healthcare network for victims of accidents and violence following the guidelines of the National Policy for the Reduction of Morbidity and Mortality from Violence and Accidents,2009,14,5,1641-1649,Minayo Evaluation of the National Program of Integrated and Referential Actions (PAIR) to confront the child and adolescents sexual violence in Feira de Santana Bahia State Brazil,2010,15,2,563-574,Costa Mandatory reporting of child abuse by professionals of Family Health Teams,2010,15,2,481-491,Vieira Orofacial aspects of childhood abuse and dental negligence,2010,15,2,403-410,Colares Project Learning Health in School: the experience of positive impact on the quality of life and health determinants of members of a community school in Vitoria Espirito Santo State,2010,15,2,389-396,Maciel A retrospective study of intoxications admitted to the university hospital/UFJF from 2000 to 2004,2010,15,3,879-888,Moreira The representation of alcoholic beverages consumption for adolescents in a Family Health Unit,2010,15,3,733-741,Ferriani Ways of life and ways to drink of young indigenous in a transformation context,2010,15,3,709-716,Souza Prevalence of traumatic dental injuries and associated factors in school children of Palhoca Santa Catarina State,2010,15,Suppl 1,1849-1855,Traebert The health and risks of fishermen and crab catchers of Guanabara Bay,2010,15,Suppl 1,1543-1552,Mattos Age structure natality and mortality of the Xavante indigenous people of Mato Grosso State Brazilian Amazon,2010,15,Suppl 1,1465-1473,Souza Validation of National College Health Risk Behavior Survey to be use with Brazilian college students,2010,15,Suppl 1,1209-1215,Colares Traffic injuries among youth in Goiania Goias State,2010,15,4,2075-2084,Caixeta An analysis of the Ministry of Health of Brazil investments in research and development between 2000-2002: a base line towards future valuations beginning with the implementation of the National Health Research Priority Agenda,2010,15,4,2039-2050,Caetano Epidemiology and Public Health: tendencies of the Brazilian epidemiology production regarding volume indexation and investigation areas - 2001 a 2006,2010,15,4,1967-1976,Turci Themes and approaches of academic production at Social and Human Sciences in Health from 1997 to 2007,2010,15,4,1955-1966,Canesqui Contributions from the critical leisure field to the health promotion,2010,15,5,2569-2579,Bacheladenski The domestic violence against the elderly within the Family Health Program of Niterói (RJ Brazil),2010,15,6,2983-2995,Moraes Constructivist evaluation under an integrating and intersectoral approach of actions of the Disque Idoso Project in Sobral (CE Brazil),2010,15,6,2825-2833,Freitas Pre-hospital attendance to elders victims of violence in five Brazilian capitals,2010,15,6,2775-2786,Souza Violence against the elderly: analysis of aspects of mental health care in five Brazilian cities,2010,15,6,2763-2774,Souza Construction of indicators for assessing the policy of reducing accidents and violence for the elderly care,2010,15,6,2753-2762,Souza Scenario of the service to damage provoked by accidents and violence against elderly at SUS in Manaus (AM Brazil),2010,15,6,2741-2752,Souza Rehabilitation service to the elder person victim of accidents and violence on different regions of Brazil,2010,15,6,2729-2740,Ribeiro Situational analysis of the pre-hospital health services for attending accidents and violence against the elderly in Curitiba (PR Brazil),2010,15,6,2709-2718,Moysés Systematic review of the Brazilian academic production about external causes and violence against the elderly,2010,15,6,2709-2718,Souza Perceptions of managers and health professionals about health care to elderly victims of violence in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ Brazil),2010,15,6,2699-2708,Souza Analysis of hospital clinical services to elderly victims of accidents and violence,2010,15,6,2687-2697,Souza Health care for aged victims of accidents and violence: analysis of SUS health services in Recife (PE Brazil),2010,15,6,2677-2686,Souza Thinking on the violence origins,2010,15,6,2673-2676,Goldfarb Living a full life without violence at maturity: the contemporary search,2010,15,6,2671-2673,Veras The construction of public polices in democratic spaces of civic participation: the violence against elder in the social movement agenda,2010,15,6,2669-2671,Telles The insertion of the violence against elderly theme at health care public policies in Brazil,2010,15,6,2659-2668,Souza Communication on health and safety risk control in contemporary society: an interdisciplinary approach,2007,12,5,1375-1385,Rangel-S Experimentation and regular use of alcoholic beverages cigarettes and other Psychoactive Substances (PAS) during adolescence,2007,12,5,1143-1154,Costa Descriptive study of falls among children under the age of 15 in the municipality of Londrina (Paraná Brazil),2010,15,Suppl 2,3167-3173,de Andrade Violence exposures by school children in Brazil: results from the National Adolescent School-based Health Survey (PeNSE),2010,15,Suppl 2,3053-3063,Souza Risk factors for road traffic injury among adolescents in Brazil: National Adolescent School-based Health Survey (PeNSE),2010,15,Suppl 2,3043-3052,Malta Bullying in Brazilian schools: results from the National School-based Health Survey (PeNSE) 2009,2010,15,Suppl 2,3065-3076,Malta Eating disorders in the view of teenage girls from Florianópolis Santa Catarina State: a phenomenological approach,2010,15,2,539-550,Nunes Socio-environmental vulnerability disaster risk-reduction and resilience-building: lessons from the earthquake in Haiti and torrential rains in the mountain range close to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil,2012,17,6,1577-1586,Gomes Cycling to achieve healthy and sustainable alternatives,2012,17,6,1617-1628,de Freitas Three years of work-related accidents in a metallurgic plant: Ways to its understanding,2011,16,2,635-646,Dias Less than a human condition?,2009,14,1,23-5; discussion 29,Minayo Evaluation of STD/HIV/AIDS peer-education and danger: a local perspective,2008,13,6,1817-1824,Laperrière Articulate mental health and social gender relations: giving voice to silenced subjects,2009,14,4,1177-1182,Corbi Caldas dos Santos Induced abortion in women of reproductive age living with and without HIV/Aids in Brazil,2009,14,4,1085-1099,Aidar Comments on the text "The situation of Brazilian children and adolescents with regard to mental health and violence",2009,14,2,365-U27,Reichenheim Floods and Public Health: a review of the recent scientific literature on the causes consequences and responses to prevention and mitigation,2012,17,6,1601-1616,de Freitas Factors potentially associated to domestic negligence among elders assisted in home assistance program,2010,15,6,2815-2824,de Queiroz Social medical themes and the health intervention: violence against women in the professional's discourse,2011,16,3,1943-1952,Schraiber From fantasy to reality: understanding the way of playing of institutionalized children victims of violence through therapeutic play,2011,16,Suppl 1,1571-1580,Giacomello Homicides between men aged 15 to 29 years and related factors in the State of Paraná Brazil 2002/2004,2011,16,Suppl 1,1281-1288,de Andrade National poison information system: the challenge of the data standardization,2011,16,Suppl 1,1191-1200,Bochner Crack usage circuits in the downtown area of the city of São Paulo (SP Brazil),2011,16,5,2613-2622,Raupp Men and conjugal violence: An analysis of Brazilian studies,2011,16,5,2401-2413,Gomes Prevalence of housebound elderly people in the urban region of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais Brazil),2011,16,6,2953-2962,Moraes Falls and associated factors in institutionalized elderly people in Pelotas (RS Brazil),2011,16,6,2945-2952,Siqueira Domestic violence against children and prospects for intervention of the Family Health Program: the experience of the Family Doctor Program/Niterói (RJ Brazil),2011,16,7,3285-3296,Moraes Intoxication due to pesticides in the Federal District of Brazil between 2004 and 2007 -analysis of notification to the Toxicological Information and Assistance Center,2011,16,8,3493-3502,Caldas Non-industrial labor infernal conditions and repetitive strain injury: a case study in a shellfish-rearing community on Maré Island State of Bahia Brazil,2011,16,8,3383-3392,Pena Burnout among Family Healthcare physicians: the challenge of transformation in the workplace,2011,16,8,3373-3382,Feliciano Practice of physical activity and sedentarism among Brazilians: Results of the National Household Sample Survey - 2008,2011,16,9,3697-3705,Malta Analysis of the occurrence of traffic injuries and related factors according to the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) Brazil 2008,2011,16,9,3679-3687,Minayo Manifestatations of violence in adolescents in public schools in the municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes,2011,16,10,4211-4221,Melo Child sexual abuse: Municipal Health Department measures to ensure care,2011,16,10,4189-4198,Deslandes Descriptive study of falls among children aged under 15 in the municipality of Londrina Paraná state,2011,16,10,4043-4049,de Andrade Dialogue on some gender issues and violence prevention and health promotion in adolescence,2011,16,10,3985-3991,Oliveira Alcohol consumption among high school students in the municipality of Passos - MG,2011,16,12,4745-4754,Campos Do the health benefits of cycling outweigh the risks?,2011,16,12,4731-4744,Boogaard Rehabilitation care for victims of accidents and violence: the situation of the municipal districts in Pernambuco Brazil,2012,17,1,33-42,Souza Quality of life in elderly