Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Investigating the status of marital burnout and related factors in married women referred to health centers,2021,21,1,e25,Alami Risk factors for domestic physical violence: national cross-sectional household surveys in eight southern African countries,2007,7,1,11,Scheepers The relationship between aggressive behaviors of preschool children and the violence against Iranian women in the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,22,1,e406,Salmani Intimate partner violence among pregnant women in Rwanda,2008,8,1,17,Rudatsikira Factors associated with wife beating in Egypt: analysis of two surveys (1995 and 2005),2008,8,,15,Khan Community perceptions of intimate partner violence- a qualitative study from urban Tanzania,2011,11,1,13,Emmelin Violence against Canadian Women,2004,4,Suppl 1,S22,Cohen Sexual coercion of married women in Nepal,2010,10,1,31,Tamang Women poverty and adverse maternal outcomes in Nairobi Kenya,2010,10,1,33,Izugbara Eating Disorders,2004,4,Suppl 1,S21,Ahmad Depression,2004,4,Suppl 1,S19,Stewart Women's Status and Violence against Young Married Women in Rural Nepal,2011,11,1,19,Puri Prevalence and associated factors of depressive and anxiety symptoms during pregnancy: A population based study in rural Bangladesh,2011,11,1,22,Forsell Intimate partner violence among women with HIV infection in rural Uganda: critical implications for policy and practice,2011,11,1,50,Kaye Behind the Silence of Harmony: Risk Factors for Physical and Sexual Violence among Women in Rural Indonesia,2011,11,1,52,Hogberg Traumatic physical health consequences of intimate partner violence against women: what is the role of community-level factors?,2011,11,1,56,Antai Period poverty and mental health implications among college-aged women in the United States,2021,21,1,e14,Gupta The health of women in the US fire service,2012,12,1,39,Hyder A cross-sectional analysis of women's mental health problems: examining the association with different types of violence among a sample of Brazilian mothers,2013,13,1,20,Assis Sexual assault resistance education for university women: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (SARE trial),2013,13,1,25,Thurston Intimate partner violence and mental health in Bolivia,2013,13,1,28,Meekers Use of emergency department services by women victims of violence in Lazio region Italy,2013,13,1,31,Farchi Perceptions of firearms in a cohort of women exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV) in Central Pennsylvania,2021,21,1,e20,Lehman An examination of domestic partner violence and its justification in the Republic of Georgia,2013,13,1,44,Waltermaurer Intimate partner violence against women in the Erbil city of the Kurdistan region Iraq,2013,13,1,37,Shabila Patterns aetiology and risk factors of intimate partner violence-related injuries to head neck and face in Chinese women,2014,14,1,6,Wong Female genital mutilation and intimate partner violence in the Ivory Coast,2014,14,1,13,Peltzer Characteristics of sexual violence against adolescent girls and adult women,2014,14,1,15,Pedroso Is the health status of female victims poorer than males in the post-disaster reconstruction in China: a comparative study of data on male victims in the first survey and double tracking survey data,2014,14,1,18,Liang Violence against women and unintended pregnancies in Nicaragua: A population-based multilevel study,2014,14,1,26,San Sebastian Assessment of reproductive health and violence against women among displaced Syrians in Lebanon,2014,14,1,25,Gupta Gender: shaping personality lives and health of women in Pakistan,2014,14,1,53,Rizvi "We no longer live in the old days": a qualitative study on the role of masculinity and religion for men's views on violence within marriage in rural Java Indonesia,2014,14,1,58,Emmelin Personality in women and associations with mortality: a 40-year follow-up in the Population Study of Women in Gothenburg,2014,14,1,61,Waern Intimate partner sexual aggression against Chinese women: a mixed methods study,2014,14,,70,Yan Prevalence of domestic violence during pregnancy and related risk factors: a cross-sectional study in southern Sweden,2014,14,,63,Wann-Hansson Barriers among Danish women and general practitioners to raising the issue of intimate partner violence in general practice: a qualitative study,2014,14,1,74,Taket Women are considerably more exposed to intimate partner violence than men in Rwanda: results from a population-based cross-sectional study,2014,14,,99,Krantz Mental health of victims of sexual violence in eastern Congo: associations with daily stressors stigma and labeling,2014,14,,106,Derluyn Sexual assault in Lagos Nigeria: a five year retrospective review,2014,14,,115,Akinlusi Intimate partner violence and physical and mental health among women utilizing community health services in Gujarat India,2014,14,,127,Kamimura Sexual violence in the lives of first-year university women in Canada: no improvements in the 21st century,2014,14,,135,Thurston Post-coital posterior fornix perforation with vaginal evisceration,2014,14,,141,Ernest Prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence towards female students of the University of Ibadan Nigeria,2014,14,,131,Fawole Media coverage of violence against women in India: a systematic study of a high profile rape case,2015,15,1,3,Bhandari Histories of forced sex and health outcomes among Southern African lesbian and bisexual women: a cross-sectional study,2015,15,,181,Frazer Depression social support and associated factors among women living in rural China: a cross-sectional study,2015,15,1,28,Caine Genito-anal injury patterns and associated factors in rape survivors in an urban province of South Africa: a cross-sectional study,2015,15,1,e29,Jewkes The business of death: a qualitative study of financial concerns of widowed older women,2015,15,1,36,Nolan Patterns of domestic violence and alcohol consumption among women and the effectiveness of a brief intervention in a household setting: a protocol study,2015,15,1,e78,Noto Prevalence of sexual coercion and its association with unwanted pregnancies among young pregnant females in Kampala Uganda: a facility based cross-sectional study,2015,15,1,e79,Kiwanuka "I need to terminate this pregnancy even if it will take my life": a qualitative study of the effect of being denied legal abortion on