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Some psychoanalytic approaches to media addiction,2015,60,2,198-219,Weisel Working with chronic and relentless self-hatred self-harm and existential shame: a clinical study and reflections,2016,61,1,24-43,Austin Disintegration of the self and the regeneration of 'psychic skin' in the treatment of traumatized refugees,2017,62,2,227-246,Luci 'Clemency on the way to the gallows': death dreams and dissociation,2017,62,5,732-743,Kimmel An unhealable wound: left by suicide,2018,63,5,641-655,Allphin Confronting Bluebeard: totalitarian regimes in childhood and in the collective psyche,2019,64,4,475-484,Wright Mizen Richard. (2019). 'The affective basis of violence'. 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