people that have suffered falls: integrative literature review,2012,17,3,723-730,Rodrigues Intimate partner violence against women and healthcare in Australia: charting the scene,2012,17,4,1037-1048,Taft Narratives of intimate partner violence practiced against women,2012,17,4,1025-1035,Lefèvre The Impact of Prohibition on drinking and driving in Belo Horizonte in the State of Minas Gerais,2012,17,4,971-976,Duailibi Analysis of Motor Performance associated with the Nutritional Status of the Elderly enrolled in the Family Health Program in the municipality of Vitória de Santo Antão in the State of Pernambuco,2012,17,5,1297-1304,Soares The meaning that health professionals attribute to promotion of the health of adolescents,2012,17,5,1275-1284,Vieira Health care for elderly victims of violence in Rio de Janeiro,2012,17,5,1167-1177,Souza Violence against the elderly in the home environment: prevalence and associated factors (Recife State of Pernambuco),2012,17,8,2199-2208,Leal The prevalence of falls and associated factors among the elderly according to ethnicity,2012,17,8,2181-2190,Silva Physical exercises to prevent falls: a clinical trial with institutionalized elderly in the city of Goiânia in Brazil,2012,17,8,2117-2127,Bachion Meanings of family violence against the elderly from the standpoint of professionals in Primary Healthcare,2012,17,8,2095-2103,Wanderbroocke Psychological and psychosocial autopsy on suicide among the elderly: a methodological approach,2012,17,8,2039-2052,Minayo Watching listening and sharing: field work for psychosocial autopsies,2012,17,8,2027-2038,Minayo Suicide Prevention Program: case study in a municipality in the south of Brazil,2012,17,8,2017-2026,Meneghel Suicide risk factors among the elderly,2012,17,8,2011-2016,Pérez Barrero Factors associated with suicide mortality among the elderly in Brazilian municipalities between 2005 and 2007,2012,17,8,2003-2009,Assis Impact of suicide of the elderly on their families,2012,17,8,1993-2002,Vieira Suicide in the elderly from a gender perspective,2012,17,8,1983-1992,Meneghel Suicide mortality temporal trends in people aged 60 years or more in the Brazilian states: 1980 to 2009,2012,17,8,1973-1981,Assis Suicide mortality in people aged 60 and over in Brazilian municipalities between 1996 and 2007,2012,17,8,1963-1972,Assis Talking about suicide is also talking about life and quality of life,2012,17,8,1959-1961,Berzins Psychological and psychosocial autopsies of the elderly who committed suicide in Brazil,2012,17,8,1943-1954,Minayo Mobility and the risk of falls among elderly people of the community of São Carlos,2012,17,9,2481-2488,Aveiro Relations between depression alcohol and gender in the metropolitan region of São Paulo Brazil,2012,17,9,2425-2434,Kerr-Corrêa Violence against the elderly: analysis of the reports made in the health sector - Brazil 2010,2012,17,9,2331-2341,Mascarenhas Accidents and violence among women attended in Sentinel Emergency Services - Brazil 2009,2012,17,9,2319-2329,Malta Reports of domestic sexual and other forms of violence against children in Brazil,2012,17,9,2305-2317,Avanci Accidents by external causes in adolescents: care in sentinel urgency and emergency services in the Brazilian State Capitals - 2009,2012,17,9,2291-2304,Malta Emergency care for victims of violence and accidents: differences in the epidemiological profile between the public and private health services. VIVA - Campinas São Paulo Brazil 2009,2012,17,9,2279-2290,Barros Medical care due to accidental causes in emergency public services - Teresina Piauí - 2009,2012,17,9,2269-2278,Mascarenhas Ecological association between characteristics of the municipalities and the risk of homicide in adult males aged 20 to 39 in Brazil: 1999-2010,2012,17,9,2259-2268,Monteiro Accidents and violence in childhood: survey evidence of emergency care for external causes - Brazil 2009,2012,17,9,2247-2258,Malta Socio-cultural determinants of road traffic accidents (RTC),2012,17,9,2241-2243,Moysés Urbanization globalization and road safety: a potential dialogue in search of equity?,2012,17,9,2238-2241,Friche Are those who die in road accidents any less dead?,2012,17,9,2237-2238,Minayo Mortality due to road traffic accidents in Brazil in the last decade: trends and risk clusters,2012,17,9,2223-2236,Malta Anticipating the end: suicide among the elderly in Brazil,2012,17,8,1941,Minayo From surveillance to work-related accident prevention: the contribution of the ergonomics of the activity,2012,17,10,2817-2830,Almeida Psychogical autopsies into suicide among the elderly in Rio de Janeiro,2012,17,10,2773-2781,Minayo Suicide of elderly men in Brazil,2012,17,10,2665-2674,Minayo Violence and accidents a challenge for the Unified Health System,2012,17,9,2221-2222,Malta Discourses of primary mental healthcare teams on addressing gender violence within the context of relationships,2012,17,12,3301-3310,Diez The quality of information systems on violence-related deaths in Argentina and Brazil between 1990 and 2010,2012,17,12,3279-3288,Souza An ecosysthemic vision of homicide,2012,17,12,3269-3278,Minayo Violence-related deaths in Argentina: Two case studies in the cities of Venado Tuerto and San Rafael,2012,17,12,3259-3268,Alazraqui Homicide and public security indicator trends in the city of São Paulo between 1996 and 2008: a time-series ecological study,2012,17,12,3249-3257,Peres Morbidity and mortality of young Brazilian men due to aggression: expression of gender differentials,2012,17,12,3243-3248,Souza Three phases of homicidal violence in Venezuela,2012,17,12,3233-3242,Briceno-Leon Homicides involving firearms in Argentina between 1991 and 2006: a multilevel analysis,2012,17,12,3219-3232,Souza Deaths by homicide in Medellin 1980-2007,2012,17,12,3209-3218,Garcia Deaths by homicide in Mexico: trends socio-geographical variations and associated factors,2012,17,12,3195-3208,Vega-López Multicentric study of deaths by homicide in Latin American countries,2012,17,12,3183-3193,Souza Homicides in the Americas region: magnitude distribution and trends 1999-2009,2012,17,12,3171-3182,Gawryszewski Understanding homicides in Latin America: poverty or institutionalization?,2012,17,12,3159-3170,Briceno-Leon Homicides in Latin America: a search for broad and comprehensive ways of tackling the issue,2012,17,12,3157,de Souza Co-occurrence of physical and psychological violence among dating adolescents in Recife Brazil: prevalence and associated factors,2013,18,1,233-243,Avanci Motorcycle accidents in the municipality of Rio Branco in the State of Acre: characterization and trends,2013,18,3,721-731,Rocha Male mortality due to external causes in the State of Minas Gerais Brazil,2013,18,3,711-719,Caldeira Repercussions of the Maria da Penha law in tackling gender violence,2013,18,3,691-700,Meneghel The response to gender violence among Brazilian health care professionals,2013,18,3,681-690,Vieira Investigative police work in relation to youth homicides in Belo Horizonte,2013,18,3,621-632,Zilli Domestic violence and the adolescent that was infected with HIV through vertical transmission: analysis of protection and vulnerability factors,2013,18,5,1493-1500,Deslandes Epidemiology of snakebite accidents in the municipalities of the state of Paraíba Brazil,2013,18,5,1463-1471,Leite Evaluation of the strategy for identification and measurement of the fatal accidents at work,2013,18,5,1361-1365,Drumond The configuration of the social network of women living in domestic violence situations,2013,18,5,1293-1304,Nakamura Violence in old age: the issue addressed in indexed national journals,2013,18,5,1283-1292,Guilam Exposure to violence among adolescents in a low-income community in the northeast of Brazil,2013,18,5,1273-1282,Pordeus Notification of violence as a strategy for health surveillance: profile of a metropolis in Brazil,2013,18,5,1263-1272,Dell'Aglio Mortality due to bicycle accidents in Pernambuco Brazil,2013,18,5,1255-1262,Galvão Amphetamine use by truck drivers on highways of Sao Paulo State: a risk for the occurrence of traffic accidents?,2013,18,5,1247-1254,Muñoz Accidents between motorcycles: analysis of cases that occurred in the state of Paraná between July 2010 and June 2011,2013,18,5,1235-1246,Golias Fear of falling and the relationship with the measure of functional independence and quality of life in post-cerebral vascular accident (stroke) victims,2013,18,7,2017-2027,Laurentino Physical activity sedentary behavior and quality of life in undergraduate adolescents of Ciudad Guzman State of Jalisco Mexico,2013,18,7,1943-1952,Hidalgo-Rasmussen Meanings attributed by children and adolescents to court cases concerning sexual crimes,2013,18,8,2285-2294,Roque Psychological violence and the family context of adolescent users of outpatient services in a public tertiary pediatric hospital,2013,18,10,2995-3006,de Abranches Different aspects of depression in suicide among the elderly,2013,18,10,2985-2994,Minayo Intoxication due to pesticides in the central northern region of the State of Paraná Brazil - 2002 to 2011,2013,18,11,3147-3156,Neves Social and environmental factors associated with the occurrence of falls in the elderly,2013,18,12,3507-3514,Pereira Risk factors for impaired development in children attended at family health units at the end of the first year of life,2014,19,1,215-226,Ribeiro Maxillofacial injuries as markers of urban violence,2014,19,1,127-136,Silva Risk factors associated with suicides in Palmas in the state of Tocantins Brazil between 2006 and 2009 investigated by psycho-social autopsy,2014,19,1,115-126,Minayo Alcohol consumption among adolescents: Attitudes behaviors and associated factors,2014,19,1,7-16,Granville-Garcia