Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The aftermath of 9/11: Effect of intensity and recency of trauma on outcome,2007,7,2,227-238,Ganzel Physical abuse amplifies attention to threat and increases anxiety in children,2007,7,4,838-852,Shackman The automaticity of emotion recognition,2008,8,1,81-95,Robins An experience sampling study of emotional reactions to music: listener music and situation,2008,8,5,668-683,Silva The look of fear and anger: Facial maturity modulates recognition of fearful and angry expressions,2009,9,1,39-49,Sacco Sensation seeking and the aversive motivational system,2005,5,4,396-407,Pine Is running away right? The behavioral activation-behavioral inhibition model of anterior asymmetry,2008,8,2,232-249,Wacker Attentional biases for threatening faces in children: vigilant and avoidant processes,2006,6,2,320-325,Heim-Dreger Neural mechanisms of anger regulation as a function of genetic risk for violence,2009,9,3,385-396,Williams The psychophysiology of James Bond: phasic emotional responses to violent video game events,2008,8,1,114-120,Keltikangas-Jarvinen Error detection and posterror behavior in depressed undergraduates,2008,8,1,58-67,Compton Context matters: the benefits and costs of expressing positive emotion among survivors of childhood sexual abuse,2007,7,4,824-837,Noll Murder she wrote: enhanced sensitivity to negative word valence,2009,9,5,609-618,Lavie Emotion regulation and decision making under risk and uncertainty,2010,10,2,257-265,Crisan Attachment and emotion in school-aged children,2010,10,4,475-485,Crowley The detection of fear-relevant stimuli: are guns noticed as quickly as snakes?,2007,7,4,691-696,Fox Differentiation in preschooler's categories of emotion,2010,10,5,651-661,Russell Playing prosocial video games increases empathy and decreases schadenfreude,2010,10,6,796-802,Greitemeyer Signals of threat do not capture but prioritize attention: A conditioning approach,2011,11,1,81-89,Crombez When time stands still: Fear-specific modulation of temporal bias due to threat,2011,11,1,74-80,Tipples Gender differences in the negative affective priming of aggressive behavior,2006,6,1,115-124,Verona Self-relevance processing in the human amygdala: gaze direction facial expression and emotion intensity,2009,9,6,798-806,Vuilleumier Analyzing anger: how to make people mad,2004,4,2,139-44; discussion 151-5,Clore Emotional catharsis and aggression revisited: heart rate reduction following aggressive responding,2008,8,3,331-340,Verona The effect of fear and anger on selective attention,2011,11,4,970-974,Finucane I'm feeling lucky: The relationship between affect and risk-seeking in the framing effect,2011,11,4,852-859,Cheung Visual threat detection during moderate- and high-intensity exercise,2011,11,3,572-581,Larson Fear detection and visual awareness in perceiving bodily expressions,2011,11,5,1182-1189,de Gelder The influence of sad mood on cognition,2007,7,4,802-811,Farah The effects of weather on daily mood: a multilevel approach,2008,8,5,662-667,van Aken Changing emotion dynamics: Individual differences in the effect of anticipatory social stress on emotional inertia,2012,12,2,256-267,Kuppens The structure of temperament in preschoolers: A two-stage factor analytic approach,2012,12,1,44-57,Goldsmith Positive mood + action = negative mood + inaction: Effects of general action and inaction concepts on decisions and performance as a function of affect,2011,11,4,951-957,Albarracín Motor control accuracy: A consequential probe of individual differences in emotion regulation,2012,12,3,479-486,Robinson Inside-out: Comparing internally generated and externally generated basic emotions,2012,12,3,568-578,Turnbull Shoot or don't shoot? Why police officers are more inclined to shoot when they are anxious,2012,12,4,827-833,Savelsbergh Emotion differentiation moderates aggressive tendencies in angry people: A daily diary analysis,2011,12,2,326-337,Kashdan Emotional states alter force control during a feedback occluded motor task,2008,8,1,104-113,Janelle Gender moderates the relationship between emotion and perceived gaze,2011,11,6,1439-1444,Adams A population approach to the study of emotion: diurnal rhythms of a working day examined with the Day Reconstruction Method,2006,6,1,139-149,Kahneman Positive emotional context eliminates the framing effect in decision-making,2012,12,5,926-931,Cassotti Psychopathy and fear: Specific impairments in judging behaviors that frighten others,2012,12,5,892-898,Marsh Stirring images: Fear not happiness or arousal makes art more sublime,2012,12,5,1071-1074,Eskine Emotions That Associate With Uncertainty Lead to Structured Ideation,2012,12,5,1004-1014,Nijstad Screaming yelling whining and crying: Categorical and intensity differences in vocal expressions of anger and sadness in children's tantrums,2011,11,5,1124-1133,Potegal The emotional eyewitness: the effects of emotion on specific aspects of eyewitness recall and recognition performance,2013,13,1,118-128,Memon Reduced risk-taking behavior as a trait feature of anxiety,2012,12,6,1373-1383,Brambilla Faces in the face of