Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Single prolonged stress blocks sleep homeostasis and pre-trauma sleep deprivation does not exacerbate the severity of trauma-induced fear-associated memory impairments,2021,16,1,e0243743,Davis Movie smoking and youth initiation: parsing smoking imagery and other adult content,2012,7,12,e51935,Crankshaw The prevalence and associated factors of adverse pregnancy outcomes among Afghan women in Iran; findings from community-based survey,2021,16,1,e0245007,Ono-Kihara The importance of poisoning vs. road traffic injuries as a cause of death in rural Sri Lanka,2007,2,7,e599,Eddleston Modeling emergency department crowding: restoring the balance between demand for and supply of emergency medicine,2021,16,1,e0244097,Ahmad Obstructive sleep apnea: a sharp increase in the prevalence of patients treated with nasal CPAP over the last decade in France,2021,16,1,e0245392,Delmas Effect of ethanol in carbon monoxide poisoning and delayed neurologic sequelae: a prospective observational study,2021,16,1,e0245265,Lee Acute Sleep Deprivation and Circadian Misalignment Associated with Transition onto the First Night of Work Impairs Visual Selective Attention,2007,2,11,e1233,Czeisler Experience of violence and socioeconomic position in South Africa: a national study,2007,2,12,e1290,Myer Healthy lifestyle behaviour decreasing risks of being bullied violence and injury,2008,3,2,e1585,Nakamura Falls depression and antidepressants in later life: a large primary care appraisal,2008,3,6,e2423,Sim Pedestrian road traffic injuries in urban Peruvian children and adolescents: case control analyses of personal and environmental risk factors,2008,3,9,e3166,Gilman Extended driving impairs nocturnal driving performances,2008,3,10,e3493,Sagaspe Global pyrogeography: The current and future distribution of wildfire,2009,4,4,e5102,Moritz Incidence and prediction of falls in dementia: a prospective study in older people,2009,4,5,e5521,Kenny Promoter-wide hypermethylation of the ribosomal RNA gene promoter in the suicide brain,2008,3,5,e2085,Sasaki Does sex trade with violence among genotypes in Drosophila melanogaster?,2008,3,4,e1986,Cabral Repeated exposure to media violence is associated with diminished response in an inhibitory frontolimbic network,2007,2,12,e1268,Hirsch Acute stress increases sex differences in risk seeking in the balloon analogue risk task,2009,4,7,e6002,Mather The Association between Four Citation Metrics and Peer Rankings of Research Influence of Australian Researchers in Six Fields of Public Health,2011,6,4,e18521,Hall The human frontal oculomotor cortical areas contribute asymmetrically to motor planning in a gap saccade task,2009,4,9,e7278,Lin The cultural dynamics of copycat suicide,2009,4,9,e7252,Mesoudi Neuroanatomical variability of religiosity,2009,4,9,e7180,Grafman Drugs associated with more suicidal ideations are also associated with more suicide attempts,2009,4,10,e7312,Robertson Involvement of the intrinsic/default system in movement-related self recognition,2009,4,10,e7527,Salomon A decade later how much of Rwanda's musculoskeletal impairment is caused by the war in 1994 and by related violence?,2009,4,11,e7720,Simms Effect before cause: supramodal recalibration of sensorimotor timing,2009,4,11,e7681,Heron Imagined self-motion differs from perceived self-motion: evidence from a novel continuous pointing method,2009,4,11,e7793,Bülthoff Motor and Linguistic Linking of Space and Time in the Cerebellum,2009,4,11,e7933,Oliveri Emotional Modulation of Attention: Fear Increases but Disgust Reduces the Attentional Blink,2009,4,11,e7924,Mermillod Breaking the news or fueling the epidemic? Temporal association between news media report volume and opioid-related mortality,2009,4,11,e7758,Brownstein Unconsciously Perceived Fear in Peripheral Vision Alerts the Limbic System: A MEG Study,2009,4,12,e8207,Bayle Characteristics of motor resonance predict the pattern of flash-lag effects for biological motion,2010,5,1,e8258,Gordon Patterns of urban violent injury: a spatio-temporal analysis,2010,5,1,e8669,Cusimano Task complexity differentially affects executed and imagined movement preparation: evidence from movement-related potentials,2010,5,2,e9284,Mathews The dopamine transporter gene a spectrum of most common risky behaviors and the legal status of the behaviors,2010,5,2,e9352,Harris Differences in reporting of violence and deliberate self harm related injuries to health and police authorities Rawalpindi Pakistan,2010,5,2,e9373,Razzak Exploring eye movements in patients with glaucoma when viewing a driving scene,2010,5,3,e9710,Barbur The walking behaviour of pedestrian social groups and its impact on crowd dynamics,2010,5,4,e10047,Helbing Motor learning in healthy humans is associated to gray matter changes: a tensor-based morphometry study,2010,5,4,e10198,Rossi Improved discrimination of visual stimuli following repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation,2010,5,4,e10354,Waterston Cross-national analysis of the associations between traumatic events and suicidal behavior: findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,2010,5,5,e10574,Nock Motion sickness stress and the endocannabinoid system,2010,5,5,e10752,Thiel Self-Reported Serious Illnesses in Rural Cambodia: A Cross-Sectional Survey,2010,5,6,e10930,Bloom Brain serotonin synthesis in adult males characterized by physical aggression during childhood: a 21-year longitudinal study,2010,5,6,e11255,Tremblay Metabolic state alters economic decision making under risk in humans,2010,5,6,e11090,Dolan Does time really slow down during a frightening event?,2007,2,12,e1295,Eagleman Visual feedback is not necessary for the learning of novel dynamics,2007,2,12,e1336,Franklin Locomotor adaptation versus perceptual adaptation when stepping over an obstacle with a height illusion,2010,5,7,e11544,Haddad Using ecological momentary assessment in testing the effectiveness of an alcohol intervention: A two-arm parallel group randomized controlled trial,2013,8,11,e78436,Poelen Patrimony and the evolution of risk-taking,2010,5,7,e11656,Stern Monkey steering responses reveal rapid visual-motor feedback,2010,5,8,e11975,Egger Correction: saccadic eye movements minimize the consequences of motor noise,2010,5,7,online,van Beers The impact of augmented information on visuo-motor adaptation in younger and older adults,2010,5,8,e12071,Heuer Perceptual learning in the absence of task or stimulus specificity,2007,2,12,e1323,McGraw Assessment of heat-related health impacts in Brisbane Australia: comparison of different heatwave definitions,2010,5,8,e12155,Wang Your Resting Brain CAREs about Your Risky Behavior,2010,5,8,online,Cox Meaning of missing values in eyewitness recall and accident records,2010,5,9,online,Uttl Partners with bad temper: reject or cure? A study of chronic pain and aggression in horses,2010,5,8,e12434,Fureix Causal inference in multisensory perception,2007,2,9,e943,Ma Prevalence of same-sex sexual behavior and associated characteristics among low-income urban males in Peru,2007,2,1,e778,Kegeles Social capital and mental health in Japan: a multilevel analysis,2010,5,10,e13214,Subramanian Why does public transport not arrive on time? The pervasiveness of equal headway instability,2009,4,10,e7292,Gershenson Inflammatory Responses Are Not Sufficient to Cause Delayed Neuronal Death in ATP-Induced Acute Brain Injury,2010,5,10,e13756,Jeong Receiving Post-Conflict Affiliation from the Enemy's Friend Reconciles Former Opponents,2010,5,11,e13995,Wittig Optimizing Topological Cascade Resilience Based on the Structure of Terrorist Networks,2010,5,11,e13448,Gutfraind 'Disease disaster and despair'? The presentation of health in low- and middle-income countries on Australian television,2010,5,11,e14106,Imison The structure of borders in a small world,2010,5,11,e15422,Thiemann Association of polyaminergic Loci with anxiety mood disorders and attempted suicide,2010,5,11,e15146,Tremblay Human Young Children as well as Adults Demonstrate 'Superior' Rapid Snake Detection When Typical Striking Posture Is Displayed by the Snake,2010,5,11,e15122,Masataka Validity of the dictionary of occupational titles for assessing upper extremity work demands,2010,5,12,e15158,van der Sluis No Association between HIV and Intimate Partner Violence among Women in 10 Developing Countries,2010,5,12,e14257,Subramanian Prescription drugs associated with reports of violence towards others,2010,5,12,e15337,Moore Extending the Implicit Association Test (IAT): Assessing Consumer Attitudes Based on Multi-Dimensional Implicit Associations,2011,6,1,e15849,Gattol Sexual Violence toward Children and Youth in War-Torn Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,2011,6,1,e15911,Claude Serum S100B: a potential biomarker for suicidality in adolescents?,2010,5,6,e11089,Falcone "Biological geometry perception": visual discrimination of eccentricity is related to individual motor preferences,2011,6,1,e15995,Wamain Cause of death affects racial classification on death certificates,2011,6,1,e15812,Noymer Association between Non-Suicidal Self-Injuries and Suicide Attempts in Chinese Adolescents and College Students: A Cross-Section Study,2011,6,4,e17977,Zhang The magic grasp: motor expertise in deception,2011,6,2,e16568,Ietswaart What are they up to? The role of sensory evidence and prior knowledge in action understanding,2011,6,2,e17133,Chambon Suicide seasonality: Complex demodulation as a novel approach in epidemiologic analysis,2011,6,2,e17413,Voracek Mental Health Problems among Children One-Year after Sichuan Earthquake in China: A Follow-up Study,2011,6,2,e14706,Shi Suicide among Arab-Americans,2011,6,2,e14704,Galea The neural substrate and functional integration of uncertainty in decision making: an information theory approach,2011,6,3,e17408,Goñi On-line Randomized Controlled Trial of an Internet Based Psychologically Enhanced Intervention for People with Hazardous Alcohol Consumption,2011,6,3,e14740,Linke Grasping preparation enhances orientation change detection,2011,6,3,e17675,Kenemans A Systematic Review of African Studies on Intimate Partner Violence against Pregnant Women: Prevalence and Risk Factors,2011,6,3,e17591,Abrahams Effects of unconscious processing on implicit memory for fearful faces,2011,6,2,e14641,Fang Correction: aggression in low functioning children and adolescents with autistic disorder,2011,6,3,online,Tordjman Dominance politics and physiology: voters' testosterone changes on the night of the 2008 United States presidential election,2009,4,10,e7543,Labar Ancestry analysis in the 11-M Madrid bomb attack investigation,2009,4,8,e6583,Phillips Women with a history of childhood maltreatment exhibit more activation in association areas following non-traumatic olfactory stimuli: a fMRI study,2010,5,2,e9362,Croy "As young men we have a role to play in preventing sexual violence": development and relevance of the men with conscience intervention to prevent sexual violence,2021,16,1,e0244550,Abrahams Early trauma and increased risk for physical aggression during adulthood: the moderating role of MAOA genotype,2007,2,5,e486,Troisi Bullying of medical students in Pakistan: a cross-sectional questionnaire survey,2008,3,12,e3889,Ahmer Observing virtual arms that you imagine are yours increases the galvanic skin response to an unexpected threat,2008,3,8,e3082,Hägni Collective response of human populations to large-scale emergencies,2011,6,3,e17680,Bagrow North african influences and potential bias in case-control association studies in the spanish population,2011,6,3,e18389,Pino-Yanes Risk of severe knee and hip osteoarthritis in relation to level of physical exercise: a prospective cohort study of long-distance skiers in sweden,2011,6,3,e18339,Ahlbom Molecular correlates of social dominance: a novel role for ependymin in aggression,2011,6,4,e18181,Sneddon Ready both to your and to my hands: mapping the action space of others,2011,6,4,e17923,Costantini Patients' experiences and wellbeing after injury: a focus group study,2021,16,1,e0245198,de Vries Identifying differences in gait adaptability across various speeds using movement synergy analysis,2021,16,1,e0244582,Federolf Associated Factors for Falls among the Community-Dwelling Older People Assessed by Annual Geriatric Health Examinations,2011,6,4,e18976,Chen Non-disruptive tactics of suppression are superior in countering terrorism insurgency and financial panics,2011,6,4,e18545,Siegel Cohort research analysis of disaster experience preparedness and competency-based training among nurses,2021,16,1,e0244488,Khorram-Manesh Perceived object stability depends on multisensory estimates of gravity,2011,6,4,e19289,Bülthoff Visual effects of haptic feedback are large but local,2011,6,5,e19877,Meng Neutralising Antibodies against Ricin Toxin,2011,6,5,e20166,Simon Poor Regenerative Outcome after Skeletal Muscle Necrosis Induced by Bothrops asper Venom: Alterations in Microvasculature and Nerves,2011,6,5,e19834,Gutiérrez A collaborative brain-computer interface for improving human performance,2011,6,5,e20422,Jung Comparison of mortality following hospitalisation for isolated head injury in England and Wales and Victoria Australia,2011,6,5,e20545,Lecky Of black swans and tossed coins: is the description-experience gap in risky choice limited to rare events?,2011,6,6,e20262,Spetch Serotonergic contribution to boys' behavioral regulation,2011,6,6,e20304,Tremblay Dazzle camouflage affects speed perception,2011,6,6,e20233,Scott-Samuel Large Differences in Publicly Visible Health Behaviours across Two Neighbourhoods of the Same City,2011,6,6,e21051,Nettle Pedestrian injury and human behaviour: Observing road-rule violations at high-incident intersections,2011,6,6,e21063,Hameed Inconsistent Results of Diagnostic Tools Hamper the Differentiation between Bee and Vespid Venom Allergy,2011,6,6,e20842,Aberer The temporal development of Fatty infiltrates in the neck muscles following whiplash injury: An association with pain and posttraumatic stress,2011,6,6,e21194,Sterling Seeing Your Error Alters My Pointing: Observing Systematic Pointing Errors Induces Sensori-Motor After-Effects,2011,6,6,e21070,Rossetti Neuroanatomical Correlates of Suicide in Psychosis: The Possible Role of von Economo Neurons,2011,6,6,e20936,Juckel Geographical detector-based risk assessment of the under-five mortality in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake China,2011,6,6,e21427,Hu War and bereavement: Consequences for mental and physical distress,2011,6,7,e22140,Prigerson Community structure in social networks: Applications for epidemiological modelling,2011,6,7,e22220,Liò Long-term persistance of the pathophysiologic response to severe burn injury,2011,6,7,e21245,Jeschke Tradeoff between Stability and Maneuverability during Whole-Body Movements,2011,6,7,e21815,Huang Risk Factors of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Survivors after the 512 Wenchuan Earthquake in China,2011,6,7,e22371,Zhang The epidemic of hip fractures: Are we on the right track?,2011,6,7,e22227,van Beeck Correction: Poor Regenerative Outcome after Skeletal Muscle Necrosis Induced by Bothrops asper Venom: Alterations in Microvasculature and Nerves,2011,6,7,online,Gutiérrez What People Believe about How Memory Works: A Representative Survey of the U.S. Population,2011,6,8,e22757,Simons Testing multiple coordination constraints with a novel bimanual visuomotor task,2011,6,8,e23619,Swinnen Characteristics of suicide attempts in anorexia and bulimia nervosa: a case-control study,2011,6,8,e23578,Courtet Driving and driven architectures of directed small-world human brain functional networks,2011,6,8,e23460,He Feel what you say: an auditory effect on somatosensory perception,2011,6,8,e22829,Champoux Effectiveness of Strict vs. Multiple Use Protected Areas in Reducing Tropical Forest Fires: A Global Analysis Using Matching Methods,2011,6,8,e22722,Nelson The effect on mental health of a large scale psychosocial intervention for survivors of mass violence: A quasi-experimental study in Rwanda,2011,6,8,e21819,Zwinderman Development and Validation of a Risk Model for Prediction of Hazardous Alcohol Consumption in General Practice Attendees: The PredictAL Study,2011,6,8,e22175,Svab Isolation and Characterization of CvIV4: A Pain Inducing α- Scorpion Toxin,2011,6,8,e23520,Xiao The immuno-dynamics of conflict intervention in social systems,2011,6,8,e22709,Krakauer Repeated assessment of exploration and novelty seeking in the human behavioral pattern monitor in bipolar disorder patients and healthy individuals,2011,6,8,e24185,Young Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents,2011,6,9,e24453,Serrano-Sanchez The threshold bias model: A mathematical model for the nomothetic approach of suicide,2011,6,9,e24414,Folly Characterization of the psychological physiological and EEG profile of acute betel quid intoxication in naïve subjects,2011,6,8,e23874,Osborne The Relationship between Intimate Partner Violence Rape and HIV amongst South African Men: A Cross-Sectional Study,2011,6,9,e24256,Jewkes Despotism and risk of infanticide influence grizzly bear den-site selection,2011,6,9,e24133,Libal Terrestrial snakebites in the South East of the Arabian peninsula: Patient characteristics clinical presentations and management,2011,6,9,e24637,Alkaabi Towards a physiology-based measure of pain: patterns of human brain activity distinguish painful from non-painful thermal stimulation,2011,6,9,e24124,Brown Unnatural deaths in South African platinum miners 1992-2008,2011,6,9,e22807,Sonnenberg Reduction of femoral fractures in long-term care facilities: the bavarian fracture prevention study,2011,6,8,e24311,Cameron How long do the dead survive on the road? Carcass persistence probability and implications for road-kill monitoring surveys,2011,6,9,e25383,Santos Bone related health status in adolescent cyclists,2011,6,9,e24841,Vicente-Rodriguez Just do it: action-dependent learning allows sensory prediction,2011,6,10,e26020,Novick Can simply answering research questions change behaviour? Systematic review and meta analyses of brief alcohol intervention trials,2011,6,10,e23748,Kypri Effect of retirement on alcohol consumption: longitudinal evidence from the French gazel cohort study,2011,6,10,e26531,Gueguen Violent recidivism: a long-time follow-up study of mentally disordered offenders,2011,6,10,e25768,Nilsson White matter and cognition in adults who were born preterm,2011,6,10,e24525,Murray Population Attributable Risk of Unintentional Childhood Poisoning in Karachi Pakistan,2011,6,10,e26881,Fatmi Why Do Woodpeckers Resist Head Impact Injury: A Biomechanical Investigation,2011,6,10,e26490,Fan Characterizing Hospital Workers' Willingness to Respond to a Radiological Event,2011,6,10,e25327,Barnett The group-level consequences of sexual conflict in multigroup populations,2011,6,10,e26451,Gallup Attentional demands of movement observation as tested by a dual task approach,2011,6,11,e27292,Wenderoth Suicidal behavior and depression in smoking cessation treatments,2011,6,11,e27016,Maltsberger Willingness to share research data is related to the strength of the evidence and the quality of reporting of statistical results,2011,6,11,e26828,Wicherts An FMRI study on the role of serotonin in reactive aggression,2011,6,11,e27668,Riba Music and emotions in the brain: familiarity matters,2011,6,11,e27241,Pereira Better safe than sorry - socio-spatial group structure emerges from individual variation in fleeing avoidance or velocity in an agent-based model,2011,6,11,e26189,de Vries Mobility balance and falls in persons with multiple sclerosis,2011,6,11,e28021,Morrison Gender inequitable masculinity and sexual entitlement in rape perpetration South Africa: findings of a cross-sectional study,2011,6,12,e29590,Jewkes Ethnic inequalities in mortality: the case of Arab-Americans,2011,6,12,e29185,Galea Toward an identification of resources influencing habitat use in a multi-specific context,2011,6,12,e29048,Richard Witnessing violence toward siblings: an understudied but potent form of early adversity,2011,6,12,e28852,Teicher Great apes' risk-taking strategies in a decision making task,2011,6,12,e28801,Call Wildlife Strike Risk Assessment in Several Italian Airports: Lessons from BRI and a New Methodology Implementation,2011,6,12,e28920,Soldatini Forensic Medicine in South Africa: Associations between Medical Practice and Legal Case Progression and Outcomes in Female Murders,2011,6,12,e28620,Jewkes Are individual and community acceptance and witnessing of intimate partner violence related to its occurrence? Multilevel structural equation model,2011,6,12,e27738,Lawoko Sexual risk behaviours and sexual abuse in persons with severe mental illness in Uganda: a qualitative study,2012,7,1,e29748,Johansson Fats and factors: lipid profiles associate with personality factors and suicidal history in bipolar subjects,2012,7,1,e29297,McInnis Gender Inequity Norms Are Associated with Increased Male-Perpetrated Rape and Sexual Risks for HIV Infection in Botswana and Swaziland,2012,7,1,e28739,Iacopino Recognizing intimate partner violence in primary care: Western cape South Africa,2012,7,1,e29540,Joyner Organizing effects of testosterone and economic behavior: not just risk taking,2011,6,12,e29842,Brañas-Garza What you may not see might slow you down anyway: masked images and driving,2012,7,1,e29857,Brookhuis Land management practices associated with house loss in wildfires,2012,7,1,e29212,Stephens Facing Aggression: Cues Differ for Female versus Male Faces,2012,7,1,e30366,Carré Sex/Gender and socioeconomic differences in the predictive ability of self-rated health for mortality,2012,7,1,e30179,Kawachi Factors Associated with Physician Agreement on Verbal Autopsy of over 11500 Injury Deaths in India,2012,7,1,e30336,Thakur Effects of mountain pine beetle on fuels and expected fire behavior in lodgepole pine forests Colorado USA,2012,7,1,e30002,Veblen Impairments of social motor coordination in schizophrenia,2012,7,1,e29772,Marín Life Events Coping and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms among Chinese Adolescents Exposed to 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake China,2012,7,1,e29404,Fan Grasp it loudly! Supporting actions with semantically congruent spoken action words,2012,7,1,e30663,Boulenger Seeing emotion with your ears: emotional prosody implicitly guides visual attention to faces,2012,7,1,e30740,Rigoulot Effect of an injury awareness education program on risk-taking behaviors and injuries in juvenile justice offenders: a retrospective cohort study,2012,7,2,e31776,Ho Investigating helmet promotion for cyclists: results from a randomised study with observation of behaviour using a semi-automatic video system,2012,7,2,e31651,Lagarde Evaluation of cause of deaths' validity using outcome measures from a prospective population based cohort study in Tehran Iran,2012,7,2,e31427,Khalili Under-reporting of road traffic mortality in developing countries: application of a capture-recapture statistical model to refine mortality estimates,2012,7,2,e31091,Miller Hazardous alcohol consumption is a major factor in male premature mortality in a typical Russian city: prospective cohort study 2003-2009,2012,7,2,e30274,Kiryanov DRD4 Polymorphism Moderates the Effect of Alcohol Consumption on Social Bonding,2012,7,2,e28914,Hill Behaviour of Solitary Adult Scandinavian Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) when Approached by Humans on Foot,2012,7,2,e31699,Moen The Incidence and Repetition of Hospital-Treated Deliberate Self Harm: Findings from the World's First National Registry,2012,7,2,e31663,Corcoran Health care support issues for internationally adopted children: a qualitative approach to the needs and expectations of families,2012,7,2,e31313,Lesens The Effect of Sensory Uncertainty Due to Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) on the Planning and Execution of Visually-Guided 3D Reaching Movements,2012,7,2,e31075,Niechwiej-Szwedo A novel approach to determining violence risk in schizophrenia: developing a stepped strategy in 13806 discharged patients,2012,7,2,e31727,Fazel Hostility physical aggression and trait anger as predictors for suicidal behavior in Chinese adolescents: a school-based study,2012,7,2,e31044,Zhang Large-scale model-based assessment of deer-vehicle collision risk,2012,7,2,e29510,Hothorn Fear of darkness the full moon and the nocturnal ecology of African lions,2011,6,7,e22285,Packer Prehospital electronic patient care report systems: early experiences from emergency medical services agency leaders,2012,7,3,e32692,Van Gelder Trans fat consumption and aggression,2012,7,3,e32175,Golomb A functional role for modality-specific perceptual systems in conceptual representations,2012,7,3,e33321,Lynott MicroRNA Expression Is Down-Regulated and Reorganized in Prefrontal Cortex of Depressed Suicide Subjects,2012,7,3,e33201,Turecki The personal and health service impact of falls in 85 year olds: cross-sectional findings from the newcastle 85+ cohort study,2012,7,3,e33078,Collerton Factors Associated with Sexual Violence against Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgendered Individuals in Karnataka India,2012,7,3,e31705,Moses Interactivity and Reward-Related Neural Activation during a Serious Videogame,2012,7,3,e33909,Knutson Effect of operating and sampling conditions on the exhaust gas composition of small-scale power generators,2012,7,3,e32825,Smits A morbidity survey of South African primary care,2012,7,3,e32358,Mash Mechanisms of Adaptation from a Multiple to a Single Step Recovery Strategy following Repeated Exposure to Forward Loss of Balance in Older Adults,2012,7,3,e33591,Barrett Housing arrangement and location determine the likelihood of housing loss due to wildfire,2012,7,3,e33954,Radeloff Correction: The Effects of Acute Tryptophan Depletion on Reactive Aggression in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Healthy Controls,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zepf The KAP Evaluation of Intervention on Fall-Induced Injuries among Elders in a Safe Community in Shanghai China,2012,7,3,e32848,Dalal Neuroticism modifies psychophysiological responses to fearful films,2012,7,3,e32413,Blin Independent risk factors for injury in pre-school children: three population-based nested case-control studies using routine primary care data,2012,7,4,e35193,Kendrick CSF-Biomarkers in Olympic Boxing: Diagnosis and Effects of Repetitive Head Trauma,2012,7,4,e33606,Blennow Seasonal distribution of psychiatric births in England,2012,7,4,e34866,Disanto The Association between Depressive Symptoms and Non-Psychiatric Hospitalisation in Older Adults,2012,7,4,e34821,Huisman Landscape encodings enhance optimization,2012,7,4,e34780,Klemm Executive functions predict the success of top-soccer players,2012,7,4,e34731,Maurex High visual working memory capacity in trait social anxiety,2012,7,4,e34244,Moriya Analysis of context dependence in social interaction networks of a massively multiplayer online role-playing game,2012,7,4,e33918,Son Caffeine ingestion reverses the circadian rhythm effects on neuromuscular performance in highly resistance-trained men,2012,7,4,e33807,Mora-Rodríguez The Association between Pro-Social Attitude and Reproductive Success Differs between Men and Women,2012,7,4,e33489,Fieder Spontaneous Eyeblinks Are Correlated with Responses during the Stroop Task,2012,7,4,e34871,Peterson One Plus One Makes Three (for Social Networks),2012,7,4,e34740,Horvát Red is not a proxy signal for female genitalia in humans,2012,7,4,e34669,Newton-Fisher Neighborhood influences on perceived social support among parents: findings from the project on human development in Chicago neighborhoods,2012,7,4,e34235,Koenen Insulation for daydreams: a role for tonic norepinephrine in the facilitation of internally guided thought,2012,7,4,e33706,Schooler Sensitivity and Bias in Decision-Making under Risk: Evaluating the Perception of Reward Its Probability and Value,2012,7,4,e33460,Sharp Event timing in associative learning: from biochemical reaction dynamics to behavioural observations,2012,7,3,e32885,Yarali Correlates of cooperation in a one-shot high-stakes televised prisoners' dilemma,2012,7,4,e33344,Burton-Chellew Automation technology and sense of control: a window on human agency,2012,7,3,e34075,Haggard When the Transmission of Culture Is Child's Play,2012,7,3,e34066,Nielsen Zipf's Law in Short-Time Timbral Codings of Speech Music and Environmental Sound Signals,2012,7,3,e33993,Haro A demonstration of 'broken' visual space,2012,7,3,e33782,Svarverud Memory for semantically related and unrelated declarative information: the benefit of sleep the cost of wake,2012,7,3,e33079,Stickgold Apology Isn't Good Enough: An Apology Suppresses an Approach Motivation but Not the Physiological and Psychological Anger,2012,7,3,e33006,Kawai Incidence of schizophrenia and other psychoses in England 1950-2009: a systematic review and meta-analyses,2012,7,3,e31660,Jones Prevalence and Associated Factors of Elder Mistreatment in a Rural Community in People's Republic of China: A Cross-Sectional Study,2012,7,3,e33857,Xiang Cost-Effectiveness of Peer-Delivered Interventions for Cocaine and Alcohol Abuse among Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial,2012,7,3,e33594,Abdallah Condom Negotiations among Female Sex Workers in the Philippines: Environmental Influences,2012,7,3,e33282,Strathdee Deleterious GRM1 Mutations in Schizophrenia,2012,7,3,e32849,Jablensky The risks we dread: a social circle account,2012,7,4,e32837,Galesic Weapons make the man (larger): formidability is represented as size and strength in humans,2012,7,4,e32751,Holbrook Reaching the Hard-to-Reach: A Probability Sampling Method for Assessing Prevalence of Driving under the Influence after Drinking in Alcohol Outlets,2012,7,4,e34104,Pechansky Dynamic resource allocation in disaster response: tradeoffs in wildfire suppression,2012,7,4,e33285,Petrovic The effect of low survey response rates on estimates of alcohol consumption in a general population survey,2012,7,4,e35527,Kypri The effects of two types of sleep deprivation on visual working memory capacity and filtering efficiency,2012,7,4,e35653,Vogel Collective human mobility pattern from taxi trips in urban area,2012,7,4,e34487,Jin Dynamics patterns and causes of fires in northwestern Amazonia,2012,7,4,e35288,Retana Influence of Motor Planning on Distance Perception within the Peripersonal Space,2012,7,4,e34880,Kirsch Magnitude and Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence against Women and Its Outcome in Southwest Ethiopia,2012,7,4,e36189,Biadgilign Perceptions and experiences of research participants on gender-based violence community based survey: implications for ethical guidelines,2012,7,4,e35495,Jewkes Peritraumatic Distress Watching Television and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms among Rescue Workers after the Great East Japan Earthquake,2012,7,4,e35248,Sone Effects of the Higashi-Nihon earthquake: posttraumatic stress psychological changes and cortisol levels of survivors,2012,7,4,e34612,Kawashima Electrophysiological correlates of changes in reaction time based on stimulus intensity,2012,7,5,e36407,McIlroy Fall classification by machine learning using mobile phones,2012,7,5,e36556,Körding Evaluation of accelerometer-based fall detection algorithms on real-world falls,2012,7,5,e37062,Becker Clusters of Sudden Unexplained Death Associated with the Mushroom Trogia venenata in Rural Yunnan Province China,2012,7,5,e35894,Zeng What Lies behind the Wish to Hasten Death? A Systematic Review and Meta-Ethnography from the Perspective of Patients,2012,7,5,e37117,Tomás-Sábado Disability home physical environment and non-fatal injuries among young children in China,2012,7,5,e37766,Xiang Are you approaching me? Motor execution influences perceived action orientation,2012,7,5,e37514,Schouten Under-five mortality in high focus States in India: a district level geospatial analysis,2012,7,5,e37515,Kumar The risk behaviors and mental health of detained adolescents: a controlled prospective longitudinal study,2012,7,5,e37199,Xiong Workplace bullying psychological hardiness and accidents and injuries in nursing: a moderated mediation model,2021,16,1,e0244426,Lamm Autonomic Function following Acute Organophosphorus Poisoning: A Cohort Study,2012,7,5,e37987,Jayasinghe Assessing the short-term effects of heatwaves on mortality and morbidity in Brisbane Australia: comparison of case-crossover and time series analyses,2012,7,5,e37500,Wang Human movement is both diffusive and directed,2012,7,5,e37754,Padgham Modelling psychological responses to the great East Japan earthquake and nuclear incident,2012,7,5,e37690,Goodwin An individual-oriented model on the emergence of support in fights its reciprocation and exchange,2012,7,5,e37271,Hemelrijk Prospective study of rape perpetration by young South African men: incidence and risk factors,2012,7,5,e38210,Jewkes Potential markers of aggressive behavior: the fear of other persons' laughter and its overlaps with mental disorders,2012,7,5,e38088,Weiss Gaze direction and request gesture in social interactions,2012,7,5,e36390,Campione Quantifying people's experience during flood events with implications for hazard risk communication,2021,16,1,e0244801,Tkachenko Social inequalities of functioning and perceived health in Switzerland-a representative cross-sectional analysis,2012,7,6,e38782,Siegrist Multi-scale motility amplitude associated with suicidal thoughts in major depression,2012,7,6,e38761,Baldessarini From Children to Adults: Motor Performance across the Life-Span,2012,7,6,e38830,Leversen Descriptive epidemiology of serious work-related injuries in British Columbia Canada,2012,7,6,e38750,Koehoorn Socioeconomic disparities in suicide: causation or confounding?,2021,16,1,e0243895,Lorant Effects of time of day and sleep deprivation on motorcycle-driving performance,2012,7,6,e39735,Bougard Moving just like you: motor interference depends on similar motility of agent and observer,2012,7,6,e39637,Huber Age sex and socio-economic status affect the incidence of pediatric spinal cord injury: an eleven-year national cohort study,2012,7,6,e39264,Chien Resilience in the face of disaster: prevalence and longitudinal course of mental disorders following hurricane Ike,2012,7,6,e38964,Norris Principal component analysis of the cytokine and chemokine response to human traumatic brain injury,2012,7,6,e39677,Hutchinson Peripheral SLC6A4 DNA methylation is associated with in vivo measures of human brain serotonin synthesis and childhood physical aggression,2012,7,6,e39501,Tremblay Blast shock wave mitigation using the hydraulic energy redirection and release technology,2012,7,6,e39353,Chen Road traffic noise and incident myocardial infarction: a prospective cohort study,2012,7,6,e39283,Sørensen Cannabis-dependence risk relates to synergism between neuroticism and proenkephalin SNPs associated with amygdala gene expression: case-control study,2012,7,6,e39243,Nomura The power laws of violence against women: rescaling research and policies,2012,7,7,e40289,Kappler The brain network of expectancy and uncertainty processing,2012,7,7,e40252,Candido Executive function and falls in older adults: new findings from a five-year prospective study link fall risk to cognition,2012,7,6,e40297,Giladi Demographic and clinical features and prescribing patterns of psychotropic medications in patients with the melancholic subtype of major depressive disorder in China,2012,7,6,e39840,Lai Neural network development in late adolescents during observation of risk-taking action,2012,7,6,e39527,Mishima Shear forces during blast not abrupt changes in pressure alone generate calcium activity in human brain cells,2012,7,6,e39421,Quinones-Hinojosa A study of a decade of road traffic accidents in Benghazi Libya: 2001 to 2010,2012,7,7,e40454,Bodalal Victims' time discounting 2.5 years after the Wenchuan earthquake: an ERP study,2012,7,7,e40316,Luo Harborview burns - 1974 to 2009,2012,7,7,e40086,Osler Why do males in Scotland die younger than those in England? Evidence from three prospective cohort studies,2012,7,7,e38860,Batty Regulation of a truncated form of Tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) by Hsa-miR-185* in frontal cortex of suicide completers,2012,7,6,e39301,Turecki Is Fitts' law continuous in discrete aiming?,2012,7,7,e41190,Berton Electrophysiological correlates of object location and object identity processing in spatial scenes,2012,7,7,e41180,van Hoogmoed Can falls risk prediction tools correctly identify fall-prone elderly rehabilitation inpatients? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2012,7,7,e41061,Vieira Is payoff necessarily weighted by probability when making a risky choice? Evidence from functional connectivity analysis,2012,7,7,e41048,Li The statistics of urban scaling and their connection to Zipf's law,2012,7,7,e40393,Youn Adolescent bullying involvement and psychosocial aspects of family and school life: a cross-sectional study from Guangdong province in China,2012,7,7,e38619,Wang Using poison center exposure calls to predict methadone poisoning deaths,2012,7,7,e41181,Dart The effect on human balance of standing with toe-extension,2012,7,7,e41539,Ku A new approach of personality and psychiatric disorders: a short version of the affective neuroscience personality scales,2012,7,7,e41489,Falissard The frames of reference of the motor-visual aftereffect,2012,7,7,e40892,Barchiesi Social inequalities and mortality in Europe - results from a large multi-national cohort,2012,7,7,e39013,Trichopoulos Falling out of time: enhanced memory for scenes presented at behaviorally irrelevant points in time in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),2012,7,7,e42502,Kéri The earliest matches,2012,7,8,e42213,Goren-Inbar Alcohol use in adolescence and risk of disability pension: a 39 year follow-up of a population-based conscription survey,2012,7,8,e42083,Romelsjö Adolescent expectations of early death predict adult risk behaviors,2012,7,8,e41905,Villaveces A meta-analysis of the Val158Met COMT polymorphism and violent behavior in schizophrenia,2012,7,8,e43423,Czobor A high aggression strategy for smaller males,2012,7,8,e43121,Svensson Measuring the distribution of spitefulness,2012,7,8,e41812,Kimbrough Architectural and biochemical expressions of mustard gas keratopathy: preclinical indicators and pathogenic mechanisms,2012,7,8,e42837,Hamilton Glass shape influences consumption rate for alcoholic beverages,2012,7,8,e43007,Attwood Is the association between general cognitive ability and violent crime caused by family-level confounders?,2012,7,7,e41783,Långström Prevalence of PTSD and depression among junior middle school students in a rural town far from the epicenter of the Wenchuan earthquake in China,2012,7,7,e41665,Wang Widening educational disparities in premature death rates in twenty six States in the United States 1993-2007,2012,7,7,e41560,Anderson Posttraumatic stress symptoms after exposure to two fire disasters: comparative study,2012,7,7,e41532,van de Schoot Men prostitution and the provider role: understanding the intersections of economic exchange sex crime and violence in South Africa,2012,7,7,e40821,Jewkes Where we look when we drive with or without active steering wheel control,2012,7,8,e43858,Mars Is "football for all" safe for all? Cross-sectional study of disparities as determinants of 1-year injury prevalence in youth football programs,2012,7,8,e43795,Timpka The lethal toxin from Australian funnel-web spiders is encoded by an intronless gene,2012,7,8,e43699,Wilson "That pregnancy can bring noise into the family": exploring intimate partner sexual violence during pregnancy in the context of HIV in Zimbabwe,2012,7,8,e43148,Abrahams Quality of life physical diseases and psychological impairment among survivors 3 years after wenchuan earthquake: a population based survey,2012,7,8,e43081,Wen Drinking substance use and the operation of motor vehicles by young adolescents in Canada,2012,7,8,e42807,Pickett Love and suicide: the structure of the Affective Intensity Rating Scale (AIRS) and its relation to suicidal behavior,2012,7,8,e44069,Galynker Theta oscillations are sensitive to both early and late conflict processing stages: effects of alcohol intoxication,2012,7,8,e43957,Marinkovic A case-control study estimating accident risk for alcohol medicines and illegal drugs,2012,7,8,e43496,Ramaekers Decreased premotor cortex volume in victims of urban violence with posttraumatic stress disorder,2012,7,8,e42560,Moll Remarkable rates of lightning strike mortality in Malawi,2012,7,1,e29281,Mulder Toll-like receptor 4 and high-mobility group box 1 are critical mediators of tissue injury and survival in a mouse model for heatstroke,2012,7,9,e44100,Bouchama Declines in the lethality of suicide attempts explain the decline in suicide deaths in Australia,2012,7,9,e44565,Pirkis Individual spatial responses towards roads: implications for mortality risk,2012,7,9,e43811,Grilo Prevalence and predictors of sub-acute phase disability after injury among hospitalised and non-hospitalised groups: a longitudinal cohort study,2012,7,9,e44909,Langley Personalised normative feedback for preventing alcohol misuse in university students: Solomon three-group randomised controlled trial,2012,7,9,e44120,Foxcroft Limited transfer of newly acquired movement patterns across walking and running in humans,2012,7,9,e46349,Kawashima Copy number variation in subjects with major depressive disorder who attempted suicide,2012,7,9,e46315,Perlis Irregular bedtime and nocturnal cellular phone usage as risk factors for being involved in bullying: a cross-sectional survey of Japanese adolescents,2012,7,9,e45736,Okazaki Risk and prognostic factors of inpatient mortality associated with unintentional insecticide and herbicide poisonings: a retrospective cohort study,2012,7,9,e45627,Chien Emergency room validation of the revised Suicide Trigger Scale (STS-3): a measure of a hypothesized suicide trigger state,2012,7,9,e45157,Galynker The power of kawaii: viewing cute images promotes a careful behavior and narrows attentional focus,2012,7,9,e46362,Nittono Trauma-associated tinnitus: audiological demographic and clinical characteristics,2012,7,9,e45599,Langguth Elevated C-reactive protein in children from risky neighborhoods: evidence for a stress pathway linking neighborhoods and inflammation in children,2012,7,9,e45419,Katzmarzyk Social participation social environment and death ideations in later life,2012,7,10,e46723,du Roscoat Immigration transition into adult life and social adversity in relation to psychological distress and suicide attempts among young adults,2012,7,10,e46284,Hallqvist Traumatic brain injury-induced dysregulation of the circadian clock,2012,7,10,e46204,Sell Condom Negotiation HIV Testing and HIV Risks among Women from Alcohol Serving Venues in Cape Town South Africa,2012,7,10,e45631,Eaton Omissions and byproducts across moral domains,2012,7,10,e46963,Descioli Age differences in intra-individual variability in simple and choice reaction time: systematic review and meta-analysis,2012,7,10,e45759,Deary Safe from harm: learned instructed and symbolic generalization pathways of human threat-avoidance,2012,7,10,e47539,De Houwer Apparent motion from outside the visual field retinotopic cortices may register extra-retinal positions,2012,7,10,e47386,Cavanagh The long-term impact of physical and emotional trauma: the Station nightclub fire,2012,7,10,e47339,Schneider Selective effect of physical fatigue on motor imagery accuracy,2012,7,10,e47207,Guillot Total sleep time severely drops during adolescence,2012,7,10,e45204,Godeau Relative importance of modularity and other morphological attributes on different types of lithic point weapons: assessing functional variations,2012,7,10,e48009,González-José Factors influencing collaborative activities between non-professional disaster volunteers and victims of earthquake disasters,2012,7,10,e47203,Ojima In-car nocturnal blue light exposure improves motorway driving: a randomized controlled trial,2012,7,10,e46750,Anund Molecular pathway reconstruction and analysis of disturbed gene expression in depressed individuals who died by suicide,2012,7,10,e47581,Faludi Global civil unrest: contagion self-organization and prediction,2012,7,10,e48596,Braha Epidemiology of patients hospitalized for ocular trauma in the Chaoshan region of China 2001-2010,2012,7,10,e48377,Li Risk of maltreatment-related injury: a cross-sectional study of children under five years old admitted to hospital with a head or neck injury or fracture,2012,7,10,e46522,Gilbert Human initiated cascading failures in societal infrastructures,2012,7,10,e45406,Marathe Mortality and suicide risk in treatment-resistant depression: an observational study of the long-term impact of intervention,2012,7,10,e48002,Olin Predictors of business return in New Orleans after hurricane Katrina,2012,7,10,e47935,Lam Mortality trends from 2003 to 2009 among adolescents and young adults in rural western Kenya using a health and demographic surveillance system,2012,7,11,e47017,Bellis Oxytocin motivates non-cooperation in intergroup conflict to protect vulnerable in-group members,2012,7,11,e46751,De Dreu Crowding effects in vehicular traffic,2012,7,11,e48151,Lim Mental health literacy of depression: gender differences and attitudinal antecedents in a representative British sample,2012,7,11,e49779,Swami Mobile phones in a traffic flow: a geographical perspective to evening rush hour traffic analysis using call detail records,2012,7,11,e49171,Ahas A sex difference in the predisposition for physical competition: males play sports much more than females even in the contemporary United States,2012,7,11,e49168,Ham Different regional gray matter loss in recent onset PTSD and non PTSD after a single prolonged trauma exposure,2012,7,11,e48298,Yin Newly acquired fear of falling leads to altered eye movement patterns and reduced stepping safety: a case study,2012,7,11,e49765,Young Effects of acute organophosphorus poisoning on function of peripheral nerves: a cohort study,2012,7,11,e49405,Buckley The developmental dynamics of terrorist organizations,2012,7,11,e48633,Gleditsch Dose-related effects of alcohol on cognitive functioning,2012,7,11,e50977,Burns Variation in recorded child maltreatment concerns in UK primary care records: a cohort study using the health improvement network (THIN) database,2012,7,11,e49808,Gilbert Burn injury-specific home safety assessment: a cross-sectional study in iran,2012,7,11,e49412,Mohammadi Incidents of aggression in German psychiatric hospitals: is there an increase?,2021,16,1,e0245090,Steinert A microscopic "social norm" model to obtain realistic macroscopic velocity and density pedestrian distributions,2012,7,12,e50720,Zanlungo Multiple sclerosis decreases explicit counterfactual processing and risk taking in decision making,2012,7,12,e50718,Vuilleumier Exposure-based 'like-for-like' assessment of road safety by travel mode using routine health data,2012,7,12,e50606,Wardlaw Assessing patterns of human-wildlife conflicts and compensation around a central Indian protected area,2012,7,12,e50433,Defries Faith after an earthquake: a longitudinal study of religion and perceived health before and after the 2011 Christchurch New Zealand Earthquake,2012,7,12,e49648,Sibley Skill memory escaping from distraction by sleep-evidence from dual-task performance,2012,7,12,e50983,Pellicano A framework to describe analyze and generate interactive motor behaviors,2012,7,11,e49945,Burdet Wind speed perception and risk,2012,7,11,e49944,Webster Neighborhood street scale elements sedentary time and cardiometabolic risk factors in inactive ethnic minority women,2012,7,12,e51081,Lee Venom Proteome of the Box Jellyfish Chironex fleckeri,2012,7,12,e47866,Brinkman The invisible suffering: sexual coercion interpersonal violence and mental health - a cross-sectional study among university students in south-western Uganda,2012,7,12,e51424,Cantor-Graae 'Cycle thieves we are watching you': Impact of a simple signage intervention against bicycle theft,2012,7,12,e51738,Nettle Characteristics and trends of pediatric traumatic brain injuries treated at a large pediatric medical center in China 2002-2011,2012,7,12,e51634,Stallones A life-course study on effects of parental markers of morbidity and mortality on offspring's suicide attempt,2012,7,12,e51585,Mittendorfer Rutz Appetitive aggression as a resilience factor against trauma disorders: appetitive aggression and PTSD in German World War II veterans,2012,7,12,e50891,Elbert Older adults show preserved equilibrium but impaired step length control in motor-equivalent stabilization of gait,2012,7,12,e52024,Lindenberger Altered functional protein networks in the prefrontal cortex and amygdala of victims of suicide,2012,7,12,e50532,Palkovits Alcohol consumption in midlife and cognitive performance assessed 13 years later in the SU.VI.MAX 2 cohort,2012,7,12,e52311,Jeandel Sensory cortex underpinnings of traumatic brain injury deficits,2012,7,12,e52169,Alwis Human perception of fear in dogs varies according to experience with dogs,2012,7,12,e51775,Bolger Increasing visual search accuracy by being watched,2013,8,1,e53500,Miyazaki Psychomotor Function in Chronic Daily Cannabis Smokers during Sustained Abstinence,2013,8,1,e53127,Ramaekers Daytime sleep enhances consolidation of the spatial but not motoric representation of motor sequence memory,2013,8,1,e52805,Doyon Bystander responses to a violent incident in an immersive virtual environment,2013,8,1,e52766,Rovira Weed or wheel! fMRI behavioural and toxicological investigations of how cannabis smoking affects skills necessary for driving,2013,8,1,e52545,Favrat Clinical effects and antivenom dosing in brown snake (Pseudonaja spp.) envenoming - Australian snakebite project (ASP-14),2012,7,12,e53188,Buckley Driving cessation and dementia: Results of the Prospective Registry on Dementia in Austria (PRODEM),2012,7,12,e52710,Linortner Food insecurity and children's mental health: a prospective birth cohort study,2012,7,12,e52615,Chastang Reduced visual cortex gray matter volume and thickness in young adults who witnessed domestic violence during childhood,2012,7,12,e52528,Teicher Experiences of domestic violence and mental disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2012,7,12,e51740,Feder The NHV rehabilitation services program improves long-term physical functioning in survivors of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake: a longitudinal quasi experiment,2013,8,1,e53995,Reinhardt Adaptation to shift work: physiologically based modeling of the effects of lighting and shifts' start time,2013,8,1,e53379,Postnova Low vitamin D status and suicide: a case-control study of active duty military service members,2013,8,1,e51543,George Stimulant and atypical antipsychotic medications for children placed in foster homes,2013,8,1,e54152,Linares Incidence and risk factors of homicide-suicide in Swiss households: national cohort study,2013,8,1,e53714,Egger In the elderly failure to update internal models leads to over-optimistic predictions about upcoming actions,2013,8,1,e51218,Luyat Being moved by the self and others: influence of empathy on self-motion perception,2013,8,1,e48293,Mast Application of scan statistics to detect suicide clusters in Australia,2013,8,1,e54168,Pirkis Violence as a barrier for HIV prevention among female sex workers in Argentina,2013,8,1,e54147,Reynaga Life history trade-offs and behavioral sensitivity to testosterone: an experimental test when female aggression and maternal care co-occur,2013,8,1,e54120,Rosvall A study of the impact of thirteen celebrity suicides on subsequent suicide rates in South Korea from 2005 to 2009,2013,8,1,e53870,Fu Access to alcohol outlets alcohol consumption and mental health,2013,8,1,e53461,Foster Long-term unemployment and suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,8,1,e51333,Page Sensorimotor recalibration depends on attribution of sensory prediction errors to internal causes,2013,8,1,e54925,Synofzik The association between cultural orientation and drinking behaviors among university students in Wuhan China,2013,8,1,e54796,Newman Decision-making under risk of loss in children,2013,8,1,e52316,Steelandt Identifying the threshold of dominant controls on fire spread in a boreal forest landscape of northeast China,2013,8,1,e55618,Yang The impact of media reporting on the emergence of charcoal burning suicide in Taiwan,2013,8,1,e55000,Yip Excess mortality causes of death and life expectancy in 270770 patients with recent onset of mental disorders in Denmark Finland and Sweden,2013,8,1,e55176,Nordentoft Personality consistency in dogs: a meta-analysis,2013,8,1,e54907,Gosling Accuracy of WHO verbal autopsy tool in determining major causes of neonatal deaths in India,2013,8,1,e54865,Kumar Disparities in adverse childhood experiences among sexual minority and heterosexual adults: results from a multi-state probability-based sample,2013,8,1,e54691,Blosnich Access to recreational physical activities by car and bus: an assessment of socio-spatial inequalities in mainland Scotland,2013,8,2,e55638,Ogilvie Sleep debt elicits negative emotional reaction through diminished amygdala-anterior cingulate functional connectivity,2013,8,2,e56578,Mishima Fire severity filters regeneration traits to shape community assembly in alaska's boreal forest,2013,8,2,e56033,Chapin Risk factors for violence in psychosis: systematic review and meta-regression analysis of 110 studies,2013,8,2,e55942,Fazel Long-term impact of earthquakes on sleep quality,2013,8,2,e55936,Tempesta Red brain blue brain: evaluative processes differ in Democrats and Republicans,2013,8,2,e52970,Paulus Relationship between the Onset of Depression and Stress Response Measured by the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire among Japanese Employees: A Cohort Study,2013,8,2,e56319,Ishikawa Leukoaraiosis a common brain magnetic resonance imaging finding as a predictor of traffic crashes,2013,8,2,e57255,Nakagawa Possible association between suicide committed under influence of ethanol and a variant in the AUTS2 gene,2013,8,2,e57199,Wojnar Physical and emotional health problems experienced by youth engaged in physical fighting and weapon carrying,2013,8,2,e56403,Craig Violence against people with disability in England and Wales: findings from a national cross-sectional survey,2013,8,2,e55952,Osborn Evidence of cognitive dysfunction after soccer playing with ball heading using a novel tablet-based approach,2013,8,2,e57364,Patel Correction: Molecular pathway reconstruction and analysis of disturbed gene expression in depressed individuals who died by suicide,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Faludi An exploration of the serotonin system in antisocial boys with high levels of callous-unemotional traits,2013,8,2,e56619,Brennan Influence of hemianopic visual field loss on visual motor control,2013,8,2,e56615,Peli The dynamics of attention during free looking,2013,8,2,e56428,Watamura Evaluating the impact of flexible alcohol trading hours on violence: an interrupted time series analysis,2013,8,2,e55581,Wiebe Availability and readability of emergency preparedness materials for deaf and hard-of-hearing and older adult populations: issues and assessments,2013,8,2,e55614,Tseng The effects of housework on the health of retired older adults: a preliminary investigation from the Tongji-Dongfeng Cohort Study China,2013,8,3,e57232,Liang A randomized controlled pilot study of home-based step training in older people using videogame technology,2013,8,3,e57734,Lord Individual differences and decision making: when the lure effect of gain is a matter of size,2013,8,3,e58946,Russo First-time parents are not well enough prepared for the safety of their infant,2013,8,3,e58062,van Beeck Quantitative assessment of preventive behaviors in France during the Fukushima nuclear crisis,2013,8,3,e58385,Crépey Cooperation without culture? The null effect of generalized trust on intentional homicide: a cross-national panel analysis 1995-2009,2013,8,3,e59511,Robbins Why are babies dying in the first month after birth? A 7-year study of neonatal mortality in northern Ghana,2013,8,3,e58924,Adongo Nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior: a latent class analysis among young adults,2013,8,3,e59955,Willoughby Mortality Risk amongst Nursing Home Residents Evacuated after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: A Retrospective Cohort Study,2013,8,3,e60192,Gilmour Altered default network resting-state functional connectivity in adolescents with internet gaming addiction,2013,8,3,e59902,Xu Strict or graduated punishment? Effect of punishment strictness on the evolution of cooperation in continuous public goods games,2013,8,3,e59894,Shimao Do changes in the pace of events affect one-off judgments of duration?,2013,8,3,e59847,Matthews Descriptive epidemiology and underlying psychiatric disorders among hospitalizations with self-directed violence,2013,8,3,e59818,Postolache Mechanisms of team-sport-related brain injuries in children 5 to 19 years old: opportunities for prevention,2013,8,3,e58868,Cusimano Active-duty physicians' perceptions and satisfaction with humanitarian assistance and disaster relief missions: implications for the field,2013,8,3,e57814,Oravec Origins of balance disorders during a daily living movement in obese: can biomechanical factors explain everything?,2013,8,4,e60491,Nougier Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in anxious or depressed family caregivers of patients with cancer: a nationwide survey in Korea,2013,8,4,e60230,Shin Family functioning and its predictors among disaster bereaved individuals in China: Eighteen months after the Wenchuan earthquake,2013,8,4,e60738,Li Shark tooth weapons from the 19(th) century reflect shifting baselines in Central Pacific predator assemblies,2013,8,4,e59855,Drew Effect of fatigue on hamstring reflex responses and posterior-anterior tibial translation in men and women,2013,8,2,e56988,Behrens Cognitive training improves sleep quality and cognitive function among older adults with insomnia,2013,8,4,e61390,Haimov Characteristics of opioid-users whose death was related to opioid-toxicity: a population-based study in Ontario Canada,2013,8,4,e60600,Lauwers The advocacy for pedestrian safety study: cluster randomised trial evaluating a political advocacy approach to reduce pedestrian injuries in deprived communities,2013,8,4,e60158,Coupland Hospital stay as a proxy indicator for severe injury in earthquakes: a retrospective analysis,2013,8,4,e61371,von Schreeb Pattern of drug use and depressive symptoms among amphetamine type stimulants users in Beijing and Guangdong Province China,2013,8,4,e60544,Qiu Hyper-arousal decreases human visual thresholds,2013,8,4,e61415,Philbeck Epidemiology of pediatric ocular trauma in the Chaoshan Region China 2001-2010,2013,8,4,e60844,Li Filicide: mental illness in those who kill their children,2013,8,4,e58981,Flynn Trends in North American newspaper reporting of brain injury in ice hockey,2013,8,4,e61865,Cusimano Partner violence and psychosocial distress among female sex workers in China,2013,8,4,e62290,Hong Predicting national suicide numbers with social media data,2013,8,4,e61809,Carroll Suicide ideation of individuals in online social networks,2013,8,4,e62262,Masuda Factors associated with risky sexual practices among female sex workers in Karnataka India,2013,8,4,e62167,Moses Quantifying collective attention from tweet stream,2013,8,4,e61823,Sasahara A new dimension to relative age effects: constant year effects in german youth handball,2013,8,4,e60336,Wattie Brain injury in very preterm children and neurosensory and cognitive disabilities during childhood: the epipage cohort study,2013,8,5,e62683,Arnaud Childhood hyperactivity physical aggression and criminality: a 19-year prospective population-based study,2013,8,5,e62594,Tremblay Change in neighborhood traffic safety: does it matter in terms of physical activity?,2013,8,5,e62525,Kunst Increased risk of dementia in patients with mild traumatic brain injury: a nationwide cohort study,2013,8,5,e62422,Lee How fire history fire suppression practices and climate change affect wildfire regimes in Mediterranean landscapes,2013,8,5,e62392,Brotons Social and geographical inequalities in suicide in Japan from 1975 through 2005: a census-based longitudinal analysis,2013,8,5,e63443,Kawachi 3D Flow in the Venom Channel of a Spitting Cobra: Do the Ridges in the Fangs Act as Fluid Guide Vanes?,2013,8,5,e61548,Triep The impact of epidemic violence on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2013,8,5,e63545,Dewey A mixture approach to vagueness and ambiguity,2013,8,5,e63507,Verheyen Protective effect of pregnancy in rural South Africa: questioning the concept of "indirect cause" of maternal death,2013,8,5,e64414,Garenne The global burden of visual difficulty in low middle and high income countries,2013,8,5,e63315,Freeman Screening on perpetration and victimization of intimate partner violence (IPV): two studies on the validity of an IPV screening instrument in patients in substance abuse treatment,2013,8,5,e63681,Kraanen Modelling pedestrian travel time and the design of facilities: a queuing approach,2013,8,5,e63503,Rahman Modeling wildfire incident complexity dynamics,2013,8,5,e63297,Thompson The impact of threat appeals on fear arousal and driver behavior: a meta-analysis of experimental research 1990-2011,2013,8,5,e62821,Sarma What evidence exists for initiatives to reduce risk and incidence of sexual violence in armed conflict and other humanitarian crises? A systematic review,2013,8,5,e62600,Zwi Neural effects of positive and negative incentives during marijuana withdrawal,2013,8,5,e61470,Filbey Adding fuel to the fire: the impacts of non-native grass invasion on fire management at a regional scale,2013,8,5,e59144,Douglas Correction: Burn injury-specific home safety assessment: a cross-sectional study in Iran,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mohammadi Action prediction in younger versus older adults: neural correlates of motor familiarity,2013,8,5,e64195,Schütz-Bosbach Opposite effective connectivity in the posterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex between first-episode schizophrenic patients with suicide risk and healthy controls,2013,8,5,e63477,Xu Should I stay or should I go - cognitive conflict in multi-attribute signals probed with East and West German 'ampelmännchen' traffic signs,2013,8,5,e64712,Olk Tailored education for older patients to facilitate engagement in falls prevention strategies after hospital discharge-a pilot randomized controlled trial,2013,8,5,e63450,Haines Mental fatigue affects visual selective attention,2012,7,10,e48073,Lorist Distracting the mind improves performance: an ERP Study,2010,5,11,e15024,Taatgen Is visual selective attention in deaf individuals enhanced or deficient? The case of the useful field of view,2009,4,5,e5640,Bavelier Dynamic perceptual changes in audiovisual simultaneity,2007,2,12,e1253,Kanai Predicting cognitive state from eye movements,2013,8,5,e64937,Wang Occupation and environmental heat-associated deaths in Maricopa County Arizona: a case-control study,2013,8,5,e62596,Harlan Sleep Duration among Children 8 Months after the 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami,2013,8,5,e65398,Ushijima Prior storm experience moderates water surge perception and risk,2013,8,5,e62477,Webster Masked Priming of Conceptual Features Reveals Differential Brain Activation during Unconscious Access to Conceptual Action and Sound Information,2013,8,5,e65910,Kiefer Mild blast events alter anxiety memory and neural activity patterns in the anterior cingulate cortex,2013,8,5,e64907,Tsien "Like throwing a bowling ball at a battle ship" Audience responses to Australian news stories about alcohol pricing and promotion policies: a qualitative focus group study,2013,8,6,e65261,Chapman Physical activity in German adolescents measured by accelerometry and activity diary: introducing a comprehensive approach for data management and preliminary results,2013,8,6,e65192,Heinrich The increased risk of joint venture promotes social cooperation,2013,8,6,e63801,Fu The role of intelligence in posttraumatic stress disorder: does it vary by trauma severity?,2013,8,6,e65391,Breslau Increased gray matter diffusion anisotropy in patients with persistent post-concussive symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury,2013,8,6,e66205,Zafonte Feasibility reliability and validity of a smartphone based application for the assessment of cognitive function in the elderly,2013,8,6,e65925,Brouillette Same sex marriage and the perceived assault on opposite sex marriage,2013,8,6,e65730,Dinno Can demographic and exposure characteristics predict levels of social support in survivors from a natural disaster?,2013,8,6,e65709,Melin Relationship between chronic short sleep duration and childhood body mass index: a school-based cross-sectional study,2013,8,6,e66680,Bianco Zolpidem use and the risk of injury: a population-based follow-up study,2013,8,6,e67459,Lin The attention modulation on timing: an event-related potential study,2013,8,6,e66190,Li Active vision during action execution observation and imagery: evidence for shared motor representations,2013,8,6,e67761,Holmes Understanding the relationship between type 2 diabetes mellitus and falls in older adults: a prospective cohort study,2013,8,6,e67055,Delbaere Mechanisms of hearing loss after blast injury to the ear,2013,8,7,e67618,Cho Evidence for unintentional emotional contagion beyond dyads,2013,8,6,e67371,Grèzes When dread risks are more dreadful than continuous risks: Comparing cumulative population losses over time,2013,8,6,e66544,Galesic Antidepressant utilization and suicide in Europe: An ecological multi-national study,2013,8,6,e66455,Värnik Cool and hot executive function impairments in violent offenders with antisocial personality disorder with and without psychopathy,2013,8,6,e65566,Viding Failure to demonstrate that playing violent video games diminishes prosocial behavior,2013,8,7,e68382,Tear History of childhood abuse sensation seeking and intimate partner violence under/not under the influence of a substance: a cross-sectional study in Russia,2013,8,7,e68027,Zhan Age-Related Wayfinding Differences in Real Large-Scale Environments: Detrimental Motor Control Effects during Spatial Learning Are Mediated by Executive Decline?,2013,8,7,e67193,Taillade Self inflicted injuries among children in United States - Estimates from a nationwide emergency department sample,2013,8,7,e69874,Allareddy Bodychecking rules and concussion in elite hockey,2013,8,7,e69122,Cusimano Child deaths due to injury in the four UK countries: A time trends study from 1980 to 2010,2013,8,7,e68323,Gilbert Activating and relaxing music entrains the speed of beat synchronized walking,2013,8,7,e67932,Leman Psychosis-proneness and neural correlates of self-inhibition in theory of mind,2013,8,7,e67774,Aleman Pediatric and youth traffic-collision injuries in Al Ain United Arab Emirates: a prospective study,2013,8,7,e68636,Abu-Zidan Loneliness: its correlates and association with health behaviours and outcomes in nine countries of the former soviet union,2013,8,7,e67978,Stickley Human gender differences in the perception of conspecific alarm chemosensory cues,2013,8,7,e68485,Mujica-Parodi The collaborative image of the city: mapping the inequality of urban perception,2013,8,7,e68400,Schechtner Dependence of the firearm-related homicide rate on gun availability: a mathematical analysis,2013,8,7,e71606,Wodarz Circadian adaptation to night shift work influences sleep performance mood and the autonomic modulation of the heart,2013,8,7,e70813,Boudreau Antenatal depression in Anuradhapura Sri Lanka and the factor structure of the Sinhalese Version of Edinburgh Post Partum Depression Scale among pregnant women,2013,8,7,e69708,Agampodi Childhood chronic physical aggression associates with adult cytokine levels in plasma,2013,8,7,e69481,Tremblay Psychosocial characteristics and social networks of suicidal prisoners: towards a model of suicidal behaviour in detention,2013,8,7,e68944,Fazel A Qualitative Study of Alcohol Health and Identities among UK Adults in Later Life,2013,8,8,e71792,Ling Temporal alcohol availability predicts first-time drunk driving but not repeat offending,2013,8,8,e71169,Denson Dynamic parameters of balance which correlate to elderly persons with a history of falls,2013,8,8,e70566,Kiel Does clinical management improve outcomes following self-harm? Results from the Multicentre Study of Self-Harm in England,2013,8,8,e70434,Cooper Sleep-effects on implicit and explicit memory in repeated visual search,2013,8,8,e69953,Geyer Physical predictors of cognitive performance in healthy older adults: a cross-sectional analysis,2013,8,7,e70799,Brouwer Spatial Clustering of All-Cause and HIV-Related Mortality in a Rural South African Population (2000-2006),2013,8,7,e69279,Namosha Ineffectiveness of Reverse Wording of Questionnaire Items: Let's Learn from Cows in the Rain,2013,8,7,e68967,Sanderman Tobacco Smoking and Its Association with Illicit Drug Use among Young Men Aged 15-24 Years Living in Urban Slums of Bangladesh,2013,8,7,e68728,Khan Force-controlled balance perturbations associated with falls in older people: A prospective cohort study,2013,8,8,e70981,Sturnieks Injury related risk behaviour: A health belief model-based study of primary school students in a safe community in Shanghai,2013,8,8,e70563,Dalal Correction: Older adults show preserved equilibrium but impaired step length control in motor-equivalent stabilization of gait,2013,8,8,e9b875,Lindenberger Epidemiological survey of quantitative ultrasound in risk assessment of falls in middle-aged and elderly people,2013,8,8,e71053,Kuo Is bone tissue really affected by swimming? A systematic review,2013,8,8,e70119,Vicente-Rodriguez Eyjafjallajökull and 9/11: The impact of large-scale disasters on worldwide mobility,2013,8,8,e69829,Thiemann Intermittent Explosive Disorder amongst Women in Conflict Affected Timor-Leste: Associations with Human Rights Trauma Ongoing Violence Poverty and Injustice,2013,8,8,e69207,Brooks The contribution of emotional partners to sexual risk taking and violence among female sex workers in Mombasa Kenya: A cohort study,2013,8,8,e68855,Chersich Limited Urban Growth: London's Street Network Dynamics since the 18th Century,2013,8,8,e69469,Masucci Psychedelics and mental health: a population study,2013,8,8,e63972,Krebs The effects of shift work on sleeping quality hypertension and diabetes in retired workers,2013,8,8,e71107,Wang An exploration of heat tolerance in mice utilizing mRNA and microRNA expression analysis,2013,8,8,e72258,Deuster Land use planning and wildfire: development policies influence future probability of housing loss,2013,8,8,e71708,Keeley Drowning and the influence of hot weather,2013,8,8,e71689,Redelmeier Why has the continuous decline in German suicide rates stopped in 2007?,2013,8,8,e71589,Hegerl Linguistic diversity and traffic accidents: Lessons from statistical studies of cultural traits,2013,8,8,e70902,Roberts High adult sex ratios and risky sexual behaviors: a systematic review,2013,8,8,e71580,Bien Frequency of discrimination harassment and violence in lesbian gay men and bisexual in Italy,2013,8,8,e74446,Angelillo HIV testing and tolerance to gender based violence: A cross-sectional study in Zambia,2013,8,8,e71922,Schindler Amygdala volume predicts inter-individual differences in fearful face recognition,2013,8,8,e74096,Zhao Landscape scale influences of forest area and housing density on house loss in the 2009 Victorian bushfires,2013,8,8,e73421,Bradstock Identifying probable suicide clusters in Wales using national mortality data,2013,8,8,e71713,Platt A functional polymorphism in a serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) interacts with 9/11 to predict gun-carrying behavior,2013,8,8,e70807,Beaver The associations between self-consciousness depressive state and craving to drink among alcohol dependent patients undergoing protracted withdrawal,2013,8,8,e71560,de Timary Cleaning products environmental awareness and risk perception in Mérida Mexico,2013,8,8,e74352,Rothenberg Sexual Knowledge Attitudes and Practices of Female Undergraduate Students in Wuhan China: The Only-Child versus Students with Siblings,2013,8,9,e73797,Yan Editorial decisions may perpetuate belief in invalid research findings,2013,8,9,e73364,Simpson Impact of thoracic injury on traumatic brain injury outcome,2013,8,9,e74204,Yuan Authorship bias in violence risk assessment? A systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,8,9,e72484,Fazel Sex Workers Perspectives on Strategies to Reduce Sexual Exploitation and HIV Risk: A Qualitative Study in Tijuana Mexico,2013,8,8,e72982,Strathdee An assessment of health behavior peer effects in Peking university dormitories: A randomized cluster-assignment design for interference,2013,8,9,e75009,Vanderweele An association between initiation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and suicide: A nationwide register-based case-crossover study,2013,8,9,e73973,Hallqvist Isolation associated aggression - a consequence of recovery from defeat in a territorial animal,2013,8,9,e74965,Stevenson The structure of spatial networks and communities in bicycle sharing systems,2013,8,9,e74685,Strano Human FMRI reveals that delayed action re-recruits visual perception,2013,8,9,e73629,Singhal Negative life events in childhood as risk indicators of labour market participation in young adulthood: A prospective birth cohort study,2013,8,9,e75860,Lund Earlier visual n1 latencies in expert video-game players: A temporal basis of enhanced visuospatial performance?,2013,8,9,e75231,Patston Repetitive concussive traumatic brain injury interacts with post-injury foot shock stress to worsen social and depression-like behavior in mice,2013,8,9,e74510,Brody The relationship between self-awareness of attentional status behavioral performance and oscillatory brain rhythms,2013,8,9,e74962,Anderson Higher perceived stress but lower cortisol levels found among young Greek adults living in a stressful social environment in comparison with Swedish young adults,2013,8,9,e73828,Faresjö Human walking in the real world: interactions between terrain type gait parameters and energy expenditure,2021,16,1,e0228682,Kuo Emergency department visits among patients transported by law enforcement officers,2021,16,1,e0244679,Rosen A community study of the psychological effects of the Omagh car bomb on adults,2013,8,9,e76618,Ehlers Brown recluse spider bite mediated hemolysis: Clinical features a possible role for complement inhibitor therapy and reduced RBC surface glycophorin a as a potential biomarker of venom exposure,2013,8,9,e76558,Gehrie Alcohol affects neuronal substrates of response inhibition but not of perceptual processing of stimuli signalling a stop response,2013,8,9,e76649,Duka Bicycle helmet wearing is not associated with close motor vehicle passing: A re-analysis of Walker 2007,2013,8,9,e75424,Olivier English to Arabic Translation of the Composite Abuse Scale (CAS): a multi-method approach,2013,8,9,e75244,Horwood Correction: Risk factors for violence in psychosis: Systematic review and meta-regression analysis of 110 studies,2013,8,9,ePub,Fazel Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and violence in the population of england: Does comorbidity matter?,2013,8,9,e75575,Coid Identifying adolescent sleep problems,2013,8,9,e75301,Short How to decrease suicide rates in both genders? An effectiveness study of a community-based intervention (EAAD),2013,8,9,e75081,Hegerl Correction: Low vitamin D status and suicide: A case-control study of active duty military service members,2013,8,9,,George Risk Factors Associated with Sleep Disturbance following Traumatic Brain Injury: Clinical Findings and Questionnaire Based Study,2013,8,10,e76087,Hou Anger under control: Neural correlates of frustration as a function of trait aggression,2013,8,10,e78503,Gur Factors associated with depressive symptoms among Filipino university students,2013,8,11,e79825,Rodriguez Is the Brain's Inertia for Motor Movements Different for Acceleration and Deceleration?,2013,8,10,e78055,Adhikari The power of the web: A systematic review of studies of the influence of the internet on self-harm and suicide in young people,2013,8,10,e77555,Hawton Survey of awareness of radiation disasters among firefighters in a Japanese prefecture without nuclear power plants,2020,15,7,e0236640,Hayashida Racism gun ownership and gun control: biased attitudes in U.S. Whites may influence policy decisions,2013,8,10,e77552,O'Brien Social judgement in borderline personality disorder,2013,8,11,e73440,Sprengelmeyer What time periods of the day are concerning for parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?,2013,8,11,e79806,Sasayama The impact of cost and network topology on urban mobility: A study of public bicycle usage in 2 U.S. cities,2013,8,11,e79396,Jurdak Knowing each random error of our ways but hardly correcting for it: an instance of optimal performance,2013,8,10,e78757,Ernst Association of aggression and non-suicidal self injury: A school-based sample of adolescents,2013,8,10,e78149,Tang Trauma-related mortality among adults in rural western Kenya: Characterising deaths using data from a health and demographic surveillance system,2013,8,11,e79840,Beynon Correction: Hospital stay as a proxy indicator for severe injury in earthquakes: A retrospective analysis,2013,8,10,,von Schreeb Effect of nurse home visits vs. usual care on reducing intimate partner violence in young high-risk pregnant women: a randomized controlled trial,2013,8,10,e78185,Hirasing Dysfunction and post-traumatic stress disorder in fracture victims 50 months after the Sichuan earthquake,2013,8,10,e77535,Li Economic impact of maternal death on households in rural China: a prospective cohort study,2013,8,10,e76624,Wang The fast and the furious-an experimental investigation of the pace of life and risky speed choice in traffic,2020,15,7,e0236589,Hoffmann Correction: Dynamics of distraction: Competition among auditory streams modulates gain and disrupts inter-trial phase coherence in the human electroencephalogram,2013,8,10,ePub,Ponjavic-Conte Correction: Harborview Burns - 1974 to 2009,2013,8,10,ePub,Osler A phenotypic structure and neural correlates of compulsive behaviors in adolescents,2013,8,11,e80151,Conrod Associations of intimate partner violence and financial adversity with familial homelessness in pregnant and postpartum women: a 7-year prospective study of the ALSPAC cohort,2021,16,1,e0245507,Basu Costs and benefits of competitive traits in females: Aggression maternal care and reproductive success,2013,8,10,e77816,Ketterson Correction: Immediate ecological impacts of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake tsunami on intertidal flat communities,2013,8,10,ePub,Suzuki Task-related changes in functional properties of the human brain network underlying attentional control,2013,8,11,e79023,Kakigi Epidemiology and risk factors of cervical spine injury during heating season in the patients with cervical trauma: A cross-sectional study,2013,8,11,e78358,Zhang The effect of geriatric comanagement (GC) in geriatric trauma patients treated in a level 1 trauma setting: a comparison of data before and after the implementation of a certified geriatric trauma center,2021,16,1,e0244554,Bischoff-Ferrari The association between intelligence scores and family history of psychiatric disorder in schizophrenia patients their siblings and healthy controls,2013,8,10,e77215,Derks Effectiveness of a multimodal community intervention program to prevent suicide and suicide attempts: A quasi-experimental study,2013,8,10,e74902,Tanaka Self versus Family Ratings of the Frontal Systems Behaviour Scale and Measured Executive Functions: Adult Outcomes following Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury,2013,8,10,e76916,McLellan The revolving door phenomenon revisited: Time to readmission in 17'415 patients with 37'697 hospitalisations at a German psychiatric hospital,2013,8,10,e75612,Hajak Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Increases Sensitivity to Long Term Losses among Patients with Major Depressive Disorder,2013,8,10,e78292,Paulus Predicting risk-taking behavior from prefrontal resting-state activity and personality,2013,8,10,e76861,Studer Personality factors and suicide risk in a representative sample of the german general population,2013,8,10,e76646,Kapusta Gender differences in the association of smoking and drinking with the development of cognitive impairment,2013,8,10,e75095,Suh Genetic and familial environmental effects on suicide - an adoption study of siblings,2013,8,10,e77973,Hawton Towards a proper assignment of systemic risk: The combined roles of network topology and shock characteristics,2013,8,10,e77526,Cabrales Obstacle avoidance visual detection performance and eye-scanning behavior of glaucoma patients in a driving simulator: a preliminary study,2013,8,10,e77294,de Winter Obesity and occupational injury: a prospective cohort study of 69515 public sector employees,2013,8,10,e77178,Oksanen Policing in nonhuman primates: Partial interventions serve a prosocial conflict management function in rhesus macaques,2013,8,10,e77369,McCowan A comparison of blue light and caffeine effects on cognitive function and alertness in humans,2013,8,10,e76707,Beaven A systematic review of the relationships between intimate partner violence and HIV/AIDS,2013,8,11,e81044,Kouyoumdjian Comparison of EEG-features and classification methods for motor imagery in patients with disorders of consciousness,2013,8,11,e80479,Nardone Prenatal glucocorticoid treatment and later mental health in children and adolescents,2013,8,11,e81394,Ebeling Prevalence and predictors of disability 24-months after injury for hospitalised and non-hospitalised participants: Results from a longitudinal cohort study in New Zealand,2013,8,11,e80194,Langley Social Support as a Moderator of the Relationship between Anxiety and Depression: An Empirical Study with Adult Survivors of Wenchuan Earthquake,2013,8,10,e79045,Xu Correction: Factors associated with physician agreement on verbal autopsy of over 11500 injury deaths in India,2013,8,11,ePub,Hsiao Test-retest reliability of innovated strength tests for hip muscles,2013,8,11,e81149,Corten Factors associated with severe deliberate self-harm among Chinese internal migrants,2013,8,11,e80667,Zhao Vulnerability analysis and passenger source prediction in urban rail transit networks,2013,8,11,e80178,Wang Is Younger Really Safer? A Qualitative Study of Perceived Risks and Benefits of Age-Disparate Relationships among Women in Cape Town South Africa,2013,8,11,e81748,Beauclair Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can improve