Adolescents with mental disorders while serving time and being subjected to socio-educative measures,2014,19,3,891-898,Vilarins The prevalence of inhalant use and associated factors among adolescents in Belo Horizonte Brazil,2014,19,3,881-890,Kawachi Analysis of the performance of system indicators for coping with family violence and the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents,2014,19,3,865-874,Deslandes Surveillance System for Violence and Accidents (VIVA) and notification of infant-juvenile violence in the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) in Feira de Santana in the state of Bahia,2014,19,3,773-784,Costa Sexual violence and co-occurrences suffered by children and adolescents: study of incidents over a decade,2014,19,3,759-771,Costa Internalized homophobia as a partial mediator between homophobic bullying and self-esteem among youths of sexual minorities in Quebec (Canada),2014,19,3,727-735,Hébert Adolescent dating in Brazil: the circularity of psychological violence in different relationship contexts,2014,19,3,707-718,Njaine Risk and protection factors in the peer context: how do other children contribute to the psychosocial adjustment of the adolescent?,2014,19,3,695-705,Véronneau Post traumatic stress disorder/PTSD in adolescent victims of sexual abuse: resilience and social support as protection factors,2014,19,3,685-694,Hébert Resilience gender and family during adolescence,2014,19,3,673-684,Pires Clinical and epidemiological aspects of scorpion stings in the northeast region of Brazil,2014,19,4,1275-1282,Leite Conjugal violence: controversies in the reports of intimate partners in police investigations,2014,19,4,1255-1262,Njaine An ecological study on suicide and homicide in Brazil,2014,19,4,1179-1189,Lester Social representation of sexual violence and its relationship with the adherence to the chemoprophylaxis protocol of HIV in young women and adolescents,2014,19,6,1961-1969,Katz The evolution of mortality by homicide in the State of Bahia in the period from 1996 to 2010,2014,19,6,1889-1900,Souza The role of religion in the promotion of health in the prevention of violence and in the rehabilitation of individuals involved in criminal activity: literature review,2014,19,6,1773-1789,Minayo Preference for behavior conducive to physical activity and physical activity levels of children from a southern Brazil city,2014,19,7,2287-2296,Bielemann Prevalence and factors associated with violence suffered by incarcerated women for drug trafficking in the state of Pernambuco Brazil: a cross-sectional study,2014,19,7,2255-2264,Falbo Neto Suicide and work in Brazilian metropolises: an ecological study,2014,19,7,2225-2234,Meneghel Factors associated with the danger of accidental falls among institutionalized elderly individuals: an integrative review,2014,19,8,3543-3551,Leal Gait speed grip strength and self-rated health among the elderly: data from the FIBRA Campinas network São Paulo Brazil,2014,19,8,3343-3353,Neri Differences between attendance in emergency care of male and female victims of traffic accidents in Porto alegre Rio Grande do Sul state Brazil,2014,19,9,3925-3930,Pechansky Violence against children and adolescents with disabilities: narratives with guardianship councilors,2014,19,9,3869-3878,Bastos The theme of disaster in health care: profile of technical and scientific production in the specialized database on disasters of the Virtual Health Library - VHL,2014,19,9,3775-3790,Carvalho Social and environmental vulnerability flooding and repercussions on public health in underdeveloped regions: the case of the state of Alagoas Brazil,2014,19,9,3755-3762,Freire Living in areas of risk: tensions between management of environmental disasters and the significance of risk in everyday life,2014,19,9,3743-3754,Spink Mass events disasters and public health,2014,19,9,3717-3730,Castro Organizing the health sector for response to disasters,2014,19,9,3705-3715,Shoaf Mortality due to disasters in Brazil: what the data reveals,2014,19,9,3669-3681,Carmo Organization availability and possibility of analysis of disaster data of climate related origin and its impacts on health,2014,19,9,3657-3668,Barcellos Natural disasters and health: an analysis of the situation in Brazil,2014,19,9,3645-3656,Barcellos Disasters: technicism and social suffering,2014,19,9,3631-3644,Valencio Reduction of the risks of natural disasters poses a challenge for public health,2014,19,9,3628,Freitas Reliability of the diagnoses of hospital admissions for external causes financed by the Brazilian Unified Health System-SUS in two cities in the State of Paraná Brazil,2014,19,10,4257-4265,Soares Maternity during adolescence: negative emotional indicators and associated factors in 14 to 16-year-old mothers from Porto Alegre in the State of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil,2014,19,10,4235-4246,Rossetto Rural work and health risks: a review into the "safe use" of pesticides in Brazil,2014,19,10,4197-4208,Abreu Construction and validation of a socio-environmental vulnerability index for monitoring and management of natural disasters in the state of Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2014,19,10,4157-4165,Asmus Evaluation of self-esteem among homosexuals in the southern region of the state of Santa Catarina Brazil,2014,19,11,4569-4576,Canali The implementation of the priorities of the National Health Promotion Policy an assessment 2006-2014,2014,19,11,4301-4312,Malta Descriptive study about social and demographical characteristic of the disability in Latin America,2014,19,12,4889-4898,Alvarez-Martin A pattern of adult involvement in highway accidents,2014,19,12,4861-4868,Carvalho "Dual causation accident": a third type of work-related accident and its importance for occupational health surveillance,2014,19,12,4699-4708,Cabral Model of Analysis and Prevention of Accidents - MAPA: tool for operational health surveillance,2014,19,12,4679-4688,Almeida Women in situations of violence: limits of assistance,2015,20,1,249-258,Padoin Prevalence of sexual intercourse and associated factors among adolescents attending schools in Goiânia in the state of Goiás Brazil,2015,20,1,95-104,Malta Suicide attempts among children and adolescents: partial or total injury?,2015,20,1,75-84,Alves Social representations of adolescents on quality of life: structurally-based study,2015,20,1,49-56,Sales Deaths from violent causes among adolescents and young adults in two cities of the Southern Cone: Córdoba (Argentina) and Porto Alegre (Brazil) 1990-2010,2015,20,1,29-37,Rojas Cabrera Regional asymmetries. What are the differences in lifestyles and life satisfaction among adolescents? A study of students of the 3rd cycle of basic education in Portugal,2015,20,1,17-28,Vieira Violence and psychosocial risks: narratives of adolescents living in shelters in Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2015,20,1,7-16,Leite The perception of the young and long-lived elderly 'Gauchos' (from the State of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil) about the public spaces they live in Resumo,2015,20,2,461-470,Navarro Characterization of victims of aggression and transportation accidents treated at the Forensic Medicine and Dentistry Institute - Campina Grande Paraíba Brazil - 2010,2015,20,3,887-894,Silva Prevalence of moderate and excessive alcohol consumption and associated factors among residents of Quilombo Communities (hinterland settlements founded by people of African origin) of Vitória da Conquista Bahia Brazil,2015,20,3,809-820,César Gender inequalities in external cause mortality in Brazil 2010,2015,20,3,779-788,Gomes Differentials in risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases from the race/color standpoint,2015,20,3,713-725,Malta Elderly patients attended in emergency health services in Brazil: a study for victims of falls and traffic accidents,2015,20,3,701-712,Machado Hospitalizations due to self-inflicted injuries - Brazil 2002 to 2013,2015,20,3,689-699,Monteiro Emergency room visits for work-related injuries: characteristics and associated factors - Capitals and the Federal District Brazil 2011,2015,20,3,667-678,Malta Violence against children: an analysis of mandatory reporting of violence Brazil 2011,2015,20,3,655-665,Malta Prevalence and risk factors associated with traumatic dental injury among 12-year-old schoolchildren in Montes Claros MG Brazil,2015,20,4,1225-1233,Paiva Emergency room visits due to external causes and alcohol consumption - Capitals and the Federal District Brazil 2011,2015,20,4,1037-1046,Malta Public health agendas addressing violence against rural women - an analysis of local level health services in the State of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil,2015,20,5,1379-1387,Lopes The profile of fragility and associated factors among the elderly registered in a Family Health Unit,2015,20,6,1917-1924,Casotti Informal caregivers of older people recovering from surgery for hip fractures caused by a fall: fall prevention,2015,20,6,1901-1907,Avila Challenges facing health professionals in the notification of violence: mandatory implementation and follow-up procedures,2015,20,6,1879-1890,Garbin Scale for assessment of aggressive behavior of adolescents,2015,20,6,1861-1868,Figueiroa Suicide attempts among the elderly: a review of the literature (2002/2013),2015,20,6,1751-1762,Cavalcante Convergence and Non-Convergence: stories of elderly who have attempted suicide and the Integrated Care System in Porto Alegre/RS Brazil,2015,20,6,1741-1749,Conte Suicidal ideation and attempted suicide in elderly people - subjective experiences,2015,20,6,1731-1740,Grubits Suicide attempts by elderly women - from a