Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Internet-based interactive health intervention for the promotion of sensible drinking: patterns of use and potential impact on members of the general public,2007,9,2,e10,Linke Content-based recommender support system for counselors in a suicide prevention chat helpline: design and evaluation study,2021,23,1,e21690,Gilissen Effectiveness of a web-based brief alcohol intervention and added value of normative feedback in reducing underage drinking: a randomized controlled trial,2010,12,5,e65,Spijkerman Providing web-based feedback and social norms information to reduce student alcohol intake: a multisite investigation,2010,12,5,e59,O'May Effectiveness of a Web-based Intervention for Problem Drinkers and Reasons for Dropout: Randomized Controlled Trial,2010,12,4,e68,de Haan Online interventions for social marketing health behavior change campaigns: a meta-analysis of psychological architectures and adherence factors,2011,13,1,e17,Cugelman The Internet as a vehicle to communicate health information during a public health emergency: a survey analysis involving the anthrax scare of 2001,2004,6,1,e8,Bates Ethical dilemmas in online research and treatment of sexually abused adolescents,2010,12,5,e58,Lange Curbing alcohol use in male adults through computer generated personalized advice: randomized controlled trial,2011,13,2,e43,Huiberts Effectiveness of E-Self-help Interventions for Curbing Adult Problem Drinking: A Meta-analysis,2011,13,2,e42,Smit Going going still there: Using the WebCite service to permanently archive cited web pages,2005,7,5,e60,Eysenbach Effectiveness of web-based versus face-to-face delivery of education in prescription of falls-prevention exercise to health professionals: randomized trial,2011,13,4,e116,Keating Attrition in web-based treatment for problem drinkers,2011,13,4,e117,de Haan MEMO - A Mobile Phone Depression Prevention Intervention for Adolescents: Development Process and Postprogram Findings on Acceptability From a Randomized Controlled Trial,2012,14,1,e13,Ameratunga Public health interventions: reaching Latino adolescents via short message service and social media,2012,14,4,e99,Vyas Internet-based brief personalized feedback intervention in a non-treatment-seeking population of adult heavy drinkers: a randomized controlled trial,2012,14,4,e98,Nielsen Comparison of two internet-based interventions for problem drinkers: randomized controlled trial,2012,14,4,e107,Cunningham The representation of suicide on the internet: implications for clinicians,2012,14,5,e122,Wasserman Reducing suicidal ideation: cost-effectiveness analysis of a randomized controlled trial of unguided web-based self-help,2012,14,5,e141,Kerkhof Accessing suicide-related information on the internet: a retrospective observational study of search behavior,2013,15,1,e3,Law Smartphones for smarter delivery of mental health programs: A systematic review,2013,15,11,e247,Christensen Two fully automated web-based interventions for risky alcohol use: randomized controlled trial,2013,15,6,e110,Tensil Internet-based early intervention to prevent posttraumatic stress disorder in injury patients: randomized controlled trial,2013,15,8,e165,Gersons Claiming positive results from negative trials: A cause for concern in randomized controlled trial research,2013,15,8,e179,Cunningham Crowdsourcing black market prices for prescription opioids,2013,15,8,e178,Dart A pre-post study on the appropriateness and effectiveness of a web- and text messaging-based intervention to reduce problem drinking in emerging adults,2013,15,9,e196,Gmel Infodemiology of alcohol use in Hong Kong mentioned on blogs: infoveillance study,2013,15,9,e192,Chan Effects of a web-based tailored intervention to reduce alcohol consumption in adults: Randomized controlled trial,2013,15,9,e206,de Vries Chinese 'My Trauma Recovery' a web-based intervention for traumatized persons in two parallel samples: Randomized controlled trial,2013,15,9,e213,Maercker A Web-Based Tool to Support Shared Decision Making for People With a Psychotic Disorder: Randomized Controlled Trial and Process Evaluation,2013,15,10,e216,de Jonge Electronic word of mouth on Twitter about physical activity in the United States: exploratory infodemiology study,2013,15,11,e261,Yang Exploring the use and effects of deliberate self-harm websites: An internet-based study,2013,15,12,e285,Harris Effectiveness of web-based tailored advice on parents' child safety behaviors: randomized controlled trial,2014,16,1,e17,Raat Caught in the web: A review of web-based suicide prevention,2014,16,1,e30,Maniam Designing messaging to engage patients in an online suicide prevention intervention: Survey results from patients with current suicidal ideation,2014,16,2,e42,Simon Applying computerized adaptive testing to the negative acts questionnaire-revised: Rasch analysis of workplace bullying,2014,16,2,e50,Wang Animated randomness avatars movement