post concussion syndrome years after mild traumatic brain injury - randomized prospective trial,2013,8,11,e79995,Hoofien Neural mechanisms underlying stop-and-restart difficulties: Involvement of the motor and perceptual systems,2013,8,11,e82272,Yamanaka Analysis of post-deployment cognitive performance and symptom recovery in U. S. Marines,2013,8,11,e79595,Campbell Neural correlates of emotional personality: A structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging study,2013,8,11,e77196,Koelsch Efficacy of modafinil on fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness associated with neurological disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis,2013,8,12,e81802,Wang Glasgow coma scale and outcomes after structural traumatic head injury in early childhood,2013,8,12,e82245,Dansey Potential use of hyperoxygenated solution as a treatment strategy for carbon monoxide poisoning,2013,8,12,e81779,Xu Alterations in white matter microstructure as vulnerability factors and acquired signs of traffic accident-induced PTSD,2013,8,12,e83473,Wang Steps to take to enhance gait stability: the effect of stride frequency stride length and walking speed on local dynamic stability and margins of stability,2013,8,12,e82842,van Dieen Age-related decrements in heat dissipation during physical activity occur as early as the age of 40,2013,8,12,e83148,Kenny Psychosocial functioning and intelligence both partly explain socioeconomic inequalities in premature death. A population-based male cohort study,2013,8,12,e82031,Deary Oculomotor examination of the weapon focus effect: does a gun automatically engage visual attention?,2013,8,12,e81011,Flowe Physicians' characteristics associated with exploring suicide risk among patients with depression: A French panel survey of general practitioners,2013,8,12,e80797,Villani Somatic symptoms evoked by exam stress in university students: the role of alexithymia neuroticism anxiety and depression,2013,8,12,e84911,Zunhammer Injuries and post-traumatic stress following historic tornados: Alabama April 2011,2013,8,12,e83038,Sugerman The influence of snowmobile trails on coyote movements during winter in high-elevation landscapes,2013,8,12,e82862,Gese Victims of infanticide and conspecific bite wounding in a female-dominant primate: a long-term study,2013,8,12,e82830,Drea Buses cars bicycles and walkers: The influence of the type of human transport on the flight responses of waterbirds,2013,8,12,e82008,McLeod The impacts of dispositional optimism and psychological resilience on the subjective well-being of burn patients: A structural equation modelling analysis,2013,8,12,e82939,He Men at risk: a qualitative study on HIV risk gender identity and violence among men who have sex with men who report high risk behavior in Kampala Uganda,2013,8,12,e82937,King Traumatic brain injury: Unmet support needs of caregivers and families in Florida,2013,8,12,e82896,Dillahunt-Aspillaga Characteristics and mechanisms of cardiopulmonary injury caused by mine blasts in shoals: A randomized controlled study in a rabbit model,2013,8,12,e81310,Chen Dog behavior co-varies with height bodyweight and skull shape,2013,8,12,e80529,Serpell Does gender inequity increase the risk of intimate partner violence among women? Evidence from a national Bangladeshi sample,2013,8,12,e82423,Nakamura Relationship between oscillatory neuronal activity during reward processing and trait impulsivity and sensation seeking,2013,8,12,e83414,Naber Separable sustained and selective attention factors are apparent in 5-year-old children,2013,8,12,e82843,Manly Multimorbidity in adult asylum seekers: A first overview,2013,8,12,e82671,Exadaktylos What determines auditory distraction? On the roles of local auditory changes and expectation violations,2014,9,1,e84166,Buchner Gravity influences top-down signals in visual processing,2014,9,1,e82371,Dan Correction: Child deaths due to injury in the four UK countries: A time trends study from 1980 to 2010,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gilbert Clinical features of severe wasp sting patients with dominantly toxic reaction: Analysis of 1091 cases,2013,8,12,e83164,Wang Vehicle scheduling schemes for commercial and emergency logistics integration,2013,8,12,e82866,Li Affective video retrieval: Violence detection in Hollywood movies by large-scale segmental feature extraction,2013,8,12,e78506,Schuller Opinion formation and the collective dynamics of risk perception,2013,8,12,e84592,Moussaïd Predicting pedestrian flow: A methodology and a proof of concept based on real-life data,2013,8,12,e83355,Köster The Werther effect of two celebrity suicides: an entertainer and a politician,2013,8,12,e84876,Park Risk taking in hospitalized patients with acute and severe traumatic brain injury,2013,8,12,e83598,García-Molina Correlations and scaling laws in human mobility,2014,9,1,e84954,Han Wildfire selectivity for land cover type: Does size matter?,2014,9,1,e84760,Barros The effect of approach/avoidance training on alcohol consumption is mediated by change in alcohol action tendency,2014,9,1,e85855,Wiers Extreme fire severity patterns in topographic convective and wind-driven historical wildfires of mediterranean pine forests,2014,9,1,e85127,Retana Texting and walking: Strategies for postural control and implications for safety,2014,9,1,e84312,Schabrun Predictive validity of the Suicide Trigger Scale (STS-3) for post-discharge suicide attempt in high-risk psychiatric inpatients,2014,9,1,e86768,Galynker Cognitive loading affects motor awareness and movement kinematics but not locomotor trajectories during goal-directed walking in a virtual reality environment,2014,9,1,e85560,Blanke The Relationship between Child Maltreatment and Emotion Recognition,2014,9,1,e86093,Koizumi Windowed correlation: a suitable tool for providing dynamic fMRI-based functional connectivity neurofeedback on task difficulty,2014,9,1,e85929,Goebel Influences of COMT and 5-HTTLPR Polymorphisms on Cognitive Flexibility in Healthy Women: Inhibition of Prepotent Responses and Memory Updating,2014,9,1,e85506,Weiss Risk factors for repetition of self-harm: a systematic review of prospective hospital-based studies,2014,9,1,e84282,Arensman Study on the trend and disease burden of injury deaths in Chinese population 2004-2010,2014,9,1,e85319,Zhang Comparison of road traffic injury characteristics between local versus floating migrant patients in a tertiary hospital between 2007 and 2010,2014,9,1,e82640,Xu Intimate partner violence and pregnancy: A systematic review of interventions,2014,9,1,e85084,Verstraelen What influences the association between previous and future crashes among cyclists? A propensity score analysis,2014,9,1,e87633,Ameratunga Genome-wide association study of proneness to anger,2014,9,1,e87257,Mick The impact of healthy parenting as a protective factor for posttraumatic stress disorder in adulthood: a case-control study,2014,9,1,e87117,Andreoli The role of marital status in the association between benzodiazepines psychotropics and injurious road traffic crashes: A register-based nationwide study of senior drivers in Sweden,2014,9,1,e86742,Laflamme Acute thiopurine overdose: Analysis of reports to a national poison centre 1995-2013,2014,9,1,e86390,Rauber-Lüthy Predicting the risk of suicide by analyzing the text of clinical notes,2014,9,1,e85733,Young-Xu Epidemiology of spinal cord injuries and risk factors for complete injuries in Guangdong China: A retrospective study,2014,9,1,e84733,Wang Correction: Risk factors for repetition of self-harm: A systematic review of prospective hospital-based studies,2014,9,1,,Arensman Brazilian road traffic fatalities: a spatial and environmental analysis,2014,9,1,e87244,Pietrobon Examining historical and current mixed-severity fire regimes in ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forests of Western North America,2014,9,2,e87852,Moritz Dynamic cerebral autoregulation is acutely impaired during maximal apnoea in trained divers,2014,9,2,e87598,Johnson Early impact of a national multi-faceted road safety intervention program in Mexico: Results of a time-series analysis,2014,9,1,e87482,Hyder Correction: Injuries and post-traumatic stress following historic tornados: Alabama April 2011,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sugerman Visual difficulty and employment status in the world,2014,9,2,e88306,Freeman Changes in community mobility in older men and women. A 13-year prospective study,2014,9,2,e87827,Falkmer Prevalence incidence and etiology of hyponatremia in elderly patients with fragility fractures,2014,9,2,e88272,Hutchison Suicidal behaviour and related risk factors among school-aged youth in the Republic of Benin,2014,9,2,e88233,Peltzer Relationships between Reward Sensitivity Risk-Taking and Family History of Alcoholism during an Interactive Competitive fMRI Task,2014,9,2,e88188,Pearlson Cost-effectiveness of preventive interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in Denmark,2014,9,2,e88041,Diderichsen Mood after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: A prospective cohort study,2014,9,2,e87414,Ribbers Measuring and modeling behavioral decision dynamics in collective evacuation,2014,9,2,e87380,Alderson Manual control age and sex differences in 4 to 11 year old children,2014,9,2,e88692,Williams Post-traumatic stress disorder and community collective efficacy following the 2004 Florida hurricanes,2014,9,2,e88467,Sampson Driving with binocular visual field loss? A study on a supervised on-road parcours with simultaneous eye and head tracking,2014,9,2,e87470,Schiefer Physical activity maintenance in the transition to adolescence: a longitudinal study of the roles of sport and lifestyle activities in british youth,2014,9,2,e89028,Corder The effect of injuries on health measured by Short Form 8 among a large cohort of Thai adults,2014,9,2,e88903,McClure An association rule mining-based framework for understanding lifestyle risk behaviors,2014,9,2,e88859,Kim Correction: Genetic and familial environmental effects on suicide - an adoption study of siblings,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hawton Visual attention measures predict pedestrian detection in central field loss: a pilot study,2014,9,2,e89381,Bowers Relative mortality among criminals in Norway and the relation to drug and alcohol related offenses,2013,8,11,e78893,Skardhamar Towards measuring brain function on groups of people in the real world,2012,7,9,e44676,Gevins Emergence of criticality in the transportation passenger flow: scaling and renormalization in the seoul bus system,2014,9,3,e89980,Goh Is violent radicalisation associated with poverty migration poor self-reported health and common mental disorders?,2014,9,3,e90718,Bhui The gender-specific association between age at first drink and later alcohol drinking patterns in Korea,2014,9,3,e90713,Cho Injury severity and mortality of adult zebra crosswalk and non-zebra crosswalk road crossing accidents: a cross-sectional analysis,2014,9,3,e90835,Exadaktylos Effective responder communication improves efficiency and psychological outcomes in a mass decontamination field experiment: implications for public behaviour in the event of a chemical incident,2014,9,3,e89846,Williams Early hospital mortality among adult trauma patients significantly declined between 1998-2011: three single-centre cohorts from Mumbai India,2014,9,3,e90064,Roy Correction: Does gender inequity increase the risk of intimate partner violence among women? Evidence from a national Bangladeshi sample,2014,9,2,e91448, Is financial hardship associated with reduced health in disability? The case of spinal cord injury in Switzerland,2014,9,2,e90130,Siegrist Effectiveness of online self-help for suicidal thoughts: results of a randomised controlled trial,2014,9,2,e90118,Kerkhof The association between walking and perceived environment in chinese community residents: A cross-sectional study,2014,9,2,e90078,Fu Hospital presenting self-harm and risk of fatal and non-fatal repetition: systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,9,2,e89944,Metcalfe Socio-ecological risk factors for prime-age adult death in two coastal areas of Vietnam,2014,9,2,e89780,Ali Adjustments of speed and path when avoiding collisions with another pedestrian,2014,9,2,e89589,Huber Suicidal behaviors among adolescents in juvenile detention: role of adverse life experiences,2014,9,2,e89408,Alemagno Traumatic severity and trait resilience as predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder and depressive symptoms among adolescent survivors of the Wenchuan earthquake,2014,9,2,e89401,Lin Determinants of suicide and accidental or violent death in the Australian HIV Observational Database,2014,9,2,e89089,Law Contraction of online response to major events,2014,9,2,e89052,Ratti Drug facilitated sexual assault: detection and stability of benzodiazepines in spiked drinks using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,2014,9,2,e89031,Gautam Analysis of changes in traumatic symptoms and daily life activity of children affected by the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami over time,2014,9,2,e88885,Ushijima The fire-walker's high: affect and physiological responses in an extreme collective ritual,2014,9,2,e88355,Konvalinka Associations between Disaster Exposures Peritraumatic Distress and Posttraumatic Stress Responses in Fukushima Nuclear Plant Workers following the 2011 Nuclear Accident: The Fukushima NEWS Project Study,2014,9,2,e87516,Tanigawa Preventive home visits for mortality morbidity and institutionalization in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,9,3,e89257,Grant Measuring virgin female aggression in the female intruder test (FIT): effects of oxytocin estrous cycle and anxiety,2014,9,3,e91701,Neumann Nutritional status and falls in community-dwelling older people: a longitudinal study of a population-based random sample,2014,9,3,e91044,Guo Modelling hurricane exposure and wind speed on a mesoclimate scale: a case study from Cusuco NP Honduras,2014,9,3,e91306,Batke Criminal victimisation in people with severe mental illness: a multi-site prevalence and incidence survey in the Netherlands,2014,9,3,e91029,van de Mheen Trait impulsivity is associated with the risk of falls in Parkinson's disease,2014,9,3,e91190,Bloem Balance and risk of fall in individuals with bilateral mild and moderate knee osteoarthritis,2014,9,3,e92270,Abu Osman Knowing where to draw the line: perceptual differences between risk-takers and non-risk-takers,2014,9,3,e91880,Brockmole Correction: density destinations or both? A comparison of measures of walkability in relation to transportation behaviors obesity and diabetes in Toronto Canada,2014,9,3,e91485, Heat-related mortality in India: excess all-cause mortality associated with the 2010 Ahmedabad heat wave,2014,9,3,e91831,Knowlton Executive functioning in highly talented soccer players,2014,9,3,e91254,Oosterlaan Replicating the violence risk appraisal guide: a total forensic cohort study,2014,9,3,e91845,Rossegger Motor effort alters changes of mind in sensorimotor decision making,2014,9,3,e92681,Wolpert Correction: predicting the risk of suicide by analyzing the text of clinical notes,2014,9,3,e91602, Why do we move our head to look at an object in our peripheral region? Lateral viewing interferes with attentive search,2014,9,3,e92284,Nakashima A few large roads or many small ones? How to accommodate growth in vehicle numbers to minimise impacts on wildlife,2014,9,3,e91093,Rhodes Patterns of suicidal ideation and behavior in Northern Ireland and associations with conflict related trauma,2014,9,3,e91532,Bunting Visual targets aren't irreversibly converted to motor coordinates: eye-centered updating of visuospatial memory in online reach control,2014,9,3,e92455,Henriques Characterizing long interval cortical inhibition over the time-frequency domain,2014,9,3,e92354,Daskalakis Naturalizing sense of agency with a hierarchical event-control approach,2014,9,3,e92431,Srinivasan Positive association of video game playing with left frontal cortical thickness in adolescents,2014,9,3,e91506,Conrod The effect of acute exercise and psychosocial stress on fine motor skills and testosterone concentration in the saliva of high school students,2014,9,3,e92953,Koedijker The Novelty-Seeking Phenotype Modulates the Long-Lasting Effects of Intermittent Ethanol Administration during Adolescence,2014,9,3,e92576,Vidal-Infer Effect of partner violence in adolescence and young adulthood on blood pressure and incident hypertension,2014,9,3,e92204,Borowsky An evaluation of comparability between NEISS and ICD-9-CM injury coding,2014,9,3,e92052,Smith Pre-impact fall detection: optimal sensor positioning based on a machine learning paradigm,2014,9,3,e92037,Micera The effect of medical marijuana laws on crime: evidence from state panel data 1990-2006,2014,9,3,e92816,Kovandzic Extended effect of chronic social defeat stress in childhood on behaviors in adulthood,2014,9,3,e91762,Kudryavtseva The burden attributable to mental and substance use disorders as risk factors for suicide: findings from the global burden of disease study 2010,2014,9,4,e91936,Page Association of childhood chronic physical aggression with a DNA methylation signature in adult human T cells,2014,9,4,e89839,Tremblay Investigating exposure to violence and mental health in a diverse urban community sample: data from the South East London Community Health (SELCoH) Survey,2014,9,4,e93660,Hotopf Attempted suicide in bipolar disorder: risk factors in a cohort of 6086 patients,2014,9,4,e94097,Runeson Factors influencing turning and its relationship with falls in individuals with Parkinson's disease,2014,9,4,e93572,Yang Disruptions in brain networks of older fallers are associated with subsequent cognitive decline: a 12-month prospective exploratory study,2014,9,4,e93673,Liu-Ambrose Cyber and traditional bullying victimization as a risk factor for mental health problems and suicidal ideation in adolescents,2014,9,4,e94026,Raat Everything is permitted? People intuitively judge immorality as representative of atheists,2014,9,4,e92302,Gervais Development of standard fuel models in boreal forests of northeast China through calibration and validation,2014,9,4,e94043,He Measuring exposure in Hurricane Katrina: a meta-analysis and an integrative data analysis,2014,9,4,e92899,Rhodes Morbidity and outcomes of foreign travelers in Zakynthos Island Greece: a retrospective study,2014,9,4,e94416,Falagas Impairments in goal-directed actions predict treatment response to cognitive-behavioral therapy in social anxiety disorder,2014,9,4,e94778,Guastella Development and applications of a comprehensive land use classification and map for the US,2014,9,4,e94628,Theobald Postural stability in young adults with down syndrome in challenging conditions,2014,9,4,e94247,Bieć Using unplanned fires to help suppressing future large fires in mediterranean forests,2014,9,4,e94906,Retana Comorbidities and crash involvement among younger and older drivers,2014,9,4,e94564,Papa I am right you are wrong: how biased assimilation increases the perceived gap between believers and skeptics of violent video game effects,2014,9,4,e93440,Greitemeyer A system for household enumeration and re-identification in densely populated slums to facilitate community research education and advocacy,2014,9,4,e93925,Subbaraman Incidence and characteristics of injuries during the 2010 FELDA/FAM National Futsal League in Malaysia,2014,9,4,e95158,Hamid Can insomnia in pregnancy predict postpartum depression? A longitudinal population-based study,2014,9,4,e94674,Eberhard-Gran Electrophysiological responses to alcohol cues are not associated with Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer in social drinkers,2014,9,4,e94605,Field Detecting falls as novelties in acceleration patterns acquired with smartphones,2014,9,4,e94811,Igual Suicidality bullying and other conduct and mental health correlates of traumatic brain injury in adolescents,2014,9,4,e94936,Cusimano Traffic experiment reveals the nature of car-following,2014,9,4,e94351,Jiang Persistent long-term cerebral white matter changes after sports-related repetitive head impacts,2014,9,4,e94734,Bazarian Control of intermale aggression by medial prefrontal cortex activation in the mouse,2014,9,4,e94657,Takahashi The impact of suicidality-related internet use: a prospective large cohort study with young and middle-aged internet users,2014,9,4,e94841,Yonemoto A latent class analysis of bullies victims and aggressive victims in Chinese adolescence: relations with social and school adjustments,2014,9,4,e95290,Yuan Mortality from and incidence of pesticide poisoning in South Korea: findings from National Death and Health Utilization Data between 2006 and 2010,2014,9,4,e95299,Cha Sweetened beverages coffee and tea and depression risk among older US adults,2014,9,4,e94715,Blair Terrorist attacks escalate in frequency and fatalities preceding highly lethal attacks,2014,9,4,e93732,Sibley Prevalence associated factors and predictors of depression among adults in the community of Selangor Malaysia,2014,9,4,e95395,Kader Maideen Acceptance of wife beating and its association with physical violence towards women in Nepal: a cross-sectional study using couple's data,2014,9,4,e95829,Poudel Kinematics of visually-guided eye movements,2014,9,4,e95234,Hess Predictors of extra-marital partnerships among women married to fishermen along Lake Victoria in Kisumu County Kenya,2014,9,4,e95298,Camlin Stimulus-response mappings shape inhibition processes: a combined EEG-fMRI study of contextual stopping,2014,9,4,e96159,Huster Temporal changes in the required shoe-floor friction when walking following an induced slip,2014,9,5,e96525,Nussbaum Murder or not? Cold temperature makes criminals appear to be cold-blooded and warm temperature to be hot-headed,2014,9,4,e96231,Werth Maternal and neonatal mortality in south-west Ethiopia: estimates and socio-economic inequality,2014,9,4,e96294,Yaya Competing neural responses for auditory and visual decisions,2007,2,3,e320,Müller Mechanisms of motor adaptation in reactive balance control,2014,9,5,e96440,Ting Years of life lost due to external causes of death in the lodz province Poland,2014,9,5,e96830,Pikala Multi-scale analysis of the European airspace using network community detection,2014,9,5,e94414,Pozzi Characteristics of attempted suicide by patients with schizophrenia compared with those with mood disorders: a case-controlled study in northern Japan,2014,9,5,e96272,Sasaki Did parents and teachers struggle with child survivors 20 months after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan? A retrospective observational study,2014,9,5,e96459,Ushijima Qualitative approach to attempted suicide by adolescents and young adults: the (neglected) role of revenge,2014,9,5,e96716,Falissard Prevalence of sexual victimization and correlates of forced sex in Japanese men who have sex with men,2014,9,5,e95675,Operario Objective assessment of fall risk in Parkinson's disease using a body-fixed sensor worn for 3 days,2014,9,5,e96675,Giladi Risk factors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after Wenchuan earthquake: a case control study,2014,9,5,e96644,Wen The effects of extra-somatic weapons on the evolution of human cooperation towards non-kin,2014,9,5,e95742,Phillips Comparing screening instruments to predict posttraumatic stress disorder,2014,9,5,e97183,Gersons Retrospective cohort analysis of chest injury characteristics and concurrent injuries in patients admitted to hospital in the wenchuan and lushan earthquakes in sichuan china,2014,9,5,e97354,Zhao Environmental conditions around itineraries to destinations as correlates of walking for transportation among adults: the RECORD cohort study,2014,9,5,e88929,Chaix Mobilization of CD34+-progenitor cells in patients with severe trauma,2014,9,5,e97369,Ritz Associations between exposure to intimate partner violence armed conflict and probable PTSD among women in rural Côte d'Ivoire,2014,9,5,e96300,Hossain Testing risk-taking behavior in Chinese undergraduate students,2014,9,5,e97989,Li An artificial neural network estimation of gait balance control in the elderly using clinical evaluations,2014,9,5,e97595,Chou Good fences: the importance of setting boundaries for peaceful coexistence,2014,9,5,e95660,Bar-Yam Prevalent morphometric vertebral fractures in professional male rugby players,2014,9,5,e97427,Hind Epidemiological analysis of trauma patients following the Lushan earthquake,2014,9,5,e97416,Gu Non-disclosure of violence among female sex workers: evidence from a large scale cross-sectional survey in India,2014,9,5,e98321,Saggurti Change in access to prescribed medication following an episode of deliberate self-poisoning: a multilevel approach,2014,9,5,e98086,Heyerdahl Risk for Femoral Fractures in Parkinson's Disease Patients with and without Severe Functional Impairment,2014,9,5,e97073,Rapp Validating the operational bias and hypothesis of universal exponent in landslide frequency-area distribution,2014,9,5,e98125,Huang Risk factors for suicidal behaviour in individuals on disability pension due to common mental disorders - a nationwide register-based prospective cohort study in Sweden,2014,9,5,e98497,Jokinen Monitoring wildlife-vehicle collisions in the information age: how smartphones can improve data collection,2014,9,6,e98613,Bissonette Paternal Alcohol Exposure Reduces Alcohol Drinking and Increases Behavioral Sensitivity to Alcohol Selectively in Male Offspring,2014,9,6,e99078,Finegersh Antidepressant sales and the risk for alcohol-related and non-alcohol-related suicide in Finland-an individual-level population study,2014,9,6,e98405,Martikainen Information dissemination analysis of different media towards the application for disaster pre-warning,2014,9,5,e98649,Zhang Motor phenotype of decline in cognitive performance among community-dwellers without dementia: population-based study and meta-analysis,2014,9,6,e99318,Montero-Odasso Driving: a road to unhealthy lifestyles and poor health outcomes,2014,9,6,e94602,Bauman They are laughing at me: cerebral mediation of cognitive biases in social anxiety,2014,9,6,e99815,Lotze Attitudinal and behavioral characteristics predict high risk sexual activity in rural Tanzanian youth,2014,9,6,e99987,James Epidemiology of road traffic incidents in Peru 1973-2008: incidence mortality and fatality,2014,9,6,e99662,Miranda Nature and pattern of cricket injuries: the Asian Cricket Council Under-19 Elite Cup 2013,2014,9,6,e100028,Usman Combined influence of visual scene and body tilt on arm pointing movements: gravity matters!,2014,9,6,e99866,Sarlegna Clustering and correlates of multiple health behaviours in 9-10 year old children,2014,9,6,e99498,van Sluijs A prospective study on time to recovery in 254 injured novice runners,2014,9,6,e99877,Nielsen Fire activity and severity in the western US vary along proxy gradients representing fuel amount and fuel moisture,2014,9,6,e99699,Parisien Association between temperature and emergency room visits for cardiorespiratory diseases metabolic syndrome-related diseases and accidents in metropolitan taipei,2014,9,6,e99599,Wang Age-related differences in stair descent balance control: are women more prone to falls than men?,2021,16,1,e0244990,Zemková Avoided heat-related mortality through climate adaptation strategies in three U.S. cities,2014,9,6,e100852,Stone Correction: Human traumatic brain injury induces auto-antibody response against glial fibrillary acidic protein and its breakdown products,2014,9,6,e101712, Association between childhood physical abuse unprotected receptive anal intercourse and HIV infection among young men who have sex with men in Vancouver Canada,2014,9,6,e100501,Strathdee The effectiveness of alcohol screening and brief intervention in emergency departments: a multicentre pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial,2014,9,6,e99463,Phillips Exploring risk behaviors and vulnerability for HIV among men who have sex with men in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire: poor knowledge homophobia and sexual violence,2014,9,6,e99591,Aho Self-relevant disgust and self-harm urges in patients with borderline personality disorder and depression: a pilot study with a newly designed psychological challenge,2014,9,6,e99696,Abdul-Hamid Could local dynamic stability serve as an early predictor of falls in patients with moderate neurological gait disorders? A reliability and comparison study in healthy individuals and in patients with paresis of the lower extremities,2014,9,6,e100550,Terrier Body mass index in young adulthood and suicidal behavior up to age 59 in a cohort of Swedish men,2014,9,7,e101213,Hemmingsson Common mental disorders in public transportation drivers in lima peru,2014,9,6,e101066,Ramos Trait Aggressiveness Is Not Related to Structural Connectivity between Orbitofrontal Cortex and Amygdala,2014,9,6,e101105,Münte "Reactivity to stimuli" is a temperamental factor contributing to canine aggression,2014,9,6,e100767,Arata Examination of the Ligand-Binding and Enzymatic Properties of a Bilin-Binding Protein from the Poisonous Caterpillar Lonomia obliqua,2014,9,6,e95424,Veiga Quantified Self and Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment: Older Adults Are Able to Evaluate Their Own Health and Functional Status,2014,9,6,e100636,Beauchet Structural impairments of hippocampus in coal mine gas explosion-related posttraumatic stress disorder,2014,9,7,e102042,Zhang Viewing the body after bereavement due to suicide: a population-based survey in sweden,2014,9,7,e101799,Runeson Prospective study of police officer spouse/partners: a new pathway to secondary trauma and relationship violence?,2014,9,7,e100663,Meffert Depression and health related quality of life in adolescent survivors of a traumatic brain injury: a pilot study,2014,9,7,e101842,Anderson Features and risk factors of nonfatal injury among the rural children: a survey of seven schools in a mountain area in southwest China,2014,9,7,e102099,Wang High prevalence and partner correlates of physical and sexual violence by intimate partners among street and off-street sex workers,2014,9,7,e102129,Shannon Geospatial analysis on the distributions of tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking in India,2014,9,7,e102416,Jha Balance asymmetry in Parkinson's disease and its contribution to freezing of gait,2014,9,7,e102493,Bloem Scaling in transportation networks,2014,9,7,e102007,Barthélemy Associations between film preferences and risk factors for suicide: an online survey,2014,9,7,e102293,Voracek Survey of Academic Field Experiences (SAFE): trainees report harassment and assault,2014,9,7,e102172,Clancy Health outcome after major trauma: what are we measuring?,2014,9,7,e103082,Brohi Prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms and related risk factors among physicians in China: a cross-sectional study,2014,9,7,e103242,Chen Tai chi for improvement of motor function balance and gait in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,9,7,e102942,Yang World trade center disaster exposure-related probable posttraumatic stress disorder among responders and civilians: a meta-analysis,2014,9,7,e101491,Bromet Modelling fire frequency in a Cerrado Savanna protected area,2014,9,7,e102380,Pereira Road traffic deaths and injuries are under-reported in Ethiopia: a capture-recapture method,2014,9,7,e103001,Berhane Raised middle-finger: electrocortical correlates of social conditioning with nonverbal affective gestures,2014,9,7,e102937,Pauli The challenge of living on: psychopathology and its mediating influence on the readjustment of former child soldiers,2014,9,7,e102786,Elbert Association of socioeconomic status with overall and cause specific mortality in the Republic of Seychelles: results from a cohort study in the African region,2014,9,7,e102858,Viswanathan Mental health and related factors after the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami,2014,9,7,e102497,Onoda Alcohol misuse among university staff: a cross-sectional study,2014,9,7,e98134,Ball Lifetime victimization and physical health outcomes among lesbian and heterosexual women,2014,9,7,e101939,Wilsnack Cycling around a curve: the effect of cycling speed on steering and gaze behavior,2014,9,7,e102792,Lenoir Associations between cyberbullying and school bullying victimization and suicidal ideation plans and attempts among Canadian schoolchildren,2014,9,7,e102145,Xu Discovering social events through online attention,2014,9,7,e102001,Stanley Does competition really bring out the worst? Testosterone social distance and inter-male competition shape parochial altruism in human males,2014,9,7,e98977,Diekhof Gait velocity is an indicator of cognitive performance in healthy middle-aged adults,2014,9,8,e103211,Lancrenon Dynamics of attentional bias to threat in anxious adults: bias towards and/or away?,2014,9,8,e104025,Koster Completed suicide with violent and non-violent methods in rural Shandong China: a psychological autopsy study,2014,9,8,e104333,Jia Mental health and substance use among bisexual youth and non-youth in Ontario Canada,2014,9,8,e101604,Ross Sociosexual and communication deficits after traumatic injury to the developing murine brain,2014,9,8,e103386,Levin Longitudinal relationships between posttraumatic stress symptoms and sleep problems in adolescent survivors following the Wenchuan Earthquake in China,2014,9,8,e104470,Zhou Drinking pattern abstention and problem drinking as risk factors for depressive symptoms: evidence from three urban Eastern European populations,2014,9,8,e104384,Bobak Disease prevention: saving lives or reducing health care costs?,2014,9,8,e104469,Grootjans-van Kampen Brain damage in commercial breath-hold divers,2014,9,8,e105006,Ishitake The Gait Disorder in Downbeat Nystagmus Syndrome,2014,9,8,e105463,Jahn Dynamic analysis and pattern visualization of forest fires,2014,9,8,e105465,Lopes Transportation optimization with fuzzy trapezoidal numbers based on possibility theory,2014,9,8,e105142,Li Observing a movement correction during walking affects evoked responses but not unperturbed walking,2014,9,8,e104981,de Lussanet Motor contagion during human-human and human-robot interaction,2014,9,8,e106172,Pozzo Twitter in the cross fire-the use of social media in the Westgate Mall terror attack in Kenya,2014,9,8,e104136,Aharonson-Daniel The reaction to social stress in social phobia: discordance between physiological and subjective parameters,2014,9,8,e105670,Kirschbaum Alcohol tax policy and related mortality. An age-period-cohort analysis of a rapidly developed chinese population 1981-2010,2014,9,8,e99906,Kim Who Was Concerned about Radiation Food Safety and Natural Disasters after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Catastrophe? A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey in 2012,2014,9,9,e106377,Miyamoto A post-hospital home exercise program improved mobility but increased falls in older people: a randomised controlled trial,2014,9,9,e104412,Lord Time series analysis of sexual assault case characteristics and the 2007-2008 period of post-election violence in Kenya,2014,9,8,e106443,Anastario Multiple shocks coping and welfare consequences: natural disasters and health shocks in the Indian Sundarbans,2014,9,8,e105427,Singh Long-term prognosis of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning: a nationwide cohort study,2014,9,8,e105503,Lin Visual exploration during locomotion limited by fear of heights,2014,9,8,e105906,Schneider How safe do teenagers behave on facebook? An observational study,2014,9,8,e104036,Vanderhoven Patterns predictors and outcomes of falls trajectories in older adults: the MOBILIZE Boston Study with 5 years of follow-up,2014,9,9,e106363,Travison Detecting gunshots using wearable accelerometers,2014,9,9,e106664,Loeffler The influence of work-related chronic stress on the regulation of emotion and on functional connectivity in the brain,2014,9,9,e104550,Golkar Suicidal feelings interferes with help-seeking in bullied adolescents,2014,9,9,e106031,Okazaki Causes of death among adults in northern Ethiopia: evidence from verbal autopsy data in health and demographic surveillance system,2014,9,9,e106781,Melaku Understanding neighborhood environment related to Hong Kong children's physical activity: a qualitative study using nominal group technique,2014,9,9,e106578,Cerin Daytime sleepiness in Parkinson's disease: a reappraisal,2014,9,9,e107278,Dauvilliers Numerical relations and skill level constrain co-adaptive behaviors of agents in sports teams,2014,9,9,e107112,Davids Age-group-specific associations between the severity of obstructive sleep apnea and relevant risk factors in male and female patients,2014,9,9,e107380,Gu Relationship between violent behavior and repeated weight-loss dieting among female adolescents in Japan,2014,9,9,e107744,Akechi Reactions to media violence: it's in the brain of the beholder,2014,9,9,e107260,Wang Why people drink shampoo? Food imitating products are fooling brains and endangering consumers for marketing purposes,2014,9,9,e100368,Oullier Relationship between lifetime suicide attempts and schizotypal traits in patients with schizophrenia,2014,9,9,e107739,Sasayama The complexity of human walking: a knee osteoarthritis study,2014,9,9,e107325,Kotti Tornado intensity estimated from damage path dimensions,2014,9,9,e107571,Elsner Executive functioning in daily life in Parkinson's disease: initiative planning and multi-task performance,2011,6,12,e29254,Brouwer Ungulate vehicle collisions in a peri-urban environment: consequences of transportation infrastructures planned assuming the absence of ungulates,2014,9,9,e107713,Alonso Historical observed and modeled wildfire severity in montane forests of the Colorado Front Range,2014,9,9,e106971,Platt Physical activity and perceived insecurity from crime in adults: a population-based study,2014,9,9,e108136,Tomasi Critical environmental factors for transportation cycling in children: a qualitative study using bike-along interviews,2014,9,9,e106696,Salmon Might depression psychosocial adversity and limited social assets explain vulnerability to and resistance against violent radicalisation?,2014,9,9,e105918,Bhui Suicide contagion: a systematic review of definitions and research utility,2014,9,9,e108724,Caine Correction: heat-related mortality in India: excess all-cause mortality associated with the 2010 Ahmedabad heat wave,2014,9,,e109457, Falls in people with multiple sclerosis compared with falls in healthy controls,2014,9,9,e107620,Bourdette Mental health status of Sri Lanka Navy personnel three years after end of combat operations: a follow up study,2014,9,9,e108113,Hanwella Association between combined lifestyle factors and non-restorative sleep in Japan: a cross-sectional study based on a Japanese health database,2014,9,9,e108718,Kazama Relationship factors and trajectories of intimate partner violence among south african women during pregnancy and the postpartum period,2014,9,9,e106829,Maman The moderating effects of sex and age on the association between traumatic brain injury and harmful psychological correlates among adolescents,2014,9,9,e108167,Cusimano Dissociable patterns in the control of emotional interference in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and in adults with alcohol dependence,2014,9,9,e107750,Marx Inverse association between obesity predisposing FTO genotype and completed suicide,2014,9,9,e108900,Wojnar Blood pressure associates with standing balance in elderly outpatients,2014,9,9,e106808,Muller Drinking patterns and alcohol use disorders in São Paulo Brazil: the role of neighborhood social deprivation and socioeconomic status,2014,9,10,e108355,Anthony Fluctuation Scaling Taylor's Law and Crime,2014,9,10,e109004,Hanley Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Related Treatments for Victims of Natural Disasters: A Worldwide Problem,2014,9,10,e109013,Figueira Methamphetamine alters the normal progression by inducing cell cycle arrest in astrocytes,2014,9,10,e109603,Kumar Testing different versions of the affective neuroscience personality scales in a clinical sample,2014,9,10,e109394,Geir Visuospatial tasks affect locomotor control more than nonspatial tasks in older people,2014,9,10,e109802,Sturnieks Prevalence of suicidal ideation in Chinese college students: a meta-analysis,2014,9,10,e104368,Liu Relationship of temperament and character in remitted depressed patients with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts-results from the CRESCEND study,2014,9,10,e105860,Kim Prevalence and Risk Factors for Depressive Reaction among Resident Survivors after the Tsunami following the Great East Japan Earthquake March 11 2011,2014,9,10,e109240,Mizoue Women's preference for masculine traits is disrupted by images of male-on-female aggression,2014,9,10,e110497,Geary The preference and actual use of different types of rural recreation areas by urban dwellers-the Hamburg Case Study,2014,9,10,e108638,Boll Functional variability of snake venom metalloproteinases: adaptive advantages in targeting different prey and implications for human envenomation,2014,9,10,e109651,Serrano A behavioral mechanism of how increases in leg strength improve old adults' gait speed,2014,9,10,e110350,Hortobagyi The Shortlist Method for Fast Computation of the Earth Mover's Distance and Finding Optimal Solutions to Transportation Problems,2014,9,10,e110214,Gottschlich Psychological Fears among Low-Paid Female Sex Workers in Southwest China and Their Implications for HIV Prevention,2014,9,10,e111012,Zhang Preventing slips and falls through leisure-time physical activity: findings from a study of limited-service restaurants,2014,9,10,e110248,Courtney One size fits all? Standardised provision of care for survivors of sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict areas in the Democratic Republic of Congo,2014,9,10,e111096,Manzi Non-consent to a wrist-worn accelerometer in older adults: the role of socio-demographic behavioural and health factors,2014,9,10,e110816,Elbaz Traumatic brain injury in the Netherlands: incidence costs and disability-adjusted life years,2014,9,10,e110905,Polinder Comparison of gunshot entrance morphologies caused by .40-caliber Smith & Wesson .380-caliber and 9-mm Luger bullets: a finite element analysis study,2014,9,10,e111192,Matoso Identifying risk factors for PTSD in women seeking medical help after rape,2014,9,10,e111136,Helström Decrease in the traumatic symptoms observed in child survivors within three years of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami,2014,9,10,e110898,Ushijima Psychological factors as predictors of suicidal ideation among adolescents in Malaysia,2014,9,10,e110670,Ibrahim Age effects on mediolateral balance control,2014,9,10,e110757,van Dieen Intimate partner violence after disclosure of HIV test results among pregnant women in Harare Zimbabwe,2014,9,10,e109447,Abrahams The loss of efficiency caused by agents' uncoordinated routing in transport networks,2014,9,10,e111088,Sun Both loved and feared: third party punishers are viewed as formidable and likeable but these reputational benefits may only be open to dominant individuals,2014,9,10,e110045,Gordon Persistence of health inequalities in childhood injury in the UK; a population-based cohort study of children under 5,2014,9,10,e111631,Kendrick School performance and the risk of suicidal thoughts in young adults: population-based study,2014,9,10,e109958,Dalman Network scale-up correction factors for population size estimation of people who inject drugs and female sex workers in Iran,2014,9,11,e110917,Haghdoost Psychiatric diagnoses and risk of suicidal behaviour in young disability pensioners: prospective cohort studies of all 19-23 year olds in Sweden in 1995 2000 and 2005 respectively,2014,9,11,e111618,Alexanderson Influence of fuels weather and the built environment on the exposure of property to wildfire,2014,9,10,e111414,Keeley Physical aggression and language ability from 17 to 72 months: cross-lagged effects in a population sample,2014,9,11,e112185,Boivin Gun possession among American youth: a discovery-based approach to understand gun violence,2014,9,11,e111893,Rajan Sleep is associated with offline improvement of motor sequence skill in children,2014,9,11,e111635,Sadato Social determinants and the classification of disease: descriptive epidemiology of selected socially mediated disease constellations,2014,9,11,e110271,Sanderson A direct brain-to-brain interface in humans,2014,9,11,e111332,Wu Giving or receiving something for sex: a cross-sectional study of transactional sex among Ugandan university students,2014,9,11,e112431,Ostergren Psychiatric comorbidity and its impact on mortality in patients who attempted suicide by paraquat poisoning during 2000-2010,2014,9,11,e112160,Yen The effect of online violent video games on levels of aggression,2014,9,11,e111790,Greitemeyer Brain structural correlates of risk-taking behavior and effects of peer influence in adolescents,2014,9,11,e112780,Kwon The scars of childhood adversity: minor stress sensitivity and depressive symptoms in remitted recurrently depressed adult patients,2014,9,11,e111711,Cuijpers Different effects of adding white noise on cognitive performance of sub- normal and super-attentive school children,2014,9,11,e112768,Bamford What we expect is not always what we get: evidence for both the direction-of-change and the specific-stimulus hypotheses of auditory attentional capture,2014,9,11,e111997,Nöstl Hospital-based program to increase child safety restraint use among birthing mothers in China,2014,9,8,e105100,Peek-Asa Occupational noise annoyance linked to depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation: a result from nationwide survey of Korea,2014,9,8,e105321,Roh Adolescent but not adult binge ethanol exposure leads to persistent global reductions of choline acetyltransferase expressing neurons in brain,2014,9,11,e113421,Spear Body space in social interactions: a comparison of reaching and comfort distance in immersive virtual reality,2014,9,11,e111511,Coello Curare - a curative poison: a scientometric analysis,2014,9,11,e112026,Groneberg Health on the web: randomised controlled trial of online screening and brief alcohol intervention delivered in a workplace setting,2014,9,11,e112553,Linke Prevalence of depression suicidal ideation alcohol intake and nicotine consumption in rural central India. The Central India Eye and Medical Study,2014,9,11,e113550,Rietschel Computational study of human head response to primary blast waves of five levels from three directions,2014,9,11,e113264,Vipperman Drug-related disorders and the criminal and clinical background of the prison population of São Paulo State Brazil,2014,9,11,e113066,Moreira Quantifying human mobility perturbation and resilience in Hurricane Sandy,2014,9,11,e112608,Wang Different views about work-hour limitations in medicine: a qualitative content analysis of surgeons' lawyers' and pilots' positive and negative arguments,2014,9,11,e113578,Businger Perceptions of interpersonal versus intergroup violence: the case of sexual assault,2014,9,11,e112365,Droogendyk Significance of ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 elevations in athletes after sub-concussive head hits,2014,9,5,e96296,Bazarian Consequences of repeated blood-brain barrier disruption in football players,2013,8,3,e56805,Bazarian Physical activity in South Asians: an in-depth qualitative study to explore motivations and facilitators,2012,7,10,e45333,Jepson Detecting deception in movement: the case of the side-step in rugby,2012,7,6,e37494,Craig Deaths ascribed to non-communicable diseases among rural Kenyan adults are proportionately increasing: evidence from a health and demographic surveillance system 2003-2010,2014,9,11,e114010,Beynon Higher landing accuracy in expert pilots is associated with lower activity in the caudate nucleus,2014,9,11,e112607,Adamson Estimating cost of road traffic injuries in Iran using willingness to pay (WTP) method,2014,9,12,e112721,Soori How combined trip purposes are associated with transport choice for short distance trips. Results from a cross-sectional study in the Netherlands,2014,9,12,e114797,Wendel-Vos Physiologically-based toxicokinetic modeling of zearalenone and its metabolites: application to the Jersey Girl Study,2014,9,12,e113632,Mukherjee Identity-driven differences in stakeholder concerns about hunting wolves,2014,9,12,e114460,Gore Why is school closed today? Unplanned K-12 school closures in the United States 2011-2013,2014,9,12,e113755,Wong Validation of the French version of the child post-traumatic stress reaction index: psychometric properties in French speaking school-aged children,2014,9,12,e112603,Claudet Age-related mortality trends in Italy from 1901 to 2008,2014,9,12,e114027,Vercelli Suicides homicides accidents and other external causes of death among Blacks and Whites in the Southern Community Cohort Study,2014,9,12,e114852,McLaughlin On the pressure response in the brain due to short duration blunt impacts,2014,9,12,e114292,Pearce Complaints of poor sleep and risk of traffic accidents: a population-based case-control study,2014,9,12,e114102,Amoros Determining the depth of injury in bioengineered tissue models of cornea and conjunctiva for the prediction of all three ocular GHS categories,2014,9,12,e114181,Zorn-Kruppa The hidden snake in the grass: superior detection of snakes in challenging attentional conditions,2014,9,12,e114724,Esteves Exposure to movie reckless driving in early adolescence predicts reckless but not inattentive driving,2014,9,12,e113927,Sargent Does workplace social capital associate with hazardous drinking among Chinese rural-urban migrant workers?,2014,9,12,e115286,Weaver Association between the number of injuries sustained and 12-month disability outcomes: evidence from the Injury-VIBES Study,2014,9,12,e113467,Ameratunga Western spruce budworm outbreaks did not increase fire risk over the last three centuries: a dendrochronological analysis of inter-disturbance synergism,2014,9,12,e114282,Heyerdahl Naloxone for severe traumatic brain injury: a meta-analysis,2014,9,12,e113093,Wang Self-recognition of one's own fall recruits the genuine bodily crisis-related brain activity,2014,9,12,e115303,Oba Risky music listening permanent tinnitus and depression anxiety thoughts about suicide and adverse general health,2014,9,6,e98912,Vogel Psychological sequelae of the Station nightclub fire: comparing survivors with and without physical injuries using a mixed-methods analysis,2014,9,12,e115013,Schneider The increased risk of road crashes in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) adult drivers: driven by distraction? Results from a responsibility case-control study,2014,9,12,e115002,Lagarde The impact of roads on the demography of grizzly bears in Alberta,2014,9,12,e115535,Boulanger Long-term sickness absence due to mental disorders is associated with individual features and psychosocial work conditions,2014,9,12,e115885,Fischer Confirmatory factor analysis of the WHO Violence Against Women Instrument in pregnant women: results from the BRISA Prenatal Cohort,2014,9,12,e115382,Schraiber The relationship between central visual field damage and motor vehicle collisions in primary open-angle glaucoma patients,2014,9,12,e115572,Yuki Effects of diets high in unsaturated fatty acids on socially induced stress responses in guinea pigs,2014,9,12,e116292,Wallner Prosocial behaviors during school activities among child survivors after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan: a retrospective observational study,2014,9,11,e113709,Ushijima Relationships between traumatic symptoms and environmental damage conditions among children 8 months after the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami,2012,7,11,e50721,Ushijima Cognitive and psychological reactions of the general population three months after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami,2012,7,2,e31014,Kyutoku Lack of association between human plasma oxytocin and interpersonal trust in a prisoner's dilemma paradigm,2014,9,12,e116172,Estepp Seasonality of fire weather strongly influences fire regimes in South Florida savanna-grassland landscapes,2015,10,1,e0116952,Platt A meta-analysis of high dose intermittent vitamin D supplementation among older adults,2015,10,1,e0115850,Zheng Sleep restriction during simulated wildfire suppression: effect on physical task performance,2015,10,1,e0115329,Aisbett Decision-making for risky gains and losses among college students with internet gaming disorder,2015,10,1,e0116471,Chen Dangerous driving in a Chinese sample: associations with morningness-eveningness preference and personality,2015,10,1,e0116717,Zhang Negative life events and attempted suicide in rural china,2015,10,1,e0116634,Jia Association of childhood physical and sexual abuse with intimate partner violence poor general health and depressive symptoms among pregnant women,2015,10,1,e0116609,Williams Prediction of falls and/or near falls in people with mild Parkinson's disease,2015,10,1,e0117018,Nilsson Correction: Age effects on mediolateral balance control,2015,10,,e0118012, Social identity threat motivates science-discrediting online comments,2015,10,2,e0117476,Rothmund Long-term impact of battle injuries; five-year follow-up of injured Dutch servicemen in Afghanistan 2006-2010,2015,10,2,e0115119,Leenen Attentional control and interpretation of facial expression after oxytocin administration to typically developed male adults,2015,10,2,e0116918,Minabe Experience does not equal expertise in recognizing infrequent incoming gunfire: neural markers for experience and task expertise at peak behavioral performance,2015,10,2,e0115629,Sherwin Polymorphism in the serotonin receptor 2a (HTR2A) gene as possible predisposal factor for aggressive traits,2015,10,2,e0117792,Nemoda Sensitivity and validity of psychometric tests for assessing driving impairment: effects of sleep deprivation,2015,10,2,e0117045,Ramaekers Prevalence of suicide attempts among college students in China: a meta-analysis,2015,10,2,e0116303,Sun Efficacy and safety of pharmacological and psychological interventions for the treatment of psychosis and schizophrenia in children adolescents and young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,10,2,e0117166,Kendall Prevalence and correlates of physical inactivity in community-dwelling older adults in Ireland,2015,10,2,e0118293,Murtagh Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in contact sports: a systematic review of all reported pathological cases,2015,10,2,e0117338,Maroon Association between air pollution and suicide in South Korea: a nationwide study,2015,10,2,e0117929,Carroll Estimating the effect of intimate partner violence on women's use of contraception: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,10,2,e0118234,Alhusen Frequency spectrum method-based stress analysis for oil pipelines in earthquake disaster areas,2015,10,2,e0115299,Huang Performance of social network sensors during Hurricane Sandy,2015,10,2,e0117288,Cebrian Excitability changes in intracortical neural circuits induced by differentially controlled walking patterns,2015,10,2,e0117931,Ito The effect of financial compensation on health outcomes following musculoskeletal injury: systematic review,2015,10,2,e0117597,Cameron Impacts of stress self-efficacy and optimism on suicide ideation among rehabilitation patients with acute pesticide poisoning,2015,10,2,e0118011,Feng Modelling the meteorological forest fire niche in heterogeneous pyrologic conditions,2015,10,2,e0116875,Pezzatti Effects of heavy-resistance strength and balance training on unilateral and bilateral leg strength performance in old adults,2015,10,2,e0118535,Gollhofer Injuries in runners; a systematic review on risk factors and sex differences,2015,10,2,e0114937,de Wijer Drowning mortality and morbidity rates in children and adolescents 0-19yrs: a population-based study in Queensland Australia,2015,10,2,e0117948,Watt The 'Maltreatment and Abuse Chronology of Exposure' (MACE) scale for the retrospective assessment of abuse and neglect during development,2015,10,2,e0117423,Teicher P300 event-related potential as an indicator of inattentional deafness?,2015,10,2,e0118556,Causse Single aggressive interactions increase urinary glucocorticoid levels in wild male chimpanzees,2015,10,2,e0118695,Wittig Is there an association between traumatic dental injury and social capital binge drinking and socioeconomic indicators among schoolchildren?,2015,10,2,e0118484,Kawachi Risk factors for men's lifetime perpetration of physical violence against intimate partners: results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) in eight countries,2015,10,3,e0118639,McCleary-Sills Visuomotor adaptation: how forgetting keeps us conservative,2015,10,2,e0117901,van Beers Rapid stress system drives chemical transfer of fear from sender to receiver,2015,10,2,e0118211,Semin Effect of childhood victimization on occupational prestige and income trajectories,2015,10,2,e0115519,Muntaner Driving performance on the descending limb of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in undergraduate students: a pilot study,2015,10,2,e0118348,Albert Impaired postural control in healthy men at moderate altitude (1630 m and 2590 m): data from a randomized trial,2015,10,2,e0116695,Achermann Experimental and numerical analysis of the cooling performance of water spraying systems during a fire,2015,10,2,e0118306,Chen Identifying individual risk factors and documenting the pattern of heat-related illness through analyses of hospitalization and patterns of household cooling,2015,10,3,e0118958,Himmelstein Sustained attention is associated with error processing impairment: evidence from mental fatigue study in four-choice reaction time task,2015,10,3,e0117837,Ma The Long and Winding Road to Uncertainty: The Link between Spatial Distance and Feelings of Uncertainty,2015,10,3,e0119108,Glaser Alcohol use among adolescent youth: the role of friendship networks and family factors in multiple school studies,2015,10,3,e0119965,Butts Is Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) or Its Shorter Versions More Useful to Identify Risky Drinkers in a Chinese Population? A Diagnostic Study,2015,10,3,e0117721,Griffiths Socioeconomic determinants of bullying in the workplace: a national representative sample in Japan,2015,10,3,e0119435,Haratani Outcome of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning at a far-East poison center,2015,10,3,e0118995,Weng Comparison between frailty index of deficit accumulation and phenotypic model to predict risk of falls: data from the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW) Hamilton Cohort,2015,10,3,e0120144,Adachi Absolute vs. Weight-related maximum oxygen uptake in firefighters: fitness evaluation with and without protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus among age group,2015,10,3,e0119757,Baldari The complexity of crime network data: a case study of its consequences for crime control and the study of networks,2015,10,3,e0119309,Rostami Associations between work environment and psychological distress after a workplace terror attack: the importance of role expectations predictability and leader support,2015,10,3,e0119492,Nielsen Balance impairment in patients with COPD,2015,10,3,e0120573,Crişan Recommendations for a core outcome set for measuring standing balance in adult populations: a consensus-based approach,2015,10,3,e0120568,Lamb Hurricane risk variability along the Gulf of Mexico Coastline,2015,10,3,e0118196,Ellis Child maltreatment experience among primary school children: a large scale survey in Selangor State Malaysia,2015,10,3,e0119449,Othman Correlates of pro-drinking practices in drinking parents of adolescents in Hong Kong,2015,10,3,e0119554,Lam Sleep duration and quality among different occupations--China national study,2015,10,3,e0117700,Sun Prevalence and factors associated with road traffic crash among taxi drivers in Mekelle Town Northern Ethiopia 2014: a cross sectional study,2015,10,3,e0118675,Asefa Fall risk awareness and safety precautions taken by older community-dwelling women and men-a qualitative study using focus group discussions,2015,10,3,e0119630,Lundin-Olsson Subjective visual vertical and postural capability in children born prematurely,2015,10,3,e0121616,Bucci Modeling forest fire occurrences using count-data mixed models in Qiannan Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province in China,2015,10,3,e0120621,Xiao Dynamical analysis and visualization of tornadoes time series,2015,10,3,e0120260,Lopes Factors associated with fatal occupational accidents among Mexican workers: a national analysis,2015,10,3,e0121490,Gómez-Dantés Reported radiation overexposure accidents worldwide 1980-2013: a systematic review,2015,10,3,e0118709,Glassman Maximizing the Wildlife Conservation Value of Road Right-of-Ways in an Agriculturally Dominated Landscape,2015,10,3,e0120375,McCleery Alterations in Cerebral White Matter and Neuropsychology in Patients with Cirrhosis and Falls,2015,10,3,e0118930,Córdoba Benefits of a working memory training program for inattention in daily life: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,10,3,e0119522,Spencer-Smith Effect of the interplay between trauma severity and trait neuroticism on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among adolescents exposed to a pipeline explosion,2015,10,3,e0120493,Guo A meta-analysis of risk factors for combat-related PTSD among military personnel and veterans,2015,10,3,e0120270,Kang Baseline omega-3 index correlates with aggressive and attention deficit disorder behaviours in adult prisoners,2015,10,3,e0120220,Grant Injury hospitalizations due to unintentional falls among the Aboriginal population of British Columbia Canada: incidence changes over time and ecological analysis of risk markers 1991-2010,2015,10,3,e0121694,Brussoni Motor activity improves temporal expectancy,2015,10,3,e0119187,French Adaptation of sensorimotor coupling in postural control is impaired by sleep deprivation,2015,10,3,e0122340,Barela Application of time dependent probabilistic collision state checkers in highly dynamic environments,2015,10,3,e0119930,Hernández-Aceituno Eye-head coordination for visual cognitive processing,2015,10,3,e0121035,Fang Abnormality of the corpus callosum in coalmine gas explosion-related posttraumatic stress disorder,2015,10,3,e0121095,Zhang Relationship of the perceived social and physical environment with mental health-related quality of life in middle-aged and older adults: mediating effects of physical activity,2015,10,3,e0120475,Salmon Correction: Association of childhood physical and sexual abuse with intimate partner violence poor general health and depressive symptoms among pregnant women,2015,10,3,e0122573, Oligodendrocyte birth and death following traumatic brain injury in adult mice,2015,10,3,e0121541,Bye Correction: Persistence of health inequalities in childhood injury in the UK; a population-based cohort study of children under 5,2015,10,3,e0119358, Online health check for reducing alcohol intake among employees: a feasibility study in six workplaces across England,2015,10,3,e0121174,Newbury-Birch Exploring twitter to analyze the public's reaction patterns to recently reported homicides in London,2015,10,3,e0121848,Leitner Factors associated with resilience of adult survivors five years after the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake in China,2015,10,3,e0121033,Li Bullying as a risk for poor sleep quality among high school students in China,2015,10,3,e0121602,Lu How well does the World Health Organization definition of domestic violence work for India?,2015,10,3,e0120909,Paranjape The impact of the Thai motorcycle transition on road traffic injury: Thai Cohort Study results,2015,10,3,e0120617,McClure Directional analysis of the storm surge from hurricane sandy 2012 with applications to Charleston New Orleans and the Philippines,2015,10,3,e0122113,Drews Hip fracture in the elderly: a re-analysis of the EPIDOS study with causal Bayesian networks,2015,10,3,e0120125,Ducher Sensitivity towards Fear of Electric Shock in Passive Threat Situations,2015,10,3,e0120989,Ring Impact of Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence on CD4+ and CD8+ T Cell Decay in HIV Infected Women: Longitudinal Study,2015,10,3,e0122001,Jewkes Affect-laden imagery and risk taking: the mediating role of stress and risk perception,2015,10,3,e0122226,Zaleskiewicz Mechanisms underlying early rapid increases in creatinine in paraquat poisoning,2015,10,3,e0122357,Mohamed Distracted by the unthought - suppression and reappraisal of mind wandering under stereotype threat,2015,10,3,e0122207,Schmader The effects of extraversion social support on the posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic growth of adolescent survivors of the wenchuan earthquake,2015,10,3,e0121480,Lin Type number or both? A population-based matched case-control study on the risk of fall injuries among older people and number of medications beyond fall-inducing drugs,2015,10,3,e0123390,Laflamme Can the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale - Self-Report Version Be Used to Differentiate Clinical and Non-Clinical SAD Groups among Brazilians?,2015,10,3,e0121437,Loureiro The Relationship between Fearfulness GABA+ and Fear-Related BOLD Responses in the Insula,2015,10,3,e0120101,Caseras Rumor diffusion and convergence during the 3.11 earthquake: a Twitter case study,2015,10,4,e0121443,Takayasu A comparison of health outcomes in older versus younger adults following a road traffic crash injury: a cohort study,2015,10,4,e0122732,Cameron Early Parental Loss and Self-Rated Health of Older Women and Men: A Population-Based Multi-Country Study,2015,10,4,e0120762,Phillips Alcohol binge drinking and associated mental health problems in young urban Chileans,2015,10,4,e0121116,Mason-Jones When is exposure to a natural disaster traumatic? Comparison of a trauma questionnaire and disaster exposure inventory,2015,10,4,e0123632,Boynton-Jarrett Economic behavior under the influence of alcohol: an experiment on time preferences risk-taking and altruism,2015,10,4,e0121530,Vanin The effect of geography and citizen behavior on motor vehicle deaths in the United States,2015,10,4,e0123339,Macinko Men's facial width-to-height ratio predicts aggression: a meta-analysis,2015,10,4,e0122637,Haselhuhn Mortality related to acute illness and injury in rural Uganda: task shifting to improve outcomes,2015,10,4,e0122559,Stolz The relationship between regular sports participation and vigilance in male and female adolescents,2015,10,4,e0123898,Sanabria Change in and long-term investigation of neuro-otologic disorders in disaster-stricken Fukushima prefecture: retrospective cohort study before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake,2015,10,4,e0122631,Kuriyama Predictability of road traffic and congestion in urban areas,2015,10,4,e0121825,Li Tobacco use and suicide attempt: longitudinal analysis with retrospective reports,2015,10,4,e0122607,Berlin Restoration of motion-blurred image based on border deformation detection: a traffic sign restoration model,2015,10,4,e0120885,Wang Football fan aggression: the importance of low Basal cortisol and a fair referee,2015,10,4,e0120103,van der Meij Childhood- versus adolescent-onset antisocial youth with conduct disorder: psychiatric illness neuropsychological and psychosocial function,2015,10,4,e0121627,Heard Correction: Associations between work environment and psychological distress after a workplace terror attack: the importance of role expectations predictability and leader support,2015,10,4,e0124849,Nielsen Fast fight detection,2015,10,4,e0120448,Serrano Gracia Flooding and mental health: a systematic mapping review,2015,10,4,e0119929,Black Emotion-motion interactions in conversion disorder: an FMRI study,2015,10,4,e0123273,David Ecological validity of walking capacity tests in multiple sclerosis,2015,10,4,e0123822,Daumer The personal and contextual contributors to school belongingness among primary school students,2015,10,4,e0123353,Falkmer Generating pedestrian trajectories consistent with the fundamental diagram based on physiological and psychological factors,2015,10,4,e0117856,Manocha The 50s cliff: a decline in perceptuo-motor learning not a deficit in visual motion perception,2015,10,4,e0121708,Wilson How do i fit through that gap? Navigation through apertures in adults with and without developmental coordination disorder,2015,10,4,e0124695,Wilmut The journey from traffic offender to severe road trauma victim: destiny or preventive opportunity?,2015,10,4,e0122652,Ho The effect of implicitly incentivized faking on explicit and implicit measures of doping attitude: when athletes want to pretend an even more negative attitude to doping,2015,10,4,e0118507,Brand The tuning of human motor response to risk in a dynamic environment task,2015,10,4,e0125461,Bertucco Cross-modal calibration of vestibular afference for human balance,2015,10,4,e0124532,Fitzpatrick Correction: Safety and efficacy of at-home robotic locomotion therapy in individuals with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury: a prospective pre-post intervention proof-of-concept study,2015,10,4,e0126999, The effectiveness of different interventions to promote poison prevention behaviours in households with children: a network meta-analysis,2015,10,3,e0121122,Kendrick Trends of fatal road traffic injuries in Iran (2004-2011),2013,8,5,e65198,Soori Is there an association between long-term sick leave and disability pension and unemployment beyond the effect of health status? A cohort study,2012,7,4,e35614,Moller Perceived parent-adolescent relationship perceived parental online behaviors and pathological internet use among adolescents: gender-specific differences,2013,8,9,e75642,Zhang Trauma activation patients: evidence for routine alcohol and illicit drug screening,2012,7,10,e47999,Dunham Association between an internet-based measure of area racism and Black mortality,2015,10,4,e0122963,Link Cycling promotion and non-communicable disease prevention: health impact assessment and economic evaluation of cycling to work or school in Florence,2015,10,4,e0125491,Garofalo Impact of income inequality and other social determinants on suicide rate in Brazil,2015,10,4,e0124934,dos Santos Carbon Dioxide Concentrations and Temperatures within Tour Buses under Real-Time Traffic Conditions,2015,10,4,e0125117,Chang A systematic review of hospital-to-school reintegration interventions for children and youth with acquired brain injury,2015,10,4,e0124679,Reed Reducing sexual violence by increasing the supply of toilets in Khayelitsha South Africa: a mathematical model,2015,10,4,e0122244,Kaplan Leading Causes of Death among Asian American Subgroups (2003-2011),2015,10,4,e0124341,Cullen Structural brain correlates associated with professional handball playing,2015,10,4,e0124222,Jäncke Suicidal drownings with psychiatric disorders in Shanghai: a retrospective study from 2010.1 to 2014.6,2015,10,4,e0121050,Ma Loneliness and hypervigilance to social cues in females: an eye-tracking study,2015,10,4,e0125141,Engels Voluntary alcohol intake following blast exposure in a rat model of mild traumatic brain injury,2015,10,4,e0125130,Stemper A longitudinal investigation of the relationship between posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth in a cohort of Israeli Jews and Palestinians during ongoing violence,2015,10,4,e0124782,Hobfoll Factors controlling vegetation fires in protected and non-protected areas of Myanmar,2015,10,4,e0124346,Vadrevu Difficult behaviors in the emergency department: a cohort study of housed homeless and alcohol dependent individuals,2014,10,4,e0124528,Svoboda Reactions to ingroup and outgroup deviants: an experimental group paradigm for black sheep effect,2015,10,5,e0125605,Presaghi The fragrant power of collective fear,2015,10,5,e0123908,Harb Years of life lost (YLL) in Colombia 1998-2011: overall and avoidable causes of death analysis,2015,10,5,e0125456,de la Hoz-Restrepo Correction: Cerebral hemodynamic changes of mild traumatic brain injury at the acute stage,2015,10,5,e0127487, Poly-victimisation among Vietnamese high school students: prevalence and demographic correlates,2015,10,5,e0125189,Wolfe Regional differences in the psychological recovery of Christchurch residents following the 2010/2011 earthquakes: a longitudinal study,2015,10,5,e0124278,Sibley Using "big data" to capture overall health status: properties and predictive value of a claims-based health risk score,2015,10,5,e0126054,Cullen Self-reported household impacts of large-scale chemical contamination of the public water supply Charleston West Virginia USA,2015,10,5,e0126744,Robinson The Effect of Mustard Gas on Salivary Trace Metals (Zn Mn Cu Mg Mo Sr Cd Ca Pb Rb),2015,10,5,e0126162,Mottaghi Psychological resilience after Hurricane Sandy: the influence of individual- and community-level factors on mental health after a large-scale natural disaster,2015,10,5,e0125761,Galea The avalanche hypothesis and compression of morbidity: testing assumptions through cohort-sequential analysis,2015,10,5,e0123910,Hall Dead or alive? Factors affecting the survival of victims during attacks by saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) in Australia,2015,10,5,e0126778,Fukuda Correction: Risk factors for men's lifetime perpetration of physical violence against intimate partners: results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) in eight countries,2015,10,5,e0126676, Surgical risks associated with winter sport tourism,2015,10,5,e0124644,Carty Rapid-eye-movement-sleep (REM) associated enhancement of working memory performance after a daytime nap,2015,10,5,e0125752,Tseng The relationship between non-suicidal self-injury and the UPPS-P impulsivity facets in eating disorders and healthy controls,2015,10,5,e0126083,Claes A systematic review of childhood maltreatment assessments in population-representative surveys since 1990,2015,10,5,e0123366,Tonmyr Congestion transition in air traffic networks,2015,10,5,e0125546,Loreto Alcohol-related risk of suicidal ideation suicide attempt and completed suicide: a meta-analysis,2015,10,5,e0126870,Poorolajal The importance of postural cues for determining eye height in immersive virtual reality,2015,10,5,e0127000,Bülthoff A statistical skull geometry model for children 0-3 years old,2015,10,5,e0127322,Rupp The impact of improving suicide death classification in South Korea: a comparison with Japan and Hong Kong,2015,10,5,e0125730,Cha Investigation on legal problems encountered by emergency medicine physicians in Turkey,2015,10,5,e0127206,Yesilagac The effects of temperature on political violence: global evidence at the subnational level,2015,10,5,e0123505,Bollfrass A questionnaire for the assessment of violent behaviors in young couples: the Italian version of theDating Violence Questionnaire (DVQ),2015,10,5,e0126089,Curcio Freezing behavior as a response to sexual visual stimuli as demonstrated by posturography,2015,10,5,e0127097,Godefroy Type and timing of childhood maltreatment and severity of shutdown dissociation in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder,2015,10,5,e0127151,Teicher Respective and combined effects of impairments in sensorimotor systems and cognition on gait performance: a population-based cross-sectional study,2015,10,5,e0125102,Beauchet Impact of psychopathy on moral judgments about causing fear and physical harm,2015,10,5,e0125708,Marsh Urban-hazard risk analysis: mapping of heat-related risks in the elderly in major Italian cities,2015,10,5,e0127277,Morabito Fear conditioning induced by interpersonal conflicts in healthy individuals,2015,10,5,e0125729,Mimura Childhood adversity as a predictor of non-adherence to statin therapy in adulthood,2015,10,5,e0127638,Kawachi Application of composite small calibration objects in traffic accident scene photogrammetry,2015,10,5,e0127018,Chen A genome-wide copy number variant study of suicidal behavior,2015,10,5,e0128369,Mann Estimating urban traffic patterns through probabilistic interconnectivity of road network junctions,2015,10,5,e0127095,Manley Interdisciplinarity and impact: distinct effects of variety balance and disparity,2015,10,5,e0127298,Wang Metasynthesis of youth suicidal behaviours: perspectives of youth parents and health care professionals,2015,10,5,e0127359,Moro Female adolescents with severe substance and conduct problems have substantially less brain gray matter volume,2015,10,5,e0126368,Sakai The complex interaction between home environment socioeconomic status maternal IQ and early child neurocognitive development: a multivariate analysis of data collected in a newborn cohort study,2015,10,5,e0127052,Barbone Correction: "Rapid stress system drives chemical transfer of fear from sender to receiver",2015,10,5,e0128717, Lethal interpersonal violence in the middle Pleistocene,2015,10,5,e0126589,Sala Methods to measure the impact of home social and sexual neighborhoods of urban gay bisexual and other men who have sex with men,2013,8,10,e75878,Frye The abc's of suicide risk assessment: applying a tripartite approach to individual evaluations,2015,10,6,e0127442,Harris The frequency of patient-initiated violence and its psychological impact on physicians in China: a cross-sectional study,2015,10,6,e0128394,Wang Blast-associated shock waves result in increased brain vascular leakage and elevated ROS levels in a rat model of traumatic brain injury,2015,10,5,e0127971,Courtney Correction: Baseline omega-3 index correlates with aggressive and attention deficit disorder behaviours in adult prisoners,2015,10,6,e0129984,Grant Paraquat prohibition and change in the suicide rate and methods in South Korea,2015,10,6,e0128980,Fava Physical activity and different concepts of fall risk estimation in older people-results of the ActiFE-Ulm Study,2015,10,6,e0129098,Kerse Bipolarization of risk perception about the health effects of radiation in residents after the accident at Fukushima nuclear power plant,2015,10,6,e0129227,Takamura Investigating the influence of visual function and systemic risk factors on falls and injurious falls in glaucoma using the structural equation modeling,2015,10,6,e0129316,Yuki Childhood Physical and Sexual Abuse History and Leukocyte Telomere Length among Women in Middle Adulthood,2015,10,6,e0124493,Rich-Edwards Risk-taking behavior in a computerized driving task: brain activation correlates of decision-making outcome and peer influence in male adolescents,2015,10,6,e0129516,Kwon Car crashes and central disorders of hypersomnolence: a French study,2015,10,6,e0129386,Arnulf Post-traumatic stress symptoms and post-traumatic growth: evidence from a longitudinal study following an earthquake disaster,2015,10,6,e0127241,Zhou The low proportion and associated factors of involuntary admission in the psychiatric emergency service in Taiwan,2015,10,6,e0129204,Chou Re-examining of Moffitt's theory of delinquency through agent based modeling,2015,10,6,e0126752,Ang Prevalence and risk factors of violence by psychiatric acute inpatients: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,10,6,e0128536,de Girolamo Severity of scorpion stings in the western Brazilian Amazon: a case-control study,2015,10,6,e0128819,Lacerda The effects of aging malingering and traumatic brain injury on computerized trail-making test performance,2015,10,6,e0124345,Woods Interacting factors associated with adult male drowning in New Zealand,2015,10,6,e0130545,Button Is spousal violence being "vertically transmitted" through victims? Findings from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2012-13,2015,10,6,e0129790,Shafique Human performance in a realistic instrument-control task during short-term microgravity,2015,10,6,e0128992,Bock Detection of illicit drugs by trained honeybees (Apis mellifera),2015,10,6,e0128528,Schott Where you live may make you old: the association between perceived poor neighborhood quality and leukocyte telomere length,2015,10,6,e0128460,Penninx Relationship between long working hours and suicidal thoughts: nationwide data from the 4th and 5th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,2015,10,6,e0129142,Roh Attenuated neural processing of risk in young adults at risk for stimulant dependence,2015,10,6,e0127010,Paulus Relative Age Effects in Dutch Adolescents: Concurrent and Prospective Analyses,2015,10,6,e0128856,Veenstra The commingled division of visual attention,2015,10,6,e0130611,Spence Predicting positive and negative relationships in large social networks,2015,10,6,e0129530,Fu Risk factors for non-occupational carbon monoxide poisoning: Anshan Prefecture Liaoning Province China 2011-2012,2015,10,6,e0129121,Lu Beyond same-sex attraction: gender-variant-based victimization is associated with suicidal behavior and substance use for other-sex attracted adolescents,2015,10,6,e0129976,Chen Suicide in recent onset psychosis revisited: significant reduction of suicide rate over the last two decades - a replication study of a Dutch incidence cohort,2015,10,6,e0129263,Aleman Post-cranial traumatic injury patterns in two medieval Polish populations: the effects of lifestyle differences,2015,10,6,e0129458,Agnew Mass media and the contagion of fear: the case of ebola in America,2015,10,6,e0129179,Castillo-Chávez The power of an infant's smile: maternal physiological responses to infant emotional expressions,2015,10,6,e0129672,Okanoya Increased incidence of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in adult patients following traumatic brain injury: a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan,2015,10,6,e0129043,Chen Implications for social support on prolonged sleep difficulties among a disaster-affected population: second report from a cross-sectional survey in Ishinomaki Japan,2015,10,6,e0130615,Inoue Correction: The fragrant power of collective fear,2015,10,6,e0131149, Work-related psychological injury is associated with metabolic syndrome components in apparently healthy workers,2015,10,6,e0130944,Magnavita The role of school environment in physical activity among Brazilian adolescents,2015,10,6,e0131342,Peres Sick Leave within 5 Years of Whiplash Trauma Predicts Recovery: A Prospective Cohort and Register-Based Study,2015,10,6,e0130298,Kasch Evaluation of a brief personalised intervention for alcohol consumption in college students,2015,10,6,e0131229,Field Spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters relating to oriented gait and turn performance in patients with chronic stroke,2015,10,6,e0129821,Roche A promising tool to assess long term public health effects of natural disasters: combining routine health survey data and geographic information systems to assess stunting after the 2001 earthquake in Peru,2015,10,6,e0130889,von Schreeb When passive feels active - delusion-proneness alters self-recognition in the moving rubber hand