women's lives in Nepal,2015,15,1,e85,Puri Emotional suppression and depressive symptoms in women newly diagnosed with early breast cancer,2015,15,1,e91,Wang The role of structural and interpersonal violence in the lives of women: a conceptual shift in prevention of gender-based violence,2015,15,1,e93,Montesanti Correlates of intimate partner violence against women during a time of rapid social transition in Rwanda: analysis of the 2005 and 2010 demographic and health surveys,2015,15,1,e96,Thomson Sex trafficking awareness and associated factors among youth females in Bahir Dar town North-West Ethiopia: a community based study,2014,14,,e85,Azage Physical health symptoms reported by trafficked women receiving post-trafficking support in Moldova: prevalence severity and associated factors,2012,12,,20,Abas Cross-sectional and longitudinal risk of physical impairment in a cohort of postmenopausal women who experience physical and verbal abuse,2015,15,1,98,Garcia Mapping the role of structural and interpersonal violence in the lives of women: implications for public health interventions and policy,2015,15,1,e100,Thurston Group psychological intervention for postnatal depression: a nested qualitative study with British South Asian women,2015,15,1,e109,Husain Retrospective observation of mental disorders during postpartum period: results from the Singapore mental health study,2015,15,1,e119,Subramaniam Women's approval of domestic physical violence against wives: analysis of the Ghana demographic and health survey,2015,15,1,e120,Asante A qualitative study exploring midlife women's stages of change from domestic violence towards freedom,2016,16,1,e13,Keeling Experience of intimate partner violence among young pregnant women in urban slums of Kathmandu Valley Nepal: a qualitative study,2016,16,1,e11,Alvesson Determinants of intimate partner violence during pregnancy among married women in Abay Chomen district Western Ethiopia: a community based cross sectional study,2016,16,1,e16,Abebe Abate A descriptive study of female suicide deaths from 2005 to 2011 in Van city Turkey,2016,16,1,e20,Canturk Beliefs underlying women's intentions to consume alcohol,2016,16,1,e36,Obst Gender at the intersection with race and class in the schooling and wellbeing of immigrant-origin students,2016,16,1,47,Bakhshaei Exploring "psychic transparency" during pregnancy: a mixed-methods approach,2016,16,1,e55,Falissard The effect of brisk walking on postural stability bone mineral density body weight and composition in women over 50 years with a sedentary occupation: a randomized controlled trial,2016,16,1,e63,Frömel Assessing the feasibility of a web-based domestic violence intervention using chronic disease frameworks: reducing the burden of 'treatment' and promoting capacity for action in women abused by a partner,2016,16,1,e73,Hegarty Maternal and neonatal service usage and determinants in fragile and conflict-affected situations: a systematic review of Asia and the Middle-East,2017,17,1,e20,Gopalan Making connections across silos: intimate partner violence mental health and substance use,2017,17,1,e29,Mason Effectively engaging stakeholders and the public in developing violence prevention messages,2017,17,1,e35,Wathen Experiences with VHA care: a qualitative study of U.S. women veterans with self-reported trauma histories,2017,17,1,e38,Harwood Frequency and predictors of anxiety and depression among pregnant women attending tertiary healthcare institutes of Quetta City Pakistan,2017,17,1,e51,Hassali Anxiety and depression among infertile women: a cross-sectional survey from Hungary,2017,17,1,e48,Ujma A comparison of intimate partner and other sexual assault survivors' use of different types of specialized hospital-based violence services,2017,17,1,e59,Du Mont A qualitative study of Filipina immigrants' stress distress and coping: the impact of their multiple transnational roles as women,2017,17,1,e72,Straiton Differences in drug use between men and women: an Italian cross sectional study,2017,17,1,e73,Putignano Is economic dependence on the husband a risk factor for intimate partner violence against female factory workers in Nepal?,2017,17,1,e82,Stock The Cedar project: using indigenous-specific determinants of health to predict substance use among young pregnant-involved aboriginal women,2017,17,1,e84,Bottorff Aggressive behaviour among drug-using women from Cape Town South Africa: ethnicity heavy alcohol use methamphetamine and intimate partner violence,2017,17,1,e93,Wechsberg Mental health sexual identity and interpersonal violence: findings from the Australian longitudinal Women's health study,2017,17,1,e94,Loxton Stress health and quality of life of female migrant domestic workers in Singapore: a cross-sectional study,2017,17,1,e98,Anjara Prevalence and predictors of help-seeking for women exposed to spousal violence in India - a cross-sectional study,2017,17,1,e99,San Sebastian Violence against women: prevalence and risk factors in Turkish sample,2017,17,1,e100,Sen Psychological symptoms among hospital nurses in Taiwan: a cross sectional study,2017,17,1,e101,Chen The trafficking of women and girls in Taiwan: characteristics of victims perpetrators and forms of exploitation,2017,17,1,e104,Huang Cognitive appraisal of exposure to specific types of trauma - a study of gender differences,2017,17,1,e111,Nemes Investigation of the association between quality of life and depressive symptoms during postpartum period: a correlational study,2017,17,1,e115,Sarafis Rejection acceptance and the spectrum between: understanding male attitudes and experiences towards conflict-related sexual violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,2017,17,1,e127,VanRooyen The association between hope marital status depression and persistent pain in men and women following cardiac surgery,2018,18,1,e2,Rustøen The effect of sleep pattern changes on postpartum depressive symptoms,2018,18,1,12,Lewis A qualitative study on coping behaviors and influencing factors among mothers in Japan raising children under three years old while experiencing physical and mental subjective symptoms,2018,18,1,e14,Miyazaki Gender-based violence screening methods preferred by women visiting a public hospital in Pune India,2018,18,1,e19,Bollinger Is the likelihood of spousal violence lower or higher among childless women? Evidence from Nigeria demographic and health