Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Silent Killers of the Night: An Exploration of Psychological Health and Suicidality among Female Street Sex Workers,2007,33,4,281-299,Ling Fantasy and reality: an essay on incest,1993,19,4,308-314,Doyle Sexual stimulation device-related injuries,2009,35,4,253-261,McGwin Sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction among women who report a history of childhood and/or adolescent sexual abuse,2008,34,5,375-384,Follette Effects of completing sexual questionnaires in males and females with histories of childhood sexual abuse: implications for institutional review boards,2007,33,3,193-201,Rojas Effects of administering sexually explicit questionnaires on anger anxiety and depression in sexually abused and nonabused females: implications for risk assessment,2006,32,2,161-172,Young Psychophysiological sexual arousal in women with a history of child sexual abuse,2006,32,1,5-22,Rellini Sexual dysfunction in women who were molested as children: one response pattern and suggestions for treatment,1978,4,1,11-15,McGuire The incest taboo: loosened sexual boundaries in remarried families,1982,8,2,83-96,Perlmutter Paraphilic sexuality and child abuse: the parents,1982,8,1,57-64,Money A cognitive-behavioral approach to understanding and treating sexual trauma,1986,12,4,322-329,McCarthy Forensic and family psychiatry in abuse dwarfism: Munchausen's syndrome by proxy atonement and addiction to abuse,1985,11,1,30-40,Money Stress-tension reduction in the treatment of sexually tortured women--an exploratory study,1987,13,3,210-218,Larsen A comparison of sex offenders against female and male minors,1987,13,4,260-264,Freund Divorce potential and marital stability of adult women sexually abused as children compared to adult women not sexually abused as children,1988,14,4,269-277,Gelster Medico-legal issues in detecting and proving the sexual abuse of children,1989,15,2,141-160,Indest Female genital self-mutilation: case reports and literature review,1989,15,4,269-274,Wise Coercive sexual behavior among Mexican-American college students,1990,16,1,44-50,Kiernan Sexual narcissism and the abusive male,1991,17,4,279-292,Apt Patterns of exposure to sexually explicit material among sex offenders child molesters and controls,1993,19,1,77-85,Nutter Autoerotic asphyxia: a case report,1997,23,4,326-332,Johnstone Female genital mutilation and domestic violence among Egyptian women,2001,27,5,593-598,Refaat Short-term cognitive-behavioral treatment of hypoactive sexual desire in an individual with a history of childhood sexual abuse,1996,22,4,284-289,Bass Auto-erotic asphyxiation: three case reports,1996,22,1,47-53,Cooper Report of a case of male genital self-mutilation and review of the literature with special emphasis on the effects of the media,1996,22,1,35-46,Catalano Treating sexual dysfunction in sex offenders: a case example,2004,30,3,185-197,Metz Accessibility to resources: helping rural women in abusive partner relationships become free from abuse,2004,30,5,357-370,Schumm Defining Paraphilia in DSM-5: Do Not Disregard Grammar,2011,37,1,17-31,Hinderliter Sexual Desire and Relationship Functioning: The Effects of Marital Satisfaction and Power,2004,30,3,199-217,Brezsnyak Structured sexual therapy with severely dissociative patients,1995,21,4,276-281,Ashton Therapeutic and iatrogenic interventions with adults who were sexually abused as children,1997,23,2,118-125,McCarthy Sexual contacts: experiences thoughts and fantasies of adult male survivors of child sexual abuse,1997,23,4,305-316,Bramblett Effects of child and adult sexual abuse on adult sexuality,1998,24,2,75-90,Bartoi Pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy?: effective treatment for FSD related to unresolved childhood sexual abuse,2001,27,5,421-425,Bruck Childhood abuse and its association with mid-aged women's sexual functioning,2004,30,4,225-234,Dennerstein Do psychosexual factors play a role in the etiology of provoked vestibulodynia? A critical review,2008,34,3,198-226,Bergeron Etiological correlates of vaginismus: sexual and physical abuse sexual knowledge sexual self-schema and relationship adjustment,2003,29,1,47-59,Amsel Aggression impulsivity plasma sex hormones and biogenic amine turnover in a forensic population of rapists,2003,29,3,215-225,Markianos Interaction effects of emotional status and sexual abuse on adult sexuality,2000,26,1,1-23,Kinder Brief report: recent findings on the Sexual Aversion Scale,1992,18,2,141-146,Turner An empirical examination into the sexuality of women with borderline personality disorder,1992,18,3,231-242,Apt Does childhood sexual abuse cause borderline personality disorder?,1999,25,1,45-57,Bailey Women's Relationship Quality is Associated with Specifically Penile-Vaginal Intercourse Orgasm and Frequency,2007,33,4,319-327,Costa Sexual response in women with spinal cord injuries: implications for our understanding of the able bodied,1999,25,1,11-22,Rosen Traumatic masturbatory syndrome,1998,24,1,37-42,Sank The female sensation seeker and marital sexuality,1992,18,4,315-324,Apt Marital relations in incest offenders,1990,16,4,214-229,Wright The psychoanalytic treatment of sexual disorders,1974,1,1,5-15,Bieber