illusion,2015,10,6,e0128549,Petrovic What interrupts suicide attempts in men: a qualitative study,2015,10,6,e0128180,Hadzi-Pavlovic Ashtanga-based yoga therapy increases the sensory contribution to postural stability in visually-impaired persons at risk for falls as measured by the Wii balance board: a pilot randomized controlled trial,2015,10,6,e0129646,Jeter Factors associated with the perception of speed among recreational skiers,2015,10,6,e0132002,Ruedl National cohort study of suicidality and violent criminality among Danish immigrants,2015,10,6,e0131915,Agerbo Improving negative emotion recognition in young offenders reduces subsequent crime,2015,10,6,e0132035,Moore Immediate and long-term outcome of acute H2S intoxication induced coma in unanesthetized rats: effects of methylene blue,2015,10,6,e0131340,Sonobe The association between obstructive sleep apnea and metabolic markers and lipid profiles,2015,10,6,e0130279,Shih Impact of childhood abuse on the risk of non-suicidal self-injury in mainland Chinese adolescents,2015,10,6,e0131239,Chen Religion and completed suicide: a meta-analysis,2015,10,6,e0131715,Jia Comparative assessment of the prognostic value of biomarkers in traumatic brain injury reveals an independent role for serum levels of neurofilament light,2015,10,7,e0132177,Al Nimer Blunt cardiac injury in the severely injured - a retrospective multicentre study,2015,10,7,e0131362,Lefering Contagion in mass killings and school shootings,2015,10,7,e0117259,Mubayi Kinetic energy of tornadoes in the United States,2015,10,7,e0131090,Elsner Eight personal characteristics associated with the power to live with disasters as indicated by survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake disaster,2015,10,7,e0130349,Sugiura Statin effects on aggression: results from the UCSD Statin Study a randomized control trial,2015,10,7,e0124451,Golomb Risk of criminal victimisation in outpatients with common mental health disorders,2015,10,7,e0128508,Schoevers Comparing the age-friendliness of different neighbourhoods using district surveys: an example from Hong Kong,2015,10,7,e0131526,Phillips Depressive symptom severity and community collective efficacy following the 2004 Florida hurricanes,2015,10,6,e0130863,Reissman Association between maternal depression symptoms across the first eleven years of their child's life and subsequent offspring suicidal ideation,2015,10,7,e0131885,Harold Cognition and the placebo effect - dissociating subjective perception and actual performance,2015,10,7,e0130492,Büchel Risk factors for prolonged treatment of whiplash-associated disorders,2015,10,7,e0132191,Oka Lifetime prevalence and factors associated with head injury among older people in low and middle income countries: a 10/66 study,2015,10,7,e0132229,Prince Value of information analysis applied to the economic evaluation of interventions aimed at reducing juvenile delinquency: an illustration,2015,10,7,e0131255,Schawo Burn injury alters the intestinal microbiome and increases gut permeability and bacterial translocation,2015,10,7,e0129996,Gamelli Can walking or biking to work really make a difference? Compact development observed commuter choice and body mass index,2015,10,7,e0130903,Wojan Social participation and disaster risk reduction behaviors in tsunami prone areas,2015,10,7,e0130862,Witvorapong A difference-in-differences study of the effects of a new abandoned building remediation strategy on safety,2015,10,7,e0129582,Branas Combined influences of model choice data quality and data quantity when estimating population trends,2015,10,7,e0132255,Rueda-Cediel Socioeconomic status and physical activity in Chinese adults: a report from a community-based survey in Jiaxing China,2015,10,7,e0132918,Zhao Adolescents' neural processing of risky decisions: effects of sex and behavioral disinhibition,2015,10,7,e0132322,Sakai Insights into sexism: male status and performance moderates female-directed hostile and amicable behaviour,2015,10,7,e0131613,Kuznekoff Dimensionless scale invariant edge weight metric for the study of complex structural networks,2015,10,7,e0131493,Colon-Perez Does traumatic brain injury lead to criminality? A whole-population retrospective cohort study using linked data,2015,10,7,e0132558,Preen Sex differences in clinical features of early treated Parkinson's disease,2015,10,7,e0133002,Suchowersky Correction: The ABC's of suicide risk assessment: applying a tripartite approach to individual evaluations,2015,10,7,e0133223,The editor(s) Older age and time to medical assistance are associated with severity and mortality of snakebites in the Brazilian Amazon: a case-control study,2015,10,7,e0132237,Lacerda General and specific strategies used to facilitate locomotor maneuvers,2015,10,7,e0132707,Wu Association of body mass index with depression anxiety and suicide-an instrumental variable analysis of the HUNT study,2015,10,7,e0131708,Davey Smith Correction: Correction: Cerebral hemodynamic changes of mild traumatic brain injury at the acute stage,2015,10,7,e0132750, What's in a surname? Physique aptitude and sports type comparisons between Tailors and Smiths,2015,10,7,e0131795,Voracek No effects of bilateral tDCS over inferior frontal gyrus on response inhibition and aggression,2015,10,7,e0132170,Arntz Spatial clustering properties in the temporal variation of suicide rates/numbers among Japanese citizens: a comprehensive comparison and discussion,2015,10,7,e0127358,Tomita Red color and risk-taking behavior in online environments,2015,10,7,e0134033,Gnambs Aligning natural resource conservation and flood hazard mitigation in California,2015,10,7,e0132651,Calil Do earthquakes shake stock markets?,2015,10,7,e0133319,Ferreira Physical forces between humans and how humans attract and repel each other based on their social interactions in an online world,2015,10,7,e0133185,Thurner An M/M/c/K state-dependent model for pedestrian flow control and design of facilities,2015,10,7,e0133229,Rahman Osteoporosis self-assessment tool for Asians can predict neurologic prognosis in patients with isolated moderate traumatic brain injury,2015,10,7,e0132685,Chan Effects of switching behavior for the attraction on pedestrian dynamics,2015,10,7,e0133668,Kwak Prevalence of non-volitional sex types and associated factors: a national sample of young people,2015,10,7,e0132847,de Graaf Optimization of causative factors for landslide susceptibility evaluation using remote sensing and GIS data in parts of Niigata Japan,2015,10,7,e0133262,Dou An optimization model for the selection of bus-only lanes in a city,2015,10,7,e0133951,Chen Suicide and other-cause mortality after early exposure to smoking and second hand smoking: a 12-year population-based follow-up study,2015,10,7,e0130044,Ko Gait pattern alterations during walking texting and walking and texting during cognitively distractive tasks while negotiating common pedestrian obstacles,2015,10,7,e0133281,Licence 120 years of U.S. residential housing stock and floor space,2015,10,8,e0134135,Moura Alcohol advertising in sport and non-sport TV in Australia during children's viewing times,2015,10,8,e0134889,Livingston Categorical perception of fear and anger expressions in whole masked and composite faces,2015,10,8,e0134790,Kissler Injuries death and disability associated with 11 years of conflict in Baghdad Iraq: a randomized household cluster survey,2015,10,8,e0131834,Mock An exploration of molecular correlates relevant to radiation combined skin-burn trauma,2015,10,8,e0134827,Islam A statistical model for regional tornado climate studies,2015,10,8,e0131876,Widen Effect of roadside vegetation cutting on moose browsing,2015,10,8,e0133155,Tanner Decoding the traumatic memory among women with PTSD: implications for neurocircuitry models of PTSD and real-time fMRI neurofeedback,2015,10,8,e0134717,Cisler Attempted training of alcohol approach and drinking identity associations in US undergraduate drinkers: null results from two studies,2015,10,8,e0134642,Wiers Trauma with injury severity score of 75: are these unsurvivable injuries?,2015,10,7,e0134821,Xiang Patterns of alcohol consumption and related behaviors in Brazil: evidence from the 2013 National Health Survey (PNS 2013),2015,10,7,e0134153,Macinko Posture and texting: effect on balance in young adults,2015,10,7,e0134230,Iridiastadi The influence of parental psychopathology on offspring suicidal behavior across the lifespan,2015,10,7,e0134970,Borges Associations of individual-related and job-related risk factors with nonfatal occupational injury in the coal workers of Shanxi Province: a cross-sectional study,2015,10,7,e0134367,Liang K-shortest-path-based evacuation routing with police resource allocation in city transportation networks,2015,10,7,e0131962,Liu Designing psychological treatments for scalability: the PREMIUM approach,2015,10,7,e0134189,Patel Does interdisciplinary research lead to higher citation impact? The different effect of proximal and distal interdisciplinarity,2015,10,8,e0135095,Yegros-Yegros Androgen receptor gene polymorphism aggression and reproduction in Tanzanian foragers and pastoralists,2015,10,8,e0136208,Shackelford Prevalence of oral and maxillofacial trauma in elders admitted to a reference hospital in northeastern Brazil,2015,10,8,e0135813,Carvalho Filho Binge drinking associations with patrons' risk behaviors and alcohol effects after leaving a nightclub: sex differences in the "Balada com Ciência" portal survey study in Brazil,2015,10,8,e0133646,Sanchez Parallel key frame extraction for surveillance video service in a smart city,2015,10,8,e0135694,Zhang Sleep deprivation is associated with bicycle accidents and slip and fall injuries in Korean adolescents,2015,10,8,e0135753,Kim A study on the application of the information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model on rational drug use behavior among second-level hospital outpatients in Anhui China,2015,10,8,e0135782,Li Maxillofacial injuries as markers of interpersonal violence in Belo Horizonte-Brazil: analysis of the socio-spatial vulnerability of the location of victim's residences,2015,10,8,e0134577,Silva Mechanisms that trigger a good health-care response to intimate partner violence in Spain. Combining realist evaluation and qualitative comparative analysis approaches,2015,10,8,e0135167,San Sebastian Socio-economic differentials in impoverishment effects of out-of-pocket health expenditure in China and India: evidence from WHO SAGE,2015,10,8,e0135051,Kumar Depression social support and coping styles among pregnant women after the Lushan Earthquake in Ya'an China,2015,10,8,e0135809,Ren What it takes to get passed on: message content style and structure as predictors of retransmission in the Boston Marathon bombing response,2015,10,8,e0134452,Sutton Impact of adverse childhood experiences on intimate partner violence perpetration among Sri Lankan men,2015,10,8,e0136321,Gomez Feature selection and pedestrian detection based on sparse representation,2015,10,8,e0134242,Wang Variable classification of drug-intoxication suicides across US states: a partial artifact of forensics?,2015,10,8,e0135296,Smith Human traumatic brain injury induces autoantibody response against glial fibrillary acidic protein and its breakdown products,2014,9,3,e92698,Robertson Length is associated with pain: jellyfish with painful sting have longer nematocyst tubules than harmless jellyfish,2015,10,8,e0135015,Nagai Relative age in school and suicide among young individuals in Japan: a regression discontinuity approach,2015,10,8,e0135349,Matsubayashi Dominance in domestic dogs: a quantitative analysis of its behavioural measures,2015,10,8,e0133978,de Vries The impact on staff of working with personality disordered offenders: a systematic review,2015,10,8,e0136378,Mikton Workplace bullying and mental health: a meta-analysis on cross-sectional and longitudinal data,2015,10,8,e0135225,Verkuil Assessing the efficacy of restricting access to barbecue charcoal for suicide prevention in Taiwan: a community-based intervention trial,2015,10,8,e0133809,Yip Effects of relaxing music on mental fatigue induced by a continuous performance task: behavioral and ERPs evidence,2015,10,8,e0136446,Guo Changes in diffusion kurtosis imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy in a direct cranial blast traumatic brain injury (dc-bTBI) model,2015,10,8,e0136151,Gerzanich Risk on / risk off: risk-taking varies with subjectively preferred and disliked music,2015,10,8,e0135436,Halko Path models of vocal emotion communication,2015,10,9,e0136675,Bänziger Statistical patterns in movie rating behavior,2015,10,8,e0136083,Ramos Violence affects physical and mental health differently: the general population based Tromsø Study,2015,10,8,e0136588,Rosenvinge Social bonds and exercise: evidence for a reciprocal relationship,2015,10,8,e0136705,Davis "Bicycles may use full lane" signage communicates U.S. roadway rules and increases perception of safety,2015,10,8,e0136973,Hess Depression dimensions: integrating clinical signs and symptoms from the perspectives of clinicians and patients,2015,10,8,e0136037,Caldieraro CORRECTION: Variable classification of drug-intoxication suicides across us states: a partial artifact of forensics?,2015,10,9,e0137933,Smith Patterns of inhalant use among incarcerated youth,2015,10,9,e0135303,Howard Driving with central visual field loss II: how scotomas above or below the preferred retinal locus (PRL) affect hazard detection in a driving simulator,2015,10,9,e0136517,Peli Prevalence and predictors of somatic symptoms among child and adolescents with probable posttraumatic stress disorder: a cross-sectional study conducted in 21 primary and secondary schools after an earthquake,2015,10,9,e0137101,Zhang Association between frailty osteoporosis falls and hip fractures among community-dwelling people aged 50 years and older in Taiwan: results from I-Lan Longitudinal Aging Study,2015,10,9,e0136968,Chen The long-term effects of organophosphates poisoning as a risk factor of CVDs: a nationwide population-based cohort study,2015,10,9,e0137632,Hung Unnatural deaths in Shanghai from 2000 to 2009: a retrospective study of forensic autopsy cases at the Shanghai Public Security Bureau,2015,10,6,e0131309,Ma When falls become fatal-clinical care sequence,2021,16,1,e0244862,Holcomb Sex partnership and self-efficacy influence depression in Chinese transgender women: a cross-sectional study,2015,10,9,e0136975,Hao The influence of intersections on fuel consumption in urban arterial road traffic: a single vehicle test in Harbin China,2015,10,9,e0137477,Wu Influence of sex on suicidal phenotypes in affective disorder patients with traumatic childhood experiences,2015,10,9,e0137763,Kapusta Validation and user evaluation of a sensor-based method for detecting mobility-related activities in older adults,2015,10,9,e0137668,Zhang Was the risk from nursing-home evacuation after the Fukushima accident higher than the radiation risk?,2015,10,9,e0137906,Tsubokura Does changing vertical disparity induce horizontal head movement?,2015,10,9,e0137483,Maekawa The use of kernel density estimation to examine associations between neighborhood destination intensity and walking and physical activity,2015,10,9,e0137402,Kavanagh A national study on nurses' exposure to occupational violence in Lebanon: prevalence consequences and associated factors,2015,10,9,e0137105,Dimassi Culture in the courtroom: ethnocentrism and juror decision-making,2015,10,9,e0137799,Maeder The map in our head is not oriented north: evidence from a real-world environment,2015,10,9,e0135803,Taylor Optimism bias in fans and sports reporters,2015,10,9,e0137685,Love Are high-severity fires burning at much higher rates recently than historically in dry-forest landscapes of the western USA?,2015,10,9,e0136147,Baker The impact of sleep restriction and simulated physical firefighting work on acute inflammatory stress responses,2015,10,9,e0138128,Aisbett The huge reduction in adult male mortality in Belarus and Russia: is it attributable to anti-alcohol measures?,2015,10,9,e0138021,Andreev Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms sleepiness and accidental risk in 36140 regularly registered highway drivers,2015,10,9,e0138004,Sagaspe Energy drinks alcohol sports and traumatic brain injuries among adolescents,2015,10,9,e0135860,Cusimano Common traffic violations of bus drivers in urban China: an observational study,2015,10,9,e0137954,Schwebel Low to moderate average alcohol consumption and binge drinking in early pregnancy: effects on choice reaction time and information processing time in five-year-old children,2015,10,9,e0138611,Mortensen Race and the Fragility of the Legal Distinction between Juveniles and Adults,2012,7,5,e36680,Dweck No evidence of association between Toxoplasma gondii infection and financial risk taking in females,2015,10,9,e0136716,Flegr A prospective cohort study of absconsion incidents in forensic psychiatric settings: can we identify those at high-risk?,2015,10,9,e0138819,Dean Correction: Mechanisms that trigger a good health-care response to intimate partner violence in Spain. Combining realist evaluation and qualitative comparative analysis approaches,2015,10,9,e0139184,San Sebastian How does the driver's perception reaction time affect the performances of crash surrogate measures?,2015,10,9,e0138617,Weng Messing up texas?: a re-analysis of the effects of executions on homicides,2015,10,9,e0138143,Kovandzic The scent of blood: a driver of human behavior?,2015,10,9,e0137777,Elbert Intimate-partner and client-initiated violence among female street-based sex workers in China: does a support network help?,2015,10,9,e0139161,Huang Seeing red: anger increases how much republican identification predicts partisan attitudes and perceived polarization,2015,10,9,e0139193,Park The effect of positive and negative feedback on risk-taking across different contexts,2015,10,9,e0139010,Sanfey The long-run socio-economic consequences of a large disaster: the 1995 earthquake in Kobe,2015,10,10,e0138714,Sawada Predicting risk of motor vehicle collisions in patients with glaucoma: a longitudinal study,2015,10,10,e0138288,Rosen Sexual violence against men who have sex with men and transgender women in mMongolia: a mixed-methods study of scope and consequences,2015,10,10,e0139320,Wirtz Correction: Alcohol advertising in sport and non-sport TV in Australia during children's viewing times,2015,10,10,e0139530,Livingston Difference in postural control during quiet standing between young children and adults: assessment with center of mass acceleration,2015,10,10,e0140235,Nakazawa Perceived cost and intrinsic motor variability modulate the speed-accuracy trade-off,2015,10,10,e0139988,Bertucco Stand-alone personalized normative feedback for college student drinkers: a meta-analytic review 2004 to 2014,2015,10,10,e0139518,Dunn The association between mental health and violence among a nationally representative sample of college students from the United States,2015,10,10,e0138914,Beaver Understanding spatiotemporal patterns of biking behavior by analyzing massive bike sharing data in Chicago,2015,10,10,e0137922,Zhou Job loss unemployment and the incidence of hazardous drinking during the late 2000s recession in Europe among adults aged 50-64 years,2015,10,10,e0140017,Bravo Trajectories of work-related functional impairment prior to suicide,2015,10,10,e0139937,Runeson The epidemiology of alcohol use and alcohol use disorders among young people in northern Tanzania,2015,10,10,e0140041,Weiss Comparing the rates of early childhood victimization across sexual orientations: heterosexual lesbian gay bisexual and mostly heterosexual,2015,10,10,e0139198,Andersen Predicting falls in Parkinson disease: what is the value of instrumented testing in off medication state?,2015,10,10,e0139849,Stochl Dorsal anterior cingulate thickness is related to alexithymia in childhood trauma-related PTSD,2015,10,10,e0139807,Rauch Increased soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) levels in plasma of suicide attempters,2015,10,10,e0140052,Westrin Self-esteem and problematic drinking in China: a mediated model,2015,10,10,e0140183,Wang Risk of fractures and falls during and after 5-α reductase inhibitor use: a nationwide cohort study,2015,10,10,e0140598,Michaelsson Climatic and landscape influences on fire regimes from 1984 to 2010 in the western United States,2015,10,10,e0140839,Wimberly Influence of Yo-Yo IR2 scores on internal and external workloads and fatigue responses of tag football players during tournament competition,2015,10,10,e0140547,Burkett First approximations of prescribed fire risks relative to other management techniques used on private lands,2015,10,10,e0140410,Weir Risk factors of internet addiction among internet users: an online questionnaire survey,2015,10,10,e0137506,Lee Determinants of socioeconomic inequalities in traumatic dental injuries among urban Indian adolescents,2015,10,10,e0140860,Tsakos Information accessibility of the charcoal burning suicide method in mainland China,2015,10,10,e0140686,Yip Family-based cluster randomized controlled trial enhancing physical activity and motor competence in 4-7-year-old children,2015,10,10,e0141124,Laukkanen Resistance versus balance training to improve postural control in Parkinson's disease: a randomized rater blinded controlled study,2015,10,10,e0140584,Deuschl Spatiotemporal context awareness for urban traffic modeling and prediction: sparse representation based variable selection,2015,10,10,e0141223,Yang Understanding how grammatical aspect influences legal judgment,2015,10,10,e0141181,Magliano Does Prison Crowding Predict Higher Rates of Substance Use Related Parole Violations? A Recurrent Events Multi-Level Survival Analysis,2015,10,10,e0141328,Ruderman Frequency of and risk factors for depression among participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS),2015,10,10,e0140943,Bernasconi Mild joint symptoms are associated with lower risk of falls than asymptomatic individuals with radiological evidence of osteoarthritis,2015,10,10,e0141368,Hill Functional activation during the rapid visual information processing task in a middle aged cohort: an fMRI study,2015,10,10,e0138994,Johnston The balance-scale task revisited: a comparison of statistical models for rule-based and information-integration theories of proportional reasoning,2015,10,10,e0136449,Visser Suicides in visually impaired persons: a nation-wide register-linked study from Finland based on thirty years of data,2015,10,10,e0141583,Hakko Traditional glue adhesive and poison used for composite weapons by Ju/'hoan San in Nyae Nyae Namibia. Implications for the evolution of hunting equipment in prehistory,2015,10,10,e0140269,Wadley Binge ethanol and MDMA combination exacerbates toxic cardiac effects by inducing cellular stress,2015,10,10,e0141502,Valverde Risk factors for intracranial haemorrhage in accidents associated with the shower or bathtub,2015,10,10,e0141812,Exadaktylos The intensity of victimization: associations with children's psychosocial well-being and social standing in the classroom,2015,10,10,e0141490,Veenstra Body acceleration as indicator for walking economy in an ageing population,2015,10,10,e0141431,Valenti Sex trafficking related knowledge awareness and attitudes among adolescent female students in Nepal: a cross-sectional study,2015,10,7,e0133508,Shrestha Localization of physical activity in primary school children using accelerometry and global positioning system,2015,10,11,e0142223,de Bruin Network science based quantification of resilience demonstrated on the Indian Railways Network,2015,10,11,e0141890,Bhatia Recognizing the symptoms of mental illness following concussions in the sports community: a need for improvement,2015,10,11,e0141699,Cusimano Reliability and minimum detectable change of temporal-spatial kinematic and dynamic stability measures during perturbed gait,2015,10,11,e0142083,Dingwell Associations of white matter microstructure with clinical and demographic characteristics in heavy drinkers,2015,10,11,e0142042,Thoma Emotional sentence annotation helps predict fiction genre,2015,10,11,e0141922,Samothrakis A validated smartphone-based assessment of gait and gait variability in Parkinson's disease,2015,10,10,e0141694,Ellis The impact of sex work on women's personal romantic relationships and the mental separation of their work and personal lives: a mixed-methods study,2015,10,10,e0141575,Fairley A multi-level Bayesian analysis of racial bias in police shootings at the county-level in the United States 2011-2014,2015,10,11,e0141854,Ross Hiv incidence prior to during and after violent conflict in 36 Sub-Saharan african nations 1990-2012: an ecological study,2015,10,11,e0142343,Gjelsvik Eye movements index implicit memory expression in fear conditioning,2015,10,11,e0141949,Schultz Elucidating the role of injury-induced electric fields (EFs) in regulating the astrocytic response to injury in the mammalian central nervous system,2015,10,11,e0142740,Baer Automatic fall detection system based on the combined use of a smartphone and a smartwatch,2015,10,11,e0140929,Casilari Identifying causal risk factors for violence among discharged patients,2015,10,11,e0142493,Coid Evaluation of reliability and validity of the Hendrich II fall risk model in a Chinese hospital population,2015,10,11,e0142395,Cao Learning upright standing on a multiaxial balance board,2015,10,11,e0142423,Cioni Plasma soluble prion protein a potential biomarker for sport-related concussions: a pilot study,2015,10,2,e0117286,Pham Social factors influencing Russian male alcohol use over the life course: a qualitative study investigating age based social norms masculinity and workplace context,2015,10,11,e0142993,Saburova Moving in and out of poverty: the within-individual association between socioeconomic status and juvenile delinquency,2015,10,11,e0136461,Pardini Physical violence against general practitioners and nurses in Chinese township hospitals: a cross-sectional survey,2015,10,11,e0142954,Sun Protective behaviour of citizens to transport accidents involving hazardous materials: a discrete choice experiment applied to populated areas nearby waterways,2015,10,11,e0142507,de Bekker-Grob Integral histogram with random projection for pedestrian detection,2015,10,11,e0142820,Liu Relations of distinct psychopathic personality traits with anxiety and fear: findings from offenders and non-offenders,2015,10,11,e0143120,Mitchell Reduced contextual discrimination following alcohol consumption or MDMA administration in mice,2015,10,11,e0142978,Valverde Clinical features of reported ethylene glycol exposures in the United States,2015,10,11,e0143044,Beuhler Neurite a finite difference large scale parallel program for the simulation of electrical signal propagation in neurites under mechanical loading,2015,10,2,e0116532,Jérusalem Regulatory mode and risk-taking: the mediating role of anticipated regret,2015,10,11,e0143147,Lauriola Intimate partner violence relationship power inequity and the role of sexual and social risk factors in the production of violence among young women who have multiple sexual partners in a peri-urban setting in South Africa,2015,10,11,e0139430,Ekstrom Prevalence and correlates of client-perpetrated violence against female sex workers in 13 Mexican cities,2015,10,11,e0143317,Patterson The structure of co-occurring bullying experiences and associations with suicidal behaviors in Korean adolescents,2015,10,11,e0143517,Shin Human injury criteria for underwater blasts,2015,10,11,e0143485,Bass What would Jaws do? The tyranny of film and the relationship between gaze and higher-level narrative film comprehension,2015,10,11,e0142474,Smith Bullying and victimization in overweight and obese outpatient children and adolescents: an Italian multicentric study,2015,10,11,e0142715,Bacchini Creating cycling-friendly environments for children: which micro-scale factors are most important? An experimental study using manipulated photographs,2015,10,12,e0143302,Salmon Internet-based brief intervention to prevent unhealthy alcohol use among young men: a randomized controlled trial,2015,10,12,e0144146,Bertholet Scenario-based multi-objective optimum allocation model for earthquake emergency shelters using a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm: a case study in Chaoyang District Beijing China,2015,10,12,e0144455,Xu Activity profiles and physiological responses of representative tag football players in relation to playing position and physical fitness,2015,10,12,e0144554,Burkett Gait in very preterm school-aged children in dual-task paradigms,2015,10,12,e0144363,Lemola Impaired visual integration in children with traumatic brain injury: an observational study,2015,10,12,e0144395,Goslings Preserved error-monitoring in borderline personality disorder patients with and without non-suicidal self-injury behaviors,2015,10,12,e0143994,Rodriguez-Fornells Road accident prevention with instant emergency warning message dissemination in vehicular ad-hoc network,2015,10,12,e0143383,P. Effect of systematic follow-up by general practitioners after deliberate self-poisoning: a randomised controlled trial,2015,10,12,e0143934,Haavet BDNF methylation and maternal brain activity in a violence-related sample,2015,10,12,e0143427,Schechter Effects of labeling and group category of evaluators on evaluations of aggression,2015,10,12,e0144384,Teraguchi Road traffic injury trends in the City of Valledupar Columbia. A time series study from 2008 to 2012,2015,10,12,e0144002,Moreno Montoya The role of compassion in altruistic helping and punishment behavior,2015,10,12,e0143794,Davidson Growing up in poverty growing old in infirmity: the long arm of childhood conditions in Great Britain,2015,10,12,e0144722,Tampubolon Interactive cognitive-motor step training improves cognitive risk factors of falling in older adults - a randomized controlled trial,2015,10,12,e0145161,Lord Motor cost influences perceptual decisions,2015,10,12,e0144841,Verschure Alcohol use and transactional sex among women in South Africa: results from a nationally representative survey,2015,10,12,e0145326,Christofides Resilience of self-organised and top-down planned cities-a case study on London and Beijing street networks,2015,10,12,e0141736,Wang The effect of paracetamol on core body temperature in acute traumatic brain injury: a randomised controlled clinical trial,2015,10,12,e0144740,Myburgh Freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: an overload problem?,2015,10,12,e0144986,Almeida Fall risk assessment tools for elderly living in the community: can we do better?,2015,10,12,e0146247,Bandinelli Is zolpidem associated with increased risk of fractures in the elderly with sleep disorders? A nationwide case cross-over study in Taiwan,2015,10,12,e0146030,Tzeng The French version of the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire: validity data for adolescents and adults and its association with non-suicidal self-injury,2015,10,12,e0145892,Fonagy Weather-related flood and landslide damage: a risk index for Italian regions,2015,10,12,e0144468,Morabito Functional connectivity estimated from resting-state fMRI reveals selective alterations in male adolescents with pure conduct disorder,2015,10,12,e0145668,Zhang A hidden Markov model for urban-scale traffic estimation using floating car data,2015,10,12,e0145348,Wang Psychotic-like experiences and nonsuidical self-injury in England: results from a national survey,2015,10,12,e0145533,Stickley Road traffic injury prevention initiatives: a systematic review and metasummary of effectiveness in low and middle income countries,2016,11,1,e0144971,Zhou Platoon interactions and real-world traffic simulation and validation based on the LWR-IM,2016,11,1,e0144798,Ng Can community health workers report accurately on births and deaths? Results of field assessments in Ethiopia Malawi and Mali,2016,11,1,e0144662,Bryce Can emotional and behavioral dysregulation in youth be decoded from functional neuroimaging?,2016,11,1,e0117603,Gill Household factors associated with self-harm in Johannesburg South African urban-poor households,2016,11,1,e0146239,Mathee The detection of emerging trends using Wikipedia traffic data and context networks,2015,10,12,e0141892,Kenett Quantifying access disparities in response plans,2016,11,1,e0146350,O'Neill Negativity bias in dangerous drivers,2016,11,1,e0147083,Zhang Heterogeneous ensemble combination search using genetic algorithm for class imbalanced data classification,2016,11,1,e0146116,Haque Human rights violations among men who have sex with men in Southern Africa: comparisons between legal contexts,2016,11,1,e0147156,Beyrer Changes in cognitive functions in the elderly living in temporary housing after the Great East Japan Earthquake,2016,11,1,e0147025,Nagatomi Epidemiological trends of traumatic brain injury identified in the emergency department in a publicly-insured population 2002-2010,2016,11,1,e0145469,Cusimano A population-based study of the prevalence and correlates of self-harm in juvenile detention,2016,11,1,e0146918,Sareen The Mexican cycle of suicide: a national analysis of seasonality 2000-2013,2016,11,1,e0146495,Bojorquez-Chapela Correction: Psychotic-like experiences and nonsuidical self-injury in England: results from a national survey,2016,11,1,e0147095,Stickley Mortality in children aged 0-9 years: a nationwide cohort study from three Nordic countries,2016,11,1,e0146669,Gissler Medical and social determinants of subsequent labour market marginalization in young hospitalized suicide attempters,2016,11,1,e0146130,Wilcox Offshore evidence for an undocumented tsunami event in the 'low risk' Gulf of Aqaba-Eilat Northern Red Sea,2016,11,1,e0145802,Goodman Tchernov Association between daily hospital outpatient visits for accidents and daily ambient air temperatures in an industrial city,2016,11,1,e0145003,Chau Assessing progress towards public health human rights and international development goals using frontier analysis,2016,11,1,e0147663,Bartram Predicting the maximum earthquake magnitude from seismic data in israel and its neighboring countries,2016,11,1,e0146101,Leonard Comparative study of injury models for studying muscle regeneration in mice,2016,11,1,e0147198,Hardy Correlates of marijuana drugged driving and openness to driving while high: evidence from Colorado and Washington,2016,11,1,e0146853,Farrelly Emoticon-based ambivalent expression: a hidden indicator for unusual behaviors in Weibo,2016,11,1,e0147079,Hu Mild concussion but not moderate traumatic brain injury is associated with long-term depression-like phenotype in mice,2016,11,1,e0146886,Noble-Haeusslein Postural Control in Dual-Task Situations: Does Whole-Body Fatigue Matter?,2016,11,1,e0147392,Kliegl Neuropsychological impairment and its association with violence risk in Japanese forensic psychiatric patients: a case-control study,2016,11,1,e0148354,Imai Psychological differences toward pedestrian red light crossing between university students and their peers,2016,11,1,e0148000,Suo The development and validation of the Indian Family Violence and Control Scale,2016,11,1,e0148120,Kelley Modeling verdict outcomes using social network measures: the Watergate and Caviar network cases,2016,11,1,e0147248,Morselli The impact of menstrual cycle phase on economic choice and rationality,2016,11,1,e0144080,Glimcher Patterns and limitations of urban human mobility resilience under the influence of multiple types of natural disaster,2016,11,1,e0147299,Wang Fluctuating minds: spontaneous psychophysical variability during mind-wandering,2016,11,2,e0147174,Chica Occupational injuries in Germany: population-wide national survey data emphasize the importance of work-related factors,2016,11,2,e0148798,Rommel The many organisational factors relevant to planning change in emergency care departments: a qualitative study to inform a cluster randomised controlled trial aiming to improve the management of patients with mild traumatic brain injuries,2016,11,2,e0148091,Gruen Community resilience throughout the lifespan - the potential contribution of healthy elders,2016,11,2,e0148125,Aharonson-Daniel Cross-sectional analysis of the 1039 U.S. physicians reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank for sexual misconduct 2003-2013,2016,11,2,e0147800,Wolfe Association between the density of physicians and suicide rates in Japan: nationwide ecological study using a spatial Bayesian model,2016,11,2,e0148288,Kawaguchi Mobile phone use behaviors and postures on public transportation systems,2016,11,2,e0148419,Liang Modeling the role of networks and individual differences in inter-group violence,2016,11,2,e0148314,Christakis Is Toxoplasma gondii infection related to brain and behavior impairments in humans? Evidence from a population-representative birth cohort,2016,11,2,e0148435,Moffitt The "majority illusion" in social networks,2016,11,2,e0147617,Lerman Staying connected on the road: a comparison of different types of smart phone use in a driving simulator,2016,11,2,e0148555,Gray Survey of the influence of the width of urban branch roads on the meeting of two-way vehicle flows,2016,11,2,e0149188,Wang Correction: Binge ethanol prior to traumatic brain injury worsens sensorimotor functional recovery in rats,2016,11,2,e0149793,Vaagenes The association between Belgian older adults' physical functioning and physical activity: what is the moderating role of the physical environment?,2016,11,2,e0148398,De Bourdeaudhuij Mortality patterns in patients with multiple trauma: a systematic review of autopsy studies,2016,11,2,e0148844,Pfeifer Mortality and morbidity of urban road traffic crashes in Africa: capture-recapture estimates in Bamako Mali 2012,2016,11,2,e0149070,Lagarde MW151 inhibited il-1β levels after traumatic brain injury with no effect on microglia physiological responses,2016,11,2,e0149451,Lifshitz Correction: Road traffic injury prevention initiatives: a systematic review and metasummary of effectiveness in low and middle income countries,2016,11,2,e0150150,Zhao Model development for risk assessment of driving on freeway under rainy weather conditions,2016,11,2,e0149442,Lu Driving following kava use and road traffic injuries: a population-based case-control study in Fiji (TRIP 14),2016,11,3,e0149719,Robinson Prevalence of depression and depression care for populations registered in primary care in two remote cities in the Brazilian Amazon,2016,11,3,e0150046,Menezes Selective efficacy of static and dynamic imagery in different states of physical fatigue,2016,11,3,e0149654,Guillot Health impacts of active transportation in Europe,2016,11,3,e0149990,Nieuwenhuijsen Associations between domestic-dog morphology and behaviour scores in the Dog Mentality Assessment,2016,11,2,e0149403,Starling Modelling variable fire severity in boreal forests: effects of fire intensity and stand structure,2016,11,2,e0150073,Cumming Social isolation-induced territorial aggression in male offspring is enhanced by exposure to diesel exhaust during pregnancy,2016,11,2,e0149737,Yokota Factors associated with injuries among commercial motorcyclists: evidence from a matched case control study in Kampala City Uganda,2016,11,2,e0148511,Kobusingye A smartphone app and cloud-based consultation system for burn injury emergency care,2016,11,2,e0147253,Laflamme Psychosocial assessment of self-harm patients and risk of repeat presentation: an instrumental variable analysis using time of hospital presentation,2016,11,2,e0149713,Cooper On the skill of balancing while riding a bicycle,2016,11,2,e0149340,Ashton-Miller Prediction of fitness to drive in patients with Alzheimer's dementia,2016,11,2,e0149566,Davidse Personality executive control and neurobiological characteristics associated with different forms of risky driving,2016,11,2,e0150227,Ouimet How fast do objects fall in visual memory? Uncovering the temporal and spatial features of representational gravity,2016,11,2,e0148953,De Sá Teixeira Perception of suicide risk in mental health professionals,2016,11,2,e0149791,Butler Predicting aggressive tendencies by visual attention bias associated with hostile emotions,2016,11,2,e0149487,Juan Genocide exposure and subsequent suicide risk: a population-based study,2016,11,2,e0149524,Levav Race guides attention in visual search,2016,11,2,e0149158,Otten Influential factors for and outcomes of hospitalized patients with suicide-related behaviors: a national record study in Taiwan from 1997-2010,2016,11,2,e0149559,Chang First fall-related injuries requiring hospitalization increase the risk of recurrent injurious falls: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan,2016,11,2,e0149887,Kang Deprescribing in frail older people: a randomised controlled trial,2016,11,3,e0149984,Flicker 'Pregnancy has its advantages': the voices of street connected children and youth in Eldoret Kenya,2016,11,3,e0150814,Braitstein How might people near national roads be affected by traffic noise as electric vehicles increase in number? A laboratory study of subjective evaluations of environmental noise,2016,11,3,e0150516,Kennedy Depression stressful life events and the impact of variation in the serotonin transporter: findings from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health),2016,11,3,e0148373,Siegler The German version of the Gaze Anxiety Rating Scale (GARS): reliability and validity,2016,11,3,e0150807,Domes Effect of physical violence on sexually transmitted infections and treatment seeking behaviour among female sex workers in Thane District Maharashtra India,2016,11,3,e0150347,Prakash Factors associated with fear of falling among community-dwelling older adults in the Shih-Pai Study in Taiwan,2016,11,3,e0150612,Chou How effective is help on the doorstep? A longitudinal evaluation of community-based organisation support,2016,11,3,e0151305,Sherr Association between physical fitness and successful aging in Taiwanese older adults,2016,11,3,e0150389,Cheng Patterns and trends in accidental poisoning deaths: Pennsylvania's experience 1979-2014,2016,11,3,e0151655,Burke Does stigmatized social risk lead to denialism? Results from a survey experiment on race risk perception and health policy in the united states,2016,11,3,e0147219,Dunham Religion and the unmaking of prejudice toward Muslims: evidence from a large national sample,2016,11,3,e0150209,Sibley An integrated and interdisciplinary model for predicting the risk of injury and death in future earthquakes,2016,11,3,e0151111,Aharonson-Daniel Crippling violence: conflict and incident polio in Afghanistan,2016,11,3,e0149074,Curtis Bullying in the American graduate medical education system: a national cross-sectional survey,2016,11,3,e0150246,Villines Decreasing fires in Mediterranean Europe,2016,11,3,e0150663,Koutsias Revisiting street intersections using slot-based systems,2016,11,3,e0149607,Helbing Rehabilitation utilization following a work-related traumatic brain injury: a sex-based examination of workers' compensation claims in Victoria Australia,2016,11,3,e0151462,Colantonio Continuous multimodality monitoring in children after traumatic brain injury-preliminary experience,2016,11,3,e0148817,Hutchinson The impact of emotions and empathy-related traits on punishment behavior: introduction and validation of the inequality game,2016,11,3,e0151028,Vuilleumier A behavioral measure of costly helping: replicating and extending the association with callous unemotional traits in male adolescents,2016,11,3,e0151678,Sakai Soft regulation with crowd recommendation: coordinating self-interested agents in sociotechnical systems under imperfect information,2016,11,3,e0150343,Luo Falls and fall-related injuries among community-dwelling adults in the United States,2016,11,3,e0150939,Courtney Correction: Predicting the maximum earthquake magnitude from seismic data in Israel and its neighboring countries,2016,11,3,e0151751, The paradoxical role of perceived control in late life health behavior,2016,11,3,e0148921,Pekrun Level of young people sexual and reproductive health service utilization and its associated factors among young people in Awabel District Northwest Ethiopia,2016,11,3,e0151613,Ayehu Identifying topics in microblogs using Wikipedia,2016,11,3,e0151885,Yıldırım Structural pathways between child abuse poor mental health outcomes and male-perpetrated intimate partner violence,2016,11,3,e0150986,Jewkes Analysis of road network pattern considering population distribution and central business district,2016,11,3,e0151676,Gao Knowledge attitudes and behaviors on child passenger safety among expectant mothers and parents of newborns: a qualitative and quantitative approach,2016,11,1,e0146121,Yang Effects of an exercise programme on functional capacity body composition and risk of falls in patients with cirrhosis: a randomized clinical trial,2016,11,3,e0151652,Córdoba Proactive control strategies for overt and covert go/nogo tasks: an electrical neuroimaging study,2016,11,3,e0152188,Gallese Obstetric outcomes of mothers previously exposed to sexual violence,2016,11,3,e0150726,Aspelund The effects of community attachment and information seeking on displaced disaster victims' decision making,2016,11,3,e0151928,Managi Historical maps from modern images: using remote sensing to model and map century-long vegetation change in a fire-prone region,2016,11,3,e0150808,Callister Economic benefits of investing in women's health: a systematic review,2016,11,3,e0150120,Bloom Brand suicide? Memory and liking of negative brand names,2016,11,3,e0151628,Guest Intimate partner violence is associated with stress-related sleep disturbance and poor sleep quality during early pregnancy,2016,11,3,e0152199,Williams Tweeting super-typhoon Haiyan: evolving functions of Twitter during and after a disaster event,2016,11,3,e0150190,David The association of medication-use and frailty-related factors with gait performance in older patients,2016,11,2,e0149888,de Vries Evacuation of pedestrians with two motion modes for panic system,2016,11,4,e0153388,Zou Perceptions of speed and risk: experimental studies of road crossing by older people,2016,11,4,e0152617,Lord Historical patterns and drivers of spatial changes in recreational fishing activity in Puget Sound Washington,2016,11,4,e0152190,Beaudreau Wearable-sensor-based classification models of faller status in older adults,2016,11,4,e0153240,Howcroft Relations between nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal behavior in adolescence: a systematic review,2016,11,4,e0153760,Moro Hip fracture in people with erectile dysfunction: a nationwide population-based cohort study,2016,11,4,e0153467,Chai What is the association between absolute child poverty poor governance and natural disasters? A global comparison of some of the realities of climate change,2016,11,4,e0153296,Guha-Sapir Does the StartReact effect apply to first-trial reactive movements?,2016,11,4,e0153129,Weerdesteyn Social hostility in soccer and beyond,2016,11,4,e0153577,van Prooijen Acting like a tough guy: violent-sexist video games identification with game characters masculine beliefs & empathy for female violence victims,2016,11,4,e0152121,Bushman A systematic assessment of smartphone tools for suicide prevention,2016,11,4,e0152285,Christensen Bayesian estimation of small effects in exercise and sports science,2016,11,4,e0147311,Mengersen Searching for survivors through random human-body movement outdoors by continuous-wave radar array,2016,11,4,e0152201,Wang Impaired recognition of facially expressed emotions in different groups of patients with sleep disorders,2016,11,4,e0152754,Eichhammer Examining road traffic mortality status in China: a simulation study,2016,11,4,e0153251,Schwebel Health warnings on alcoholic beverages: perceptions of the health risks and intentions towards alcohol consumption,2016,11,4,e0153027,Stafford Understanding the dynamics of violent political revolutions in an agent-based framework,2016,11,4,e0154175,Moro Psychophysical evaluation of congenital colour vision deficiency: discrimination between protans and deutans using Mollon-Reffin's Ellipses and the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue Test,2016,11,4,e0152214,Bento-Torres Pharmacological and expectancy effects of a low amount of alcohol drinking on outcome valuation and risk perception in males and females,2016,11,4,e0154083,Harada Outcomes and costs of poisoned patients admitted to an adult emergency department of a Spanish tertiary hospital: evaluation through a toxicovigilance program,2016,11,4,e0152876,Borobia Risk perception and risk-taking behaviour during adolescence: the influence of personality and gender,2016,11,4,e0153842,Wood The association between regional environmental factors and road trauma rates: a geospatial analysis of 10 years of road traffic crashes in British Columbia Canada,2016,11,4,e0153742,Brubacher Does the effect of micro-environmental factors on a street's appeal for adults' bicycle transport vary across different macro-environments? An experimental study,2015,10,8,e0136715,De Bourdeaudhuij Using manipulated photographs to identify features of streetscapes that may encourage older adults to walk for transport,2014,9,11,e112107,Salmon Incorporating anthropogenic influences into fire probability models: effects of human activity and climate change on fire activity in California,2016,11,4,e0153589,Moritz Epidemiology of mental health attendances at emergency departments: systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,11,4,e0154449,Thomas Finite element analysis of foot and ankle impact injury: risk evaluation of calcaneus and talus fracture,2016,11,4,e0154435,Wang Seeing circles and drawing ellipses: when sound biases reproduction of visual motion,2016,11,4,e0154475,Bringoux A pharmacovigilance approach for post-marketing in Japan using the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report (JADER) database and association analysis,2016,11,4,e0154425,Yamada The impact of diabetic neuropathy on balance and on the risk of falls in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a cross-sectional study,2016,11,4,e0154654,Oancea The role of cognitive factors in predicting balance and fall risk in a neuro-rehabilitation setting,2016,11,4,e0153469,Parry Effects of shift work on the postural and psychomotor performance of night workers,2016,11,4,e0151609,Tufik Decoding the attentional demands of gait through EEG gamma band features,2016,11,4,e0154136,Gil-Agudo Correction: What makes sports fans interactive? Identifying factors affecting chat interactions in online sports viewing,2016,11,4,e0154550, A social identity approach to understanding responses to child sexual abuse allegations,2016,11,4,e0153205,Hornsey Perceptions of psychological coercion and human trafficking in the West Midlands of England: beginning to know the unknown,2016,11,5,e0153263,Walsh County poverty concentration and disparities in unintentional injury deaths: a fourteen-year analysis of 1.6 million U.S. fatalities,2016,11,5,e0153516,Subramanian Patterns of hamstring muscle tears in the general population: a systematic review,2016,11,5,e0152855,Hamilton Predicting crashes using traffic offences. A meta-analysis that examines potential bias between self-report and archival data,2016,11,4,e0153390,af Wåhlberg Misalignment of the desired and measured center of pressure describes falls caused by slip during turning,2016,11,5,e0155418,Yamaguchi Correction: What is the association between absolute child poverty poor governance and natural disasters? A global comparison of some of the realities of climate change,2016,11,5,e0155653,Guha-Sapir Gender inequality prevents abused women from seeking care despite protection given in gender-based violence legislation: a qualitative study from Rwanda,2016,11,5,e0154540,Krantz Preemptive striking in individual and group conflict,2016,11,5,e0154859,Mifune The incidence and recurrence of getting lost in community-dwelling people with Alzheimer's disease: a two and a half-year follow-up,2016,11,5,e0155480,Pai Understanding the relationships between gender inequitable behaviours childhood trauma and socio-economic status in single and multiple perpetrator rape in rural South Africa: structural equation modelling,2016,11,5,e0154903,Jewkes Altered states of consciousness during an extreme ritual,2016,11,5,e0153126,Sagarin Brain structural correlates of emotion recognition in psychopaths,2016,11,5,e0149807,Menchón The effectiveness of injury prevention programs to modify risk factors for non-contact anterior cruciate ligament and hamstring injuries in uninjured team sports athletes: a systematic review,2016,11,5,e0155272,Naclerio Do childhood adversities predict suicidality? Findings from the general population of the metropolitan area of São Paulo Brazil,2016,11,5,e0155639,Borges Consultations by asylum seekers: recent trends in the emergency department of a Swiss university hospital,2016,11,5,e0155423,Exadaktylos Infant cries rattle adult cognition,2016,11,5,e0154283,Bornstein A systematic review of social media use to discuss and view deliberate self-harm acts,2016,11,5,e0155813,Newton Mothers make a difference: mothers develop weaker bonds with immature sons than daughters,2016,11,5,e0154845,Kulik Mortality rehospitalisation and violent crime in forensic psychiatric patients discharged from hospital: rates and risk factors,2016,11,5,e0155906,Fazel Noise annoyance is associated with depression and anxiety in the general population- the contribution of aircraft noise,2016,11,5,e0155357,Brahler Association between daily hydrogen sulfide exposure and incidence of emergency hospital visits: a population-based study,2016,11,5,e0154946,Rafnsson Have LEGO products become more violent?,2016,11,5,e0155401,Moltchanova Is working risky or protective for married adolescent girls in urban slums in kenya? Understanding the association between working status savings and intimate-partner violence,2016,11,5,e0155988,Austrian Which socio-ecological factors associate with a switch to or maintenance of active and passive transport during the transition from primary to secondary school?,2016,11,5,e0156531,De Bourdeaudhuij Development and application of an alert system to detect cases of food poisoning in Japan,2016,11,5,e0156395,Ohkusa Tracing road network bottleneck by data driven approach,2016,11,5,e0156089,Zhang Prefrontal cortex activation and young driver behaviour: a fNIRS study,2016,11,5,e0156512,Chapman A screening tool for assessing alcohol use risk among medically vulnerable youth,2016,11,5,e0156240,Weitzman Does personality have a different impact on self-rated distraction job satisfaction and job performance in different office types?,2016,11,5,e0155295,Westerlund Increase in self-injury as a method of self-harm in Ghent Belgium: 1987-2013,2016,11,6,e0156711,Portzky Aggression violence and injury in minor league ice hockey: avenues for prevention of injury,2016,11,6,e0156683,Cusimano Expressing anger is more dangerous than feeling angry when driving,2016,11,6,e0156948,Zhang The relationship between personality traits the 5HTT polymorphisms and the occurrence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in elite athletes,2016,11,6,e0156601,Sessa Altered decision-making under risk in obesity,2016,11,6,e0155600,Fernández-Aranda Correction: The methanol poisoning outbreaks in Libya 2013 and Kenya 2014,2016,11,6,e0157256,Hovda Drug use on Mont Blanc: a study using automated urine collection,2016,11,6,e0156786,Botrè Emergency preparedness and role clarity among rescue workers during the terror attacks in Norway July 22 2011,2016,11,6,e0156536,Skogstad A bispecific antibody promotes aggregation of ricin toxin on cell surfaces and alters dynamics of toxin internalization and trafficking,2016,11,6,e0156893,Herrera Health services for gender-based violence: Médecins Sans Frontières experience caring for survivors in urban Papua New Guinea,2016,11,6,e0156813,Lokuge Meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies of suicide risk assessment among psychiatric patients: heterogeneity in results and lack of improvement over time,2016,11,6,e0156322,Large Reactions of standing bipeds on moving platforms to keep their balance may increase the amplitude of oscillations of platforms satisfying Hooke's law,2016,11,6,e0157675,Goldsztein Causes of death among children aged 5 to 14 years old from 2008 to 2013 in Kersa Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Kersa HDSS) Ethiopia,2016,11,6,e0151929,Dedefo Digital social norm enforcement: online firestorms in social media,2016,11,6,e0155923,Frey Attention cueing and activity equally reduce false alarm rate in visual-auditory associative learning through improving memory,2016,11,6,e0157680,Nikouei Mahani In wrong anticipation - miscalibrated beliefs between Germans Israelis and Palestinians,2016,11,6,e0156998,Goerg How life experience shapes cognitive control strategies: the case of air traffic control training,2016,11,6,e0157731,Capizzi The effects of local police surges on crime and arrests in New York City,2016,11,6,e0157223,MacDonald Perceptions and experiences of intimate partner violence in Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire,2016,11,6,e0157348,Gupta Dynamics of Indian Ocean slavery revealed through isotopic data from the colonial era Cobern Street Burial Site Cape Town South Africa (1750-1827),2016,11,6,e0157750,Morris Fall-related psychological concerns and anxiety among community-dwelling older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis,2016,11,4,e0152848,Belanger Motor skills enhance procedural memory formation and protect against age-related decline,2016,11,6,e0157770,Fernández Correction: Is working risky or protective for married adolescent girls in urban slums in Kenya? Understanding the association between working status savings and intimate-partner violence,2016,11,6,e0158250,Austrian The challenge of timely responsive and rigorous ethics review of disaster research: views of research ethics committee members,2016,11,6,e0157142,Anderson Coping with workplace violence against general practitioners and nurses in Heilongjiang Province China: social supports and prevention strategies,2016,11,6,e0157897,Jiao Parents' attitudes to risk and injury to children and young people on farms,2016,11,6,e0158368,Nilsson Prevalence and correlates of self-harm in the German general population,2016,11,6,e0157928,Claes Postural stability of patients with schizophrenia during challenging sensory conditions: implication of sensory integration for postural control,2016,11,6,e0158219,Chen Faster but less careful prehension in presence of high rather than low social status attendees,2016,11,6,e0158095,Fantoni Ethics in community-based research with vulnerable children: perspectives from Rwanda,2016,11,6,e0157042,Beardslee Can want and try: parents' viewpoints regarding the participation of their child with an acquired brain injury,2016,11,7,e0157951,Willis Detecting causality by combined use of multiple methods: climate and brain examples,2016,11,7,e0158572,Hirata Adverse childhood experiences support and the perception of ability to work in adults with disability,2016,11,7,e0157726,Alisic Correction: Mortality rehospitalisation and violent crime in forensic psychiatric patients discharged from hospital: rates and risk factors,2016,11,7,e0159020,Fazel Family and community predictors of comorbid language socioemotional and behavior problems at school entry,2016,11,7,e0158802,Hughes The primary prevention of PTSD in firefighters: preliminary results of an RCT with 12-month follow-up,2016,11,7,e0155873,Mazzucchelli Four distinct subgroups of self-injurious behavior among Chinese adolescents: findings from a latent class analysis,2016,11,7,e0158609,Yao Psychopathic traits and their relationship with the cognitive costs and compulsive nature of lying in offenders,2016,11,7,e0158595,Verschuere Severe psychological distress of evacuees in evacuation zone caused by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident: The Fukushima Health Management Survey,2016,11,7,e0158821,Yasumura Smoking and suicide: a meta-analysis,2016,11,7,e0156348,Poorolajal How personality affects vulnerability among Israelis and Palestinians following the 2009 gaza conflict,2016,11,7,e0156278,Galea Daily-life gait quality as predictor of falls in older people: a 1-year prospective cohort study,2016,11,7,e0158623,Lips Fear similarly alters perceptual estimates of and actions over gaps,2016,11,7,e0158610,Stefanucci The interaction between childhood bullying and the FKBP5 gene on psychotic-like experiences and stress reactivity in real life,2016,11,7,e0158809,Ballespí Predictors of outcome in traumatic brain injury: new insight using receiver operating curve indices and Bayesian network analysis,2016,11,7,e0158762,King Epidemiology of substance use among forced migrants: a global systematic review,2016,11,7,e0159134,Strathdee Correction: Patterns and trends in accidental poisoning deaths: Pennsylvania's experience 1979-2014,2016,11,7,e0159469,Burke Preliminary study of acute changes in emotion processing in trauma survivors with PTSD symptoms,2016,11,7,e0159065,Elhai Patterns of childhood abuse and neglect in a representative German population sample,2016,11,7,e0159510,Brahler Exploring the relationship between experiential avoidance coping functions and the recency and frequency of self-harm,2016,11,7,e0159854,Sayal Testing persistence of cohort effects in the epidemiology of suicide: an age-period-cohort hysteresis model,2016,11,7,e0158538,Chauvel Fires in seasonally dry tropical forest: testing the varying constraints hypothesis across a regional rainfall gradient,2016,11,7,e0159691,Mondal Differences in factors affecting various crash types with high numbers of fatalities and injuries in China,2016,11,7,e0158559,Wang Missense mutation of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) alters neurocognitive performance in patients with mild traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal study,2016,11,7,e0158838,Bondi Fire severity controlled susceptibility to a 1940s spruce beetle outbreak in Colorado USA,2016,11,7,e0158138,Veblen Perceived discrimination is an independent risk factor for suicidal ideation among sexual and gender minorities in Nepal,2016,11,7,e0159359,Marrone Determinants of quality of life in ageing populations: results from a cross-sectional study in Finland Poland and Spain,2016,11,7,e0159293,Chatterji What matters most for predicting survival? A multinational population-based cohort study,2016,11,7,e0159273,Goldman Moving to capture children's attention: developing a methodology for measuring visuomotor attention,2016,11,7,e0159543,Williams Putting up a big front: car design and size affect road-crossing behaviour,2016,11,7,e0159455,Lobmaier Prevalence of domestic violence in Hong Kong Chinese women presenting with urinary symptoms,2016,11,7,e0159367,Ma Repeated closed head injury in mice results in sustained motor and memory deficits and chronic cellular changes,2016,11,7,e0159442,Saatman How do persons with mild acquired cognitive impairment use information and communication technology and e-services? Results from a Swedish national survey,2016,11,7,e0159362,Oldenburg The role of social novelty in risk seeking and exploratory behavior: implications for addictions,2016,11,7,e0158947,Voon Using tensor completion method to achieving better coverage of traffic state estimation from sparse floating car data,2016,11,7,e0157420,Zhang Predicting falls and when to intervene in older people: a multilevel logistical regression model and cost analysis,2016,11,7,e0159365,de Lusignan Psychotic experiences and risk of violence perpetration and arrest in the general population: a prospective study,2016,11,7,e0159023,de Graaf Motor skill development in italian pre-school children induced by structured activities in a specific playground,2016,11,7,e0160244,Haga Characterization of venom and oviduct components of parasitoid wasp Asobara japonica,2016,11,7,e0160210,Matsumura Death in community Australian football: a ten year national insurance claims report,2016,11,7,e0159008,Finch Evaluating the operational features of an unconventional dual-bay U-turn design for intersections,2016,11,7,e0158914,Wang Reporting crime victimizations to the police and the incidence of future victimizations: a longitudinal study,2016,11,7,e0160072,Berg Intrapersonal and interpersonal concomitants of facial blushing during everyday social encounters,2015,10,2,e0118243,de Jong The influence of affective empathy and autism spectrum traits on empathic accuracy,2014,9,6,e98436,aan het Rot Anticipation of monetary reward can attenuate the vigilance decrement,2016,11,7,e0159741,Degutis Prosocial behavior and subjective insecurity in violent contexts: field experiments,2016,11,7,e0158878,Vélez Glaucoma and driving: on-road driving characteristics,2016,11,7,e0158318,Wood When where and why are babies dying? Neonatal death surveillance and review in Bangladesh,2016,11,8,e0159388,Biswas Disability divides in India: evidence from the 2011 census,2016,11,8,e0159809,Shkolnikov Injustice Experience Questionnaire Japanese version: cross-cultural factor-structure comparison and demographics associated with perceived injustice,2016,11,8,e0160567,Iso The effect of background music in shark documentaries on viewers' perceptions of sharks,2016,11,8,e0159279,Gneezy Distinct skeletal muscle gene regulation from active contraction passive vibration and whole body heat stress in humans,2016,11,8,e0160594,Shields Detection and characterization of low temperature peat fires during the 2015 fire catastrophe in indonesia using a new high-sensitivity fire monitoring satellite sensor (FireBird),2016,11,8,e0159410,Atwood Elements of effective interventions for addressing intimate partner violence in Latina women: a systematic review,2016,11,8,e0160518,Glass Biological maturity status strongly intensifies the relative age effect in alpine ski racing,2016,11,8,e0160969,Muller Moderate-heavy alcohol consumption lifestyle in older adults is associated with altered central executive network community structure during cognitive task,2016,11,8,e0160214,Porrino Wildfire suppression costs for Canada under a changing climate,2016,11,8,e0157425,Gauthier Explaining lifelong loyalty: the role of identity fusion and self-shaping group events,2016,11,8,e0160427,Whitehouse Increasing intelligence in inter-vehicle communications to reduce traffic congestions: experiments in urban and highway environments,2016,11,8,e0159110,Pessin The hidden tragedy of rivers: a decade of unintentional fatal drowning in Australia,2016,11,8,e0160709,Franklin Racial-ethnic disparities in opioid prescriptions at emergency department visits for conditions commonly associated with prescription drug abuse,2016,11,8,e0159224,Hsia A hybrid short-term traffic flow prediction model based on singular spectrum analysis and kernel extreme learning machine,2016,11,8,e0161259,Shang Use of fall-risk inducing drugs in patients using anti-Parkinson drugs (APD): a Swedish register-based study,2016,11,8,e0161246,Johnell Multitemporal modelling of socio-economic wildfire drivers in Central Spain between the 1980s and the 2000s: comparing generalized linear models to machine learning algorithms,2016,11,8,e0161344,Vilar Associations of adverse clinical course and ingested substances among patients with deliberate drug poisoning: a cohort study from an intensive care unit in Japan,2016,11,8,e0161996,Okumura High school students residing in educational public institutions: health-risk behaviors,2016,11,8,e0161652,Noll Effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions to prevent falls in older people: a systematic overview. The SENATOR Project ONTOP Series,2016,11,8,e0161579,Cherubini Predicting road conditions with internet search,2016,11,8,e0162080,Askitas Variation in structure and process of care in traumatic brain injury: provider profiles of european neurotrauma centers participating in the CENTER-TBI Study,2016,11,8,e0161367,Steyerberg Technology and information sharing in disaster relief,2016,11,9,e0161783,Raju Comparing the incidence of falls/fractures in Parkinson's disease patients in the US population,2016,11,9,e0161689,Kalilani Social resources and community resilience in the wake of Superstorm Sandy,2016,11,8,e0160824,Cagney Coping styles and alcohol dependence among homeless people,2016,11,9,e0162381,Borkowska Some wildfire ignition causes pose more risk of destroying houses than others,2016,11,9,e0162083,Price Driving the model to its limit: profile likelihood based model reduction,2016,11,9,e0162366,Timmer 2015 estimation of hospitals safety from disasters in I.R. Iran: the results from the assessment of 421 hospitals,2016,11,9,e0161542,Ardalan Human-wildlife conflicts in Nepal: patterns of human fatalities and injuries caused by large mammals,2016,11,9,e0161717,Acharya Development of a consistent and reproducible porcine scald burn model,2016,11,9,e0162888,Kimble Spatial and temporal dynamics and value of nature-based recreation estimated via social media,2016,11,9,e0162372,Wood Secure base priming diminishes conflict-based anger and anxiety,2016,11,9,e0162374,Dutton The association between sarcopenic obesity and depressive symptoms in older Japanese adults,2016,11,9,e0162898,Iijima Unconscious processing of facial emotional valence relation: behavioral evidence of integration between subliminally perceived stimuli,2016,11,9,e0162689,Tu Rurality and self-reported health in women with a history of intimate partner violence,2016,11,9,e0162380,Loxton Children's vantage point of recalling traumatic events,2016,11,9,e0162030,Dawson Introducing mushroom fruiting patterns from the Swiss National Poisons Information Centre,2016,11,9,e0162314,Schenk-Jäger Environmental risk factors influencing bicycle theft: a spatial analysis in London UK,2016,11,9,e0163354,Helbich Ethnic and gender disparities in premature adult mortality in Belize 2008-2010,2016,11,9,e0163172,Hambleton Diageo's 'Stop Out of Control Drinking' campaign in Ireland: an analysis,2016,11,9,e0160379,Petticrew Increased wildfire risk driven by climate and development interactions in the Bolivian Chiquitania Southern Amazonia,2016,11,9,e0161323,Aragão Social involvement modulates the response to novel and adverse life events in mice,2016,11,9,e0163077,Colnaghi Association between intimate partner violence during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Vietnam: a prospective cohort study,2016,11,9,e0162844,Meyrowitsch Drivers' visual characteristics when merging onto or exiting an urban expressway,2016,11,9,e0162298,Du The stigma of suicide survivorship and related consequences-a systematic review,2016,11,9,e0162688,Riedel-Heller Demand and congestion in multiplex transportation networks,2016,11,9,e0161738,Jiang Assessment of the risk of suicide-related events induced by concomitant use of antidepressants in cases of smoking cessation treatment with varenicline and assessment of latent risk by the use of varenicline,2016,11,9,e0163583,Kobayashi Varenicline and risk of self-harm: a nested case-control study,2016,11,9,e0163681,Juurlink Human capital values and attitudes of persons seeking refuge in Austria in 2015,2016,11,9,e0163481,Lutz Effects of adolescent intermittent alcohol exposure on the expression of endocannabinoid signaling-related proteins in the spleen of young adult rats,2016,11,9,e0163752,Sanchez Attenuating the negative impact of unemployment: the interactive effects of perceived emotional intelligence and well-being on suicide risk,2016,11,9,e0163656,Rey Less empathic and more reactive: the different impact of childhood maltreatment on facial mimicry and vagal regulation,2016,11,9,e0163853,Gallese A feeder-bus dispatch planning model for emergency evacuation in urban rail transit corridors,2016,11,9,e0161644,Yan Off-road vehicle crash risk during the six months after a birthday,2016,11,10,e0149536,Thiruchelvam Depression among parents two to six years following the loss of a child by suicide: a novel prediction model,2016,11,10,e0164091,Omerov Central nervous system injury - a newly observed bystander effect of radiation,2016,11,9,e0163233,Feiock Neighborhood characteristics and cardiovascular risk among older people in Japan: findings from the jages project,2016,11,10,e0164525,Ojima Changes in drivers' visual performance during the collision avoidance process as a function of different field of views at intersections,2016,11,10,e0164101,Yan A case-crossover study of heat exposure and injury risk in outdoor agricultural workers,2016,11,10,e0164498,Bonauto The association of current violence from adult family members with adolescent bullying involvement and suicidal feelings,2016,11,10,e0163707,Okazaki Death of a close relative and the risk of suicide in Sweden-a large scale register-based case-crossover study,2016,11,10,e0164274,Moller Global progress in road injury mortality since 2010,2016,11,10,e0164560,Schwebel Age-related differences in vehicle control and eye movement patterns at intersections: older and middle-aged drivers,2016,11,10,e0164124,Fisher Chronic low quality sleep impairs postural control in healthy adults,2016,11,10,e0163310,Forner-Cordero Physical sexual emotional and economic intimate partner violence and controlling behaviors during pregnancy and postpartum among women in Dar es Salaam Tanzania,2016,11,10,e0164376,Mbwambo Can social protection improve sustainable development goals for adolescent health?,2016,11,10,e0164808,Sherr Static posturography and falls according to pyramidal sensory and cerebellar functional systems in people with multiple sclerosis,2016,11,10,e0164467,Kalron A qualitative analysis of disclosure patterns among women with sexual violence-related pregnancies in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,2016,11,10,e0164631,VanRooyen Psychological distress following injury in a large cohort of Thai adults,2016,11,10,e0164767,Sleigh Exercise-induced fatigue and caffeine supplementation affect psychomotor performance but not covert visuo-spatial attention,2016,11,10,e0165318,Kuhn An optimal schedule for urban road network repair based on the greedy algorithm,2016,11,10,e0164780,Lu A novel method for verifying war mortality while estimating Iraqi deaths for the Iran-Iraq War through Operation Desert Storm (1980-1993),2016,11,10,e0164709,Lafta Statistical evidence suggests that inattention drives hyperactivity/impulsivity in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder,2016,11,10,e0165120,Buitelaar The economic burden of road traffic injuries on households in South Asia,2016,11,10,e0164362,Mahal Maltreatment and mental health outcomes among ultra-poor children in Burkina Faso: a latent class analysis,2016,11,10,e0164790,Ismayilova Doing it your way: how individual movement styles affect action prediction,2016,11,10,e0165297,Cavallo A complex network theory approach for the spatial distribution of fire breaks in heterogeneous forest landscapes for the control of wildland fires,2016,11,10,e0163226,Russo Hospital staff shortage after the 2011 triple disaster in Fukushima Japan-an earthquake tsunamis and nuclear power plant accident: a case of the Soso District,2016,11,10,e0164952,Tsubokura Population differences in postural response strategy associated with exposure to a novel continuous perturbation stimuli: would dancers have better balance on a boat?,2016,11,11,e0165735,Byrne Carcass persistence and detectability: reducing the uncertainty surrounding wildlife-vehicle collision surveys,2016,11,11,e0165608,Santos Civility vs. Incivility in online social interactions: an evolutionary approach,2016,11,11,e0164286,Antoci Light effects on behavioural performance depend on the individual state of vigilance,2016,11,11,e0164945,Correa Identifying predictors and prevalence of alcohol consumption among university students: nine years of follow-up,2016,11,11,e0165514,Caamaño-Isorna The impacts of using smartphone dating applications on sexual risk behaviours in college students in Hong Kong,2016,11,11,e0165394,Wong Recreational use of the countryside: no evidence that high nature value enhances a key ecosystem service,2016,11,11,e0165043,Hornigold Neurofunctional abnormalities during sustained attention in severe childhood abuse,2016,11,11,e0165547,Rubia Owned and unowned dog population estimation dog management and dog bites to inform rabies prevention and response on Lombok Island Indonesia,2015,10,5,e0124092,Ward Dog bite prevention: effect of a short educational intervention for preschool children,2015,10,8,e0134319,Lakestani Registrations of assistance dogs in California for identification tags: 1999-2012,2015,10,8,e0132820,Hart Describing the relationship between cat bites and human depression using data from an electronic health record,2013,8,8,e70585,Seyfried Traffic games: modeling freeway traffic with game theory,2016,11,11,e0165381,Gershenson Reappraisal and distraction emotion regulation strategies are associated with distinct patterns of visual attention and differing levels of cognitive demand,2016,11,11,e0162290,Strauss Experimentally assessed reactive aggression in borderline personality disorder,2016,11,11,e0166737,Habel To fear is to gain? The role of fear recognition in risky decision making in TBI patients and healthy controls,2016,11,11,e0166995,van der Naalt How effective is road mitigation at reducing road-kill? A meta-analysis,2016,11,11,e0166941,Rytwinski Problematic peer functioning in girls with ADHD: a systematic literature review,2016,11,11,e0165119,Tucha Binge drinking in young university students is associated with alterations in executive functions related to their starting age,2016,11,11,e0166834,Salas-Gomez Statistical models for tornado climatology: long and short-term views,2016,11,11,e0166895,Elsner Study on failure of third-party damage for urban gas pipeline based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,2016,11,11,e0166472,Li Using proxy records to document Gulf of Mexico tropical cyclones from 1820-1915,2016,11,11,e0167482,Trepanier Risk factors for motor vehicle collisions in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma: a multicenter prospective cohort study,2016,11,11,e0166943,Yuki Suicide among young people and adults in Ireland: method characteristics toxicological analysis and substance abuse histories compared,2016,11,11,e0166881,McAuliffe The spatial properties of radical environmental organizations in the UK: Do or Die!,2016,11,11,e0166609,Almquist The decrease in traumatic brain injury epidemics deriving from road traffic collision following strengthened legislative measures in France,2016,11,11,e0167082,Chiron Attitudes towards intimate partner violence against women among women and men in 39 low- and middle-income countries,2016,11,11,e0167438,Fisher Posttraumatic stress among not-exposed traumatically bereaved relatives after the MS Estonia Disaster,2016,11,11,e0166441,Sveen Exploration of a polygenic risk score for alcohol consumption: a longitudinal analysis from the ALSPAC cohort,2016,11,11,e0167360,Zuccolo Features of the asynchronous correlation between the China coal price index and coal mining accidental deaths,2016,11,11,e0167198,Huang Utility of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) in predicting mental health service costs for patients with common mental health problems: historical cohort study,2016,11,11,e0167103,Baldwin Sleep apnea sleep debt and daytime sleepiness are independently associated with road accidents. A cross-sectional study on truck drivers,2016,11,11,e0166262,Garbarino Correction: Predicting response trajectories during cognitive-behavioural therapy for panic disorder: no association with the BDNF gene or childhood maltreatment,2016,11,12,e0167833,Arias Changes in galanin systems in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),2016,11,12,e0167569,Zhang Measuring psychobiosocial states in sport: initial validation of a trait measure,2016,11,12,e0167448,Bortoli A non linear scoring approach for evaluating balance: classification of elderly as fallers and non-fallers,2016,11,12,e0167456,Audiffren Modeling and simulating passenger behavior for a station closure in a rail transit network,2016,11,12,e0167126,Wu Analysis of a smartphone-based architecture with multiple mobility sensors for fall detection,2016,11,12,e0168069,Casilari Efficient avoidance of the penalty zone in human eye movements,2016,11,12,e0167956,Theeuwes "A more equitable society": the politics of global fairness in paralympic sport,2016,11,12,e0167481,Derman Expanding bicycle-sharing systems: lessons learnt from an analysis of usage,2016,11,12,e0168604,Zhang A scoping review of intimate partner violence screening programs for health care professionals,2016,11,12,e0168502,Bhandari Using optimal control to disambiguate the effect of depression on sensorimotor motivational and goal-setting functions,2016,11,12,e0167960,Huang Experiencing lifetime domestic violence: associations with mental health and stress among pregnant women in rural Bangladesh: the MINIMat Randomized Trial,2016,11,12,e0168103,Naved Unintentional injuries among psychiatric outpatients with major depressive disorder,2016,11,12,e0168202,Liu Autonomous vehicles: disengagements accidents and reaction times,2016,11,12,e0168054,Dixit Public parks and wellbeing in urban areas of the United States,2016,11,4,e0153211,Jennings Literary fiction influences attitudes toward animal welfare,2016,11,12,e0168695,Małecki Action video game playing is reflected in enhanced visuomotor performance and increased corticospinal excitability,2016,11,12,e0169013,West The anatomy of American football: evidence from 7 years of NFL game data,2016,11,12,e0168716,Pelechrinis Association of functional impairments and co-morbid conditions with driving performance among cognitively normal older adults,2016,11,12,e0167751,Carr Benchmarking prehospital and emergency department care for Argentine children with traumatic brain injury: for the South American Guideline Adherence Group,2016,11,12,e0166478,Vavilala Predicting suicide risk in trauma exposed veterans: the role of health promoting behaviors,2016,11,12,e0167464,Gulliver Manual wheelchair skills training for community-dwelling veterans with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled trial,2016,11,12,e0168330,Kirby Terrorism radicalisation extremism authoritarianism and fundamentalism: a systematic review of the quality and psychometric properties of assessments,2016,11,12,e0166947,Furtado Symptoms associated with vestibular impairment in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder,2016,11,12,e0168803,Chandler Suicide risk and the economic crisis: an exploratory analysis of the case of Milan,2016,11,12,e0166244,Merzagora Targeted sequencing of FKBP5 in suicide attempters with bipolar disorder,2016,11,12,e0169158,Zandi Effects of intracranial pressure monitoring on mortality in patients with severe traumatic brain injury: a meta-analysis,2016,11,12,e0168901,Zhou Rare CNVs in suicide attempt include schizophrenia-associated loci and neurodevelopmental genes: a pilot genome-wide and family-based study,2016,11,12,e0168531,Wasserman Understanding misclassification between neonatal deaths and stillbirths: empirical evidence from Malawi,2016,11,12,e0168743,Black Neuroanatomical abnormalities in violent individuals with and without a diagnosis of schizophrenia,2016,11,12,e0168100,Czobor Multidisciplinary identification of the controversial freedom fighter Jörg Jenatsch assassinated 1639 in Chur Switzerland,2016,11,12,e0168014,Walsh Characteristics of physician outflow from disaster areas following the Great East Japan Earthquake,2017,12,1,e0169220,Kashima Stiffness effects in rocker-soled shoes: biomechanical implications,2017,12,1,e0169151,Lin The value of a checklist for child abuse in out-of-hours primary care: to screen or not to screen,2017,12,1,e0165641,van Stel Real time quantification of dangerousity in football using spatiotemporal tracking data [soccer],2016,11,12,e0168768,Link Longitudinal mediation modeling of unhealthy behaviors as mediators between workplace demands/support and depressive symptoms,2016,11,12,e0169276,Westerlund Comparing different suicide prevention measures at bridges and buildings: lessons we have learned from a national survey in Switzerland,2017,12,1,e0169625,Reisch The older adult positivity effect in evaluations of trustworthiness: emotion regulation or cognitive capacity?,2017,12,1,e0169823,Hadjikhani Nocturia is associated with slipping and falling,2017,12,1,e0169690,Kim Where's your phone? A survey of where women aged 15-40 carry their smartphone and related risk perception: a survey and pilot study,2017,12,1,e0167996,Redmayne Further development of the Assessment of Military Multitasking Performance: iterative reliability testing,2017,12,1,e0169104,Scherer A model for the stop planning and timetables of customized buses,2017,12,1,e0168762,Wang Head injury as a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 32 observational studies,2017,12,1,e0169650,Zhao Up down near far: an online vestibular contribution to distance judgement,2017,12,1,e0169990,Haggard When a step is not a step! Specificity analysis of five physical activity monitors,2017,12,1,e0169616,Olaighin Obesity may not induce dynamic stability disadvantage during overground walking among young adults,2017,12,1,e0169766,Yang Task-difficulty homeostasis in car following models: experimental validation using self-paced visual occlusion,2017,12,1,e0169704,Summala Anxiety and depression in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury: a nationwide population-based cohort study,2017,12,1,e0169623,Kuo Predicting reoffending using the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY): a 5-year follow-up study of male juvenile offenders in Hunan Province China,2017,12,1,e0169251,Chen Epidemiology of injury-related death in children under 5 years of age in Hunan Province China 2009-2014,2017,12,1,e0168524,Lili Dizziness and falls in obese inpatients undergoing metabolic rehabilitation,2017,12,1,e0169322,Cimolin Executive functioning in men with schizophrenia and substance use disorders. Influence of lifetime suicide attempts,2017,12,1,e0169943,Prat Walking on a vertically oscillating treadmill: phase synchronization and gait kinematics,2017,12,1,e0169924,Milton Assessing the mental health impact of the 2011 Great Japan Earthquake tsunami and radiation disaster on elementary and middle school children in the Fukushima Prefecture of Japan,2017,12,1,e0170402,Lieber Increased anterior pelvic angle characterizes the gait of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2017,12,1,e0170096,Tomoda Driving with intuition: a preregistered study about the EEG anticipation of simulated random car accidents,2017,12,1,e0170370,Martinelli Walking through apertures in individuals with stroke,2017,12,1,e0170119,Higuchi Effects of socioeconomic status and social support on violence against pregnant women: a structural equation modeling analysis,2017,12,1,e0170469,Schraiber Factors moderating the relationship between childhood trauma and premorbid adjustment in first-episode schizophrenia,2017,12,1,e0170178,Emsley Combining social norms and social marketing to address underage drinking: development and process evaluation of a whole-of-community intervention,2017,12,1,e0169872,Jones Cohort randomised controlled trial of a multifaceted podiatry intervention for the prevention of falls in older people (the REFORM Trial),2017,12,1,e0168712,Lamb Altered microstructural caudate integrity in posttraumatic stress disorder but not traumatic brain injury,2017,12,1,e0170564,Adamson Analysis of alcohol industry submissions against marketing regulation,2017,12,1,e0170366,Kypri Identification of skin electrical injury using infrared imaging: a possible complementary tool for histological examination,2017,12,1,e0170844,Wang A qualitative study of the context of child and adolescent substance use initiation and patterns of use in the first year for early and later initiators,2017,12,1,e0170794,Kingston Measuring Road Network Vulnerability with Sensitivity Analysis,2017,12,1,e0170292,Zhao Adolescent admissions to emergency departments for self-injurious thoughts and behaviors,2017,12,1,e0170979,Ronfani Accumulation of inertial sensory information in the perception of whole body yaw rotation,2017,12,1,e0170497,Bülthoff Graph analysis of functional brain networks in patients with mild traumatic brain injury,2017,12,1,e0171031,van der Naalt Correction: Applying personal genetic data to injury risk assessment in athletes,2017,12,1,e0171397,Goodlin Hip hop dance experience linked to sociocognitive ability,2017,12,2,e0169947,Bonny Compliant flooring to prevent fall-related injuries in older adults: a scoping review of biomechanical efficacy clinical effectiveness cost-effectiveness and workplace safety,2017,12,2,e0171652,Mackey Automatic ICD-10 multi-class classification of cause of death from plaintext autopsy reports through expert-driven feature selection,2017,12,2,e0170242,Mujtaba Increased risk for age-related impairment in visual attention associated with mild traumatic brain injury: Evidence from saccadic response times,2017,12,2,e0171752,Ettenhofer Recent trends in the U.S. Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (BSSR) workforce,2017,12,2,e0170887,Ghaffarzadegan Does order matter? Investigating the effect of sequence on glance duration during on-road driving,2017,12,2,e0171730,Reimer Characteristics of cyclist crashes in Italy using latent class analysis and association rule mining,2017,12,2,e0171484,Prati Human mobility in large cities as a proxy for crime,2017,12,2,e0171609,Andrade Caregiver-related predictors of thermal burn injuries among Iranian children: a case-control study,2017,12,2,e0170982,Mohammadi A hierarchical estimator development for estimation of tire-road friction coefficient,2017,12,2,e0171085,Zhang Long-term psychological outcomes of flood survivors of hard-hit areas of the 1998 Dongting Lake flood in China: prevalence and risk factors,2017,12,2,e0171557,Tan Suicide risk in a representative sample of people receiving HIV care: time to target most-at-risk populations (ANRS VESPA2 French national survey),2017,12,2,e0171645,Carrieri Helicopter emergency medical services in major incident management: a national Norwegian cross-sectional survey,2017,12,2,e0171436,Rehn Preliminary study on alterations of altitude road traffic in China from 2006 to 2013,2017,12,2,e0171090,Zhao Distinct eye movement patterns enhance dynamic visual acuity,2017,12,2,e0172061,Spering Estimation of years lived with disability due to noncommunicable diseases and injuries using a population-representative survey,2017,12,2,e0172001,Park Moderate injury in motor-sensory cortex causes behavioral deficits accompanied by electrophysiological changes in mice adulthood,2017,12,2,e0171976,Zhang Long-term renal outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury: A nationwide population-based cohort study,2017,12,2,e0171999,Wu An empirical examination of the factor structure of compassion,2017,12,2,e0172471,Cavanagh Barriers and enablers to the implementation of the 6-PACK falls prevention program: a pre-implementation study in hospitals participating in a cluster randomised controlled trial,2017,12,2,e0171932,Hill Factor contribution to fire occurrence size and burn probability in a subtropical coniferous forest in East China,2017,12,2,e0172110,Ye The contribution of gender-based violence and network trauma to gender differences in post-traumatic stress disorder,2017,12,2,e0171879,Teesson Restoring and managing low-severity fire in dry-forest landscapes of the western USA,2017,12,2,e0172288,Baker Temperament in infancy and behavioral and emotional problems at age 5.5: the EDEN mother-child cohort,2017,12,2,e0171971,Melchior Acceptability of the 6-PACK falls prevention program: a pre-implementation study in hospitals participating in a cluster randomized controlled trial,2017,12,2,e0172005,Hill Elderly fall risk prediction using static posturography,2017,12,2,e0172398,McIlroy Limits of use of social media for monitoring biosecurity events,2017,12,2,e0172457,Cameron A reconfiguration of the sex trade: how social and structural changes in eastern Zimbabwe left women involved in sex work and transactional sex more vulnerable,2017,12,2,e0171916,Gregson Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and its association with preterm birth and low birth weight in Tanzania: a prospective cohort study,2017,12,2,e0172540,Meyrowitsch Association of maternal age with child health: a Japanese longitudinal study,2017,12,2,e0172544,Kawachi Complementary mechanisms for upright balance during walking,2017,12,2,e0172215,Jeka Epidemiology of pediatric surgical needs in low-income countries,2017,12,3,e0170968,Tran Facilitation or disengagement? Attention bias in facial affect processing after short-term violent video game exposure,2017,12,3,e0172940,Yao Recruitment and retention of young adult veteran drinkers using Facebook,2017,12,3,e0172972,Marshall Prevalence risk factors and health outcomes associated with polypharmacy among urban community-dwelling older adults in multi-ethnic Malaysia,2017,12,3,e0173466,Kamarulzaman The perceptual saliency of fearful eyes and smiles: a signal detection study,2017,12,3,e0173199,Rotshtein Suicide prevention through means restriction: impact of the 2008-2011 pesticide restrictions on suicide in Sri Lanka,2017,12,3,e0172893,Dawson Interactions of adolescent social experiences and dopamine genes to predict physical intimate partner violence perpetration,2017,12,3,e0172840,Peek-Asa Real-time traffic sign recognition based on a general purpose GPU and deep-learning,2017,12,3,e0173317,Byun Predictors of and reasons for attempts to reduce alcohol intake: a population survey of adults in England,2017,12,3,e0173458,Kaner The relevance of moral norms in distinct relational contexts: purity versus harm norms regulate self-directed actions,2017,12,3,e0173405,Young Before the bombing: high burden of traumatic injuries in Kunduz Trauma Center Kunduz Afghanistan,2017,12,3,e0165270,Van Overloop Interaction between the oculomotor and postural systems during a dual-task: compensatory reductions in head sway following visually-induced postural perturbations promote the production of accurate double-step saccades in standing human adults,2017,12,3,e0173678,Faubert The effects of menstrual cycle phase on physical performance in female soccer players,2017,12,3,e0173951,Meyer Predictors of suicide in the patient population admitted to a locked-door psychiatric acute ward,2017,12,3,e0173958,Fosse Ethical problems in an era where disasters have become a part of daily life: a qualitative study of healthcare workers in Turkey,2017,12,3,e0174162,Pala Spatio-temporal patterns of gun violence in Syracuse New York 2009-2015,2017,12,3,e0173001,Lane Automatic ICD-10 coding algorithm using an improved longest common subsequence based on semantic similarity,2017,12,3,e0173410,Chen Identifying predictive motor factors for falls in post-menopausal breast cancer survivors,2017,12,3,e0173970,Zak Emergency department outpatient treatment of alcohol-intoxicated bicyclists increases the cost of medical care in Japan,2017,12,3,e0174408,Takahashi Identifying fallers among ophthalmic patients using classification tree methodology,2017,12,3,e0174083,Melillo Evaluating implementation of a fire-prevention injury prevention briefing in children's centres: cluster randomised controlled trial,2017,12,3,e0172584,Kendrick Signs of current suicidality in men: a systematic review,2017,12,3,e0174675,Wilson Sports-related sudden cardiac deaths in the young population of Switzerland,2017,12,3,e0174434,Bolliger Violent relationships at the social-ecological level: a multi-mediation model to predict adolescent victimization by peers bullying and depression in early and late adolescence,2017,12,3,e0174139,Amutio The association between sleep duration and physical performance in Chinese community-dwelling elderly,2017,12,3,e0174832,Zhang Intimate partner violence in the post-war context: women's experiences and community leaders' perceptions in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka,2017,12,3,e0174801,Ford-Gilboe Epidemiology of alcohol dependence in UK primary care: results from a large observational study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink,2017,12,3,e0174818,Thompson Numerical analysis of the slipstream development around a high-speed train in a double-track tunnel,2017,12,3,e0175044,Li Disclosure bias for group versus individual reporting of violence amongst conflict-affected adolescent girls in DRC and Ethiopia,2017,12,4,e0174741,Stark Maternal PTSD following exposure to the Wenchuan earthquake is associated with impaired mental development of children,2017,12,4,e0168747,Li Reduced left precentral regional responses in patients with major depressive disorder and history of suicide attempts,2017,12,4,e0175249,Shirakawa The prevalence of and factors associated with high-risk alcohol consumption in Korean adults: the 2009-2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,2017,12,4,e0175299,Hong Poor sleep quality and suicide attempt among adults with internet addiction: a nationwide community sample of Korea,2017,12,4,e0174619,Fava Radar detection of pedestrian-induced vibrations on Michelangelo's David,2017,12,4,e0174480,Forcellini Driver behavior profiling: an investigation with different smartphone sensors and machine learning,2017,12,4,e0174959,Pessin Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) and chronic cognitive impairment: a scoping review,2017,12,4,e0174847,Westwood Determinants of aggressive behavior: interactive effects of emotional regulation and inhibitory control,2017,12,4,e0175651,Hsieh The sense of balance in humans: structural features of otoconia and their response to linear acceleration,2017,12,4,e0175769,Kniep Simulated blast overpressure induces specific astrocyte injury in an ex vivo brain slice model,2017,12,4,e0175396,Canchi Media effects on suicide methods: a case study on Hong Kong 1998-2005,2017,12,4,e0175580,Yip Effects of physical education extracurricular sports activities and leisure satisfaction on adolescent aggressive behavior: a latent growth modeling approach,2017,12,4,e0174674,Park Oculomotor vestibular and reaction time tests in mild traumatic brain injury,2016,11,9,e0162168,Hoffer Modeling adaptive reversible lanes: a cellular automata approach,2021,16,1,e0244326,Gershenson Predictors of falls and mortality among elderly adults with traumatic brain injury: a nationwide population-based study,2017,12,4,e0175868,Cusimano Study of deaths by suicide of homosexual prisoners in Nazi Sachsenhausen concentration camp,2017,12,4,e0176007,Ley Does ethnicity matter in risk and protective factors for suicide attempts and suicide lethality?,2017,12,4,e0175752,Harris An empirically grounded agent based model for modeling directs conflict detection and resolution operations in air traffic management,2017,12,4,e0175036,Miccichè Childhood socioeconomic status and childhood maltreatment: distinct associations with brain structure,2017,12,4,e0175690,Farah Study on lockage safety of LNG-fueled ships based on FSA,2017,12,4,e0174448,Su Correction: Suicide prevention through means restriction: impact of the 2008-2011 pesticide restrictions on suicide in Sri Lanka,2017,12,4,e0176750,Dawson Six autoantibodies associated with autoimmune encephalitis are not detectable in the cerebrospinal fluid of suicide attempters,2017,12,4,e0176358,Westrin Are sex differences in fundamental motor skills uniform throughout the entire preschool period?,2017,12,4,e0176556,Kokštejn Better than counting seconds: identifying fallers among healthy elderly using fusion of accelerometer features and dual-task timed up and go,2017,12,4,e0175559,Ponti Individuals with severely impaired vision can learn useful orientation and mobility skills in virtual streets and can use them to improve real street safety,2017,12,4,e0176534,Liu Motivation factors for suicidal behavior and their clinical relevance in admitted psychiatric patients,2017,12,4,e0176565,Kumagai Google Earth elevation data extraction and accuracy assessment for transportation applications,2017,12,4,e0175756,Park Inventory-transportation integrated optimization for maintenance spare parts of high-speed trains,2017,12,5,e0176961,Li Using temporal detrending to observe the spatial correlation of traffic,2017,12,5,e0176853,Levinson Circumstances of fall-related injuries by age and gender among community-dwelling adults in the United States,2017,12,5,e0176561,Courtney Intimate partner violence around the time of pregnancy and postpartum depression: the experience of women of Bangladesh,2017,12,5,e0176211,Baird A concept for optimizing avalanche rescue strategies using a Monte Carlo simulation approach,2017,12,5,e0175877,Paal Modified 30-second Sit to Stand test predicts falls in a cohort of institutionalized older veterans,2017,12,5,e0176946,Chassé Unpacking the buffering effect of social support figures: social support attenuates fear acquisition,2017,12,5,e0175891,Eisenberger Perceptions of football players regarding injury risk factors and prevention strategies,2017,12,5,e0176829,Zech Neutralizing misinformation through inoculation: exposing misleading argumentation techniques reduces their influence,2017,12,5,e0175799,Ecker A two-question tool to assess the risk of repeated falls in the elderly,2017,12,5,e0176703,Yuste Experiences of severe childhood maltreatment depression anxiety and alcohol abuse among adults in Finland,2017,12,5,e0177252,Santtila Academic outcomes in high-school students after a concussion: a retrospective population-based analysis,2016,11,10,e0165116,Russell Abuse and diversion of immediate release opioid analgesics as compared to extended release formulations in the United States,2016,11,12,e0167499,Dart High-dose opioid prescribing and opioid-related hospitalization: a population-based study,2016,11,12,e0167479,Juurlink The role of attention in human motor resonance,2017,12,5,e0177457,Leonetti The worst case scenario: locomotor and collision demands of the longest periods of gameplay in professional rugby union,2017,12,5,e0177072,Delahunt Gender differences in the transmission of risk for antisocial behavior problems across generations,2017,12,5,e0177288,Zucker When do traumatic experiences alter risk-taking behavior? A machine learning analysis of reports from refugees,2017,12,5,e0177617,Elbert "Passive victim - strong survivor"? Perceived meaning of labels applied to women who were raped,2017,12,5,e0177550,Bohner Mapping the emotional face. How individual face parts contribute to successful emotion recognition,2017,12,5,e0177239,Kissler A real-time traffic control method for the intersection with pre-signals under the phase swap sorting strategy,2017,12,5,e0177637,Wang Heat in the southeastern united states: characteristics trends and potential health impact,2017,12,5,e0177937,Rothenberg Pain in methadone patients: time to address undertreatment and suicide risk (ANRS-Methaville trial),2017,12,5,e0176288,Roux Prediction of crime occurrence from multi-modal data using deep learning,2017,12,4,e0176244,Kang Identifying a combined construct of grief and explosive anger as a response to injustice amongst survivors of mass conflict: a latent class analysis of data from Timor-Leste,2017,12,4,e0175019,Rees The face of war: trauma analysis of a mass grave from the Battle of Lützen (1632),2017,12,5,e0178252,Ramsthaler Factors influencing interest in recreational sports participation and its rural-urban disparity,2017,12,5,e0178052,Lyu Attitudes of older people with mild dementia and mild cognitive impairment and their relatives about falls risk and prevention: A qualitative study,2017,12,5,e0177530,Logan Traders guns and money: the effects of mass shootings on stock prices of firearm manufacturers in the U.S,2017,12,5,e0177720,Greenwood Educating early childhood care and education providers to improve knowledge and attitudes about reporting child maltreatment: a randomized controlled trial,2017,12,5,e0177777,Levi Gait asymmetry ankle spasticity and depression as independent predictors of falls in ambulatory stroke patients,2017,12,5,e0177136,Wei Seasonal and individual variation in the use of rail-associated food attractants by grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in a national park,2017,12,5,e0175658,Hopkins Adults with autism spectrum conditions experience increased levels of anomalous perception,2017,12,5,e0177804,Smith Universal principles in the repair of communication problems,2015,10,9,e0136100,Dingemanse Assessment of psychological pain in suicidal veterans,2017,12,5,e0177974,Mee A blood-based biomarker panel to risk-stratify mild traumatic brain injury,2017,12,3,e0173798,Laskowitz Mental ill health in structural pathways to women's experiences of intimate partner violence,2017,12,4,e0175240,Jewkes Prevalence of non-contact and contact childhood sexual abuse: an internet-based sample of men who have sex with men in China,2017,12,4,e0175444,Zheng The evolution of cost-efficiency in neural networks during recovery from traumatic brain injury,2017,12,4,e0170541,Hillary Consolation in the aftermath of robberies resembles post-aggression consolation in chimpanzees,2017,12,5,e0177725,Bernasco Beyond causes of death: the social determinants of mortality among children aged 1-59 months in Nigeria from 2009 to 2013,2017,12,5,e0177025,Black Perspectives of older people about contingency planning for falls in the community: a qualitative meta-synthesis,2017,12,5,e0177510,Kumar Retention and sustainability of community-based health volunteers' activities: a qualitative study in rural Northern Ghana,2017,12,3,e0174002,Akweongo New evidence about the "dark side" of social cohesion in promoting binge drinking among adolescents,2017,12,6,e0178652,Kawachi Gait characteristics under different walking conditions: association with the presence of cognitive impairment in community-dwelling older people,2017,12,6,e0178566,Beauchet Parental alcohol use and risk of behavioral and emotional problems in offspring,2017,12,6,e0178862,Heron Male suicide rates in German prisons and the role of citizenship,2017,12,6,e0178959,Freitag Natural disasters and indicators of social cohesion,2017,12,6,e0176885,Calo-Blanco The weapons identification task: recommendations for adequately powered research,2017,12,6,e0177857,Rivers Collective phenomena in crowds--where pedestrian dynamics need social psychology,2017,12,6,e0177328,Seyfried Superior inhibitory control and resistance to mental fatigue in professional road cyclists,2016,11,7,e0159907,Martin Associations of low-intensity light physical activity with physical performance in community-dwelling elderly Japanese: a cross-sectional study,2017,12,6,e0178654,Oka A comparative analysis of suicide attempts in left-behind children and non-left-behind children in rural China,2017,12,6,e0178743,Yu Land cover more than monthly fire weather drives fire-size distribution in Southern Québec forests: implications for fire risk management,2017,12,6,e0179294,Marchal Workplace violence against medical staff of Chinese children's hospitals: a cross-sectional study,2017,12,6,e0179373,Sun Adult active transport in the Netherlands: an analysis of its contribution to physical activity requirements,2015,10,4,UNSP e0121871,Fishman Density destinations or both? A comparison of measures of walkability in relation to transportation behaviors obesity and diabetes in Toronto Canada,2014,9,1,e85295,Glazier Between simplicity and accuracy: effect of adding modeling details on quarter vehicle model accuracy,2017,12,6,e0179485,Saifizul Spatial distribution of child pedestrian injuries along census tract boundaries: implications for identifying area-based correlates,2017,12,6,e0179331,Curtis Childhood adversities and distress - the role of resilience in a representative sample,2017,12,3,e0173826,Brahler Vascular geometry as a risk factor for non-penetrating traumatic injuries of the aortic arch,2017,12,6,e0180066,Schreyer Grief interventions for people bereaved by suicide: a systematic review,2017,12,6,e0179496,Kersting Correction: Experiences of severe childhood maltreatment depression anxiety and alcohol abuse among adults in Finland,2017,12,6,e0180316, Association between suicide-related ideations and affective temperaments in the Japanese general adult population,2017,12,6,e0179952,Inoue Required coefficient of friction in the anteroposterior and mediolateral direction during turning at different walking speeds,2017,12,6,e0179817,Yamaguchi BackUp: development and evaluation of a smart-phone application for coping with suicidal crises,2017,12,6,e0178144,Portzky Tire-road friction estimation and traction control strategy for motorized electric vehicle,2017,12,6,e0179526,Jin Microstructural integrity of white matter tracts amongst older fallers: a DTI study,2017,12,6,e0179895,Tan The association between levels of alcohol consumption and mental health problems and academic performance among young university students,2017,12,6,e0178142,Burns The internal structure of foster-parent completed SDQ for school-aged children,2017,12,6,e0176625,Bøe The impact of mobile phone use on where we look and how we walk when negotiating floor based obstacles,2017,12,6,e0179802,Timmis Relationship between bone mineral density and alcohol intake: a nationwide health survey analysis of postmenopausal women,2017,12,6,e0180132,Jang Alternation between different types of evidence attenuates judgments of severity,2017,12,7,e0180585,Todd Answering the missed call: initial exploration of cognitive and electrophysiological changes associated with smartphone use and abuse,2017,12,7,e0180094,Zangen Father absence and gendered traits in sons and daughters,2017,12,7,e0179954,Cross Validation of accuracy of SVM-based fall detection system using real-world fall and non-fall datasets,2017,12,7,e0180318,Becker Association between elder abuse and poor sleep: a cross-sectional study among rural older Malaysians,2017,12,7,e0180222,Choo The effectiveness of celebrities in conservation marketing,2017,12,7,e0180027,Duthie Demographics as predictors of suicidal thoughts and behaviors: a meta-analysis,2017,12,7,e0180793,Ribeiro The pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic review with network meta-analyses of randomised trials,2017,12,7,e0180355,Moher A preliminary evaluation of the training effects of a didactic and simulation-based psychological first aid program in students and school counselors in South Korea,2017,12,7,e0181271,You A microscopic simulation model for pedestrian-pedestrian and pedestrian-vehicle interactions at crosswalks,2017,12,7,e0180992,Chen Trends in the incidence and outcomes of bicycle-related injury in the emergency department: a nationwide population-based study in South Korea 2012-2014,2017,12,7,e0181362,Kim Effectiveness of rapid rail transit system in Beijing,2017,12,7,e0180075,Liu Unintentional and self-poisoning mortalities in Mexico 2000-2012,2017,12,7,e0181708,González-Santiago Prevalence and factors associated with recent intimate partner violence and relationships between disability and depression in post-partum women in one clinic in eThekwini Municipality South Africa,2017,12,7,e0181236,Tomlinson Instruments for the assessment of suicide risk: a systematic review evaluating the certainty of the evidence,2017,12,7,e0180292,Waern A novel surveillance approach for disaster mental health,2017,12,7,e0181233,Galea Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other mental disorders in the general population after Lorca's earthquakes 2011 (Murcia Spain): a cross-sectional study,2017,12,7,e0179690,Koenen Key findings from a prospective trauma registry at a regional hospital in Southwest Cameroon,2017,12,7,e0180784,Dicker Falls non-accidental falls and syncope in community-dwelling adults aged 50 years and older: implications for cardiovascular assessment,2017,12,7,e0180997,King-Kallimanis Endocrine and aggressive responses to competition are moderated by contest outcome gender individual versus team competition and implicit motives,2017,12,7,e0181610,Schultheiss Mind wandering during attention performance: effects of ADHD-inattention symptomatology negative mood ruminative response style and working memory capacity,2017,12,7,e0181213,Jonkman Leveraging Twitter to gauge evacuation compliance: spatiotemporal analysis of Hurricane Matthew,2017,12,7,e0181701,Cutter Older adults must hurry at pedestrian lights! A cross-sectional analysis of preferred and fast walking speed under single- and dual-task conditions,2017,12,7,e0182180,de Bruin Maternal PTSD and corresponding neural activity mediate effects of child exposure to violence on child PTSD symptoms,2017,12,8,e0181066,Schechter Depression anxiety and smartphone addiction in university students- a cross sectional study,2017,12,8,e0182239,Jaalouk The association between car accident fatalities and children's fears: a study in seven EU countries,2017,12,8,e0181619,Carta Will higher traffic flow lead to more traffic conflicts? A crash surrogate metric based analysis,2017,12,8,e0182458,Qu A novel method of fuzzy fault tree analysis combined with VB program to identify and assess the risk of coal dust explosions,2017,12,8,e0182453,Li Effects of implementing the act of prohibition on sex trafficking on female sex workers' sexually transmitted infections,2017,12,8,e0182465,Jung Association of psychotropic drug use with falls among older adults in Germany. Results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults 2008-2011 (DEGS1),2017,12,8,e0182432,Du Cooperative vehicles for robust traffic congestion reduction: an analysis based on algorithmic environmental and agent behavioral factors,2017,12,8,e0182621,Desai Early life predictors of adolescent suicidal thoughts and adverse outcomes in two population-based cohort studies,2017,12,8,e0183182,Colman An experimental study on the thermal characteristics and heating effect of arc-fault from Cu core in residential electrical wiring fires,2017,12,8,e0182811,Zeng The world's user-generated road map is more than 80% complete [Corrected],2017,12,8,e0180698,Millard-Ball Health behaviors and union dissolution among parents of young children: differences by marital status,2017,12,8,e0182628,Percheski Elderly road collision injury outcomes associated with seat positions and seatbelt use in a rapidly aging society: a case study in South Korea,2017,12,8,e0183043,Yoon The impact of the Orlando mass shooting on fear of victimization and gun-purchasing intentions: not what one might expect,2017,12,8,e0182408,Kruglanski The relative age effect reversal among the National Hockey League elite,2017,12,8,e0182827,Fumarco Characterizing the influence of transportation infrastructure on emergency medical services in urban area-a case study of Seoul South Korea,2017,12,8,e0183241,You Low validity of Google Trends for behavioral forecasting of national suicide rates,2017,12,8,e0183149,Voracek A systematic review of the relationship between internet use self-harm and suicidal behaviour in young people: The good the bad and the unknown,2017,12,8,e0181722,Lloyd Disentangling the relationship between children's motor ability executive function and academic achievement,2017,12,8,e0182845,Pesce Deliberate self-harm behavior among young violent offenders,2017,12,8,e0182258,Westling Peer violence perpetration and victimization: prevalence associated factors and pathways among 1752 sixth grade boys and girls in schools in Pakistan,2017,12,8,e0180833,Jewkes Driving style recognition method using braking characteristics based on hidden Markov model,2017,12,8,e0182419,Wu A latent transition analysis of bullying and victimization in Chinese primary school students,2017,12,8,e0182802,Pan Statistical physics of balance theory,2017,12,8,e0183696,Belaza Dynamic thoracohumeral kinematics are dependent upon the etiology of the shoulder injury,2017,12,8,e0183954,Serra-Añó Aggressiveness as a latent personality trait of domestic dogs: testing local independence and measurement invariance,2017,12,8,e0183595,Goold Collective movements of pedestrians: how we can learn from simple experiments with non-human (ant) crowds,2017,12,8,e0182913,Sarvi Perception of recovery of households affected by 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: a structural equation model,2017,12,8,e0183631,Wang Economic impact and policy implications from urban shared transportation: the case of Pittsburgh's shared bike system,2017,12,8,e0184092,Pelechrinis Characteristics of the King-Devick test in the assessment of concussed patients in the subacute and later stages after injury,2017,12,8,e0183092,Cusimano Evaluating the impacts of grades on vehicular speeds on interstate highways,2017,12,9,e0184142,Wang Typhoon survivors' subjective wellbeing: a different view of responses to natural disaster,2017,12,9,e0184327,Palgi Real-time surveillance of heat-related morbidity: relation to excess mortality associated with extreme heat,2017,12,9,e0184364,Matte Risk factors of mobile phone use while driving in Queensland: prevalence attitudes crash risk perception and task-management strategies,2017,12,9,e0183361,Haque Feet deformities are correlated with impaired balance and postural stability in seniors over 75,2017,12,9,e0183227,Zak Interactive locomotion: Investigation and modeling of physically-paired humans while walking,2017,12,9,e0179989,Le Goff Effect of a new motorway on social-spatial patterning of road traffic accidents: a retrospective longitudinal natural experimental study,2017,12,9,e0184047,Ogilvie Causal knowledge promotes behavioral self-regulation: an example using climate change dynamics,2017,12,9,e0184480,Sewell Degradable transportation network with the addition of electric vehicles: network equilibrium analysis,2017,12,9,e0184693,Yang Plasma sterols and depressive symptom severity in a population-based cohort,2017,12,9,e0184382,Brown The impact of vehicle moving violations and freeway traffic flow on crash risk: an application of plugin development for microsimulation,2017,12,9,e0184564,Wang Intimate partner violence-related hospitalizations in Appalachia and the non-Appalachian United States,2017,12,9,e0184222,Afifi Delivery of mental health treatment to combat veterans with psychiatric diagnoses and TBI histories,2017,12,9,e0184265,Cully Diagnoses infections and injuries in Northern Syrian children during the civil war: a cross-sectional study,2017,12,9,e0182770,DeBacker Psychometric properties of the Brisbane Burn Scar Impact Profile in adults with burn scars,2017,12,9,e0184452,Kimble An experimental study of the Online Information Paradox: does en-route information improve road network performance?,2017,12,9,e0184191,Dixit Neuroinflammation myelin and behavior: temporal patterns following mild traumatic brain injury in mice,2017,12,9,e0184811,Palmier Parametric analysis of occupant ankle and tibia injuries in frontal impact,2017,12,9,e0184521,Mo Home modification to reduce falls at a health district level: modeling health gain health inequalities and health costs,2017,12,9,e0184538,Wilson "If he could speak he would be able to point out who does those things to him": Experiences of violence and access to child protection among children with disabilities in Uganda and Malawi,2017,12,9,e0183736,Kuper Characteristics of informal caregivers who provide transportation assistance to older adults,2017,12,9,e0184085,Kostyniuk Examining accident reports involving autonomous vehicles in California,2017,12,9,e0184952,Favarò Care requirements for clients who present after rape and clients who presented after consensual sex as a minor at a clinic in Harare Zimbabwe from 2011 to 2014,2017,12,9,e0184634,Van den Bergh Correction: Land cover more than monthly fire weather drives fire-size distribution in Southern Québec forests: implications for fire risk management,2017,12,9,e0185515,Marchal Identifying the factors affecting bike-sharing usage and degree of satisfaction in Ningbo China,2017,12,9,e0185100,Li Devices and tasks involved in the objective assessment of standing dynamic balancing - a systematic literature review,2017,12,9,e0185188,Petró Should I drink responsibly safely or properly? Confusing messages about reducing alcohol-related harm,2017,12,9,e0184705,Kypri Head injury patterns in helmeted and non-helmeted cyclists admitted to a London Major Trauma Centre with serious head injury,2017,12,9,e0185367,Wilson Advising caution in studying seasonal oscillations in crime rates,2017,12,9,e0185432,McCalla Effects of age on the soccer-specific cognitive-motor performance of elite young soccer players: comparison between objective measurements and coaches' evaluation,2017,12,9,e0185460,Chauvin Temporal patterns in road crossing behaviour in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) at sites with wildlife warning reflectors,2017,12,9,e0184761,Brieger Examining the social ecology of a bar-crawl: an exploratory pilot study,2017,12,9,e0185238,Clapp Does inhalation injury predict mortality in burns patients or require redefinition?,2017,12,9,e0185195,Chun Evolution of vulnerability of communities facing repeated hazards,2017,12,9,e0182719,Guikema Adverse drug reactions reported to the drug and poison information center of Tehran Iran,2017,12,9,e0185450,Gholami Femicide in Turkey between 2000 and 2010,2017,12,8,e0182409,Ersoy Significance of chronic toxoplasmosis in epidemiology of road traffic accidents in Russian Federation,2017,12,9,e0184930,Stepanova Pacopampa: early evidence of violence at a ceremonial site in the northern Peruvian highlands,2017,12,9,e0185421,Nagaoka The burden of alcohol-related morbidity and mortality in Ottawa Canada,2017,12,9,e0185457,Marko Automatic crack detection method for loaded coal in vibration failure process,2017,12,10,e0185750,Li 'Timed Up and Go' test: age gender and cognitive impairment stratified normative values of older adults,2017,12,10,e0185641,Ibrahim Impact of drought on crime in California: a synthetic control approach,2017,12,10,e0185629,Ahern Differential toxicity and venom gland gene expression in Centruroides vittatus,2017,12,10,e0184695,McElroy Children bereaved by fatal intimate partner violence: a population-based study into demographics family characteristics and homicide exposure,2017,12,10,e0183466,Alisic Rank distributions: frequency vs. magnitude,2017,12,10,e0186015,Velarde Driving simulator scenarios and measures to faithfully evaluate risky driving behavior: a comparative study of different driver age groups,2017,12,10,e0185909,Faubert Major depressive disorder and suicide risk among adult outpatients at several general hospitals in a Chinese Han population,2017,12,10,e0186143,Li Do black lives matter in public health research and training?,2017,12,10,e0185957,Ranapurwala Penile coital injuries in men decline after circumcision: results from a prospective study of recently circumcised and uncircumcised men in western Kenya,2017,12,10,e0185917,Mehta Influence of sports flooring and shoes on impact forces and performance during jump tasks,2017,12,10,e0186297,Urhausen Violence insecurity and the risk of polio: a systematic analysis,2017,12,10,e0185577,Guarino An investigation of left/right driving rules on deviations while walking,2017,12,10,e0186171,Thomas Presence of children in the home and intimate partner violence among women seeking elective pregnancy termination,2017,12,10,e0186389,Saftlas Steroid hormones and psychological responses to soccer matches: Insights from a systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,12,10,e0186100,Taylor Polymorphisms in dopaminergic system genes; association with criminal behavior and self-reported aggression in violent prison inmates from Pakistan,2017,12,6,e0173571,Mann Expertise with unfamiliar objects is flexible to changes in task but not changes in class,2017,12,6,e0178403,Searston Predictors of adverse drug reaction-related hospitalisation in Southwest Ethiopia: a prospective cross-sectional study,2017,12,10,e0186631,Angamo Risk characterization of hospitalizations for mental illness and/or behavioral disorders with concurrent heat-related illness,2017,12,10,e0186509,Gamble The acute physiological stress response to driving: a systematic review,2017,12,10,e0185517,Ding Sexual homicides in South Africa: a national cross-sectional epidemiological study of adult women and children,2017,12,10,e0186432,Lombard An investigation of perceived vehicle speed from a driver's perspective,2017,12,10,e0185347,Luo Thoracic trauma now and then: a 10 year experience from 16773 severely injured patients,2017,12,10,e0186712,Lefering The Multifeature Gait Score: an accurate way to assess gait quality,2017,12,10,e0185741,Ben Mansour Cost effectiveness analysis comparing repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to antidepressant medications after a first treatment failure for major depressive disorder in newly diagnosed patients - a lifetime analysis,2017,12,10,e0186950,Leuchter Maternal experience of intimate partner violence and low birth weight of children: a hospital-based study in Bangladesh,2017,12,10,e0187138,Ferdos Enduring impact of conflict on mental health and gender-based violence perpetration in Bougainville Papua New Guinea: A cross-sectional study,2017,12,10,e0186062,Jewkes Muscle contributions to the acceleration of the whole body centre of mass during recovery from forward loss of balance by stepping in young and older adults,2017,12,10,e0185564,Lloyd A new approach for the analysis of facial growth and age estimation: iris ratio,2017,12,7,e0180330,Franco Insomnia is associated with road accidents. Further evidence from a study on truck drivers,2017,12,10,e0187256,Garbarino Hazard proximity and risk perception of tsunamis in coastal cities: are people able to identify their risk?,2017,12,10,e0186455,Repetto A prospective neurosurgical registry evaluating the clinical care of traumatic brain injury patients presenting to Mulago National Referral Hospital in Uganda,2017,12,10,e0182285,Rice Unintended costs and consequences of school closures implemented in preparation for Hurricane Isaac in Harrison County School District Mississippi August-September 2012,2017,12,11,e0184326,Shi Intrinsic group behaviour: dependence of pedestrian dyad dynamics on principal social and personal features,2017,12,11,e0187253,Zanlungo Suicides as a response to adverse market sentiment (1980-2016),2017,12,11,e0186913,Agrrawal Post-conflict opponent affiliation reduces victim re-aggression in a family group of captive arctic wolves (Canis lupus arctos),2017,12,11,e0187450,Cafazzo Behavioral and pathophysiological outcomes associated with caffeine consumption and repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (RmTBI) in adolescent rats,2017,12,11,e0187218,Mychasiuk Basic emotions and adaptation. A computational and evolutionary model,2017,12,11,e0187463,Pacella Sexual assault incidents among college undergraduates: prevalence and factors associated with risk,2017,12,11,e0186471,Wall Cannabis alcohol and fatal road accidents,2017,12,11,e0187320,Laumon Using functional data analysis to understand daily activity levels and patterns in primary school-aged children: cross-sectional analysis of a UK-wide study,2017,12,11,e0187677,Griffiths Comparison of the new Exponential Injury Severity Score with the Injury Severity Score and the New Injury Severity Score in trauma patients: a cross-sectional study,2017,12,11,e0187871,Hsieh Differences between racing and non-racing drivers: a simulator study using eye-tracking,2017,12,11,e0186871,Happee Effects of decades of physical driving on body movement and motion sickness during virtual driving,2017,12,11,e0187120,Stoffregen Socio-behavioral risk factors among older adults living with HIV in Thailand,2017,12,11,e0188088,Feldman Quantification of the sit-to-stand movement for monitoring age-related motor deterioration using the Nintendo Wii Balance Board,2017,12,11,e0188165,Deng Performances of the PIPER scalable child human body model in accident reconstruction,2017,12,11,e0187916,Kleiven High stress lack of sleep low school performance and suicide attempts are associated with high energy drink intake in adolescents,2017,12,11,e0187759,Kim A video-based real-time adaptive vehicle-counting system for urban roads,2017,12,11,e0186098,Liu Associations between facial emotion recognition and young adolescents' behaviors in bullying,2017,12,11,e0188062,Gini A comparison of Indigenous and non-Indigenous survivors of sexual assault and their receipt of and satisfaction with specialized health care services,2017,12,11,e0188253,Du Mont Predictors of suicide ideation among older adults with bipolar disorder,2017,12,11,e0187632,Heisel Vision in high-level football officials,2017,12,11,e0188463,Baptista Women's opinion on the justification of physical spousal violence: a quantitative approach to model the most vulnerable households in Bangladesh,2017,12,11,e0187884,Biswas Maternity care for trafficked women: survivor experiences and clinicians' perspectives in the United Kingdom's National Health Service,2017,12,11,e0187856,Zimmerman Effects of total sleep deprivation on divided attention performance,2017,12,11,e0187098,Chua Functional connectivity analysis of distracted drivers based on the wavelet phase coherence of functional near-infrared spectroscopy signals,2017,12,11,e0188329,Zhang A user exposure based approach for non-structural road network vulnerability analysis,2017,12,11,e0188790,Wang Aggregate-level lead exposure gun violence homicide and rape,2017,12,11,e0187953,Schootman Regional brain morphometry in patients with traumatic brain injury based on acute- and chronic-phase magnetic resonance imaging,2017,12,11,e0188152,Katila Reduced functional connectivity of fronto-parietal sustained attention networks in severe childhood abuse,2017,12,11,e0188744,Breen Perceiving the evil eye: Investigating hostile interpretation of ambiguous facial emotional expression in violent and non-violent offenders,2017,12,11,e0187080,Penton-Voak The joint effect of personality traits and perceived stress on pedestrian behavior in a Chinese sample,2017,12,11,e0188153,Zhang Urban networks among Chinese cities along "the Belt and Road": a case of web search activity in cyberspace,2017,12,12,e0188868,Zhang Heterogeneity in the development of proactive and reactive aggression in childhood: common and specific genetic - environmental factors,2017,12,12,e0188730,Boivin Fear of falling and postural reactivity in patients with glaucoma,2017,12,12,e0187220,Boer 'Lowering the threshold of effective deterrence'-Testing the effect of private security agents in public spaces on crime: a randomized controlled trial in a mass transit system,2017,12,12,e0187392,Ariel Parental absence predicts suicide ideation through emotional disorders,2017,12,12,e0188823,Zhou Social relationship changes in victim families due to a social disaster: experiences of student victims' families in the South Korean Sewol ferry disaster,2017,12,12,e0188699,Cho Aerodynamics of a highly irregular body at transonic speeds-Analysis of STRATOS flight data,2017,12,12,e0187798,Guerster Driver fatigue detection through multiple entropy fusion analysis in an EEG-based system,2017,12,12,e0188756,Wang Neural correlates of motor-cognitive dual-tasking in young and old adults,2017,12,12,e0189025,Hortobagyi Design of a novel instrument for active neutron interrogation of artillery shells,2017,12,12,e0188959,Toivonen Evolutionary design optimization of traffic signals applied to Quito city,2017,12,12,e0188757,Tanaka Factors influencing psychological well-being in patients with Parkinson's disease,2017,12,12,e0189682,Pacchetti Poly-victimization in a Norwegian adolescent population: prevalence social and psychological profile and detrimental effects,2017,12,12,e0189637,Mossige How to quantitatively evaluate safety of driver behavior upon accident? A biomechanical methodology,2017,12,12,e0189455,Xu Patients with chronic peripheral vestibular hypofunction compared to healthy subjects exhibit differences in gaze and gait behaviour when walking on stairs and ramps,2017,12,12,e0189037,Swanenburg Forced sexual intercourse and its association with HIV status among people attending HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing in a healthcare center in Kinshasa (DRC),2017,12,12,e0189632,de Irala Gender-specific factors associated with the use of mental health services for suicidal ideation: results from the 2013 Korean Community Health Survey,2017,12,12,e0189799,Kim Driving anger and its relationships with type A behavior patterns and trait anger: differences between professional and non-professional drivers,2017,12,12,e0189793,Jiang Children's emotional experience two years after an earthquake: an exploration of knowledge of earthquakes and associated emotions,2017,12,12,e0189633,Burro Improving vehicle tracking rate and speed estimation in dusty and snowy weather conditions with a vibrating camera,2017,12,12,e0189145,Yaghoobi Ershadi Engagement of vulnerable youths using internet platforms,2017,12,12,e0189023,Yip On the validity and consistency of misjudgment of stepping ability in young and older adults,2017,12,12,e0190088,van Dieen Improving public transportation systems with self-organization: a headway-based model and regulation of passenger alighting and boarding,2017,12,12,e0190100,Gershenson Human behaviours associated with dominance in elite amateur boxing bouts: a comparison of winners and losers under the Ten Point Must System,2017,12,12,e0188675,Martin Reference data on reaction time and aging using the Nintendo Wii Balance Board: a cross-sectional study of 354 subjects from 20 to 99 years of age,2017,12,12,e0189598,Ryg Has information on suicide methods provided via the Internet negatively impacted suicide rates?,2017,12,12,e0190136,Hegerl A resilience-oriented approach for quantitatively assessing recurrent spatial-temporal congestion on urban roads,2018,13,1,e0190616,Tang Sex differences in facial emotion recognition across varying expression intensity levels from videos,2018,13,1,e0190634,Brosnan Use of child restraint system and patterns of child transportation in Riyadh Saudi Arabia,2018,13,1,e0190471,Alsanea Event dependence in U.S. executions,2018,13,1,e0190244,Baumgartner Missing depth cues in virtual reality limit performance and quality of three dimensional reaching movements,2018,13,1,e0189275,Riener Evaluating the influential priority of the factors on insurance loss of public transit,2018,13,1,e0190103,Ke Understanding the experience and manifestation of depression in adolescents living with HIV in Harare Zimbabwe,2018,13,1,e0190423,Mavhu Blind haste: As light decreases speeding increases,2018,13,1,e0188951,Hertwig Food words distract the hungry: evidence of involuntary semantic processing of task-irrelevant but biologically-relevant unexpected auditory words,2018,13,1,e0190644,Pacheco-Unguetti Loss of chromosome Y in blood but not in brain of suicide completers,2018,13,1,e0190667,Ueno Simple reaction times to cyclopean stimuli reveal that the binocular system is tuned to react faster to near than to far objects,2018,13,1,e0188895,Horváth Anterior cruciate ligament injury: identifying information sources and risk factor awareness among the general population,2018,13,1,e0190397,Nagano Associations between self-reported lifetime history of traumatic brain injuries and current disability assessment in a population sample of Canadian adults,2018,13,1,e0188908,Cusimano Trajectories of aggressive and depressive symptoms in male and female overweight children: do they share a common path or do they follow different routes?,2018,13,1,e0190731,Almenara Injury mechanisms patterns and outcomes of older polytrauma patients-An analysis of the Dutch Trauma Registry,2018,13,1,e0190587,Lefering Maternal suicide - register based study of all suicides occurring after delivery in Sweden 1974-2009,2018,13,1,e0190133,D'Onofrio Wheelchair tiedown and occupant restraint practices in paratransit vehicles,2018,13,1,e0186829,Bertocci Hyperphosphatemia is associated with high mortality in severe burns,2018,13,1,e0190978,Chuang Primed for death: law enforcement-citizen homicides social media and retaliatory violence,2018,13,1,e0190571,Hickman Discerning suicide in drug intoxication deaths: paucity and primacy of suicide notes and psychiatric history,2018,13,1,e0190200,Caine Survival analysis and classification methods for forest fire size,2018,13,1,e0189860,Cumming Response time scores on a reflexive attention task predict a child's inattention score from a parent report,2018,13,1,e0190724,Lundwall The relationship between personalities and self-report positive driving behavior in a Chinese sample,2018,13,1,e0190746,Zhang Cross-lagged structural equation models for the relationship between health-related state and behaviours and body bullying in adolescence: findings from longitudinal study ELANA,2018,13,1,e0191253,Lopes Effects of theory of mind performance training on reducing bullying involvement in children and adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder,2018,13,1,e0191271,Yen Comparison of traffic-injury related hospitalisation between bicyclists and motorcyclists in Taiwan,2018,13,1,e0191221,Tsai Visualized analysis of developing trends and hot topics in natural disaster research,2018,13,1,e0191250,Yang Fire forbids fifty-fifty forest,2018,13,1,e0191027,Hantson How do we reach the girls and women who are the hardest to reach? Inequitable opportunities in reproductive and maternal health care services in armed conflict and forced displacement settings in Colombia,2018,13,1,e0188654,Rivillas Proactive vs. reactive car driving: EEG evidence for different driving strategies of older drivers,2018,13,1,e0191500,Wascher Influence of early stress on memory reconsolidation: implications for post-traumatic stress disorder treatment,2018,13,1,e0191563,Birmes Patterns of zolpidem use among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans: a retrospective cohort analysis,2018,13,1,e0190022,Amuan Move faster think later: women who play action video games have quicker visually-guided responses with later onset visuomotor-related brain activity,2018,13,1,e0189110,Sergio Correction: Sexual assault incidents among college undergraduates: prevalence and factors associated with risk,2018,13,1,e0192129, Alcohol and older people: a systematic review of barriers facilitators and context of drinking in older people and implications for intervention design,2018,13,1,e0191189,Brayne Hospitalizations due to unintentional transport injuries among Aboriginal population of British Columbia Canada: incidence changes over time and ecological analysis of risk markers,2018,13,1,e0191384,Brussoni Positive youth development and observed athlete behavior in recreational sport,2018,13,1,e0191936,Cote Validation of the Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire for Brazilian adult burn patients,2018,13,1,e0190747,Rossi Impact of 2015 earthquakes on a local hospital in Nepal: a prospective hospital-based study,2018,13,2,e0192076,Uleberg Tau accumulations in the brains of woodpeckers,2018,13,2,e0191526,Cummings Does poor oral health status increase the risk of falls? The JAGES Project Longitudinal Study,2018,13,2,e0192251,Kondo Intimate partner violence (IPV): the validity of an IPV screening instrument utilized among pregnant women in Tanzania and Vietnam,2018,13,2,e0190856,Meyrowitsch The role of human outdoor recreation in shaping patterns of grizzly bear-black bear co-occurrence,2018,13,2,e0191730,Boyce Population-based cohort study of the impacts of mild traumatic brain injury in adults four years post-injury,2018,13,1,e0191655,Barker-Collo Increase in suicides the months after the death of Robin Williams in the US,2018,13,2,e0191405,Keyes Pervasive hard-wired and male: qualitative study of how UK adolescents view alcohol-related aggression,2018,13,2,e0191269,Coyne Shared trauma reality in war: mental health therapists' experience,2018,13,2,e0191949,Freedman Comparing residential contamination in a Houston environmental justice neighborhood before and after Hurricane Harvey,2018,13,2,e0192660,Horney Correlates of sexual initiation among European adolescents,2018,13,2,e0191451,Wasserman Why do people move? Enhancing human mobility prediction using local functions based on public records and SNS data,2018,13,2,e0192698,Park Children's peer violence perpetration and victimization: prevalence and associated factors among school children in Afghanistan,2018,13,2,e0192768,Jewkes Correction: Exploring the relationship between experiential avoidance coping functions and the recency and frequency of self-harm,2018,13,2,e0192795,Sayal Accurate and fast path computation on large urban road networks: a general approach,2018,13,2,e0192274,Li Explaining suicide attempt with personality traits of aggression and impulsivity in a high risk tribal population of India,2018,13,2,e0192969,Singh Progress toward national estimates of police use of force,2018,13,2,e0192932,Maxwell Correlates of self-harm and suicide attempts in justice-involved young people,2018,13,2,e0193172,Kinner Correction: Hospitalizations due to unintentional transport injuries among Aboriginal population of British Columbia Canada: incidence changes over time and ecological analysis of risk markers,2018,13,2,e0193218,Brussoni Factors associated with occasional and recurrent falls in Mexican community-dwelling older people,2018,13,2,e0192926,Agudelo-Botero Unmet needs and service satisfaction of victim support for the direct and indirect victims of serious violence: results from a cross-sectional survey in Taiwan,2018,13,2,e0192905,Huang Understanding the psychiatric effects of concussion on constructed identity in hockey players: implications for health professionals,2018,13,2,e0192125,Cusimano Psychosocial health and suicidal ideation among people living with HIV/AIDS: a cross-sectional study in Nanjing China,2018,13,2,e0192940,Yan Profile of suicide attempts and risk factors among psychiatric patients: a case-control study,2018,13,2,e0192998,Thabane Empirical relationships between tree fall and landscape-level amounts of logging and fire,2018,13,2,e0193132,Lindenmayer Effects of earthquake on perinatal outcomes: a Chilean register-based study,2018,13,2,e0191340,Palmeiro-Silva Time course of blast-induced injury in the rat auditory cortex,2018,13,2,e0193389,Kallakuri Implicit emotion regulation in adolescent girls: an exploratory investigation of Hidden Markov Modeling and its neural correlates,2018,13,2,e0192318,Stowe When does risk perception predict protection motivation for health threats? A person-by-situation analysis,2018,13,3,e0191994,Sheeran Design and feasibility testing of a novel group intervention for young women who binge drink in groups,2018,13,3,e0193434,Crombie Correction: A systematic review of the relationship between internet use self-harm and suicidal behaviour in young people: the good the bad and the unknown,2018,13,3,e0193937,Lloyd Recommended next care following hospital-treated self-harm: patterns and trends over time,2018,13,3,e0193587,Corcoran Attentional lapses are reduced by repeated stimuli having own-name during a monotonous task,2018,13,3,e0194065,Kaida Deblurring traffic sign images based on exemplars,2018,13,3,e0191367,Li Robust vehicle detection in different weather conditions: using MIPM,2018,13,3,e0191355,Yaghoobi Ershadi Psychological consequences of child trafficking: an historical cohort study of trafficked children in contact with secondary mental health services,2018,13,3,e0192321,Smith Variability and validity of intimate partner violence reporting by couples in Tanzania,2018,13,3,e0193253,Halim Assessing local resilience to typhoon disasters: a case study in Nansha Guangzhou,2018,13,3,e0190701,Huang Prevalence and risk factors of physical or sexual intimate violence perpetration amongst men in four districts in the central region of Ghana: baseline findings from a cluster randomised controlled trial,2018,13,3,e0191663,Jewkes The effect of concentric constriction of the visual field to 10 and 15 degrees on simulated motor vehicle accidents,2018,13,3,e0193767,Ohno Psychometric properties of the Sexual Excitation/Sexual Inhibition Inventory for Women and Men (SESII-W/M) and the Sexual Excitation Scales/Sexual Inhibition Scales short form (SIS/SES-SF) in a population-based sample in Germany,2018,13,3,e0193080,Margraf Expectations of medical specialists about image-based teleconsultation - a qualitative study on acute burns in South Africa,2018,13,3,e0194278,Laflamme Statistical patterns of human mobility in emerging bicycle sharing systems,2018,13,3,e0193795,Huang The value of supply chain coordination under moral hazard: a case study of the consumer product supply chain,2018,13,3,e0194043,Lee Antenatal depressive symptoms in Jamaica associated with limited perceived partner and other social support: a cross-sectional study,2018,13,3,e0194338,McCaw-Binns Impact of comorbidities on the prognoses of trauma patients: analysis of a hospital-based trauma registry database,2018,13,3,e0194749,Wang Wildlife-vehicle collisions in Lanzarote Biosphere Reserve Canary Islands,2018,13,3,e0192731,Tejera Psychotropic drug use as indicator of mental health in adolescents affected by a plexus injury at birth: a large population-based study in Sweden,2018,13,3,e0193635,Dahlin Ptolemaic military operations were a dominant factor in the spread of Egyptian cults across the early Hellenistic Aegean Sea,2018,13,3,e0193786,Glomb Thoracic dysfunction in whiplash associated disorders: A systematic review,2018,13,3,e0194235,Smith Low intensity vibration of ankle muscles improves balance in elderly persons at high risk of falling,2018,13,3,e0194720,Mohler Factors affecting walking ability in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis,2018,13,3,e0195059,Arai Relationships between anhedonia suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in a large sample of physicians,2018,13,3,e0193619,Loas Child injuries in Ethiopia: a review of the current situation with projections,2018,13,3,e0194692,Hyder An outer approximation method for the road network design problem,2018,13,3,e0192454,Sarvi Listening to a conversation with aggressive content expands the interpersonal space,2018,13,3,e0192753,Lewis Fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults: a cause of falls a consequence or both?,2018,13,3,e0194967,Lavedán Age-specific characterization of spinal cord injuries over a 19-year period at a Japanese rehabilitation center,2018,13,3,e0195120,Nakatani Social ecological factors and intimate partner violence in pregnancy,2018,13,3,e0194681,Schei Development of post-disaster psychosocial evaluation and intervention for children: results of a South Korean delphi panel survey,2018,13,3,e0195235,Bhang Psychoactive substances and violent offences: a retrospective analysis of presentations to an urban emergency department in Switzerland,2018,13,3,e0195234,Exadaktylos Association of adverse childhood experiences and health risk behaviors among young adults visiting a regional primary healthcare center Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,2018,13,3,e0194439,Jovanovic Integrating data from multiple sources for insights into demographic processes: simulation studies and proof of concept for hierarchical change-in-ratio models,2018,13,3,e0194566,Nilsen Correlates of domestic violence experience among recently-married women residing in slums in Pune India,2018,13,4,e0195152,Paranjape Social network cohesion in school classes promotes prosocial behavior,2018,13,4,e0194656,Crone Cost and economic burden of illness over 15 years in Nepal: a comparative analysis,2018,13,4,e0194564,Gilmour Gender-transformative Bandebereho couples' intervention to promote male engagement in reproductive and maternal health and violence prevention in Rwanda: findings from a randomized controlled trial,2018,13,4,e0192756,Bingenheimer Impacts of human recreation on carnivores in protected areas,2018,13,4,e0195436,Baker Self-reported musculoskeletal complaints and injuries and exposure of physical workload in Swedish soldiers serving in Afghanistan,2018,13,4,e0195548,Larsson Personality traits in companion dogs-results from the VIDOPET,2018,13,4,e0195448,Virányi Suicide attempts in Spain according to prehospital healthcare emergency records,2018,13,4,e0195370,Luna Trends in alcohol use among young people according to the pattern of consumption on starting university: a 9-year follow-up study,2018,13,4,e0193741,Caamaño-Isorna Forecasting new product diffusion using both patent citation and web search traffic,2018,13,4,e0194723,Sohn Information presentation through a head-worn display ("smart glasses") has a smaller influence on the temporal structure of gait variability during dual-task gait compared to handheld displays (paper-based system and smartphone),2018,13,4,e0195106,Nussbaum A moral house divided: how idealized family models impact political cognition,2018,13,4,e0193347,Feinberg Emotional and economic intimate partner violence as key drivers of depression and suicidal ideation: a cross-sectional study among young women in informal settlements in South Africa,2018,13,4,e0194885,Jewkes Motor (but not auditory) attention affects syntactic choice,2018,13,4,e0195547,Shtyrov A Kriging based spatiotemporal approach for traffic volume data imputation,2018,13,4,e0195957,Hwang Comparison of mental health screening tools for detecting antenatal depression and anxiety disorders in South African women,2018,13,4,e0193697,Myer Pet dogs' behavior when the owner and an unfamiliar person attend to a faux rival,2018,13,4,e0194577,Prato-Previde Transportation assimilation revisited: new evidence from repeated cross-sectional survey data,2018,13,4,e0194296,Xu The relation between bystanders' behavioral reactivity to distress and later helping behavior during a violent conflict in virtual reality,2018,13,4,e0196074,de Gelder Is the message getting through? Awareness and use of the 11+ injury prevention programme in amateur level football clubs,2018,13,4,e0195998,Vogt Network-constrained spatio-temporal clustering analysis of traffic collisions in Jianghan District of Wuhan China,2018,13,4,e0195093,Guo Plasma metabolomic biomarkers accurately classify acute mild traumatic brain injury from controls,2018,13,4,e0195318,Gross The Dyad-Adaptive Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (DA-PASAT): normative data and the effects of repeated testing simulated malingering and traumatic brain injury,2018,13,4,e0178148,Reed Impaired visual working and verbal memory in first-episode drug-naive patients with major depressive disorder in a Chinese population,2018,13,4,e0196023,Hashimoto Association between vision-specific quality of life and falls in community-dwelling older adults: LOHAS,2018,13,4,e0195806,Fukuhara The epidemiology of personality disorders in the Sao Paulo Megacity general population,2018,13,4,e0195581,Andrade "That's what you do for people you love": a qualitative study of social support and recovery from a musculoskeletal injury,2018,13,4,e0196337,Newnam Improvement in racial disparities in years of life lost in the USA since 1990,2018,13,4,e0194308,Burke Wearable sensors detect childhood internalizing disorders during mood induction task,2018,13,4,e0195598,Rosenblum Risk of suicide following an alcohol-related emergency hospital admission: an electronic cohort study of 2.8 million people,2018,13,4,e0194772,John Personal social and environmental factors associated with lifejacket wear in adults and children: a systematic literature review,2018,13,5,e0196421,Hagger The implications of community responses to intimate partner violence in Rwanda,2018,13,5,e0196584,Campbell Correction: Baseline omega-3 index correlates with aggressive and attention deficit disorder behaviours in adult prisoners,2018,13,5,e0197231,Grant The impact of tackle football injuries on the American healthcare system with a neurological focus,2018,13,5,e0195827,Michalek Repeated mild traumatic brain injury can cause acute neurologic impairment without overt structural damage in juvenile rats,2018,13,5,e0197187,Shultz A novel early risk assessment tool for detecting clinical outcomes in patients with heat-related illness (J-ERATO score): development and validation in independent cohorts in Japan,2018,13,5,e0197032,Shiraishi Local dynamic stability during gait for predicting falls in elderly people: A one-year prospective study,2018,13,5,e0197091,Svoboda Realization of the rights of persons with disabilities in Rwanda,2018,13,5,e0196347,Njelesani Correction: Fear of falling in community-dwelling older adults: a cause of falls a consequence or both?,2018,13,5,e0197792,Lavedán Correlates of domestic violence perpetration reporting among recently-married men residing in slums in Pune India,2018,13,5,e0197303,Paranjape Early development of attention to threat-related facial expressions,2018,13,5,e0197424,Bosquet Enlow Spatiotemporal characteristics of elderly population's traffic accidents in Seoul using space-time cube and space-time kernel density estimation,2018,13,5,e0196845,Kang Perceptions of community safety and social activity participation among youth in South Africa,2018,13,5,e0197549,De Wet Method overtness forensic autopsy and the evidentiary suicide note: a multilevel National Violent Death Reporting System analysis,2018,13,5,e0197805,Caine A thirty year fine-scale characterization of area burned in Canadian forests shows evidence of regionally increasing trends in the last decade,2018,13,5,e0197218,Wulder Potential technique for improving the survival of victims of tsunamis,2018,13,5,e0197498,Kurisu A semi-nonparametric Poisson regression model for analyzing motor vehicle crash data,2018,13,5,e0197338,Lord Identifying county characteristics associated with resident well-being: a population based study,2018,13,5,e0196720,Herrin Brown bear (Ursus arctos) attacks resulting in human casualties in Scandinavia 1977-2016; management implications and recommendations,2018,13,5,e0196876,Støen Exploring adverse parent-child relationships from the perspective of convicted child murderers: a South African qualitative study,2018,13,5,e0196772,Abrahams Prosocial behavior and subjective insecurity in violent contexts: field experiments (Correction),2018,13,5,e0198020,Vélez Concussion classification via deep learning using whole-brain white matter fiber strains,2018,13,5,e0197992,Zhao Using the internet for suicide-related purposes: contrasting findings from young people in the community and self-harm patients admitted to hospital,2018,13,5,e0197712,Gunnell Eye position affects flight altitude in visual approach to landing independent of level of expertise of pilot,2018,13,5,e0197585,Jacobs Health related quality of life in adults after burn injuries: a systematic review,2018,13,5,e0197507,Polinder Use of evidential reasoning and AHP to assess regional industrial safety,2018,13,5,e0197125,Zhang Choosing important health outcomes for comparative effectiveness research: 6th annual update to a systematic review of core outcome sets for research,2021,16,1,e0244878,Williamson On the design of power gear trains: Insight regarding number of stages and their respective ratios,2018,13,6,e0198048,Lawson Foul tip impact attenuation of baseball catcher masks using head impact metrics,2018,13,6,e0198316,Bass Association of sleep with emotional and behavioral problems among abused children and adolescents admitted to residential care facilities in Japan,2018,13,6,e0198123,Tsutsui Workplace and non-workplace mild traumatic brain injuries in an outpatient clinic sample: a case-control study,2018,13,6,e0198128,Iverson Post-traumatic stress disorder in parents of patients with schizophrenia following familial violence,2018,13,6,e0198164,Solomon "Staying for the children": the role of natal relatives in supporting women experiencing intimate partner violence during pregnancy in northern Tanzania - a qualitative study,2018,13,6,e0198098,Gammeltoft Risk factors for acute injuries and overuse syndromes of the shoulder in amateur triathletes - a retrospective analysis,2018,13,6,e0198168,Schorn The association between uneven sex ratios and violence: evidence from 6 Asian countries,2018,13,6,e0197516,Diamond-Smith Associations between psychosocial work factors and provider mental well-being in emergency departments: a systematic review,2018,13,6,e0197375,Weigl Comparison of rider stability in a flapless saddle versus a conventional saddle,2018,13,6,e0196960,Clayton Medio-lateral stability during walking turns in older adults,2018,13,6,e0198455,Paquette Women's attitude towards wife-beating and its relationship with reproductive healthcare seeking behavior: a countrywide population survey in Bangladesh,2018,13,6,e0198833,Islam Mortality due to snakebite and other venomous animals in the Indian state of Bihar: findings from a representative mortality study,2018,13,6,e0198900,Kumar Validation of the interpersonal needs questionnaire of young male adults in Singapore,2018,13,6,e0198839,Teo Neighborhood characteristics and violence behind closed doors: the spatial overlap of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence,2018,13,6,e0198684,Gracia Economic costs of alcohol use in Sri Lanka,2018,13,6,e0198640,Chaikledkaew The regulation of emotions in adolescents: age differences and emotion-specific patterns,2018,13,6,e0195501,Gentaz Characteristics of burn injuries among children aged under six years in South Korea: Data from the Emergency Department-Based Injury In-Depth Surveillance 2011-2016,2018,13,6,e0198195,Kim Diminished neural network dynamics after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury,2018,13,6,e0197419,Hillary Biopsychosocial factors associated with non-recovery after a minor transport-related injury: a systematic review,2018,13,6,e0198352,Evans Impact of chronic sexual abuse and depression on inflammation and wound healing in the female reproductive tract of HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected women,2018,13,6,e0198412,Benning Physical activity and associated medical cost savings among at-risk older adults participating a community-based health & wellness program,2018,13,6,e0198239,Smith The influence of a major sporting event upon emergency department attendances; a retrospective cross-national European study,2018,13,6,e0198665,Caserio-Schönemann Increased risk of suicide in New South Wales men with prostate cancer: analysis of linked population-wide data,2018,13,6,e0198679,Smith A cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of SAFE on spousal violence against women and girls in slums of Dhaka Bangladesh,2018,13,6,e0198926,Naved Fall-risk-increasing drugs and falls requiring health care among older people with intellectual disability in comparison with the general population: a register study,2018,13,6,e0199218,Ahlström Prevalence of drug use among drivers based on mandatory random tests in a roadside survey,2018,13,6,e0199302,Guillén Developing a database for pedestrians' earthquake emergency evacuation in indoor scenarios,2018,13,6,e0197964,Li PTSD correlates with somatization in sexually abused children: type of abuse moderates the effect of PTSD on somatization,2018,13,6,e0199138,Chang Tsunami evacuation simulation using geographic information systems for homecare recipients depending on electric devices,2018,13,6,e0199252,Tsukasaki Road screening and distribution route multi-objective robust optimization for hazardous materials based on neural network and genetic algorithm,2018,13,6,e0198931,Hao The currency completeness and quality of systematic reviews of acute management of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: a comprehensive evidence map,2018,13,6,e0198676,Maas Perceived peer norms health risk behaviors and clustering of risk behaviors among Palestinian youth,2018,13,6,e0198435,Khammash Effect of community-based intervention on knowledge attitude and self-efficacy toward home injuries among Egyptian rural mothers having preschool children,2018,13,6,e0198964,El Seifi Binge eating trauma and suicide attempt in community adults with major depressive disorder,2018,13,6,e0198192,Fava Mental health effects caused by red imported fire ant attacks (Solenopsis invicta),2018,13,6,e0199424,Wang Smombie Guardian: we watch for potential obstacles while you are walking and conducting smartphone activities,2018,13,6,e0197050,Noh Gaming behaviour with Pokémon GO and physical activity: a preliminary study with medical students in Thailand,2018,13,6,e0199813,Ng The role of self-objectification and women's blame sympathy and support for a rape victim,2018,13,6,e0199808,Brown Predicting mortality with the international classification of disease injury severity score using survival risk ratios derived from an Indian trauma population: a cohort study,2018,13,6,e0199754,Gupta The importance of an ecologically valid method in the evaluation of toddler interaction with coloured liquid laundry detergent capsules,2018,13,7,e0199976,Richmond Minimization of Childhood Maltreatment Is Common and Consequential: Results from a Large Multinational Sample Using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire,2016,11,1,e0146058,Stein Effects of virtual reality high heights exposure during beam-walking on physiological stress and cognitive loading,2018,13,7,e0200306,Ferris Optimizing location of variable message signs using GPS probe vehicle data,2018,13,7,e0199831,Tang Correction: evidence of cognitive dysfunction after soccer playing with ball heading using a novel tablet-based approach,2018,13,7,e0200450,Patel Relationship between alcohol co-ingestion and outcome in profenofos self-poisoning - a prospective case series,2018,13,7,e0200133,Eddleston The effectiveness of an on-line training program for improving knowledge of fire prevention and evacuation of healthcare workers: a randomized controlled trial,2018,13,7,e0199747,Lee Depression and post traumatic stress amongst female sex workers in Soweto South Africa: a cross sectional respondent driven sample,2018,13,7,e0196759,Jewkes Adolescent and nurse perspectives of psychotherapeutic interventions for PTSD delivered through task-shifting in a low resource setting,2018,13,7,e0199816,Seedat Seismic collapse assessment of bridge piers constructed with steel fibers reinforced concrete,2018,13,7,e0200072,Pang The elusive power of the individual victim: failure to find a difference in the effectiveness of charitable appeals focused on one compared to many victims,2018,13,7,e0199535,Hart Alcohol consumption and future hospital usage: the EPIC-Norfolk prospective population study,2018,13,7,e0200747,Wareham Impact of intense disturbance on the structure and composition of wet-eucalypt forests: a case study from the Tasmanian 2016 wildfires,2018,13,7,e0200905,Brook Prediction of major depressive episodes and suicide-related ideation over a 3-year interval among Japanese undergraduates,2018,13,7,e0201047,Kako Correction: The impact of tackle football injuries on the American healthcare system with a neurological focus,2018,13,7,e0201273,Michalek Prevalence and risk factors of intimate partner violence among women in four districts of the central region of Ghana: baseline findings from a cluster randomised controlled trial,2018,13,7,e0200874,Jewkes How empowered are girls/young women in their sexual relationships? Relationship power HIV risk and partner violence in Kenya,2018,13,7,e0199733,Pulerwitz Deterring delinquents with information. Evidence from a randomized poster campaign in Bogotá,2018,13,7,e0200593,Nussio High-impact and transformative science (HITS) metrics: definition exemplification and comparison,2018,13,7,e0200597,Staudt A novel sideways fall simulator to study hip fractures ex vivo,2018,13,7,e0201096,Cripton A retrospective analysis of leucocyte count as a strong predictor of survival for patients with acute paraquat poisoning,2018,13,7,e0201200,Li Effective injury forecasting in soccer with GPS training data and machine learning,2018,13,7,e0201264,Fernández Effects of motor fatigue on walking stability and variability during concurrent cognitive challenges,2018,13,7,e0201433,Kao Gender-specific associations between perceived and objective neighbourhood crime and metabolic syndrome,2018,13,7,e0201336,Taylor The effect of beliefs about alcohol's acute effects on alcohol priming and alcohol-induced impairments of inhibitory control,2018,13,7,e0201042,Christiansen The evaluation of animal bite treatment centers in the Philippines from a patient perspective,2018,13,7,e0200873,Nel Exposure to domestic violence influences pregnant women's preparedness for childbirth in Nepal: a cross-sectional study,2018,13,7,e0200234,Schei Risk factors for extremely serious road accidents: results from national Road Accident Statistical Annual Report of China,2018,13,8,e0201587,Yin Trends and inequalities in the burden of mortality in Scotland 2000-2015,2018,13,8,e0196906,Stockton Intimate partner violence victimization increases the risk of under-five morbidity: a stratified multilevel analysis of pooled Tanzania Demographic Health Surveys 2010-2016,2018,13,8,e0201814,Bintabara Validation of an abbreviated version of the Lubben Social Network Scale ("LSNS-6") and its associations with suicidality among older adults in China,2018,13,8,e0201612,Yip Framework for fusing traffic information from social and physical transportation data,2018,13,8,e0201531,Zhang System for automatic gait analysis based on a single RGB-D camera,2018,13,8,e0201728,Rocha Ostracized but why? Effects of attributions and empathy on connecting with the socially excluded,2018,13,8,e0201183,Benfield Individually-tailored multifactorial intervention to reduce falls in the Malaysian Falls Assessment and Intervention Trial (MyFAIT): a randomized controlled trial,2018,13,8,e0199219,Hill Walking along the road with anonymous users in similar attributes,2018,13,8,e0201532,Zhang Mapping future fire probability under climate change: does vegetation matter?,2018,13,8,e0201680,Syphard