death: Effects of exposure to life-threatening events and mortality salience on facial expression recognition in combat and noncombat military veterans,2012,12,4,860-867,Anaki Context explains divergent effects of anger on risk taking,2012,12,6,1196-1199,Baumann Relevance is in the eye of the beholder: attentional bias to relevant stimuli in children,2013,13,2,262-269,Broeren Negative affects deriving from the behavioral approach system,2004,4,1,3-22,Carver A winning smile? Smile intensity physical dominance and fighter performance,2013,13,2,270-279,Kraus Conditioned fear modulates visual selection,2013,13,3,529-536,Crombez Mindfulness and mind-wandering: finding convergence through opposing constructs,2012,12,3,442-448,Schooler Shifting moods wandering minds: negative moods lead the mind to wander,2009,9,2,271-276,Smallwood Red enhances the processing of facial expressions of anger,2013,13,3,380-384,Elliot Do people essentialize emotions? Individual differences in emotion essentialism and emotional experience,2013,13,4,629-644,Gendron Delighted and distracted: positive affect increases priming for irrelevant information,2011,11,6,1474-1478,Hasher Vicarious learning and unlearning of fear in childhood via mother and stranger models,2013,13,5,974-980,Dunne Do you see what I see? Sex differences in the discrimination of facial emotions during adolescence,2013,13,6,1030-1040,Conrod Learning biases underlying individual differences in sensitivity to social rejection,2013,13,4,616-621,Bolger Sadness increases distraction by auditory deviant stimuli,2014,14,1,203-213,Parmentier Fight fire with fire: The effect of perceived anger on punitive intuitions,2013,13,6,999-1003,Côté-Lussier How task shapes the use of information during facial expression categorizations,2014,14,3,478-487,Smith Emotion reactivity and regulation are associated with psychological functioning following the 2011 earthquake tsunami and nuclear crisis in Japan,2014,14,2,235-240,Cavanagh If looks could kill: anger attributions are intensified by affordances for doing harm,2014,14,3,455-461,Haselton Daily associations among anger experience and intimate partner aggression within aggressive and nonaggressive community couples,2014,14,5,985-994,Testa Emotion regulation moderates the risk associated with the 5-HTT gene and stress in children,2014,14,5,930-939,Smolen Launching Reappraisal: It's Less Common Than You Might Think,2014,15,1,73-77,Gross Feeling more together: group attention intensifies emotion,2014,14,6,1102-1114,Apfelbaum Patterns of hemispheric perceptual asymmetries: left hemispatial biases predict changes in anxiety and positive affect in undergraduate women,2001,1,4,339-347,Perez Choosing how to feel: emotion regulation choice in bipolar disorder,2014,15,2,139-145,Gross The role of expression and race in weapons identification,2014,14,6,1115-1124,Ito Potential threat attracts attention and interferes with voluntary saccades,2014,15,3,329-338,Theeuwes Disgust sensitivity predicts defensive responding to mortality salience,2015,15,5,590-602,Harmon-Jones Emotional disclosure and victim blaming,2015,15,5,603-614,Harber Effectiveness of internet-based affect induction procedures: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,15,6,752-762,Ferrer Distract or reappraise? Age-related differences in emotion-regulation choice,2015,15,6,677-681,Staudinger Distraction by emotional sounds: disentangling arousal benefits and orienting costs,2015,15,4,428-437,Widmann A detection advantage for facial threat in the absence of anger,2015,15,6,837-845,Shasteen Fathers' and mothers' emotion talk with their girls and boys from toddlerhood to preschool age,2015,15,6,854-864,Bakermans-Kranenburg Risky decision making from childhood through adulthood: contributions of learning and sensitivity to negative feedback,2015,16,1,101-109,Humphreys Distracted by pleasure: effects of positive versus negative valence on emotional capture under load,2015,16,3,328-337,Lavie Anxiety emotional distraction and attentional control in the Stroop task,2015,16,3,293-300,Henik The influence of interpersonal aggression on maternal perceptions of infant emotions: associations with early parenting quality,2015,16,4,436-448,Huth-Bocks Discrete emotion-congruent false memories in the DRM paradigm,2016,16,5,611-619,Howe Testosterone and estrogen impact social evaluations and vicarious emotions: a double-blind placebo-controlled study,2016,16,4,515-523,Olsson Interpersonal emotional behaviors and physical health: a 20-year longitudinal study of long-term married couples,2016,16,7,965-977,Haase Beyond pleasure and pain: facial expression ambiguity in adults and children during intense situations,2016,16,6,807-814,Aviezer No experimental evidence for visual prior entry of angry faces even when feeling afraid,2016,17,1,78-87,Denson Moving threat: attention and distance change interact in threat responding,2016,17,2,251-258,Kindt Anxiety-mediated facilitation of behavioral inhibition: threat processing and defensive reactivity during a go/no-go task,2016,17,2,259-266,Ernst Positivity bias in judging ingroup