surveys,2018,18,1,e20,Solanke Trauma attachment style and somatization: a study of women with dyspareunia and women survivors of sexual abuse,2018,18,1,e29,Somer Intimate partner sexual violence and risk for femicide suicidality and substance use among women in antenatal care and general out-patients in Thailand,2018,18,1,e37,Peltzer The relationship between under-five child death and maternal mental distress in Gamo Gofa Zone Southern Ethiopia: a community based comparative cross-sectional study,2018,18,1,44,Shifa A cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact on intimate partner violence of a 10-session participatory gender training curriculum delivered to women taking part in a group-based microfinance loan scheme in Tanzania (MAISHA CRT01): study protocol,2018,18,1,e55,Pilger Emotional violence and maternal mental health: a qualitative study among women in northern Vietnam,2018,18,1,e58,Gammeltoft A community-based qualitative study on the experience and understandings of intimate partner violence and HIV vulnerability from the perspectives of female sex workers and male intimate partners in North Karnataka state India,2018,18,1,e66,Bhattacharjee Mothers' autonomy and childhood stunting: evidence from semi-urban communities in Lao PDR,2018,18,1,e70,Yoshikawa Experiences of being screened for intimate partner violence during pregnancy: a qualitative study of women in Japan,2018,18,1,e75,Kataoka Interventions to reduce adverse health outcomes resulting from manifestations of gender bias amongst immigrant populations: a scoping review,2018,18,1,e104,Wanigaratne "It happens to clinicians too": an Australian prevalence study of intimate partner and family violence against health professionals,2018,18,1,e113,Hegarty Domestic and intimate partner violence among pregnant women in a low resource setting in South Africa: a facility-based mixed methods study,2018,18,1,e119,Field Intimate partner violence and abuse against Nigerian women resident in England UK: a cross- sectional qualitative study,2018,18,1,e123,Femi-Ajao Correlates of alcoholics anonymous affiliation among justice-involved women,2018,18,1,e125,Stein Opportunistic domestic violence screening for pregnant and post-partum women by community based health care providers,2018,18,1,e128,O'Reilly Socio-demographic and behavioural profile of women in polygamous relationships in South Africa: a retrospective analysis of the 2002 population-based household survey data,2018,18,1,e133,Simbayi Intimate partner violence against women in Nigeria: a multilevel study investigating the effect of women's status and community norms,2018,18,1,e136,Schumann Life on the margins: the experiences of sexual violence and exploitation among Eritrean asylum-seeking women in Israel,2018,18,1,e135,Tol Prevalence of domestic violence and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care service at University of Gondar Referral Hospital Northwest Ethiopia,2018,18,1,e138,Gelaye Perception of Beninese on intimate partner violence: evidence from 2011-2012 Benin demographic health survey,2018,18,1,e140,Kpozehouen Ghanaian media coverage of violence against women and girls: implications for health promotion,2018,18,1,e129,Owusu-Addo Understanding alcohol as an element of 'care practices' in adult White British women's everyday personal relationships: a qualitative study,2018,18,1,e137,Kaner Intimate partner violence associated with low quality of life - a cross-sectional study,2018,18,1,e148,Moen Use of emergency contraception among women with experience of domestic violence and abuse: a systematic review,2018,18,1,e156,Feder Factors mediating the impacts of child abuse and intimate partner violence on chronic pain: a cross-sectional study,2018,18,1,e160,Ford-Gilboe Unequal power relations and partner violence against women in Tanzania: a cross-sectional analysis,2018,18,1,e185,Jansen Self-compassion is associated with less stress and depression and greater attention and brain response to affective stimuli in women managers,2018,18,1,e195,Amaro Is caregiving by baby boomer women related to the presence of depressive symptoms? Evidence from eight national surveys,2018,18,1,e203,Chiao Abortion laws reform may reduce maternal mortality: an ecological study in 162 countries,2019,19,1,e1,Milner Altered social trajectories and risks of violence among young Syrian women seeking refuge in Turkey: a qualitative study,2019,19,1,e9,Scott The effect of a savings intervention on women's intimate partner violence victimization: heterogeneous findings from a randomized controlled trial in Colombia,2019,19,1,e17,Paluck Culturally-adapted cognitive behavioural therapy based intervention for maternal depression: a mixed-methods feasibility study,2019,19,1,e21,Husain Mixed methods assessment of women's risk of intimate partner violence in Nepal,2019,19,1,e20,Clark Can mental health treatments help prevent or reduce intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income countries? A systematic review,2019,19,1,e34,Patel The associations between intimate partner violence and maternal health care service utilization: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,19,1,e36,Loxton Women's circles as a culturally safe psychosocial intervention in Guatemalan indigenous communities: a community-led pilot randomised trial,2019,19,1,e53,Araya "Regardless you are not the first woman": an illustrative case study of contextual risk factors impacting sexual and reproductive health and rights in Nicaragua,2019,19,1,e76,Luffy Childhood adversity and women's cardiometabolic health in adulthood: associations with health behaviors psychological distress mood symptoms and personality,2019,19,1,e102,Bush A qualitative exploration of 'thrivership' among women who have experienced domestic violence and abuse: Development of a new model,2019,19,1,e106,Bradbury-Jones Fit for fight - self-reported health in military women: a cross-sectional study,2019,19,1,e119,Fadum Intimate partner violence among HIV positive women in care - results from a national survey Uganda 2016,2019,19,1,e130,Matovu Child marriage in Ghana: evidence from a multi-method study,2019,19,1,e126,Ahonsi "We are responsible for the violence and prevention is up to us": a qualitative study of perceived risk factors for gender-based violence among Ethiopian university students,2019,19,1,e131,Kaufman When user-centered design meets implementation