Should prevention of falls start earlier? Co-ordinated analyses of harmonised data on falls in middle-aged adults across four population-based cohort studies,2018,13,8,e0201989,van Schoor Introduction and validation of the Natural Disasters Picture System (NDPS),2018,13,8,e0201942,Mermillod A novel rare event approach to measure the randomness and concentration of road accidents,2018,13,8,e0201890,Prieto Curiel More legislation more violence? The impact of Dodd-Frank in the DRC,2018,13,8,e0201783,Stoop Depressive and socially anxious symptoms psychosocial maturity and risk perception: associations with risk-taking behaviour,2018,13,8,e0202423,Reniers Reducing violence by teachers using the preventative intervention Interaction Competencies with Children for Teachers (ICC-T): a cluster randomized controlled trial at public secondary schools in Tanzania,2018,13,8,e0201362,Hermenau On the internal reaction forces energy absorption and fracture in the hip during simulated sideways fall impact,2018,13,8,e0200952,Cripton Comparisons between context-specific and beverage-specific quantity frequency instruments to assess alcohol consumption indices: Individual and sample level analysis,2018,13,8,e0202756,Geater Predicting acute renal failure in Bothrops snakebite patients in a tertiary reference center Western Brazilian Amazon,2018,13,8,e0202361,Sachett Spatiotemporal analysis of canine rabies in El Salvador: violence and poverty as social factors of canine rabies,2018,13,8,e0201305,Arias-Orozco Long term trends and spatial distribution of animal bite injuries and deaths due to human rabies infection in Uganda 2001-2015,2018,13,8,e0198568,Matovu Setting global research priorities for child protection in humanitarian action: Results from an adapted CHNRI exercise,2018,13,8,e0202570,Stark Landscape drivers of recent fire activity (2001-2017) in south-central Chile,2018,13,8,e0201195,Veblen The gender suicide paradox under gender role reversal during industrialisation,2018,13,8,e0202487,Moore Injury incidence in elite youth field hockey players at the 2016 European Championships,2018,13,8,e0201834,Rolle General perceptual-cognitive abilities: age and position in soccer,2018,13,8,e0202627,Braumann Assessment of polytraumatized patients according to the Berlin Definition: Does the addition of physiological data really improve interobserver reliability?,2018,13,8,e0201818,Simmen Positive sexuality: HIV disclosure gender violence and the law-a qualitative study,2018,13,8,e0202776,Shoveller Predicting subway passenger flows under different traffic conditions,2018,13,8,e0202707,Zhang Prevalence and correlates of physical and sexual intimate partner violence among women living with HIV in Uganda,2018,13,8,e0202992,Haberer What are analog bulletin boards used for today? Analysing media uses intermediality and technology affordances in Swedish bulletin board messages using a citizen science approach,2018,13,8,e0202077,Kullenberg iCoverT: a rich data source on the incidence of child maltreatment over time in England and Wales,2018,13,8,e0201223,Bowes Pedestrian behavior during evacuation from road tunnel in smoke condition-empirical results,2018,13,8,e0201732,Porzycki Motor and sensory disturbances induced by sensorimotor conflicts during passive and active movements in healthy participants,2018,13,8,e0203206,McCabe The female spouse: a process of separation when a husband 'comes out' as gay,2018,13,8,e0203472,Macneela The short Persian version of motorcycle riding behavior questionnaire and its interchangeability with the full version,2018,13,8,e0201946,Sadeghi-Bazargani Participant preferences for an aboriginal-specific fall prevention program: measuring the value of culturally-appropriate care,2018,13,8,e0203264,Jan Personal risk factors associated with heat-related illness among new conscripts undergoing basic training in Thailand,2018,13,9,e0203428,Rangsin Effect of personality traits on driving style: Psychometric adaption of the multidimensional driving style inventory in a Chinese sample,2018,13,9,e0202126,Zhang Classes of depression symptom trajectories in patients with major depression receiving a collaborative care intervention,2018,13,9,e0202245,Reif Social space and alcohol use initiation among youth in northern Tanzania,2018,13,9,e0202200,Changalucha An event-related potential study of spatial working memory in binge drinking college students,2018,13,9,e0203696,Kim Viewpoints of pedestrians with and without cognitive impairment on shared zones and zebra crossings,2018,13,9,e0203765,Falkmer Consideration of future consequences (CFC) serves as a buffer against aggression related to psychopathy,2018,13,9,e0203663,Wei Association between the detection of alcohol illicit drugs and/or psychotropic medications/opioids in patients admitted due to trauma and trauma recidivism: A cohort study,2018,13,9,e0203963,Lardelli-Claret Health status difficulties and desired health information and services for veterans with traumatic brain injuries and their caregivers: a qualitative investigation,2018,13,9,e0203804,Cai High rates of sexual violence by both intimate and non-intimate partners experienced by adolescent girls and young women in Kenya and Zambia: findings around violence and other negative health outcomes,2018,13,9,e0203929,Okal Turning off the empathy switch: lower empathic concern for the victim leads to utilitarian choices of action,2018,13,9,e0203826,Takamatsu Exposure to trips and slips with increasing unpredictability while walking can improve balance recovery responses with minimum predictive gait alterations,2018,13,9,e0202913,Sturnieks One-legged stance sway of older adults with and without falls,2018,13,9,e0203887,Vieira The presence of depression in de novo Parkinson's disease reflects poor motor compensation,2018,13,9,e0203303,Lee Dog ownership satisfaction determinants in the owner-dog relationship and the dog's behaviour,2018,13,9,e0204592,Herwijnen Workplace psychosocial stressors experienced by migrant workers in Australia: a cross-sectional study,2018,13,9,e0203998,Lamontagne Adult mortality trends in Qatar 1989-2015: national population versus migrants,2018,13,9,e0203996,Mamtani Associations between graduated driver licensing and road trauma reductions in a later licensing age jurisdiction: Queensland Australia,2018,13,9,e0204107,Senserrick Optimal regulation of bipedal walking speed despite an unexpected bump in the road,2018,13,9,e0204205,Kuo The prevalence of mental distress before the Great East Japan Earthquake and the associated impact of an aged society: an ecological study,2018,13,9,e0203985,Shibuya Association between urbanicity and physical activity in Mexican adolescents: the use of a composite urbanicity measure,2018,13,9,e0204739,Jago Suicide and all-cause mortality following routine hospital management of self-harm: propensity score analysis using multicentre cohort data,2018,13,9,e0204670,Bickley Rates and characteristics of suicide by immigration background in Norway,2018,13,9,e0205035,Mehlum Eye behavior does not adapt to expected visual distraction during internally directed cognition,2018,13,9,e0204963,Körner Understanding the drivers of sensitive behavior using Poisson regression from quantitative randomized response technique data,2018,13,9,e0204433,Cao An optimization approach for freeway network coordinated traffic control and route guidance,2018,13,9,e0204255,Ma Parents' and adolescents' perception of traffic- and crime-related safety as correlates of independent mobility among Belgian adolescents,2018,13,9,e0204454,Van Dyck Correction: Landscape drivers of recent fire activity (2001-2017) in south-central Chile,2018,13,10,e0205287,Veblen Associations between poverty mental health and substance use gender power and intimate partner violence amongst young (18-30) women and men in urban informal settlements in South Africa: a cross-sectional study and structural equation model,2018,13,10,e0204956,Jewkes Weather field reconstruction using aircraft surveillance data and a novel meteo-particle model,2018,13,10,e0205029,Hoekstra Elevated empathy in adults following childhood trauma,2018,13,10,e0203886,Fonagy Violence detection in surveillance video using low-level features,2018,13,10,e0203668,Luo Understanding drivers of human-leopard conflicts in the Indian Himalayan region: spatio-temporal patterns of conflicts and perception of local communities towards conserving large carnivores,2018,13,10,e0204528,Naha Sport motivation and doping in adolescent athletes,2018,13,10,e0205222,Mudrak Determining fuel moisture thresholds to assess wildfire hazard: a contribution to an operational early warning system,2018,13,10,e0204889,Argañaraz Assessing the pedestrian response to urban outdoor lighting: a full-scale laboratory study,2018,13,10,e0204638,Johansson Rates and predictors of recurrent work disability due to common mental health disorders in the United States,2018,13,10,e0205170,Dewa Effectiveness of a multifactorial intervention for dizziness in older people in primary care: A cluster randomised controlled trial,2018,13,10,e0204876,Twisk Automatic detection of cyberbullying in social media text,2018,13,10,e0203794,Desmet Assessing psychological and physical abuse from children's perspective: Factor structure and psychometric properties of the picture-based modularized child-report version of the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale - Revised (CTSPC-R),2018,13,10,e0205401,Manly The TRKB rs2289656 genetic polymorphism is associated with acute suicide attempts in depressed patients: a transversal case control study,2018,13,10,e0205648,Corruble Older adult fall prevention practices among primary care providers at accountable care organizations: a pilot study,2018,13,10,e0205279,Hackman Trauma exposure and IPV experienced by Afghan women: analysis of the baseline of a randomised controlled trial,2018,13,10,e0201974,Jewkes Correction: The evolution of cost-efficiency in neural networks during recovery from traumatic brain injury,2018,13,10,e0206005,Hillary Reported prevalence of childhood maltreatment among Chinese college students: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,13,10,e0205808,Yang Efficacy evaluation of "Dat-e Adolescence": a dating violence prevention program in Spain,2018,13,10,e0205802,Muñoz-Fernández Consultations on driving in people with cognitive impairment in primary care: a scoping review of the evidence,2018,13,10,e0205580,Sinnott Examining the effect of adverse weather on road transportation using weather and traffic sensors,2018,13,10,e0205409,Lu Democratizing wildfire strategies. Do you realize what it means? Insights from a participatory process in the Montseny region (Catalonia Spain),2018,13,10,e0204806,Castellnou Paramedics' perceptions of the care they provide to people who self-harm: a qualitative study using evolved grounded theory methodology,2018,13,10,e0205813,Rapport Fundamental patterns and predictions of event size distributions in modern wars and terrorist campaigns,2018,13,10,e0204639,Spagat Seismic responses of rectangular subway tunnels in a clayey ground,2018,13,10,e0204672,Zhang Prevalence of occupational injuries and knowledge of availability and utilization of post exposure prophylaxis among health care workers in Singida District Council Singida Region Tanzania,2018,13,10,e0201695,Njau Factors influencing temporal patterns in crime in a large American city: a predictive analytics perspective,2018,13,10,e0205151,Towers The intersection of school corporal punishment and associated factors: baseline results from a randomized controlled trial in Pakistan,2018,13,10,e0206032,Jewkes No change in plasma tau and serum neurofilament light concentrations in adolescent athletes following sport-related concussion,2018,13,10,e0206466,Blennow Childhood sexual abuse among Black men who have sex with men: a cornerstone of a syndemic?,2018,13,11,e0206746,Wu Measuring health of highway network configuration against dynamic Origin-Destination demand network using weighted complex network analysis,2018,13,11,e0206538,Kim Antenatal depressive symptoms and adverse birth outcomes in Hanoi Vietnam,2018,13,11,e0206650,Meyrowitsch Differences in alcohol consumption and drinking patterns in Ghanaians in Europe and Africa: the RODAM Study,2018,13,11,e0206286,Cook The unequal vulnerability of communities of color to wildfire,2018,13,11,e0205825,Davies Magnitude and correlates of intimate partner violence against female garment workers from selected factories in Bangladesh,2018,13,11,e0204725,Jewkes Osteoporosis and dry eye syndrome: a previously unappreciated association that may alert active prevention of fall,2018,13,11,e0207008,Hu The beginning of the end: a qualitative study of falls among HIV+ individuals,2018,13,11,e0207006,Novick Analysis of healthcare service utilization after transport-related injuries by a mixture of hidden Markov models,2018,13,11,e0206274,Esmaili Predictors of alcohol consumption among in-school adolescents in the Central Region of Ghana: a baseline information for developing cognitive-behavioural interventions,2018,13,11,e0207093,Schack Offending behaviour health and wellbeing of military veterans in the criminal justice system,2018,13,11,e0207282,Greenberg Mortality prediction in patients with isolated moderate and severe traumatic brain injury using machine learning models,2018,13,11,e0207192,Hsieh Emotional violence exerted by intimate partners and postnatal depressive symptoms among women in Vietnam: A prospective cohort study,2018,13,11,e0207108,Meyrowitsch Depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviours in adolescent non-daily smokers compared to daily smokers and never-smokers in Korea: national cross-sectional study,2018,13,11,e0207182,Lee Does sex education before college protect students from sexual assault in college?,2018,13,11,e0205951,Wall Factors in healthcare violence in care of pregnancy termination cases: a case study,2018,13,11,e0206083,Gong The pathways between female garment workers' experience of violence and development of depressive symptoms,2018,13,11,e0207485,Jewkes The #ChatSafe project. Developing guidelines to help young people communicate safely about suicide on social media: A Delphi study,2018,13,11,e0206584,Pirkis Gender disparities in depression severity and coping among people living with HIV/AIDS in Kolkata India,2018,13,11,e0207055,Swendeman Risk of post-discharge fall-related injuries among adult patients with syncope: a nationwide cohort study,2018,13,11,e0206936,Gerds Correction: On the internal reaction forces energy absorption and fracture in the hip during simulated sideways fall impact,2018,13,11,e0208286,Cripton Relationship of resilience anxiety and injuries in footballers: structural equations analysis,2018,13,11,e0207860,Zurita-Ortega Frailty Index associates with GRIN2B in two representative samples from the United States and the United Kingdom,2018,13,11,e0207824,Pendleton Injury prevalence and safety habits of boda boda drivers in Moshi Tanzania: a mixed methods study,2018,13,11,e0207570,Gerardo Temporal understanding of human mobility: a multi-time scale analysis,2018,13,11,e0207697,Yang Women's experiences of a randomised controlled trial of a specialist psychological advocacy intervention following domestic violence: a nested qualitative study,2018,13,11,e0193077,Agnew-Davies Psychological advocacy towards healing (PATH): a randomized controlled trial of a psychological intervention in a domestic violence service setting,2018,13,11,e0205485,Agnew-Davies Morbidity burden and community-based palliative care are associated with rates of hospital use by people with schizophrenia in the last year of life: a population-based matched cohort study,2018,13,11,e0208220,Rosenwax Workplace violence by specialty among Peruvian medical residents,2018,13,11,e0207769,Taype-Rondán Gender power and violence: a systematic review of measures and their association with male perpetration of IPV,2018,13,11,e0207091,Haberland Online interest regarding violent attacks gun control and gun purchase: a causal analysis,2018,13,11,e0207924,Gunn Real-world unexpected outcomes predict city-level mood states and risk-taking behavior,2018,13,11,e0206923,Otto The association between workplace violence and physicians' and nurses' job satisfaction in Macau,2018,13,12,e0207577,Yip Modeling the effects of atmospheric pressure on suicide rates in the USA using geographically weighted regression,2018,13,12,e0206992,Merrill An association between multiculturalism and psychological distress,2018,13,12,e0208490,Samson 'I should not feed such a weak woman'. Intimate partner violence among women living with podoconiosis: a qualitative study in northern Ethiopia,2018,13,12,e0207571,Deyessa Baroreflex function haemodynamic responses to an orthostatic challenge and falls in haemodialysis patients,2018,13,12,e0208127,Price Trends in the use of seat belts and mobile phones and their seasonal variations in Florence (2005-2015),2018,13,12,e0208489,Lorini Gender differences in workplace violence against physicians of obstetrics and gynecology in China: A questionnaire in the national congress,2018,13,12,e0208693,Li A randomized controlled trial of a transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral intervention for Afro-descendants' survivors of systemic violence in Colombia,2018,13,12,e0208483,Dorsey Development and implementation of a pediatric adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and other determinants of health questionnaire in the pediatric medical home: a pilot study,2018,13,12,e0208088,Bucci Improvement of the performance of survival prediction in the ageing blunt trauma population: a cohort study,2018,13,12,e0209099,Steyerberg A universal function for capacity of bidirectional pedestrian streams: filling the gaps in the literature,2018,13,12,e0208496,Nishinari Factors associated with self-reported falls balance or walking difficulty in older survivors of breast colorectal lung or prostate cancer: results from Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results-Medicare Health Outcomes Survey linkage,2018,13,12,e0208573,Huang The impact of their role on telephone crisis support workers' psychological wellbeing and functioning: quantitative findings from a mixed methods investigation,2018,13,12,e0207645,Wilson Prevalence distribution and associated factors of suicide attempts in young adolescents: school-based data from 40 low-income and middle-income countries,2018,13,12,e0207823,Liu Trajectories of prolonged grief one to six years after a natural disaster,2018,13,12,e0209757,Sveen Motorcycle door crashes: an evaluation of crash characteristics in Taipei City Taiwan,2018,13,12,e0208016,Pai Non-consensual condom removal reported by patients at a sexual health clinic in Melbourne Australia,2018,13,12,e0209779,Fairley The effect of breed-specific dog legislation on hospital treated dog bites in Odense Denmark-a time series intervention study,2018,13,12,e0208393,Lauritsen ROCA - an ArcGIS toolbox for road alignment identification and horizontal curve radii computation,2018,13,12,e0208407,Bíl Prenatal stress and child development: a scoping review of research in low- and middle-income countries,2018,13,12,e0207235,Dancause Socioeconomic status and 30-day mortality after minor and major trauma: a retrospective analysis of the Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN) dataset for England,2018,13,12,e0210226,Lawrence Resilience stress and injuries in the context of the Brazilian elite rhythmic gymnastics,2018,13,12,e0210174,Pujals Neck muscle responses of driver and front seat passenger during frontal-oblique collisions,2018,13,12,e0209753,Kalthoff Conditional cash transfer programme: impact on homicide rates and hospitalisations from violence in Brazil,2018,13,12,e0208925,Araya Racial and gender differences in missing children's recovery chances,2018,13,12,e0207742,Shor Associations between organised sport participation and classroom behaviour outcomes among primary school-aged children,2019,14,1,e0209354,Timperio Integrated treatment program for alcohol related problems in community hospitals Songkhla province of Thailand: a social return on investment analysis,2019,14,1,e0209210,Assanangkornchai Drinking and driving relapse: data from BAC and MMPI-2,2019,14,1,e0209116,Ferracuti Does a history of sexual and physical childhood abuse contribute to HIV infection risk in adulthood? A study among post-natal women in Harare Zimbabwe,2019,14,1,e0198866,Abrahams Are we validly assessing major depression disorder risk and associated factors among mothers of young children? A cross-sectional study involving home visitation programs,2019,14,1,e0209735,Garwe The role of normative beliefs in the mediation of a school-based drug prevention program: a secondary analysis of the #Tamojunto cluster-randomized trial,2019,14,1,e0208072,Sanchez Epidemiological and spatial characteristics of interpersonal physical violence in a Brazilian city: a comparative study of violent injury hotspots in familial versus non-familial settings 2012-2014,2019,14,1,e0208304,Schuurman Longitudinal relation between state-trait maternal irritability and harsh parenting,2019,14,1,e0209493,Lansford Correction: Violence affects physical and mental health differently: the general population based Tromsø study,2019,14,1,e0210822,Rosenvinge Development and characteristics of the Provincial Overdose Cohort in British Columbia Canada,2019,14,1,e0210129,Zhao Associations between the use of specific psychotropic drugs and all-cause mortality among older adults in Germany: results of the mortality follow-up of the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998,2019,14,1,e0210695,Du Epidemiology of low-energy lower extremity fracture in Chinese populations aged 50 years and above,2019,14,1,e0209203,Liu Resisting hostility generated by terror: an agent-based study,2019,14,1,e0209907,Guimond Carbon monoxide poisoning in Denmark with focus on mortality and factors contributing to mortality,2019,14,1,e0210767,Torp-Pedersen The lifetime prevalence of hospitalised head injury in Scottish prisons: A population study,2019,14,1,e0210427,McMillan Community context and individual factors associated with arrests among young men in a South African township,2019,14,1,e0209073,Rotheram-Borus Effects of armed conflict on child health and development: A systematic review,2019,14,1,e0210071,Goldhagen A public health approach to mobilizing community partners for injury prevention: a scoping review,2019,14,1,e0210734,Crizzle The role of the practice order: a systematic review about contextual interference in children,2019,14,1,e0209979,van Hedel Correction: The short Persian version of motorcycle riding behavior questionnaire and its interchangeability with the full version,2019,14,1,e0211351,Sadeghi-Bazargani Relief from incidental fear evokes exuberant risk taking,2019,14,1,e0211018,O'Doherty Prevalence of workplace violent episodes experienced by nurses in acute psychiatric settings,2019,14,1,e0211183,Chou Readmission risk and costs of firearm injuries in the United States 2010-2015,2019,14,1,e0209896,Spain Trauma induced acute kidney injury,2019,14,1,e0211001,Perkins Psychosocial factors influencing shared bicycle travel choices among Chinese: an application of theory planned behavior,2019,14,1,e0210964,Xin Mortality in trauma patients admitted during before and after national academic emergency medicine and trauma surgery meeting dates in Japan,2019,14,1,e0207049,Yorifuji Sex differences in aggression: differential roles of 5-HT2 neuropeptide F and tachykinin,2019,14,1,e0203980,Watt Magnitude of road traffic accident related injuries and fatalities in Ethiopia,2019,14,1,e0202240,Abegaz Effects of Nordic walking training on quality of life balance and functional mobility in elderly: a randomized clinical trial,2019,14,1,e0211472,Schuch Objective measures of rollator user stability and device loading during different walking scenarios,2019,14,1,e0210960,Thies Multi-sensor movement analysis for transport safety and health applications,2019,14,1,e0210090,Thakuriah Maintenance and inspection as risk factors in helicopter accidents: analysis and recommendations,2019,14,2,e0211424,Saleh Combining green cards telephone calls and postcards into an intervention algorithm to reduce suicide reattempt (AlgoS): P-hoc analyses of an inconclusive randomized controlled trial,2019,14,2,e0210778,Vaiva Assessment and prediction of spatial patterns of human-elephant conflicts in changing land cover scenarios of a human-dominated landscape in North Bengal,2019,14,2,e0210580,Naha Protocol for the conceptualization and evaluation of a screening-tool for fitness-to-drive assessment in older people with cognitive impairment,2021,16,9,e0256262,Brunnauer Associations between socio-economic factors and alcohol consumption: a population survey of adults in England,2019,14,2,e0209442,Kaner Analysis of real crashes against metal roadside barriers,2019,14,2,e0211674,Molinero Balance control during stance - a comparison between horseback riding athletes and non-athletes,2019,14,2,e0211834,Vuillerme Suicide by persons with foreign background in Japan,2019,14,2,e0211867,Matsubayashi Sex and limb impact biomechanics associated with risk of injury during drop landing with body borne load,2019,14,2,e0211129,Brown Consideration of substance use in compensation and pension examinations of veterans filing PTSD claims,2019,14,2,e0210938,Rosen Development of a risk prediction model (Hangang) and comparison with clinical severity scores in burn patients,2019,14,2,e0211075,Chun A prospective study of repetition of self-harm following deliberate self-poisoning in rural Sri Lanka,2019,14,2,e0199486,Dawson Austerity measures and the transforming role of A&E professionals in a weakening welfare system,2019,14,2,e0212314,Kerasidou The association between heat stroke and subsequent cardiovascular diseases,2019,14,2,e0211386,Chien Social media usage patterns during natural hazards,2019,14,2,e0210484,Dodds Hierarchical structure in the world's largest high-speed rail network,2019,14,2,e0211052,Ma Affordable gait analysis using augmented reality markers,2019,14,2,e0212319,Kiss Characteristics of aquatic rescues undertaken by bystanders in Australia,2019,14,2,e0212349,Franklin The effect of contact sport expertise on postural control,2019,14,2,e0212334,Liang Identification of suicidal behavior among psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents using natural language processing and machine learning of electronic health records,2019,14,2,e0211116,Carson Children's exposure to physical abuse from a child perspective: a population-based study in rural Bangladesh,2019,14,2,e0212428,Janson Prevalence and determinants of antenatal depression in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,14,2,e0211764,Tesfaw The Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT2) for evaluating civilian mild traumatic brain injury. a pilot normative study,2019,14,2,e0212541,Sahuquillo Towards a universal concept of vulnerability: broadening the evidence from the elderly to perinatal health using a Delphi approach,2019,14,2,e0212633,Birnie Identifying developmental trajectories of worldwide road traffic accident death rates using a latent growth mixture modeling approach,2019,14,2,e0212402,Salehi Cross-comparative analysis of evacuation behavior after earthquakes using mobile phone data,2019,14,2,e0211375,Sekimoto Mental health in individuals with spinal cord injury: the role of socioeconomic conditions and social relationships,2019,14,2,e0206069,Fekete Help-seeking behavior of Jimma university students with common mental disorders: A cross-sectional study,2019,14,2,e0212657,Girma Assessing the health risks of consuming 'sachet' alcohol in Acoli Uganda,2019,14,2,e0212938,Otim Twentieth century morality: the rise and fall of moral concepts from 1900 to 2007,2019,14,2,e0212267,Haslam Development and validation of Yatt Suicide Attitude Scale (YSAS) in Malaysia,2019,14,2,e0209971,Ibrahim Quality of life of gay and bisexual men during emerging adulthood in Taiwan: roles of traditional and cyber harassment victimization,2019,14,2,e0213015,Yen Poison severity score and sequential organ failure assessment score: carbon monoxide poisoning prognosis,2019,14,3,e0212025,Wang Human roars communicate upper-body strength more effectively than do screams or aggressive and distressed speech,2019,14,3,e0213034,Bond User violence in mental health services: adaptation of an instrument. Healthcare-workers' Aggressive Behavior Scale-Users-Mental Health Version (HABS-U-MH),2019,14,3,e0212742,Ruiz-Hernández Food insecurity and violence in a prospective cohort of women at risk for or living with HIV in the U.S,2019,14,3,e0213365,Adimora Human mobility in bike-sharing systems: structure of local and non-local dynamics,2019,14,3,e0213106,Loaiza-Monsalve A paper-based cell-free biosensor system for the detection of heavy metals and date rape drugs,2019,14,3,e0210940,Gräwe Different strength declines in leg primary movers versus stabilizers across age-Implications for the risk of falls in older adults?,2019,14,3,e0213361,Kibele Preadolescent children's perception of power imbalance in bullying: a thematic analysis,2019,14,3,e0211124,Schonert-Reichl P-curve won't do your laundry but it will distinguish replicable from non-replicable findings in observational research: Comment on Bruns & Ioannidis (2016),2019,14,3,e0213454,Simmons Not all electric shark deterrents are made equal: effects of a commercial electric anklet deterrent on white shark behaviour,2019,14,3,e0212851,Collin The effect of ankle-foot orthoses on fall/near fall incidence in patients with (sub-)acute stroke: a randomized controlled trial,2019,14,3,e0213538,Hermens Characterizing multicity urban traffic conditions using crowdsourced data,2019,14,3,e0212845,Dixit Socioeconomic status stressful life situations and mental health problems in children and adolescents: results of the German BELLA cohort-study,2019,14,3,e0213700,Ravens-Sieberer Parenting after a history of childhood maltreatment: a scoping review and map of evidence in the perinatal period,2019,14,3,e0213460,Herrman Vehicle yielding probability estimation model at unsignalized midblock crosswalks in Shanghai China,2019,14,3,e0213876,Zhao Caring for trafficked and unidentified patients in the EHR shadows: shining a light by sharing the data,2019,14,3,e0213766,Katsanis Trends in global shark attacks,2019,14,2,e0211049,Burgess Anticipation of wheelchair and rollerblade actions in spinal cord injured people rollerbladers and physiotherapists,2019,14,3,e0213838,Avesani Exploring barriers to reproductive maternal child and neonatal (RMNCH) health-seeking behaviors in Somali region Ethiopia,2019,14,3,e0212227,Jalu Are there disparities in different domains of physical activity between school-aged migrant and non-migrant children and adolescents? Insights from Germany,2019,14,3,e0214022,Reimers A scalable machine learning approach for measuring violent and peaceful forms of political protest participation with social media data,2019,14,3,e0212834,Anastasopoulos Effects of hazard types on drivers' risk rating and hazard response in a video-based hazard perception task,2019,14,3,e0214226,Sun Quiet standing: the Single Inverted Pendulum model is not so bad after all,2019,14,3,e0213870,Morasso Traffic symbol recognition modulates bodily actions,2019,14,3,e0214281,Masataka Disaster response knowledge and its social determinants: a cross-sectional study in Beijing China,2019,14,3,e0214367,Wang Ideal and actual partner assessments in male batterers with different attachment styles,2019,14,3,e0214388,Gonzalez-Mendez Age relative to school class peers and emotional well-being in 10-year-olds,2019,14,3,e0214359,Patton The conference effect: National surgery meetings are associated with increased mortality at trauma centers without American College of Surgeons verification,2019,14,3,e0214020,Zarzaur Frequency of health care utilization in the year prior to completed suicide: a Danish nationwide matched comparative study,2019,14,3,e0214605,Erlangsen Characteristics for gait parameters of community-dwelling elderly Japanese with lower cognitive function,2019,14,3,e0212646,Shinkai The setting of the rising sun? A recent comparative history of life expectancy trends in Japan and Australia,2019,14,3,e0214578,Lopez Preschool teachers' perspective on how high noise levels at preschool affect children's behavior,2019,14,3,e0214464,van Kamp Exploring the mechanism of crashes with automated vehicles using statistical modeling approaches,2019,14,3,e0214550,Li Analysis of healthcare service utilization after transport-related injuries by a mixture of hidden Markov models - Correction,2019,14,4,e0214973,Esmaili The reliability and validity of the Survey of Activities and Fear of Falling in the Elderly for assessing fear and activity avoidance among stroke survivors,2019,14,4,e0214796,Liu Psychological impact of mass violence depends on affective tone of media content,2019,14,4,e0213891,Barrett Traumatic brain injury induces long-lasting changes in immune and regenerative signaling,2019,14,4,e0214741,Hellmich Cognitive performance and brain dynamics during walking with a novel bionic foot: a pilot study,2019,14,4,e0214711,Meeusen Murderers or thieves at risk? Offence-related suicide rates in adolescent and adult prison populations,2019,14,4,e0214936,Radeloff Death of a close friend: short and long-term impacts on physical psychological and social well-being,2019,14,4,e0214838,Forbat Alcohol use acculturation and socioeconomic status among Hispanic/Latino men and women: the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos,2019,14,4,e0214906,Perreira Factors influencing traffic accident frequencies on urban roads: a spatial panel time-fixed effects error model,2019,14,4,e0214539,Yang A comparative study on machine learning based algorithms for prediction of motorcycle crash severity,2019,14,4,e0214966,Jiang Enhanced weight-based clustering algorithm to provide reliable delivery for VANET safety applications,2019,14,4,e0214664,Md Noor Roadway traffic crash prediction using a state-space model based support vector regression approach,2019,14,4,e0214866,YUE Modelling the effective dose to a population from fallout after a nuclear power plant accident-a scenario-based study with mitigating actions,2019,14,4,e0215081,Tondel Age and sex differences in human balance performance from 6-18 years of age: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,14,4,e0214434,Muehlbauer Comparison of traffic collision victims between older and younger drivers in South Korea: epidemiologic characteristics risk factors and types of collisions,2019,14,4,e0214205,Kim Do alcohol control policies work? An umbrella review and quality assessment of systematic reviews of alcohol control interventions (2006 - 2017),2019,14,4,e0214865,Parry Ultra-rapid object categorization in real-world scenes with top-down manipulations,2019,14,4,e0214444,Zhao Evaluating the sustainable traffic flow operational features of an exclusive spur dike U-turn lane design,2019,14,4,e0214759,Shao Diffusion tensor imaging reveals diffuse white matter injuries in locked-in syndrome patients,2019,14,4,e0213528,Kremer Are active children and young people at increased risk of injuries resulting in hospital admission or accident and emergency department attendance? Analysis of linked cohort and electronic hospital records in Wales and Scotland,2019,14,4,e0213435,Destavola Mine landslide susceptibility assessment using IVM ANN and SVM models considering the contribution of affecting factors,2019,14,4,e0215134,Peng Pay or prevent? Human safety costs to society and legal perspectives on animal-vehicle collisions in São Paulo state Brazil,2019,14,4,e0215152,Abra Research on the application of mobile phone location signal data in earthquake emergency work: a case study of Jiuzhaigou earthquake,2019,14,4,e0215361,Chaoxu Flooding and hydrologic connectivity modulate community assembly in a dynamic river-floodplain ecosystem,2019,14,4,e0213227,Larsen Characterizing multicity urban traffic conditions using crowdsourced data - Correction,2019,14,4,e0215728,Dixit A real-time road detection method based on reorganized LiDAR data,2019,14,4,e0215159,Xu The Dedicated Emergency Physician Model of emergency care is associated with reduced pre-hospital transportation time: a retrospective study with a nationwide database in Japan,2019,14,4,e0215231,Shiga Mortality in older adults with frequent alcohol consumption and use of drugs with addiction potential - the Nord Trøndelag Health Study 2006-2008 (HUNT3) Norway a population-based study,2019,14,4,e0214813,Engedal Violence risk and mental disorders (VIORMED-2): a prospective multicenter study in Italy,2019,14,4,e0214924,de Girolamo Factors associated with suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts among adolescent students in Nepal: findings from Global School-based Students Health Survey,2019,14,4,e0210383,Dhimal Role of physical performance measures for identifying functional disability among Chinese older adults: data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study,2019,14,4,e0215693,Zhang Correction: Increased long-term risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning: a population-based study in Taiwan,2019,14,4,e0215878,Tsai Seasonal changes in sleep duration and sleep problems: a prospective study in Japanese community residents,2019,14,4,e0215345,Furihata Timescape of disaster risk governance in contemporary Japan: neither state of normalcy nor constancy in regulation,2019,14,4,e0215164,Fra Paleo Correction: The beginning of the end: a qualitative study of falls among HIV+ individuals,2019,14,4,e0216192,Novick Natural disaster preparedness in a multi-hazard environment: characterizing the sociodemographic profile of those better (worse) prepared,2019,14,4,e0214249,Repetto Correction: A universal function for capacity of bidirectional pedestrian streams: filling the gaps in the literature,2019,14,4,e0216314,Nishinari An extension of the technology acceptance model for understanding travelers' adoption of variable message signs,2019,14,4,e0216007,Zhao Academic outcomes following adolescent sport-related concussion or fracture injury: a prospective cohort study,2019,14,4,e0215900,Russell Comparison of injury severity scores (ISS) obtained by manual coding versus "Two-step conversion" from ICD-9-CM,2019,14,5,e0216206,Zonfrillo Pilots and athletes: different concerns similar concussion non-disclosure,2019,14,5,e0215030,D'Lauro I thought I saw a pussy cat: portrayal of wild cats in friendly interactions with humans distorts perceptions and encourages interactions with wild cat species,2019,14,5,e0215211,van der Meer Intimate partner violence and its associated factors among pregnant women in Bale Zone Southeast Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study,2019,14,5,e0214962,Lencha Unemployment and cause-specific mortality among the Belgian working-age population: the role of social context and gender,2019,14,5,e0216145,Vanthomme Medication used in intentional drug overdose in Flanders 2008-2013,2019,14,5,e0216317,Portzky Assessing acceptance of electric automated vehicles after exposure in a realistic traffic environment,2019,14,5,e0215969,Zoellick Head impacts sustained by male collegiate water polo athletes,2019,14,5,e0216369,Small Extreme response style bias in burn survivors,2019,14,5,e0215898,Jette Child development in the context of biological and psychosocial hazards among poor families in Bangladesh,2019,14,5,e0215304,Tofail Evidence of infectious disease trauma disability and deficiency in skeletons from the 19th/20th century correctional facility and asylum "Realta" in Cazis Switzerland,2019,14,5,e0216483,Cooper Outlaw biker violence and retaliation,2019,14,5,e0216109,Klement Socioecological influences on concussion reporting by NCAA Division 1 athletes in high-risk sports,2019,14,5,e0215424,Adame In-hospital costs after severe traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and quality assessment,2019,14,5,e0216743,Polinder Musculoskeletal modelling of the human cervical spine for the investigation of injury mechanisms during axial impacts,2019,14,5,e0216663,Preatoni Time trends in gender-specific incidence rates of road traffic injuries in Iran,2019,14,5,e0216462,Mohammadzadeh Moghaddam Media coverage of Robin Williams' suicide in the United States: a contributor to contagion?,2019,14,5,e0216543,Whitley Can nonresponse bias and known methodological differences explain the large discrepancies in the reported prevalence rate of violence found in Swedish studies?,2019,14,5,e0216451,Swahnberg A cluster randomised double-blind pilot and feasibility trial of an active behavioural physiotherapy intervention for acute whiplash-associated disorder (WAD)II,2019,14,5,e0215803,Price Trends and patterns of deaths injuries and intentional disabilities within the Libyan armed conflict: 2012-2017,2019,14,5,e0216061,Daw Recent changes in women's Olympic shooting and effects in performance,2019,14,5,e0216390,Mon-López Injuries and concussions among young children ages 5-11 playing sports in recreational leagues in Florida,2019,14,5,e0216217,Liller What factors predict drivers' self-reported lane change violation behavior at urban intersections? A study in China,2019,14,5,e0216751,Xu Active streets for children: the case of the Bogotá Ciclovía,2019,14,5,e0207791,Sarmiento A risk stratification tool for prehospital triage of patients exposed to a whiplash trauma,2019,14,5,e0216694,Gunnarsson Time for action: intimate partner violence troubles one third of Ethiopian women,2019,14,5,e0216962,Yitbarek Influence of sexual appeal in roadside advertising on drivers' attention and driving behavior,2019,14,5,e0216919,Maliszewski Prevalence of intimate partner violence against women in Sweden and Spain: a psychometric study of the 'Nordic paradox',2019,14,5,e0217015,Gracia Effectiveness of home fire safety interventions. A systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,14,5,e0215724,Macdermid Assessing the fall risks of community-dwelling stroke survivors using the Short-form Physiological Profile Assessment (S-PPA),2019,14,5,e0216769,Liu See your mental state from your walk: recognizing anxiety and depression through Kinect-recorded gait data,2019,14,5,e0216591,Zhao The disease spectrum of adult patients at a tertiary care center emergency department in Lebanon,2019,14,5,e0216740,Bachir Effects of establishing a trauma center on the mortality rate among injured pediatric patients in Japan,2019,14,5,e0217140,Gakumazawa Factors influencing adherence to home-based strength and balance exercises among older adults with mild cognitive impairment and early dementia: Promoting Activity Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED),2019,14,5,e0217387,Harwood Women's experience of intimate partner violence and uptake of Antenatal Care in Sofala Mozambique,2019,14,5,e0217407,Tura Temporal predictability promotes prosocial behavior in 5-year-old children,2019,14,5,e0217470,Fu Phone messages affect the detection of approaching pedestrians in healthy young and older adults immersed in a virtual community environment,2019,14,5,e0217062,Fung Development of the Parent Perceptions of Physical Activity Scale (PPPAS): results from two studies with parents of infants and toddlers,2019,14,5,e0213570,Stehli Violence against children and natural disasters: a systematic review and meta-analysis of quantitative evidence,2019,14,5,e0217719,Mayhew Prevalence and risk factors for child labour and violence against children in Egypt using Bayesian geospatial modelling with multiple imputation,2019,14,5,e0212715,Sartorius Computational evidence for an early amplified systemic inflammation program in polytrauma patients with severe extremity injuries,2019,14,6,e0217577,Billiar Does prior recall of past week alcohol use affect screening results for at-risk drinking? Findings from a randomized study,2019,14,6,e0217595,Bischof Epidemiology of alcohol-related emergency hospital admissions in children and adolescents: an e-cohort analysis in Wales in 2006-2011,2019,14,6,e0217598,Gartner Differences in the epidemiology of out-of-hospital and in-hospital trauma deaths,2019,14,6,e0217158,Cameron Varus shearing force is a main injury mechanism of pediatric trampoline-related injury in addition to compressive axial loading,2019,14,6,e0217863,Kim Evolution and study of a copycat effect in intimate partner homicides: a lesson from Spanish femicides,2019,14,6,e0217914,Torrecilla Seasonal variation of mortality from external causes in Hungary between 1995 and 2014,2019,14,6,e0217979,Lantos Psychological well-being and quality of life in visually impaired baseball players: an Italian national survey,2019,14,6,e0218124,Miccinesi Prediction models for high risk of suicide in Korean adolescents using machine learning techniques,2019,14,6,e0217639,Kim Using GIS to simulate tsunami evacuation guidance signs for the hearing impaired,2019,14,6,e0217512,Nakai Prevalence and risk factors for sexual assault among class 6 female students in unplanned settlements of Nairobi Kenya: baseline analysis from the IMPower & Sources of Strength cluster randomized controlled trial,2019,14,6,e0213359,Sarnquist Oneself is more important: exploring the role of narcissism and fear of negative evaluation in the relationship between subjective social class and dishonesty,2019,14,6,e0218076,Liang Attacks on healthcare facilities as an indicator of violence against civilians in Syria: an exploratory analysis of open-source data,2019,14,6,e0217905,Blair Intimate partner violence and subsequent premature termination of exclusive breastfeeding: a cohort study,2019,14,6,e0217479,Meyrowitsch Methodological considerations in using the Network Scale Up (NSU) for the estimation of risky behaviors of particular age-gender groups: an example in the case of intentional abortion,2019,14,6,e0217481,Baneshi Proteome of normal human perilymph and perilymph from people with disabling vertigo,2019,14,6,e0218292,Lin Correction: Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and chronic cognitive impairment: a scoping review,2019,14,6,e0218423,Westwood Working memory reflects vulnerability to early life adversity as a risk factor for substance use disorder in the FKBP5 cortisol cochaperone polymorphism rs9296158,2019,14,6,e0218212,Goldman Technique to reduce the minimum toe clearance of young adults during walking to simulate the risk of tripping of the elderly,2019,14,6,e0217336,Akiyama A qualitative systematic review of experiences and perceptions of youth suicide,2019,14,6,e0217568,Cleary Adolescent perspectives about their participation in alcohol intervention research in emergency care: a qualitative exploration using ethical principles as an analytical framework,2019,14,6,e0217855,Drummond Maternal outcomes associated to psychological and physical intimate partner violence during pregnancy: a cohort study and multivariate analysis,2019,14,6,e0218255,Luna-del-Castillo Language use and suicide: an online cross-sectional survey,2019,14,6,e0217473,Biddle "Passing through difficult times": perceptions of perinatal depression and treatment needs in Malawi - a qualitative study to inform the development of a culturally sensitive intervention,2019,14,6,e0217102,Meltzer-Brody A big night out getting bigger: alcohol consumption arrests and crowd numbers before and after legislative change,2019,14,6,e0218161,Hides A method to concatenate multiple short time series for evaluating dynamic behaviour during walking,2019,14,6,e0218594,Taylor Health perspectives among Halabja's civilian survivors of sulfur mustard exposure with respiratory symptoms-a qualitative study,2019,14,6,e0218648,Söderberg Suicidal ideations among medical students: the role of anhedonia and type D personality,2019,14,6,e0217841,Loas Video corroboration of player incurred impacts using trunk worn sensors among national ice-hockey team members,2019,14,6,e0218235,Pilotti-Riley How psychology might alleviate violence in queues: perceived future wait and perceived load moderate violence against service providers,2019,14,6,e0218184,Admi Common oxytocin polymorphisms interact with maternal verbal aggression in early infancy impacting blood pressure at age 5-6: The ABCD study,2019,14,6,e0216035,Doreleijers Associations between adolescents' use of sexually explicit material and risky sexual behavior: a longitudinal assessment,2019,14,6,e0218962,Stulhofer Short-term traffic speed prediction under different data collection time intervals using a SARIMA-SDGM hybrid prediction model,2019,14,6,e0218626,Ma Rider factors associated with severe injury after a light motorcycle crash: a multicentre study in an emerging economy setting,2019,14,6,e0219132,Pai Seasonal changes in suicide in South Korea 1991 to 2015,2019,14,6,e0219048,Cha Intimate partner violence and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care service in Debre Markos town health facilities Northwest Ethiopia,2019,14,7,e0218722,Yeshita Associations between depression anxiety stress hopelessness subjective well-being coping styles and suicide in Chinese university students,2019,14,7,e0217372,Lester State of the art forensic techniques reveal evidence of interpersonal violence ca. 30000 years ago,2019,14,7,e0216718,Kranioti Clinical assessment of suicide risk and suicide attempters' self-reported suicide intent: a cross sectional study,2019,14,7,e0217613,Harris Correction: In-hospital costs after severe traumatic brain injury: A systematic review and quality assessment,2019,14,7,e0219529,Polinder A novel RFID multi-tag anti-collision protocol for dynamic vehicle identification,2019,14,7,e0219344,Chen Decreased psychomotor vigilance of female shift workers after working night shifts,2019,14,7,e0219087,Kantermann Physical activity and sleep problems in homeless adults,2019,14,7,e0218870,Reitzel Sex and age effects in past-year experiences of violence amongst adolescents in five countries,2019,14,7,e0219073,Stark Stability and flexibility in cognitive control: interindividual dynamics and task context processing,2019,14,7,e0219397,Serrien From cars to bikes - the effect of an intervention providing access to different bike types: a randomized controlled trial,2019,14,7,e0219304,Andersen The contexts of heavy drinking: a systematic review of the combinations of context-related factors associated with heavy drinking occasions,2019,14,7,e0218465,Kuntsche Long working hours sleep-related problems and near-misses/injuries in industrial settings using a nationally representative sample of workers in Japan,2019,14,7,e0219657,Yoshikawa Association between high adolescent smartphone use and academic impairment conflicts with family members or friends and suicide attempts,2019,14,7,e0219831,Lee Critical factors for mitigating car traffic in cities,2019,14,7,e0219559,Barthélemy Women at work: changes in sexual harassment between September 2016 and September 2018,2019,14,7,e0218313,Johnson Analysis of the coal seam spalling-failure mechanism based on the seepage instability theory,2019,14,7,e0219735,Wei "Please tell me what happened": a descriptive study on prevalence disclosure and characteristics of victimization in people with a psychotic disorder,2019,14,7,e0219056,Aleman Determination of car seat contact area for personalised thermal sensation modelling,2018,13,12,e0208599,Psikuta Correction: How psychology might alleviate violence in queues: perceived future wait and perceived load moderate violence against service providers,2019,14,7,e0220395,Admi Characterizing injury at a tertiary referral hospital in Kenya,2019,14,7,e0220179,O'Reilly Public understanding of local tornado characteristics and perceived protection from land-surface features in Tennessee USA,2019,14,7,e0219897,Ellis Health behaviors outcomes and their relationships among young men aged 18-24 years in a rural area of north India: a cross-sectional study,2019,14,7,e0220285,Malhotra The role of personality in posttraumatic stress disorder trait resilience and quality of life in people exposed to the Kiss nightclub fire,2019,14,7,e0220472,Zatti Relationship between suicidal ideation and family problems among young callers to the Japanese crisis hotline,2019,14,7,e0220493,Doki Intimate partner violence and maternal depression during pregnancy: a community-based cross-sectional study in Ethiopia,2019,14,7,e0220003,Emmelin A topological characterization of flooding impacts on the Zurich road network,2019,14,7,e0220338,Casali The epidemiology of rape and sexual violence in the platinum mining district of Rustenburg South Africa: prevalence and factors associated with sexual violence,2019,14,7,e0216449,Abrahams MRI comparison of injury mechanism and anatomical factors between sexes in non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries,2019,14,8,e0219586,Yang The step-to-step transition mode: a potential indicator of first-fall risk in elderly adults?,2019,14,8,e0220791,Schepens What works to prevent violence against children in Afghanistan? Findings of an interrupted time series evaluation of a school-based peace education and community social norms change intervention in Afghanistan,2019,14,8,e0220614,Jewkes Factors associated with 'honour killing' in Afghanistan and the occupied Palestinian Territories: two cross-sectional studies,2019,14,8,e0219125,Jewkes Characteristics and trends of traumatic injuries in children visiting emergency departments in South Korea: a retrospective serial cross-sectional study using both nationwide-sample and single-institutional data,2019,14,8,e0220798,Kim Cyclists injured in traffic crashes in Hong Kong: a call for action,2019,14,8,e0220785,Wong Brain-related proteins as serum biomarkers of acute subconcussive blast overpressure exposure: a cohort study of military personnel,2019,14,8,e0221036,Kamimori Crash severity analysis of nighttime and daytime highway work zone crashes,2019,14,8,e0221128,Zhang Evaluation effects of two types of freeway deceleration markings in China,2019,14,8,e0220811,Easa Maternal characteristics associated with injury-related infant death in West Virginia 2010-2014,2019,14,8,e0220801,Rudisill The pervasive effects of timing of parental mental health disorders on adolescent deliberate self-harm risk,2019,14,8,e0220704,Hu Comparing spousal agreement on perceived responsibility for household natural hazard preparedness to actual behavior,2019,14,8,e0221217,Hung Correction: Intimate partner violence and its associated factors among pregnant women in Bale Zone Southeast Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study,2019,14,8,e0221442,Lencha Explanatory model of violent behaviours self-concept and empathy in schoolchildren. Structural equations analysis,2019,14,8,e0217899,Zurita-Ortega Hallucinations both in and out of context: An active inference account,2019,14,8,e0212379,Friston Migrants in transit through Mexico to the US: experiences with violence and related factors 2009-2015,2019,14,8,e0220775,Gutierrez Using social network analysis to examine alcohol use among adults: a systematic review,2019,14,8,e0221360,Hasin Warning signs of preschool victimization using the strengths and difficulties questionnaire: prevalence and individual and family risk factors,2019,14,8,e0221580,Ezpeleta Intimate partner violence against women living with and without HIV and the associated factors in Wolaita Zone Southern Ethiopia: a comparative cross-sectional study,2019,14,8,e0220919,Khuzwayo External validation of the TRISS CRASH and IMPACT prognostic models in severe traumatic brain injury in Japan,2019,14,8,e0221791,Shibuya Comparing the health of non-binary and binary transgender adults in a statewide non-probability sample,2019,14,8,e0221583,Reisner Well-being behavioral patterns and cycling crashes of different age groups in Latin America: are aging adults the safest cyclists?,2019,14,8,e0221864,Sanmartín Homicide pattern among adolescents: a national epidemiological study of child homicide in South Africa,2019,14,8,e0221415,Lombard Modeling traumatic brain injury lifetime data: improved estimators for the generalized gamma distribution under small samples,2019,14,8,e0221332,Ferreira Prediction model for the water jet falling point in fire extinguishing based on a GA-BP neural network,2019,14,9,e0221729,Yao The associations between neighborhood walkability attributes and objectively measured physical activity in older adults,2019,14,9,e0222268,Park Sport injury prevention in-school and out-of-school? A qualitative investigation of the trans-contextual model,2019,14,9,e0222015,Hagger Simulation of pedestrian evacuation route choice using social force model in large-scale public space: comparison of five evacuation strategies,2019,14,9,e0221872,Dong Not a one-way road-Severity progression and prevention of firework fears in dogs,2019,14,9,e0218150,Riemer Falls among community-dwelling older adults in Ethiopia; a preliminary cross-sectional study,2019,14,9,e0221875,Janakiraman The effect of ethyl alcohol on the severity of injuries in fatal pedestrian victims of traffic crashes,2019,14,9,e0221749,Goniewicz Current and potential contributions of community pharmacy teams to self-harm and suicide prevention: a qualitative interview study,2019,14,9,e0222132,Gooding The enemy's gaze: immersive virtual environments enhance peace promoting attitudes and emotions in violent intergroup conflicts,2019,14,9,e0222342,Halperin Free will beliefs are better predicted by dualism than determinism beliefs across different cultures,2019,14,9,e0221617,Haynes Clinical correlates of workplace injury occurrence and recurrence in adults,2019,14,9,e0222603,Li Deactivation of somatosensory and visual cortices during vestibular stimulation is associated with older age and poorer balance,2019,14,9,e0221954,Seidler Public expenditure on non-communicable diseases & injuries in India: a budget-based analysis,2019,14,9,e0222086,Gupta Exposure to marital conflict: gender differences in internalizing and externalizing problems among children,2019,14,9,e0222021,Katsura Vehicle modeling for the analysis of the response of detectors based on inductive loops,2019,14,9,e0218631,Mocholí Belenguer Do speed cameras reduce road traffic collisions?,2019,14,9,e0221267,Graham Results of scoping review do not support mild traumatic brain injury being associated with a high incidence of chronic cognitive impairment: Commentary on McInnes et al. 2017,2019,14,9,e0218997,Iverson Experimental study of the temporal profile of breath alcohol concentration in a Chinese population after a light meal,2019,14,9,e0221237,Tsui Suicide by hanging: Results from a national survey in Switzerland and its implications for suicide prevention,2019,14,9,e0220508,Reisch Occurrence mechanism and coping paths of accidents of highly aggregated tourist crowds based on system dynamics,2019,14,9,e0222389,Yin Understanding the variability of Australian fire weather between 1973 and 2017,2019,14,9,e0222328,Lucas Deployment suicide and overdose among comorbidity phenotypes following mild traumatic brain injury: a retrospective cohort study from the Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium,2019,14,9,e0222674,Amuan Machine learning discovery of longitudinal patterns of depression and suicidal ideation,2019,14,9,e0222665,Simon Social participation reduces isolation among Japanese older people in urban area: a 3-year longitudinal study,2019,14,9,e0222887,Fujiwara The 'saw but forgot' error: a role for short-term memory failures in understanding junction crashes?,2019,14,9,e0222905,Chapman Correction: Roadway traffic crash prediction using a state-space model based support vector regression approach,2019,14,9,e0223223, Qualitative analysis of ward staff experiences during research of a novel suicide-prevention psychological therapy for psychiatric inpatients: understanding the barriers and facilitators,2019,14,9,e0222482,Armitage Measuring sexual relationship power equity among young women and young men South Africa: implications for gender-transformative programming,2019,14,9,e0221554,Gray Mapping online hate: a scientometric analysis on research trends and hotspots in research on online hate,2019,14,9,e0222194,Waqas Injury severity level and associated factors among road traffic accident victims attending emergency department of Tirunesh Beijing Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia: a cross sectional hospital-based study,2019,14,9,e0222793,Gebresenbet Prognosis of severe acquired brain injury: short and long-term outcome determinants and their potential clinical relevance after rehabilitation. A comprehensive approach to analyze cohort studies,2019,14,9,e0216507,Lanzillo PTSD in prison settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis of comorbid mental disorders and problematic behaviours,2019,14,9,e0222407,Macmanus Homotopic region connectivity during concussion recovery: a longitudinal fMRI study,2019,14,10,e0221892,Li Characteristics and costs in adults with acute poisoning admitted to the emergency department of a university hospital in Belgium,2019,14,10,e0223479,Vandijck Vehicle configurations associated with anatomical-specific severe injuries resulting from traffic collisions,2019,14,10,e0223388,Fukuhara The relevance of U.S. Strategic Highway Safety Plans in a future context,2019,14,10,e0223646,Falkmer Prevalence and correlates of partner violence among adolescent girls and young women: evidence from baseline data of a cluster randomised trial in Tanzania,2019,14,10,e0222950,Changalucha Catastrophic factors involved in road accidents: underlying causes and descriptive analysis,2019,14,10,e0223473,Ashraf The prediction model of suicidal thoughts in Korean adults using Decision Tree Analysis: a nationwide cross-sectional study,2019,14,10,e0223220,Bae Prevalence associated factors and health impact of intimate partner violence against women in different life stages,2019,14,10,e0221049,Vives-Cases How does the method change what we measure? Comparing virtual reality and text-based surveys for the assessment of moral decisions in traffic dilemmas,2019,14,10,e0223108,Konig The contribution of age structure to the international homicide decline,2019,14,10,e0222996,Lynch Differences in perceived popularity and social preference between bullying roles and class norms,2019,14,10,e0223499,Veenstra A method for predicting background advertisement exposure parameters in sporting events: televised football game approach,2019,14,10,e0223662,Xiao Speed of processing training and depression in assisted and independent living: a randomized controlled trial,2019,14,10,e0223841,Jones Identification of social relation within pedestrian dyads,2019,14,10,e0223656,Zanlungo Urban commuting dynamics in response to public transit upgrades: a big data approach,2019,14,10,e0223650,yue Travel demand and distance analysis for free-floating car sharing based on deep learning method,2019,14,10,e0223973,Wang Financial inclusion and intimate partner violence: what does the evidence suggest?,2019,14,10,e0223721,Raj The prevalence of intimate partner violence among couples signing up for universally offered parent preparation,2019,14,10,e0223824,Heyman Sharing the filmic experience - the physiology of socio-emotional processes in the cinema,2019,14,10,e0223259,Rost Standing balance of professional ballet dancers and non-dancers under different conditions,2019,14,10,e0224145,Svoboda African-American and Caucasian participation in postmortem human brain donation for neuropsychiatric research,2019,14,10,e0222565,Fowler The psychometric validation of the Dutch version of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) after traumatic brain injury (TBI),2019,14,10,e0210138,von Steinbuechel A configural model of expert judgement as a preliminary epidemiological study of injury problems: an application to drowning,2019,14,10,e0211166,Morgan RCT evaluation of Skhokho: a holistic school intervention to prevent gender-based violence among South African Grade 8s,2019,14,10,e0223562,Lombard Correction: The world's user-generated road map is more than 80% complete,2019,14,10,e0224742,Millard-Ball Using family network data in child protection services,2019,14,10,e0224554,Plank Correction: Evolution and study of a copycat effect in intimate partner homicides: a lesson from Spanish femicides,2019,14,10,e0224840,Torrecilla The evolution of mental health outcomes across a combat deployment cycle: a longitudinal study of a Guam-based National Guard unit,2019,14,10,e0223855,Russell Vintage electronics for trusted radiation measurements and verified dismantlement of nuclear weapons,2019,14,10,e0224149,Glaser Declared impact of the US President's statements and campaign statements on Latino populations' perceptions of safety and emergency care access,2019,14,10,e0222837,Rodriguez Factors influencing bird-building collisions in the downtown area of a major North American city,2019,14,11,e0224164,Loss The magnitude of suicidal ideation attempts and associated factors of HIV positive youth attending ART follow ups at St. Paul's hospital Millennium Medical College and St. Peter's specialized hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2018,2019,14,11,e0224371,Shumet Multistage fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of landslide hazards based on a cloud model,2019,14,11,e0224312,Yao Out-of-pocket expenditure and catastrophic health expenditure for hospitalization due to injuries in public sector hospitals in North India,2019,14,11,e0224721,Jagnoor Contingent negative variation during a modified cueing task in simulated driving,2019,14,11,e0224966,Zhao Prevention of suicidal behaviour: results of a controlled community-based intervention study in four European countries,2019,14,11,e0224602,Värnik Magnitude and associated factors of postpartum depression among women in Nekemte town East Wollega zone west Ethiopia 2019: a community-based study,2019,14,11,e0224792,Abadiga Empathic concern and personal distress depend on situational but not dispositional factors,2019,14,11,e0225102,Fabi Correction: Use of IoT sensing and occupant surveys for determining the resilience of buildings to forest fire generated PM2.5,2019,14,11,e0225492,Pantelic Correction: ISED: Constructing a high-resolution elevation road dataset from massive low-quality in-situ observations derived from geosocial fitness tracking data,2019,14,11,e0225557,Janowicz 'When you talk to someone in a bad way or always put her under pressure it is actually worse than beating her': conceptions and experiences of emotional intimate partner violence in Rwanda and South Africa,2019,14,11,e0225121,Jewkes Moving into an urban drug scene among people who use drugs in Vancouver Canada: latent class growth analysis,2019,14,11,e0224993,Hayashi Lifetime prevalence of intimate partner violence against women in an urban Brazilian city: a cross-sectional survey,2019,14,11,e0224204,de Andrade Effects of an incremental theory of personality intervention on the reciprocity between bullying and cyberbullying victimization and perpetration in adolescents,2019,14,11,e0224755,Calvete Implementation of a screening brief intervention and referral to treatment programme for risky substance use in South African emergency centres: a mixed methods evaluation study,2019,14,11,e0224951,Stein Effectiveness of novel fabrics to resist punctures and lacerations from white shark (Carcharodon carcharias): Implications to reduce injuries from shark bites,2019,14,11,e0224432,Huveneers Impacts of experimental advisory exit speed sign on traffic speeds for freeway exit ramp,2019,14,11,e0225203,Zhao Assessing the capacity of Malawi's district and central hospitals to manage traumatic diaphyseal femoral fractures in adults,2019,14,11,e0225254,Katz Reliability and construct validity of the stepping-forward affordance perception test for fall risk assessment in community-dwelling older adults,2019,14,11,e0225118,Almeida 'Small small quarrels bring about happiness or love in the relationships': exploring community perceptions and gendered norms contributing to male perpetrated intimate partner violence in the Central Region of Ghana,2019,14,11,e0225296,Jewkes Structural vulnerability to narcotics-driven firearm violence: an ethnographic and epidemiological study of Philadelphia's Puerto Rican inner-city,2019,14,11,e0225376,Bourgois Personal values in adolescence and psychological distress in adults: a cross-sectional study based on a retrospective recall,2019,14,11,e0225454,Kawakami Direct transport vs secondary transfer to level I trauma centers in a French exclusive trauma system: impact on mortality and determinants of triage on road-traffic victims,2019,14,11,e0223809,Duranteau Changes in patterns of mortality rates and years of life lost due to firearms in the United States 1999 to 2016: a joinpoint analysis,2019,14,11,e0225223,Li The relationship between women's experience of intimate partner violence and other socio-demographic factors and under-5 children's health in South Africa,2019,14,11,e0225412,Frade Study on characteristics of fire plume in building facade window under lateral blow,2019,14,11,e0225120,Zhao Indirect violence exposure and mental health symptoms among an urban public-school population: prevalence and correlates,2019,14,11,e0224499,Richardson Effects of Topper Training on psychosocial problems self-esteem and peer victimisation in Dutch children: a randomised trial,2019,14,11,e0225504,Overbeek The higher they go the harder they could fall: the impact of risk-glorifying commercials on risk behavior,2019,14,12,e0225884,Fischer Snow avalanche deaths in Switzerland from 1995 to 2014--results of a nation-wide linkage study,2019,14,12,e0225735,Hasler Cannabis users: screen systematically treat individually. A descriptive study of participants in a randomized trial in primary care,2019,14,12,e0224867,Brousse Walking with head-mounted virtual and augmented reality devices: effects on position control and gait biomechanics,2019,14,12,e0225972,Ferber Child protection domestic violence and ethnic minorities: narrative results from a mixed methods study in Australia,2019,14,12,e0226031,Sawrikar Associations between adverse childhood family environments and blood pressure differ between men and women,2019,14,12,e0225544,Smyth Motor vehicle crash reconstruction: does it relate to the heterogeneity of whiplash recovery?,2019,14,12,e0225686,Siegmund Personality traits and risky behavior among motorcyclists: an exploratory study,2019,14,12,e0225949,de Barros Gang confrontation: the case of Medellin (Colombia),2019,14,12,e0225689,Johnson Assessing service and treatment needs and barriers of youth who use illicit and non-medical prescription drugs in Northern Ontario Canada,2019,14,12,e0225548,Miles Research trends in farmers' mental health: a scoping review of mental health outcomes and interventions among farming populations worldwide,2019,14,12,e0225661,Jones-Bitton Influence of traffic accessibility on land use based on Landsat imagery and internet map: a case study of the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration,2019,14,12,e0224136,Li A novel scoring system to predict the requirement for surgical intervention in victims of motor vehicle crashes: development and validation using independent cohorts,2019,14,12,e0226282,Kurihara Performance complexity and dynamics of force maintenance and modulation in young and older adults,2019,14,12,e0225925,Temprado Investigating multisite pain as a predictor of self-reported falls and falls requiring health care use in an older population: a prospective cohort study,2019,14,12,e0226268,McBeth Balance control mechanisms do not benefit from successive stimulation of different sensory systems,2019,14,12,e0226216,Simoneau Suicide among physicians and health-care workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,14,12,e0226361,Trousselard Trait self-control does not predict attentional control: evidence from a novel attention capture paradigm,2019,14,12,e0224882,Boot Genome-wide comparisons of gene expression in adult versus elderly burn patients,2019,14,12,e0226425,Jeschke Healing The Past By Nurturing The Future: a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis of pregnancy birth and early postpartum experiences and views of parents with a history of childhood maltreatment,2019,14,12,e0225441,Brown Determinants of speeding among new generations of car drivers from the Arabian Peninsula. An investigation based among Omani drivers using the theory of planned behaviour,2019,14,12,e0226441,Laflamme Variations by sex and age in the association between alcohol use and depressed mood among Thai adolescents,2019,14,12,e0225609,Assanangkornchai Choosing and enjoying violence in narratives,2019,14,12,e0226503,Lagrange Patterns of serial rib fractures after blunt chest trauma: an analysis of 380 cases,2019,14,12,e0224105,Wilke Association between workplace bullying and burnout professional quality of life and turnover intention among clinical nurses,2019,14,12,e0226506,Lee Are we prepared? The development of performance indicators for public health emergency preparedness using a modified Delphi approach,2019,14,12,e0226489,Schwartz Apologies as signals for change? Implicit theories of personality and reactions to apologies during the #MeToo movement,2019,14,12,e0226047,Schumann Defining pharmacists' roles in disasters: a Delphi study,2019,14,12,e0227132,Tippett Walking-speed estimation using a single inertial measurement unit for the older adults,2019,14,12,e0227075,Han Drug overdose among women in intimate relationships: the role of partner violence adversity and relationship dependencies,2019,14,12,e0225854,El-Bassel Balancing fire risk and human thermal comfort in fire-prone urban landscapes,2019,14,12,e0225981,Penman Medical and productivity costs after trauma,2019,14,12,e0227131,Polinder Experimental evidence of subtle victim blame in the absence of explicit blame,2019,14,12,e0227229,Hafer Common trust and personal safety issues: a systematic review on the acceptability of health and social interventions for persons with lived experience of homelessness,2019,14,12,e0226306,Kozloff A novel assessment for readiness evaluation during simulated dismounted operations: a reliability study,2019,14,12,e0226386,Sheehan Differences between occupational and non-occupational-related motor vehicle collisions in West Virginia: a cross-sectional and spatial analysis,2019,14,12,e0227388,Smith Distributed forecasting and ant colony optimization for the bike-sharing rebalancing problem with unserved demands,2019,14,12,e0226204,Wang Recognition of personality disorder and anxiety disorder comorbidity in patients treated for depression in secondary psychiatric care,2020,15,1,e0227364,Westrin Safe mobility socioeconomic inequalities and aging: a 12-year multilevel interrupted time-series analysis of road traffic death rates in a Latin American country,2020,15,1,e0224545,Martínez Recovery of health-related quality of life after burn injuries: An individual participant data meta-analysis,2020,15,1,e0226653,van Baar Human-raptor conflict in rural settlements of Colombia,2020,15,1,e0227704,Restrepo-Cardona Investigation of injury severity in urban expressway crashes: a case study from Beijing,2020,15,1,e0227869,Yuan Can helmet decrease mortality of craniocerebral trauma patients in a motorcycle accident? A propensity score matching,2020,15,1,e0227691,Woo Statistical learning for turboshaft helicopter accidents using logistic regression,2020,15,1,e0227334,Saleh Job stress and emotional exhaustion at work in Spanish workers: does unhealthy work affect the decision to drive?,2020,15,1,e0227328,Alonso A highway crash risk assessment method based on traffic safety state division,2020,15,1,e0227609,Sun Association of benzodiazepines opioids and tricyclic antidepressants use and falls in trauma patients: conditional effect of age,2020,15,1,e0227696,Vilar-López The socioeconomic impact of orthopaedic trauma: A systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,15,1,e0227907,Klazinga Factors related to met needs for rehabilitation 6 years after stroke,2020,15,1,e0227867-e0227867,von Koch Clinical state tracking in serious mental illness through computational analysis of speech,2020,15,1,e0225695-e0225695,Miklowitz Disease-specific out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure in urban Bangladesh: a Bayesian analysis,2020,15,1,e0227565-e0227565,Swe Economic burden of maternal morbidity - a systematic review of cost-of-illness studies,2020,15,1,e0227377,Brown Correction: Association between workplace bullying and burnout professional quality of life and turnover intention among clinical nurses,2020,15,1,e0228124,Lee Reanalysis of the Bridge et al. study of suicide following release of 13 Reasons Why,2020,15,1,e0227545,Romer Assessing risk factors and impact of cyberbullying victimization among university students in Myanmar: a cross-sectional study,2020,15,1,e0227051,Hamajima The Malaysian Workplace Bullying Index (MWBI): a new measure of workplace bullying in Eastern countries,2020,15,1,e0223235,Dollard Revisits readmissions and outcomes for pediatric traumatic brain injury in California 2005-2014,2020,15,1,e0227981,Sokolove Multiple trajectories of alcohol use and the development of alcohol use disorder: do Swiss men mature-out of problematic alcohol use during emerging adulthood?,2020,15,1,e0220232,Gmel Adult health burden and costs in California during 2013 associated with prior adverse childhood experiences,2020,15,1,e0228019,Waehrer Improving measurement of child abuse and neglect: A systematic review and analysis of national prevalence studies,2020,15,1,e0227884,Dunne Disease burden of adverse childhood experiences across 14 states,2020,15,1,e0226134,Waehrer The effect of waiting on aggressive tendencies toward emergency department staff: providing information can help but may also backfire,2020,15,1,e0227729,Rafaeli The identification of risk factors contributing to accidental opioid poisonings in companion dogs using data from a North American poison control center (2006-2014),2020,15,1,e0227701,Pearl Risk factors associated with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in Bhutan: an analysis of the 2014 Bhutan STEPS Survey data,2020,15,1,e0225888,Zhao The experience of the self in Canadian youth living with anxiety: a qualitative study,2020,15,1,e0228193,Woodgate Patterns of healthcare services utilization associated with intimate partner violence (IPV): effects of IPV screening and receiving information on support services in a cohort of perinatal women,2020,15,1,e0228088,Daoud Is left-behind status related to differences in sexual health of Armenian mothers? Evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey in 2010 and 2015,2020,15,2,e0228344,Chiao Using an ideal observer analysis to investigate the visual perceptual efficiency of individuals with a history of non-suicidal self-injury when identifying emotional expressions,2020,15,2,e0227019,Collin Flying into the hurricane: a case study of UAV use in damage assessment during the 2017 hurricanes in Texas and Florida,2020,15,2,e0227808,Greenough Understanding the contribution of public- and restricted-access places to overall and domain-specific physical activity among Mexican adults: a cross-sectional study,2020,15,2,e0228491,Barquera Does information about toughness decrease fighting? Experimental evidence,2020,15,2,e0228285,Szekely Sex drugs and early emerging risk: examining the association between sexual debut and substance use across adolescence,2020,15,2,e0228432,Hicks Survival-oriented personality factors are associated with various types of social support in an emergency disaster situation,2020,15,2,e0228875,Sugiura Primary blast wave protection in combat helmet design: a historical comparison between present day and World War I,2020,15,2,e0228802,Bass Driving behavior and safety analysis at OSMS section for merged one-way freeway based on simulated driving safety analysis of driving behaviour,2020,15,2,e0228238,Wu Anonymous-authentication scheme based on fog computing for VANET,2020,15,2,e0228319,Liu Adolescent hockey players' predispositions to adopt sport and exercise behaviours: an ecological perspective,2020,15,2,e0228352,Lemoyne Parents' experiences of seeking health care and encountering allegations of shaken baby syndrome: a qualitative study,2020,15,2,e0228911,Hogberg Mining ship deficiency correlations from historical port state control (PSC) inspection data,2020,15,2,e0229211,Chen The risk of deliberate self-harm following a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis: a population-based cohort study,2020,15,2,e0229273,Vigod A 3D roaming and collision detection algorithm applicable for massive spatial data,2020,15,2,e0229038,Xie Paired walkers with better first impression synchronize better,2020,15,2,e0227880,Tseng How to improve users' intentions to continued usage of shared bicycles: a mixed method approach,2020,15,2,e0229458,Zhanyou Sleepiness and injury risk in emergency medical service workers in Taiwan,2020,15,2,e0229202,Chen Cost benefit analysis of two policy options for cannabis: Status quo and legalisation,2014,9,4,e95569,Ritter Measuring childhood maltreatment: psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Maltreatment and Abuse Chronology of Exposure (MACE) scale,2020,15,2,e0229661,Elbert A framework for testing independence between lane change and cooperative intelligent transportation system,2020,15,2,e0229289,Rakotonirainy A randomized controlled study incorporating an electromechanical gait machine the Hybrid Assistive Limb in gait training of patients with severe limitations in walking in the subacute phase after stroke,2020,15,2,e0229707,Borg Using city gates as a means of estimating ancient traffic flows,2020,15,2,e0229580,Hanson Female genital mutilation/cutting: emerging factors sustaining medicalization related changes in selected Kenyan communities,2020,15,3,e0228410,Kabiru Investigating influence factors of traffic violations at signalized intersections using data gathered from traffic enforcement camera,2020,15,3,e0229653,Liu Biochemical recovery from exertional heat stroke follows a 16-day time course,2020,15,3,e0229616,Kenefick Bold or reckless? The impact of workplace risk-taking on attributions and expected outcomes,2020,15,3,e0228672,Fisk School-based interventions to promote adolescent health: a systematic review in low- and middle-income countries of WHO Western Pacific Region,2020,15,3,e0230046,Xu Constrained Linear Movement Model (CALM): simulation of passenger movement in airplanes,2020,15,3,e0229690,Namilae Identifying the snake: First scoping review on practices of communities and healthcare providers confronted with snakebite across the world,2020,15,3,e0229989,Chappuis Emerging partner violence among young adolescents in a low-income country: perpetration victimization and adversity,2020,15,3,e0230085,Kohler Preventing slips overruns and cancellations: application of system accident investigations and theory to the understanding and prevention of engineering project failures,2020,15,3,e0229825,Marais Impulsive and premeditated aggression in male offenders with antisocial personality disorder,2020,15,3,e0229876,Coelho 'We don't see because we don't ask': qualitative exploration of service users' and health professionals' views regarding a psychosocial intervention targeting pregnant women experiencing domestic and family violence,2020,15,3,e0230069,Baird Prospective cohort study on the predictors of fall risk in 119 patients with bilateral vestibulopathy,2020,15,3,e0228768,Hallemans Firearm-related experiences and perceptions among United States male veterans: a qualitative interview study,2020,15,3,e0230135,Brenner Explanatory factors of post-traumatic distress and burnout among hospital staff 6 months after Hurricane Irma in Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthelemy,2020,15,3,e0229246,Jehel A landslide susceptibility map based on spatial scale segmentation: a case study at Zigui-Badong in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area China,2020,15,3,e0229818,Yu Multidimensional scale of perceived social support in Indonesian adolescent disaster survivors: a psychometric evaluation,2020,15,3,e0229958,Chung Development and validation of a scale assessing achievement goals in driving,2020,15,3,e0230349,Ragot-Court Adolescent traumatic brain injuries: onset mechanism and links with current academic performance and physical injuries,2020,15,3,e0229489,Mann Age-related modulations of alpha and gamma brain activities underlying anticipation and distraction,2020,15,3,e0229334,Bidet-Caulet Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design,2020,15,3,e0225839,van Ijzendoorn Depressive symptoms and its associated factors among prisoners in Debre Berhan prison Ethiopia,2020,15,3,e0220267,Reta Built environment correlates of physical activity in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review,2020,15,3,e0230454,Adlakha Research on alcohol and other drug (AOD) use among sexual minority women: a global scoping review,2020,15,3,e0229869,Wilsnack Effect of the environment on gait and gaze behavior in older adult fallers compared to older adult non-fallers,2020,15,3,e0230479,Giuliani Results from a cluster-randomized trial to evaluate a microfinance and peer health leadership intervention to prevent HIV and intimate partner violence among social networks of Tanzanian men,2020,15,3,e0230371,Maman Validation of Chinese Multidimensional Depression Assessment Scale (MDAS) in Inner Mongolia pregnant women and risk factors of antenatal depression in Inner Mongolia in the era of one-child policy,2020,15,3,e0227944,Williams Epidemiology treatment costs and long-term outcomes of patients with fireworks-related injuries (ROCKET); a multicenter prospective observational case series,2020,15,3,e0230382,Polinder Clinical correlates of sarcopenia and falls in Parkinson's disease,2020,15,3,e0227238,Braga-Neto Bullying in fly-in-fly-out employees in the Australian resources sector: a cross-sectional study,2020,15,3,e0229970,Morrison Prognostic factors for medical and productivity costs and return to work after trauma,2020,15,3,e0230641,Steyerberg Correlates of intimate partner violence among urban women in sub-Saharan Africa,2020,15,3,e0230508,Izugbara Pre-adult aggression and its long-term behavioural consequences in crickets,2020,15,3,e0230743,Stevenson Mapping cannabis potency in medical and recreational programs in the United States,2020,15,3,e0230167,Cash What is the difference between perceived and actual risk of distracted driving? A field study on a real highway,2020,15,4,e0231151,Wang Firearm-related experiences and perceptions among United States male veterans: a qualitative interview study [Correction],2020,15,4,e0231493,Brenner Violence against emergency department nurses; can we identify the perpetrators?,2020,15,4,e0230793,O'Meara Exploration of the factors related to self-efficacy among psychiatric nurses,2020,15,4,e0230740,Yada Intimate partner violence: a key correlate of women's physical and mental health in informal settlements in Nairobi Kenya,2020,15,4,e0230894,McMahon Trends in lawyer use in road traffic injury compensation claims,2020,15,4,e0231025,Berecki-Gisolf The impact of end-demand legislation on sex workers' access to health and sex worker-led services: a community-based prospective cohort study in Canada,2020,15,4,e0225783,Strathdee Impact of a district mental health care plan on suicidality among patients with depression and alcohol use disorder in Nepal,2020,15,4,e0231158,Jordans Severity assessment of accidents involving roadside trees based on occupant injury analysis,2020,15,4,e0231030,PEI A simple crowdsourced delay-based traffic signal control,2020,15,4,e0230598,Dixit Screening gender minority people for harmful alcohol use,2020,15,4,e0231022,Obedin-Maliver Effects of driver compensatory behaviour on risks of critical pedestrian collisions under simulated visual field defects,2020,15,4,e0231130,Itoh The identification and treatment of mental health and substance misuse problems in sexual assault services: a systematic review,2020,15,4,e0231260,Gilchrist A structural equation model of falls at home in individuals with chronic stroke based on the international classification of function disability and health,2020,15,4,e0231491,Sawangdee Associations between the injustice experience questionnaire and treatment term in patients with acute whiplash-associated disorder in Japan: comparison with Canadian data,2020,15,4,e0231077,Miki Married very young adolescent girls in Niger at greatest risk of lifetime male partner reproductive coercion and sexual violence,2020,15,4,e0231392,Silverman Impact of law enforcement and increased traffic fines policy on road traffic fatality injuries and offenses in Iran: interrupted time series analysis,2020,15,4,e0231182,Mohammadzadeh Moghaddam Understanding ambivalence in help-seeking for suicidal people with comorbid depression and alcohol misuse,2020,15,4,e0231647,Kay-Lambkin Establishing need and population priorities to improve the health of homeless and vulnerably housed women youth and men: a Delphi consensus study,2020,15,4,e0231758,Mayhew Heterosexist microaggressions student academic experience and perception of campus climate: findings from an Italian higher education context,2020,15,4,e0231580,Bacchini Impact of confinement in vehicle trunks on decomposition and entomological colonization of carcasses,2020,15,4,e0231207,Anderson Tsinghua facial expression database - a database of facial expressions in Chinese young and older women and men: development and validation,2020,15,4,e0231304,Li Health status and psychological outcomes after trauma: a prospective multicenter cohort study,2020,15,4,e0231649,Polinder Noncommunicable disease burden among conflict-affected adults in Ukraine: a cross-sectional study of prevalence risk factors and effect of conflict on severity of disease and access to care,2020,15,4,e0231899,Husain Pharmacological treatment of depression: a systematic review comparing clinical practice guideline recommendations,2020,15,4,e0231700,Fráguas Understanding the healthcare provider response to sexual violence in Ghana: a situational analysis,2020,15,4,e0231644,Munro-Kramer Costs of cannabis testing compliance: assessing mandatory testing in the California cannabis market,2020,15,4,e0232041,Valdes-Donoso Experiences of violence among adolescent girls and young women in Nairobi's informal settlements prior to scale-up of the DREAMS Partnership: prevalence severity and predictors,2020,15,4,e0231737,Floyd Determinants of intimate partner violence against women in Ethiopia: a multi-level analysis,2020,15,4,e0232217,Loxton Deliberate self-harm: case identification and incidence estimate upon data from national patient registry,2020,15,4,e0231885,Mehlum Epidemiology of postnatal depression and its associated factors in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,15,4,e0231940,Dadi A neuroscientific evaluation of driver rehabilitation: functional neuroimaging demonstrates the effectiveness of empathy induction in altering brain responses during social information processing,2020,15,4,e0232222,Rezác Correction: Intergenerational transmission of child maltreatment using a multi-informant multi-generation family design,2020,15,4,e0232792,van Ijzendoorn Maternal experience of intimate partner violence and its association with morbidity and mortality of children: evidence from India,2020,15,4,e0232454,Paul A closer look at the timecourse of mind wandering: pupillary responses and behaviour,2020,15,4,e0226792,Vannucci Suicide fatalities in the US compared to Canada: potential suicides averted with lower firearm ownership in the US,2020,15,4,e0232252,Galea Prediction of attempted suicide in men and women with crack-cocaine use disorder in Brazil,2020,15,5,e0232242,Pechansky Injury patients' perceptions of drink-driving: a qualitative assessment of drink-driving behavior in Moshi Tanzania,2020,15,5,e0230662,Gerardo Correction: Playing with fire. Understanding how experiencing a fire in an immersive virtual environment affects prevention behavior,2020,15,5,e0233123, Falls and long-term survival among older adults residing in care homes,2020,15,5,e0231618,Damián Life within a limited radius: investigating activity space in women with a history of child abuse using global positioning system tracking,2020,15,5,e0232666,Bohus Psychometric testing of the Fall Risks for Older People in the Community screening tool (FROP-Com screen) for community-dwelling people with stroke,2020,15,5,e0233045,Liu Actual and perceived motor competence: are children accurate in their perceptions?,2020,15,5,e0233190,Bortoli Road lighting density and brightness linked with increased cycling rates after-dark,2020,15,5,e0233105,Lovelace Do negative emotions in social advertising really work? Confrontation of classic vs. EEG reaction toward advertising that promotes safe driving,2020,15,5,e0233036,Borawska The influence of spouses and their driving roles in self-regulation: a qualitative exploration of driving reduction and cessation practices amongst married older adults,2020,15,5,e0232795,Ang Associations between recent intimate partner violence and receipt and quality of perinatal health services in Uttar Pradesh,2020,15,5,e0232079,Raj Economic and epidemiological impact of youth suicide in countries with the highest human development index,2020,15,5,e0232940,Doran Relationship between visual function and cognitive function in the elderly: a cross-sectional observational study,2020,15,5,e0233381,Tsubota "I got courage from knowing that even a daughter-in-law can earn her living": mixed methods evaluation of a family-centred intervention to prevent violence against women and girls in Nepal,2020,15,5,e0232256,Jewkes Is poverty the mother of crime? Evidence from homicide rates in China,2020,15,5,e0233034,Egger Standardized on-road tests assessing fitness-to-drive in people with cognitive impairments: a systematic review,2020,15,5,e0233125,Vaucher Can irrelevant but salient visual cues compensate for the age-related decline in cognitive conflict resolution?