gender perspective,2015,20,6,1721-1730,Meneghel Is it possible to overcome suicidal ideation and suicide attempts? A study of the elderly,2015,20,6,1711-1719,Sougey The influence of family problems and conflicts on suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in elderly people,2015,20,6,1703-1710,Vieira Suicide attempts and suicide ideation among the elderly in Uruguay,2015,20,6,1693-1702,Fachola Descriptive study of suicide attempts in the Brazilian elderly population 2000 - 2014,2015,20,6,1681-1692,Assis Tools strategies and qualitative approach in relation to suicidal attempts and ideation in the elderly,2015,20,6,1667-1680,Cavalcante Qualitative study on suicide attempts and ideations with 60 elderly in Brazil,2015,20,6,1655-1666,Cavalcante Challenges to preventing suicide in later life,2015,20,6,1652-1653,Conwell Guardianship councilors' views on the effectiveness of the existing network in providing full protection to children and teenagers in situations of sexual violence,2015,20,7,2173-2182,Deslandes Health and labour from the perspective of railway dock workers in Rio Grande do Sul Brazil,2015,20,4,1207-1216,Teixeira Visible and invisible marks: facial injuries suffered by women as the result of acts of domestic violence,2015,20,9,2911-2920,Dourado Between evidence and negligence: coverage and invisibility of health topics in the Portuguese printed media,2015,20,11,3569-3580,Cavaca Violence against women: systematic review of the Brazilian scientific literature within the period from 2009 to 2013,2015,20,11,3523-3532,Silva Bullying during adolescence in Brazil: an overview,2015,20,11,3509-3522,Pigozi Suicidal-related behaviors and quality of life according to gender in adolescent Mexican high school students,2015,20,11,3437-3445,Hidalgo-Rasmussen Binge drinking among 12-year-old adolescent schoolchildren and its association with sex socioeconomic factors and alcohol consumption by best friends and family members,2015,20,11,3427-3435,Zarzar Cross-cultural adaptation of the Parcours Amoureux des Jeunes - PAJ inventory of Canadian origin to the Brazilian context,2015,20,11,3417-3426,Hébert Training for the challenges of sexual violence against children and adolescents in four Brazilian capitals,2015,20,11,3407-3416,Cavalcanti Violence and youth in a territory of the Metropolitan Area of Brasília Brazil: a socio-spatial approach,2015,20,11,3395-3405,Moura The "Em Comum-Idade" community intervention project: contributions to the promotion of health among the elderly of Viçosa in the State of Minas Gerais Brazil,2015,20,12,3763-3774,Almeida Prevalence and factors associated with the risk of falls among the elderly registered in a primary healthcare unit of the city of Natal in the state of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil,2015,20,12,3753-3762,dos Santos Seasonal differences in falls and fractures among the elderly in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul,2015,20,12,3743-3752,Bós Physical performance and its association with anthropometric and body composition variables in the elderly,2015,20,12,3723-3732,Silva Prevalence and factors associated with intimate partner violence among women in Recife/Pernambuco Brazil,2016,21,2,591-598,Falbo Neto Community Mental Health in disaster situations. A review of community-based models of approach,2016,21,2,431-442,Fernández Injuries from traffic accidents and use of protection equipment in the Brazilian population according to a population-based study,2016,21,2,399-410,Malta Homicides and social vulnerability,2016,21,3,923-934,Tavares Violence against children in Brazilian scenery,2016,21,3,871-880,Nunes Sexual violence mood disorders and suicide risk: a population-based study,2016,21,3,853-860,Silva Disasters related to droughts and public health - a review of the scientific literature,2016,21,3,809-820,Freitas Loss and damage affecting the public health sector and society resulting from flooding and flash floods in Brazil between 2010 and 2014 - based on data from national and global information systems,2016,21,3,685-694,Duarte Homicides in Rio de Janeiro Brazil: an analysis of lethal violence,2016,21,4,1277-1288,Souza The quality of certification of deaths due to external causes in the city of Fortaleza in the State of Ceará Brazil,2016,21,4,1255-1267,Bispo Júnior Psychological factors related to physical education classes as predictors of students' intention to partake in leisure-time physical activity,2016,21,4,1105-1112,Sanz-Arazuri Family Health Strategies to tackle violence involving adolescents,2016,21,5,1583-1596,Deslandes Common Elements Treatment Approach based on a cognitive behavioral intervention: implementation in the Colombian Pacific,2016,21,6,1947-1956,Fandiño-Losada The Enlighten Campinas Program: the construction of an intersectoral and interinstitutional policy to confront violence as a social problem,2016,21,6,1879-1888,Pedrosa Disintegration of the prison system public security and social exclusion,2016,21,7,2171-2178,Freixo The actions of the public prosecution service in the field of health in prisons,2016,21,7,2161-2170,Puppim Psychological distress and work stress in correctional officers: a literature review,2016,21,7,2135-2146,Constantino Youths in the shantytowns (favelas) of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil: from social vulnerability to opportunities for human development,2016,21,8,2437-2450,Figueiredo Medellin youth experiences before during and after belonging to an illegal armed group 2005,2016,21,8,2403-2412,Hernández-Holguín Can institutional videos contribute towards the debate on how to deal with domestic violence against children?,2016,21,8,2347-2356,Egry Acquired brain injury: impacts on labor activity of individuals of working age and their relatives,2016,21,10,3171-3182,Ponte Falls' problematization and risk factors identification through older adults' narrative,2016,21,11,3565-3574,Morsch Factors associated with recurrent falls in a cohort of older adults,2016,21,11,3439-3446,Reiners Factors associated with negative self-rated health among non-institutionalized elderly in Montes Claros Brazil,2016,21,11,3377-3386,Caldeira A reflection on gender issues in elder abuse research: Brazil and Portugal,2016,21,11,3323-3330,Brownell Neighborhood and postal worker characteristics associated with dog bites in postal workers of the Brazilian National Postal Service in Curitiba,2013,18,5,1367-1374,de Oliveira The perception of urban garbage collectors of Dourados in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul regarding the biological risks involved in their work routine,2011,16,8,3437-3442,Lazzari Protocols in healthcare for female victims of sexual violence from the standpoint of healthcare professionals,2016,21,12,3957-3965,Cavalcanti Health characteristics of female victims of domestic violence housed in a state care shelter,2016,21,12,3937-3946,Ferreira Modern-day slavery as a public health issue,2016,21,12,3927-3936,Leão Completeness of notifications of violence perpetrated against adolescents in the State of Pernambuco Brazil,2016,21,12,3907-3916,Paiva Review of deaths correction methods and quality dimensions of the underlying cause for accidents and violence in Brazil,2016,21,12,3803-3818,Franca Factors associated with the use of motorcycle helmets in two Colombian cities,2016,21,12,3793-3801,Hernández Breathalyzer test: results and refusals to take the test of drivers intercepted under the DUI Spot-Check Campaign in Rio de Janeiro,2016,21,12,3787-3792,Jomar Alcohol abuse and involvement in traffic accidents in the Brazilian population 2013,2016,21,12,3777-3786,Szwarcwald Truck drivers' traffic accidents in the State of São Paulo: prevalence and predictors,2016,21,12,3757-3767,Muñoz Accidents involving Brazilian indigenous treated at urgent and emergency services of the Unified Health System,2016,21,12,3745-3756,Souza The occurrence of external causes in childhood in emergency care: epidemiological aspects Brazil 2014,2016,21,12,3729-3744,Malta Accidental falls in urgent and emergency care: results of the 2014 VIVA Survey,2016,21,12,3719-3727,Souza Transport accident mortality in Chile: trends from 2000 to 2012,2016,21,12,3711-3718,Sanhueza Use of motorcycle in Brazil: users profile prevalence of use and traffic accidents occurrence - a population-based study,2016,21,12,3703-3710,Barros Car and motorcycle deaths: an evolutionary perspective,2016,21,12,3691-3702,Nadanovsky Analysis of factors associated with traffic accidents of cyclists attended in Brazilian state capitals,2016,21,12,3683-3690,Constantino Urgent and emergency care for pedestrians injured in Brazilian traffic,2016,21,12,3673-3682,Ribeiro Characteristics of motorcyclists involved in road traffic accidents attended at public urgent and emergency services,2016,21,12,3661-3671,Malta The Moscow and Brasilia Declarations on road safety - a parallel between two moments in health,2016,21,12,3649-3660,Pavarino Suicide in university students in Bogotá Colombia 2004-2014,2017,22,1,269-278,Franco Self-reported occupational accidents among Brazil's adult population based on data from the 2013 National Health Survey,2017,22,1,169-178,Szwarcwald Quality of life of family caregivers of adults with spinal cord injury: a systematic review,2017,22,1,123-134,Prudente Femicides in ethnic and racialized groups: syntheses,2017,22,1,117-122,Meneghel Anxious and depressed women's experiences of emotional suffering and help seeking in a Rio de Janeiro favela,2017,22,1,75-86,Dowrick The "choking game": a new craze among Brazilian children and young people. Psychophysiological behavioral and epidemiological characteristics of 'asphyxial games',2017,22,3,867-878,Andronikof