science: integrating provider perspectives in the development of an intimate partner violence intervention for women treated in the United States' largest integrated healthcare system,2019,19,1,e145,Gerber No straight lines - young women's perceptions of their mental health and wellbeing during and after pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-ethnography,2019,19,1,e152,Olander History of childhood abuse is associated with less positive treatment outcomes in socially stable women with alcohol use disorder,2019,19,1,e159,Engstrom Neonatal infant and child mortality among women exposed to intimate partner violence in East Africa: a multi-country analysis,2020,20,1,e10,Memiah Structural equation modeling of psychosocial determinants of health for the empowerment of Iranian women in reproductive decision making,2020,20,1,e19,Zayeri Prevalence of intimate partner violence against women and associated factors in Ethiopia,2020,20,1,e22,Chernet Understanding the endorsement of wife beating in Ghana: evidence of the 2014 Ghana demographic and health survey,2020,20,1,e25,Dickson Prevalence knowledge attitude and practices of female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C) among United Arab Emirates population,2020,20,1,e79,Al Awar Quality of life psychological distress and violence among women in close relationships: a population-based study in Finland,2020,20,1,e85,Kruse Community stakeholders' views on reducing violence against women in Pakistan,2020,20,1,e98,Karmaliani "When my mother called me to say that the time of cutting had arrived I just escaped to Belgium with my daughter": identifying turning points in the change of attitudes towards the practice of female genital mutilation among migrant women in Belgium,2020,20,1,e107,Agboli Intimate partner violence and nutritional status among Nepalese women: an investigation of associations,2020,20,1,e127,Adhikari Intimate partner violence as a factor in contraceptive discontinuation among sexually active married women in Nigeria,2020,20,1,e128,Kupoluyi Continuum of sexual and gender-based violence risks among Syrian refugee women and girls in Lebanon,2020,20,1,e176,Bartels Challenges and opportunities confronting female-headed households in Iran: a qualitative study,2020,20,1,e183,Yoosefi Lebni Intimate partner violence against women and its association with pregnancy loss in Ethiopia: evidence from a national survey,2020,20,1,e192,Loxton Factors influencing women's sex work in a Lebanese sample: results of a case-control study,2020,20,1,e193,Haddad Examining determinants of gender attitudes: evidence among Tanzanian adolescents,2020,20,1,e195,Palermo Determinants of early sexual initiation among female youth in Ethiopia: a multilevel analysis of 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey,2020,20,1,e205,Arefaynie Improving the response of primary care providers to rural First Nation women who experience intimate partner violence: a qualitative study,2020,20,1,e209,McGregor Psychiatric cognitive functioning and socio-cultural views of menstrual psychosis in Oman: an idiographic approach,2020,20,1,e215,Al-Adawi Prevalence and patterns of gender-based violence across adolescent girls and young women in Mombasa Kenya,2020,20,1,e229,Bhattacharjee COVID-19 and violence: a research call to action,2020,20,1,e249,Evans Female university students' preferences for different types of sexual relationships: implications for gender-based violence prevention programs and policies,2020,20,1,e266,Puigvert Interplay between traumatic brain injury and intimate partner violence: data driven analysis utilizing electronic health records,2020,20,1,e269,Karakurt Home was not a safe haven: women's experiences of intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 lockdown in Nigeria,2021,21,1,e32,Reed Women's multiple uses of an overdose prevention technology to mitigate risks and harms within a supportive housing environment: a qualitative study,2021,21,1,e51,McNeil Risk and protective factors associated with mental health among female military veterans: results from the Veterans' Health Study,2021,21,1,e55,Boscarino "I'll tell you what's important to me…": lessons for women's health screening,2021,21,1,e73,Ostrach Spatial distribution and determinants of intimate partner violence among reproductive-age women in Ethiopia: spatial and multilevel analysis,2021,21,1,e81,Angaw Psychological interventions for maternal depression among women of African and Caribbean origin: a systematic review,2021,21,1,e83,Husain Economic burden of moderate to severe burns and its association with health-related quality of life of Nigerian women,2021,21,1,e85,Chinweuba Exploring the differences between men's and women's perceptions of gender-based violence in rural Tajikistan: a qualitative study,2021,21,1,e91,Wood The social stigma of infertile women in Zhejiang Province China: a questionnaire-based study,2021,21,1,e97,Wang Commercial sex work among university students: a case study of four public universities in Ghana,2021,21,1,e103,Gbagbo Workplace gender-based violence and associated factors among university women in Enugu South-East Nigeria: an institutional-based cross-sectional study,2021,21,1,e124,Agbaje Correction to: Exploring the differences between men's and women's perceptions of gender-based violence in rural Tajikistan: a qualitative study,2021,21,1,125,Wood Harmful alcohol use among mothers of under-five child: findings from the Panel Study on Korean Children,2021,21,1,e159,Cho Evaluating interventions with victims of intimate partner violence: a community psychology approach,2021,21,1,e138,Tomasetto Experiences of family violence and parental unavailability in childhood in relation to parental socioeconomic position and psychological problems: a cohort study of young Swedish women 1990-2013,2021,21,1,145,Hensing Effects  of rural-urban residence and education on intimate partner violence among women in Sub-Saharan Africa: a meta-analysis of health survey data,2021,21,1,e149,Reddy Association between intimate partner violence and the use of maternal health care services among married Malawian women,2021,21,1,e173,Ntenda Cohort analysis of the state of female genital cutting in Nigeria: prevalence daughter circumcision and attitude towards its discontinuation,2021,21,1,e182,Salawu Determination of the factors affecting sexual violence against