and personalization in risk graphics,2014,16,3,e80,Zikmund-Fisher Effectiveness of a web-based solution-focused brief chat treatment for depressed adolescents and young adults: randomized controlled trial,2014,16,5,e141,Riper The effectiveness of electronic screening and brief intervention for reducing levels of alcohol consumption: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2014,16,6,e142,Drummond Characterizing the followers and tweets of a marijuana-focused twitter handle,2014,16,6,e157,Bierut Tablet-based strength-balance training to motivate and improve adherence to exercise in independently living older people: part 2 of a phase II preclinical exploratory trial,2014,16,6,e159,de Bruin A web-based sexual violence bystander intervention for male college students: randomized controlled trial,2014,16,9,e203,Salazar Applying computer adaptive testing to optimize online assessment of suicidal behavior: a simulation study,2014,16,9,e207,de Keijser Web-based intervention programs for depression: a scoping review and evaluation,2014,16,9,e209,Cusimano Drinker prototype alteration and cue reminders as strategies in a tailored web-based intervention reducing adults' alcohol consumption: randomized controlled trial,2015,17,2,e35,Van Empelen FRAT-up a web-based fall-risk assessment tool for elderly people living in the community,2015,17,2,e41,Becker Figure correction: Designing messaging to engage patients in an online suicide prevention intervention: survey results from patients with current suicidal ideation,2015,17,4,e69,Simon The acceptability among health researchers and clinicians of social media to translate research evidence to clinical practice: mixed-methods survey and interview study,2015,17,5,e119,Maloney Characterizing sleep issues using Twitter,2015,17,6,e140,Brownstein Online alcohol assessment and feedback for hazardous and harmful drinkers: findings from the AMADEUS-2 randomized controlled trial of routine practice in Swedish universities,2015,17,7,e170,Bendtsen Development and testing of a multimedia internet-based system for fidelity and monitoring of multidimensional treatment foster care,2012,14,5,e139,Feil Potential and challenges in collecting social and behavioral data on adolescent alcohol norms: comparing respondent-driven sampling and web-based respondent-driven sampling,2015,17,12,e285,Maycock Effects of a web-based computer-tailored game to reduce binge drinking among Dutch adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial,2016,18,2,e29,Crutzen Examining the relationship between past orientation and US suicide rates: an analysis using big data-driven Google search queries,2016,18,2,e35,Lee A web-based computer-tailored alcohol prevention program for adolescents: cost-effectiveness and intersectoral costs and benefits,2016,18,4,e93,de Vries Trajectories of suicidal ideation in people seeking web-based help for suicidality: secondary analysis of a Dutch randomized controlled trial,2016,18,6,e178,Nordentoft Post-9/11 veterans and their partners improve mental health outcomes with a self-directed mobile and web-based wellness training program: a randomized controlled trial,2016,18,9,e255,Kahn Participant recruitment and engagement in automated ehealth trial registration: challenges and opportunities for recruiting women who experience violence,2016,18,10,e281,Koziol-McLain Screening for child sexual exploitation in online sexual health services: an exploratory study of expert views,2017,19,2,e30,Baraitser Methodological and ethical challenges in a web-based randomized controlled trial of a domestic violence intervention,2017,19,3,e94,Koziol-McLain Trajectories of depressive symptoms among web-based health risk assessment participants,2017,19,3,e96,Cole-Lewis Pedestrian inattention blindness while playing Pokémon Go as an emerging health-risk behavior: a case report,2017,19,4,e86,Snenghi Infusing technology into perinatal home visitation in the united states for women experiencing intimate partner violence: exploring the interpretive flexibility of an mhealth intervention,2016,18,11,e302,Sharps Computer administered safety planning for individuals at risk for suicide: development and usability testing,2017,19,5,e149,Brown Identifying and understanding the health information experiences and preferences of caregivers of individuals with either traumatic brain injury spinal cord injury or burn injury: a qualitative investigation,2017,19,5,e159,Jones Mental health mobile apps for preadolescents and adolescents: a systematic review,2017,19,5,e176,Stallard Young people adult worries: randomized controlled trial and feasibility study of the internet-based self-support method "Feel the ViBe" for adolescents and young adults exposed to family violence,2017,19,6,e204,Lo Fo Wong Web-based alcohol intervention: study of systematic attrition of heavy drinkers,2017,19,6,e217,Scholz Assessing suicide risk and emotional distress in Chinese social media: a text mining