Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Measurement of brake response time after right anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,2000,16,2,151-155,Kelly The arthroscopic appearance of a normal anterior cruciate ligament in a posterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee: the posterolateral bundle (PLB) sign,2005,21,10,1267,Fu Simultaneous acute rupture of the patellar tendon and the anterior cruciate ligament,2005,21,9,1143,Costa-Paz A Clinically Relevant Review of Hip Biomechanics,2010,26,8,1118-1129,Fox High-energy knee dislocation without anterior cruciate ligament disruption in a skeletally immature adolescent,2003,19,7,782-786,Flowers Accidental burn injury during knee arthroscopy,2007,23,12,1363.e1-13633,Huang The German Hip Outcome Score: Validation in Patients Undergoing Surgical Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement,2011,27,3,339-345,Mannion Ankle arthroscopy in industrial injuries of the ankle,1995,11,2,127-133,Stone Cartilage injuries: a review of 31516 knee arthroscopies,1997,13,4,456-460,Curl Penetrating knee injuries: the nail gun,1989,5,3,172-175,Barber A review of ski injuries resulting in combined injury to the anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligaments,2003,19,2,194-202,Pressman Evidence of validity for the hip outcome score,2006,22,12,1304-1311,Kelly Return to sport in Australian football league footballers after hip arthroscopy and midterm outcome,2013,29,7,1188-1194,O'Donnell The outcome of hip arthroscopy in Australian football league players: a review of 27 hips,2010,26,6,743-749,Singh Effect of knee brace type on braking response time during automobile driving,2014,31,3,404-409,Haid Muscle and tendon injuries: the role of biological interventions to promote and assist healing and recovery,2015,31,5,999-1015,Maffulli Return to play after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in Major League Baseball athletes,2015,31,5,896-900,Dines Correlates with history of injury in youth and adolescent pitchers,2015,31,7,1349-1357,Romeo Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in baseball players,2016,32,11,2278-2284,Fleisig The hip in ice hockey: a current concepts review,2016,32,9,1928-1938,Kelly Editorial commentary: pitching should come with a warning label,2016,32,8,1569-1570,Wetzler Return to play of rugby players after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using hamstring autograft: return to sports and graft failure according to age,2016,33,1,181-189,Kaneko Braking reaction time after right-knee anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a comparison of 3 grafts,2016,33,1,173-180,Strauss Reliable references accountable authors and steadfast reviewers mitigate against retracted publications and scientific misconduct,2017,33,8,1435-1436,Brand Editorial commentary: Ankle anterior impingement is common in athletes and could be under-recognized,2015,31,8,1597,Lubowitz Results from the Swedish national anterior cruciate ligament register,2014,30,7,803-810,Forssblad Brake reaction time after ankle and subtalar arthroscopy,2017,33,12,2231-2237,Gao Clinical and radiologic outcomes after scaphoid fracture: injury and treatment patterns in National Football League Combine athletes between 2009 and 2014,2017,33,12,2154-2158,Provencher Posterolateral corner injuries of the knee at the National Football League Combine: an imaging and outcomes analysis,2018,34,3,687-692,Provencher Posterior cruciate ligament injuries of the knee at the National Football League Combine: an imaging and epidemiology study,2018,34,3,681-686,Provencher Symptomatic focal knee chondral injuries in National Football League Combine players are associated with poorer performance and less volume of play,2018,34,3,671-677,Provencher Clinical outcomes return to sports and patient satisfaction after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in young and middle-aged patients in an asian population-a 2-year follow-up study,2018,34,4,1054-1059,Tay Editorial commentary: MRI findings are only one part of the equation in National Football League athletes: shoulder instability in contact athletes,2018,34,1,73-74,Bradley Return to work or sport after multiligament knee injury: a systematic review of 21 studies and 524 patients,2018,34,5,1708-1716,Flanigan Reaction time and brake pedal depression following arthroscopic hip surgery: a prospective case-control study,2018,34,5,1463-1470.e1,Balazs A history of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction at the National Football League Combine results in inferior early National Football League career participation,2018,34,8,2446-2453,Provencher Length of time between anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and return to sport does not predict need for revision surgery in National Football League Players,2019,35,1,158-162,Bach Return to sport following revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in athletes: a systematic review,2019,35,7,2222-2230,Glogovac Editorial commentary: Rehabilitation and return-to-sports readiness the "black box" of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction patient recovery,2019,35,7,2080-2082,Nyland High risk of further ACL injury in a 10-year follow-up study of ACL-reconstructed soccer players in the Swedish National Knee Ligament Registry,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Forssblad A sport-specific analysis of the epidemiology of hip injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association athletes from 2009 to 2014,2019,35,9,2724-2732,Smith Should we question the external validity of database studies? A comparative analysis of demographics,2019,35,9,2686-2694,Cvetanovich Epidemiology of shoulder instability injuries in collision collegiate sports from 2009 to 2014,2020,36,1,36-43,Mulcahey Editorial commentary: Return to sport: an ill-defined parameter,2020,36,2,450-452,Leunig Author reply to "Regarding 'reaction time and brake pedal depression after arthroscopic hip surgery in a prospective case-control study'",2020,36,4,929,Balazs Regarding "Reaction time and brake pedal depression after arthroscopic hip surgery in a prospective case-control study",2020,36,4,928-929,Khanduja Is there value and validity for the use of return to sport test batteries after ACL injury and reconstruction?