women in Turkey: a population-based analysis,2021,21,1,e188,Alkan A pathway to negative acculturation: marital maladjustment mediates the relationship between the length of residency and depressive symptoms in immigrant women in Taiwan,2021,21,1,190,Yang Association of depression anxiety and menopausal-related symptoms with demographic anthropometric and body composition indices in healthy postmenopausal women,2021,21,1,192,Eslamian Women's empowerment and female genital mutilation intention for daughters in Sierra Leone: a multilevel analysis,2021,21,1,200,Uthman The components of workplace violence against nurses from the perspective of women working in a hospital in Tehran: a qualitative study,2021,21,1,209,Mansourian Sexual assault: women's voices on the health impacts of not being believed by police,2021,21,1,217,Chambers Women in a situation of homelessness and violence: a single-case study using the photo-elicitation technique,2021,21,1,216,Posada-Abadía Correction to: Sexual assault: women's voices on the health impacts of not being believed by police,2021,21,1,232,Chambers Economic empowerment and intimate partner violence: a secondary data analysis of the cross-sectional Demographic Health Surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa,2021,21,1,241,Stöckl Individual and community-level risk factors of women's acceptance of intimate partner violence in Ethiopia: multilevel analysis of 2011 Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey,2021,21,1,e283,Atomssa Bayesian semi-parametric spatial modelling of intimate partner violence in Namibia using 2013 Demographic Health Survey Data,2021,21,1,e286,Ibisomi Prevalence and correlates of sexual violence among adolescent girls and young women: findings from a cross-sectional study in a South African university,2021,21,1,e299,Owolabi Men's reproductive coercion of women: prevalence experiences and coping strategies-a mixed method study in urban health facilities in León Nicaragua,2021,21,1,e310,Salazar Provider perspectives on the provision of safe equitable trauma-informed care for intimate partner violence survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study,2021,21,1,e315,Katz Spatial distribution and predictors of domestic violence against women: evidence from analysis of Ethiopian demographic health survey 2016,2021,21,1,334,Alemu Society family and individual characteristics as double-edged swords in the social reintegration of Iranian female survivors from unintentional severe burns: a qualitative study of enablers and barriers,2021,21,1,e339,Lotfi Determinants of wife-beating acceptance among reproductive age women in Ethiopia: a multilevel analysis of 2016 Ethiopian demographic and health survey,2021,21,1,e342,Arefaynie Knowledge and viewpoint of adolescent girls regarding child marriage its causes and consequences,2021,21,1,e351,Mirghafourvand Mapping the health systems response to violence against women: key learnings from five LMIC settings (2015-2020),2021,21,1,e360,Roy Spousal violence against women and its consequences on pregnancy outcomes and reproductive health of women in India,2021,21,1,e382,Bramhankar Suicide and deliberate self-harm among women in Nepal: a scoping review,2021,21,1,e407,Krumeich Help-seeking behaviour and associated factors among women who experienced physical and sexual violence in Ethiopia: evidence from the 2016 Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey,2021,21,1,e427,Handebo Effect of educational intervention based on health belief model on accident prevention behaviours in mothers of children under 5-years,2021,21,1,e428,Gholami The role of women's traditional gender beliefs in depression intimate partner violence and stress: insights from a Spanish abbreviated multicultural measure,2022,22,1,e17,Orue A pilot study adapting and validating the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) and PTSD checklist-5 (PCL-5) with Indian women from slums reporting gender-based violence,2022,22,1,e22,Newman Mothers with depressed mood: help-seeking from husbands and child-rearing behaviors,2022,22,1,e25,Katayama Female genital mutilation and skilled birth attendance among women in sub-Saharan Africa,2022,22,1,e26,Ahinkorah Prevalence and correlates of current suicidal ideation in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder,2022,22,1,e35,Comasco Sexual assault of women in the region of Kairouan Tunisia: an 8-year retrospective study on epidemiological and medicolegal characteristics,2022,22,1,e64,Turki Rural-urban migration as a factor associated with physical and sexual intimate partner violence Peru 2015-2017: a secondary analysis of a national study,2022,22,1,67,Terrazas The characteristics of husbands and violence against women in Wuhan China: a cross-sectional study,2022,22,1,e73,Yang Magnitude and determinants of intimate partner violence against women in East Africa: multilevel analysis of recent demographic and health survey,2022,22,1,e74,Tusa Domestic violence against married women during the COVID-19 pandemic in Egypt,2022,22,1,e94,Abu-Elenin Women survivors of intimate partner violence talk about using e-health during pregnancy: a focus group study,2022,22,1,e98,Megías Intimate partner violence among reproductive-age women in central Gondar zone Northwest Ethiopia: a population-based study,2022,22,1,e109,Amare Service provider perspectives on how COVID-19 and pandemic restrictions have affected intimate partner and sexual violence survivors in Canada: a qualitative study,2022,22,1,e111,Zarowsky Longitudinal inconsistencies in women's self-reports of lifetime experience of physical and sexual IPV: evidence from the MAISHA trial and follow-on study in North-western Tanzania,2022,22,1,e120,Stöckl Domestic violence in Indian women: lessons from nearly 20 years of surveillance,2022,22,1,e128,Kumar Exposure to violence adverse life events and the mental health of adolescent girls in Nairobi slums,2022,22,1,e156,Abuya Associations of attitudes and social norms with experiences of intimate partner violence among married adolescents and their husbands in rural Niger: a dyadic cross-sectional study,2022,22,1,e180,Raj Mental distress and associated factors among women who experienced gender based violence and attending court in South Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study,2022,22,1,e187,Molla A prospective cohort study of the relationship of