Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Snowmobile: fun and-or folly,1972,71,10,230-231,Kritter Head injuries and domestic violence,1995,94,2,74,Braker Do seatbelts save lives?,1995,94,3,133-134,Halter Screening men for domestic violence in your medical practice,1994,93,12,623-626,Hamberger Issues of domestic violence unique to rural areas,1994,93,9,473-479,Hamberger Teens and domestic violence,1994,93,1,29,Selkurt Wisconsin's deadly secret-domestic violence,1992,91,6,263-4 266,Listwan Domestic violence: an overview,1992,91,6,279-280,Hamilton Empowering physicians to respond to domestic violence,1992,91,6,280-283,Fullin Sleep sleep disorders and motor vehicle crashes,1997,96,5,42-47,Hansotia At risk drivers: are physicians required to report?,1997,96,5,7,Hansotia Physicians' responsibility to assess patients' ability to operate a motor vehicle,1997,96,8,15-16,Dart Medical aspects of driver licensing in Wisconsin: an historical review,1991,90,3,109-111,Weygandt Automobile driving and epilepsy: a medical perspective,1991,90,3,112-115,Hansotia Diabetes and the license to drive,1991,90,3,115-118,Ehrlich A legislative view of driving and legal restriction,1991,90,3,119-120,Helbach The abused child law,1970,69,1,25-26, The abused child law,1969,68,1,31-32, Medical evaluation of driver impairment,1968,67,1,18-19, Medical evaluation of driver impairment,1967,66,1,7-8, The abused child law; how it affects you,1967,66,1,23-24, Attempted suicide by chemical agents,1965,64,9,327-328,Nashold A conference on child abuse,1972,71,10,226-229,Wald Dying with your (or somebody else's) rights on,1979,78,11,3-4,Treffert Reports on abused children and those with special educational needs,1979,78,6,28-29, Late colonic stenosis secondary to seat belt injury,1980,79,2,29-31,Mueller Wisconsin physicians' response to child abuse and neglect (CAN) ... part II: how can it be improved?,1983,82,3,14-15,Porter Wisconsin physicians' response to child abuse and neglect (CAN) . . . Part I: is it adequate?,1983,82,2,14-5 17-8,Porter Violence in medical settings,1984,83,4,30-33,Alverno The three-wheeled motorcycle--a new mechanism of serious injury,1986,85,8,18-20,Cogbill Child abuse--after the report is made,1985,84,3,13-15,Powers Child abuse and neglect. The law--explanation and implication,1985,84,2,15-22,Powers Child abuse and neglect,1985,84,1,11-14,Powers Ibuprofen and ethanol overdose-induced acute tubular necrosis,1987,86,9,23-24,Blau The physician's role in fighting child abuse,1988,87,10,6 8,Lamont Self-poisoning with drugs,1989,88,2,15-18,Kerr Child abuse reporting law needs changes,1989,88,1,8,Miller Adolescent suicide: an analysis using Erikson's developmental framework,1992,91,7,351-357,Zimmerman The role of health care workers in responding to battered women,1992,91,6,284-286,Worcester Antidepressant medication and suicide,1992,91,4,169-173,Greist Poisoning by the organic phosphate insecticides,1949,48,11,1007,Green An analysis of the causes of failures in fractures of the hip,1949,48,8,733-739,Schneider Suicide; implications for the general medical man,1950,49,12,1111-1113,Kline Alcohol involved in most driver deaths,1968,67,9,417,Jorris Cycle injuries. A comparative study,1968,67,9,413-417,Pellegrino Surgical Grand Rounds (No. 13 of a series): highway trauma,1967,66,3,135-139, Delayed complications of snowmobile injuries due to blunt trauma to the abdomen. Two case reports,1974,73,3,S31,Sargeant Snowmobile accidents in central Wisconsin. Experience during the 1970-1971 and 1971-1972 seasons,1973,72,2,89-94,Wenzel What kills Wisconsin children? The physician's responsibility in accident prevention,1972,71,9,217-219,Kohler Ethanol levels in burn patients,1976,75,1,S5-6,Lang DOT changes response to "no driving" reports,1993,92,8,476, Suicide among Wisconsin elderly,1993,92,6,285-286,Jesudason High-pressure injection injuries of the hand,1993,92,1,13-16,Sanderson Promoting occupational health in agriculture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,1992,91,12,685-688,Schuler Project FACE: Wisconsin surveillance of fatal occupational injuries. Fatal Accident Circumstances and Epidemiology,1992,91,1,43-46,Hanrahan Injury prevention update,1990,89,7,306,Katcher Project SENSOR: occupational disease and injury surveillance,1989,88,12,35-38,Anderson VCRs and children,1988,87,3,7-8,Garland Pneumatic injury from a nailgun,1985,84,4,13-15,Tanner Accident and fall prevention in the elderly,1983,82,9,23-25,Duthie I can drive a tank,1983,82,3,7, Traffic accidents and the legal drinking age in Wisconsin,1983,82,3,11-13,Dunham Silage gas poisoning; a case report,1951,50,11,1103-1104,Fostvedt Acoustic trauma,1951,50,6,563-567,Fox Post-traumatic vasomotor disturbances,1951,50,5,443-446,Conley Some medical aspects of atomic warfare,1952,51,6,558-561,Van duser Homicide as a manifestation of thalamic or hypothalamic disorder