Care for young victims of assault in public emergency services in 2011: sex differences,2017,22,4,1333-1341,Garcia Prospects of studies on violence adolescence and cortisol: a systematic literature review,2017,22,4,1321-1332,Avanci Students' health: an integrative review on family and bullying,2017,22,5,1553-1564,Silva Women's protection public policies: evaluation of health care for victims of sexual violence,2017,22,5,1501-1508,Pinto Profile of mortality from external causes among Seventh-day Adventists and the general populations,2017,22,7,2375-2382,Velten Anti-bullying interventions in schools: a systematic literature review,2017,22,7,2329-2340,Bazon Maltreatment and discrimination in induced abortion care: perception of women in Teresina State of Piauí Brazil,2017,22,8,2771-2780,Madeiro Intimate partner violence prevalence in the elderly and associated factors: systematic review,2017,22,9,3111-3125,Lindner Suicide in childhood: a literatura review,2017,22,9,3099-3110,Sougey Repercussions of homicide on victims' families: a literature review,2017,22,9,3087-3097,Njaine Cancer and suicide among the elderly: psychosocial determinants of risks psychopathology and opportunities for prevention,2017,22,9,3061-3075,dos Santos Do not forget culture when implementing mental health interventions for violence survivors,2017,22,9,3053-3059,Gutiérrez Perceptions about implementation of a narrative community-based group therapy for Afro-Colombians victims of violence,2017,22,9,3045-3052,Fandiño-Losada Interpersonal violence circumstances of aggressions and patterns of maxillofacial injuries in the metropolitan area of Campina Grande State of Paraíba Brazil (2008-2011),2017,22,9,3033-3044,d'Ávila The experience of illness of women with endometriosis: narratives about institutional violence,2017,22,9,3023-3032,São Bento Institutional violence and humanization in health: notes to debate,2017,22,9,3013-3022,Schraiber Public security female workers at the coast of Paraná Brazil: intersections of gender work violence(s) and health,2017,22,9,3003-3011,Pereira Prevalence and violence-associated factors in the work environment of female prison guards in Brazil,2017,22,9,2989-3002,Ferreira Deconstructing gender expectations from a minority standpoint: how to enter into a dialogue with male perpetrators of violence against women?,2017,22,9,2979-2988,Billand Analysis of the female mortality trend due to assault in Brazil States and Regions,2017,22,9,2971-2978,Fávero Femicides: a study in Brazilian state capital cities and large municipalities,2017,22,9,2963-2970,Meneghel Homicides among women in the different Brazilian regions in the last 35 years: an analysis of age-period-birth cohort effects,2017,22,9,2949-2962,Souza The practice of bullying among Brazilian schoolchildren and associated factors National School Health Survey 2015,2017,22,9,2939-2948,Malta Gender violence: a comparison of mortality from aggression against women who have and have not previously reported violence,2017,22,9,2929-2938,Lima Childhood and adolescent sexual abuse victim profile and its impacts on mental health,2017,22,9,2919-2928,Fontes Rape and pregnancy of girls aged up to 13 years in Brazil: characteristics and implications in health during gestation delivery and childbirth,2017,22,9,2909-2918,Porto Violence against adolescents in Brazilian capitals based on a survey conducted at emergency services,2017,22,9,2899-2908,Malta Factors associated with violence against children in sentinel urgent and emergency care centers in Brazilian capitals,2017,22,9,2889-2898,Malta The increase in domestic violence in Brazil from 2009-2014,2017,22,9,2873-2880,Rodrigues The increase of firearm mortality and its relationship with the stagnation of life expectancy in Mexico,2017,22,9,2861-2872,Vega-López Injuries caused by firearms treated at Brazilian urgent and emergency healthcare services,2017,22,9,2851-2860,Souza Self-harm throughout all life cycles: profile of victims using urgent and emergency care services in Brazilian state capitals,2017,22,9,2841-2850,Avanci Treatment for cases of violence by Brazilian emergency services focusing on family relationships and life cycles,2017,22,9,2825-2840,Avanci Epidemiological profile of care for violence in public urgency and emergency services in Brazilian capital Viva 2014,2017,22,9,2811-2823,Freitas Violence deaths and its impact on life expectancy: a comparison between Mexico and Brazil,2017,22,9,2797-2809,Souza The phenomenon of violence in Brazil and Latin America: several theoretical-methodological approaches,2017,22,9,2794,Morais Leisure-time physical activities among adults in Florianopolis state of Santa Catarina Brazil: a population-based study on the characteristics of the practices and the practitioners,2014,19,11,4595-4604,Peres Surveillance of occupational accidents by sentinel workers' health centers in the municipality of Fortaleza Northeast of Brazil,2017,22,10,3393-3402,Bezerra Medicine poisoning mortality trend by gender and age group São Paulo State Brazil 1996-2012,2017,22,10,3381-3391,Wagner Spatial distribution of pesticide use in Brazil: a strategy for Health Surveillance,2017,22,10,3281-3293,Pignati Violence committed by acquaintances - Brazil 2013,2017,22,11,3763-3772,Szwarcwald A wave that comes rushing in and dunks you: representations and destinies of the crisis in adolescent users of a CAPSi,2017,22,11,3733-3742,Pereira Factors associated with the use of wheelchairs by institutionalized elderly people,2017,22,11,3607-3614,Alves Divergent estimates of falls among the elderly: an epidemiological debate based on the conceptual characteristics,2018,23,1,345-346,Amorim Variables related to suicide attempt in a Spanish province over a three-year period (2009-2011),2018,23,1,277-286,García-León Bullying and psychoactive substance use during adolescence: a systematic review,2018,23,1,123-140,Horta Domestic violence against women public policies and community health workers in Brazilian Primary Health Care,2018,23,1,93-102,Pereira Reporting child violence health care flows and work process of primary health care professionals,2018,23,1,83-92,Egry Alcohol consumption and physical violence among adolescents: which is the predictor?,2017,22,12,4013-4020,Colares Reflecting on twenty years of Masculinities: an interview with Raewyn Connell,2017,22,12,3975-3980,Connell Factors associated with child sexual abuse confirmation at forensic examinations,2018,23,2,599-606,Silva Evaluation of institutional foster care services for children and adolescents in Recife,2018,23,2,529-542,Barreira Murder and actual bodily harm in Itaborai Brazil: analysis at different scales,2018,23,2,463-470,Souza Ways to explain bullying: dimensional analysis of the conceptions held by adolescents,2018,23,3,751-761,Silva Alcohol intake among adolescent students and association with social capital and socioeconomic status,2018,23,3,741-750,Kawachi Spatial and differential income pattern of households of adolescents and young adults who are victims of maxillofacial injuries resulting from firearm aggression,2018,23,4,1281-1292,Naves Suicide attempts: epidemiologic trends towards geoprocessing,2018,23,4,1183-1192,Mariz Awareness about falls and elderly people's exposure to household risk factors,2018,23,4,1097-1104,Chehuen Neto Sexual violence against children: authors victims and consequences,2018,23,4,1019-1031,Platt Fall-related admission and mortality in older adults in Brazil: trend analysis,2018,23,4,1131-1141,Marcon Religiosity as a possible protective factor against "binge drinking" among 12-year-old students: a population-based study,2018,23,4,1067-1076,Lamounier Sexual violence against women and care in the health sector in Santa Catarina - Brazil,2018,23,5,1687-1696,d'Orsi The incidence of sexual violence among children and adolescents in Recife State of Pernambuco Brazil in 2012 and 2013,2018,23,5,1591-1599,Falbo Neto Obstacles to return to work: translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire to the Brazilian context,2018,23,5,1387-1401,Milani Workplace accident prevalence and associated factors among tobacco farm in São Lourenço do Sul-RS Brazil,2018,23,5,1353-1362,Fassa Institutionalizing the theme of violence within Brazil's national health system: progress and challenges,2018,23,6,2007-2016,Souza Bullying and health-related quality of life in children and adolescent Mexican students,2018,23,7,2433-2441,Rajmil Parents and children suffering from mental distress: coping mechanisms understanding and fear of the future,2018,23,7,2363-2371,Reinaldo Relationship between gender and psychomotor performance of children in Belém Brazil,2018,23,8,2721-2730,Cavalcante Common mental disorders in adult women: identifying the most vulnerable segments,2018,23,8,2543-2554,Barros Factors associated with falls in older adults with cataracts,2018,23,8,2503-2514,Bachion Expansion of the object of surveillance for occupational accidents: history and challenges underwent by a reference center aiming at prevention,2018,23,9,3055-3066,Almeida Recommendation of ICD-10 codes for surveillance of adverse drug reactions and drug intoxication,2018,23,9,3041-3054,Mota Negative self-perceived health associated with school violence in adolescents,2018,23,9,2909-2916,Colares The prevention of violence in interdisciplinary programs implemented in Brazilian and Portuguese schools,2018,23,9,2899-2908,Assis Rehabilitation doxa and practitioner judgment. An analysis of symbolic violence on health care provision in the Scottish prison system,2018,23,9,2869-2877,McMillan Adolescent and youth health policies in the Portuguese-Brazilian context: specificities and approximations,2018,23,9,2849-2858,Barbiani