Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Accident morbidity as seen in the emergency service of the American University Medical Center in Beirut,1974,27,5,575-582,Abou-Daoud Violence on the road causes 700000 deaths each year in the world. World Health Organization,1994,42,2,80-82,Nakajima Violence against children,2007,55,3,117-120,Daher Suicide in the Beirut area,1974,27,1,83-90,Abou-Daoud Accident mortality in Beirut and suburbs,1970,23,6,571-581,Abou-Daoud Parathion poisoning,1965,18,4,317-326,Haddad Report of the study commission on poisoning and accidents produced by folidol,1954,7,5,314-316, The drama of delinquent youth throughout the world and in Labanon,1959,12,,276-308,Karam Excerpts of the 2007 Lebanese report on the prevention of child abuse and neglect CAN. and violence against children VAC,2008,56,1,54-57,Awada Abdominal penetrating trauma in pregnancy,1993,41,2,70-72,Awwad Hydrocarbon poisoning in children,1994,42,2,63-68,Gerbaka Accidents in children. Retrospective epidemiological study of 1671 cases collected at the Hotel-Dieu of Beirut,1996,44,4,209-213,Gerbaka The environment and the eye. Topics of ophthalmic toxicology,1996,44,3,146-150,Mücke World report on violence and health,2003,51,2,59-63,Daher Total ear loss due to trauma. Case report,1974,27,6,655-660,Abu Jamra Falls in the elderly,1995,43,4,194-199,Abyad Foreign bodies of the respiratory tract in children. A retrospective study of 100 cases,1997,45,1,10-18,Gerbaka Etiologic study of cerebral motor disorders,1970,23,5,451-458,Fakhoury Recovery of myocardial electrocution after injury by ordinary electric current,1972,25,4,285-289,Kiblawi Osteoporosis: an update,1998,46,1,23-28,el-Hajj Fuleihan History of castration in Lebanon ...and other places,1991,39,1,33-35,Khouri The biochemistry of psychosis,1973,26,6,615-625,Antun Blunt trauma to abdomen and chest. (Review of a 7-year experience and report of 3 interesting cases in childhood),1974,27,1,59-75,Ilbawi Acoustic trauma in unprotected airport workers,1980,31,3,281-285,Karam Traumatic pneumocephalus from tangential bullet injury with compression of the brainstem. A case report,1980,31,3,277-280,Salibi Paraquat poisoning in children,1998,46,2,93-96,Gerbaka Acute cocaine intoxication in a smuggler. One case report and a review of the literature,1999,47,3,198-200,Farah Profile of injured patients presenting to a tertiary hospital in a developing country,2011,59,4,191-196,Tamim Geometric indices of hip bone strength in male professional soccer players,2014,62,4,207-212,El Hage World report on violence and health,2003,51,2,59-63,Michel