Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Why Do Youth Enlist?: Identification of Underlying Themes,2006,32,2,307-328,Eighmey Risk of Incarceration among Male Veterans and Nonveterans: Are Veterans of the All Volunteer Force at Greater Risk?,2007,33,3,337-350,Rosenheck "Too Sweet and Innocent for War"?: Dutch Peacekeepers and the Use of Violence,2006,32,3,454-474,Sion Propensity to Serve and Motivation to Enlist among American Combat Soldiers,2006,32,3,353-366,Woodruff Alcoholism in United States Navy,1977,3,2,183-194,Kolb Organizational Climate and Disciplinary Rates on Navy Ships,1977,3,2,165-182,Crawford Desertion and Anti-War Protest: Findings From Ford Clemency Program,1977,3,3,433-443,Bell Psychology of Military Incompetence,1977,3,4,679-683,Strongman Arms and Woman: Some General Considerations,1978,4,4,557-568,Feld Fantasies of Mutiny and Murder: Suggested Psycho-History of Seaman in United States Navy 1798-1815,1978,4,2,293-304,Mckee Marx and Radical Militarism in Developing Nations,1978,4,2,245-264,Wolpin Impact of Strategic Air Warfare,1978,4,2,179-206,Quester Controlling Soviet-American Nuclear Arms Competition,1978,5,1,53-71,Steiner Peace and Conflict Processes: Research Overview,1979,5,3,467-486,Wehr Toward A Causal Model of Military Coups Detat,1979,5,3,387-413,Zimmermann Quantitative International Conflict Studies: Look at the Record,1979,6,1,111-121,Cannizzo Growing Dilemmas for the Management of Arms Sales,1979,6,1,1-21,Hammond Effects of Simulated Infantry Combat Training on Motivation and Satisfaction,1980,6,2,202-214,Bleda Deterrent Military Forces: Risk to Life,1980,6,2,190-201,Dishman The Congressional Role in Defense Policy Making: The Evolution of the Literature,1980,6,3,431-454,Laurance Territorial Defense in Central-Europe,1980,7,1,51-67,Canby Coups or Military Rule and When Both -- Reply to Comment,1981,7,3,491-495,Zimmermann Coups or Military Rule: Comment,1981,7,3,487-489,Wayman The Social Costs of Armed Struggle in Southern Africa,1981,7,3,445-466,Grundy Resolving and Restricting International Conflicts,1981,7,3,367-382,Williams French Security Policy: Decisions and Dilemmas,1982,8,2,185-221,Kolodziej Spending Patterns of the United States Navy 1921-1941,1982,8,3,443-462,Hone The Arms-Oil Connection: Fueling the Arms Race,1982,8,3,419-442,Beker The Anatomy of Mutiny,1982,8,4,561-574,Rose Consequences of Social Science Research on the United States Military,1982,8,4,507-524,Janowitz Establishment Vigilantism and Political Dissent: A Soviet Case-Study,1982,9,1,83-97,Kowalewski The Peace Movement in the Federal Republic of Germany: Composition and Objectives,1982,9,1,33-48,Vonbredow Militant Protest and Political Violence Under the Banner of Islam,1982,9,1,3-19,Norton Putting Weapons in Perspective,1983,9,3,441-454,Oconnell The American Military in Fiction Since 1945,1983,9,4,647-663,Mcpherson Defense Expenditures and Economic Growth in Developing Countries,1983,9,4,633-645,Frederiksen Politico-Socialization of the American Soldier: The Mass Media As Agent,1983,9,4,595-632,Stephens Job Satisfaction Among Youth in Military and Civilian Work Settings,1983,9,4,555-568,Phillips Problems of Collaborative Weapons Development: The MBT-70,1983,10,1,123-145,Mcnaugher The Effect of Deterrence on the Fighting Ethic,1984,10,2,276-292,Foster Defense Economics: 1776 to 1983,1984,10,3,426-448,Kanter Seizing Control: Latin-American Military Motives Capabilities and Risks,1984,10,4,563-582,Reif Paratroopers As Peacekeepers,1984,10,4,487-506,Rothberg Theater Nuclear and Conventional Force Improvements,1984,11,1,115-129,Cimbala Conventional Force Deterrence in the Presence of Theater Nuclear Weapons,1984,11,1,59-83,Garrett Sub-Saharan Africa's Changing Military Environment,1984,11,1,32-58,Thom Alcohol Abuse and the Soviet Military,1985,11,3,399-411,Davis Congressional Perspectives on Defense Manpower Issues,1985,11,3,329-356,Hale European Peace Movements and Missile Deployments,1985,11,4,505-521,Viotti Forever Mad: Essence and Attributes,1985,12,1,95-107,Cimbala Surviving Nuclear War: United States Plans for Crisis Relocation,1985,12,1,75-94,Beres What We Dont Know About the Coups: Observations on Recent South American Politics,1986,12,2,207-235,Markoff