An approach to suicide among adolescents and youth in Brazil,2018,23,9,2821-2834,Moreira Global burden of disease among teenagers in Uruguay and its comparison with Latin America and the Caribbean,2018,23,9,2813-2820,Cavalleri The production of victims as entrepreneurs of their social redemption: young people control and involvement,2018,23,9,2803-2812,Cecchetto Mortality by road traffic accidents in adolescents and young people Brazil 1996-2015: will we achieve SDG 3.6?,2018,23,9,2785-2796,Moreira Correlates of binge drinking among Brazilian adolescents,2018,23,10,3445-3452,Kawachi Cyberbullying: concepts dynamics characters and health implications,2018,23,10,3369-3379,Deslandes Collective Health and a Sophie's Choice: to defend privacy in cyberspace,2018,23,10,3267-3276,Moraes The risk of death by suicide in the Colombian population 2000-2013,2018,23,11,3989-3996,Rodríguez-Hernández Risk and protective factors for suicide attempt in emerging adulthood,2018,23,11,3767-3777,Koller Gender asymmetry and symmetry in Brazilian intimate partner violence research,2018,23,11,3597-3607,Lindner Common mental disorder among incarcerated women: a study on prevalence and associated factors,2018,23,11,3587-3596,Santiago Factors associated with interpersonal violence among children from public schools in Fortaleza Ceará Brazil,2018,23,12,4299-4309,Frota Association between domestic maltreatment and excess weight and fat among students of the city/state of Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2018,23,12,4129-4142,Hasselmann Understanding science in the service and care of mental health and disorders,2019,24,1,275-284,Marulanda Psychological well-being in non-dependent active elderly individuals and its relationship with self-esteem and self-efficacy,2019,24,1,115-124,Nunes Prevalence and factors associated with caregiver abuse of elderly dependents: the hidden face of family violence,2019,24,1,87-96,Souza Predictors of the fear of falling among community-dwelling elderly Portuguese people: an exploratory study,2019,24,1,77-86,dos Santos Recurrent falls and risk factors among institutionalized older people,2019,24,1,67-75,Ferreira Prevalence of frailty and associated factors in a community-dwelling older people cohort living in Juiz de Fora Minas Gerais Brazil: Fibra-JF Study,2019,24,1,35-44,Lourenço Intentional homicide drug trafficking and social indicators in Salvador Bahia Brazil,2019,24,2,631-639,Oliveira Foster care time and characteristics of adolescents under foster care by type of institutional services. Recife Brazil 2009-2013,2019,24,2,553-562,Barreira Prevalence of sexual violence and associated factors among primary school students - Brazil 2015,2019,24,2,535-544,Malta Peer violence school environment and developmental contexts: its effects on well-being,2019,24,2,509-522,Montserrat Problems associated with binge drinking among students in Brazil's state capitals,2019,24,2,497-507,Noto Systematic review of studies on reports of violence against children and adolescents in Brazil,2019,24,2,487-496,Habigzang Characterization of oral maxillofacial lesions resulting from physical aggression: differences between genders,2019,24,3,1143-1152,Garcez The recording of fatal work-related injuries in information systems in Brazil,2019,24,3,693-704,Santana Study of scientific publications (2002-2017) on suicidal ideation suicide attempts and self-neglect of elderly people hospitalized in long-term care establishments,2019,24,4,1393-1404,Minayo Prevalence of bullying and associated factors among Brazilian schoolchildren in 2015,2019,24,4,1359-1368,Malta Factors associated with family violence against adolescents based on the results of the National School Health Survey (PeNSE),2019,24,4,1287-1298,Malta Job strain among teachers: associations with occupational factors according to social support,2019,24,4,1255-1264,Mesas Description of suicide ideation among older adults and a psychological profile: a cross-sectional study in Turkey,2019,24,5,1865-1874,Hocaoğlu Multimorbidity profile associated with disability among the elderly living in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte Brazil,2019,24,5,1853-1864,Lima-Costa Which people with traumatic paraplegia return to work?,2019,24,6,2341-2350,Calliga Systematic review of dating violence questionnaires in Ibero-America and evaluation of their measurement properties,2019,24,6,2249-2262,Hidalgo-Rasmussen The association between victimization resulting from intimate partner violence and depression among Brazilian adults,2019,24,7,2691-2700,Azeredo Resignation violence and filing complaint: social representations of the male aggressor from the perspective of the female victim of aggression,2019,24,7,2659-2666,Nóbrega Indigenous homicide in Brazil: geospatial mapping and secondary data analysis (2010 to 2014),2019,24,7,2637-2648,Pereira Physical abuse of children and adolescents: do health professionals perceive and denounce?,2019,24,7,2609-2616,Ramos-Jorge What is the effect of violence against Brazilian women on their self-perception of health?,2019,24,7,2531-2542,Cruz Assessment tools of non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents 1990-2016: a systematic review,2019,24,8,2871-2882,Hidalgo-Rasmussen Analysis of the theme of violence in policies of long-term care for the elderly,2019,24,8,2859-2870,Souza Validation of the Fall Risk Tracking Tool (FRRISque) in elderly community dwellers,2019,24,8,2845-2858,Pereira Exposure to domestic violence in women living in Istanbul and Aegean regions: a Turkish sample,2019,24,8,2835-2844,Alkan Factors associated with aggression perpetrated by unknown assailants among young males treated by the emergency services: a case-control study,2019,24,8,2825-2834,Garcia Obstetric violence: influences of the Senses of Birth exhibition in pregnant women childbirth experience,2019,24,8,2811-2824,Diniz Early adversity and adult delinquency: the mediational role of mental health in youth offenders,2019,24,8,2805-2810,Basto-Pereira Socioeconomic factors associated with the death rate by homicide in Colombia 2000-2014,2019,24,8,2793-2804,Pardo-Montaño Incidence and predictive factors of falls in community-dwelling elderly: a longitudinal study,2019,24,9,3507-3516,Pegorari Factors associated with the work capacity of motorcycle taxi drivers,2019,24,10,3957-3967,Araujo Suicide-related behavior and health-related quality of life among first-year university students in a Mexican university,2019,24,10,3763-3772,Hidalgo-Rasmussen Influence of physical performance on elderly mortality functionality and life satisfaction: FIBRA's study data,2019,24,11,4181-4190,Fernandes Workplace accidents among hospital cleaning professionals at a hospital in the city of Maranhão Brazil,2019,24,11,4123-4132,Gomes Promotion of children's rights and prevention of child abuse,2019,24,11,3997-4008,Gontijo Austerity policies in Brazil may affect violence related outcomes,2019,24,12,4385-4394,Barreto Mapping the provision of care to an adolescent victim of school bullying by the Family Health Strategy in Brazil,2020,25,1,353-363,Pigozi Analysis of deaths by intoxication that occurred in Brazil from 2010 to 2015 based on the Mortality Information System (SIM),2020,25,2,761-772,Bochner Productivity costs among people involved in traffic accidents,2020,25,2,749-760,Ferreira Spatial analysis of motorcycle-related mortalities in Brazilian municipalities,2020,25,2,683-692,Queiroz Space-time analysis of mortality by suicide in the State of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil in the period from 2000 to 2015,2020,25,2,633-643,Santos Physical violence inside female prisons in Brazil: prevalence and related factors,2020,25,2,623-632,Kendall Violence against women: what happens when the Women's Protection Police Station is closed?,2020,25,2,483-494,Dias Approaching the concept of mental health for indigenous peoples in Colombia,2020,25,3,1157-1166,Vélez Trend and distribution of the homicide mortality rate in accordance with the size of the population of Brazilian municipalities - 2000 and 2015,2020,25,3,1147-1156,Duarte Violence perpetrated against the elderly and health-related quality of life: a populational study in the city of São Paulo Brazil,2020,25,3,1119-1128,Lebrao Factors associated with traffic accidents among drivers: findings from a population-based study,2020,25,3,943-955,Ferreira Social inequalities in the impact of falls on health-related quality of life among older adults,2020,25,5,1887-1896,Paiva Dance as an intervention to improve mobility and balance in elderly: a literature review,2020,25,5,1913-1924,Oliveira Homicides in Brazil in the last decade: an integrative review,2020,25,5,1925-1934,Luna Weaknesses in the work process in Health Care for Women in situations of sexual violence,2020,25,5,1877-1886,Brilhante Homicide of lesbians gays bisexuals travestis transexuals and transgender people (LGBT) in Brazil: a spatial analysis,2020,25,5,1709-1722,Silva Epidemiology of the injury with venomous animals in the state of Rio Grande do Norte Northeast of Brazil,2020,25,5,1967-1978,Tavares Violence against women in life: study among primary care users,2020,25,5,1935-1946,Gigante Frailty syndrome in Brazilian older people: a population based study,2020,25,5,1947-1954,Lourenço Work fatalities in a Brazilian oil and gas company: analysis of workers' health and safety policy,2020,25,5,1819-1828,Hennington The intensive use of the internet by children and adolescents in the context of COVID-19 and the risks for self-inflicted violence,2020,25,Suppl 1,2479-2486,Deslandes Violence and primary health care in Brazil: an integrative literature review,2020,25,6,2247-2257,Machado