and machine learning study,2017,19,7,e243,Yip Using new and emerging technologies to identify and respond to suicidality among help-seeking young people: a cross-sectional study,2017,19,7,e247,Hickie Ontology-based approach to social data sentiment analysis: detection of adolescent depression signals,2017,19,7,e259,Park what do men want in a website designed to promote emotional wellness and healthy behaviors during the transition to parenthood?,2017,19,10,e325,Letourneau Reduction in fall rate in dementia managed care through video incident review: pilot study,2017,19,10,e339,Bayen Understanding older adult's technology adoption and withdrawal for elderly care and education: mixed method analysis from national survey,2017,19,11,e374,Chiu Designing microblog direct messages to engage social media users with suicide ideation: interview and survey study on Weibo,2017,19,12,e381,Cheng Efficacy of a web-based safety decision aid for women experiencing intimate partner violence: randomized controlled trial,2018,19,12,e426,Koziol-McLain Effectiveness of a web-based self-help program for suicidal thinking in an Australian community sample: randomized controlled trial,2018,20,2,e15,Batterham Self-harm suicidal behaviours and cyberbullying in children and young people: systematic review,2018,20,4,e129,Lloyd Alcohol consumption reduction among a web-based supportive community using the Hello Sunday Morning Blog platform: observational study,2018,20,5,e196,Kirkman Increasing interest of mass communication media and the general public in the distribution of tweets about mental disorders: observational study,2018,20,5,e205,Lahera Social drinking on social media: content analysis of the social aspects of alcohol-related posts on Facebook and Instagram,2018,20,6,e226,van den Putte Detecting suicidal ideation on forums: proof-of-concept study,2018,20,6,e215,Zahmacioglu Automatic extraction of mental health disorders from domestic violence police narratives: text mining study,2018,20,9,e11548,Butler Web-based cognitive behavioral therapy blended with face-to-face sessions for major depression: randomized controlled trial,2018,20,9,e10743,Nakagawa Combining technology and research to prevent scald injuries (the Cool Runnings intervention): randomized controlled trial,2018,20,10,e10361,Watt How search engine data enhance the understanding of determinants of suicide in India and inform prevention: observational study,2019,21,1,e10179,Paolotti Technical support by smart glasses during a mass casualty incident: a randomized controlled simulation trial on technically assisted triage and telemedical app use in disaster medicine,2019,21,1,e11939,Rossaint Assessing the effectiveness of engaging patients and their families in the three-step fall prevention process across modalities of an evidence-based fall prevention toolkit: an implementation science study,2019,21,1,e10008,Jackson The impact of superfast broadband tailored booklets for households and discussions with general practitioners on personal electronic health readiness: cluster factorial quasi-randomized control trial,2019,21,3,e11386,Jones Automated analysis of domestic violence police reports to explore abuse types and victim injuries: text mining study,2019,21,3,e13067,Schofield Do search engine helpline notices aid in preventing suicide? Analysis of archival data,2019,21,3,e12235,Cheng Correction: Automatic extraction of mental health disorders from domestic violence police narratives: text mining study,2019,21,4,e13007,Butler Wearable proximity sensors for monitoring a mass casualty incident exercise: feasibility study,2019,21,4,e12251,Della Corte Development and evaluation of a web-based resource for suicidal thoughts:,2019,21,5,e13183,Whiteside Digital education of health professionals on the management of domestic violence: systematic review and meta-analysis by the Digital Health Education Collaboration,2019,21,5,e13868,Feder Paper versus digital data collection for road safety risk factors: reliability comparative analysis from three cities in low- and middle-income countries,2019,21,5,e13222,Hyder Brief motivational interviewing delivered by clinician or computer to reduce sexual risk behaviors in adolescents: acceptability study,2019,21,7,e13220,Shafii Proactive Suicide Prevention Online (PSPO): machine identification and crisis management for Chinese social media users with suicidal thoughts and behaviors,2019,21,5,e11705,Li Evaluation of a technology-based peer-support intervention program for preventing postnatal depression (part 2): qualitative study,2019,21,8,e12915,Shorey The #MeToo movement in the United States: text analysis of early twitter conversations,2019,21,9,e13837,Modrek A digital intervention addressing alcohol use problems (the "Daybreak" program): quasi-experimental randomized controlled trial,2019,21,9,e14967,Tait Predicting inpatient aggression in forensic services using remote monitoring technology: qualitative study