with abnormal electroencephalographic findings,1953,52,3,171-174,Schwade Hazards in the use and formulation of insecticides,1954,53,12,621-625,Princi Highway safety is a health problem too; as it looks to your state board of health,1956,55,9,998-999,Sanders The commonly used toxic solvents,1956,55,9,984-987,Spolyar Treatment of methanol poisoning,1957,56,9,381-382,Mannering Orthopedic aspects of the automobile accident patients,1959,58,7,347-349,Mahaffey Foreign wooden body present in the buttock for five years,1959,58,2,97,Zlatnik Accidental poisoning,1958,57,10,386,Neupert Prevention of back injuries in industry,1958,57,9,322-326,Ansfield Report on poison control centers Milwaukee County 1956,1958,57,6,235-236,Mellencamp Nonfatal farm accidents; report of a pilot study and review of the literature,1958,57,3,118-126,Evans Analysis of 247 consultations for poisonings in Wisconsin,1960,59,,143-144,Bruns Fire safety in hospitals,1961,60,,486,Jennerjohn Mushroom poisoning: report of three cases with one death,1961,60,,333-335,Flogstad Factors in automobile accidents,1961,60,,288-290,Windsor We can do more than talk about accidents,1961,60,,201-202,Sanders Farm accidents occurring in children,1963,62,,405-409,Lucas Orthopedic problems in agricultural trauma,1965,64,12,471-475,Lucas Cardiac manifestation of digitalis intoxication and its treatment,1966,65,7,251-253,Somani Frostbite,1966,65,11,437-441,Hickey The assessment and treatment of victims of domestic abuse: model protocol,1994,93,4,178-182, A profile of geriatric trauma in southeastern Wisconsin,1994,93,4,165-168,Aprahamian Animal bites and rabies: physicians and veterinarians must work together,1996,95,4,242,MacWilliams I was a success at everything--except suicide,1996,95,4,223-225,Eilers Older abused and battered women: an invisible population,1996,95,5,298-300,Raymond Partner violence: a systematic approach to identification and intervention in outpatient health care,1996,95,5,292-297,Hamberger Firearms injury reporting system needed,1996,95,5,267,Doyle Domestic violence: the physician as patient advocate,1996,95,6,392-393,LaCrosse Heat-related deaths during the summer of 1995 Wisconsin,1996,95,6,382-383,Peterson Who is the victim?,1993,92,4,182-184,MaCauley An emerging public health perspective on domestic violence: implications for Wisconsin physicians and health care organizations,1997,96,1,46-50,Dunham Wisconsin doctor selected as national symbol of physicians' sacrifices,1991,90,8,485-487,Bautch Liver trauma: community hospital experience: 1975-1980,1981,80,7,19-21,Sattler Characteristics of alcohol use by school children in a northcentral Wisconsin county,1991,90,9,520-524,Layde The rescuer,1988,87,8,6,Schiedermayer University of Wisconsin agricultural safety and health activities,1997,96,8,25-29,Purschwitz Domestic abuse: complicated by rural living,1997,96,8,22-24,Pittenger Life in the country: physicians discuss practicing in rural Wisconsin,1997,96,8,17-21,Kennedy Changes in agriculture bring potential for new health and safety risks,1997,96,8,10-11,Olenchock Farm injuries don't just involve farmers,1997,96,8,9,Purschwitz Epidemic heat stroke in a midwest community: risk factors neurological complications and sequelae,1997,96,5,39-41,Dixit Call to the community. II: We called; you responded,1995,94,10,571,Roberts Epidemiology of burn injury in rural Wisconsin,1978,77,7,62-63,Perea Must a Wisconsin physician report?,1970,69,1,24, Stress and domestic abuse,1996,95,12,843,Fessler The real vital signs,1996,95,12,834-835,Slane Safe at home (?),1992,91,11,617-618,Listwan Guns and me,1994,93,10,509-510,Hirsch Mortality rate of pelvic fracture patients,1996,95,10,702-704,Wubben Head and neurologic trauma,1972,71,12,259-264,Gurdjian Burn injuries in Wisconsin: epidemiology and prevention,1982,81,2,25-28,Katcher Editorial: Infanticide: who makes the decision?,1974,73,5,10-11,Gimbel The treatment of drug abuse: update for the physician,1974,73,10,S 133-6,Benforado Inner ear damage due to barotrauma,1974,73,11,S143-5,Beasley Childhood lead poisoning prevention program in Milwaukee,1975,74,3,S42-6,Backer Hip fractures. Influence of delay in surgery on mortality,1975,74,12,129-128,McNeill Practical concepts in management of ocular trauma,1976,75,9,S86-7,Taugher A victim of misinformation,1990,89,2,43-44,Sautter Lightning cataracts,1984,83,12,23-24,Shapiro Drug abuse dependence and drug addiction,1966,65,3,122-125,Wang Multidisciplinary rehabilitation in severe head trauma,1980,79,2,49-52,Grafman Football injuries,1979,78,5,7,Falk Children's toys,1988,87,2,8-9,Lamont Head trauma and epilepsy,1988,87,2,16-18,Ruggles Roosevelt/Reagan--Schrank/Hinckley,1982,81,8,9-10,Falk Adams offered us excellent advice,1992,91,9,521-525,Nichols Two objections to Adams' opinion,1992,91,9,e521,MacGorman Psychiatric patient faces major personal costs,1996,95,4,226-227,Hamilton