female genital mutilation with birth outcomes in Somalia,2022,22,1,e202,Kulaksiz Child marriage and risky health behaviors: an analysis of tobacco use among early adult and early middle-aged women in India,2022,22,1,e206,Tiwari Factors associated with sexual violence among waitresses working in Bahir Dar City Ethiopia: a mixed-method study,2022,22,1,e209,Demelash Intimate partner violence among pregnant women in Kenya: forms perpetrators and associations,2022,22,1,e210,Bärnighausen Women's attitude towards intimate partner violence and utilization of contraceptive methods and maternal health care services: an analysis of nationally representative cross-sectional surveys from four South Asian countries,2022,22,1,e215,Erbas Do health sector measures of violence against women at different levels of severity correlate? Evidence from Brazil,2022,22,1,e226,Reynolds Intimate partner violence and associated factors among reproductive age women in Liberia: a cross-sectional study using a recent Liberian demographic and health survey,2022,22,1,e238,Tsegaw Understanding the factors associated with married women's attitudes towards wife-beating in sub-Saharan Africa,2022,22,1,e242,Yaya Spatial distribution and predictors of intimate partner violence among women in Nigeria,2022,22,1,e245,Ahinkorah Effect of parental attitudes on the practice and medicalization of female genital mutilation: a secondary analysis of Egypt Health Issues Survey 2015,2022,22,1,e259,Elgibaly "Why don't I look like her?" How adolescent girls view social media and its connection to body image,2022,22,1,e261,Cross Female homicides and femicides in Ecuador: a nationwide ecological analysis from 2001 to 2017,2022,22,1,260,Ortiz-Prado Subjective well-being's alterations as risk factors for major depressive disorder during the perimenopause onset: an analytical cross-sectional study amongst Mexican women residing in Guadalajara Jalisco,2022,22,1,e275,Méndez-Magaña The experience of unmarried mothers raising their children in residential facilities: a phenomenological qualitative study,2022,22,1,e274,Bang Obstetric violence and disability overlaps: obstetric violence during child birth among womens with disabilities: a qualitative study,2022,22,1,e299,Abebe Injury rates in female and male military personnel: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,22,1,e310,Pope Prevalence and risk factors for depressive and anxiety symptoms in middle-aged Chinese women: a community-based cross-sectional study,2022,22,1,e319,Wang Domestic violence experienced by women with multiple sclerosis: a study from the North-East of Iran,2022,22,1,e321,Latifnejad Roudsari Prevalence and factors associated with loneliness among Indonesian female adolescents: a cross-sectional study,2022,22,1,e328,Marthoenis Women's experience and perspectives toward genital cosmetic surgery in Erbil city/Iraq: a qualitative study,2022,22,1,e340,Piro Trends and correlates of intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization in Rwanda: results from the 2015 and 2020 Rwanda Demographic Health Survey (RDHS 2015 and 2020),2022,22,1,e368,Mutesa Postpartum depression and its correlates: a cross-sectional study in southeast Iran,2022,22,1,e387,Ahmadi Sexuality and psychological well-being in different polycystic ovary syndrome phenotypes compared with healthy controls: a cross-sectional study,2022,22,1,e390,Montazeri Exploring Iraqi people's perception about early marriage: a qualitative study,2022,22,1,e393,Shabila Assessment of domestic violence and its associated factors among ever-married reproductive-age women in Cameroon: a cross-sectional survey,2022,22,1,e397,Tsegaw Exploring the perception and socio-cultural barriers to safer sex negotiation among married women in Northwest Nigeria,2022,22,1,e411,Solanke Positive intervention effect of mobile health application based on mindfulness and social support theory on postpartum depression symptoms of puerperae,2022,22,1,e413,Chen Social inequalities in women exposed to obstetric and gyneco-obstetric violence in Ecuador: a cross-sectional study,2022,22,1,e419,San Sebastian Risk factors of primary and recurrent fractures in postmenopausal osteoporotic Chinese patients: a retrospective analysis study,2022,22,1,e465,Fu Child marriage marital disruption and marriage thereafter: evidence from a national survey,2022,22,1,e485,Islam Do electronic and economic empowerment protect women from intimate partner violence (IPV) in India?,2022,22,1,e510,Dalal Intimate partner violence against women in Southern Punjab Pakistan: a phenomenological study,2022,22,1,e505,Ahmad Gender-based violence and associated factors among private college female students in Dessie City Ethiopia: mixed method study,2022,22,1,e513,Gebrie Prevalence and patterns of premenstrual disorders and possible association with sexual harassment: a cross-sectional study of young Arab women,2022,22,1,e536,Zaazouee Reasons for early marriage of women in Zahedan Iran: a qualitative study,2022,22,1,e542,Hosseini Magnitude and associated factors of intimate partner violence among youth women in Ethiopia: multilevel analysis based on 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey,2022,22,1,e549,Gashaw Individual and community-level factors associated with early marriage in Zambia: a mixed effect analysis,2023,23,1,e21,Phiri Sexual violence and risk factors among night shift female college students in Hawassa city South Ethiopia 2020,2023,23,1,e30,Esayas Intimate partner violence and associated factors among HIV positive women attending antiretroviral therapy clinics in Gondar city Northwest Ethiopia,2023,23,1,e43,Yeshita Exposure to interparental violence and intimate partner violence among women in Papua New Guinea,2023,23,1,e48,Yaya Prevalence of child marriage and associated factors among reproductive age women in Harari regional state eastern Ethiopia 2022: a community-based study,2023,23,1,e267,Dessie Associations between infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practice and attitudes toward intimate partner violence (IPV) in Timor-Leste,2023,23,1,e65,Watanabe Predictors for the change in intimate partner violence among adolescent married girls aged 15-19 years: estimates from random effect model,2023,23,1,e108,Kumar Exposure to interparental violence and justification of intimate partner violence among women in Papua New Guinea,2023,23,1,e122,Yaya