Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Accidents in childhood,1970,68,4,i-ii,Arriola Child abuse: an interdisciplinary management experience,2008,106,6,499-504,Seldes Munchausen syndrome by proxy and presumed apparent life-threatening event manifestations,2008,106,1,47-53,Smith Near drowning in a pediatric population: epidemiology and prognosis,2009,107,3,234-240,Rodriguez Suicidal attempts by poisoning in children. Suicide prevention centers,1968,66,4,176-179,Astolfi Amitraz poisoning,2009,107,5,456-458,Martinez Epidemiological aspects of drug poisoning patterns. The most important iatrogenic causes. Suspicion indices,1970,68,10,351-353,Vallejo Wounds and injuries:accidents in the rural area. Epidemiology and prevention,1970,68,9,344-9 contd,Arriola Accidental poisoning by ingestion of ricinus seeds,1961,56,,337-339,Astolfi Domestic poisonings during 1960,1961,56,,152-157,Astolfi Accidents in childhood,1961,56,,110-118,Aguilar giraldes Intoxications by unusual products,1963,59,,135-139,Giménez Poisoning in children at the Toxicological Counseling Center,1965,63,11,428-430,Astolfi Boric acid poisoning,1965,63,3,156-158,Gimenez Consensus on drowning prevention. "The child and the water." 2nd part,2009,107,4,362-368, Consensus on drowning prevention: "The child and the water". 1st part,2009,107,3,271-276, Scorpion envenomation in Argentina,2010,108,2,161-167,Parma Depression and the conduct disorder are the most frequent pathologies in child and adolescent suicide attempt,2010,108,2,124-129,Bella Childhood addiction: glue sniffing. Comments on the primary focus detected in our area,1966,64,5,131-136,Giménez Mixture of alcohol and drugs: a frequent form of abuse,2010,108,5,e111-e113,Cabrerizo Posictal neurogenic pulmonary edema secondary to acute poisoning by organochlorine pesticide in an adolescent suicide attempt,2010,108,2,e28-32,Marín Obtention of an antivenom against Phoneutria nigriventer (arachnida; ctenidae) venom,2011,109,1,62-65,de Roodt The choking game in adolescence between experimentation and risk,2011,109,1,59-61,Baquero Suicide attempt in under-15s: An experience in a Pediatric Emergency Depart,2011,109,1,18-23,Pandolfo Accidental cannabis poisoning in children: report of four cases in a tertiary care center from southern Spain,2011,109,1,4-7,Croche Santander Ferrous sulfate: acute poisoning with a frequent use drug,2011,109,1,1-3,Cabrerizo Epidemiology of the poisoning in childhood in our milieu,1970,68,5,160-165,Vallejo Snake bites,1970,68,10,363-365,Resoagli The most common drug poisoning patterns,1970,68,10,354-355,Lis The handicapped adolescents and their sexuality,2011,109,5,447-452,García Arrigoni Why not use the word accident,2012,110,3,204-206,Waisman Transvaginal penetrating fetal head injury,2012,110,5,e99-e102,Moscote Salazar Anogenital warts and suspicion of child sexual abuse,2012,110,5,438-444,Indart de Arza Septal perforation in children due to button battery lodged in the nose: Case series,2012,110,5,430-434,Zanetta Safe transportation of children: what is our responsability as pediatricians?,2012,110,6,523-529,Agote Robertson Newborn sleep positioners and sudden infant death syndrome risk,2013,111,1,62-68,Rossato Analysis of mortality from suicide in children adolescents and youth. Argentina 2005-2007,2013,111,1,16-21,Bella Intoxication by organophosphate insecticides,1966,64,9,236-242,Gimenez Delayed diagnosis of foreign body in the airway in children: Case series,2013,111,3,e69-73,Passali Foreign bodies in esophagus in children: Case series,2013,111,3,e62-e65,Gregori What pediatricians should know about car seats?: Car safety seats,2013,111,3,247-250,Navarro Pediatricians' attitude about the use of infant walkers,2013,111,6,,Yilmaz Accidents due to Lepidoptera: Hylesia nigricans (Berg 1875) or "mariposa negra",2014,112,2,179-182,de Roodt Gait analysis in spinal cord injured population: a case report,2014,112,3,e97-e100,Pérez-de la Cruz Sleepiness and sleep characteristics in students from an urban district of Lima Peru,2014,112,3,239-241,Rey de Castro Survey on alcohol and medicine abuse among adolescents at four schools in Greater Buenos Aires,2014,112,6,504-510,Cabrerizo Organ donation after brain death due to child abuse,2015,113,1,e31-3,Del Villar-Guerra Assessment of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin levels to predict infection and mortality in burn children,2015,113,1,36-41,Signorelli Pediatric trauma: epidemiological study among patients admitted to Hospital de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez",2015,113,1,12-20,Fiorentino Child maltreatment prevention: the pediatrician's function: Part 1: overview evidence risk factors protective factors and triggers,2015,113,6,558-567,Mouesca Distribution of findings of scorpions in Buenos Aires city in the period 2001-2012 and their sanitary implications,2016,114,1,e77,de Roodt Child maltreatment prevention: the pediatrician's role. Part 2. Prevention before it happens when suspected and when abuse is confirmed,2016,114,1,64-74,Mouesca Differential