of staff perspectives,2019,21,9,e15620,Wykes Electronic screening for alcohol use and brief intervention by email for university students: reanalysis of findings from a randomized controlled trial using a Bayesian framework,2019,21,11,e14419,Bendtsen Mechanisms and effects of a WeChat-based intervention on suicide among people living with HIV and depression: path model analysis of a randomized controlled trial,2019,21,11,e14729,Guo An interactive web-based lethal means safety decision aid for suicidal adults (Lock To Live): pilot randomized controlled trial,2020,22,1,e16253,Azrael A web-based computer-tailored intervention to reduce alcohol consumption and binge drinking among Spanish adolescents: cluster randomized controlled trial,2020,22,1,e15438,de Vries Characteristics of gun advertisements on social media: systematic search and content analysis of Twitter and YouTube posts,2020,22,3,e15736,Jordan Infodemiology and infoveillance: a scoping review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mavragani Mediation effect of suicide-related social media use behaviors on the association between suicidal ideation and suicide attempt: cross-sectional questionnaire study,2020,22,4,e14940,Li Classification and prediction of violence against Chinese medical staff on the Sina microblog based on a self-organizing map: quantitative study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Duan Paper versus digital data collection methods for road safety observations: trade-offs among cost efficiency time efficiency and comparability,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bachani Sexual behaviors and violence in pornography: systematic review and narrative synthesis of video content analyses,2020,22,5,e16702,Lim Mediating effect of internet addiction on the relationship between individualism and cyberbullying: cross-sectional questionnaire study,2020,22,5,e16210,Baloglu Mental health-related behaviors and discussions among young adults: analysis and classification,2020,22,5,e17224,Young The role of virtual reality in improving health outcomes for community-dwelling older adults: systematic review,2020,22,6,e17331,Dermody Perceptions about technologies that help community-dwelling older adults remain at home: qualitative study,2020,22,6,e17930,Verloo Simulator pre-screening of underprepared drivers prior to licensing on-road examination: clustering of virtual driving test time series data,2020,22,6,e13995,Winston Topic modeling of social networking service data on occupational accidents: LDA analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Min How many smombies are there on the street? An observational study on the behavior of pedestrians with their smartphones,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fernandez Detection of suicidal ideation on social media: multimodal relational and behavioral analysis,2020,22,7,e17758,Puntí A mobile health approach for improving outcomes in suicide prevention (SafePlan),2020,22,7,e17481,Young Self-selection of bathroom-assistive technology: development of an electronic decision support system (Hygiene 2.0),2020,22,8,e16175,Auger An electronic data capture framework (ConnEDCt) for global and public health research: design and implementation,2020,22,8,e18580,Mehta Effects of CoViD-19 on college students mental health in the US: an interview-survey study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sasangohar Mobile Insight in Risk Resilience and Online Referral (MIRROR): psychometric evaluation of an online self-help test,2020,22,9,e19716,Olff A personalized health monitoring system for community-dwelling elderly people in Hong Kong: design implementation and evaluation study,2020,22,9,e19223,Zhao The role of technology and the continuum of care for youth suicidality: systematic review,2020,22,10,e18672,Szlyk The psychological impact of health risk communication and social media among college students during the 2019 novel coronavirus disease pandemic: a cross-sectional research,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Abusers indoors and coronavirus outside: an examination of public discourse about COVID-19 and family violence on Twitter,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Responses to concerning posts on social media and their implications for suicide prevention training for military veterans: qualitative study,2020,22,10,e22076,Dobscha Social media reveals psychosocial effects of the CoViD-19 pandemic: a large-scale quasi-experimental study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Caine Social media surveillance in schools: rethinking public health interventions in the digital age,2020,22,11,e22612,Burke Quantitative methods for analyzing intimate partner violence in microblogs: observational study,2020,22,11,e15347,Cerulli Detection of suicidality among opioid users on Reddit: machine learning-based approach,2020,22,11,e15293,Wang The role of enjoyment in a serious game