Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Accidents in school children covered by an accident insurance,1987,58,5,409-413,Romero Gynecological injuries in childhood,1971,42,1,33-35,Barraza Poisoning in childhood,1965,36,9,590-591,Vargas Baeza Battered child syndrome. traumatological aspects,1975,46,4,363-365,Perez Treatment of homosexuality in a pre-adolescent,1979,50,6,61-63,Guajardo Sáinz The battered child. Epidemiological clinical and juridico-social considerations,1981,52,4,333-341,Vicuña The abused child: Epidemiological clinical and juridico-social considerations,1981,52,4,333-341,Rosselot Vicuña Asphyxia due to immersion (apropos of 13 cases),1982,53,3,218-224,Cerdá Attempted suicide in children and adolescents,1986,57,3,227-230,Rona General and psychopathologic aspects of sexual abuse in children,1989,60,2,71-75,Rona Mortality due to lesions in accidents and violence in children under 20 years of age,1990,61,5,277-280,Vega Newborn infant transportation,1992,63,Suppl 1,6-8,Valdés Imipramine poisoning,1976,47,5-6,376-381,Toso Acute thallium poisoning,1976,47,5-6,373-376,Cordero Haloperidol poisoning,1976,47,5-6,369-371,Toso Asphyxia by immersion,1990,61,6,316-322,Cordero Accident prevention in children and adolescents in Chile in the context of health for all by the year 2000,1986,57,2,184-193,Rosselot Acute ethyl alcohol poisoning,1955,26,7,319-320,Norris Accidents in the school age child,1960,31,,505-510,Medina Factors favoring social irregularity in minors,1960,31,,421-433,Yankovic Mammal bites with special reference to those inflicted by dogs. Epidemiological study in a Servicio de Urgencia Infantil,1961,32,,350-356,Vera Epidemiology of burns,1961,32,,209-212,Gutiérrez Toxicologic assistance in children,1963,34,,866-867,Bruening Salicylate poisoning,1965,36,9,598-600,Monckeberg Acute poisoning by barbiturates in children,1965,36,9,594-597,Rubio Arce Poisoning by opiates,1965,36,9,591-594,Parada Baeza Poisoning in childhood,1965,36,9,588-589,Morice Epidemiology of fractures in childhood,1964,35,,528-536,Veralatorre Juvenile delinquency,1962,33,,309-310,Hernandez marchant Cardiac penetrating bullet wound in a child,1962,33,,84-86,Del rio Infantile alcohol consumption in 2 urban populations,1984,55,1,11-13,Albornoz Blunt abdominal trauma due to handlebar injury,2020,91,5,754-760,Irarrázaval Mainguyague Psychomotor efficiency in children of low socioeconomic status during their 2d year of life,1979,50,3,35-41,Rodriguez Poisoning in childhood,1979,50,6,18-26,Correa Traumatic pancreatitis,1986,57,1,70-73,Saelzer Characteristics of psychosocial development in adolescents 16 to 19 years of age with longitudinal follow-up. 1. Characteristics of the sample; psychotropic drug abuse and smoking habits,1988,59,1,26-33,Correa Heatstroke in infants,1987,58,2,150-153,Martinez Psychosocial development characteristics in adolescents from 16 to 19 years of age in a longitudinal follow-up. III. Employment future religious aspects and recreation,1988,59,2,96-101,Correa Epidemiology of burns in children and adolescents from Chile's Metropolitan Region,2014,85,6,690-700,Solís F Incidence and prevalence of burn injuries in children under the age of 20 years,2014,85,6,674-681,Solís F Application of a physiologic stability index at a pediatric intensive care unit,1990,61,3,124-127,Paris Self-concept level in children with burns sequelae: a comparative study,2015,86,4,251-256,Solís F Harm to children and their families due to alcohol abuse: results of a population survey in Chile,2015,87,3,162-168,Florenzano Epidemiological changes in children with burns attending clinics in a district of Santiago Chile over a 10 year period,2015,87,3,186-192,Saavedra Opazo Early child development inequalities and associated factors between public and private providers at metropolitan region in Chile,2016,87,5,351-358,Bedregal Dandy-Walker variant: Case report,2016,87,5,406-410,Cueva-Núñez Social and family factors associated with quality of life in children in schools from Piura Peru,2017,88,2,223-229,Mejia Death from external causes in infants in Colombia 2005-2013,2017,88,4,465-469,Rosselli Children's scalds from tearing of hot water bottle,2017,88,6,730-735,Solís F RADAR: a program for the prevention of suicide in adolescents in the region of Aysen Chile preliminary results,2018,89,1,145-148,Florenzano Suicide risk associated with bullying and depression in high school,2018,89,2,208-215,Mejia Association of health-related quality of life and suicidal risk in adolescents: a cross-sectional study,2018,89,3,318-324,Florenzano Response to the letter of editor entitled: Safe practice of sports in pediatrics. Is preparticipatory evaluation enough?,2018,89,6,768-769,González E Safe practice of sports in pediatrics. Is preparticipatory evaluation enough?,2018,89,6,766-767,Clavería Low quality of mother-child interaction in infants at psychosocial risk is associated with risk of developmental delay,2019,90,3,260-266,Binda Characterization of the phone-calls made to a poison center related to household and cosmetics products exposition in pediatrics,2019,90,5,500-507,Gonzalez Association between attachment and suicidal risk in Colombian adolescent students,2019,90,4,392-398,Campo-Arias Suicide attempt in teenagers: associated factors,2019,90,6,606-616,Dávila-Cervantes Abdominal pain secondary to ileocecal fistulae by ingestion of multiple magnetic bodies: clinical case,2017,88,3,428-430,Cozzarelli Bullying as a risk factor for depression and suicide,2020,91,3,432-439,Azúa Fuentes Psychological violence or psychological impact of violence? The case of the SíseVe platform of the Ministry of Education (Peru),2020,91,1,160-161,Dominguez-Lara Ibero-LatinAmerican clinical practical guidelines on pediatric caustic esophagitis: physiopathology and clinical-endoscopic diagnosis (1st part),2020,91,1,149-157,Pierre Protective and risk factors in mental health in children and adolescents in the city of Calama,2004,75,5,425-433,Haquin F The nutritional state of students and adolescents in Chile,2007,78,5,523-533,Rodríguez O. Suicide risk in pediatric populations treated with antidepressives: Impact of the 2003 alert in prescription and research in efficacy and safety,2011,82,4,277-288,Inmaculada Palanca Suicide attempts secondary to self-inflicted drug poisoning,2011,82,1,42-48,Bettina von Dessauer Validación del cuestionario general de búsqueda de ayuda para problemas de salud mental en adolescentes,2017,88,3,324-331,Guzmán-González Antidepresivos y suicidio: una polémica actual,2007,78,5,461-471,Martínez A Factores de riesgo de la conducta suicida en niños y adolescentes,2000,71,3,183-91,Larraguibel Quiroz ¿Podría ser aceptable la eutanasia infantil?,2014,85,5,608-612,Beca I Asociación entre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y riesgo suicida en adolescentes: estudio transversal,2018,89,3,318-324,Florenzano Prevención del suicidio en niños y adolescentes,1994,65,3,178-83,Ulloa Chávez Tentativas y consumación de suicidio en niños y adolescentes,1993,64,4,272-6,Ulloa Chávez [Eating behavior disorders in patients hospitalized in a Mental Health Service],2019,90,3,302-308,Corral