diagnosis from hyperglycemic ketoacidosis: pesticide poisoning. Clinical case,2016,114,1,e91-e94,Vélez Accidental oral administration of povidone iodine in a newborn: case report,2016,114,1,e84-e86,Alarcon Martínez Consensus on safe infant's furniture: brief version,2016,114,1,182-188, Relationship between sport and physical activity and alcohol consumption among adolescents students in Murcia (Spain),2016,114,1,101-106,López Villalba Demand for hospitalization due to psychosocial causes in a pediatric hospital,2016,114,3,252-257,Bella Behavior of pediatric medical residents during a clinical simulation of a violent mother in a pediatric emergency,2016,114,3,232-236,Enríquez Opinions of members of the National Civil (Family Proceedings) and Criminal Courts in withholding or withdrawing of life support situations in pediatrics,2016,114,4,298-304,Selandari Validation of the Spanish-language version of the Rapid Assessment for Adolescent Preventive Services among Colombian adolescents,2016,114,5,448-452,Suárez-Pinto Alcohol consumption in early adolescence and medical care,2016,114,5,412-418,Borrás Santiesteban Massive poisoning with carbon monoxide: an update from a case,2017,116,1,76-81,Cabrerizo Bullying at school: Agreement between caregivers' and children's perception,2017,116,1,35-42,Durán Evaluation of esophageal injuries secondary to ingestion of unlabeled corrosive substances: pediatric case series,2017,115,2,e85-e88,Yağmurlu Risk factors associated with tobacco alcohol and drug use among adolescents attending secondary school in three cities from Argentina,2017,115,2,155-158,Sargent Pediatricians' opinions practices and knowledge about unintentional injuries prevention,2017,115,6,601-607,Ubeda Drug- herb- and dietary supplement-induced liver injury,2017,115,6,e397-e403,Cavalieri Post traumatic diaphragmatic rupture in children: case report,2018,116,2,e292-e295,Lerendegui Student's perception of school bullying and its impact on academic performance: a longitudinal look,2018,116,2,e216-e226,Durán Characterization of drug poisoning among adolescents seen at the municipal hospital of Bahía Blanca Province of Buenos Aires Argentina,2018,116,4,275-282,Buffone Self-injurious behaviors among adolescents: a qualitative study of characteristics meanings and contexts,2018,116,6,394-401,Agüero Chance fracture missed by convencional CT: Presentation of a clinical course,2011,109,1,13-16,Pérez Suárez Adolescent with non-suicidal self-harm in a psychosocial adversity environment,2019,117,5,e485-e488,Del Brío Ibáñez Risk factors associated with maltreatment syndrome in Mexican children seen at the Emergency Department,2020,118,1,4-10,Robledo Aceves Public policies based on scientific evidence: child road safety,2020,118,3,e252-e257,Nuñez-Samudio Current status of pediatric neurocritical care in Argentina,2020,118,3,204-209,Neira Blindness and neurological sequelae following carbon monoxide poisoning: effective treatment with hyperbaric oxygen,2020,118,5,e480-e485,Cardoso Insulin/glucose therapy for the treatment of severe calcium channel blocker poisoning in pediatrics. Case report,2021,119,6,e610-e615,Garay Bobadilla Proposal for a short version of an international questionnaire to detect bullying: adaptation to Argentine Spanish language and exploratory factor analysis,2022,120,1,14-20,Herrera Bornes Acute respiratory distress from ingestion of glitter powder in a 15-month-old child: an endoscopic emergency,2022,120,1,e29-e33,Zanetta Consultations due to suspected child and adolescent sexual abuse at the department of gynecology of a children's hospital: pre- and intra-COVID-19 pandemic,2022,120,4,225-231,Nastri Retrospective study of poisoned patients admitted to a hospital's pediatric intensive care unit in Chile,2022,120,4,257-263,Müller-Ramírez Commotio cordis (cardiac concussion) in a child. A case report,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bruera Dog bite injuries in children seen at a tertiary care hospital in Bolivia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Copana-Olmos Child maltreatment and violence. Contributions from radiologists to a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Branda The pandemic of child abuse [editorial],2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Indart de Arza Congenital depressed skull fracture ("ping-pong" fracture) in newborn infants as a differential diagnosis of physical abuse,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mouesca De lo que no se habla en la UCIP,2001,99,4,337-339,Ghiggi Dapsona: sobredosis intencional,1999,97,5,342-344,Eugeni Edema pulmonar neurogénico posconvulsión secundario a intoxicación aguda intencional por pesticida organoclorado en una suicida adolescente,2010,108,2,158-e28e32,Marín Retraso en el diagnóstico de un cuadro grave de enfermedad de Huntington juvenil: un reporte de caso,2014,112,1,e23-e26,Meza Escobar Caracterización de la consulta por intoxicación medicamentosa en los adolescentes en el Hospital Municipal de Bahía Blanca Buenos Aires,2018,116,4,279-282,Buffone