for binge drinking prevention: pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study,2020,22,11,e21652,Beaudoin Intimate partner violence and electronic health interventions: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials,2020,22,12,e22361,Lundh Acceptance of a virtual reality headset designed for fall prevention in older adults: questionnaire study,2020,22,12,e20691,Montagne Prevalence of mental illnesses in domestic violence police records: text mining study,2020,22,12,e23725,Butler Ride-hailing services and alcohol consumption: longitudinal analysis,2021,23,1,e15402,Greenwood Factors associated with dropout of participants in an app-based child injury prevention study: secondary data analysis of a cluster randomized controlled trial,2021,23,1,e21636,Schwebel Online mental health animations for young people: qualitative empirical thematic analysis and knowledge transfer,2021,23,2,e21338,Cannon Virtual reality or augmented reality as a tool for studying bystander behaviors in interpersonal violence: scoping review,2021,23,2,e25322,Xue Measuring public reaction to violence against doctors in China: interrupted time series analysis of media reports,2021,23,2,e19651,Yang Development of a smartphone app to predict and improve rates of suicidal ideation among transgender persons (TransLife): a qualitative study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fraenkel Impact of web-based sharing and viewing of self-harm-related videos and photographs on young people: systematic review,2021,23,3,e18048,John Moderated online social therapy for young people with active suicidal ideation: qualitative study,2021,23,4,e24260,Bendall Information and communications technology use in suicide prevention: a scoping review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Labelle Using speech data from interactions with a voice assistant to predict the risk of future accidents for older drivers: prospective cohort study,2021,23,4,e27667,Arai Impact of big data analytics on people's health: overview of systematic reviews and recommendations for future studies,2021,23,4,e27275,Weerasekara Mhealth interventions for self-harm: scoping review,2021,23,4,e25140,Stallard Perceived utility and characterization of personal Google search histories to detect data patterns proximal to a suicide attempt in individuals who previously attempted suicide: pilot cohort study,2021,23,5,e27918,Heagerty Reduction of time on the ground related to real-time video detection of falls in memory care facilities: observational study,2021,23,6,e17551,Bayen Receptiveness and responsiveness toward using social media for safe firearm storage outreach: mixed methods study,2021,23,6,e24458,Bennett The use of information and communication technologies by sex workers to manage occupational health and safety: scoping review,2021,23,6,e26085,Ross The effects of immersive virtual reality in reducing public stigma of mental illness in the university population of Hong Kong: randomized controlled trial,2021,23,7,e23683,Mak Acceptability of an mHealth app that provides harm reduction services among people who inject drugs: survey study,2021,23,7,e25428,Zhou Self-guided cognitive behavioral therapy apps for depression: systematic assessment of features functionality and congruence with evidence,2021,23,7,e27619,Dazzan Older adults' experiences of behavior change support in a digital fall prevention exercise program: qualitative study framed by the self-determination theory,2021,23,7,e26235,Lundin-Olsson Perceptions of alerts issued by social media platforms in response to self-injury posts among Latinx adolescents: qualitative analysis,2021,23,8,e28931,Laestadius Psychological violence against Arab women in the context of social media: web-based questionnaire study,2021,23,8,e27944,Omar Bali Distant supervision for mental health management in social media: suicide risk classification system development study,2021,23,8,e26119,Ma The effectiveness of a web-based self-help program to reduce alcohol use among adults with drinking patterns considered harmful hazardous or suggestive of dependence in four low- and middle-income countries: randomized controlled trial,2021,23,8,e21686,Poznyak Correction: Distant supervision for mental health management in social media: suicide risk classification system development study,2021,23,9,e33229,Ma Acceptability of a brief web-based theory-based intervention to prevent and reduce self-harm: mixed methods evaluation,2021,23,9,e28349,Armitage Australian social media sentiment data and domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jackson Deep learning for identification of alcohol-related content on social media (Reddit and Twitter): exploratory analysis of alcohol-related outcomes,2021,23,9,e27314,Ricard Causal effects of alcohol-related Facebook posts on drinking behavior: longitudinal experimental study,2021,23,11,e28237,van den Putte Going viral: researching safely on social