Factors associated with elder abuse: a systematic review of the literature,2020,25,6,2153-2175,Silva Bibliometric analysis of the scientific evidence on violence perpetrated against the elderly,2020,25,6,2143-2152,Alves Risk factors associated with mortality in young and long-lived older adults in Florianópolis SC Brazil,2020,25,6,2031-2040,d'Orsi Cyclists' noise exposure in a Brazilian medium-sized city,2020,25,7,2891-2902,Botteldooren Incidence of venomous snakebite accidents by snake species in Brazilian biomes,2020,25,7,2837-2846,Ignotti Gender disasters and mortality: earthquake in Mexico City September 19th 2017,2020,25,7,2831-2836,Álvarez-Díaz Poisoning by agricultural pesticides in the state of Goiás Brazil 2005-2015: analysis of records in official information systems,2020,25,7,2743-2754,Bellini Expansion displacement and interiorization of homicides in Brazil between 2000 and 2015: a spatial analysis,2020,25,8,3097-3105,Soares Filho Homicide mortality in border regions in the State of Paraná Brazil,2020,25,8,3107-3118,Xavier-Gomes Early maladaptive schemas as mediators between child maltreatment and dating violence in adolescence,2020,25,8,3119-3130,Dell'Aglio Professional practices in situations of violence in home care: an integrative review,2020,25,9,3587-3596,Maia Marital violence precipitating/intensifying elements during the Covid-19 pandemic,2020,25,9,3475-3480,Gomes The Human Capital Index: a challenge for Brazil,2020,25,9,3611-3614,Costa Mortality among former youth offenders,2020,25,10,3703-3711,Scanlon Contributions to address violence against older adults during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil,2020,25,Suppl 2,4177-4184,Souza Intra-family and school violence scale using the Item Response Theory,2020,25,11,4473-4484,Conde Contributions to the literature on violence and health in 25 years of the Brazilian public health Ciência & Saúde Coletiva,2020,25,12,4791-4802,Souza An integrative review of care networks for adolescents who have experienced sexual violence,2020,25,12,4991-5002,Broseguini Adolescence in public health - revisiting 25 years of publications,2020,25,12,4831-4842,Avanci The prevalence of severe falls and associated factors among elderly Brazilians: Results of the 2013 National Health Survey,2021,26,1,185-196,Lima-Costa A nationwide school-based study of violence in Brazil (PeNSE 2015),2021,26,1,241-254,Munhoz Invisible conversations: subjects spoken but unheard in gynecological visits,2021,26,1,275-284,Meneghel The experience told by the child who lives in a shelter through therapeutic play,2021,26,2,435-444,Almeida Physical violence and associated factors in participants of the National Student Health Survey (NSHS),2021,26,2,611-624,Leite Violence and vulnerability of the community health worker in the territory: implications for tackling COVID-19,2021,26,2,657-668,Vieira-Meyer Fatigue and quality of life among professional ballroom dancers in Brazil,2021,26,2,757-764,Resende Factors associated with death in women with intimate partner violence notification in Brazil,2021,26,3,975-985,Malta Knowledge and attitudes of schoolchildren about the prevention of accidents,2021,26,3,1077-1084,Freitas The production of care in psychosocial care services: home visits as an intervention technology to be used in the territory,2021,26,3,1163-1172,Monteiro Spatial and temporal patterns of mortality among motorcyclists in a State of the Brazilian Northeast in the 21st century,2021,26,4,1501-1510,Santos Social representations of suicide for adolescents of a Public School in the city of Curitiba Paraná Brazil,2021,26,4,1533-1542,Kravetz News coverage on suicides published in Brazilian news media channels,2021,26,4,1565-1574,Vedana Association between community-based and workplace violence and the sleep quality of health professionals: a cross-sectional study,2021,26,5,1647-1656,Silveira Non-fatal gunshot wounds among military police in Rio de Janeiro: health as a field of emergency against the naturalization of violence,2021,26,5,1911-1922,Assis Intimate partner violence breastfeeding breastmilk substitutes and baby bottle use in the first year of life,2021,26,5,1955-1964,Hasselmann Youth mortality social marginalization and health inequity in Mexico,2021,26,7,2587-2599,Vega-López Triple taboo: considerations about suicide among children and adolescents,2021,26,7,2693-2698,Minayo Suicide in young Brazilian adults: 1997-2019 time series,2021,26,7,2699-2708,Marcon A debate about risk violence and gender: a review of health production on sexting among young people,2021,26,7,2709-2718,Bevilacqua "Dating is pure suffering": violence within affective-sexual relationships between adolescents in a school in the Costa Verde Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2021,26,7,2719-2728,Carvalhaes Violence in the affective-sexual trajectories of young gay men: "new" settings and "old" challenges,2021,26,7,2729-2738,Nogueira Validation of the educational technology "abuse no more" for young people with intellectual disabilities,2021,26,7,2793-2806,Gontijo "In the middle of the crossfire": considerations about the armed violence impacts in Primary Health Care in the city of Rio de Janeiro,2021,26,6,2109-2118,Minayo Intra-urban differentials of suicide: the role of social fragmentation in Argentina,2021,26,6,2345-2354,Alazraqui The relationship between Brazilian legislation on the mandatory use of restraint devices for zero- to four-year-old children in vehicles and the numbers of injured and dead in traffic accidents,2021,26,Suppl 2,3527-3534,Almeida Reducing alcohol-related risks among adolescents: a feasibility study of the SHAHRP program in Brazilian schools,2021,26,8,3005-3018,Noto Gameplay learning and emotions in the board game Violets: cinema & action in combating violence against women,2021,26,8,3277-3288,Oliveira Sociodemographic and lifestyle factors related to violent behaviors among university students,2021,26,8,3311-3322,Murray Mortality due to bicycle accidents in Pernambuco Brazil,2013,18,5,1255-1262,Pestana Cycling to achieve healthy and sustainable alternatives,2012,17,6,1617-1628,de Freitas Mortality among Brazilian adolescents and young adults between 1990 to 2019: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease study,2021,26,9,4069-4086,Minayo Prevalence and co-occurrence of adverse childhood experiences: a school-based survey in Rio de Janeiro,2021,26,9,4115-4127,Moraes A qualitative study on factors associated with intimate partner violence in Colombia,2021,26,9,4205-4216,Fandiño-Losada Exposure to pesticides or agroecological practices: suicidal ideation among peasant farmers in Brazil's semi-arid region,2021,26,9,4243-4252,Caldeira Social segregation and lethal police violence in the city of São Paulo Brazil (2014-2015),2021,26,9,4275-4286,Peres Of Our Territory We Know: social mapping experience for emergencies and disasters,2021,26,10,4579-4590,Oliveira Police reports on the prevention of violence among youths: experiences in Brazil and Scotland,2021,26,10,4603-4612,Fernandes Crime and police activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2021,26,10,4703-4714,Monteiro Estimates of suicide mortality in women residents in northeast Brazilian states from 1996 to 2018,2021,26,10,4795-4804,Meira Notifications hospitalizations and deaths from self-harm in children in Brazil's national health systems,2021,26,Suppl 3,4895-4908,Avanci Association between social capital and bullying among adolescents aged between 15 and 19: relations between the school and social environment,2021,26,Suppl 3,4919-4932,Leite The influence of family and peer violence in the practice of bullying among school adolescents,2021,26,Suppl 3,4933-4943,Barreira Homicides among youths: local sociabilities in fostering lethal interpersonal aggression,2021,26,Suppl 3,4945-4954,Spinelli Factors associated with suicidal ideation among transvestites and transsexuals assisted by non-governmental organizations,2021,26,Suppl 3,4955-4966,Meira Know-how and techniques of Family Health Strategy managers and professionals in the prevention of violence against adolescents,2021,26,Suppl 3,4967-4980,Deslandes Increase in physical violence against women perpetrated by the intimate partner: a trend analysis,2021,26,Suppl 3,4993-5002,Higarashi Intersections between gender socialization and violence against women by the intimate partner,2021,26,Suppl 3,5003-5012,Machado Profile of Rio de Janeiro's violent lethality perpetrators Brazil (2015),2021,26,Suppl 3,5023-5032,Minayo Impact of minority stress in depressive symptoms suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in transgender people,2021,26,Suppl 3,5045-5056,Koller Child abuse and sexual risk behavior in adulthood: a systematic review,2021,26,Suppl 3,5057-5068,Gonçalves Falls and health-related quality of life: influence of frequency and location type of falls,2021,26,Suppl 3,5099-5108,Paiva Systematic review of the characteristics of LGBT homicides,2021,26,11,5615-5628,Mendes The body in old age and its relationships with falls from the narrative of elderlies,2021,26,11,5681-5690,Machin Trend spatialization and circumstances associated with violence against vulnerable populations in Brazil between 2009 and 2017,2021,26,11,5751-5763,Soares Unemployment and suicide among the Brazilian population in the crisis of capitalism,2021,26,12,5869-5882,Barreto Eradicating slave labour by 2030: the challenge of worker health surveillance,2021,26,12,5883-5895,Bales Work-related violences and associated variables in oncology nursing professionals,2021,26,12,5955-5966,Meira Analysis of the causes of pesticide poisoning underreporting in the healthcare network in a municipality in Southern