-An ERP study,2020,15,5,e0233496,Gaál Pre-injury activity predicts outcomes following distal radius fractures in patients age 60 and older,2020,15,5,e0232684,Wang Characterizing motivations for cannabis use in a cohort of people who use illicit drugs: a latent class analysis,2020,15,5,e0233463,Hayashi Beyond safety drivers: applying air traffic control principles to support the deployment of driverless vehicles,2020,15,5,e0232837,Bao Observational descriptive study of ultrasound use and its impact on clinical decisions in the accident and emergency department at Georgetown public hospital corporation,2020,15,5,e0233379,Kissoon Fatal intentional drowning in Australia: a systematic literature review of rates and risk factors,2020,15,5,e0231861,Franklin Adoption of image surface parameters under moving edge computing in the construction of mountain fire warning method,2020,15,5,e0232433,Li Health care workers in conflict and post-conflict settings: systematic mapping of the evidence,2020,15,5,e0233757,El-Jardali Risk communication and adaptive behaviour in flood-prone areas of Austria: a Q-methodology study on opinions of affected homeowners,2020,15,5,e0233551,Fuchs Crystalline methamphetamine (ice) use prior to youth detention: a forensic concern or a public health issue?,2020,15,5,e0229389,Ogloff Which groups affected by potentially traumatic events (PTEs) are most at risk for a lack of social support? A prospective population-based study on the 12-month prevalence of PTEs and risk factors for a lack of post-event social support,2020,15,5,e0232477,Komproe Effect of testing procedures on gait speed measurement: a systematic review,2020,15,6,e0234200,Josephson Stocks of paracetamol products stored in urban New Zealand households: a cross-sectional study,2020,15,6,e0233806,Pomerleau Assessing the validity of the Self versus other interest implicit association test,2020,15,6,ee0234032,Aknin Pedal Power: explorers and commuters of New York Citi Bikesharing scheme,2020,15,6,e0232957,Blanford Novel methodology for assessing total recovery time in response to unexpected perturbations while walking,2020,15,6,e0233510,Melzer The impact of DSM classification changes on the prevalence of alcohol use disorder and 'diagnostic orphans' in Lebanese college youth: Implications for epidemiological research health practice and policy,2020,15,6,e0233657,Ghandour Who has to tell their trauma story and how hard will it be? Influence of cultural stigma and narrative redemption on the storying of sexual violence,2020,15,6,e0234201,McLean Development and evaluation of a social inclusion framework for a comprehensive hospital-based elder abuse intervention,2020,15,6,e0234195,Du Mont High rate of partner violence during pregnancy in eastern Ethiopia: findings from a facility-based study,2020,15,6,ee0233907,Loxton Depression and suicidal behavior in LGB and heterosexual populations in Serbia and their differences: cross-sectional study,2020,15,6,ee0234188,Jankovic Geometric road design factors affecting the risk of urban run-off crashes. A case-control study,2020,15,6,e0234564,Molinero Child school injury in Lebanon: a study to assess injury incidence severity and risk factors,2020,15,6,e0233465,Pike Health practitioners' readiness to address domestic violence and abuse: a qualitative meta-synthesis,2020,15,6,e0234067,Koziol-McLain Trauma related psychiatric disorders and their correlates in a clinical sample: a cross-sectional study in trauma affected patients visiting a psychiatric clinic in Nepal,2020,15,6,e0234203,Hauff Epidemiology of fall and its socioeconomic risk factors in community-dwelling Korean elderly,2020,15,6,e0234787,Choi Effect of firearms legislation on suicide and homicide in Canada from 1981 to 2016,2020,15,6,e0234457,Langmann The prognostic value of platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio on in-hospital mortality in admitted adult traffic accident patients,2020,15,6,e0233838,Jo Feasibility of a minimal dataset for adults with acquired brain injury in Dutch healthcare practice,2020,15,6,e0235085,Winkens Understanding the dimensions of sport-injury related growth: a DELPHI method approach,2020,15,6,e0235149,Olmedilla The Tokyo subway sarin attack has long-term effects on survivors: a 10-year study started 5 years after the terrorist incident,2020,15,6,e0234967,Nagao Prediction modelling studies for medical usage rates in mass gatherings: a systematic review,2020,15,6,e0234977,Vandekerckhove Long term impact of ladder-related injuries as measured by the AQoL instrument,2020,15,6,e0235092,Eley "You don't want anyone who hasn't been through anything telling you what to do because how do they know?" Qualitative analysis of case managers in a hospital-based violence intervention program,2020,15,6,e0234608,Dicker Mapping fatal police violence across U.S. metropolitan areas: overall rates and racial/ethnic inequities 2013-2017,2020,15,6,e0229686,Schwartz Development and validation of a robotic multifactorial fall-risk predictive model: a one-year prospective study in community-dwelling older adults,2020,15,6,e0234904,Squeri A systematic review of intimate partner violence interventions focused on improving social support and/ mental health outcomes of survivors,2020,15,6,e0235177,Degomme Prevalence of physical and sexual violence and psychological abuse among adolescents and young adults living with HIV in Zambia,2020,15,6,e0235203,Decker Systematic review of the use of "magnitude-based inference" in sports science and medicine,2020,15,6,e0235318,Lohse When the killing has been done: exploring associations of personality with third-party judgment and punishment of homicides in moral dilemma scenarios,2020,15,6,e0235253,Armbruster Emotional affection on a sustained attention task: the importance the aging process and depression,2020,15,6,e0234405,Pérez-Nieto Epidemiology of outpatient and inpatient eye injury in Taiwan: 2000 2005 2010 and 2015,2020,15,7,e0235208,See Intersection management for autonomous vehicles with vehicle-to-infrastructure communication,2020,15,7,e0235644,Li Assessment of community vulnerability and medical surge capacity in a foreseeable major disaster,2020,15,7,e0235425,Kawachi What are the barriers to and enablers of working with people with lived experience of mental illness amongst community and voluntary sector organisations? A qualitative study,2020,15,7,e0235334,Fancourt Investigating in-vehicle distracting activities and crash risks for young drivers using structural equation modeling,2020,15,7,e0235325,Shaaban Inferring transportation mode from smartphone sensors: evaluating the potential of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth,2020,15,7,e0234003,Bjerre-Nielsen Validation of the scale for assessing the psychological vulnerability and its association with health of intimate partner violence victims in Chinese young adult population,2020,15,7,e0235761,Choi Risk of suicidal ideation suicide attempts and suicide deaths in persons with sleep apnea: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,15,7,e0235379,Chinchilli The impact of roadway conditions towards accident severity on federal roads in Malaysia,2020,15,7,e0235564,Musa Using trauma registry data to predict prolonged mechanical ventilation in patients with traumatic brain injury: machine learning approach,2020,15,7,e0235231,El-Menyar Generalizing findings from a randomized controlled trial to a real-world study of the iLookOut an online education program to improve early childhood care and education providers' knowledge and attitudes about reporting child maltreatment,2020,15,1,e0227398,Bard Multiscale model for the optimal design of pedestrian queues to mitigate infectious disease spread,2020,15,7,e0235891,Liu Age-related differences in correction behavior for unintended acceleration,2020,15,7,e0236053,Kimura Relationships between internet use deliberate self-harm and happiness in adolescents: a Taiwan birth cohort pilot study,2020,15,7,e0235834,Lung Effect of optical correction by fully corrected glasses on postural stability,2020,15,7,e0235919,Yu Socioeconomic risk factors for fatal opioid overdoses in the United States: findings from the Mortality Disparities in American Communities Study (MDAC),2020,15,1,e0227966,Blanco Emotional warmth and cyberbullying perpetration attitudes in college students: mediation of trait gratitude and empathy,2020,15,7,ee0235477,Chen Clarifying the structure of serious head and spine injury in youth Rugby Union players,2020,15,7,e0235035,Sato New predictive models for falls among inpatients using public ADL scale in Japan: a retrospective observational study of 7858 patients in acute care setting,2020,15,7,0236130,Nakatani The physical activity of children and adolescents in Germany 2003-2017: the MoMo-study,2020,15,7,e0236117,Woll Patient-reported physical functioning and quality of life after pelvic ring injury: a systematic review of the literature,2020,15,7,ee0233226,Wendt Suicidal behavior risks during adolescent pregnancy in a low-resource setting: a qualitative study,2020,15,7,e0236269,Mutiso Gender differences in the prosecution of police assault: evidence from a natural experiment in Sweden,2020,15,7,e0235894,Eck Exploring adversities among parents convicted of killing their children,2020,15,7,e0235812,Abrahams Correction: Investigation of injury severity in urban expressway crashes: a case study from Beijing,2020,15,7,e0236911,Yuan Prospective associations between internet use and poor mental health: a population-based study,2020,15,7,e0235889,Heron Google searches for suicide and suicide risk factors in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,15,7,e0236777,Gould Suicidal behaviours among in-school adolescents in Mozambique: cross-sectional evidence of the prevalence and predictors using the Global School-Based Health Survey data,2020,15,7,e0236448,Ahinkorah Memory for pictures of sexual assault: sensitive maintenance of ambiguous stimuli,2020,15,7,e0236873,Hock On the challenges associated with the study of police use of deadly force in the United States: a response to Schwartz & Jahn,2020,15,7,e0236158,Nix Intimate partner violence (IPV) with miscarriages stillbirths and abortions: identifying vulnerable households for women in Bangladesh,2020,15,7,e0236670,Biswas A human-machine partnered approach for identifying social media signals of elevated traumatic grief in Chicago gang territories,2020,15,7,e0236625,Stuart Design of reinforcement learning for perimeter control using network transmission model based macroscopic traffic simulation,2020,15,7,e0236655,Kim The safety and feasibility of a Halliwick style of aquatic physiotherapy for falls and balance dysfunction in people with Parkinson's disease: a single blind pilot trial,2020,15,7,e0236391,Soh Functional outcomes after the treatment of hip fracture,2020,15,7,e0236652,Naruse The effects of risk-taking exploitation and exploration on creativity,2020,15,7,e0235698,Harada Bounding the efficiency gain of differentiable road pricing for EVs and GVs to manage congestion and emissions,2020,15,7,e0234204,Zhang Ethanol binge drinking exposure affects alveolar bone quality and aggravates bone loss in experimentally-induced periodontitis,2020,15,7,e0236161,Frazão Political and environmental risks influence migration and human smuggling across the Mediterranean Sea,2020,15,7,e0236646,Wang National Ambulance Surveillance System: a novel method using coded Australian ambulance clinical records to monitor self-harm and mental health-related morbidity,2020,15,7,e0236344,Lubman Assault and care characteristics of victims of sexual violence in eleven Médecins Sans Frontières programs in Africa. What about men and boys?,2020,15,8,e0237060,Van den Bergh The role of moral reasoning & personality in explaining lyrical preferences,2020,15,1,e0228057,Messick How to detect a polytrauma patient at risk of complications: a validation and database analysis of four published scales,2020,15,1,e0228082,Pfeifer Using search engine data to gauge public interest in mental health politics and violence in the context of mass shootings,2020,15,8,e0236157,Kim Evaluation of sexual minority identity as a moderator of the association between intimate partner violence and suicidal ideation and attempts among a national sample of youth,2020,15,8,e0236880,Marti Exposure to family and domestic violence is associated with increased childhood hospitalisations,2020,15,8,e0237251,Preen Soccer heading and concussion are not associated with reduced brain volume or cortical thickness,2020,15,8,e0235609,Lipton The effects of aging and an episodic specificity induction on spontaneous task-unrelated thought,2020,15,8,e0237340,Jordão Crash analysis of mountainous freeways with high bridge and tunnel ratios using road scenario-based discretization,2020,15,8,e0237408,Fang Association between physician-staffed helicopter versus ground emergency medical services and mortality for pediatric trauma patients: a retrospective nationwide cohort study,2020,15,8,e0237192,Inoue Prevalence and associated factors of suicidal ideation and attempt among undergraduate medical students of Haramaya University Ethiopia. A cross sectional study,2020,15,8,e0236398,Yohannis Fall-related measures in elderly individuals and Parkinson's disease subjects,2020,15,8,e0236886,Juras Social violence among Thai gender role conforming and non-conforming secondary school students: types prevalence and correlates,2020,15,8,e0237707,Guadamuz Subconcussive head impact exposure between drill intensities in U.S. high school football,2020,15,8,e0237800,Steinfeldt Visual attention outperforms visual-perceptual parameters required by law as an indicator of on-road driving performance,2020,15,8,e0236147,Strasburger The prevalence and patterns of exposure to interpersonal violence among men and women in Estonia,2020,15,8,e0237562,Ainsaar Correlates of bullying victimization among school adolescents in Nepal: Findings from 2015 Global School-Based Student Health Survey Nepal,2020,15,8,e0237406,Bista Gaining traction: Promising shifts in gender norms and intimate partner violence in the context of a community-based HIV prevention trial in South Africa,2020,15,8,e0237084,Pettifor Circumstances of human conflicts with bears and patterns of bear maul injuries in Bhutan: review of records 2015-2019,2020,15,8,e0237812,Dorji Characteristics of university students supported by counseling services: analysis of psychological tests and pulse rate variability,2020,15,8,e0218357,Adachi Suicidality among Chinese college students: a cross-sectional study across seven provinces,2020,15,8,e0237329,Kolves "They all laughed and asked me if I enjoyed having sex with those guys": exploring men's lived experiences when reporting rape to police in South Africa,2020,15,8,e0235044,Mgolozeli Causes of morbidity and mortality among patients admitted in a tertiary hospital in southern Nigeria: a 6 year evaluation,2020,15,8,e0237313,Okoroiwu The effect of religiosity on violence: results from a Brazilian population-based representative survey of 4607 individuals,2020,15,8,e0238020,Laranjeira Cats and dogs: Best friends or deadly enemies? What the owners of cats and dogs living in the same household think about their relationship with people and other pets,2020,15,8,e0237822,Diverio A multi-method psychological autopsy study on youth suicides in the Netherlands in 2017: feasibility main outcomes and recommendations,2020,15,8,e0238031,Gilissen Factors influencing the use of health services by trauma patients according to insurance type and injury severity score in South Korea: based on Andersen's behavioral model,2020,15,8,e0238258,Kim Safety assessment of all-steel-type attached lifting scaffold based on grey Euclidean theory,2020,15,8,e0238074,Liu Mechanics of walking and running up and downhill: a joint-level perspective to guide design of lower-limb exoskeletons,2020,15,8,e0231996,Sawicki Perspectives of wheelchair users with spinal cord injury on fall circumstances and fall prevention: a mixed methods approach using photovoice,2020,15,8,e0238116,Scovil Suicide and self-harm content on Instagram: a systematic scoping review,2020,15,9,e0238603,Collings The link between childhood psychological maltreatment and cyberbullying perpetration attitudes among undergraduates: testing the risk and protective factors,2020,15,9,e0236792,Li Age-related differences in driving behaviors among non-professional drivers in Egypt,2020,15,9,e0238516,Arafa Changing prevalence and factors associated with female genital mutilation in Ethiopia: data from the 2000 2005 and 2016 national demographic health surveys,2020,15,9,e0238495,Harries Development of the parental self-efficacy scale for preventing challenging behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder,2020,15,9,e0238652,Arimoto Landowner perceptions of woody plants and prescribed fire in the Southern Plains USA,2020,15,9,e0238688,Kreuter Improving the staging of neck injuries using a new index the Neck Functional Holistic Analysis Score: Clustering approach to determine degrees of impairment,2020,15,9,e0238424,Fidalgo-Herrera Mental fatigue impairs physical activity technical and decision-making performance during small-sided games,2020,15,9,e0238461,Trecroci Dimensions of aberrant driving behaviors and their association with road traffic injuries among drivers,2020,15,9,e0238728,Rezapur-Shahkolai The Australian Injury Comorbidity Indices (AICIs) to predict in-hospital complications: a population-based data linkage study,2020,15,9,e0238182,Newstead Specific seismic retrofitting of a compact reinforced concrete building with X-bracings and steel jackets. Application to a primary school in Huelva,2020,15,9,e0238505,Romero-Sánchez Relationship between truck driver fatigue and rear-end collision risk,2020,15,9,e0238738,Mizuno Ridehailing and alcohol-involved traffic fatalities in the United States: the average and heterogeneous association of Uber,2020,15,9,e0238744,Brazil Presentation and validation of the Abbreviated Self Completion Teen-Addiction Severity Index (ASC T-ASI): a preference-based measure for use in health-economic evaluations,2020,15,9,e0238858,Kaminer Non-GABA sleep medications suvorexant as risk factors for falls: case-control and case-crossover study,2020,15,9,e0238723,Shimura Foot rotation and the risk of falls in older women: a cross-sectional study,2020,15,9,e0239065,Kasović Fire risk assessment of high-rise buildings under construction based on unascertained measure theory,2020,15,9,e0239166,Liu Disadvantages in preparing and publishing scientific papers caused by the dominance of the English language in science: the case of Colombian researchers in biological sciences,2020,15,9,e0238372,Ramírez-Castañeda Challenges to pre-migration interventions to prevent human trafficking: results from a before-and-after learning assessment of training for prospective female migrants in Odisha India,2020,15,9,e0238778,Kiss Sexual violence against migrants and asylum seekers. The experience of the MSF clinic on Lesvos Island Greece,2020,15,9,e0239187,Van den Bergh Development of clinical decision rules for traumatic intracranial injuries in patients with mild traumatic brain injury in a developing country,2020,15,9,e0239082,Ratanalert Pattern of workplace violence against doctors practising modern medicine and the subsequent impact on patient care in India,2020,15,9,e0239193,Kaur National U.S. time-trends in opioid use disorder hospitalizations and associated healthcare utilization and mortality,2020,15,2,e0229174,Singh Epigenetic marks and their relationship with BDNF in the brain of suicide victims,2020,15,9,e0239335,Sowa-Kućma Linking executive functions to distracted driving does it differ between young and mature drivers?,2020,15,9,e0239596,Wang Violence against older women: a systematic review of qualitative literature,2020,15,9,e0239560,Garcia-Moreno Clamping force control of electro-mechanical brakes based on driver intentions,2020,15,9,e0239608,Li Association of violence with urban points of interest,2020,15,9,e0239840,Marshall Utilization of maternal healthcare services in women experiencing spousal violence in Pakistan: a comparative analysis of 2012-13 and 2017-18 Pakistan Demographic Health Surveys,2020,15,9,e0239722,Hassan Structural equation modeling approach to explore the influence of childhood maltreatment in adults,2020,15,10,e0239820,Inoue Intimate partner violence against women: operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD-2),2020,15,10,e0239708,Freitas Traffic offending and deterrence: an examination of recidivism amongst drivers in Victoria Australia born prior to 1975,2020,15,10,e0239942,Newstead Couples data from north-western Tanzania: Insights from a survey of male partners of women enrolled in the MAISHA cluster randomized trial of an intimate partner violence prevention intervention,2020,15,10,e0240112,Stöckl Monitoring risk assessment on an acute psychiatric ward: effects on aggression seclusion and nurse behaviour,2020,15,10,e0240163,Delespaul Traumatic brain injuries and problem gambling in youth: Evidence from a population-based study of secondary students in Ontario Canada,2020,15,10,e0239661,Cusimano Stepping-forward affordance perception test cut-offs: red-flags to identify community-dwelling older adults at high risk of falling and of recurrent falling,2020,15,10,e0239837,Marmeleira A multi-stage emergency supplies pre-allocation approach for freeway black spots: a Chinese case study,2020,15,10,e0240372,Chen Impact of socioeconomic- and lifestyle-related risk factors on poor mental health conditions: a nationwide longitudinal 5-wave panel study in Japan,2020,15,10,e0240240,Nagasu No safe place: prevalence and correlates of violence against conflict-affected women and girls in South Sudan,2020,15,10,e0237965,Murphy The effects of video racing games on risk-taking in consideration of the game experience,2020,15,10,e0240367,Lange Grassroots community actors leading the way in the prevention of youth violent radicalization,2020,15,10,e0239897,Puigvert An analysis of emergency care delays experienced by traumatic brain injury patients presenting to a regional referral hospital in a low-income country,2020,15,10,e0240528,Gerardo A population-based sex-stratified study to understand how health status preceding traumatic brain injury affects direct medical cost,2020,15,10,e0240208,Colantonio Medical findings and symptoms in infants exposed to witnessed or admitted abusive shaking: a nationwide registry study,2020,15,10,e0240182,Wester Associations of intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion with contraceptive use in Uttar Pradesh India: how associations differ across contraceptive methods,2020,15,10,e0241008,Raj Alcohol use depressive symptoms and intimate partner violence perpetration: a longitudinal analysis among men with HIV in northern Vietnam,2020,15,10,e0240674,Maman Demographic nutritional social and environmental predictors of learning skills and depression in 20000 Indian adolescents: findings from the UDAYA survey,2020,15,10,e0240843,Nguyen Barriers and facilitators of education provided during rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injuries: a qualitative description,2020,15,10,e0240600,Borraccino Hazard perception and prediction test for walking riding a bike and driving a car: "understanding of the global traffic situation",2020,15,10,e0238605,Castro Factors affecting peak impact force during soccer headers and implications for the mitigation of head injuries,2020,15,10,e0240162,Nauman CFD simulation study on wind load of perforated traffic sign board,2020,15,10,e0240927,Xu Estimation of the relationship between the persistent decrease of the suicide rate and the changes in sociodemographic composition in Hungary between 1990 and 2011,2020,15,10,e0241314,Gonda Analysis of craniocerebral injury in facial collision accidents,2020,15,10,e0240359,Wang Computer vision supported pedestrian tracking: a demonstration on trail bridges in rural Rwanda,2020,15,10,e0241379,Thomas Are politically diverse Thanksgiving dinners shorter than politically uniform ones?,2020,15,10,e0239988,Skitka Teenage pregnancy and experience of physical violence among women aged 15-19 years in five African countries: analysis of complex survey data,2020,15,10,e0241348,Yawson Learning to kill: why a small handful of counties generates the bulk of US death sentences,2020,15,10,e0240401,Baumgartner Revisiting suicide rate during wartime: evidence from the Sri Lankan civil war,2020,15,10,e0240487,Aida Period teasing stigma and knowledge: a survey of adolescent boys and girls in Northern Tanzania,2020,15,10,e0239914,Benshaul-Tolonen How does a partner's motor variability affect joint action?,2020,15,10,e0241417,Knoblich Correction: alcohol-related risk of suicidal ideation suicide attempt and completed suicide: a meta-analysis,2020,15,10,e0241874,Poorolajal Development of the life change adaptation scale for family caregivers of individuals with acquired brain injury,2020,15,10,e0241386,Tadaka The consumption of alcohol by adolescent schoolchildren: differences in the triadic relationship pattern between rural and urban environments,2020,15,11,e0241135,Fernández-Martinez Sexual violence and unmet need for contraception among married and cohabiting women in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from demographic and health surveys,2020,15,11,e0240556,Yaya Measurement of supportive attitudes towards intimate partner violence against women among a Spanish-speaker sample,2020,15,11,e0241392,Bosch-Fiol Psychological distress anxiety family violence suicidality and wellbeing in New Zealand during the COVID-19 lockdown: a cross-sectional study,2020,15,11,e0241658,Stanley Empirical evaluation of the presence of a label containing standard drinks on pour accuracy among US college students,2020,15,11,e0241583,Becker On the treatment effect heterogeneity of antidepressants in major depression: a Bayesian meta-analysis and simulation study,2020,15,11,e0241497,Volkmann Probable PTSD depression and anxiety in 40299 UK police officers and staff: prevalence risk factors and associations with blood pressure,2020,15,11,e0240902,Hotopf Evaluating the effectiveness of a group-based resilience intervention versus psychoeducation for emergency responders in England: a randomised controlled trial,2020,15,11,e0241704,Wild Evaluating the quality of evidence for gaming disorder: a summary of systematic reviews of associations between gaming disorder and depression or anxiety,2020,15,10,e0240032,Shi The promise of an intersectoral network in enhancing the response to transgender survivors of sexual assault,2020,15,11,e0241563,Du Mont Increased winter drownings in ice-covered regions with warmer winters,2020,15,11,e0241222,Clemens Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Attitudes Toward Accompanied Driving Scale and its relationship with driving styles,2020,15,11,e0242374,Tian Childhood adversity and self-poisoning: a hospital case control study in Sri Lanka,2020,15,11,e0242437,Gunnell Frequency domain shows: fall-related concerns and sensorimotor decline explain inability to adjust postural control strategy in older adults,2020,15,11,e0242608,Vikman On the nature of eye-hand coordination in natural steering behavior,2020,15,11,e0242818,Navarro A worldwide bibliometric analysis of published literature on workplace violence in healthcare personnel,2020,15,11,e0242781,Cebrino Long-term healthcare provider availability following large-scale hurricanes: a difference-in-differences study,2020,15,11,e0242823,Iwashyna Childhood maltreatment and lead levels in middle adulthood: a prospective examination of the roles of individual socio-economic and neighborhood characteristics,2020,15,11,e0240683,Widom The nature of posttraumatic nightmares and school functioning in war-affected youth,2020,15,11,e0242414,Harb Engaging primary care professionals in suicide prevention: a qualitative study,2020,15,11,e0242540,Gilissen Valuing disaster risk reduction neighborhood interventions in informal settlements of Latin American and the Caribbean,2020,15,11,e0242409,Sarmiento Self-harm in primary school-aged children: prospective cohort study,2020,15,11,e0242802,Patton Psychosocial job characteristics and mental health: do associations differ by migrant status in an Australian working population sample?,2020,15,11,e0242906,Lamontagne An evidence based efficacy and safety assessment of the ethnobiologicals against poisonous and non-poisonous bites used by the tribals of three westernmost districts of West Bengal India: anti-phospholipase A2 and genotoxic effects,2020,15,11,e0242944,Dey Psychological trauma in different mechanisms of traumatic injury: a hospital-based cross-sectional study,2020,15,11,e0242849,El-Menyar The imprisonment-extremism nexus: continuity and change in activism and radicalism intentions in a longitudinal study of prisoner reentry,2020,15,11,e0242910,Decker Violence and hepatitis C transmission in prison-a modified social ecological model,2020,15,12,e0243106,Treloar Socio-economic urban scaling properties: influence of regional geographic heterogeneities in Brazil,2020,15,12,e0242778,Barreto Sexual assault cases at a tertiary referral hospital in urban Ethiopia: one-year retrospective review,2020,15,12,e0243377,Gudu Domestic violence and social norms in Norway and Brazil: a preliminary qualitative study of attitudes and practices of health workers and criminal justice professionals,2020,15,12,e0243352,Miranda Impact of class-level labelling change on prescriptions of antidepressants for adolescents: an interrupted time-series study using a health insurance claims database in Japan 2005-2013,2020,15,12,e0243424,Schmidt The hallmarks of childhood abuse and neglect: a systematic review,2020,15,12,e0243639,Minnis Risk factors associated with high prevalence of intimate partner violence amongst school-going young women (aged 15-24years) in Maputo Mozambique,2020,15,12,e0243304,Khuzwayo Maturation process and international accreditation of trauma system in a rapidly developing country,2020,15,12,e0243658,Rizoli Association between serum lipid concentrations and attempted suicide in patients with major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis,2020,15,12,e0243847,Li Heatwaves medications and heat-related hospitalization in older Medicare beneficiaries with chronic conditions,2020,15,12,e0243665,Setoguchi An entropy-based approach to the study of human mobility and behavior in private homes,2020,15,12,e0243503,VandeWeerd Victims offenders and victim-offender overlaps of knife crime: a social network analysis approach using police records,2020,15,12,e0242621,Ariel Choice of speed under compromised dynamic message signs,2020,15,12,e0243567,Heaslip Cognitive flexibility and perceived threat from COVID-19 mediate the relationship between childhood maltreatment and state anxiety,2020,15,12,e0243881,Kalia Traffic congestion prediction based on estimated time of arrival,2020,15,12,e0238200,Zafar Socio-demographic determinants of motorcycle speeding in Maha Sarakham Thailand,2020,15,12,e0243930,Young Physiological indices and driving performance of drivers at tunnel entrances and exits: a simulated driving study,2020,15,12,e0243931,Zhang Talking about suicide: an uncontrolled trial of the effects of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health first aid program on knowledge attitudes and intended and actual assisting actions,2020,15,12,e0244091,Jorm Why selective publication of statistically significant results can be effective,2013,8,6,e66463,Happee What young people say about impulsivity in the short-term build up to self-harm: a qualitative study using card-sort tasks,2020,15,12,e0244319,Allen Communicating risk in human-wildlife interactions: how stories and images move minds,2020,15,12,e0244440,Shanahan Performance of self-reported measures of alcohol use and of harmful drinking patterns against ethyl glucuronide hair testing among young Swiss men,2020,15,12,e0244336,Gmel Electromyographic evidence of reduced emotion mimicry in individuals with a history of non-suicidal self-injury,2020,15,12,e0243860,Collin Differential effects of visual versus auditory biofeedback training for voluntary postural sway,2020,15,12,e0244583,Horak Prevention of childhood unintentional injuries in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review,2020,15,12,e0243464,Staton Recognition of children's emotional facial expressions among mothers reporting a history of childhood maltreatment,2020,15,12,e0243083,Bérubé Delay discounting in children exposed to disaster,2020,15,12,e0243994,Kawachi The exploration of size and toddler interaction with liquid laundry detergent capsules,2020,15,12,e0244481,Schwebel Predicting self-harm within six months after initial presentation to youth mental health services: a machine learning study,2020,15,12,e0243467,Hickie Eye-head coordination and dynamic visual scanning as indicators of visuo-cognitive demands in driving simulator,2020,15,12,e0240201,Faubert Perception of urban subdivisions in pedestrian movement simulation,2020,15,12,e0244099,Manley Predictive validity of three home fall hazard assessment tools for older adults in Thailand,2020,15,12,e0244729,Suttanon A population estimation study reveals a staggeringly high number of cattle on the streets of urban Raipur in India,2021,16,1,e0234594,Sahu Identifying intentional injuries among children and adolescents based on machine learning,2021,16,1,e0245437,Li How did outdoor biking and walking change during COVID-19? A case study of three U.S. cities,2021,16,1,e0245514,Errett A systematic review and meta-analysis of victimisation and mental health prevalence among LGBTQ+ young people with experiences of self-harm and suicide,2021,16,1,e0245268,Jones Epidemiology of injured patients in rural Uganda: a prospective trauma registry's first 1000 days,2021,16,1,e0245779,Dicker Trajectories in suicide attempt method lethality over a five-year period: associations with suicide attempt repetition all-cause and suicide mortality,2021,16,1,e0245780,Pirkis Domains of the autism phenotype cognitive control and rumination as transdiagnostic predictors of DSM-5 suicide risk,2021,16,1,e0245562,Stokes Effects of whole-body electromyostimulation on function muscle mass strength social participation and falls-efficacy in older people: a randomized trial protocol,2021,16,1,e0245809,Felício Violence against physicians in Jordan: an analytical cross-sectional study,2021,16,1,e0245192,Mahseeri Development and validity of a hazard prediction test for Chinese drivers,2021,16,1,e0245843,Sun Landslide susceptibility assessment using the Weight of Evidence method: a case study in Xunyang area China,2021,16,1,e0245668,Xiong Classification of road traffic injury collision characteristics using text mining analysis: implications for road injury prevention,2021,16,1,e0245636,Gabbe Increased risk of falls and fractures in patients with psychosis and Parkinson disease,2021,16,1,e0246121,Forns Impact of natural disasters on consumer behavior: case of the 2017 El Niño phenomenon in Peru,2021,16,1,e0244409,Gauthier Understanding the relationship between safety beliefs and knowledge for cognitive enhancers in UK university students,2021,16,1,e0244865,Gardner Modeling duration of overtaking between non-motorized vehicles: a nonparametric survival analysis based approach,2021,16,1,e0244883,Liu Safety of antidepressants in a primary care cohort of adults with obesity and depression,2021,16,1,e0245722,Morriss Assessing the ecological impacts of transportation infrastructure development: a reconnaissance study of the Standard Gauge Railway in Kenya,2021,16,1,e0246248,Mwangi Physical activity sedentary behavior and functionality in older adults: a cross-sectional path analysis,2021,16,1,e0246275,Tribess Coastal drowning: a scoping review of burden risk factors and prevention strategies,2021,16,2,e0246034,Peden Negative self-appraisal: personal reasons for dying as indicators of suicidality,2021,16,2,e0246341,Harris Young people's attitudes towards wife-beating: analysis of the Ghana demographic and health survey 2014,2021,16,2,e0245881,Torpey Incident mobility disability Parkinsonism and mortality in community-dwelling older adults,2021,16,2,e0246206,Bennett Comparing driving behavior of humans and autonomous driving in a professional racing simulator,2021,16,2,e0245320,Remonda Tai Chi practitioners have lower fall risks under dual-task conditions during stair descending,2021,16,2,e0246292,Li Uncovering re-traumatization experiences of torture survivors in somatic health care: a qualitative systematic review,2021,16,2,e0246074,Bjørnnes Blue-wavelength light therapy for post-traumatic brain injury sleepiness sleep disturbance depression and fatigue: A systematic review and network meta-analysis,2021,16,2,e0246172,Srisurapanont Sustained benefits of cognitive training in children with inattention three-year follow-up,2021,16,2,e0246449,Anguera The Brain Injury Screening Tool (BIST): tool development factor structure and validity,2021,16,2,e0246512,King Recognition of child maltreatment in emergency departments in Europe: should we do better?,2021,16,2,e0246361,Puiman Forearm muscles fatigue induced by repetitive braking on a motorcycle is best discriminated by specific kinetic parameters,2021,16,2,e0246242,Duchateau An economic analysis of the health-related benefits associated with bicycle infrastructure investment in three Canadian cities,2021,16,2,e0246419,Winters Evaluating the influential factors for life preserver donning tests,2021,16,2,e0246705,Qian Injury prevention: individual factors affecting adult recreational snowboarders' actual and estimated speeds on regular slopes,2021,16,2,e0246931,Castillo Revised Injury Severity Classification II (RISC II) is a predictor of mortality in REBOA-managed severe trauma patients,2021,16,2,e0246127,Abu-Zidan A multi-contextual examination of non-school friendships and their impact on adolescent deviance and alcohol use,2021,16,2,e0245837,Butts Fluctuations in influenza-like illness epidemics and suicide mortality: a time-series regression of 13-year mortality data in South Korea,2021,16,2,e0244596,Yoon Running behaviors motivations and injury risk during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey of 1147 runners,2021,16,2,e0246300,Hertel Impact of the COVID-19 shutdown on orthopedic trauma numbers and patterns in an academic Level I Trauma Center in Berlin Germany,2021,16,2,e0246956,Winkler Disparities in potential years of life lost due to intimate partner violence: data from 16 states for 2006-2015,2021,16,2,e0246477,Macy Mobile phone applications use while driving in Ukraine: self-reported frequencies and psychosocial factors underpinning this risky behaviour,2021,16,2,e0247006,Sullman The influence of negative mood on solitary drinking preference: an experiment with young adult solitary drinkers,2021,16,2,e0247202,Bachrach Intimate partner violence by men living with HIV in Cameroon: prevalence associated factors and implications for HIV transmission risk (ANRS-12288 EVOLCAM),2021,16,2,e0246192,Mora Associations of socio-demographic characteristics well-being school absenteeism and substance use with recreational nitrous oxide use among adolescents: a cross-sectional study,2021,16,2,e0247230,Raat Visual scanning strategies in the cockpit are modulated by pilots' expertise: a flight simulator study,2021,16,2,e0247061,Causse The socioeconomic distribution of alcohol-related violence in England and Wales,2021,16,2,e0243206,Lightowlers The syndemic effects of mental ill health household hunger and intimate partner violence on adherence to antiretroviral therapy among pregnant women living with HIV in Yaoundé Cameroon,2021,16,2,e0246467,Baumgartner Cohort profile: the Youth and Mental Health Study (YAMHS) - a longitudinal study of the period from adolescence to adulthood,2021,16,2,e0247036,Sund Prevalence and associated factors of post-partum depression in Ethiopia. a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,16,2,e0247005,Getinet Patient perspectives on an intervention after suicide attempt: the need for patient centred and individualized care,2021,16,2,e0247393,Dorogi Predictors of sexual violence among female students in higher education institutions in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,16,2,e0247386,Arefaynie Car drivers coping with hazardous events in real versus simulated situations: declarative behavioral and physiological data used to assess drivers' feeling of presence,2021,16,2,e0247373,Bougard Mental disorders following electrical injuries-a register-based matched cohort study,2021,16,2,e0247317,Biering Modeling driver behavior in the dilemma zone based on stochastic model predictive control,2021,16,2,e0247453,Li Resilience vulnerability and adaptability: a qualitative study of COVID-19 lockdown experiences in two Henan villages China,2021,16,2,e0247383,Tan Large-scale experiment to assess the collision impact force from a tsunami wave on a drifting castaway,2021,16,2,e0247436,Nakamura A natural language processing and deep learning approach to identify child abuse from pediatric electronic medical records,2021,16,2,e0247404,Donaruma-Kwoh Structural determinants of suicide during the global financial crisis in Spain: integrating explanations to understand a complex public health problem,2021,16,3,e0247759,Salvador-Carulla The roles of housing financial and food insecurities in understanding the relationship between childhood neglect and violence in adulthood,2021,16,3,e0246682,Schuck Minority stress distress and suicide attempts in three cohorts of sexual minority adults: a U.S. probability sample,2021,16,3,e0246827,Russell Common international trends in football stadium attendance,2021,16,3,e0247761,van Ours 'It's like being in a war with an invisible enemy': a document analysis of bereavement due to COVID-19 in UK newspapers,2021,16,3,e0247904,Selman Risk factors affecting intimate partner violence occurrence in South Korea: findings from the 2016 Domestic Violence Survey,2021,16,3,e0247916,Han Experiences of violence and mental health outcomes among Asian American transgender adults in the United States,2021,16,3,e0247812,Becerra The effect of human mobility and control measures on traffic safety during COVID-19 pandemic,2021,16,3,e0243263,Zhang Spatiotemporal characteristics and driving forces of terrorist attacks in Belt and Road regions,2021,16,3,e0248063,Chen Cohort profile: MAVIE a web-based prospective cohort study of home leisure and sports injuries in France,2021,16,3,e0248162,Lagarde Association between childhood maltreatment psychopathology and DNA methylation of genes involved in stress regulation: evidence from a study in Borderline Personality Disorder,2021,16,3,e0248514,Brüne Open data and injuries in urban areas-a spatial analytical framework of Toronto using machine learning and spatial regressions,2021,16,3,e0248285,Cusimano Cerebral haemodynamics during simulated driving: changes in workload are detectable with functional near infrared spectroscopy,2021,16,3,e0248533,Gant Factors associated with domestic violence in the Lahu hill tribe of northern Thailand: a cross-sectional study,2021,16,3,e0248587,Apidechkul Economic violence against women: a case in Turkey,2021,16,3,e0248630,Alkan Increased visual and cognitive demands emphasize the importance of meeting visual needs at all distances while driving,2021,16,3,e0247254,Faubert The association between the rise of gun violence in popular US primetime television dramas and homicides attributable to firearms 2000-2018,2021,16,3,e0247780,Romer Associations of firearm dealer openings with firearm self-harm deaths and injuries: a differences-in-differences analysis,2021,16,3,e0248130,Ahern Factors associated with physical and sexual violence among school-going adolescents in Nepal: findings from Global School-based Student Health Survey,2021,16,3,e0248566,Bista Associating ridesourcing with road safety outcomes: insights from Austin Texas,2021,16,3,e0248311,McDonald Measuring inter- and intra-individual differences in visual scan patterns in a driving simulator experiment using active information storage,2021,16,3,e0248166,Krüger Multi-zone prediction analysis of city-scale travel order demand,2021,16,3,e0248064,Zhang Potential of organizing unmarried adolescent girls and young women into self-help groups for a better transition to adulthood: findings from a cross-sectional study in India,2021,16,3,e0248719,Saggurti Towards routine city-scale accessibility metrics: graph theoretic interpretations of pedestrian access using personalized pedestrian network analysis,2021,16,3,e0248399,Bolten Trolley dilemma in the sky: context matters when civilians and cadets make remotely piloted aircraft decisions,2021,16,3,e0247273,Narvaez Identification of clinically-useful cut scores of the Traumatic Injuries Distress Scale (TIDS) for predicting rate of recovery following musculoskeletal trauma,2021,16,3,e0248745,Walton Associations between memory loss and trauma in US asylum seekers: a retrospective review of medico-legal affidavits,2021,16,3,e0247033,Haar Graph-based ahead monitoring of vulnerabilities in large dynamic transportation networks,2021,16,3,e0248764,Faouzi Research using population-based administration data integrated with longitudinal data in child protection settings: a systematic review,2021,16,3,e0249088,O'Donnell A question of morals? The role of moral identity in support of the youth climate movement Fridays4Future,2021,16,3,e0248353,Paulus "When they say weed causes depression but it's your fav antidepressant": knowledge-aware attention framework for relationship extraction,2021,16,3,e0248299,Daniulaityte Sexual risk behaviors mental health outcomes and attitudes supportive of wife-beating associated with childhood transactional sex among adolescent girls and young women: findings from the Uganda Violence Against Children Survey,2021,16,3,e0249064,Massetti Experience of gender-based violence and its effect on depressive symptoms among Indian adolescent girls: evidence from UDAYA survey,2021,16,3,e0248396,Kumar Student reactions to traumatic material in literature: implications for trigger warnings,2021,16,3,e0247579,Kimble Prevention of road traffic collisions and associated neurotrauma in Colombia: an exploratory qualitative study,2021,16,3,e0249004,Brayne Characteristics and visual outcome of ocular trauma patients at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Malawi,2021,16,3,e0246155,Mdala Temporal patterns of roe deer traffic accidents: effects of season daytime and lunar phase,2021,16,3,e0249082,Steiner Assessing the contagiousness of mass shootings with nonparametric Hawkes processes,2021,16,3,e0248437,Boyd Compliance of commercial motorcycle riders with road safety regulations in a peri-urban town of Ghana,2021,16,3,e0246965,Hagan Longitudinal associations between poor reading skills bullying and victimization across the transition from elementary to middle school,2021,16,3,e0249112,Salmivalli Risk factors for delayed encephalopathy following carbon monoxide poisoning: importance of the period of inability to walk in the acute stage,2021,16,3,e0249395,Suzuki A challenge for healthcare system resilience after an earthquake: the crowdedness of a first-aid hospital by non-urgent patients,2021,16,4,e0249522,Lin Correction: A framework for testing independence between lane change and cooperative intelligent transportation system,2021,16,4,e0249804,Rakotonirainy The impact of tsunamis on land appraisals: evidence from western Japan,2021,16,4,e0248860,Sato Recovery of dynamic stability during slips unaffected by arm swing in people with Parkinson's Disease,2021,16,4,e0249303,Nantel Development and validation of a new Multidisciplinary Approach Competency Scale for Prevention of Child Abuse from Pregnancy (MUSCAT),2021,16,4,e0249623,Arimoto Prediction of air traffic delays: an agent-based model introducing refined parameter estimation methods,2021,16,4,e0249754,Yang The association of child maltreatment and systemic inflammation in adulthood: a systematic review,2021,16,4,e0243685,Minnis A direct comparison of theory-driven and machine learning prediction of suicide: a meta-analysis,2021,16,4,e0249833,Resnik Firearms and violence in Europe-a systematic review,2021,16,4,e0248955,Liem The prevalence severity and chronicity of abuse towards older men: insights from a multinational European survey,2021,16,4,e0250039,Barros The influence of new information that contradicts common knowledge about earthquake preparedness in Israel: a mixed methods experiment study,2021,16,4,e0250127,Mesch Peer influence in adolescent drinking behavior: a meta-analysis of stochastic actor-based modeling studies,2021,16,4,e0250169,Ivaniushina Use of prehospital hospitalization and presence of sequelae and/or disability in road traffic injury victims in Brazil,2021,16,4,e0249895,Morais Neto Clustered embedding using deep learning to analyze urban mobility based on complex transportation data,2021,16,4,e0249318,Kim Relationship between childhood physical abuse and clinical severity of treatment-resistant depression in a geriatric population,2021,16,4,e0250148,Courtet Intimate partner violence is a barrier to antiretroviral therapy adherence among HIV-positive women: evidence from government facilities in Kenya,2021,16,4,e0249813,Atwoli Psychosocial factors associated with the self-reported frequency of cell phone use while driving in Iran,2021,16,4,e0249827,Sullman Everyday ethics of suicide care: survey of mental health care providers' perspectives and support needs,2021,16,4,e0249048,Seguin Injury deaths in Australian sport and recreation: identifying and assessing priorities for prevention,2021,16,4,e0250199,McIntosh Falls in young adults: the effect of sex physical activity and prescription medications,2021,16,4,e0250360,Rietdyk Association of prescription opioid use on mortality and hospital length of stay in the intensive care unit,2021,16,4,e0250320,Hardy Mental health difficulties coping mechanisms and support systems among school-going adolescents in Ghana: a mixed-methods study,2021,16,4,e0250424,Runge-Ranzinger Correction: Psychological impact of mass violence depends on affective tone of media content,2021,16,4,e0250756,Barrett Fall risk classification for people with lower extremity amputations using random forests and smartphone sensor features from a 6-minute walk test,2021,16,4,e0247574,Burger Cross-cultural evaluation of the French version of the Delusion Assessment Scale (DAS) and Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS),2021,16,4,e0250492,Jalenques A scoping review of internal hospital crises and disasters in the Netherlands 2000-2020,2021,16,4,e0250551,Boin Ten seconds of my nights: exploring methods to measure brightness loudness and attendance and their associations with alcohol use from video clips,2021,16,4,e0250443,Kuntsche The Werther effect of celebrity suicides: evidence from South Korea,2021,16,4,e0249896,Ha Teacher-rated aggression and co-occurring behaviors and emotional problems among schoolchildren in four population-based European cohorts,2021,16,4,e0238667,Boomsma Can't simply roll it out: evaluating a real-world virtual reality intervention to reduce driving under the influence,2021,16,4,e0250273,Twisk Understanding frailty among older people living in old age homes and the community in Nepal: a cross-sectional study,2021,16,4,e0251016,Jimba Correction: Childhood adversity and self-poisoning: a hospital case control study in Sri Lanka,2021,16,4,e0251223,Gunnell Correction: Effects of physical education extracurricular sports activities and leisure satisfaction on adolescent aggressive behavior: a latent growth modeling approach,2021,16,4,e0251221,Park Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicide and self-harm among patients presenting to the emergency department of a teaching hospital in Nepal,2021,16,4,e0250706,Singh Structure and predictors of in-hospital nursing care leading to reduction in early readmission among patients with schizophrenia in Japan: a cross-sectional study,2021,16,4,e0250771,Tamakoshi Occupational exposure to suicide: a review of research on the experiences of mental health professionals and first responders,2021,16,4,e0251038,McKenzie Mobile phone use intention while driving among public service vehicle drivers: magnitude and its social and cognitive determinants,2021,16,4,e0251007,Eijigu Are there sex differences in physiological parameters and reaction time responses to overload in firefighters?,2021,16,5,e0249559,Sisti The morning after the night before: alcohol-induced blackouts impair next day recall in sober young adults,2021,16,5,e0250827,Donaldson Undoing the 'Nordic Paradox': factors affecting rates of disclosed violence against women across the EU,2021,16,5,e0249693,Hearn The risk factors for insomnia and sleep-disordered breathing in military communities: a meta-analysis,2021,16,5,e0250779,Wang A study on ship collision conflict prediction in the Taiwan Strait using the EMD-based LSSVM method,2021,16,5,e0250948,Chai Development of the Aerial Remote Triage System using drones in mass casualty scenarios: a survey of international experts,2021,16,5,e0242947,Álvarez-García Cognitive bias analysis of young novice drivers' observation abilities-a questionnaire-based study,2021,16,5,e0251195,Hao Cloud model-based evaluation of landslide dam development feasibility,2021,16,5,e0251212,Wu Character configuration major depressive episodes and suicide-related ideation among Japanese undergraduates,2021,16,5,e0251503,Kako Risk factors of suicidality among married adults: a cross-sectional survey in Rajshahi City Bangladesh,2021,16,5,e0251717,Rana Characterization of time-variant and time-invariant assessment of suicidality on Reddit using C-SSRS,2021,16,5,e0250448,Sheth Application of naïve Bayesian approach in detecting reproducible fatal collision locations on freeway,2021,16,5,e0251866,Chung Use of seat belts among public transport drivers in Tacna Peru: prevalence and risk factors,2021,16,5,e0251794,Mejia Impacts of California Proposition 47 on crime in Santa Monica California,2021,16,5,e0251199,D'Orsogna Statistical modeling of numbers of human deaths per road traffic accident in the Oromia region Ethiopia,2021,16,5,e0251492,Tadesse The impact of urinary incontinence on falls: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,16,5,e0251711,Cho Religious affiliation and suicidality among college students in China: a cross-sectional study across six provinces,2021,16,5,e0251698,Kolves Gender differences in marital violence: a cross-ethnic study among Bengali Garo and Santal communities in rural Bangladesh,2021,16,5,e0251574,Swahnberg Temperament character and decision-making characteristics of patients with major depressive disorder following a suicide attempt,2021,16,5,e0251935,Janka Suicide along the Australian coast: exploring the epidemiology and risk factors,2021,16,5,e0251938,Franklin Gender differences in suicide-related communication of young suicide victims,2021,16,5,e0252028,Gilissen Effect of the FIFA 11+ soccer specific warm up programme on the incidence of injuries: a cluster-randomised controlled trial,2021,16,5,e0251839,Dunleavy Trend and epidemiological patterns of animal bites in Golestan province (Northern Iran) between 2017 and 2020,2021,16,5,e0252058,Jafari Prediction of suicidal ideation and attempt in 9 and 10 year-old children using transdiagnostic risk features,2021,16,5,e0252114,Feldstein Ewing Active steering control based on preview theory for articulated heavy vehicles,2021,16,5,e0252098,Wang "Know your epidemic know your response": Epidemiological assessment of the substance use disorder crisis in the United States,2021,16,5,e0251502,Mackinnon Hurricanes and hashtags: characterizing online collective attention for natural disasters,2021,16,5,e0251762,Dodds The impact of temporary contracts on suicide rates,2021,16,5,e0252077,Vall Castello Intersections of food insecurity violence poor mental health and substance use among US women living with and at risk for HIV: evidence of a syndemic in need of attention,2021,16,5,e0252338,Weiser Is orthostatic hypotension and co-existing supine and seated hypertension associated with future falls in community-dwelling older adults? Results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA),2021,16,5,e0252212,Kenny Effectiveness of containment strategies and local cognition to control vehicular traffic volume in Dhaka Bangladesh during COVID-19 pandemic: use of Google Map based real-time traffic data,2021,16,5,e0252228,Hasan Disparities in behavioral health and experience of violence between cisgender and transgender Thai adolescents,2021,16,5,e0252520,Chongsuvivatwong Socio-economic demographic and behavioural determinants of women's empowerment in Mozambique,2021,16,5,e0252294,Harries A systematic review to identify research priority setting in Black and minority ethnic health and evaluate their processes,2021,16,5,e0251685,McEachan Pedestrian attribute recognition using two-branch trainable Gabor wavelets network,2021,16,6,e0251667,Junejo Happy to help-if it's not too sad: the effect of mood on helping identifiable and unidentifiable victims,2021,16,6,e0252278,Kogut Mobility for sex work and recent experiences of gender-based violence among female sex workers in Iringa Tanzania: a longitudinal analysis,2021,16,6,e0252728,Mbwambo Sociodemographic characteristics associated with hospital contact in the year prior to suicide: a data linkage cohort study in Victoria Australia,2021,16,6,e0252682,Clapperton Does childhood experience of family victimization influence adulthood refusal of wife abuse? Evidence from rural Bangladesh,2021,16,6,e0252600,Swahnberg Impoverishment impact of out-of-pocket payments for healthcare in rural Bangladesh: do the regions facing different climate change risks matter?,2021,16,6,e0252706,Begum Long-term medical and productivity costs of severe trauma: results from a prospective cohort study,2021,16,6,e0252673,Polinder Accident and pollution risk assessment for hazardous cargo in a port environment,2021,16,6,e0252732,Yin RETRACTION: Identifying developmental trajectories of worldwide road traffic accident death rates using a latent growth mixture modeling approach,2021,16,6,e0253092,The editors Bullying experience in urban adolescents: prevalence and correlations with health-related quality of life and psychological issues,2021,16,6,e0252459,Latkin Local information sources received the most attention from Puerto Ricans during the aftermath of Hurricane Maria,2021,16,6,e0251704,Dodds Implementing psychological first aid ontology,2021,16,6,e0252891,Jung Suicide on YouTube:Factors engaging viewers to a selection of suicide-themed videos,2021,16,6,e0252796,Jung The Cedar Project: Relationship between child apprehension and attempted suicide among young Indigenous mothers impacted by substance use in two Canadian cities,2021,16,6,e0252993,Schechter Khat and neurobehavioral functions: a systematic review,2021,16,6,e0252900,Patton Trends structural changes and assessment of time series models for forecasting hospital discharge due to death at a Mexican tertiary care hospital,2021,16,3,e0248277,Palacio-Mejia Transgender-specific developmental milestones and associated experiences of violence discrimination and stigma among Filipinx transgender women who are sexually active with men,2021,16,3,e0248248,Operario Patterns and risk factors of opioid-suspected EMS overdose in Houston metropolitan area 2015-2019: a Bayesian spatiotemporal analysis,2021,16,3,e0247050,Persse The associations between smart device use and psychological distress among secondary and high school students in Kuwait,2021,16,6,e0251479,Buabbas Can a social media intervention improve online communication about suicide? A feasibility study examining the acceptability and potential impact of the #chatsafe campaign,2021,16,6,e0253278,Krysinska How trauma related to sex trafficking challenges parenting: insights from Mexican and Central American survivors in the US,2021,16,6,e0252606,Marti Castaner Religion as an influencing factor of right-wing left-wing and Islamist extremism. Findings of a Swiss youth study,2021,16,6,e0252851,Baier Substance use is associated with worse mental health and altered resting state functional connectivity in female university athletes at baseline: a pilot study,2021,16,6,e0253261,Wojtowicz Predictors of violence against health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: a cross-sectional study,2021,16,6,e0253398,Pelloso Evaluation of an integrated intervention to reduce psychological distress and intimate partner violence in refugees: results from the Nguvu Cluster Randomized Feasibility Trial,2021,16,6,e0252982,Kaysen Factors influencing clinical symptoms and treatment of patients with traffic accident injuries: a retrospective chart review with a questionnaire survey,2021,16,6,e0252922,Kwon Heat health risk assessment analysing heatstroke patients in Fukuoka City Japan,2021,16,6,e0253011,Hagishima Cyber-dating abuse in young adult couples: Relations with sexist attitudes and violence justification smartphone usage and impulsivity,2021,16,6,e0253180,Linares Trauma informed interventions: a systematic review,2021,16,6,e0252747,Han A meta-analysis of cohort studies: traumatic brain injury and risk of Alzheimer's Disease,2021,16,6,e0253206,Zhang Financial burden of pediatric firearm-related injury admissions in the United States,2021,16,6,e0252821,Madhavan US law enforcement policy predictors of race-specific police fatalities during 2015-16,2021,16,6,e0252749,Jewell Effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions for injury in ballet dancers: a systematic review,2021,16,6,e0253437,Skwiot Determinants of individuals' belief in fake news: a scoping review determinants of belief in fake news,2021,16,6,e0253717,Bryanov Evaluation of the design and implementation of municipal ice cleat distribution programs for the prevention of ice-related fall injuries among older adults in Sweden,2021,16,6,e0253054,Gustavsson Sexual assault and abuse committed against family members: an analysis of 1342 legal outcomes and their motivations,2021,16,6,e0253980,Cattaneo Assessing emergency healthcare accessibility in the Salton Sea region of Imperial County California,2021,16,6,e0253301,Juturu The German Alliance Against Depression and suicide rates: a retrospective analysis,2021,16,7,e0254133,Hegerl The short- and long-term temporal relation between falls and concern about falling in older adults without a recent history of falling,2021,16,7,e0253374,van Dieen Predicting road quality using high resolution satellite imagery: a transfer learning approach,2021,16,7,e0253370,Lin Gender-sensitive school environment and bullying victimization among adolescent girls: a multilevel study in Nepal,2021,16,7,e0253128,Clark Analysis of individual differences in pelvic and spine alignment in seated posture and impact on the seatbelt kinematics using human body model,2021,16,7,e0254120,Imajo A systematic review of controlled studies of suicidal and self-harming behaviours in adolescents following bereavement by suicide,2021,16,7,e0254203,Rasmussen Anxiety and depression among people living in quarantine centers during COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed method study from western Nepal,2021,16,7,e0254126,Adhikari Predicting binge drinking among university students: application of integrated behavioral model,2021,16,7,e0254185,Gutema A quantitative assessment of the indirect impacts of human-elephant conflict,2021,16,7,e0253784,Sampson Evaluating the association of adverse childhood experiences mood and anxiety disorders and suicidal ideation among behavioral health patients at a large federally qualified health center,2021,16,7,e0254385,Gallo Airbnb and neighborhood crime: the incursion of tourists or the erosion of local social dynamics?,2021,16,7,e0253315,Ke "As long as the patient tells you it was a dog that bit him why do you need to know more?" A qualitative study of how healthcare workers apply clinical guidelines to treat dog bite injuries in selected hospitals in Uganda,2021,16,7,e0254650,Makumbi Impact of implementation of the national institute for health and clinical excellence (NICE) head injury guideline in a tertiary care center emergency department: a pre and post-intervention study,2021,16,7,e0254754,Shrestha Not discussed: inequalities in narrative text data for suicide deaths in the National Violent Death Reporting System,2021,16,7,e0254417,Mezuk Team numerical advantage in Australian rules football: a missing piece of the scoring puzzle?,2021,16,7,e0254591,Robertson Can situations awaken emotions? The compilation and evaluation of the Emotional Situation Sentence System (ESSS),2021,16,7,e0252671,Yin Collaborative driving style classification method enabled by majority voting ensemble learning for enhancing classification performance,2021,16,7,e0254047,Guo Compliance practices and attitudes towards VTIs (Vehicle Technical Inspections) in Spain: what prevents Spanish drivers from checking up their cars?,2021,16,7,e0254823,Alonso Study on prevalence of suicidal ideation and risk factors of suicide among patients visiting psychiatric OPD at Shree Birendra Hospital Kathmandu Nepal,2021,16,7,e0254728,Katuwal Re-examining the effects of drought on intimate-partner violence,2021,16,7,e0254346,Cooper Suicide in rural Australia: a retrospective study of mental health problems health-seeking and service utilisation,2021,16,7,e0245271,Perkins A true face of Indian married couples: effect of age and education on control over own sexuality and sexual violence,2021,16,7,e0254005,Srivastava Design and psychometric evaluation of schools' resilience tool in emergencies and disasters: a mixed-method,2021,16,7,e0253906,Sharif Nia The association between elder abuse and childhood adversity: a study of older adults in Malaysia,2021,16,7,e0254717,Dunne Sports safety matting diminishes cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality and increases rescuer perceived exertion,2021,16,7,e0254800,Jones How norm violators rise and fall in the eyes of others: the role of sanctions,2021,16,7,e0254574,Van Kleef Predicting pain among female survivors of recent interpersonal violence: a proof-of-concept machine-learning approach,2021,16,7,e0255277,Rao Forecasting suicide rates in India: an empirical exposition,2021,16,7,e0255342,Swain Attitudes towards gender roles and prevalence of intimate partner violence perpetrated against pregnant and postnatal women: differences between women immigrants from conflict-affected countries and women born in Australia,2021,16,7,e0255105,Steel Methodology and applicability of the human contact burn injury model: a systematic review,2021,16,7,e0254790,Springborg Observing changes in human functioning during induced sleep deficiency and recovery periods,2021,16,9,e0255771,Chialvo Suicide after reception into prison: a case-control study examining differences in early and late events,2021,16,8,e0255284,Radeloff Developing a natural language processing tool to identify perinatal self-harm in electronic healthcare records,2021,16,8,e0253809,Dutta Attempted suicide and suicide of young Turkish women in Europe and Turkey: a systematic literature review of characteristics and precipitating factors,2021,16,8,e0253274,Montesinos Explaining the difference between men's and women's football,2021,16,8,e0255407,Rossi Neural signatures of bullying experience and social rejection in teenagers,2021,16,8,e0255681,Kiefer Intimate partner violence among pregnant women attending antenatal care services in the rural Gambia,2021,16,8,e0255723,Fawole Crash severity analysis of vulnerable road users using machine learning,2021,16,8,e0255828,Rakotonirainy Post-earthquake dizziness syndrome following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes Japan,2021,16,8,e0255816,Nomura Violence against doctors in Iraq during the time of COVID-19,2021,16,8,e0254401,Lafta Analysis for bearing performance and construction mechanical behavior of supporting structure for the large cross-section tunnel by half bench CD method,2021,16,8,e0255511,Zhao Exploration of associations between deliberate self-poisoning and psychiatric disorders in rural Sri Lanka: a case-control study,2021,16,8,e0255805,Dawson The effects of the Otago Exercise Programme on actual and perceived balance in older adults: a meta-analysis,2021,16,8,e0255780,Yeh Relationships between patterns of cannabis use abuse and dependence and recent stimulant use: evidence from two national surveys in Ireland,2021,16,8,e0255745,Perry A prediction method of fire frequency: based on the optimization of SARIMA model,2021,16,8,e0255857,Ma Criminal networks analysis in missing data scenarios through graph distances,2021,16,8,e0255067,Song Head injuries in professional football (soccer): results of video analysis verified by an accident insurance registry,2021,16,8,e0255695,Reinsberger Ecological design of augmentation improves helicopter ship landing maneuvers: an approach in augmented virtuality,2021,16,8,e0255779,Morice Prevalence and factors associated with experience of corporal punishment in public schools in South Africa,2021,16,8,e0254503,Jewkes Childhood physical abuse and subsequent violent victimization among people who use illegal drugs in Vancouver Canada,2021,16,8,e0255875,Lee Socioeconomic status and social relationships in persons with spinal cord injury from 22 countries: does the countries' socioeconomic development moderate associations?,2021,16,8,e0255448,Reinhardt Examining Bayesian network modeling in identification of dangerous driving behavior,2021,16,8,e0252484,Peng Sadness regulation strategies and measurement: a scoping review,2021,16,8,e0256088,Zaid Analyzing the relationship between air pollution and various types of crime,2021,16,8,e0255653,Kuo Understanding a population: a methodology for a population-based coastal safety survey,2021,16,8,e0256202,Peden Modelling speed behaviour in rural highways: safety analysis of driving under adverse road-weather conditions,2021,16,8,e0256322,Alhajyaseen Does access to acute intensive trauma rehabilitation (AITR) programs affect the disposition of brain injury patients?,2021,16,8,e0256314,Chowdhury What you say and what I hear-Investigating differences in the perception of the severity of psychological and physical violence in intimate partner relationships,2021,16,8,e0255785,Innes-Ker Incidence and predictors of mortality among patients with head injury admitted to Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital Southern Ethiopia: a retrospective follow-up study,2021,16,8,e0254245,Workie Suicidal behavior in German military service members: an analysis of attempted- and completed suicides between 2010 and 2016,2021,16,8,e0256104,Willmund Effect of suicidality on clinical and behavioural outcomes in HIV positive adults in Uganda,2021,16,8,e0254830,Kinyanda Epidemiology of sports-related fatalities during organized school sports in Japanese high schools between 2009 and 2018,2021,16,8,e0256383,Kaneoka Research on the use intention of potential designers of unmanned cars based on technology acceptance model,2021,16,8,e0256570,Huang The absence of fans removes the home advantage associated with penalties called by National Hockey League referees,2021,16,8,e0256568,Blais Assessment of cognitive screening tests as predictors of driving cessation: a prospective cohort study of a median 4-year follow-up,2021,16,8,e0256527,Favrat Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 on e-bike safety in China via multi-output and clustering-based regression models,2021,16,8,e0256610,Zhu Adapting the coordination of eyes and head to differences in task and environment during fully-mobile visual exploration,2021,16,8,e0256463,Franchak Toward a rational and ethical sociotechnical system of