media,2021,23,12,e29737,Ward Design and development of a suite of intimate partner violence screening and safety planning web apps: user-centered approach,2021,23,12,e24114,Velonis A mobile intervention to link young female entertainment workers in Cambodia to health and gender-based violence services: randomized controlled trial,2022,24,1,e27696,Swendeman Risk of accidents or chronic disorders from improper use of mobile phones: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2022,24,1,e21313,Gao Content analysis of nicotine poisoning (nic sick) videos on TikTok: retrospective observational infodemiology study,2022,24,3,e34050,Mackey What injured workers with complex claims look for in online communities: netnographic analysis,2022,24,4,e17180,Berk Impact of SMS text messaging reminders on helmet use among motorcycle drivers in Dar es Salaam Tanzania: randomized controlled trial,2022,24,4,e27387,Boniface Stigmatizing attitudes across cybersuicides and offline suicides: content analysis of Sina Weibo,2022,24,4,e36489,Zhu Excess Google searches for child abuse and intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic: infoveillance approach,2022,24,6,e36445,Ahern Increased online aggression during COVID-19 lockdowns: two-stage study of deep text mining and difference-in-differences analysis,2022,24,8,e38776,Hsu Detecting potentially harmful and protective suicide-related content on Twitter: machine learning approach,2022,24,8,e34705,Niederkrotenthaler Assessing social media data as a resource for firearm research: analysis of tweets pertaining to firearm deaths,2022,24,8,e38319,Gresenz The use of close friends on Instagram help-seeking willingness and suicidality among Hong Kong youth: exploratory sequential mixed methods study,2022,24,10,e37695,Lam US privacy laws go against public preferences and impede public health and research: survey study,2021,23,7,e25266,Morrisey Using natural language processing to explore 'Dry January' posts on Twitter: a longitudinal infodemiology study,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barry Prevalence of poisoned Google search results of erectile dysfunction medications redirecting to illegal internet pharmacies: data analysis study,2022,24,11,e38957,Fittler A machine learning-based approach to predict prognosis and length of hospital stay in adults and children with traumatic brain injury: retrospective cohort study,2022,24,12,e41819,Fang Social media for public health: framework for social media-based public health campaigns,2022,24,12,e42179,Linos Analyzing user-generated web-based posts of adolescents' emotional behavioral and symptom responses to beliefs about depression: qualitative thematic analysis,2023,25,,e37289,Haavet Identifying desired features that would be acceptable and helpful in a wrist-worn biosensor-based alcohol intervention: interview study among adults who drink heavily,2023,25,,e38713,Leeman Exposure to pornography and adolescent sexual behavior: systematic review,2023,25,,e43116,Skinner Safety concerns in mobility-assistive products for older adults: content analysis of online reviews,2023,25,,e42231,Shields Supervised relation extraction between suicide-related entities and drugs: development and usability study of an annotated PubMed corpus,2023,25,,e41100,Kwon Exploring the perceptions of mHealth interventions for the prevention of common mental disorders in university students in Singapore: qualitative study,2023,25,,e44542,Kowatsch Acoustic analysis of speech for screening for suicide risk: machine learning classifiers for between- and within-person evaluation of suicidality,2023,25,,e45456,Ahn Association between internet searches related to suicide/self-harm and adolescent suicide death in South Korea in 2016-2020: secondary data analysis,2023,25,,e46254,Hong Removing biases in communication of severity assessments of intimate partner violence: model development and evaluation,2023,25,,e43499,Dahl User compliance with the health emergency and disaster management system: systematic literature review,2023,25,,e41168,Sutanto Applying the UTAUT2 model to smart eyeglasses to detect and prevent falls among older adults and examination of associations with fall-related functional physical capacities: survey study,2023,25,,e41220,d'Arripe-Longueville Cybervictimization of adults with long-term conditions: cross-sectional study,2023,25,,e39933,Short Physical versus virtual reality-based calm rooms for psychiatric inpatients: quasi-randomized trial,2023,25,,e42365,Hamilton Risk factors associated with primary care-reported domestic violence for women involved in family law care proceedings: data linkage observational study,2023,25,,e42375,Griffiths Public surveillance of social media for suicide using advanced deep learning models in Japan: time series study from 2012 to 2022,2023,25,,e47225,Hu Linguistic methodologies to surveil the leading causes of mortality: scoping review of Twitter for public health