Flexible Targeting Escalation Control and War in Europe,1986,12,3,383-400,Cimbala Military Heroism: An Occupational Definition,1986,12,4,591-606,Anderson Cruise Missiles and the Western Party System: Some Dutch Lessons,1986,12,4,581-590,Kroes War Planning and the Outbreak of War in 1914,1986,12,4,553-579,Keithly Necessary Evil: Perspectives on West German Arms Transfer Policies,1986,12,4,525-552,Pearson Strategic Limitations of a Nation in Arms,1987,13,2,277-294,Horowitz Maritime Issues in Avoiding Nuclear War,1987,13,2,189-214,Quester Self-Selection Socialization and Distinctive Military Values: Attitudes of High-School Seniors,1987,13,2,169-187,Bachman Congress [U.S.A.] and defense policy 1961 to 1986,1987,13,3,371-401,Lindsay Nuclear Arms Moral Questions and Religious Issues,1987,13,4,599-622,Tellis Military Heroism: An Operational Definition - Reply to a Comment,1987,14,1,154-155,Anderson Military Heroism: An Operational Definition - A Comment,1987,14,1,149-153,Blake Waging War - Structural Vs Political Efficacy,1987,14,1,129-147,Clark Mobilizing Political Support for United States National Security,1987,14,1,17-41,Rockman The United States Constitution and National Defense: A Bicentennial Reappraisal -- Introduction,1987,14,1,9-15,Walker Democracy and the Military in Brazil: Elite Accommodation in Cases of Torture,1988,14,4,587-605,Zirker Quality Soldiers: Costs of Manning An Active Army,1989,15,2,315-317,Mills Arms Races in the Third-World: Argentina and Brazil,1989,15,2,263-270,Frederiksen Crises and the Study of Alliance Politics,1989,15,3,349-369,Thies The Impact of Arms Production in the Third World,1989,15,4,507-530,Brzoska Military Influence and the Post-Vietnam Use of Force,1989,15,4,489-505,Petraeus Military Coups Regime Change and Interstate Conflicts in West Africa,1990,16,4,547-570,Agyemanduah The United States Print Media and the Conventional Military Balance in Europe,1990,16,4,509-528,Roy The Delegitimization of Nuclear Deterrence,1990,16,4,487-508,Yost Congressional oversight of the [U.S.] Departmen of Defense: Reconsidering the conventional wisdom,1990,17,1,7-33,Lindsay Hate and Combat Behavior,1991,17,2,229-241,Ballard Globalism and Regionalism: United States Arms Transfers to Sudan,1991,17,2,211-227,Lefebvre Theories of Military Intervention in the Third World: Lessons From the Philippines,1991,17,2,191-210,Casper Guns Debt and Politics: New Variations on An Old Theme,1991,17,2,167-190,Snider Stress and Suicide in the United States Army: Effects of Relocation on Service Members Mental Health,1991,17,3,449-458,Rothberg Public Opinion and Superpower Strategic Arms,1991,17,3,409-427,Mandel Trends in Substance Use by United States Military Personnel,1991,17,4,601-618,Ballweg Revising the War Powers Act,1991,17,4,513-543,Nathan Israel's Small War: The Military Response to the Intifada,1991,18,1,29-50,Inbar Why the Peoples Army Fired on the People: the Chinese Military and Tiananmen,1992,18,2,193-213,Scobell Progress Toward Eliminating Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among United States Military Personnel,1992,18,4,476-496,Peterson Ethnic Conflict in the Military of Developing Nations: A Comparative Analysis of India and Nigeria,1992,19,1,123-137,Barua The Development of the American Theory of Limited War 1945-63,1992,19,1,71-104,Cannon Coup D'Etat Attempt in Trinidad: Its Causes and Failure,1993,19,3,435-450,Collihan Explaining Weapons Procurement: Matching Operational Performance and National Security Needs,1993,19,3,353-376,Holland Public Opinion and Foreign Threats: Eisenhower Response to Sputnik,1994,21,1,89-112,Payne Proliferation and Peace: An Agnostic View,1996,22,2,211-233,Cimbala Peacekeeping Doctrine and Conflict Resolution Techniques,1996,22,2,187-210,Last Nuclear Deterrence Arms Control and Multipolarity: An Argument for Incremental Policy Change,1996,22,3,357-377,Tkacik South Africa's Arms Industry: A New Era of Democratic Accountability?,1996,22,4,599-618,Boutwell Investment or Overkill: Should Military Child Development Centers Be Accredited?,1996,23,2,249-268,Zellman The Changing Pattern of Military Takeovers in Sub-Saharan Africa,1996,23,2,235-248,Gershoni Political Violence and Time in