members' emotional expressions,2016,16,8,1117-1125,Cikara Boredom begs to differ: differentiation from other negative emotions,2016,17,2,309-322,van Tilburg The temporal deployment of emotion regulation strategies during negative emotional episodes,2016,17,3,450-458,Kuppens Emotions are understood from biological motion across remote cultures,2016,17,3,459-477,Parkinson The emotion seen in a face can be a methodological artifact: the process of elimination hypothesis,2016,17,3,538-546,Russell "Incidental fear cues increase monetary loss aversion": Correction to Schulreich Gerhardt and Heekeren (2016),2016,16,8,1185, Is fear in your head? A comparison of instructed and real-life expressions of emotion in the face and body,2016,17,3,557-565,Aviezer The effect of reactive emotions expressed in response to another's anger on inferences of social power,2017,17,4,717-727,Hareli Attentional capture by taboo words: a functional view of auditory distraction,2017,17,4,740-750,Buchner The face of fear and anger: facial width-to-height ratio biases recognition of angry and fearful expressions,2018,18,3,453-464,Hugenberg Distracting tracking: interactions between negative emotion and attentional load in multiple-object tracking,2017,17,6,900-904,Heatherton Constructing bias: conceptualization breaks the link between implicit bias and fear of black americans,2018,18,6,855-871,Payne Anxiety hostile attributions and differences in heart rate response to ambiguous situational vignettes in adolescents,2018,18,2,248-259,Weems Even unpleasant reminders that you are an animal need not disgust you,2018,18,2,304-312,Russell Proactive deprioritization of emotional distractors enhances target perception,2018,18,7,1052-1061,Most Relations of emotion-related temperamental characteristics to attentional biases and social functioning,2018,18,4,481-492,Eisenberg The impact of uncertain threat on affective bias: individual differences in response to ambiguity,2017,17,8,1137-1143,Taylor Emotion in the wilds of nature: the coherence and contagion of fear during threatening group-based outdoors experiences,2018,18,3,355-368,Anderson Attentional avoidance of emotional stimuli in postpartum women with childhood history of maltreatment and difficulties with emotion regulation,2018,18,3,424-438,Atkinson Mind the snake: fear detection relies on low spatial frequencies,2018,18,6,886-895,Soares Alcohol intoxication impairs recognition of fear and sadness in others and metacognitive awareness of emotion recognition ability,2018,18,6,842-854,Palmer Decreases in psychological well-being among American adolescents after 2012 and links to screen time during the rise of smartphone technology,2018,18,6,765-780,Twenge Disgust as a mechanism for decision making under risk: illuminating sex differences and individual risk-taking correlates of disgust propensity,2018,18,7,942-958,Holbrook Why are injuries disgusting? Comparing pathogen avoidance and empathy accounts,2018,18,7,959-970,Kupfer Gender differences in the relation between the late positive potential in response to anxiety sensitivity images and self-reported anxiety sensitivity,2019,19,1,70-83,Schmidt The anger-infused Ultimatum Game: a reliable and valid paradigm to induce and assess anger,2019,19,1,84-96,Hendler Hemispheric asymmetries in categorical facial expression perception,2019,19,4,584-592,Hausmann The effects of alcohol on positive emotion during a comedy routine: a facial coding analysis,2019,19,3,480-488,Sayette Cognitive and neural facets of dissociation in a traumatized population,2019,19,5,863-875,Siegle The sure thing: the role of integral affect in risky choice framing,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mikels Disgust as an essentialist emotion that signals nonviolent outgrouping with potentially low social costs,2019,19,5,841-862,Katzir Is a snake scarier than a gun? The ontogenetic-phylogenetic dispute from a new perspective: the role of arousal,2019,19,4,726-732,Deak Ghosts in the nursery: an experimental investigation of a parent's own maltreatment experience attention to infant faces and dyadic reciprocity,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Viding Exerting cognitive control under threat: interactive effects of physical and emotional stress,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor Does priming negative emotions really contribute to more positive aesthetic judgments? A comparative study of emotion priming paradigms using emotional faces versus emotional scenes and multiple negative emotions with fEMG,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pelowski Functional divergence of two threat-induced emotions: fear-based versus anxiety-based cybersecurity preferences,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cheung-Blunden Age-related changes in emotional behavior: evidence from a 13-year longitudinal study of long-term married couples,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haase Naming emotions in motion: alexithymic traits impact the perception of implied motion in facial displays of affect,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hassel