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hewett Sports performance and injury research - methodologic limitations and recommendations for future improvements,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maak Nearly one-third of published systematic reviews and meta-analyses yield inconclusive conclusions: a systematic review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harris Fear of re-injury psychological factors and sport played have negative impact on return to sport following medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for patellar instability,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mulcahey Return to play and re-injury rates in NCAA Division I football players following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using hamstring autograft,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zura Greater psychological readiness to return to sport as well as greater present and future knee-related self-efficacy can increase the risk for an ACL re-rupture: a matched cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Thomeé High-level athletes who did not return to sport for reasons unrelated to their hip achieve successful midterm outcomes with a benchmarking against high-level athletes who returned to sport,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lee Disabled throwing shoulder: 2021 update. part 2-pathomechanics and treatment,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kibler Editorial commentary: Baseball catchers who throw from a squatted position may reduce medial elbow torque by stretching exercise to increase passive internal rotation of the throwing-side hip,2022,38,4,1144-1145,Makhni Critical criteria recommendations: return to sport after ACL reconstruction requires evaluation of time after surgery of 8 months >2 functional tests psychological readiness and quadriceps/hamstring strength,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ramappa The Short 5-Item Shoulder Instability-Return to Sport After Injury (SIRSI) score performs as well as the longer version in predicting psychological readiness to return to sport,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rossi Median time to return to sports after concussion is within 21 days in 80% of published studies,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boublik Upper extremity injuries have the poorest return to play and most time lost in professional baseball: a systematic review of injuries in major league baseball,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lynch Return to sport after arthroscopic bankart repair with remplissage: a systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Khan Return-to-sport outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament surgical treatment may be improved by attention to modifiable factors and consideration of nonmodifiable factors,2023,39,3,571-574,Brand Editorial commentary: there is no standard for or standardization of postoperative rehabilitation protocols after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,2023,39,3,590-591,Lin The majority of sports medicine and arthroscopy related randomized-controlled trials reporting non-significant results are statistically fragile,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Menendez On-field and pitch-side assessment of sports concussion in collision sports: an expert consensus statement using the modified Delphi Technique,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dvorak Psychological readiness to return to sport: fear of reinjury is the leading reason for failure to return to competitive sport and is modifiable,2023,39,8,1775-1778,Sheean Editorial commentary: Understanding injury epidemiology builds trust in baseball players,2023,39,8,1936-1937,Brand Return to sports following sports-related concussion in collision sports: an expert consensus statement using the modified Delphi Technique,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dvorak Young collision athletes have high rate of return to play and good clinical outcomes following open latarjet procedure,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dickens Inconsistent return to sport despite improved outcomes following re-revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: an updated systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,LaPrade Editorial commentary: Women do not return to sport at the same level after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction as often as men: this may be associated with lower risk tolerance-and not necessarily a bad thing!,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Siegel The primary risk factors for season-ending injuries in professional basketball are minutes played per game and later season games,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chhabra Load management is essential to prevent season ending injuries in the National Basketball Association,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jildeh Editorial Commentary: The Shoulder Transpectoralis Portal for Arthroscopic Latarjet: Medial to the Coracoid Can Also Be a Safe Side!,2021,37,2,477-479,Boileau Editorial Commentary: Working Around the Coracoid-The Lighthouse to the Shoulder,2019,35,2,380-381,Lo Editorial commentary: Shoulder instability-return to sports after injury (SIRSI) scale is more than just a psychological readiness tool but a potential predictive model for outcomes and recurrence,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Waterman