The epidemiological and medico-legal characteristics of violent deaths and spousal homicides through a population of women autopsied within the Forensic Medicine Department of the University Hospital of Annaba,2023,23,1,e129,Mellouki Association between depression and dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls: multiple mediating effects of binge eating and sleep quality,2023,23,1,e140,Chen Women in a safe and healthy urban environment: environmental top priorities for the women's presence in urban public spaces,2023,23,1,e163,Shams Gender-based violence and its associated factors among internally displaced women in Northwest Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study,2023,23,1,e166,Workie Intimate partner violence linked to gambling: cohort and period effects on the past experiences of older women,2023,23,1,e165,Hing Sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence among female migrants in Morocco: a cross sectional survey,2023,23,1,e174,Bouaddi Sexual violence against women remains problematic and highly prevalent around the world,2023,23,1,e196,Huang Gender-based violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic: recommendations for future,2023,23,1,e219,Ostadtaghizadeh Understanding the effect of gender-based violence on uptake and utilisation of HIV prevention treatment and care services among transgender women: a qualitative study in the greater Kampala metropolitan area Uganda,2023,23,1,e250,Wanyenze The role of community healthcare professionals in discussing sexual assault experiences during obstetrics and gynecological healthcare appointments,2023,23,1,e263,Seigfried-Spellar Intimate partner violence among young women in Ibadan Nigeria: are there slum and non-slum differences?,2023,23,1,e290,Fawole Impacts of COVID-19 on family violence in Thailand: prevalence and influencing factors,2023,23,1,e294,Udomsubpayakul The association of intimate partner violence and decision making power on nutritional status of married women in Ethiopia: a multilevel mixed-effect analysis,2023,23,1,e308,Tiruneh A qualitative quantitative mixed methods study of domestic violence against women,2023,23,1,e322,Shayestefar Effectiveness of the Positive Youth Development (PYD) Program on reducing aggression among high school female students,2023,23,1,e340,Zareei Mahmoodabadi Z Sexual violence and associated factors among reproductive-age females with disabilities in central Sidama National Regional State Ethiopia: a multilevel analysis,2023,23,1,e353,Tenaw "Family and society empowerment": a content analysis of the needs of Iranian women who experience domestic violence during pregnancy: a qualitative study,2023,23,1,e370,Latifnejad Roudsari Rape survivors' experience in Tigray: a qualitative study,2023,23,1,e372,Gebremichael Factors associated with the practice of and intention to perform female genital mutilation on a female child among married women in Abakaliki Nigeria,2023,23,1,e376,Azuogu Women with disabilities' experiences of intimate partner violence: a qualitative study from Sweden,2023,23,1,e381,Goicolea Listening to stakeholders in the prevention of gender-based violence among young people in Spain: a qualitative study from the positivMasc project,2023,23,1,e393,Vives-Cases An analysis of changes in the prevalence and patterns of intimate partner violence against women in seven Asian countries,2023,23,1,e399,Jansen Global achievement of maternal health-related sustainable development goals targets among women exposed to intimate partner violence,2023,23,1,e423,Refaat Protection of gender health and fight against gender violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: the experience of our street clinic in a disadvantaged suburb of Rome Metropolitan City,2023,23,1,e434,Urbano Gender differences in the acceptance of wife-beating: evidence from 30 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa,2023,23,1,e451,Yaya Mother-daughter communication of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) matters and associated factors among Sinhalese adolescent girls aged 14-19 years in Sri Lanka,2023,23,1,e461,Mataraarachchi Associations between domestic violence and poor pregnancy outcomes in Taiwanese women: a nested case-control study,2023,23,1,e465,Chien The effect of perceived social support on postpartum stress: the mediating roles of marital satisfaction and maternal postnatal attachment,2023,23,1,e482,Zhang Violence against housemaids in an Ethiopian town during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study,2023,23,1,e485,Muche Extended postpartum intimate partner violence and its associated factors: community-based cross-sectional study design,2023,23,1,e501,Wedajo Household food insecurity family size and their interactions on depression prevalence among teenage pregnant girls in Ghana a population based cluster survey,2023,23,1,e527,Doglikuu Prevalence and factors associated with child marriage a systematic review,2023,23,1,e531,Peyman A critical review: developing a birth integrity framework for epidemiological studies through meta-ethnography,2023,23,1,e530,Razum A comparative study of machine learning algorithms for predicting domestic violence vulnerability in Liberian women,2023,23,1,e542,Khan Formal support services and (dis)empowerment of domestic violence victims: perspectives from women survivors in Ghana,2023,23,1,e539,Kaburi Sexual assault and vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections among homeless Brazilian women: a cross sectional qualitative study,2023,23,1,e561,Gomes-Sponholz Knowledge perceptions beliefs and opinions of the employees about GBV: a national online study in South Africa,2023,23,1,e565,Dalal Healthcare provider experiences interacting with survivors of intimate partner violence: a qualitative study to inform survivor-centered approaches,2023,23,1,e584,Cassidy Prevalence of falls among adult mothers in Saudi Arabia: a cross-sectional study,2023,23,1,e587,Alshehre Women's experiences of psychological treatment and psychosocial interventions for postpartum depression: a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis,2023,23,1,e604,Strömwall Physical exercise habits are related with reduced prevalence of falling among elderly women in China,2023,23,1,e653,Li The psychosexual and psychosocial impacts of polygamous marriages: a cross-sectional study among Somali women,2023,23,1,e669,Barut