data,2023,25,,e39484,Curtis Development and assessment of a social media-based construct of firearm ownership: computational derivation and benchmark comparison,2023,25,,e45187,Gresenz A web-based sexual violence alcohol misuse and bystander intervention program for college women (RealConsent): randomized controlled trial,2023,25,,e43740,Schipani-McLaughlin The effects of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for suicidal ideation or behaviors on depression anxiety and hopelessness in individuals with suicidal ideation: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data,2023,25,,e46771,Erlangsen Effectiveness of the SAFE eHealth intervention for women experiencing intimate partner violence and abuse: randomized controlled trial quantitative process evaluation and open feasibility study,2023,25,,e42641,Prins Content quality of web-based short-form videos for fire and burn prevention in China: content analysis,2023,25,,e47343,Schwebel A study on user-oriented subjects of child abuse on Wikipedia: temporal analysis of Wikipedia history versions and traffic data,2023,25,,e43901,Zhang Developing a digital health intervention for Conversation Skills After Brain Injury (convers-ABI-lity) using a collaborative approach: mixed methods study,2023,25,,e45240,Togher Using Twitter-based data for sexual violence research: scoping review,2023,25,1,e46084,Xue Key factors in helpfulness and use of the SAFE intervention for women experiencing intimate partner violence and abuse: qualitative outcomes from a randomized controlled trial and process evaluation,2023,25,,e42647,Prins The impact of cybervictimization on the self-management of chronic conditions: lived experiences,2023,25,,e40227,Short An artificial intelligence model for predicting trauma mortality among emergency department patients in South Korea: retrospective cohort study,2023,25,,e49283,Yon One-week suicide risk prediction using real-time smartphone monitoring: prospective cohort study,2023,25,,e43719,Courtet Gender-based violence narratives in internet-based conversations in Nigeria: social listening study,2023,25,,e46814,Sripad Automating detection of drug-related harms on social media: machine learning framework,2023,25,,e43630,Dubeau Selfie-related incidents: narrative review and media content analysis,2023,25,,e47202,Peden Examining the supports and advice that women with intimate partner violence experience received in online health communities: text mining approach,2023,25,,e48607,Chang A web-based total worker health intervention for those fighting wildland fires: mixed methods development and effectiveness trial,2023,25,,e47050,Defrancesco Identification of emotional spectrums of patients taking an erectile dysfunction medication: ontology-based emotion analysis of patient medication reviews on social media,2023,25,,e50152,Noh Effect of a mobile game-based intervention to enhance child safety: randomized controlled trial,2024,26,,e51908,Chan Machine learning-based prediction of suicidality in adolescents with allergic rhinitis: derivation and validation in 2 independent nationwide cohorts,2024,26,,e51473,Fond The impact of COVID-19 and exposure to violent media content on cyber violence victimization among adolescents in South Korea: national population-based study,2024,26,,e45563,Lee How mobile applications can support mental health response in natural disasters: a scoping review,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kung Bridging and bonding social capital by analyzing the demographics user activities and social network dynamics of sexual assault centers on Twitter: mixed methods study,2024,26,,e50552,Chen Effectiveness of the Minder mobile mental health and substance use intervention for university students: randomized controlled trial,2024,26,,e54287,Kessler Digital alcohol interventions could be part of the societal response to harmful consumption but we know little about their long-term costs and health outcomes,2024,26,,e44574,Bendtsen Developing and testing the usability of a novel child abuse clinical decision support system: mixed methods study,2024,26,,e51058,Tiyyagura Effectiveness of a web-based individual coping and alcohol intervention program for children of parents with alcohol use problems: randomized controlled trial,2024,26,,e52118,Elgan The applications of artificial intelligence for assessing fall risk: systematic review,2024,26,,e54934,Leiros-Rodríguez Social media is addictive and influences behavior: should it be regulated as a digital therapeutic?,2023,25,,e43174,Perakslis Vulnerability to cyberattacks and sociotechnical solutions for health care systems: systematic review,2024,26,,e46904,Ewoh The efficacy and usability of an unguided web-based grief intervention for adults who lost a loved one during the Covid-19 pandemic: randomized controlled trial,2023,25,,e43839,Sanz-Gómez Machine learning-based prediction of suicidal 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