autonomous vehicles: a novel application of multi-criteria decision analysis,2021,16,8,e0256224,Birkland Suicidal ideation and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care in Jimma medical center Ethiopia,2021,16,8,e0255746,Ayano Differences in post-disaster mental health among Vietnamese and African Americans living in adjacent urban communities flooded by Katrina,2021,16,8,e0255303,Abramson Weapon injuries in the crusader mass graves from a 13th century attack on the port city of Sidon (Lebanon),2021,16,8,e0256517,Smith Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among Palestinian children and adolescents exposed to political violence: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,16,8,e0256426,Winkler Loss of years of healthy life due to road incidents of motorcyclists in the city of Medellin 2012 to 2015,2021,16,8,e0256758,Porras Cataño Urban population size and road traffic collisions in Europe,2021,16,8,e0256485,Bishop Evidence for an increase in cannabis use in Iran - a systematic review and trend analysis,2021,16,8,e0256563,Mojtabai Socio-demographic and psychosocial characteristics of male and female perpetrators in intimate partner homicide: a case-control study from Region Västra Götaland Sweden,2021,16,8,e0256064,Krantz A qualitative exploration of young people's experiences of attempted suicide in the context of alcohol and substance use,2021,16,8,e0256915,Copello Intimate partner violence types and symptoms of common mental disorders in a rural community of Chiapas Mexico: implications for global mental-health practice,2021,16,9,e0256850,Frias Marital status differences in suicidality among transgender people,2021,16,9,e0255494,Liu The influence of culture on care receivers' satisfaction and aggressive tendencies in the emergency department,2021,16,9,e0256513,Zeldetz Regional heterogeneity in violence and individual characteristics associated with recent transactional sex among Ugandan girls and young women: a national and regional analysis of data from the Violence Against Children and Youth Survey,2021,16,9,e0257030,Massetti Contributors to reduced life expectancy among Native Americans in the Four Corners States,2021,16,8,e0256307,Reither Which functional tasks present the largest deficits for patients with total hip arthroplasty before and six months after surgery? A study of the timed up-and-go test phases,2021,16,9,e0255037,Armand Factors associated with violence against women following the COVID-19 lockdown in France: results from a prospective online survey,2021,16,9,e0257193,Constant Experiences of transgender and non-binary youth accessing gender-affirming care: a systematic review and meta-ethnography,2021,16,9,e0257194,Kroll Transforming the German ICD-10 (ICD-10-GM) into Injury Severity Score (ISS)-Introducing a new method for automated re-coding,2021,16,9,e0257183,Stöckle Effects of automation trust in drivers' visual distraction during automation,2021,16,9,e0257201,Zhang Using a stair horizontal-vertical illusion to increase foot clearance over an inconsistently taller stair-riser,2021,16,9,e0257159,Hollands Retrospective survey of youth sports participation: development and assessment of reliability using school records,2021,16,9,e0257487,Small Work-related injuries among Syrian refugee child workers in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon: a gender-sensitive analysis,2021,16,9,e0257330,Habib Effects of seat pan and pelvis angles on the occupant response in a reclined position during a frontal crash,2021,16,9,e0257292,Beillas Estimating income-related and area-based inequalities in mental health among nationally representative adolescents in Australia: the concentration index approach,2021,16,9,e0257573,Islam Cyclic connectivity index of fuzzy incidence graphs with applications in the highway system of different cities to minimize road accidents and in a network of different computers,2021,16,9,e0257642,Nazeer We shape our buildings but do they then shape us? A longitudinal analysis of pedestrian flows and development activity in Melbourne,2021,16,9,e0257534,Basu Intent to purchase IoT home security devices: fear vs privacy,2021,16,9,e0257601,Chen Creating safe spaces to prevent unintentional childhood injuries among the Bedouins in southern Israel: a hybrid model comprising positive deviance community-based participatory research and entertainment-education,2021,16,9,e0257696,Gesser-Edelsburg Bullying in the clinical setting: lived experiences of nursing students in the Central Region of Ghana,2021,16,9,e0257620,Menlah The pattern of orthopedic fractures and visceral injury in road traffic crash victims Addis Ababa Ethiopia,2021,16,9,e0253690,Mengistu Long distance bicycle riding causes prostate-specific antigen to increase in men aged 50 years and over,2013,8,2,e56030,Mejak Travel to school and physical activity levels in 9-10 year-old uk children of different ethnic origin; Child Heart and Health Study in England (CHASE),2012,7,2,e30932,Ekelund What are reasons for the large gender differences in the lethality of suicidal acts? An epidemiological analysis in four European countries,2015,10,7,e0129062,Värnik Single-item measurement of suicidal behaviors: validity and consequences of misclassification,2015,10,10,e0141606,Nock An examination of physical violence against women and its justification in development settings in Uganda,2021,16,9,e0255281,Musuya Study on the characteristic mechanisms of infrasonic precursors during the damage process of impending earthquake sources,2021,16,10,e0257345,Wang High value correlates of caregiver reported counseling service need and utilization for adolescents at-risk for childhood maltreatment and neglect,2021,16,10,e0258082,Domenech Rodríguez The availability of psychological support following road travel injuries in Namibia: a qualitative study,2021,16,10,e0258197,Kett The role of social support in reducing the impact of violence on adolescents' mental health in São Paulo Brazil,2021,16,10,e0258036,Kiss Temporal patterns of wildlife roadkill in the UK,2021,16,10,e0258083,Thomas 'No you should not beat our child because he will become aggressive:' applying a multi-method approach to explore intergenerational transmission of parenting practices,2021,16,10,e0258306,Kamath Aggression on the psychiatric ward: prevalence and risk factors. a systematic review of the literature,2021,16,10,e0258346,Drukker Institutional mortality rate and cause of death at health facilities in Ghana between 2014 and 2018,2021,16,9,e0256515,Awoonor-Williams Soccer-related injuries utilization of U.S. emergency departments for concussions intracranial injuries and other-injuries in a national representative probability sample: Nationwide Emergency Department Sample 2010 to 2013,2021,16,10,e0258345,Giza Depression anxiety and stress symptoms in Brazilian university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: predictors and association with life satisfaction psychological well-being and coping strategies,2021,16,10,e0258493,Nihei Effect of hearing aids on body balance function in non-reverberant condition: a posturographic study,2021,16,10,e0258590,Sato These boots are made for burnin': Inferring the position of the corpse and the presence of leather footwears during cremation through isotope (δ13C δ18O) and infrared (FTIR) analyses of experimentally burnt skeletal remains,2021,16,10,e0257199,Salesse Systematic media review: a novel method to assess mass-trauma epidemiology in absence of databases-a pilot-study in Rwanda,2021,16,10,e0258446,Wladis Invariance of the WHO violence against women instrument among Kenyan adolescent girls and young women: Bayesian psychometric modeling,2021,16,10,e0258651,Lesaffre Puerto Ricans and Mexican immigrants differ in their psychological responses to patterns of lifetime adversity,2021,16,10,e0258324,Bámaca-Colbert Propensity to intentional and unintentional mind-wandering differs in arousal and executive vigilance tasks,2021,16,10,e0258734,Fuentes Implementation and perceived effectiveness of gun violence restraining orders in California: a qualitative evaluation,2021,16,10,e0258547,Wintemute Effectiveness of lumbar support with built-in massager system on spinal angle profiles among high-powered traffic police motorcycle riders: a randomised controlled trial,2021,16,10,e0258796,Mani Working in labor and delivery unit increases the odds of work place violence in Amhara region referral hospitals: cross-sectional study,2021,16,10,e0254962,Dagnaw Does proximity to conflict affect tourism: evidence from NATO bombing,2021,16,10,e0258195,Tkalec COVID-19-related institutional betrayal associated with trauma symptoms among undergraduate students,2021,16,10,e0258294,Freyd Prevalence and factors associated with suicidal behavior among trans women in Rio de Janeiro Brazil,2021,16,10,e0259074,Wilson Judicial judgment and media sensation of violence against medical staff in China: a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA),2021,16,10,e0259014,Xu Effects of a snack on performance and errors during a simulated 16-h night shift: a randomized crossover-controlled pilot study,2021,16,10,e0258569,Yamashita Accuracy of kinovea software in estimating body segment movements during falls captured on standard video: effects of fall direction camera perspective and video calibration technique,2021,16,10,e0258923,Robinovitch The prevalence of suicidal behavior and its associated factors among wives with polygamy marriage living in Gedeo zone southern Ethiopia 2020,2021,16,10,e0259029,Kassaw Healthcare spending in U.S. emergency departments by health condition 2006-2016,2021,16,10,e0258182,Sabbatini 'I will rather be killed by corona than by him…': Experiences of abused women seeking shelter during South Africa's COVID-19 lockdown,2021,16,10,e0259275,Abrahams Prevalence of sexual violence and its associated factors among housemaids attending evening schools in urban settings of Gedeo zone Southern Ethiopia: a school based cross sectional study,2021,16,10,e0258953,Gezahegn Compensation incentives and heat exposure affect farm worker effort,2021,16,11,e0259459,Schenker Measuring the readiness to screen and manage intimate partner violence: cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the PREMIS tool for perinatal care providers,2021,16,11,e0258943,Guiguet-Auclair Behaviours involved in the role of victim and aggressor in bullying: relationship with physical fitness in adolescents,2021,16,11,e0259087,Ortega-Ruiz Psychometric properties validity and insights of the School Bullying Questionnaire (CIE-A) in secondary schools of the Valencian Community (Spain),2021,16,11,e0259392,Useche Factors associated with police shooting mortality: a focus on race and a plea for more comprehensive data,2021,16,11,e0259024,Nix Dating violence and associated factors among male and female adolescents in Spain,2021,16,11,e0258994,Vives-Cases Revealing spatiotemporal travel demand and community structure characteristics with taxi trip data: a case study of New York City,2021,16,11,e0259694,Zheng Community violence and academic achievement: high-crime neighborhoods hotspot streets and the geographic scale of "community",2021,16,11,e0258577,O'Brien Adaptation and validity of the sleep quality scale among Chinese drivers,2021,16,11,e0259813,Sun Gender roles and intimate partner violence among female university students in Spain: a cross-sectional study,2021,16,11,e0259839,Lana The structure centrality and scale of urban street networks: cases from Pre-Industrial Afro-Eurasia,2021,16,11,e0259680,Altaweel Assessing the care of doctors nurses and nursing technicians for people in situations of sexual violence in Brazil,2021,16,11,e0249598,Barbosa Coherent detection-based photonic radar for autonomous vehicles under diverse weather conditions,2021,16,11,e0259438,Kumar Content-based user classifier to uncover information exchange in disaster-motivated networks,2021,16,11,e0259342,Ramirez-Marquez Robust fuzzy sliding mode controller for a skid-steered vehicle subjected to friction variations,2021,16,11,e0258909,Mehmood Car seat impact on driver's sitting behavior and perceived discomfort during prolonged real driving on varied road types,2021,16,11,e0259934,Bourdin At home and online during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic and the relationship to alcohol consumption in a national sample of U.S. adults,2021,16,11,e0259947,Chartier The use of professional help and predictors of unmet needs for dealing with mental health to legal problems among victims of violence accidents theft and threat and nonvictims in the general population,2021,16,11,e0259346,van der Velden From sexual harassment to sexual assault: prevalence and correlates of sexual trauma in the French military,2021,16,11,e0259182,Meynard Universal thermal climate index associations with mortality hospital admissions and road accidents in Bavaria,2021,16,11,e0259086,Ghada Health problems and violence experiences of nurses working in acute care hospitals long-term care facilities and home-based long-term care in Germany: a systematic review,2021,16,11,e0260050,Schaller Narratives of experiences of violence of Venezuelan migrant women sheltered at the northwestern Brazilian border,2021,16,11,e0260300,Makuch Validating a model of architectural hazard visibility with low-vision observers,2021,16,11,e0260267,Thompson Suicide disparities across metropolitan areas in the US: a comparative assessment of socio-environmental factors using a data-driven predictive approach,2021,16,11,e0258824,Wei The role of education religiosity and development on support for violent practices among Muslims in thirty-five countries,2021,16,11,e0260429,Gullickson Community detection in large scale congested urban road networks,2021,16,11,e0260201,Geroliminis Factors influencing willingness to pay for accident risk reduction among personal car drivers in Thailand,2021,16,11,e0260666,Jomnonkwao Oxytocin receptor disruption in Avil-expressing cells results in blunted sociability and increased inter-male aggression,2021,16,11,e0260199,Tabbaa Understanding the intention to use bike-sharing system: a case study in Xi'an China,2021,16,12,e0258790,Wang Evaluation method on seismic risk of substation in strong earthquake area,2021,16,12,e0258792,Che Risk-taking behaviors in adolescent men who have sex with men (MSM): an association between homophobic victimization and alcohol consumption,2021,16,12,e0260083,Hidalgo Driver behaviour and traffic accident involvement among professional heavy semi-trailer truck drivers in China,2021,16,12,e0260217,Zhao Fears of disclosure and misconceptions regarding domestic violence reporting amongst patients in two US emergency departments,2021,16,12,e0260467,Rodriguez Prediction of suicidal ideation risk in a prospective cohort study of medical interns,2021,16,12,e0260620,Scott Fire behaviors along timber linings affixed to tunnel walls in mines,2021,16,12,e0260655,Tao Magnitude and associated factors of antenatal depression among mothers attending antenatal care in Arba Minch town Ethiopia 2018,2021,16,12,e0260691,Beketie Walking on the bright side: associations between affect depression and gait,2021,16,12,e0260893,Meuret Prevalence and factors associated with anxiety and depression amongst hospitalised COVID-19 patients in Laquintinie Hospital Douala Cameroon,2021,16,12,e0260819,Ngasa Factors associated with female students' past year experience of sexual violence in South African public higher education settings: a cross-sectional study,2021,16,12,e0260886,Jewkes Association between intimate partner violence and male alcohol use and the receipt of perinatal care: evidence from Nepal Demographic and Health Survey 2011-2016,2021,16,12,e0259980,Ghimire Violence and sexual and reproductive health service disruption among girls and young women during COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal: a cross-sectional study using interactive voice response survey,2021,16,12,e0260435,Lamichhane Freeway ramp metering based on PSO-PID control,2021,16,12,e0260977,Long An investigation of the relationship between cyberbullying cybervictimization and depression symptoms: A cross sectional study among university students in Qatar,2021,16,12,e0260263,Alrajeh Determinants of stadium attendance in Italian Serie A: new evidence based on fan expectations,2021,16,12,e0261419,Addesa Detection of child depression using machine learning methods,2021,16,12,e0261131,Kabir A systematic review of self-report measures used in epidemiological studies to assess alcohol consumption among older adults,2021,16,12,e0261292,Selbæk Suicide preceded by health services contact - a whole-of-population study in New Zealand 2013-2015,2021,16,12,e0261163,Exeter A comparison of two population-based household surveys in Uganda for assessment of violence against youth,2021,16,12,e0260986,West Associations between COVID-19 mobility restrictions and economic mental health and suicide-related concerns in the US using cellular phone GPS and Google search volume data,2021,16,12,e0260931,Gould The epidemiology of falls in Portugal: an analysis of hospital admission data,2021,16,12,e0261456,Sampaio Wearables in rugby union: a protocol for multimodal digital sports-related concussion assessment,2021,16,12,e0261616,Godfrey Risk factors for suicidal ideation and suicide attempt among medical students: a meta-analysis,2021,16,12,e0261785,Seo Research on the method of travel area clustering of urban public transport based on Sage-Husa adaptive filter and improved DBSCAN algorithm,2021,16,12,e0259472,Liu Factors influencing help-seeking by those who have experienced intimate partner violence: results from a New Zealand population-based study,2021,16,12,e0261059,Fanslow Epidemiological analysis of intramuscular hemorrhage of respiratory and accessory respiratory muscles in fatal drowning cases,2021,16,12,e0261348,Nakamae Self-protective and self-sacrificing preferences of pedestrians and passengers in moral dilemmas involving autonomous vehicles,2021,16,12,e0261673,Buchner Veterans Health Administration staff experiences with suicidal ideation screening and risk assessment in the context of COVID-19,2021,16,12,e0261921,Dobscha "What does it depend on?": Perceptions of safety related to firearms in homes and neighborhoods,2021,16,12,e0261038,Wintemute Estimated incidence and case fatality rate of traumatic brain injury among children (0-18 years) in Sub-Saharan Africa. a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,16,12,e0261831,Ackah Law of coal caving behind the flexible shield support in pseudo-inclined working face,2021,16,12,e0261355,Shahani Permitted speed decision of single-unit trucks with emergency braking maneuver on horizontal curves under rainy weather,2021,16,12,e0261975,Xu Effects of weather and moon phases on emergency medical use after fall injury: a population-based nationwide study,2021,16,12,e0261071,Woo Fatality risk and issues of inequity among vulnerable road users in South Africa,2021,16,12,e0261182,van Niekerk Evaluating the citywide Edinburgh 20mph speed limit intervention effects on traffic speed and volume: a pre-post observational evaluation,2021,16,12,e0261383,Woodcock Development validation and pilot implementation of the minimum datasheet for a domestic violence registry system: the case of a developing country,2021,16,12,e0261460,Samadirad Children's inequality aversion in intergroup contexts: the role of parents' social dominance orientation right-wing authoritarianism and moral foundations,2021,16,12,e0261603,Castelli Behavioral health- related and demographic risk factors of death in floods: a case-control study,2021,16,12,e0262005,Ardalan Victimizations and surviving of workplace violence against waitresses in southern Ethiopia,2021,16,12,e0261883,Zewude Identifying risk factors and implications for beach drowning prevention amongst an Australian multicultural community,2022,17,1,e0262175,Brander Suicidal behaviors among Bangladeshi university students: prevalence and risk factors,2022,17,1,e0262006,Griffiths Quarantine-related traumatic stress views and experiences during the first wave of Coronavirus pandemic: a mixed-methods study among adults in Saudi Arabia,2022,17,1,e0261967,Ahmad Why did hunting weapon design change at Abri Pataud? Lithic use-wear data on armature use and hafting around 24000-22000 BP,2022,17,1,e0262185,Rots Travel time prediction of urban public transportation based on detection of single routes,2022,17,1,e0262535,Liu Validation of Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) rule in children with minor head trauma,2022,17,1,e0262102,Kwak Emergency capacity analysis in Ethiopia: results of a baseline emergency facility assessment,2022,17,1,e0258310,Azazh Validation of a Computerized Adaptive Test Suicide Scale (CAT-SS) among United States Military veterans,2022,17,1,e0261920,Gibbons Perceptions towards charcoal-burning suicide and the surge of this lethal method in Taiwan,2022,17,1,e0262384,Pan Analysis of electric scooter user kinematics after a crash against SUV,2022,17,1,e0262682,Ptak "Sarcopenia and risk of osteoporosis falls and bone fractures in patients with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review",2022,17,1,e0262572,Suetta Physical activity and active transportation behaviour among rural peri-urban and urban children in Kenya Mozambique and Nigeria: the PAAT Study,2022,17,1,e0262768,Prista Interventions to reduce pedestrian road traffic injuries: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials cluster randomized controlled trials interrupted time-series and controlled before-after studies,2022,17,1,e0262681,Kobusingye Association between COVID-19 pandemic and the suicide rates in Nepal,2022,17,1,e0262958,Acharya Prevention of suicidal behavior in older people: a systematic review of reviews,2022,17,1,e0262889,Laflamme A hybrid neural network for driving behavior risk prediction based on distracted driving behavior data,2022,17,1,e0263030,Yang Quantifying the effect of sagittal plane joint angle variability on bipedal fall risk,2022,17,1,e0262749,Martin Development and validation of a data quality index for forensic documentation of sexual and gender-based violence in Kenya,2022,17,1,e0262297,Nelson Helmet wearing behavior where people often ride motorcycle in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study,2022,17,1,e0262683,Birhanu The methylome in females with adolescent conduct disorder: neural pathomechanisms and environmental risk factors,2022,17,1,e0261691,Vetró Factors related to severe single-vehicle tree crashes: in-depth crash study,2022,17,1,e0248171,Ambros A scoping review of measurement of violence against women and disability,2022,17,1,e0263020,Garcia-Moreno Hybrid feature selection-based machine learning classification system for the prediction of injury severity in single and multiple-vehicle accidents,2022,17,2,e0262941,Zhang Merged swing-muscle synergies and their relation to walking characteristics in subacute post-stroke patients: an observational study,2022,17,2,e0263613,Morioka Effect of osteoporosis-related reduction in the mechanical properties of bone on the acetabular fracture during a sideways fall: a parametric finite element approach,2022,17,2,e0263458,Jämsä Engagement in local and collaborative wildfire risk mitigation planning across the western U.S.-evaluating participation and diversity in Community Wildfire Protection Plans,2022,17,2,e0263757,Evers Development and validation of the Self-Harm Screening Inventory (SHSI) for adolescents,2022,17,2,e0262723,Kim Epidemiology and injury trends in the National Basketball Association: pre- and per-COVID-19 (2017-2021),2022,17,2,e0263354,Fernandez The impact of face masks on emotion recognition performance and perception of threat,2022,17,2,e0262840,Derntl A comparative driving safety study of mountainous expressway individual tunnel and tunnel group based on eye gaze behavior,2022,17,2,e0263835,Shang Cannabis use and suicidal ideation among youth: can we democratize school policies using digital citizen science?,2022,17,2,e0263533,Katapally Transportation to work by sexual orientation,2022,17,2,e0263687,Sansone Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on women's alcohol use mental health and experiences of intimate partner violence in Wakiso Uganda,2022,17,2,e0263827,Nalugoda COVID-19 and gender-based violence service provision in the United States,2022,17,2,e0263970,Ostrowski Influence of alcohol provocation on medical professionals in Taiwan: a qualitative study,2022,17,2,e0264071,Lee Dynamics of severe accidents in the oil & gas energy sector derived from the authoritative ENergy-related Severe Accident Database,2022,17,2,e0263962,Sornette From road centrelines to carriageways-a reconstruction algorithm,2022,17,2,e0262801,Ledoux Evidence that dog ownership protects against the onset of disability in an older community-dwelling Japanese population,2022,17,2,e0263791,Shinkai Sexual violence among LGB+ South Asian Americans: findings from a community survey,2022,17,2,e0264061,Rahman Spatial distribution and determinant factors of intimate partner violence among reproductive age group women in Ethiopia: using generalized structural equation modeling,2022,17,2,e0263811,Tusa Traumatic stress depression and non-bereavement grief following non-fatal traffic accidents: Symptom patterns and correlates,2022,17,2,e0264497,Boelen Typology network features and damage response in worldwide urban road systems,2022,17,3,e0264546,Valenzuela Community leaders' perceptions of and responses to intimate partner violence in Northwestern Ghana,2022,17,3,e0262870,Dery Loss to follow-up in a population-wide brief contact intervention to prevent suicide attempts - the VigilanS program France,2022,17,3,e0263379,Vaiva Neurological symptoms and disorders following electrical injury: a register-based matched cohort study,2022,17,3,e0264857,Biering Pedestrian flow characteristics through different angled bends: exploring the spatial variation of velocity,2022,17,3,e0264635,Sarvi A systematic review on integrated care for traumatic brain injury mental health and substance use,2022,17,3,e0264116,Colantonio Simultaneous vehicle and lane detection via MobileNetV3 in car following scene,2022,17,3,e0264551,Deng Visual preferences for outdoor space along commercial pedestrian streets under the influence of plant characteristics,2022,17,3,e0264482,Huang Assessing healthcare provider knowledge of human trafficking,2022,17,3,e0264338,Feinn Suicide rates and suicidal behaviour in displaced people: a systematic review,2022,17,3,e0263797,Garner Introduction to the PLOS ONE collection on 'Understanding and preventing suicide: towards novel and inclusive approaches',2022,17,3,e0264984,Kolves Association between benign prostatic hyperplasia and suicide in South Korea: a nationwide retrospective cohort study,2022,17,3,e0265060,Park Yellow light decision based on driving style: day or night?,2022,17,3,e0265267,Wang Implicit GPS-based bicycle route choice model using clustering methods and a LSTM network,2022,17,3,e0264196,Chiabaut Development of near real-time wireless image sequence streaming cloud using Apache Kafka for road traffic monitoring application,2022,17,3,e0264923,Htut Mental health follow-up and treatment engagement following suicide risk screening in the Veterans Health Administration,2022,17,3,e0265474,Bahraini Improving the mental health of women intimate partner violence survivors: findings from a realist review of psychosocial interventions,2022,17,3,e0264845,Osrin Access to domestic violence advocacy by race ethnicity and gender: the impact of a digital warm handoff from the emergency department,2022,17,3,e0264814,Gomez Externalizing personality characteristics define clinically relevant subgroups of alcohol use disorder,2022,17,3,e0265577,Rózsa Developing and psychometric testing of the evaluation tool for disaster exercises design stage: a mixed method study,2022,17,3,e0260581,Ebadi Staying active after rehab: physical activity perspectives with a spinal cord injury beyond functional gains,2022,17,3,e0265807,Trost The effects of others' drinking on the harms to children in Thailand: lessons from the WHO-ThaiHealth project,2022,17,3,e0265641,Intanont The association of COVID-19 employment shocks with suicide and safety net use: an early-stage investigation,2022,17,3,e0264829,Ando The burning island: spatiotemporal patterns of fire occurrence in Madagascar,2022,17,3,e0263313,Frappier-Brinton What we think prayers do: Americans' expectations and valuation of intercessory prayer,2022,17,3,e0265836,Thunström Analysis of hazard perception characteristics based on driving behavior considering overt and covert hazard scenarios,2022,17,4,e0266126,Zhu What is the subtype of dementia in patients with fragility hip fracture?,2022,17,4,e0265636,Tachibana A Monte Carlo analysis of false inference in spatial conflict event studies,2022,17,4,e0266010,Schutte E-scooter related injuries: using natural language processing to rapidly search 36 million medical notes,2022,17,4,e0266097,Schriger 4000ers of the Alps-So beautiful so dangerous: an analysis of falls in the Swiss Alps between 2009-2020,2022,17,4,e0266032,Gasser Combat injury profiles among U.S. military personnel who survived serious wounds in Iraq and Afghanistan: a latent class analysis,2022,17,4,e0266588,Champion Interpersonal responses to facial expressions of disgust anger and happiness in individuals with varying levels of social anxiety,2022,17,4,e0263990,de Jong Changes in alcohol use and mood during the COVID-19 pandemic among individuals with traumatic brain injury: a difference-in-difference study,2022,17,4,e0266422,Corrigan Modeling and probabilistic analysis of civil aircraft operational risk for suborbital disintegration accidents,2022,17,4,e0266514,Chen Experimental study on fire characteristics in cable compartment of utility tunnel with natural ventilation,2022,17,4,e0266773,Zhang Does it matter in what family constellations adolescents live? Reconsidering the relationship between family structure and delinquent behaviour,2022,17,4,e0265964,Svensson Candidate genetic variants and antidepressant-related fall risk in middle-aged and older adults,2022,17,4,e0266590,Stricker The programming curriculum within ISIS,2022,17,4,e0265721,Guidère Are shared streets acceptable to pedestrians and drivers? Evidence from virtual reality experiments,2022,17,4,e0266591,Kim Comparing the cost-effectiveness of the Otago Exercise Programme among older women and men: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial,2022,17,4,e0267247,Liu-Ambrose The prevalence of alcohol-involved crashes across high and low complexity road environments: does knowing where drinking drivers crash help explain why they crash?,2022,17,4,e0266459,Johnson Antidepressants and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for patients with depression: analysis of the medical expenditure panel survey from the United States,2022,17,4,e0265928,Almohammed Using citation network analysis to enhance scholarship in psychological science: a case study of the human aggression literature,2022,17,4,e0266513,Denson The effects of mobile phone use on motor variability patterns during gait,2022,17,4,e0267476,Graham Global regional and national burden and quality of care index in children and adolescents: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 1990-2017,2022,17,4,e0267596,Farzadfar Do family and maternal background matter? A multilevel approach to modelling mental health status of Australian youth using longitudinal data,2022,17,4,e0267191,March Choking injuries: associated factors and error-producing conditions among acute hospital patients in japan,2022,17,4,e0267430,Ogasawara Healthcare contacts with self-harm during COVID-19: an e-cohort whole-population-based study using individual-level linked routine electronic health records in Wales UK 2016-March 2021,2022,17,4,e0266967,John Healthcare professional perspectives on barriers and enablers to falls prevention education: a qualitative study,2022,17,4,e0266797,Morris Quantifying the resilience of rapid transit systems: a composite index using a demand-weighted complex network model,2022,17,4,e0267222,Tan Poisoning among children in Malaysia: a 10-years retrospective study,2022,17,4,e0266767,Tangiisuran Spatial temporal and space-time clusters associated with opioid and cannabis poisoning events in U.S. dogs (2005-2014),2022,17,4,e0266883,Pearl Awareness perception and perpetration of cyberbullying by high school students and undergraduates in Thailand,2022,17,4,e0267702,Maneeton Coming out under fire: the role of minority stress and emotion regulation in sexual orientation disclosure,2022,17,5,e0267810,Aldao The relationship between perceived built environment and cycling or e-biking for transport among older adults-a cross-sectional study,2022,17,5,e0267314,Bolte Places of safety? Fear and violence in acute mental health facilities: a large qualitative study of staff and service user perspectives,2022,17,5,e0266935,Cooney Typology of content warnings and trigger warnings: systematic review,2022,17,5,e0266722,Slade The influence of freeway curve characteristics on drivers' speed perception accuracy,2022,17,5,e0267250,Zhang Experimental research on rapid removing characteristics of carbon monoxide generated during gas explosions,2022,17,5,e0267553,Li Body-worn sensors for Parkinson's disease: a qualitative approach with patients and healthcare professionals,2022,17,5,e0265438,Corvol Assessing reactive violence using immersive virtual reality,2022,17,5,e0268191,Howard An analysis of the adolescents' hazard perception when crossing road from the perspective of personality characteristics based on an eye-tracking study,2022,17,5,e0267309,Wang Road traffic accident-related thoracic trauma: epidemiology injury pattern outcome and impact on mortality-a multicenter observational study,2022,17,5,e0268202,Laumon Compliance to playpen usages to enhance parental supervision of under-five children in rural community of Bangladesh,2022,17,5,e0264902,Bachani Phytotoxicological study of selected poisonous plants from Azad Jammu & Kashmir,2022,17,5,e0263605,Rasool Suicidal behavior and associated factors among prisoners in Dilla town Dilla Ethiopia 2020: an institutional based cross-sectional study,2022,17,5,e0267721,Desalegn Association between exposure to intimate partner violence and the nutritional status of women and children in Nigeria,2022,17,5,e0268462,Issah Cognitive workload evaluation of landmarks and routes using virtual reality,2022,17,5,e0268399,Abdurrahman Ensemble model for rail surface defects detection,2022,17,5,e0268518,Wang Associations between prisons and recidivism: a nationwide longitudinal study,2022,17,5,e0267941,Fazel "In your face": the transition from physical to symbolic violence among NBA players,2022,17,5,e0266875,Galily MOSAIC (MOthers' AdvocateS In the Community) for pregnant women and mothers of children under 5 with experience of intimate partner violence: a pilot randomized trial study protocol,2022,17,5,e0267679,Zlotnick The phytochemical diversity of commercial cannabis in the United States,2022,17,5,e0267498,Jikomes Relationship between mobility and road traffic injuries during COVID-19 pandemic-the role of attendant factors,2022,17,5,e0268190,Paramasivan Subsistence strategy mediates ecological drivers of human violence,2022,17,5,e0268257,Codding Mental health and psychosocial support for the war-wounded: a retrospective cohort study from the Democratic Republic of Congo Mali and Nigeria,2022,17,5,e0268737,Hubloue Worldwide suicide mortality trends by firearm (1990-2019): a joinpoint regression analysis,2022,17,5,e0267817,Kocić A two-stage simulation analysis of uncertain road damage on the urban emergency delivery network,2022,17,5,e0267043,Liu Do black lives matter to employers? A combined field and natural experiment of racially disparate hiring practices in the wake of protests against police violence and racial oppression,2022,17,5,e0267889,Kirk Mothers at risk of postpartum depression in Sri Lanka: a population-based study using a validated screening tool,2022,17,5,e0268748,De Silva Propagation laws of discontinuous gas supply in the excavation roadway,2022,17,5,e0268453,Gao Did you even see that? visual sensory processing of single stimuli under different locomotor loads,2022,17,5,e0267896,Rinkenauer Sex differences in outcomes from mild traumatic brain injury eight years post-injury,2022,17,5,e0269101,Barker-Collo Profiles of lateral violence in nursing personnel of the Spanish public health system,2022,17,5,e0268636,Magalhães Environmentally friendly but behaviorally complex? A systematic review of e-scooter riders' psychosocial risk features,2022,17,5,e0268960,Alonso Association between workplace psychological violence and work engagement among emergency nurses: the mediating effect of organizational climate,2022,17,6,e0268939,Wu Simulating the bounds of plausibility: estimating the impact of high-risk versus population-based approaches to prevent firearm injury,2022,17,6,e0269372,Branas Psychometric properties of the Attitudes and Beliefs about Sleepy Driving Scale in Chinese drivers and its relationships with driving behaviours,2022,17,6,e0269312,Sun Pathways to socioeconomic health differences in Armenian adolescents: the role of bullying perpetration,2022,17,6,e0269451,Bosma BLSTM based night-time wildfire detection from video,2022,17,6,e0269161,Taşdemir Discrimination and mental health in the minority sexual population: cross-sectional analysis of the first Peruvian virtual survey,2022,17,6,e0268755,Soriano-Moreno Are you confident enough to act? Individual differences in action control are associated with post-decisional metacognitive bias,2022,17,6,e0268501,Bielecki Associations between organized sport participation and mental health difficulties: data from over 11000 US children and adolescents,2022,17,6,e0268583,Tremblay A qualitative photo-elicitation study exploring the impact of falls and fall risk on individuals with subacute spinal cord injury,2022,17,6,e0269660,Yoshida Correcting misperceptions of gun policy support can foster intergroup cooperation between gun owners and non-gun owners,2022,17,6,e0268601,Bushman Psychometric analysis of the Glasgow Coma Scale and its sub-scale scores in a national retrospective cohort of patients with traumatic injuries,2022,17,6,e0268527,Playford Improving outcomes for care partners of persons with traumatic brain injury: protocol for a randomized control trial of a just-in-time-adaptive self-management intervention,2022,17,6,e0268726,Carlozzi Penalties for industrial accidents: the impact of the Deepwater Horizon accident on BP's reputation and stock market returns,2022,17,6,e0268743,McGuire Deep learning for behaviour classification in a preclinical brain injury model,2022,17,6,e0268962,Tremoleda The mental health and wellbeing of spouses partners and children of emergency responders: a systematic review,2022,17,6,e0269659,Fear Patterns of health service utilisation of mothers experiencing mental health problems and intimate partner violence: ten-year follow-up of an Australian prospective mother and child cohort,2022,17,6,e0269626,Hegarty Quantifying societal emotional resilience to natural disasters from geo-located social media content,2022,17,6,e0269315,Bathina Barriers to accessing and engaging in healthcare as potential modifiers in the association between polyvictimization and mental health among Black transgender women,2022,17,6,e0269776,Poteat Trend and epidemiology of suicide attempts by self-poisoning among Egyptians,2022,17,6,e0270026,Sharif Prosecutorial decision-making regarding offenders' social reintegration programs in intimate partner violence cases. a Portuguese study,2022,17,6,e0269820,Magalhães Sexual health behavior health status and knowledge among queer womxn and trans men in Kenya: an online cross-sectional study,2022,17,6,e0268298,Zweigenthal Monitoring sustainable development goal 5.2: cross-country cross-time invariance of measures for intimate partner violence,2022,17,6,e0267373,Kaslow What makes a violent mind? The interplay of parental rearing dark triad personality traits and propensity for violence in a sample of German adolescents,2022,17,6,e0268992,Schüler Social predictors of the transition from anomie to deviance in adolescence,2022,17,6,e0269236,Tomită Tooth for a tooth: does fighting serve as a deterrent to greater violence in the modern NHL,2022,17,6,e0269889,Betz Differences in the perceived justice of penalties for road traffic offences between Lithuanian offenders and non-offenders,2022,17,6,e0269239,Sullman A study on a vehicle semi-active suspension control system based on road elevation identification,2022,17,6,e0269406,Shi Combat exposure and behavioral health in U.S. Army Special Forces,2022,17,6,e0270515,Adler Does individual advocacy work?: A research and evaluation protocol for a youth anti-sex trafficking program,2022,17,6,e0270103,Cimino Predicting terrorist attacks in the United States using localized news data,2022,17,6,e0270681,Krieg Exploring parental understanding of child sexual abuse and prevention as a measure for HIV prevention in Rwampara district,2022,17,6,e0269786,Nduhukire Automating document classification with distant supervision to increase the efficiency of systematic reviews: a case study on identifying studies with HIV impacts on female sex workers,2022,17,6,e0270034,Li Protocol for a scoping review on rehabilitation among individuals with traumatic brain injury who intersect with the criminal justice system,2022,17,6,e0269696,Colantonio The Chinese version of the Maltreatment and Abuse Chronology of Exposure (MACE) scale: psychometric properties in a sample of young adults,2022,17,6,e0270709,Wang The association of prescription opioid use with suicide attempts: an analysis of statewide medical claims data,2022,17,6,e0269809,Chen Associations between neighbourhood street connectivity and sedentary behaviours in Canadian adults: findings from Alberta's Tomorrow Project,2022,17,6,e0269829,McCormack Community and bystander interventions for the prevention of suicide: protocol for a systematic review,2022,17,6,e0270375,Worsteling Prevalence of probable depression and factors associated with mean Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL) depression score among young women at high risk aged 15-24 years in Kampala Uganda,2022,17,6,e0270544,King Malaysian older persons' perceptions about falls and their desired educational website characteristics: a qualitative study,2022,17,7,e0270741,Tan Dynamic response of pre-disintegrated carbonaceous mudstone embankment under multi-lane vehicle load,2022,17,7,e0270937,He Suicide following hospital admission for mental health conditions physical illness injury and intentional self-harm in Victoria Australia,2022,17,7,e0271341,Clapperton Development of an instrument to measure mistreatment of women during childbirth through item response theory,2022,17,7,e0271278,Giugliani Binge alcohol drinking before pregnancy is closely associated with the development of macrosomia: Korean pregnancy registry cohort,2022,17,7,e0271291,Kim Reaching and engaging people: analyzing tweeting practices of large U.S. police departments pre- and post- the killing of George Floyd,2022,17,7,e0269288,Dong Birth weight reference for Japanese twins and risk factors for infant mortality: a population-based study,2022,17,7,e0271440,Ota How many cyberbullying(s)? A non-unitary perspective for offensive online behaviours,2022,17,7,e0268838,Guidi Left-wing support of authoritarian submission to protect against societal threat,2022,17,7,e0269930,Hunter Estimating the effects of legalizing recreational cannabis on newly incident cannabis use,2022,17,7,e0271720,Anthony Investigating the associations between intimate partner violence and nutritional status of women in Zimbabwe,2022,17,7,e0272038,Zeeb Investigating racial bias within Australian rules football commentary,2022,17,7,e0272005,MacLeod Based on abnormal fluctuations in user-side flow simulation analysis of low- and medium-pressure gas pipeline leakage monitoring,2022,17,7,e0270290,Wang Attitudes about police and race in the United States 2020-2021: mean-level trends and associations with political attitudes psychiatric problems and COVID-19 outcomes,2022,17,7,e0271954,Hicks The willingness to perform first aid among high school students and associated factors in Hue Vietnam,2022,17,7,e0271567,Huy Improvement in gait stability in older adults after ten sessions of standing balance training,2022,17,7,e0242115,van Dieen Negative emotions and personal well-being among incarcerated filicide mothers in Rwanda,2022,17,7,e0271255,Niyonsenga Supporting mental health and wellbeing of university and college students: a systematic review of review-level evidence of interventions,2022,17,7,e0266725,Corcoran Family focused interventions that address parental domestic violence and abuse mental ill-health and substance misuse in combination: a systematic review,2022,17,7,e0270894,Bonell Young mothers' attitudes towards domestic violence and their maternal healthcare services utilization in Bangladesh: a multilevel cluster analysis,2022,17,8,e0268062,Afroz Self-reported changes in aggressive driving within the past five years and during COVID-19,2022,17,8,e0272422,Stephens Prevalence of violence and associated factors among youth in Northwest Ethiopia: community-based cross-sectional study,2022,17,8,e0264687,Bisetegn Creeping disaster along the U.S. coastline: understanding exposure to sea level rise and hurricanes through historical development,2022,17,8,e0269741,Leyk Economic feasibility analysis for an electric public transportation system: two cases of study in medium sized cities in Mexico,2022,17,8,e0272363,Sánchez Safety evaluation of visual load at entrance and exit of extra-long expressway tunnel based on optimized support vector regression,2022,17,8,e0272564,Lu Pregnancy and delivery after spine fracture or surgery: a nationwide population-based register study in Finland,2022,17,8,e0272579,Mattila Effects of simulated reduced gravity and walking speed on ankle knee and hip quasi-stiffness in overground walking,2022,17,8,e0271927,Ferris Testing a first online intervention to reduce conformity to cyber aggression in messaging apps,2022,17,8,e0272615,Anschutz Opioid prescriptions for individuals receiving workers' compensation in Michigan,2022,17,8,e0272385,Wang A meta-analysis of childhood maltreatment in relation to psychopathic traits,2022,17,8,e0272704,De Ruiter In the eye of the beholder: decision-making of lawyers in cases of sexual harassment,2022,17,8,e0272606,Shechory-Bitton Can we speak of a negative psychological tetrad in sports? A probabilistic Bayesian study on competitive sailing,2022,17,8,e0272550,Garcia-Mas Cross-sectional associations of physical frailty with fall multiple falls and fall-injury among older Indian adults: findings from LASI 2018,2022,17,8,e0272669,Srivastava How can school help victims of violence? Evaluation of online training for European schools' staff from a multidisciplinary approach,2022,17,8,e0272872,Pereda An XAI method for convolutional neural networks in self-driving cars,2022,17,8,e0267282,Kim Traumatic brain injury in the elderly after a skiing accident: a retrospective cohort study in a level 1 emergency department in Switzerland,2022,17,8,e0273168,Exadaktylos Prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence among women with HIV in serodifferent relationships in Nairobi Kenya,2022,17,8,e0272640,Farquhar Depression suicidal ideation and suicide risk in German veterinary medical students compared to the German general population,2022,17,8,e0270912,Glaesmer Maternal exposure to intimate partner violence and uptake of maternal healthcare services in Ethiopia: evidence from a national survey,2022,17,8,e0273146,Magnus Adverse childhood experiences bullying inflammation and BMI in 10-year-old children: the biological embodiment,2022,17,8,e0273329,Fraga ICMR task force project- survey of the incidence mortality morbidity and socio-economic burden of snakebite in India: a study protocol,2022,17,8,e0270735,Menon Ten-year in-hospital mortality trends among Japanese injured patients by age injury severity injury mechanism and injury region: a nationwide observational study,2022,17,8,e0272573,Abe Rule-based classifier based on accident frequency and three-stage dimensionality reduction for exploring the factors of road accident injuries,2022,17,8,e0272956,Cheng The influence of the pavement friction coefficient evolution caused by traffic flow on the risk of motorway horizontal curves,2022,17,8,e0266519,Gao Global assessment of storm disaster-prone areas,2022,17,8,e0272161,Borrelli Safety evaluation of rail transit vehicle system based on improved AHP-GA,2022,17,8,e0273418,Yu Exploring the knowledge attitude and practice towards disaster medicine preparedness and readiness: a prescriptive insight by the community pharmacists in the United Arab Emirates,2022,17,8,e0273209,Jairoun Going their own way-male recreational runners and running-related injuries: a qualitative thematic analysis,2022,17,8,e0273401,Callister Survival analysis of the unsafe behaviors leading to urban expressway crashes,2022,17,8,e0267559,Bai Operations research and analytics to combat human trafficking: a systematic review of academic literature,2022,17,8,e0273708,Konrad Increase in coercive measures in psychiatric hospitals in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,17,8,e0264046,Steinert Overview of systematic reviews: management of common traumatic brain injury-related complications,2022,17,9,e0273998,Khan Factors associated with symptoms of major depression disorder among transgender women in Northeast Brazil,2022,17,9,e0267795,Bastos Can microprocessor knees reduce the disparity in trips and falls risks between above and below knee prosthesis users?,2022,17,9,e0271315,McGrath Prevalence of substance use and associated factors among secondary school adolescents in Kilimanjaro region northern Tanzania,2022,17,9,e0274102,Ngocho Religious service attendance and mortality among older Black men,2022,17,9,e0273806,Bruce Prevalence and factors associated with suicidal ideation among farmers,2022,17,9,e0273625,Vedana Comparing forms of neighborhood instability as predictors of violence in Richmond VA,2022,17,9,e0273718,Chapman Factors associated with U.S. adults' willingness to allow teenagers to play tackle football,2022,17,9,e0273229,Seo Measuring types and timing of childhood maltreatment: the psychometric properties of the KERF-40,2022,17,9,e0273931,Schmahl An adaptive paradigm for detecting the individual duration of the preparatory period in the choice reaction time task,2022,17,9,e0273234,Myachykov Associations of lifetime concussion history and repetitive head impact exposure with resting-state functional connectivity in former collegiate American football players: an NCAA 15-year follow-up study,2022,17,9,e0273918,Guskiewicz Comparison of impact accelerations between injury-resistant and recently injured recreational runners,2022,17,9,e0273716,O'Connor Trajectories and correlates of opioid prescription receipt among patients experiencing interpersonal violence,2022,17,9,e0273846,Williams The impact of violence on women's health. the present as a reflection of the past: a qualitative study,2022,17,9,e0273973,García-Gómez-Heras The relative importance of macro versus micro geographical scale in explaining suicide variation in Seoul South Korea 2014-2016,2022,17,9,e0273866,Kawachi Trends in suicide deaths before and after the COVID-19 outbreak in Korea,2022,17,9,e0273637,Kim Detection of sleep apnea from single-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) using an explainable convolutional neural network (CNN),2022,17,9,e0272167,Lee Physicians' perspectives on Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) in the clinical setting: challenges and opportunities for gun violence prevention,2022,17,9,e0274489,Frattaroli An improved beetle antennae search path planning algorithm for vehicles,2022,17,9,e0274646,Xiong Bystanders of intimate partner violence against women and their willingness to intervene: an analysis of secondary data in Spain (2005-2020),2022,17,9,e0274822,Bosch-Fiol Intimate-partner violence and its association with symptoms of depression perceived health and quality of life in the Himalayan Mountain Villages of Gilgit Baltistan,2022,17,9,e0268735,Mahmood Knowledge graph of alpine skiing events: a focus on meteorological conditions,2022,17,9,e0274164,Tang Using machine learning to determine the shared and unique risk factors for marijuana use among child-welfare versus community adolescents,2022,17,9,e0274998,Negriff Too serious to ignore: the epidemiologic and economic burden of home injuries in the Southwest Region of Cameroon-a community-based study,2022,17,9,e0274686,Dicker Understanding the long-term impact of flooding on the wellbeing of residents: a mixed methods study,2022,17,9,e0274890,Twiddy Workplace violence bullying burnout job satisfaction and their correlation with depression among Bangladeshi nurses: a cross-sectional survey during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,17,9,e0274965,Hossain Reliability of wearable sensors-based parameters for the assessment of knee stability,2022,17,9,e0274817,Taborri Latent classes of men's intimate partner violence perpetration and attitudes towards gender norms: a UN multi-country cross-sectional study in Asia and the Pacific,2022,17,9,e0264156,Gupta Traffic flow forecasting using natural selection based hybrid Bald Eagle Search-Grey Wolf optimization algorithm,2022,17,9,e0275104,R Effects of exposure to sexually explicit material on sexually violent behavior among first-year university men in Vietnam,2022,17,9,e0275246,Minh A protocol for a qualitative study on sex trafficking: exploring knowledge attitudes and practices of physicians nurses and social workers in Ontario Canada,2022,17,9,e0274991,Du Mont Daily level predictors of impaired driving behaviors in young adults: protocol design for utilizing daily assessments,2022,17,9,e0275190,Larimer Huddling with families after disaster: human resilience and social disparity,2022,17,9,e0273307,Wang Does exposure to social media content influence attitudes towards and engagement in road rule violations? A systematic review,2022,17,9,e0275335,Freeman Testing the practical utility of implicit measures of beliefs for predicting drunk driving,2022,17,9,e0275328,De Houwer The relative impact of injury and deployment on mental and physical quality of life among military service members,2022,17,9,e0274973,Woodruff Nurses' patients' and informal caregivers' attitudes toward aggression in psychiatric hospitals: a comparative survey study,2022,17,9,e0274536,Bressington A novel quantitative computer-assisted drug-induced liver injury causality assessment tool (DILI-CAT),2022,17,9,e0271304,Suzuki Persistent anxiety among high school students: survey results from the second year of the COVID pandemic,2022,17,9,e0275292,Mellins Aggressive behaviour of psychiatric patients with mild and borderline intellectual disabilities in general mental health care,2022,17,10,e0272502,Lepping Unintentional injuries and potential determinants of falls in young children: results from the Piccolipiù Italian birth cohort,2022,17,10,e0275521,Michelozzi Factors affecting household disaster preparedness in South Korea,2022,17,10,e0275540,Kim Association of childhood trauma and resilience with quality of life in patients seeking treatment at a psychiatry outpatient: a cross-sectional study from Nepal,2022,17,10,e0275637,Dhungana College student fear of missing out (FoMO) and maladaptive behavior: traditional statistical modeling and predictive analysis using machine learning,2022,17,10,e0274698,McKee The epidemiology of pediatric traumatic brain injury presenting at a referral center in Moshi Tanzania,2022,17,10,e0273991,Staton Study protocol for a non-randomised controlled trial: community-based occupational therapy intervention on mental health for people with acquired brain injury (COT-MHABI),2022,17,10,e0274193,Merchán-Baeza Disaggregating Asian American and Pacific Islander risk of fatal police violence,2022,17,10,e0274745,Schwartz Negative and positive experiences of caregiving among family caregivers of older blunt trauma patients,2022,17,10,e0275169,Malhotra Verbal and psychological violence against women in Turkey and its determinants,2022,17,10,e0275950,Alkan Analysis of related factors for adolescents' intention to use alcohol in Korea,2022,17,10,e0275957,Park Using care and support planning to implement routine falls prevention and management for people living with frailty: a qualitative evaluation,2022,17,10,e0275974,Smith Estimate of the magnitude of risky and protective behaviors associated with road traffic injuries in capitals participating in the Life in Traffic Project of Brazil,2022,17,10,e0275537,Ouimet Research and application of a new method for adjusting the vehicle body height,2022,17,10,e0274108,Li 'I went there in an effort to help the child but you can see there is corruption in the world': adults' conceptualisations and enactments of child protection in schools in a challenging context,2022,17,10,e0275918,Devries A community-based single fall prevention exercise intervention for older adults (STEADY FEET): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial,2022,17,10,e0276385,Low Pupillary fluctuation amplitude preceding target presentation is linked to the variable foreperiod effect on reaction time in psychomotor vigilance tasks,2022,17,10,e0276205,Kumada Apprehension and educational outcomes among Hispanic students in the United States: the impact of Secure Communities,2022,17,10,e0276636,Weber Direct and indirect costs attributed to alcohol consumption in Brazil 2010 to 2018,2022,17,10,e0270115,de Freitas Associations between recreational cannabis legalization and cannabis-related emergency department visits by age gender and geographic status in Ontario Canada: an interrupted time series study,2022,17,10,e0268718,Rittenbach U.S. state policy contexts and mortality of working-age adults,2022,17,10,e0275466,Monnat Victimization and witnessing of workplace bullying and physician-diagnosed physical and mental health and organizational outcomes: a cross-sectional study,2022,17,10,e0265863,Tsutsumi Perceptions of people with Parkinson's and their caregivers of falling and falls-related healthcare services- a qualitative study,2022,17,10,e0276588,Roberts Low husband involvement in maternal and child health services and intimate partner violence increases the odds of postpartum depression in northwest Ethiopia: a community-based study,2022,17,10,e0276809,Mihret Lightweight mobile network for real-time violence recognition,2022,17,10,e0276939,Li Wound specific quality of life after blast or gunshot injury: validation of the wound QoL instrument,2022,17,10,e0277094,Älgå Reproductive coercion as a form of family violence against immigrant and refugee women in Australia,2022,17,11,e0275809,Murray Characteristics and predictive factors of severe or fatal suicide outcome in patients hospitalized due to deliberate self-poisoning,2022,17,11,e0276000,Eyer Patterns and predictors of fear of childbirth and depressive symptoms over time in a cohort of women in the Pwani region Tanzania,2022,17,11,e0277004,Larsson Perceptions and experiences of psychological trauma in nursing and psychiatric nursing students: a small scale qualitative case study,2022,17,11,e0277195,Varley Drinking and swimming around waterways: the role of alcohol sensation-seeking peer influence and risk in young people,2022,17,11,e0276558,Crawford Lane clearance approach for emergency vehicles in highways network,2022,17,11,e0276988,Khatri Vehicular traffic effects on elk and white-tailed deer behavior near wildlife underpasses,2022,17,11,e0269587,Clevenger Trends in ambulance dispatches related to heat illness from 2010 to 2019: an ecological study,2022,17,11,e0275641,Ishiwata Co-occurrences of fall-related factors in adults aged 60 to 85 years in the United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,2022,17,11,e0277406,Richards Digital games and virtual reality applications in child abuse: a scoping review and conceptual framework,2022,17,11,e0276985,Khamnian The impact of work interference with family on depressive symptoms among married working women: a longitudinal panel study,2022,17,11,e0276230,Park Dehumanization and mass violence: a study of mental state language in Nazi propaganda (1927-1945),2022,17,11,e0274957,Landry Factors affecting bus accident severity in Thailand: a multinomial logit model,2022,17,11,e0277318,Singkham The psychological distress and suicide-related ideation in hospital workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: second results from repeated cross-sectional surveys,2022,17,11,e0277174,Asami Guiding crowds when facing limited compliance: simulating strategies,2022,17,11,e0276229,Köster Trauma consultations in a Swiss tertiary emergency department: comparison of asylum seekers and the local population-patient characteristics and patterns of injuries a retrospective study,2022,17,11,e0277418,Exadaktylos Grey relational analysis method for typhoon vulnerability assessment of civil engineering structures based on the 2-tuple linguistic neutrosophic number,2022,17,11,e0277539,Wang The association between women's economic participation and physical and/or sexual domestic violence against women: a case study for Turkey,2022,17,11,e0273440,Greulich Risky sexual behaviours among Ugandan university students: a pilot study exploring the role of adverse childhood experiences substance use history and family environment,2022,17,11,e0277129,Griffiths Examining the differential use of a North American animal poison control call center by veterinarians and the public for dog-related calls,2022,17,11,e0276959,Pearl Social network responses to victims of potentially traumatic events: a systematic review using qualitative evidence synthesis,2022,17,11,e0276476,Hox Applying multilevel analysis and the Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) on unsafe actions under a road safety policy,2022,17,11,e0277750,Jomnonkwao The Safety INdEx of Prehospital On Scene Triage (SINEPOST) study: the development and validation of a risk prediction model to support ambulance clinical transport decisions on-scene,2022,17,11,e0276515,Mason Economic precarity loneliness and suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,17,11,e0275973,Galea Modeling road accident fatalities with underdispersion and zero-inflated counts,2022,17,11,e0269022,Simmachan The patterns trends and major risk factors of suicide among Indian adolescents-a scoping review protocol,2022,17,11,e0277422,Kaur An experimental model of contusion injury in humans,2022,17,11,e0277765,Barnes Predictors of fear of falling among community-dwelling older adults: cross-sectional study from Palestine,2022,17,11,e0276967,Vanoh The causal role of affect sharing in driving vicarious fear learning,2022,17,11,e0277793,Lamm Effects analysis of reward functions on reinforcement learning for traffic signal control,2022,17,11,e0277813,Kim A qualitative study on negative experiences of social media use and harm reduction strategies among youths in a multi-ethnic Asian society,2022,17,11,e0277928,Verma A qualitative examination of causal factors and parent/caregiver experiences of non-fatal drowning-related hospitalisations of children aged 0-16 years,2022,17,11,e0276374,Peden Associations between humiliation shame self-harm and suicidal behaviours among adolescents and young adults: a systematic review protocol,2022,17,11,e0278122,Malone Safety climate in the Ghanaian printing industry,2022,17,11,e0278100,Esseh Development of an effective clustering algorithm for older fallers,2022,17,11,e0277966,Tan Facing flood disaster: a cluster randomized trial assessing communities' knowledge skills and preparedness utilizing a health model intervention,2022,17,11,e0271258,Kadir Shahar Depressive symptoms exacerbate disability in older adults: a prospective cohort analysis of participants in the MemAID trial,2022,17,11,e0278319,Fortier Factors affecting mortality of hospitalized facial trauma patients in Al-Ain City United Arab Emirates,2022,17,11,e0278381,Abu-Zidan The COVID-19 impacts on bikeshare systems in small rural communities: case study of bikeshare riders in Montgomery County VA,2022,17,12,e0278207,Elhenawy Research on measurement indexes and evaluation for the collaborative efficiency of emergency information sharing in coastal cities of China,2022,17,12,e0276589,Xing Enhancing the performance of the vehicle active suspension system by an Optimal Sliding Mode Control algorithm,2022,17,12,e0278387,Nguyen The effect of neighborhood walkability on changes in physical activity and sedentary behavior during a 12-week pedometer-facilitated intervention,2022,17,12,e0278596,Mummery School bullying among Chinese third to fifth grade primary school students in a cross-sectional study: the protective effect of psychological resilience,2022,17,12,e0278698,Fei #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd: how Instagram facilitated the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests,2022,17,12,e0277864,Ferrara Risk of suicide ideation in comorbid substance use disorder and major depression,2022,17,12,e0265287,D'Arcy Access to support services for individuals who experience intimate partner violence during stressful life events (SLEs) in high-income countries: protocol for a scoping review,2022,17,12,e0277903,Idriss-Wheeler Suspected rodenticide exposures in humans and domestic animals: data from inquiries to the Norwegian Poison Information Centre 2005-2020,2022,17,12,e0278642,Soleng Modularity balance and frustration in student social networks: the role of negative relationships in communities,2022,17,12,e0278647,Brito-Montes Three novel bird strike likelihood modelling techniques: the case of Brisbane Airport Australia,2022,17,12,e0277794,Andrews Physical activity balance and bicycling in older adults,2022,17,12,e0273880,Grimes Pre-service factors associated with sexual misconduct among male U.S. Marines,2022,17,12,e0278640,Stander Imputation methods for missing failure times in recurrent-event survival analysis: application to suicide attempts in the transgender population,2022,17,12,e0278913,Reisner Understanding the domain of driving distraction with knowledge graphs,2022,17,12,e0278822,Ma Classifying tasks performed by electrical line workers using a wrist-worn sensor: a data analytic approach,2022,17,12,e0261765,Sun The impacts of improvements in the unified economic and environmental efficiency of transportation infrastructure on industrial structure transformation and upgrade from the perspective of resource factors,2022,17,12,e0278722,Wang Medical and psychological consequences of rape among survivors during armed conflicts in northeast Ethiopia,2022,17,12,e0278859,Yimer Is vigilance a personality trait? Plasticity is key alongside some contextual consistency,2022,17,12,e0279066,Mettke-Hofmann Equity in walking access to community home care facility resources for elderly with different mobility: a case study of Lianhu District Xi'an,2022,17,12,e0277310,Lu US racial and sex-based disparities in firearm-related death trends from 1981-2020,2022,17,12,e0278304,Xiang Evaluating the effectiveness of a mobile application to improve the quality collection and usability of forensic documentation of sexual violence,2022,17,12,e0278312,Nelson Social media usage of Chinese nursing students: attitudes motivations mental health problems and self-disclosure,2022,17,12,e0277674,Yang Changes in the number of traffic collisions during the various waves of COVID-19 infection in Japan,2022,17,12,e0278941,Kibayashi Trends and characteristics of attempted and completed suicides reported to general practitioners before vs during the COVID-19 pandemic in France: data from a nationwide monitoring system 2010-2022,2022,17,12,e0278266,Younes Differences by race in the associations between neighborhood crime and violence and glycemic control among adults with type 2 diabetes,2022,17,12,e0279234,Egede Neuromotor changes in participants with a concussion history can be detected with a custom smartphone app,2022,17,12,e0278994,Wright Breaking the cycles of violence with narrative exposure: development and feasibility of NETfacts a community-based intervention for populations living under continuous threat,2022,17,12,e0275421,Elbert Expression of concern: Alcohol-related risk of suicidal ideation suicide attempt and completed suicide: a meta-analysis,2022,17,12,e0279589,The editors Ironic effects of political ideology and increased risk-taking in Ohio drivers during COVID-19 shutdown,2022,17,12,e0279160,Shoots-Reinhard Differences in all-cause and cause-specific mortality due to external causes and suicide between young adult refugees non-refugee immigrants and swedish-born young adults: the role of education and migration-related factors,2022,17,12,e0279096,Björkenstam The relationship between spirituality and aggression in the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study among Iranian nurses,2022,17,12,e0279247,Mamun Hate crimes against LGBT people: National Crime Victimization Survey 2017-2019,2022,17,12,e0279363,Meyer Domestic violence against pregnant women is a potential risk factor for low birthweight in full-term neonates: a population-based retrospective cohort study,2022,17,12,e0279469,Lin Partner alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence against women in sexual unions in sub-Saharan Africa,2022,17,12,e0278196,Ahinkorah Intimate partner violence during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,17,12,e0275836,Worke Anti-transgender rights legislation and internet searches pertaining to depression and suicide,2022,17,12,e0279420,Cunningham Using video games to understand sex differences in attentional biases for weapons,2022,17,12,e0279360,Sulikowski Risk of violence from a current or former partner: associated factors and classification in a nationwide study in Colombia,2022,17,12,e0279444,Camargo Freile Randomized controlled trial of early aerobic exercise following sport-related concussion: progressive percentage of age-predicted maximal heart rate versus usual care,2022,17,12,e0276336,Richards Mobility in informal settlements during a public lockdown: a case study in South Africa,2022,17,12,e0277465,Borofsky Assessment of snakebite management practices at Meserani Juu in Monduli District Northern Tanzania,2022,17,12,e0278940,Iddi The effectiveness of prosocial policies: gender differences arising from social norms,2022,17,12,e0275383,Cabrales A street corner education: stop and search trust and gendered norms among adolescent males,2022,17,12,e0279505,Jackson Catalyzing social change: does concentration encourage action?,2022,17,12,e0277934,Jackson Associations between muscle-building exercise and concurrent e-cigarette cigarette and cannabis use among U.S. adolescents,2022,17,12,e0278903,Rodgers A model for understanding the causes and consequences of walking impairments,2022,17,12,e0270731,Macwilliams Study on emergency evacuation in underground urban complexes,2022,17,12,e0278521,Deng Prevalence and correlates of physical fighting among adolescents in Paraguay: findings from the 2017 national school-based health survey,2022,17,12,e0279402,Shaikh HIV sexual violence and termination of pregnancy among adolescent and adult female sex workers in Malawi: a respondent-driven sampling study,2022,17,12,e0279692,Bossard Media consumption and psychological distress among older adults in the United States,2022,17,12,e0279587,Stainback Warning and active steering rollover prevention control for agricultural wheeled tractor,2022,17,12,e0280021,Gao Influence of subway train fire locations on the characteristics of smoke movement in a curved tunnel,2023,18,1,e0279818,Chen The impact of gender and age on bullying role self-harm and suicide: evidence from a cohort study of Australian children,2023,18,1,e0278446,Campbell An expressway traffic congestion measurement under the influence of service areas,2023,18,1,e0279966,Yu A scoping review of survey research with gender minority adolescents and youth in low and middle-income countries,2023,18,1,e0279359,Ngo Say their names: resurgence in the collective attention toward Black victims of fatal police violence following the death of George Floyd,2023,18,1,e0279225,Dodds Estimating road traffic impacts of commute mode shifts,2023,18,1,e0279738,Work Epidemiology of foodborne bongkrekic acid poisoning outbreaks in China 2010 to 2020,2023,18,1,e0279957,Gao Orb-web spider Argiope (Araneidae) as indigenous arrow poison of G/ui and G//ana San hunters in the Kalahari,2023,18,1,e0276557,Hitchcock A validity study to consult on a protocol of a home hazard management program for falls prevention among community dwelling stroke survivors,2023,18,1,e0279657,Hamid Association between child maltreatment and depressive symptoms in emerging adulthood: the mediating and moderating roles of DNA methylation,2023,18,1,e0280203,Ouellet-Morin Racial and ethnic disparities in workers' compensation claims rates,2023,18,1,e0280307,Smith Trends in suicide rates by race and ethnicity among members of the United States Army,2023,18,1,e0280217,Gradus Syncope and subsequent traffic crash: a responsibility analysis,2023,18,1,e0279710,Brubacher Mental health disorders and recidivism among incarcerated adult offenders in a correctional facility in South Africa: a cluster analysis,2023,18,1,e0278194,John-Langba Investigation of inerter-based suspension systems for heavy vehicles,2023,18,1,e0280290,Saifizul Debriefing works: successful retraction of misinformation following a fake news study,2023,18,1,e0280295,Murphy Correction: What makes a violent mind? The interplay of parental rearing dark triad personality traits and propensity for violence in a sample of German adolescents,2023,18,1,e0280898, Anticholinergic burden measures symptoms and fall-associated risk in older adults with polypharmacy: development and validation of a prognostic model,2023,18,1,e0280907,Thiem Mental health problems and admissions to hospital for accidents and injuries in the UK military: a data linkage study,2023,18,1,e0280938,Wessely Offline events and online hate,2023,18,1,e0278511,Johnson Stair-climbing wheelchair proven to maintain user's body stability based on AnyBody musculoskeletal model and finite element analysis,2023,18,1,e0279478,Jan The importance of reaction time to the starting signal on race results in elite motorcycle speedway racing,2023,18,1,e0281138,Martin Developing a fall prevention intervention economic model,2023,18,1,e0280572,Tricco Epidemiology injury pattern and outcome of older trauma patients: a 15-year study of level-I trauma centers,2023,18,1,e0280345,Emond The association between vitamin D serum levels supplementation and suicide attempts and intentional self-harm,2023,18,2,e0279166,Lavigne Fit for purpose of on-the-road driving and simulated driving: a randomised crossover study using the effect of sleep deprivation,2023,18,2,e0278300,Cohen How is suicide risk assessed in healthcare settings in the UK? A systematic scoping review,2023,18,2,e0280789,Gidlow Physical activity based on dance movements as complementary therapy for Parkinson's disease: effects on movement executive functions depressive symptoms and quality of life,2023,18,2,e0281204,Duarte Soccer clubs as avenues for gender transformative socialization of adolescent boys in Cape Town and Mthatha South Africa: a qualitative study,2023,18,2,e0280932,Sikweyiya Risk assessment of debris flow disaster based on the cloud model-probability fusion method,2023,18,2,e0281039,Li Mass homicide by firearm in Canada: effects of legislation,2023,18,2,e0266579,Langmann Injury patterns of non-fatal accidents related to ice hockey an analysis of 7 years of admission to a Level-1 Emergency Centre in Switzerland,2023,18,2,e0268912,Exadaktylos Effects of personality traits on bus drivers' prosocial and aggressive behaviours: the moderated mediating role of risk perception and gender,2023,18,2,e0281473,Sun More than just a bad day? Traumatic life events and self-control in old age,2023,18,2,e0266312,Pak Violent victimization at the intersections of sexual orientation gender identity and race: National Crime Victimization Survey 2017-2019,2023,18,2,e0281641,Wilson Should my automated car drive as I do? Investigating speed preferences of drivengers in various driving conditions,2023,18,2,e0281702,Lemercier Risks of snakebite and challenges to seeking and providing treatment for agro-pastoral communities in Tanzania,2023,18,2,e0280836,Kreppel "Feel the need to prepare for armageddon even though I do not believe it will happen": women veterans' firearm beliefs and behaviors during the covid-19 pandemic associations with military sexual assault and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms,2023,18,2,e0280431,Monteith Attitudes preference and personality in relation to behavioral intention of autonomous vehicle use: an SEM analysis,2023,18,2,e0262899,Yang Comparison of quality of life between elderly and non-elderly adult residents in Okuma town Japan in a post-disaster setting,2023,18,2,e0281678,Takamura Sadness hopelessness and suicide attempts in bullying: data from the 2018 Iowa Youth Survey,2023,18,2,e0281106,Newman Predictors of functional outcome in patients with major depression and bipolar disorder: a dynamic network approach to identify distinct patterns of interacting symptoms,2023,18,2,e0276822,Di Nuovo Blood-borne infections and pregnancies among women attending a sexual violence assistance center in Brazil: a 10-year retrospective study,2023,18,2,e0280419,Miranda A qualitative examination of injury prevention strategy and education in Ladies Gaelic football: understanding the preferences of players and coaches,2023,18,2,e0281825,Corrigan Knowledge attitude and readiness towards disaster management: a nationwide survey among healthcare practitioners in United Arab Emirates,2023,18,2,e0278056,Palaian Improving risk prediction for target subpopulations: predicting suicidal behaviors among multiple sclerosis patients,2023,18,2,e0277483,Nock Childhood and adolescent nutrition outcomes among girls exposed to gender-based violence: a rapid evidence assessment of quantitative research,2023,18,2,e0281961,Vahedi Setting method of exit advance guide signs in mountainous expressway tunnel based on information quantization theory,2023,18,2,e0281842,Wu Deaths of profound despair: a retrospective cohort study of mortality among people experiencing homelessness,2023,18,2,e0281912,Chang Can routine data be used to estimate the mental health service use of children and young people living on Gypsy and Traveller sites in Wales? A feasibility study,2023,18,2,e0281504,John Investigating speed-safety association: considering the unobserved heterogeneity and human factors mediation effects,2023,18,2,e0281951,Nassiri Concussion knowledge attitudes and norms: how do they relate?,2023,18,2,e0282061,Kerr Trends of repeated emergency department visits among adolescents and young adults for substance use: a repeated cross-sectional study,2023,18,2,e0282056,Kolla Long term temporal trends in synoptic-scale weather conditions favoring significant tornado occurrence over the central United States,2023,18,2,e0281312,Elkhouly Measuring the suicidal mind: the 'open source' suicidality scale for adolescents and adults,2023,18,2,e0282009,Wang Knowledge exchange in crisis settings: a scoping review,2023,18,2,e0282080,Halliday A bicycle can be balanced by stochastic optimal feedback control but only with accurate speed estimates,2023,18,2,e0278961,Maris Sociometric network analysis in illicit drugs research: a scoping review,2023,18,2,e0282340,Ritter Heat-related mortality in U.S. state and private prisons: a case-crossover analysis,2023,18,3,e0281389,Zanobetti Evaluating the impact of Hazelwood mine fire event on students' educational development with Bayesian interrupted time-series hierarchical meta-regression,2023,18,3,e0281655,Wolfe Determinants of school dropouts among adolescents: evidence from a longitudinal study in India,2023,18,3,e0282468,Saggurti Participating in a parenting intervention in prison perceptions from incarcerated fathers and mothers-a convergent mixed-methods study,2023,18,3,e0282326,Enebrink Violent assault geographies in northeastern Australia,2023,18,3,e0282522,Andresen Seeking and receiving help for mental health services among pregnant women in Ghana,2023,18,3,e0280496,Adjorlolo Collaborative support for child abuse prevention: perspectives of public health nurses and midwives regarding pregnant and postpartum women of concern,2023,18,3,e0281362,Nakatsuka Adverse health correlates of intimate partner violence against older women: mining electronic health records,2023,18,3,e0281863,Karakurt Crime generators or social capital organizations? Examining the effects of places of worship on neighborhood crime,2023,18,3,e0282196,Wo Prevention cessation or harm reduction: heterogeneous effects of an intimate partner violence prevention program in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo,2023,18,3,e0282339,Pierotti Risk assessment of methanol storage tank fire accident using hybrid FTA-SPA,2023,18,3,e0282657,Mohammadfam Defining and quantifying fatigue in the rugby codes,2023,18,3,e0282390,McLean "Our parents kiss in front of us": reasons for early sexual debut among in-school youth in the Manzini Region in Eswatini,2023,18,3,e0282828,Shongwe Prevalence and predictors of suicidal behaviours among primary and secondary school going adolescents in Botswana,2023,18,3,e0282774,Letamo The burden of mortality due to injury in Cabo Verde 2018,2023,18,3,e0278589,Fernandes Relationship between fall history and toe grip strength in older adults with knee osteoarthritis in Japan: a cross-sectional study,2023,18,3,e0282944,Kido Identification of social groups and waiting pedestrians at railway platforms using trajectory data,2023,18,3,e0282526,Seyfried Gender-related and non-gender-related female homicide in Porto Alegre Brazil from 2010 to 2016,2023,18,3,e0281924,Martini Assessing suicidality during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: lessons learned from adaptation and implementation of a telephone-based suicide risk assessment and response protocol in Malawi,2023,18,3,e0281711,Gaynes E-health psychological intervention in pregnant women exposed to intimate partner violence (eIPV): a protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial,2023,18,3,e0282997,Martin-de-Las-Heras Correlations of intracranial pathology and cause of head injury with retinal hemorrhage in infants and toddlers: a multicenter retrospective study by the J-HITs (Japanese Head injury of Infants and Toddlers study) group,2023,18,3,e0283297,Harada Driving anger dimensions and their relationship