Commentary: effects of sexual trauma on adult sexuality,1998,24,2,91-92,McCarthy Female analogies to perversion,2000,26,1,79-93,Beier Partner attachment and interpersonal characteristics,2013,39,2,144-159,Kilmann Relationship factors in sex offender couples: A pilot study in an outpatient setting,2013,40,6,529-540,Berner A typology of intimate relationships,1977,3,2,83-112,Sager The impact of a marriage enrichment program on relationship factors,1978,4,4,298-303,Kilmann Effects of a marriage enrichment program: an outcome study,1978,4,1,54-57,Robinson Group therapy: an alternative treatment approach for rape victims,1980,6,1,40-46,Cryer A comparison of males and females who were sexually molested as children,1981,7,1,54-59,Wagner Incidence and types of sexual dysfunctions in rape and incest victims,1982,8,1,65-74,Abel A preliminary examination of the pornography experience of sex offenders paraphiliacs sexual dysfunction patients and controls based on Meese Commission recommendations,1988,14,4,285-298,Nutter Same-sex domestic violence: prevalence unique aspects and clinical implications,2014,41,6,636-648,Stiles-Shields A review of "The ABC's of domestic and sexual violence",2015,41,6,694-696,Hart "What keeps them together?" Insights into sex offender couples using qualitative content analyses,2015,42,6,534-551,Dekker The motivation and mental health of sex workers,2002,28,4,305-315,Cwikel Sexual enhancement treatment for sexually violent predators: ethical & legal implications,2015,42,8,702-706,Eth Polarized couples in therapy: recognizing indifference as an opposite of love,2015,43,1,40-48,Abbasi Sexual dysfunction problems in female college students: sexual victimization substance use and personality factors,2015,43,1,24-39,Garneau-Fournier Sexual assault severity and depressive symptoms as longitudinal predictors of the quality of women's sexual experiences,2016,43,5,463-478,Norris A case of genital self-mutilation in a female - symptom choice and meaning,2016,43,6,560-566,Conde Cybersex addiction: a study on Spanish college students,2016,43,6,567-585,Ballester-Arnal Sexting leads to "risky" sex? An analysis of sexting behaviors in a nonuniversity-based older adult population,2016,43,7,689-702,Hubach Adult profiles of child sexual abuse survivors: attachment insecurity sexual compulsivity and sexual avoidance,2018,44,4,354-369,Sabourin Examining the influence of relational aggression on sexual satisfaction with attachment behaviors as a potential mediator,2018,44,5,425-437,Bradford Pathways to infidelity - the roles of self-serving bias and betrayal trauma,2018,44,5,497-512,Gorman Feeling scared during sex: findings from a U.S. probability sample of women and men ages 14 to 60,2019,45,5,424-439,Paul Self-reported childhood maltreatment and erotic target identity inversions among men with paraphilic infantilism,2019,ePub,ePub,1-15,Briken Childhood interpersonal trauma and sexual satisfaction in patients seeing sex therapy: examining mindfulness and psychological distress as mediators,2019,ePub,ePub,1-14,Hébert "I had not seen star wars" and other motives for divorce in Denmark,2019,ePub,ePub,1-10,Sander Deconstructing meta-narratives: utilizing narrative therapy to promote resilience following sexual violence among women survivors of color,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gómez Patterns of sexual risk behaviors among college women: a latent profile analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Littleton Penis ring injuries treated at emergency departments,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Forrester Pornography use two forms of dehumanization and sexual aggression: attitudes vs. Behaviors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paul Comparison of sexual dysfunction in women who were or were not victims of sexual violence,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Figueira Vibrator and dildo injuries treated at emergency departments,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Forrester Female sexual function six months after sexual assault: post-traumatic stress disorder strongest risk factor for impaired function,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Möller How do partner support psychological aggression and attachment anxiety contribute to distressed couples' relationship outcomes?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lafontaine Non-fatal strangulation/choking during sex and its associations with mental health: findings from an undergraduate probability survey,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Herbenick Effects of typical and binge drinking on sexual consent perceptions and communication,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jozkowski "If their face starts turning purple you are probably doing something wrong": young men's experiences with choking during sex,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Herbenick Meanings of rough sex across gender sexual identity and political ideology: a conditional covariance approach,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Herbenick "Don't just randomly grab someone's neck during intercourse!" 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