Emotional distraction in the context of memory-based orienting of attention,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holmes Sour sleep sweet revenge? Aggressive pleasure as a potential mechanism underlying poor sleep quality's link to aggression,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chester Third-party punishment following observed social rejection,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Decety Disrupting facial action increases risk taking,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Niedenthal The perils of murky emotions: emotion differentiation moderates the prospective relationship between naturalistic stress exposure and adolescent depression,2019,,,,Starr Processing emotional expressions under fear of rejection: findings from diffusion model analyses,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Voss Morality is relative: anger disgust and aggression as contingent responses to sibling versus acquaintance harm,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holbrook The role of affective control in emotion regulation during adolescence,2020,20,1,80-86,Gotlib Maladaptive behavior and affect regulation: a functionalist perspective,2020,20,1,75-79,Johnson Social interaction context shapes emotion recognition through body language not facial expressions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aviezer The flux pulse and spin of aggression-related affect,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dewall Racialized emotion recognition accuracy and anger bias of children's faces,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Halberstadt Measuring distinct emotional states implicitly: the role of response speed,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cervone The functions of anger in moral courage-Insights from a behavioral study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baumert Sharing the load: contagion and tolerance of mood in social networks,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Burnett Heyes The mediating role of emotion regulation strategies on the association between rejection sensitivity aggression withdrawal and prosociality,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richetin Alterations in reward and emotional processing differentiate among adults with a history of childhood maltreatment: implications for substance use behaviors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sadeh Intensity frequency and differentiation of discrete emotion categories in daily life and their associations with depression worry and rumination,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Berenbaum Do people choose the same strategies to regulate other people's emotions as they choose to regulate their own?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Webb Overgeneralizing emotions: facial width-to-height revisited,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Windmann And they all lived unhappily ever after: positive and negative emotions in American and Russian picture books,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Halberstadt Horror fear and moral disgust are differentially elicited by different types of harm,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Taylor Profiles of adolescents' sadness anger and worry regulation: characterization and relations with psychopathology,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luebbe Desired sadness happiness fear and calmness in depression: the potential roles of valence and arousal,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tamir Emotional distraction and facilitation across sense and time,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mitchell Pleasant emotional feelings follow one of the most basic psychophysical laws (Weber's law) as most sensations do,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Meiran Seeing red: distraction influences visual attention for anger but not for other negative emotions,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Joormann Prosocial aggression tracks genetic relatedness distinctly from emotional closeness,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Holbrook Threat effects on cognitive systems: testing links to aggression proneness,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Verona Intervention impact on the perceived emotion regulation repertoire of adolescents at-risk for risky sexual behaviors,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hadley Pandemic boredom: little evidence that lockdown-related boredom affects risky public health behaviors across 116 countries,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Douglas Prioritization of danger-related social signals during threat-induced anxiety,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Grèzes Instructional learning of threat-related attentional capture is modulated by state anxiety,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson Are self-conscious emotions about the self? 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