with aberrant driver behavior in Lebanon: results from a national self-reported survey,2023,18,3,e0283293,Salmi Evaluation of a Physical-Psychological Integrative (PPI) intervention for community-dwelling spinal cord injury survivors: study protocol of a preliminary randomized controlled trial,2023,18,3,e0282846,Li Psychological factors affecting potential users' intention to use autonomous vehicles,2023,18,3,e0282915,Huang Global overview of suicidal behavior and associated risk factors among people living with human immunodeficiency virus: a scoping review,2023,18,3,e0269489,Ko The off-hour effect on mortality in traumatic brain injury according to age group,2023,18,3,e0282953,Ryu Statistical injury prediction for professional sumo wrestlers: modeling and perspectives,2023,18,3,e0283242,Ota Factors regarding the dog owner's household situation antisocial behaviours animal views and animal treatment in a population of dogs confiscated after biting humans and/ or other animals,2023,18,3,e0282574,Vinke Human scent signature on cartridge case survives gun being fired: a preliminary study on a potential of scent residues as an identification tool,2023,18,3,e0283259,Ladislavová Classification of truck-involved crash severity: dealing with missing imbalanced and high dimensional safety data,2023,18,3,e0281901,Mohammadpour Relationship between stair ascent gait speed bone density and gait characteristics of postmenopausal women,2023,18,3,e0283333,Vanicek Innovative temporary edge protection system in trench works for the construction industry and rescue operations,2023,18,3,e0283319,Ortiz García-Minguillán Protocol for a study on vicarious resilience in service providers for victims and survivors of violence,2023,18,3,e0283474,Scott Extended reality as a training method for medical first responders in mass casualty incidents: a protocol for a systematic review,2023,18,3,e0282698,Otero-Varela Decomposing past and future: integrated information decomposition based on shared probability mass exclusions,2023,18,3,e0282950,Varley Predicting fall risk using multiple mechanics-based metrics for a planar biped model,2023,18,3,e0283466,Williams A framework to estimate a long-term power shortage risk following large-scale earthquake and tsunami disasters,2023,18,3,e0283686,Kroger Pedestrian street behavior mapping using unmanned aerial vehicles. a case study in Santiago de Chile,2023,18,3,e0282024,Miralles-Guasch The relationship between peer victimisation self-esteem and internalizing symptoms in adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,18,3,e0282224,Juhl Prediction of cost and schedule performance in post-hurricane reconstruction of transportation infrastructure,2023,18,3,e0282231,Rouhanizadeh Investigating suicide related behaviours across sexual orientation and neighbourhood deprivation levels: a cohort study using linked health administrative data,2023,18,3,e0282910,Kim Comparison of incidence and outcome between occupational and non-occupational motorcycle injuries in Korea: a 7-years observational study,2023,18,3,e0283512,Ryoo Mental health and gender-based violence: an exploration of depression PTSD and anxiety among adolescents in Kenyan informal settlements participating in an empowerment intervention,2023,18,3,e0281800,Sarnquist How do group workers respond to suicidal behavior? Experiences and perceptions of suicidal female adolescents residing in secure residential youth care in the Netherlands,2023,18,3,e0283744,Popma Subjective individuals' perception during evacuation in road tunnels: post-experiment survey results,2023,18,3,e0283461,Schmidt-Polończyk Classification and analysis of text transcription from Thai depression assessment tasks among patients with depression,2023,18,3,e0283095,Munthuli Evaluation of effectiveness and improvement factors of occupational health and safety management system in the Republic of Korea Navy based on AHP-entropy and IPA,2023,18,4,e0283653,Yoon Hazard source detection of longitudinal tearing of conveyor belt based on deep learning,2023,18,4,e0283878,Zheng When crisis hits: bike-sharing platforms amid the Covid-19 pandemic,2023,18,4,e0283603,Basak #StudentsToo. prevalence of sexual assault reports among students of three European universities and their actions post-assault,2023,18,4,e0283554,Rassin Humans prioritize walking efficiency or walking stability based on environmental risk,2023,18,4,e0284278,Rietdyk Survey on the association between Toxoplasma gondii infection and violent behavior in inmates,2023,18,4,e0284202,Alvarado-Esquivel Far from reality or somehow accurate? Social beliefs and perceptions about traffic crashes in the Dominican Republic,2023,18,4,e0282601,Alonso The role of safety in modal choice and shift: a transport expert perspective in the state of Victoria (Australia),2023,18,4,e0280949,Logan Measuring for primary prevention: an online survey of local community perspectives on family and domestic violence in regional Australia,2023,18,4,e0284302,Nattabi School-level determinants of incidence of sports-related concussion: findings from the CARE Consortium,2023,18,4,e0284259,Broglio VA's implementation of universal screening and evaluation for the suicide risk identification program in November 2020 -Implications for Veterans with prior mental health needs,2023,18,4,e0283633,Wagner Spot-fire distance increases disproportionately for wildfires compared to prescribed fires as grasslands transition to Juniperus woodlands,2023,18,4,e0283816,Twidwell Uncomfortably high: testing reveals inflated THC potency on retail cannabis labels,2023,18,4,e0282396,Schwabe Lifetime rates and types of subsequent child protection system contact following a first report of neglect: an age-stratified analysis,2023,18,4,e0283534,Putnam-Hornstein Effect of justification of wife-beating on experiences of intimate partner violence among men and women in Uganda: a propensity-score matched analysis of the 2016 Demographic Health Survey data,2023,18,4,e0276025,Izudi Perspectives of clinicians and survivors on the continuity of service provision during rehabilitation after acquired brain injury,2023,18,4,e0284375,Auger Association between visual impairment and risk of suicide: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,18,4,e0284355,Ha Are the relationships between mental health issues and being left-behind gendered in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,18,4,e0279278,Hung The influence of the age-period-cohort effects on male suicide in Brazil from 1980 to 2019,2023,18,4,e0284224,Guimarães Identifying distinct profiles of impulsivity for the four facets of psychopathy,2023,18,4,e0283866,Vassileva Are we seeing the unseen of human trafficking? A retrospective analysis of the CTDC k-anonymized global victim of trafficking data pool in the period 2010-2020,2023,18,4,e0284762,Al-Tammemi Acupuncture for military veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder and related symptoms after combat exposure: protocol for a scoping review of clinical studies,2023,18,4,e0273131,Leem Intimate partner violence screening during COVID-19,2023,18,4,e0284194,Tiyyagura Public safety messaging during Super Bowl LVI: a pilot study and modified framework,2023,18,4,e0284921,Burke Prevalence and determinants of occupational injuries among emergency medical technicians in Northern Ghana,2023,18,4,e0284943,Yankson Exploring sex as a moderator of other prognostic variables in whiplash associated disorder: an observational study,2023,18,4,e0282640,Walton Depression and suicidal ideation among undergraduates in state tertiary institutions in Lagos Nigeria,2023,18,4,e0284955,Odeyemi Target-based fusion using social determinants of health to enhance suicide prediction with electronic health records,2023,18,4,e0283595,Chen Strengthened social ties in disasters: threat-awe encourages interdependent worldviews via powerlessness,2023,18,4,e0285049,Takano Surfing in the streets: how problematic smartphone use fear of missing out and antisocial personality traits are linked to driving behavior,2023,18,4,e0284984,Frey Bullying prevalence in Pakistan's educational institutes: preclusion to the framework for a teacher-led antibullying intervention,2023,18,4,e0284864,Schultze-Krumbholz Testing three seismic hazard models for Italy via multi-site observations,2023,18,4,e0284909,Iervolino Evaluation of an online suicide prevention program to improve suicide literacy and to reduce suicide stigma: a mixed methods study,2023,18,4,e0284944,Härter Digital health in fragile states in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: a scoping review of the literature,2023,18,4,e0285226,El-Jardali Computational model for continuous flow of autonomous vehicles at road intersections,2023,18,5,e0285291,Nakoneczny Effects of brand and brand trust on initial trust in fully automated driving system,2023,18,5,e0284654,Itoh Breakfast habits sedentary behavior and suicide among Korean adolescents: a cross-sectional national study,2023,18,5,e0285312,Kim Symptoms of major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans with mild traumatic brain injury: a network analysis,2023,18,5,e0283101,Afari Investigating effect modification between childhood maltreatment and genetic risk for cardiovascular disease in the UK Biobank,2023,18,5,e0285258,Howe Implementation strategies and outcomes of school-based programs for adolescent suicide prevention: a scoping review protocol,2023,18,5,e0284431,Martínez Love jealousy satisfaction and violence in young couples: a network analysis,2023,18,5,e0285555,Ventura-León Perinatal suicidal behavior in sub-Saharan Africa: a study protocol for a systematic review with meta-analysis,2023,18,5,e0285406,Ebrahim Convergent validity of video-based observer rating of drowsiness against subjective behavioral and physiological measures,2023,18,5,e0285557,Uchiyama Longitudinal association between handgrip strength gait speed and risk of serious falls in a community-dwelling older population,2023,18,5,e0285530,Newman Not so terrifying after all? A set of failed replications of the mortality salience effects of Terror Management Theory,2023,18,5,e0285267,Benau Relative likeability and relative popularity as sources of influence in children's friendships,2023,18,5,e0283117,Laursen Dying to help: fatal bystander rescues in Australian coastal environments,2020,15,9,e0238317,Brander Complex interventions for aggressive challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disability: a rapid realist review informed by multiple populations,2023,18,5,e0285590,Hassiotis The epidemiology risk factors and impact of exposure on unintentional surfer and bodyboarder deaths,2023,18,5,e0285928,Peden Prevention of modern slavery within sex work: study protocol of a mixed methods project looking at the role of adult services websites,2023,18,5,e0285829,Sanders An object detection algorithm combining self-attention and YOLOv4 in traffic scene,2023,18,5,e0285654,Zhang Personality traits and substance use among college students in Eldoret Kenya,2023,18,5,e0286160,Kinyanjui To troll or not to troll: Young adults' anti-social behaviour on social media,2023,18,5,e0284374,Gruzd Computer-based intervention for residents of domestic violence shelters with substance use: a randomized pilot study,2023,18,5,e0285560,Johnson Physical distancing and emergency medical services utilization after self-harm in Korea during the early COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide quantitative study,2023,18,5,e0286398,Woo Intimate but not intimate: the perils of workplace romance in fostering knowledge sabotage,2023,18,5,e0285837,Qiu Suicides in state prisons in the United States: highlighting gaps in data,2023,18,5,e0285729,Brinkley-Rubinstein Assessment of critical resource gaps in pediatric injury care in Mozambique's four largest Hospitals,2023,18,6,e0286288,Laflamme Factors associated with international humanitarian aid appeal for disasters from 1995 to 2015: a retrospective database study,2023,18,6,e0286472,Ciottone An analysis of Chinese nursing electronic medical records to predict violence in psychiatric inpatients using text mining and machine learning techniques,2023,18,6,e0286347,Hu Using machine learning-based systems to help predict disengagement from the legal proceedings by women victims of intimate partner violence in Spain,2023,18,6,e0276032,Garcia-Jimenez Effects of digital cognitive behavioral therapy for depression on suicidal thoughts and behavior: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data,2023,18,6,e0285622,Cuijpers Effects of acupuncture on earthquake survivors with major psychiatric disorders and related symptoms: a scoping review of clinical studies,2023,18,6,e0286671,Leem Transactional sex among women in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,18,6,e0286850,Worke Hierarchical control of differential steering for four-in-wheel-motor electric vehicle,2023,18,6,e0285485,Tian Effects of a short period of postural training on postural stability and vestibulospinal reflexes,2023,18,6,e0287123,Faraguna Correlates of emotional violence against children in Rwanda: findings from a cross-sectional national survey,2023,18,6,e0286788,Nyirazinyoye FRAM-based causal analysis and barrier measures to mitigate dust explosions: a case study,2023,18,6,e0287328,Zhang Development of adjustable variable stiffness restrainer for bridge subjected to seismic excitation,2023,18,6,e0286977,Hamzah Behavioral health and experience of violence among cisgender heterosexual and lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer and questioning and asexual (LGBTQA+) adolescents in Thailand,2023,18,6,e0287130,Chongsuvivatwong Suicidal thoughts and behaviour among healthcare workers in England during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study,2023,18,6,e0286207,Hotopf The role of perceived social norms in non-suicidal self-injury and suicidality: a systematic scoping review,2023,18,6,e0286118,Wood Research on left hard shoulder width of super multilane highway based on PTSU operation,2023,18,6,e0287606,Lu Suicidal and aggressive behavior among populations within institutional quarantine and isolation centers of COVID-19 in eastern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study,2023,18,6,e0287632,Ali Predictors of high-cost patients with acute whiplash-associated disorder in Japan,2023,18,6,e0287676,Miki 'I'm not the mother I wanted to be': understanding the increased responsibility decreased control and double level of intentionality experienced by abused mothers,2023,18,6,e0287749,Abrahams Positive youth development attributes and cyberbullying victimization among Chinese middle school students: a longitudinal moderated mediation model involving internet gaming disorder and depression,2023,18,6,e0287729,Jin Verbal autopsy analysis of childhood deaths in rural Gambia,2023,18,7,e0277377,Wutor Temporal and spatial trends in road traffic fatalities from 2001 to 2019 in Shandong Province China,2023,18,7,e0287988,Jia Association between fall-related serious injury and activity during fall in an acute care hospital,2023,18,7,e0288320,Kobayashi The associations between suicides economic conditions and social isolation: insights from Spain,2023,18,7,e0288234,Blázquez-Fernández Drug prescriptions preceding opioid-related deaths-a register study in forensic autopsy patients,2023,18,5,e0285583,Håkansson The myth of man the hunter: women's contribution to the hunt across ethnographic contexts,2023,18,6,e0287101,Wall-Scheffler Exposure to self-reported traumatic events and probable PTSD in a national sample of Poles: why does Poland's PTSD prevalence differ from other national estimates?,2023,18,7,e0287854,Lis-Turlejska Comparing the diagnostic performance of ordinary mixed and lasso logistic regression models at identifying opioid and cannabinoid poisoning in U.S. dogs using pet demographic and clinical data reported to an animal poison control center (2005-2014),2023,18,7,e0288339,Pearl Associations between significant head injury in male juveniles in prison in Scotland UK and cognitive function disability and crime: a cross sectional study,2023,18,7,e0287312,McMillan Trends in road accidents on Brazil's highways: evidence of persistence using fractional integration,2023,18,7,e0287302,Tan Don't stop me now: psychological effects of interrupting a moving pedestrian crowd and a video game,2023,18,7,e0287583,Sieben A pilot randomized controlled trial of distance laughter therapy for mothers' level of depression anxiety and parental stress during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,18,7,e0288246,Park Sex difference in driving speed management: the mediation effect of impulse control,2023,18,7,e0288653,Li Prevalence and factors associated with depression anxiety and stress in Malaysia during COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review,2023,18,7,e0288618,Minhat Stigma and discrimination against transgender men in Bhutan,2023,18,7,e0287745,McFarland Monitoring the elasticity of travel demand with respect to changes in the transport network for better policy decisions during disasters,2023,18,7,e0288969,Chikaraishi Media coverage fake news and the diffusion of xenophobic violence: a fine-grained county-level analysis of the geographic and temporal patterns of arson attacks during the German refugee crisis 2015-2017,2023,18,7,e0288645,Hinz Evaluating the impact of injury prevention interventions in child and adolescent sports using the RE-AIM framework and CERT: a systematic review,2023,18,7,e0289065,Hughes Impact of focus of attention on aiming performance in the first-person shooter videogame Aim Lab,2023,18,7,e0288937,Lamers James Workplace violence and its associated factors among health care workers of a tertiary hospital in Kathmandu Nepal,2023,18,7,e0288680,Bhusal Intelligent identification of natural gas pipeline defects based on improved pollination algorithm,2023,18,7,e0288923,Wang Risky behavior during stair descent for young adults: differences in men versus women,2023,18,7,e0288438,Rietdyk In between the lines of the narrative map: phenomenological analysis of war rape victims in Amhara Regional State Ethiopia,2023,18,7,e0289106,Wondie Cattle-related occupational accidents in Japan,2023,18,7,e0289210,Yamamoto The frequency of workplace violence against healthcare workers and affecting factors,2023,18,7,e0289363,Ozel Trial-by-trial feedback fails to improve the consideration of acceleration in visual time-to-collision estimation,2023,18,8,e0288206,Hecht COVID-19 and sexual violence against women: a qualitative study about young people and professionals' perspectives in Spain,2023,18,8,e0289402,Vives-Cases #chatsafe 2.0. updated guidelines to support young people to communicate safely online about self-harm and suicide: a Delphi expert consensus study,2023,18,8,e0289494,Pirkis From colorblind to systemic racism: emergence of a rhetorical shift in higher education discourse in response to the murder of George Floyd,2023,18,8,e0289545,Toraif Locating perpetrators of violence against women in India: an analysis of married men's characteristics associated with intimate partner violence,2023,18,8,e0289596,Singh Data driven mixed effects modeling of the dual process framework of addiction among individuals with alcohol use disorder,2023,18,8,e0265168,Morgenstern Attention-grabbing news coverage: violent images of the Black Lives Matter movement and how they attract user attention on Reddit,2023,18,8,e0288962,Henn Are car safety systems associated with more speeding violations? Evidence from police records in Israel,2023,18,8,e0286622,Vertlib Self-harm in 5-to-24 year olds: retrospective examination of hospital presentations to emergency departments in New South Wales Australia 2012 to 2020,2023,18,8,e0289877,Torok Service reliability evaluation of highway tunnel based on digital image processing,2023,18,8,e0288633,Yu Mental health and suicide risk among homosexual males in Bangladesh,2023,18,8,e0289597,Haque Associations between dementia staging neuropsychiatric behavioral symptoms and divorce or separation in late life: a case control study,2023,18,8,e0289311,Monin Determinants of non-adherence to home injury prevention practice among parents of under-five children in North Seberang Perai district Penang: a mixed-methods study protocol,2023,18,8,e0282995,Kadir Shahar Shelter dog behavior after adoption: Using the C-BARQ to track dog behavior changes through the first six months after adoption,2023,18,8,e0289356,Herron Exploring the phenomenon of intrusive mental imagery after suicide bereavement: a qualitative interview study in a British sample,2023,18,8,e0284897,Pitman The healthy context paradox of bullying victimization and academic adjustment among Chinese adolescents: a moderated mediation model,2023,18,8,e0290452,Jin Intimate partner violence and its associated factors among reproductive-age women in East Africa: a generalized mixed effect robust poisson regression model,2023,18,8,e0288917,Tessema Sex trafficking survivors' experiences with the healthcare system during exploitation: a qualitative study,2023,18,8,e0290067,Pringle Who bought a gun during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States? Associations with QAnon beliefs right-wing political attitudes intimate partner violence antisocial behavior suicidality and mental health and substance use problems,2023,18,8,e0290770,Verona Structural violence and institutionalized individuals: a paleopathological perspective on a continuing issue,2023,18,8,e0290014,De La Cova Types and anatomical locations of injuries among mountain bikers and hikers: a systematic review,2023,18,8,e0285614,Buzzacott Is there an association between intimate partner violence and the prevalence of cervical cancer screening in Jordan?,2023,18,8,e0290678,Urquhart Indicators for the evaluation of musculoskeletal trauma systems: a scoping review and Delphi study,2023,18,8,e0290816,Joseph The timing of fireworks-caused wildfire ignitions during the 4th of July holiday season,2023,18,9,e0291026,Nelson The development of a Cannabis Knowledge Assessment Tool (CKAT),2023,18,9,e0291113,Mansell Dynamic measurements of speed and risk perception during driving: evidence of speed misestimation from continuous ratings and video analysis,2023,18,9,e0291043,Wallraven Suicide rates during and after the first COVID-19 lockdown in Germany in 2020,2023,18,9,e0289136,Hegerl Why is Korean girls' suicidal ideation rate higher than boys' rate? The role of gender heterogeneity in peer groups,2023,18,9,e0290072,Lee Local deprivation predicts right-wing hate crime in England,2023,18,9,e0289423,Gleditsch Health-related quality of life in patients accessing medicinal cannabis in Australia: the QUEST initiative results of a 3-month follow-up observational study,2023,18,9,e0290549,Norman An analysis of pain intensity injury incidence and their associations with socio-demographic factors in high school athletes: a cross-sectional study during the COVID-19 pandemic,2023,18,9,e0290587,Amarttayakong Longitudinal prospective study of head impacts in male high school football players,2023,18,9,e0291374,Bir Effectiveness of the aquatic physical therapy exercises to improve balance gait quality of life and reduce fall-related outcomes in healthy community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,18,9,e0291193,Lemos Lightweight forest smoke and fire detection algorithm based on improved YOLOv5,2023,18,9,e0291359,Yang Comparing typologies of violence exposure and associations with syndemic health outcomes among cisgender and transgender female sex workers living with HIV in the Dominican Republic,2023,18,9,e0291314,Barrington Outcome of 1939 traumatic brain injury patients from road traffic accidents: findings from specialist medical reports in a low to middle income country (LMIC),2023,18,9,e0284484,Mazlan Rush hour-and-a-half: traffic is spreading out post-lockdown,2023,18,9,e0290534,Bhagat-Conway Sublethal toxicities of 24-dinitrophenol as inferred from online self-reports,2023,18,9,e0290630,Burns Analysis of left-turn behaviors of non-motorized vehicles and vehicle-bicycle conflicts,2023,18,9,e0291504,Feng Detecting trends and shocks in terrorist activities,2023,18,9,e0291514,Walther Violence in fishing hunting and gathering societies of the Atacama Desert coast: a long-term perspective (10000 BP-AD 1450),2023,18,9,e0290690,Valenzuela A rollover safety margin-based approach for quantifying the tractor-semitrailers' emergency lane-changing response on expressway curves,2023,18,9,e0291783,Gao Mental health symptoms are comparable in patients hospitalized with acute illness and patients hospitalized with injury,2023,18,9,e0286563,Spain Assessing the dynamic resilience of urban rail transit networks during their evolution using a ridership-weighted network,2023,18,9,e0291639,Tian Relationship between gait parameters and cognitive indexes in adult aging,2023,18,9,e0291963,Galán-García Effects of a clinical decision support system and patient portal for preventing medication-related falls in older fallers: protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial with embedded process and economic evaluations (ADFICE_IT),2023,18,9,e0289385,van Schoor Latent class analysis of substance use typologies associated with mental and sexual health outcomes among sexual and gender minority youth,2023,18,9,e0290781,Carrico Exploration of the application of Grey-Markov models in the causality analysis of traffic accidents in roundabouts,2023,18,9,e0287045,Li Factors associated with suicide/self-inflicted injuries among women aged 18-65 years in the United States: a 13-year retrospective analysis of the National Inpatient Sample database,2023,18,10,e0287141,Akinyemi Influence of the built environment on taxi travel demand based on the optimal spatial analysis unit,2023,18,10,e0292363,Mao The running injury continuum: a qualitative examination of recreational runners' description and management of injury,2023,18,10,e0292369,O'Connor (non-)disclosure of lifetime sexual violence in maternity care: disclosure rate associated characteristics and reasons for non-disclosure,2023,18,10,e0285776,Hollander Position: A study protocol for the prevention of fall injuries in French Special Forces selection courses using a body-centered intervention,2023,18,10,e0290241,Lely Rural-urban differentials in the association between sex preference for children and marital dissolution in sub-Saharan Africa,2023,18,10,e0291435,Yaya The effect of mindfulness interventions on stress in medical students: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,18,10,e0286387,Bettencourt Ending violence against women: help-seeking behaviour of women exposed to intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa,2023,18,10,e0291913,Ahinkorah Effects of rebound exercises on balance and mobility of people with neurological disorders: a systematic review,2023,18,10,e0292312,Okemuo The relationship of single-family detached house prices with neighborhood walkability and disaster risk,2023,18,10,e0292657,Hino Correction: Exploring climate change on Twitter using seven aspects: stance sentiment aggressiveness temperature gender topics and disasters,2023,18,10,e0293151,Effrosynidis Study on landslide susceptibility mapping with different factor screening methods and random forest models,2023,18,10,e0292897,Li Strategic coastal dike shape for enhanced tsunami overflow reduction,2023,18,10,e0292930,Sawada A new method for safety helmet detection based on convolutional neural network,2023,18,10,e0292970,Wang Extended theory of planned behavior to explain the influence mechanism of low-speed driving behavior,2023,18,10,e0287489,Liu A population-based cross-sectional study examining homicides among community-dwelling older adults in Victoria Australia: a study protocol,2023,18,10,e0292837,Bugeja Developing a simple risk metric for the effect of sport-related concussion and physical pain on mental health,2023,18,10,e0292751,Walker Cannabis use disorder suiscide attempts and self-harm among adolescents: a national inpatient study across the United States [[This article has been republished with a title with spelling corrections PLOS ONE | ]] Cannabis use disorder suicide attempts and self-harm among adolescents: A national inpatient study across the United States,2023,18,10,e0292922,Onigu-Otite Epidemiology of unintentional childhood injuries in urban and rural areas of Nepal- a comparative study,2023,18,10,e0287487,Joshi Torture survivors' experiences of receiving surgical treatment indicating re- traumatization,2023,18,10,e0287994,Bjørnnes Engagement with a youth violence intervention programme is associated with lower re-attendance after violent injury: a UK major trauma network observational study,2023,18,10,e0292836,Brooks Climate change and seismic resilience: key considerations for Alaska's infrastructure and built environment,2023,18,10,e0292320,Turner Associations between Social Isolation Index and changes in grip strength gait speed bone mineral density (BMD) and self-reported incident fractures among older adults: results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA),2023,18,10,e0292788,Adachi Development and validation of the Economic Coercion Scale-20 (ECS-20): a short-form of the ECS-36,2023,18,10,e0287963,Naved Anxiety levels among school-going adolescents in peri-urban areas of Karachi Pakistan,2023,18,10,e0289967,Sharif Mapping communities as complex adaptive systems: a study of the response to violence against women by communities in Samoa,2023,18,10,e0290898,Brown Applying a PID-SMC synthetic control algorithm to the active suspension system to ensure road holding and ride comfort,2023,18,10,e0283905,Nguyen Time-motion analysis in men's breaking: a longitudinal study,2023,18,10,e0293131,Gutiérrez-Santiago Impact of the program life in traffic and new zero-tolerance drinking and driving law on the prevalence of driving after alcohol abuse in Brazilian capitals: an interrupted time series analysis,2023,18,10,e0288288,de Morais Neto Skills to Enhance Positivity in adolescents at risk for suicide: protocol for a randomized controlled trial,2023,18,10,e0287285,Jones Analysis of factors affecting crash under risk scenarios based on driver homogenous clustering,2023,18,10,e0293307,Ding Peer-led training improves lifejacket wear among occupational boaters: evidence from a cluster randomized controlled trial on Lake Albert Uganda,2023,18,10,e0292754,Jagnoor Investigation of the impacts of climate change and rising temperature on food poisoning cases in Malaysia,2023,18,10,e0283133,Hashim How marital events explain the suicide rate among Chinese,2023,18,10,e0286961,Li A classification model for municipalities in the Paraense Amazon regarding the risk of violence against women: a multicriteria approach,2023,18,10,e0292323,de Souza Violence against women on Twitter in India: testing a taxonomy for online misogyny and measuring its prevalence during COVID-19,2023,18,10,e0292121,Reed Subsurface fracturing of sedimentary stones caused by bullet impacts,2023,18,10,e0292351,Campbell Substance use and pre-hospital crash injury severity among U.S. older adults: a five-year national cross-sectional study,2023,18,10,e0293138,Berry Hospital-based violence prevention programmes in south Wales emergency departments: a process evaluation protocol,2023,18,10,e0293086,Moore A research on urban disaster resilience assessment system for rainstorm and flood disasters: a case study of Beijing,2023,18,10,e0291674,Zhang Relationship between evacuation after the Great East Japan Earthquake and new-onset hyperuricemia: a 7-year prospective longitudinal study of the Fukushima Health Management Survey,2023,18,10,e0293459,Yasumura Emotion regulation and cognitive function as mediating factors for the association between lifetime abuse and risky behaviors in women of color,2023,18,10,e0279325,Dévieux Impact of workplace bullying on work engagement among early career employees,2023,18,10,e0285345,Ali A film-based intervention to reduce child maltreatment among migrant and displaced families from Myanmar: protocol of a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial,2023,18,10,e0293623,Jirapramukpitak The physical psychological and social impacts of participation in the Invictus Pathways Program: a qualitative analysis of veterans' perceptions and experiences,2023,18,10,e0287228,Baker The role of problem-solving skills in the prevention of suicidal behaviors: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,18,10,e0293620,Poorolajal A machine learning approach to identify important variables for distinguishing between fallers and non-fallers in older women,2023,18,10,e0293729,Nicholson Fear of falling: scoping review and topic analysis using natural language processing,2023,18,10,e0293554,Harris Word differences in news media of lower and higher peace countries revealed by natural language processing and machine learning,2023,18,11,e0292604,Coleman Gender policy and intimate partner violence in Colombia,2023,18,11,e0290313,Durevall Correction: Cannabis use and suicidal ideation among youth: can we democratize school policies using digital citizen science?,2023,18,11,e0293934,Katapally Gas explosion early warning method in coal mines by intelligent mining system and multivariate data analysis,2023,18,11,e0293814,Yang Development of AI-augmented optimization technique for analysis & prediction of modal mix in road transportation,2023,18,11,e0288493,Umer A systematic review of the effectiveness and implementation readiness of psychosocial interventions for psychosis in South Asia,2023,18,11,e0283411,Qureshi Association between women's experience of domestic violence and childhood vaccination in West Africa: cross-sectional analysis of Demographic and Health Survey data,2023,18,11,e0293900,Szatkowski From inpatient to outpatient mental health care: protocol for a randomised feasibility trial of a care transition intervention for patients with depression and anxiety (the AMBITION-trial),2023,18,11,e0291067,Wild Traveling itinerary problem in a scheduled multimodal transportation network for a fixed sequence of cities,2023,18,11,e0287604,Buzna Divergences and gaps in life expectancy and health-adjusted life expectancy in Mexico: contribution analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019,2023,18,11,e0293881,Agudelo-Botero Knowledge graph and CBR-based approach for automated analysis of bridge operational accidents: case representation and retrieval,2023,18,11,e0294130,Xu Poor attention: the wealth and regional gaps in event attention and coverage on Wikipedia,2023,18,11,e0289325,Ruprechter Restricting social networking site use for one week produces varied effects on mood but does not increase explicit or implicit desires to use SNSs: findings from an ecological momentary assessment study,2023,18,11,e0293467,Ihssen Impact of the influx of Syrian refugees on domestic violence against Jordanian women: evidence from the 2017-18 Jordan Population and Family Health Survey,2023,18,11,e0288144,Choi Clinical evaluation of the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT) in Moshi Tanzania,2023,18,11,e0287835,Staton Factors and consequences associated with intimate partner violence against women in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review,2023,18,11,e0293295,Nedeljkovic Understanding sexual violence in sex working populations-law legal consciousness and legal practice in four countries (2021-2023): study protocol v2.5,2023,18,11,e0283067,Abel Contextualizing involvement in terrorist violence by considering non-significant findings: using null results and temporal perspectives to better understand radicalization outcomes,2023,18,11,e0292941,Schuurman Resilience innovation and collapse of settlement networks in later Bronze Age Europe: new survey data from the southern Carpathian Basin,2023,18,11,e0288750,Jovanovic Social workers and acquired brain injury: a systematic review of the current evidence-base,2023,18,11,e0292128,Linden A pilot heat-health warning system co-designed for a subtropical city,2023,18,11,e0294281,Hwang Women's socioeconomic status and attitudes toward intimate partner violence in Eswatini: a multilevel analysis,2023,18,11,e0294160,Odimegwu Understanding suicidal ideation-a network analysis of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire,2023,18,11,e0293026,Juckel Hazardous materials facility siting optimization and ranking: a transportation risk mitigation framework,2023,18,11,e0290723,Mehran Common adolescent mental health disorders seen in family medicine clinics in Ghana and Nigeria,2023,18,11,e0285911,Kumbet Impact of opioid law on prescriptions and satisfaction of pediatric burn and orthopedic patients: an epidemiologic study,2023,18,11,e0294279,Boyer Access to therapy for child sexual abuse survivors: preliminary dialogue of barriers and facilitators between caregivers,2023,18,11,e0294686,Silverstone What do other people think he deserves? Social influence on utilization of mitigating information regarding a violent offender's unfortunate life history,2023,18,11,e0291729,Gill Effect of gait types and external weight carrying strategies on the femoral neck strains during stair descent,2023,18,11,e0294181,Derrick Individual-differences affecting emotion regulation behaviors of injured athletes: a retrospective quantitative study,2023,18,11,e0294551,Tatsumi Camera footage and identification testimony undermine the availability of exculpatory alibi evidence,2023,18,10,e0289376,Sagana Determining occupational accidents baseline ratios by considering a synthetic population: the case of Spain,2023,18,11,e0294707,Olivella Nadal Firearm injuries in Missouri,2023,18,11,e0294737,Rivara Sexual orientation disclosure and depression among Thai gay bisexual and other men who have sex with men: the roles of social support and intimate partner violence,2023,18,11,e0294496,Desai Improvement of violence management among nurses in Iran: the best practice implementation project in a health promoting hospital,2023,18,11,e0284758,Hasanpoor Associations between white matter integrity and postural control in adults with traumatic brain injury,2023,18,11,e0288727,Zampieri 12-month substance use disorders among first-year university students in Kenya,2023,18,11,e0294143,Mathai An original fuzzy control approach for active anti-roll bars to prevent rollover,2023,18,11,e0290409,Nguyen Does women empowerment associate with reduced risks of intimate partner violence in India? Evidence from National Family Health Survey-5,2023,18,11,e0293448,Roy Reconciling chemical flame retardant exposure and fire risk in domestic furniture,2023,18,11,e0293651,Hull Pedestrian detection algorithm integrating large kernel attention and YOLOV5 lightweight model,2023,18,11,e0294865,Zhang Identification and classification of factors affecting the non-use of safety harness at height among construction workers in Tehran,2023,18,11,e0287906,Jabbari Gender-based adjustment problems of divorcees in Hazara Division Pakistan,2023,18,11,e0295068,Shah Knowledge attitude and practice on fall risk factors and prevention among rural older community-dwellers in Vietnam,2023,18,11,e0295119,Vu Gender-based violence among healthcare students: prevalence description and associated factors,2023,18,11,e0288855,Veber Strategic management and risk control of emergency hospital construction: SWOT and STPA framework from a systems thinking perspective,2023,18,11,e0295125,Wang Correction: Cannabis use disorder suicide attempts and self-harm among adolescents: a national inpatient study across the United States,2023,18,11,e0294303,The editors Reactive control in suicide ideators and attempters: an examination of the congruency sequence effect in cognitive and emotional Simon tasks,2023,18,11,e0295041,You Subjective risk and associated electrodermal activity of a self-driving car passenger in an urban shared space,2023,18,11,e0289913,Mars Increased perception of the experience dimension of the animal mind reduces instrumental violence against animals,2023,18,11,e0295085,Bielecki Exposure to childhood maltreatment predicts adult physiological dysregulation particularly inflammation,2023,18,11,e0294667,Weinstein Experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic as a homeless person in Chennai India: an interpretative phenomenological analysis,2023,18,11,e0295164,Das Disaster experience and resident risk preference: evidence from China household finance survey,2023,18,11,e0295146,Guo Exploration of street space architectural color measurement based on street view big data and deep learning: a case study of Jiefang North Road Street in Tianjin,2023,18,11,e0289305,Liu Cumulative violence exposures among men who have sex with men living with HIV in India: psychosocial correlates of HIV care continuum outcomes,2023,18,12,e0295225,Celentano Prevalence of depression and its associated factors among undergraduate admission candidates in Bangladesh: a nation-wide cross-sectional study,2023,18,11,e0295143,Uddin Parent-child communication about substance use puberty sex and social media use among Hispanic parents and pre-adolescent children,2023,18,11,e0295303,De Santis History of incarceration and age-related neurodegeneration: testing models of genetic and environmental risks in a longitudinal panel study of older adults,2023,18,12,e0288303,Barnes Effectiveness of emergency department-based and initiated youth suicide prevention interventions: a systematic review,2023,18,12,e0289035,Cleverley Assessment of psychological terror and its impact on mental health and quality of life in medical residents at a reference medical center in Mexico: a cross-sectional study,2023,18,12,e0295138,Enriquez Estrada Women Veterans' perspectives experiences and preferences for firearm lethal means counseling discussions,2023,18,12,e0295042,Monteith Traumatic brain injury and risk of heart failure and coronary heart disease: a nationwide population-based cohort study,2023,18,12,e0295416,Chang Association between smartphone usage and health outcomes of adolescents: a propensity analysis using the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey,2023,18,12,e0294553,Choi Suicide prevention curriculum development for health and social care students: protocol for a scoping review,2023,18,12,e0285231,Corcoran Exponential adoption of battery electric cars,2023,18,12,e0295692,Jung The role of playgrounds in the development of children's fundamental movement skills: a scoping review,2023,18,12,e0294296,Schipperijn ETSR-YOLO: an improved multi-scale traffic sign detection algorithm based on YOLOv5,2023,18,12,e0295807,Zhou Mapping the association between mental health and people's perceived and actual ability to practice hygiene-related behaviours in humanitarian and pandemic crises: a scoping review,2023,18,12,e0286494,Ghassemi Dynamic phase-locking states and personality in sub-acute mild traumatic brain injury: an exploratory study,2023,18,12,e0295984,Calhoun Controlling toxic and harmful gas in blasting with an inhibitor,2023,18,12,e0291731,Wang Do humour styles moderate the association between hopelessness and suicide ideation? A comparison of student and community samples,2023,18,12,e0295995,Drake Coming of age in recovery: the prevalence and correlates of substance use recovery status among adolescents and emerging adults,2023,18,12,e0295330,Kelly Association of low blood pressure and falls: an analysis of data from the Leiden 85-plus Study,2023,18,12,e0295976,Gussekloo Intimate partner violence against women during Covid-19: a population-based study in Vitória state of Espírito Santo Brazil,2023,18,12,e0295340,Wehrmeister By cyclists for cyclists: road grade and elevation estimation from crowd-sourced fitness application data,2023,18,12,e0295027,Bigazzi Post-traumatic stress disorder and its associated factors among war-affected residents in Woldia town North East Ethiopia 2022; community based cross-sectional study,2023,18,12,e0292848,Mulat Health providers readiness in managing intimate partner violence in public health institutions Ethiopia,2023,18,12,e0295494,Teshome Femicide in Mexico: statistical evidence of an increasing trend,2023,18,12,e0290165,Hernández Gress Patterns of posttraumatic stress symptoms their predictors and comorbid mental health symptoms in traumatized Arabic-speaking people: a latent class analysis,2023,18,12,e0295999,Knaevelsrud Influencing factors of falls among older adults in Chinese retirement institutions: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,18,12,e0296348,Zhang Relational dynamics associated with adolescent and young adult (13 to 23 years of age) partner violence: the role of inter-parental violence and child abuse,2023,18,12,e0283175,Muhammad Coping self-efficacy and social support as predictors of adolescent sex trafficking exit: results of a secondary analysis,2024,19,1,e0291207,Cimino Good learners or trouble makers? Study on the relationship between academic performance and antisocial behavior of junior high school students,2024,19,1,e0295705,Zhu Prevalence of undernutrition and associated factors among street adolescents in Adama town Oromia regional state Ethiopia 2023: a cross sectional study,2024,19,1,e0296500,Meseret Suicide trends in Denmark--an ecological study exploring suicide methods from 1995 to 2019,2023,18,12,e0296324,Christiansen Evaluating child helmet protection and testing standards: a study using PIPER child head models aged 1.5 3 6 and 18 years,2024,19,1,e0286827,Halldin Promoting community resilience through disaster education: review of community-based interventions with a focus on teacher resilience and well-being,2024,19,1,e0296393,Zhang Engagement in meaningful activities post suicide loss: a scoping review protocol,2024,19,1,e0296522,Polatajko An early warning approach for the rapid identification of extreme weather disasters based on phased array dual polarization radar cooperative network data,2024,19,1,e0296044,Wang MAGA Republicans' views of American democracy and society and support for political violence in the United States: findings from a nationwide population-representative survey,2024,19,1,e0295747,Wintemute Profiles of vulnerability for suicide and self-harm in UK prisoners: neurodisability mood disturbance substance use and bullying,2024,19,1,e0296078,Leckie The impact of falls on activities of daily living in older adults: a retrospective cohort analysis,2024,19,1,e0294017,Phelan Enhancing network stability in VANETs using nature inspired algorithm for intelligent transportation system,2024,19,1,e0296331,Yerrathi Family caregiver perspectives on strengths and challenges in the care of pediatric injury patients at a tertiary referral hospital in Northern Tanzania,2023,18,12,e0286836,Young Calibration of pedestrian ingress model based on CCTV surveillance data using machine learning methods,2024,19,1,e0293679,Apeltauer Does darkness increase the risk of certain types of crime? A registered report protocol,2024,19,1,e0291971,Smith Road extraction through Yangwang-1 nighttime light data: a case study in Wenzhou China,2024,19,1,e0297152,Zhang Risky behaviors and road safety: an exploration of age and gender influences on road accident rates,2024,19,1,e0296663,Kim Evolution of the global terrorist organizational cooperation network,2024,19,1,e0281615,Lu A comprehensive guide to CAN IDS data and introduction of the ROAD dataset,2024,19,1,e0296879,Verma Twenty-first-century demographic and social inequalities of heat-related deaths in Brazilian urban areas,2024,19,1,e0295766,Gracie An automatic driving trajectory planning approach in complex traffic scenarios based on integrated driver style inference and deep reinforcement learning,2024,19,1,e0297192,Liu A Bayesian model for predicting monthly fire frequency in Kenya,2024,19,1,e0291800,Orero Intimate partner violence and excess fertility among women of reproductive age in Malawi,2024,19,1,e0297959,Decker Expanding capabilities to evaluate readiness for return to duty after mTBI: the CAMP study protocol,2024,19,1,e0270076,Zhang Role of workplace bullying and workplace incivility for employee performance: mediated-moderated mechanism,2024,19,1,e0291877,Mehmood The balance between traffic control and economic development in tourist cities under the context of COVID-19: a case study of Xi'an China,2024,19,1,e0295950,Yan Danish dog owners' use and the perceived effect of unlicensed cannabis products in dogs,2024,19,1,e0296698,Holst Correction: the role of perceived autonomy support and fear of failure: a weekly diary study on work-related rumination,2024,19,1,e0298248, An anti-occlusion optimization algorithm for multiple pedestrian tracking,2024,19,1,e0291538,Zhang Correction: The impact of temporary contracts on suicide rates,2024,19,2,e0298372,Jiménez Community support for injured patients: a scoping review and narrative synthesis,2024,19,2,e0289861,Chu Supplement usage and doping attitudes in elite youth sports: the mediating role of dietary supplement acceptance,2024,19,2,e0297078,Ommundsen I did not scream. I could not; I was terrified. I just followed them. . .I blocked my mind. then they all raped me: a narrative inquiry on the onset of tonic immobility among women rape victims in Nigeria,2024,19,2,e0278810,Duma Disproportionate burden of violence: explaining racial and ethnic disparities in potential years of life lost among homicide victims suicide decedents and homicide-suicide perpetrators,2024,19,2,e0297346,Zimmerman Individual evaluation of fatigue at work to enhance the safety performance in the construction industry: a systematic review,2024,19,2,e0287892,Heng Associations between humiliation shame self-harm and suicidality among adolescents and young adults: a systematic review,2024,19,2,e0292691,Malone Physical fitness and motor ability parameters as predictors for skateboarding performance: a logistic regression modelling analysis,2024,19,2,e0296467,Abu Osman Windblown sand hazards risk assessment along the highways based on GIS-game theory combination weight,2024,19,2,e0292263,Li When the antidote is the poison: investigating the relationship between people's social media usage and loneliness when face-to-face communication is restricted,2024,19,2,e0296423,Jütte Female vs. male relative fatality risk in fatal motor vehicle crashes in the US 1975-2020,2024,19,2,e0297211,Bass Slope stability assessment in the seismically and landslide-prone road segment of Gerese to Belta Rift Valley Ethiopia,2024,19,2,e0296807,Gebreyohannes Effect of forward moment on recovery motion against tripping,2024,19,2,e0298045,Akiyama Predictors for the utilization of community support systems against intimate partner violence among married women living with HIV in southwestern Uganda-a cross sectional study,2024,19,2,e0298397,Muteesasira Development of a rating scale for maladaptive symptoms by maltreatment: perspectives of attachment and dissociation,2024,19,2,e0298214,Tachibana Distinct patterns of incidental exposure to and active selection of radicalizing information indicate varying levels of support for violent extremism,2024,19,2,e0293810,Gill A wellbeing program to promote mental health in paediatric burn patients: study protocol,2024,19,2,e0294237,Wood Understanding determinants related to farmers' protective measures towards pesticide exposure: a systematic review,2024,19,2,e0298450,Afshari The role of race and insurance in trauma patients' mortality: a cross-sectional analysis based on a nationwide sample,2024,19,2,e0298886,Acosta Analysis of coping capacities and cognitive biases of novice drivers-a questionnaire-based study,2024,19,2,e0297763,Liu Data-driven mathematical simulation analysis of emergency evacuation time in smart station's operations management,2024,19,2,e0298622,Peng Correction: Assault and care characteristics of victims of sexual violence in eleven Médecins Sans Frontières programs in Africa. What about men and boys?,2024,19,2,e0299409,Van den Bergh Prevalence of falls and comparison of health-related physical fitness factors between different faller categories among institutionalized older adults in Kandy District of Sri Lanka,2024,19,2,e0297946,Ihalage Relationships between physical fitness characteristics technical skill attributes and sports injury in female Australian football players,2024,19,2,e0298267,Milne Expressway traffic flow prediction based on MF-TAN and STSA,2024,19,2,e0297296,Zhang Validation of the Italian version of the Dark Tetrad at Work scale,2024,19,2,e0298880,Marcatto Health care utilization mental disorders and behavioural disorders among perpetrators of intimate partner homicide in 2000-2016: a registry-based case-control study from sweden,2024,19,2,e0298693,Krantz Examination of social worlds of risky drinking. Insights from Twitter data analysis,2024,19,2,e0289237,Martin Invasion of privacy or structural violence? Harassment against women in public transport environments: a systematic review,2024,19,2,e0296830,Alonso Validity and reliability International Classification of Diseases-10 codes for all forms of injury: a systematic review,2024,19,2,e0298411,Paleczny Positive skill transfer in balance and speed control from balance bike to pedal bike in adults: a multiphase intervention study,2024,19,2,e0298142,Chow Collecting behavioral evidence from a highly mobile and seasonal population: a protocol for a survey on quad bike injuries,2024,19,3,e0298059,Grivna Exploring the experiences of wellbeing health and healthcare among women who have been domestically sex trafficked in Ontario Canada: a qualitative study protocol,2024,19,3,e0299500,Du Mont Different types of mobile phone use while driving and influencing factors on intention and behavior: Insights from an expanded theory of planned behavior,2024,19,3,e0300158,Mohammadi Protocol for creating a dataset of U.S. state alcohol-related firearm laws 2000-2022,2024,19,3,e0299248,Macinko Coping strategies of psychiatrists and psychiatry trainees following patient suicide and suicide attempt: a national cross-sectional study in Saudi Arabia,2024,19,3,e0300004,Alkhalifah Influence of type of violence on women's help-seeking behaviour: evidence from 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa,2024,19,3,e0297308,Yaya Coordination of gaze and action during high-speed steering and obstacle avoidance,2024,19,3,e0289855,Fajen Trends in mental health problems among Swedish adolescents: do school-related factors play a role?,2024,19,3,e0300294,Nilsson A location discrete choice model of crime: police elasticity and optimal deployment,2024,19,3,e0294020,Newball-Ramírez Causes of death among women of reproductive age during the war in Tigray Ethiopia,2024,19,3,e0299650,Godefay Traffic flow detection method based on improved SSD algorithm for intelligent transportation system,2024,19,3,e0300214,Shu A mixed methods analysis of youth mental health intervention feasibility and acceptability in a North American city: perspectives from Seattle Washington,2024,19,3,e0288214,Kemp ADHD and family life: a cross-sectional study of ADHD prevalence among pupils in China and factors associated with parental depression,2024,19,3,e0281226,Leavey Comparison across age groups of causes circumstances and consequences of falls among individuals living in Canada: a cross-sectional analysis of participants aged 45 to 85 years from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging,2024,19,3,e0300026,O'Connell Strategies to enhance the level of service and safety of rural roads: a case study,2024,19,3,e0300525,Zhang What should I use to calculate vehicle EES?,2024,19,2,e0297940,Semela Walkability and socio-economic status in relation to walking playing and sports practice in a representative Spanish sample of youth: the PASOS study,2024,19,3,e0296816,Serra-Majem A dynamic traffic signal scheduling system based on improved greedy algorithm,2024,19,3,e0298417,Xu "Daddy comforts me"-Young Swedish children's perspectives on their family relations before and after their parents' participation in a parenting programme,2024,19,3,e0298075,Fängström Factors associated with suicidal ideation among medical residents in Tehran during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multicentric cross-sectional survey,2024,19,3,e0300394,Vahedi Bullying victimization among adolescents: prevalence associated factors and correlation with mental health outcomes,2024,19,3,e0299161,Mtiraoui Linkages between maternal experience of intimate partner violence and child nutrition outcomes: a rapid evidence assessment,2024,19,3,e0298364,Roesch Hypertension at the nexus of veteran status psychiatric disorders and traumatic brain injury: insights from the 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System,2024,19,3,e0298366,London Prevalence correlates and trends of intimate partner violence against women in Pakistan: results from Pakistan Demographic and Health surveys 2012-13 and 2017-18,2024,19,3,e0298681,Shaikh Six-dimensional force/torque sensor for aerodynamic characteristic study of high-speed train with different wind angles under stationary tornado,2024,19,3,e0298401,Li Intimate partner violence suicide and self-harm in Sri Lanka: analysis of national data,2024,19,3,e0298413,Page Association between adverse childhood experiences and self-reported health-risk behaviors among cancer survivors: a population-based study,2024,19,3,e0299918,Jeon Prevalence of fatigue and cognitive impairment after traumatic brain injury,2024,19,3,e0300910,Masel Collaborative optimization model and algorithm for airport capacity and traffic flow allocation,2024,19,3,e0298540,Pan Prevalence of physical violence against people in insecure migration status: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,19,3,e0300189,Lewis Lower autonomic arousal as a risk factor for criminal offending and unintentional injuries among female conscripts,2024,19,3,e0297639,Patrick Study protocol: Identifying transcriptional regulatory alterations of chronic effects of blast and disturbed sleep in United States Veterans,2024,19,3,e0301026,Galfalvy Focused deterrence: a protocol for a realist multisite randomised controlled trial for evaluating a violence prevention intervention in the UK,2024,19,3,e0301023,Graham Impact of laws prohibiting domestic violence on wasting in early childhood,2024,19,3,e0301224,Nandi Prevalence and associated factors of occupational injuries in an industrial city in Ghana,2024,19,3,e0301339,Yankson Post-traumatic stress disorder and associated factors among internally displaced persons in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,19,4,e0300894,Kabito The prevalence of alcohol consumption and its related factors in adolescents: findings from Global School-based Student Health Survey,2024,19,4,e0297225,Moradinazar Explainable artificial intelligence models for predicting risk of suicide using health administrative data in Quebec,2024,19,4,e0301117,Lesage How our longitudinal employment patterns might shape our health as we approach middle adulthood--US NLSY79 cohort,2024,19,4,e0300245,Han Influence of lower limb isokinetic muscle strength and power on the occurrence of falls in community-dwelling older adults: a longitudinal study,2024,19,4,e0300818,Garcia Accessibility of intimate partner violence-related services for young women in Spain: qualitative study on professionals' perspectives,2024,19,4,e0297886,Vives-Cases Enhanced Arabic disaster data classification using domain adaptation,2024,19,4,e0301255,Asif Improving traffic accident severity prediction using MobileNet transfer learning model and SHAP XAI technique,2024,19,4,e0300640,Aboulola Suicidal ideation attempt and associated factors among prisoners in Northwest Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study,2024,19,4,e0301410,Tesfaw Developing a risk prediction model for death at first suicide attempt-Identifying risk factors from Thailand's national suicide surveillance system data,2024,19,4,e0297904,Arunpongpaisal Determinants of adolescents' depression anxiety and somatic symptoms in Northwest Ethiopia: a non-recursive structural equation modeling,2024,19,4,e0281571,Gebreegziabher Occupational injury prevalence and predictors among small-scale sawmill workers in the Sokoban Wood Village Kumasi Ghana,2024,19,4,e0298954,Agyei-Baffour News media coverage of LGBT identities over 10 years in a 400-million-word corpus,2024,19,4,e0300385,Ng Investigation on a mobile fire extinguishing approach using liquid carbon dioxide as inert medium for underground mine,2024,19,4,e0299940,Ge The effects of plantarflexor weakness and reduced tendon stiffness with aging on gait stability,2024,19,4,e0302021,Sawicki Dispositional factors in the explanation of symptoms of depression anxiety health anxiety and COVID-19 Phobia,2024,19,4,e0299593,Lieb Fall prediction in a quiet standing balance test via machine learning: is it possible?,2024,19,4,e0296355,Mochizuki Tapping into alcohol use during COVID: drinking correlates among bartenders and servers,2024,19,4,e0300932,McKay Assessing the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on pediatric baseball and basketball-related craniofacial and neck injuries treated in United States emergency departments 2003-2022,2024,19,4,e0302232,Wiener Reproductive coercion and abuse in intimate relationships: women's perceptions of perpetrator motivations,2024,19,4,e0299069,Tarzia Intimate partner violence and quality of life among mothers in Jordan during COVID-19 era,2024,19,4,e0298669,Al-Natour Male perspectives on intimate partner violence: a qualitative analysis from South Africa,2024,19,4,e0298198,Christofides Prevalence and factors associated with psychological distress among key populations in Nigeria,2024,19,4,e0300901,Ochonye Statistical estimation of fatal and serious injuries saved by iRAP protocols in 74 countries,2024,19,4,e0301993,Bachani Impact of benzodiazepine use on the risk of occupational accidents,2024,19,4,e0302205,Baudot Effects of relational and instrumental messaging on human perception of rattlesnakes,2024,19,4,e0298737,Smith Teenage blues: predictors of depression among adolescents in Nigeria,2024,19,4,e0293995,Onofa Does the priority of ambulance guarantee no delay? A MIPSSTW model of emergency vehicle routing optimization considering complex traffic conditions for highway incidents,2024,19,4,e0301637,Luan Paternal depression in the postpartum year and children's behaviors at age 5 in an urban U.S. birth cohort,2024,19,4,e0300018,Corman Gait speed and its associated factors among older black adults in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the WHO study on Global AGEing in older adults (SAGE),2024,19,4,e0295520,Adebanji Analysis of football research trends using text network analysis,2024,19,4,e0299782,Kim Risk factors of reattempt among suicide attempters in South Korea: a nationwide retrospective cohort study,2024,19,4,e0300054,Ahn Comparing closure compliance and ease of use for consumer product packs designed to reduce access to children,2024,19,4,e0284346,Schwebel Shroud waving self-determination: a qualitative analysis of the moral and epistemic dimensions of obstetric violence in the Netherlands,2024,19,4,e0297968,van der Waal Frequency complications and mortality of inhalation injury in burn patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol,2024,19,4,e0295318,Herdy Guerra Avila The interplay between climate change and ageing: a systematic review of health indicators,2024,19,4,e0297116,Martins Evidence of increasing wildfire damage with decreasing property price in Southern California fires,2024,19,4,e0300346,Syphard Gas explosion characteristics and spray control mechanism in underground square,2024,19,4,e0293421,Wu The relationship between participation in leisure activities and incidence of falls in residential aged care,2024,19,4,e0302678,Raban Men's education and intimate partner violence-beyond the victim-oriented perspective: evidence from demographic and health surveys in Central Africa,2024,19,4,e0302627,Ahinkorah Typhoon disaster emergency forecasting method based on big data,2024,19,4,e0299530,Huo Risk and protective factors for self-harm and suicide behaviours among serving and ex-serving personnel of the UK Armed Forces Canadian Armed Forces Australian Defence Force and New Zealand Defence Force: a systematic review,2024,19,4,e0299239,Fear Concussion response and recovery in men and women's rugby union: a reflexive thematic analysis of player interviews,2024,19,4,e0296646,McNarry EMS injury cause codes more accurate than emergency department visit ICD-10-CM codes for firearm injury intent in North Carolina,2024,19,4,e0295348,Waller Road vehicle collision suicide in Australia: trends collision types and individual characteristics,2024,19,4,e0299590,Pirkis The mental health prognosis of offspring born of genocidal rape is influenced by family members the community and their perceptions toward them,2024,19,4,e0302330,Niyonsenga Experiences of trauma and psychometric properties of the Life Events Checklist among adults in Uganda,2024,19,4,e0298385,Gelaye Workplace interventions to prevent suicide: a scoping review,2024,19,5,e0301453,Bradbury-Jones Discrimination and violence against women migrant workers in Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods study,2024,19,5,e0300388,Somrongthong Comparing fatal crash risk factors by age and crash type by using machine learning techniques,2024,19,5,e0302171,Alanazi Prior resilience to trauma & coping during the COVID-19 pandemic,2024,19,5,e0297169,Koenen Maternal childhood emotional abuse increases cardiovascular responses to children's emotional facial expressions,2024,19,5,e0302782,Bérubé Effects of the delivery of physiotherapy on the treatment course of elderly fallers presenting to the emergency department: protocol for a randomized clinical trial,2024,19,5,e0303362,Le Conte Trends in mortality rates and correlations between intracranial injuries and external causes: a Japanese population study,2024,19,5,e0300846,Kibayashi Research on the evolutionary control of unsafe behavior of construction personnel based on multi-field coupled-homogeneous analysis model,2024,19,5,e0302263,Zhao Depression and associated factors among older people in Vietnam: findings from a National Aging Survey,2024,19,5,e0299791,Nguyen Machine learning approach for the development of a crucial tool in suicide prevention: the Suicide Crisis Inventory-2 (SCI-2) Short Form,2024,19,5,e0299048,Wolfe Reports on sexual violence published in an online Chinese newspaper: a new frame research,2024,19,5,e0299578,Liu A novel perspective on the selection of an effective approach to reduce road traffic accidents under Fermatean fuzzy settings,2024,19,5,e0303139,Razaq The self-reported driving and pedestrian behaviour of adults with developmental coordination disorder,2024,19,5,e0301115,Wood Attitudes of women towards intimate partner violence in Guyana: a cross-sectional analytical study,2024,19,5,e0303902,Branas Extremists of a feather flock together? Community structures transitivity and patterns of homophily in the US Islamist co-offending network,2024,19,6,e0298273,Jensen Modeling trajectories of physical aggression from infancy to pre-school age their early predictors and school-age outcomes,2024,19,6,e0291704,Stoolmiller Mitigating delay due to capacity drop near freeway bottlenecks: zones of influence of connected vehicles,2024,19,6,e0301188,Brennan Prevalence and associated factors of suicidal behaviors among Bangladeshi rural community people: Findings from the 'BD ComMen Study',2022,17,12,e0279271,Mamun A cross-sectional study of psychopathy and khat abuse among prisoners in the correctional institution in Jimma Ethiopia,2020,15,1,e0227405,Abera The protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial to evaluate couple-based violence prevention education and its ability to reduce intimate partner violence during pregnancy in Southwest Ethiopia,2024,19,5,e0303009,Wordofa eHealth Familias Unidas Mental Health: Protocol for an effectiveness-implementation hybrid Type 1 trial to scale a mental health preventive intervention for Hispanic youth in primary care settings,2023,18,4,e0283987,Brown Measurement-based care for suicidal youth: Outcomes and recommendations from the Services for Teens At Risk (STAR) Center,2023,18,4,e0284073,Brent Sequential bilateral accelerated theta burst stimulation in adolescents with suicidal ideation associated with major depressive disorder: protocol for a randomized controlled trial,2023,18,4,e0280010,Croarkin Analysis of factors influencing the degree of accidental injury of bicycle riders considering data heterogeneity and imbalance,2024,19,5,e0301293,Zhang Digitalisation of information and management optimisation in multiple victim incidents. Analytical study,2024,19,5,e0303247,Muñoz Romo A machine learning approach to detect potentially harmful and protective suicide-related content in broadcast media,2024,19,5,e0300917,Niederkrotenthaler Heat exchange characteristics of underground and pavement buried pipes for bridge deck heating conditions,2024,19,5,e0298077,Zheng Prevalence of school related violence in seven countries: a cross-sectional survey,2024,19,5,e0301833,Wells The impact of the #MeToo movement on language at court: a text-based causal inference approach,2024,19,5,e0302827,Langen The effect of different extreme weather events on attitudes toward climate change,2024,19,5,e0300967,Visconti The occurrence of and factors associated with mental ill-health amongst humanitarian aid workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,19,5,e0292107,van den Broek Adapting a selective parent-focused child sexual abuse prevention curriculum for a universal audience: a pilot study,2024,19,5,e0302982,Guastaferro Neck strength alone does not mitigate adverse associations of soccer heading with cognitive performance in adult amateur players,2024,19,5,e0302463,Lipton Mobilizing grievances in the internet age: the case of national online petitioning in South Korea 2017-2022,2024,19,5,e0302373,Suh Res2Net-based multi-scale and multi-attention model for traffic scene image classification,2024,19,5,e0300017,Li Protocol for a nationwide case-control study of firearm violence prevention tactics and policies in K-12 schools,2024,19,5,e0302622,Branas Oculomotor behavior can be adjusted on the basis of artificial feedback signals indicating externally caused errors,2024,19,5,e0302872,Lappe Impact of childhood traumatic brain injury on fitness for service class length of service period and cognitive performance during military service in Finland from 1998 to 2018: a retrospective register-based nationwide cohort study,2024,19,5,e0303851,Mattila Intimate partner violence depression hazardous alcohol use and social support among people with HIV initiating HIV care in Cameroon,2024,19,5,e0304114,Pence Variations in psychological disorders suicidality and help-seeking behaviour among college students from different academic disciplines,2022,17,12,e0279618,Murray Cohort profile: the social media smartphone use and self-harm in young people (3S-YP) study-a prospective observational cohort study of young people in contact with mental health services,2024,19,5,e0299059,Dutta Climate change: a pointer to increased small-scale fisher drowning deaths,2024,19,5,e0302397,Fiorella Innovation and adaptation: the rise of a fentanyl smoking culture in San Francisco,2024,19,5,e0303403,Ciccarone A cost-benefit analysis of WildFireSat a wildfire monitoring satellite mission for Canada,2024,19,5,e0302699,Hope Capture of emotional responses under a simulated earthquake experience using near-infrared spectroscopy and virtual reality,2024,19,5,e0304107,Liu Risk chain identification of single-vehicle accidents considering multi-risk factors coupling effect,2024,19,5,e0302216,Wang Exploring the association between the Arabic version of the Traffic Locus of Control driving behavior and road traffic crashes: a multidimensional approach,2024,19,5,e0303518,Salmi Prevalence of motorcycle accidents among food delivery drivers and its relation to knowledge attitudes and practices in urban areas in Bangkok Thailand,2024,19,5,e0303310,Luangwilai The association between urinary incontinence and suicidal ideation: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,2024,19,5,e0301553,Bai Predicting black ice-related accidents with probabilistic modeling using GIS-based Monte Carlo simulation,2024,19,5,e0303605,Hong Do more stress and lower family economic status increase vulnerability to suicidal ideation? Evidence of a U-shaped relationship in a large cross-sectional sample of South Korean adolescents,2021,16,4,e0250794,Jeong Injuries from electronic cigarettes and cigarette/cigar-related paraphernalia NEISS 2012-2022,2024,19,5,e0298177,Wiener Leading causes of death in Vietnamese Americans: an ecological study based on national death records from 2005-2020,2024,19,5,e0303195,Kim "We are pleading for the government to do more": road user perspectives on the magnitude contributing factors and potential solutions to road traffic injuries and deaths in Ghana,2024,19,5,e0300458,Mock The impact of the Parenting for Respectability programme on violent parenting and intimate partner relationships in Uganda: a pre-post study,2024,19,5,e0299927,Wight Childhood abuse and perinatal outcomes for mother and child: a systematic review of the literature,2024,19,5,e0302354,Brunton Correction: Suicide ideation of individuals in online social networks (PLoS ONE),2014,9,1,,Masuda Serum BDNF levels in relation to illness severity suicide attempts and central serotonin activity in patients with major depressive disorder: A pilot study,2014,9,3,,Kim The relationship between teachers' disciplinary practices and school bullying and students' satisfaction with school: the moderated mediation effects of sex and school belonging,2024,19,5,e0303466,Popović-Ćitić Psychometric evaluation of the interpersonal needs questionnaire in the Indonesian language,2022,17,12,e0279272,Pandia Women peace and insecurity: the risks of peacebuilding in everyday life for women in Sri Lanka and Nepal,2024,19,5,e0303023,de Mel Incidence and predictors of mortality among road traffic accident victims admitted to hospitals at Hawassa city Ethiopia,2024,19,5,e0296946,Afacho Child-related factors associated with depressive symptoms among mothers of school-going children in urban Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study,2024,19,5,e0304480,Sultana Prevalence and change in alcohol consumption in older adults over time assessed with self-report and Phosphatidylethanol 16:0/18:1 -The HUNT Study,2024,19,5,e0304714,Helvik Prognostic factors of first intimate partner violence among ever-married women in Sub-Saharan Africa: Gompertz gamma shared frailty modeling,2024,19,5,e0303187,Legesse Improved U-net network asphalt pavement crack detection method,2024,19,5,e0300679,Yan In-school adolescents' loneliness social support and suicidal ideation in sub-Saharan Africa: Leveraging Global School Health data to advance mental health focus in the region,2022,17,11,e0275660,Kumar Co-creating safe spaces: Study protocol for translational research on innovative alternatives to the emergency department for people experiencing emotional distress and/or suicidal crisis,2022,17,10,e0272483,Batterham Online suicidal thoughts and/or behaviours talk: A scoping review protocol,2022,17,10,e0276776,Lamont-Mills Suicide capability within the ideation-to-action framework: A systematic scoping review,2022,17,10,e0276070,Lamont-Mills Patterns of homelessness and housing instability and the relationship with mental health disorders among young people transitioning from out-of-home care: Retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data,2022,17,9,e0274196,O'Donnell Women with perinatal suicidal ideation-A scoping review of the biopsychosocial risk factors to inform health service provision and research,2022,17,9,e0274862,Doody Leveraging latent profile analysis to synthesize childhood and adolescent risk factors for suicidal ideation,2022,17,8,e0272400,van Hulle Cannabis use mental health and problematic internet use in Quebec: a study protocol,2024,19,6,e0304697,Håkansson Mine water inrush source discrimination model based on KPCA-ISSA-KELM,2024,19,6,e0299476,Wang The use of mental health services by Australian adolescents with mental disorders and suicidality: Findings from a nationwide cross-sectional survey,2020,15,4,e0231180,Islam Evaluation of participant 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Aboriginal school students,2022,17,1,e0262406,Midford Psychosis risk among pregnant women in Ghana,2022,17,2,e0263011,Adjorlolo Impact of Internet usage time on mental health in adolescents: Using the 14th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey 2018,2022,17,3,e0264948,Kwak Using nominal group technique among resident physicians to identify key attributes of a burnout prevention program,2022,17,3,e0264921,Fraenkel Depression and suicidal ideation among medical students in a private medical college of Bangladesh. A cross sectional web based survey,2022,17,4,e0265367,Chomon Mental health disorders research in the countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) 2008-17 and the disease burden: Bibliometric study,2021,16,4,e0250414,Kılıç Bearing witness: A grounded theory of the experiences of staff at two United Kingdom Higher Education Institutions following a student death by suicide,2021,16,5,e0251369,Smith Self-reported history of intensity of smoking is associated with risk factors for suicide among high school students,2021,16,5,e0251099,Wilkinson Current use of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications and clinical characteristics of child and adolescent psychiatric outpatients prescribed multiple ADHD medications in Japan,2021,16,6,e0252420,Okada Evaluating the association between COVID-19 and psychiatric presentations suicidal ideation in an emergency department,2021,16,6,e0253805,Beach Mitigating infodemics: The relationship between news exposure and trust and belief in COVID-19 fake news and social media spreading,2021,16,6,e0252830,Tamim Depressive symptoms and associated factors among HIV positive patients attending public health facilities of Dessie town: A cross-sectional study,2021,16,8,e0255824,Arefaynie Mental health among healthcare workers and other vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 pandemic and other coronavirus outbreaks: A rapid systematic review,2021,16,8,e0254821,Kousoulis Substance use disorders and suicidality in youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis with a focus on the direction of the association,2021,16,8,e0255799,Renaud Popular media as a double-edged sword: An entertainment narrative analysis of the controversial Netflix series 13 Reasons Why,2021,16,8,e0255610,Wang Decreasing death rates and causes of death in Icelandic children-A longitudinal analysis,2021,16,9,e0257536,Möller Socio-economic and demographic patterns of mental health complaints among the employed adults in Estonia,2021,16,10,e0258827,Sisask Alone but not lonely: The relationship between COVID-19 social factors loneliness depression and suicidal ideation,2021,16,12,e0261867,Andover Predicting suicidal thoughts and behavior among adolescents using the risk and protective factor framework: A large-scale machine learning approach,2021,16,11,e0258535,Barnes Medical students in distress: The impact of gender race debt and disability,2020,15,12,e0243250,Sammann Age- and cause-specific contributions to the life expectancy gap between Medical Aid recipients and National Health Insurance beneficiaries in Korea 2008-2017,2020,15,11,e0241755,Khang Long-term outcomes of psychological interventions on children and young people's mental health: A systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,15,11,e0236525,Fonagy Formal Comment: Romer study fails at following core principles of reanalysis,2020,15,11,e0237184,Bridge Reanalysis of the effects of "13 Reasons Why": Response to Bridge et al,2020,15,11,e0239574,Romer Serious and persistent suicidality among European sexual minority youth,2020,15,10,e0240840,Wasserman Predicting overdose among individuals prescribed opioids using routinely collected healthcare utilization data,2020,15,10,e0241083,Hernández-Díaz After providing end of life care to relatives what care options do family caregivers prefer for themselves?,2020,15,9,e0239423,Cohen-Mansfield "It's a battle for eyeballs and suicide is clickbait": The media experience of suicide reporting in India,2020,15,9,e0239280,Vijayakumar Trust conversations and the 'middle space': A qualitative exploration of the experiences of physiotherapists with clients with suicidal thoughts and behaviours,2020,15,9,e0238884,Smith Drowning prevention challenges and opportunities: an exploratory study of perspectives of delegates from ASEAN nations,2024,19,6,e0304138,Lawton Towards simulation optimization of subway station considering refined passenger behaviors,2024,19,6,e0304081,Yuan Cocaine/crack and cannabis use among transgender women in Goiás Central Brazil,2024,19,6,e0304219,Pillon Interpersonal discrimination and depressive symptoms among older Black and African American adults,2024,19,6,e0304168,Blow The negative impact of long working hours on mental health in young Korean workers,2020,15,8,e0236931,Park Evidence of a louse-borne outbreak involving typhus in Douai 1710-1712 during the war of Spanish succession,2010,5,10,e15405,Raoult Immune responses accelerate ageing: proof-of-principle in an insect model,2011,6,5,e19972,Pursall The effects of cognitive therapy versus 'no intervention' for major depressive disorder,2011,6,12,e28299,Simonsen Classification of patients with bipolar disorder using k-means clustering,2019,14,1,e0210314,García-Portilla Can acute suicidality be predicted by Instagram data? 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A scoping review,2024,19,6,e0298317,Armstrong The impact of positive-pressure breathing apparatus on muscle fatigue of volunteer firefighter,2024,19,6,e0305599,Wang The tangled ways to classify games: A systematic review of how games are classified in psychological research,2024,19,6,e0299819,Starosta The Reddit cannabis subjective highness rating scale: applying computational social science to explore psychological and environmental correlates of naturalistic cannabis use,2024,19,6,e0300290,Gilbert Association of Medicaid coverage with emergency department utilization after self-harm in Korea: a nationwide registry-based study,2024,19,6,e0306047,Woo Prevalence and risk factors of intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the population-based study DREAMCORONA,2024,19,6,e0306103,Garthus-Niegel State-level population estimates of sexual minority adolescents in the United States: a predictive modeling study,2024,19,6,e0304175,Salomon Breaking the spiral of silence: news and social media dynamics on sexual abuse scandal in the Japanese entertainment industry,2024,19,6,e0306104,Miyazaki The racialization of pit bulls: what dogs can teach us about racial politics,2024,19,6,e0305959,Tesler