Adverse childhood experiences and depressive symptoms among lesbian and bisexual women in China,2023,23,1,e679,Yan An acceptance analysis of a sexual health education digital tool in resource-poor regions of Kenya: an UTAUT based survey study,2023,23,1,e676,Soehnchen The comparison of sexual function in types I and II of female genital mutilation,2024,24,1,e31,Rabiepoor Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression among women attending primary healthcare centers in northern of West Bank/ Palestine: a cross-sectional study 2022,2024,24,1,e43,Wildali Prevalence of anxiety and depression among Lebanese women using oral contraceptives: a cross-sectional study,2024,24,1,e47,Daoud The role of adverse childhood experiences in predicting child abuse perpetration among married mothers in Alexandria Egypt: a cross-sectional study,2024,24,1,e59,Mohammed Predictors of social intermediate factors associated with sexual quality of life of women: systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,24,1,e64,Ozgoli Mediating effect of suicidal ideation in the association between child abuse and premenstrual syndrome among female adults,2024,24,1,e98,Fekih-Romdhane "Counteract the gaslighting" - a thematic analysis of open-ended responses about what women survivors of intimate partner sexual violence need from service providers,2024,24,1,e110,McLindon Global prevalence of intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic among women: systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,24,1,e127,Kifle Association between intimate partner violence and pregnancy intention: evidence from the Peruvian demographic and health survey,2024,24,1,e140,Toro-Huamanchumo Healthcare providers' experience of identifying and caring for women subjected to sex trafficking: a qualitative study,2024,24,1,e149,Ormon Experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) among females with same-sex partners in South Africa: what is the role of age-disparity?,2024,24,1,e168,De Wet-Billings Female genital mutilation/cutting among girls aged 0-14: evidence from the 2018 Mali Demographic and Health Survey data,2024,24,1,e180,Yaya Exclusive breastfeeding and its association with intimate partner violence during pregnancy: analysis from Pakistan demographic and health survey,2024,24,1,e186,Zhou Prenatal opioid use as a predictor of postpartum suicide attempts among reproductive-age women enrolled in Oregon Medicaid,2024,24,1,e196,Yoon Factors associated with antenatal depression among women attending antenatal care at Mubende Regional Referral Hospital: a cross-sectional study,2024,24,1,e195,Kirabira The need for and acceptability of a curriculum to train nursing and medical students in the sexual healthcare of clients with female genital mutilation/cutting in Tanzania,2024,24,1,e198,Rosser Anxiety depression and stress: a comparative study between couples with male and female infertility,2024,24,1,e228,Khalesi Perceptions on violence against women and its impacts on mental health and response mechanisms among community-based stakeholders: a qualitative study from Nepal,2024,24,1,e258,Ekstrom Prevalence pattern and predictors of intimate partner violence amongst female undergraduates in Abia State Nigeria; public health implications,2024,24,1,e259,Odini Gynecological health and uptake of gynecological care after domestic or sexual violence: a qualitative study in an emergency shelter,2024,24,1,e264,Chariot Prevalence and factors associated with antepartum depression among adolescent women in the Assin North district of Ghana: a cross-sectional study,2024,24,1,e276,Okyere Health care provider reporting practices related to self-managed abortion,2023,23,1,e136,Grossman "A part of my life". A qualitative study about perceptions of female genital mutilation and experiences of healthcare among affected women residing in Sweden,2024,24,1,e304,Eshraghi Women escaping domestic violence to achieve safe housing: an integrative review,2024,24,1,314,O'Reilly Health-related quality of life and associated factors in Chinese menstrual migraine patients: a cross-sectional study,2022,22,1,e177,Luo The association between violence against women and chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,24,1,e321,Ferretti Continuous chains: childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence victimization among displaced women in a war context,2024,24,1,e319,Neuner The effect of educational intervention according to mindfulness on the psychological well-being of female heads of households,2024,24,1,e320,zarnaghash "It was like nobody cared about what I said?" Iranian women committed self-immolation: a qualitative study,2021,21,1,e75,Aghakhani Changes in cause-specific mortality trends across occupations in working-age Japanese women from 1980 to 2015: a cross-sectional analysis,2022,22,1,e44,Gilmour Life loaded with threat and vulnerability: a qualitative inquiry into the experiences of HIV negative married women in serodiscordant heterosexual relationships,2021,21,1,e402,Latifnejad Roudsari Illuminating health aspects for immigrant Thai women in Swedish transnational marriages,2024,24,1,e337,Ostlund Challenges perceived by social workers to prevent FGM/C in Bavaria: a prospective cross-sectional survey,2024,24,1,e338,Seifert Female genital mutilation and cutting: a survey of child abuse pediatricians,2024,24,1,e348,Brown Endocannabinoid levels in female-sexed individuals with diagnosed depression: a systematic review,2024,24,1,e350,McWhirter Magnitude of psychological distress and associated factors among war survivor women in Northern Ethiopia 2022: a community-based cross-sectional survey,2024,24,1,e356,Awoke Prevalence of intimate partner violence among Indian women and their determinants: a cross-sectional study from national family health survey - 5,2024,24,1,e363,Kanungo Development and validation of a nomogram model of depression and sleep disorders and the risk of disease progression in patients with breast cancer,2024,24,1,e385,Shen A scoping review on the nature and impact of gender based violence on women primary producers,2024,24,1,e395,O'Mullan The influence of assisted reproductive technologies-related stressors and social support on perceived stress and depression,2024,24,1,e431,Lu Exploring women's perception and attitude towards antidepressant use: a cross-sectional study,2024,24,1,e453,Korayem