Brazil,2021,26,12,6037-6047,Tosetto Risk rates of workplace accidents in Brazil: effect of the Accidental Prevention Factor (APF)?,2021,26,12,6079-6088,Sakae Knowledge territories and drug use: street ways of life and reinventing care,2022,27,1,123-132,Marques Disrespect and abuse mistreatment and obstetric violence: a challenge for epidemiology and public health in Brazil,2022,27,2,483-491,Marques Femicide in borderline Brazilian municipalities,2022,27,2,493-502,Meneghel Burning witches: feminism and intimate femicides by burning in a Brazilian metropolis,2022,27,2,525-534,Cordeiro Abuse disrespect and mistreatment during childbirth care: contribution of the Ribeirão Preto cohorts Brazil,2022,27,2,535-544,Bettiol Between hate speech and fear: throwing evil across the border,2022,27,2,603-608,Sy Dimensions of student violence against the teacher,2022,27,,1027-1038,Barbosa Dimensions of student violence against the teacher,2022,27,3,1027-1038,Barbosa Violence against public school teachers and burnout,2022,27,3,1039-1048,Cardoso Sociodemographic aspects barriers and motivations of cyclists from a South Brazilian city: a study of mixed methods,2022,27,3,1249-1262,Bacchieri Information systems on violence against women: an integrative review,2022,27,4,1273-1287,Deslandes Intersectorality and health in state public security and violence prevention policies in Brazil,2022,27,4,1301-1316,Peres Physical intimate partner violence and dietary patterns in pregnancy: a Brazilian cohort,2022,27,4,1317-1326,Hasselmann "They go right after our children": illnesses and resistance of mothers of police brutality victims in Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2022,27,4,1327-1336,Souza Active commuting among workers in the Southern of Brazil: a comparative analysis between 2006 and 2016,2022,27,4,1413-1422,Malta Intimate partner violence during pregnancy: a focus on partner characteristics,2022,27,5,1873-1882,Deslandes Constituent elements of masculinity taught/learned in childhood and adolescence of men who are being criminally prosecuted for violence against women/partners,2022,27,6,2123-2131,Gomes Temporal trend of sexual violence against adolescent women in Brazil 2011-2018,2022,27,6,2363-2371,Madeiro Suicide in the state of São Paulo Brazil: comparing public safety and health data,2022,27,6,2427-2436,Gianvecchio Repercussions on work health and family relationships of police officers wounded by gunshot to the face,2022,27,8,3193-3202,Minayo Physical activity and perceived environment among adults from a city in Southern Brazilian,2022,27,6,2197-2210,Silva Dentists' perceptions and attitudes towards emergency care for women in situations of violence: a scope review,2022,27,,3729-3740,Ferreira Our daily violence according to PNS 2019 data,2022,27,,3701-3714,Minayo Association between racial residential segregation and homicide mortality in municipalities in Minas Gerais Brazil,2022,27,,3637-3646,Nogueira Sexual violence: evaluation of cases and care for women in specialized and non-specialized health services,2022,27,,3715-3728,Melo Mental health of female sex workers in the COVID-19 pandemic: stressors and coping strategies,2022,27,9,3571-3582,Couto Does religiosity impact binge drinking among early adolescents? A cross-sectional study in a city in Southeastern Brazil,2022,27,9,3669-3678,Ferreira How does the regulation of abortion provision for pregnancies resulting from rape affect its supply in the municipalities?,2022,27,9,3689-3700,Boing Nude leaking: from moralization and gendered violence to empowerment,2022,27,,3959-3968,Deslandes Physical violence against women by an intimate partner: analysis of VIVA Survey 2017,2022,27,10,3993-4002,Malta A systematic review of the effect of the school-based drug prevention program Keepin' it REAL: translated and implemented in Brazil by PROERD,2022,27,11,4175-4189,Sanchez Working in health and safety at work: reflections on the construction of an integrated policy,2022,27,11,4265-4276,Lancman Working conditions and common mental disorders in prison officers in the inland region of the state of São Paulo Brazil,2022,27,12,4559-4567,Girotto Analysis of femicide cases in Campinas SP Brazil from 2018 to 2019 through the ecological model of violence,2023,28,1,23-36,Cordeiro What do children aged 5 to 14 years die from in the state of Rio de Janeiro Brazil? Trend analysis of the period 2000-2019,2023,28,,473-485,Boschi-Pinto Deaths crimes and violence not classified as a crime among children and adolescents in Maranhão Brazil (2014 to 2020),2023,28,2,421-435,Ribeiro What do children aged 5 to 14 years die from in the state of Rio de Janeiro Brazil? Trend analysis of the period 2000-2019,2023,28,2,473-485,Boschi-Pinto Development of guidelines for hospital care of suicide attempts in adolescence,2023,28,3,863-874,Scheibe Cyclist mortality in the municipality of São Paulo Brazil: recent demographic characteristics and trends,2023,28,4,1229-1239,Gouveia Suicide among women in Brazil: a necessary discussion from a gender perspective,2023,28,5,1469-1477,Bredemeier Typification and factors associated with violence among the homeless in a municipality of Minas Gerais Brazil,2023,28,6,1607-1617,Freitas Treating post-traumatic stress disorder in survivors of community and domestic violence using narrative exposure therapy: a case series in two public health centers in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil,2023,28,6,1619-1630,Avanci Timeline trend of homicides of women in the states of the Southeast region of Brazil between 2007 and 2019,2023,28,6,1631-1642,Matozinhos Inter(national) recommendations to face violence against women and girls in COVID-19 pandemic,2023,28,6,1643-1653,Njaine Female community health agents' structure of social thinking about domestic violence against women,2023,28,6,1663-1673,Boery Patterns of dating violence victimization and alcohol consumption among adolescent students from southern Jalisco Mexico,2023,28,6,1675-1684,Hidalgo-Rasmussen Professional practices in situations of child abuse: an integrative review,2023,28,6,1703-1715,Silva Screening for obstructive sleep apnea in truck drivers,2023,28,6,1863-1872,Argel The cheapest meat on the market is black meat: notes on racism and obstetric violence against Black women,2023,28,9,2511-2517,Campos Fall accidents in older people: a time trend analysis of the period 2000-2020 and the estimated economic burden on the Brazilian health system in 2025,2023,28,11,3101-3110,Ansai The Family Health Strategy and addressing violence against children and adolescents: an integrative review,2023,28,11,3247-3258,Albuquerque Female Latin American migrant workers and violences: towards an intersectional perspective?,2023,28,11,3281-3287,Andrade Sources and information systems on occupational accidents in Brazil,2023,28,11,3407-3408,Fischer What have adolescents in Rio de Janeiro city Brazil done to reduce their community violence exposure?,2024,29,1,e18182022,Reichenheim Prevalence of violence against women living in rural areas and associated factors: a cross-sectional study based on the 2019 National Health Survey,2024,29,1,e20452022,Pinto The impacts of violence among women in intimate relationships: an integrative literature review,2024,29,2,e03232023,Machado Prevalence and factors associated with risky sexual behavior among Brazilian school adolescents,2024,29,2,e03342023,Madeiro The effect of common mental disorders on suicidal attempts by women during pregnancy and six to nine years after birth,2024,29,2,e03742023,Ludermir "Arrest me DeleGata!" - gender performativities in the construction of beauty as an aesthetic and discursive weapon of power among female Civil Police chiefs,2024,29,2,e15552023,Uziel Bullying victimization and associated factors among schoolchildren in a city in the south of Brazil,2024,29,2,e16092022,Bielemann Trauma and literality: psychodynamic reason in the spirit of neuroscientific traumatization,2024,29,2,e19502022,Ortega Violence and vulnerability: the everyday life of black youth in suburbs of two Brazilian state capitals,2024,29,3,e04402023,Silva "Even if we are the caring hand": Black doctors and structural racism in the context of primary health care,2024,29,3,e07622023,Campos Factors associated with homicides of women in Brazil by race or colour 2016-2020,2024,29,3,e10202023,Luiz Discussing the relationships between homoparenthood and health,2024,29,4,e18412023,Gomes Meanings and perceptions of parenthood among transgender men who became pregnant before gender transition,2024,29,4,e19532023,Dantas "You only have one mother!": institutional violence in experiences of double motherhood in healthcare,2024,29,4,e19802023,Moretti-Pires Obstetric violence and LGBTQIA+phobia: interlaced oppressions and violations,2024,29,4,e20072023,Cardoso The experience of forced sexual intercourse among undergraduate students: associated factors and possible consequences,2023,28,4,1241-1251,Neiva-Silva Sociodemographic factors and lifestyle behaviours associated with bullying victimization and perpetration in a sample of Brazilian adolescents,2024,29,5,e00092023,Lopes Association between school context and occurrence of multiple sexual partners: cross-sectional study with multilevel analysis,2024,29,5,e00992023,Santos Factors associated with concurrent alcohol tobacco and illicit drug use: 2019 National School-Based Health Survey,2024,29,5,e06882023,Malta Digital abuse among dating partners: perspectives and experiences of adolescents from two Brazilian capitals,2024,29,5,e15552022,Souza Percepção de pacientes com AIDS diagnosticada na adolescência sobre o aconselhamento pré e pós-teste 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