Power,1996,23,2,209-233,Whitten Nonlethal Weapons: War Without Death,1998,24,3,463-465,Camacho Persistent Collective Violence and Early Warning Systems: The Case of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa,1998,24,4,501-518,Benini Durkheim's "Heroic Suicide" in Military Combat,1998,25,1,103-120,Riemer Deadly Transfers National Hypocrisy and Global Chaos,1999,25,2,307-327,Mandel Why Don't They Fight Each Other? Cultural Diversity and Operational Unity in Multinational Forces,1999,26,1,73-97,Elron The Western Ethical Tradition and the Morality of the Warrior,1999,26,1,55-72,Watson Accidental/Inadvertent Nuclear War and Information Warfare,1999,25,4,653-675,Cimbala Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture (Book Review),2001,27,3,487-491,O'Connell Politics of Force: Conflict Management and State Violence in Northern Ireland (Book Review),2001,27,4,642-644,Noone The New Terrorism: Fanaticism and the Arms of Mass Destruction (Book Review),2001,27,4,639-641,Stanley Planning the Unthinkable: How New Powers Will Use Nuclear Biological and Chemical Weapons (Book Review),2001,28,1,168-171,Parachini Morals Under the Gun: The Cardinal Virtues Military Ethics and American Society (Book Review),2001,28,1,164-168,Garofalo The Privatization of Security,2001,28,1,129-151,Mandel Bombs for Peace: A Comparative Study of the Use of Air Power in the Balkans,2002,28,2,211-232,Forage Running Guns: The Global Black Market in Small Arms (Book Review),2002,28,4,669-672,Smaldone Small Arms Control: Old Weapons New Issues (Book Review),2002,28,4,669-672,Smaldone Cohesion and the Culture of Hypermasculinity in US Army Units,2003,29,3,325-351,Rosen Guts and Glory: The Making of the American Military Image in Film (Book Review),2003,29,4,622-624,Ender For Love of Country: Confronting Rape and Sexual Harassment in the US Military (Book Review),2004,30,2,308-310,Van Der Meulen The Wartime Utility of Precision Versus Brute Force in Weaponry,2004,30,2,171-201,Mandel Mediation in Internationalized Ethnic Conflicts: Assesssing the Determinants of a Successful Process,2004,30,2,147-170,Bercovitch Nonlethal Weaponry and Post-Cold War Deterrence,2004,30,4,511-537,Mandel Images of Terror: What We Can and Can't Know About Terrorism (Book Review),2004,31,1,146-148,Stanley Space-Time Orientations and Contemporary Political-Military Thought,2004,31,1,119-140,Cunningham War and Punishment: The Causes of War Termination and the First World War (Book Review),2005,31,2,319-322,Sprecher Armies Without Nations: Public Violence and State Formation in Central America 1821-1960 (Book Review),2005,31,2,310-313,Gutierrez Combat Casualties and Race: What Can We Learn From the 2003-2004 Iraq Conflict?,2005,31,2,201-225,Gifford Interstate Rivalry and the Recurrence of Crises: A Comparison of Rival and Nonrival Crisis Behavior 1918-1994,2005,31,3,323-351,Prins Epilogue: A "Good" Military Death,2005,31,4,651-664,Ben-Ari Leaving No Warriors Behind: The Ancient Roots of a Modern Sensibility,2005,31,4,623-649,Samet Leave No Man Behind: Recovering America's Fallen Warriors,2005,31,4,599-622,Wong Volunteering for Risk: The Culture of the Turkish Armed Forces,2005,31,4,583-598,Varoglu Risks and Recruitment in Postmodern Armed Forces: The Case of Belgium,2005,31,4,559-582,Manigart Dutch Courage: The Politics of Acceptable Risks,2005,31,4,537-558,Van Der Meulen What Costs Will Democracies Bear? A Review of Popular Theories of Casualty Aversion,2005,31,4,487-512,Smith Editorial. Considering casualties: Risk and loss during peacekeeping and warmaking,2005,31,4,483-486,Van Der Meulen "Too Sweet and Innocent for War"? - Dutch Peacekeepers and the Use of Violence,2006,32,3,454-474,Sion Why Do Youth Enlist? Identification of Underlying Themes,2006,32,2,307-328,Eighmey The Male Body at War: American Masculinity During World War II (Book Review),2005,32,1,141-143,Gifford Cohesion During Military Operations: A Field Study on Combat Units in the Al-Aqsa Intifada,2005,32,1,63-79,Ben-Ari Coups and Conflict in West Africa 1955-2004: Part 1 Theoretical Perspectives,2005,32,1,5-23,McGowan "To Take Up Arms Against Brethren of the Same Faith" - Lower Midwestern Catholic Volunteers in the Mexican-American War,2006,32,4,532-548,Johnson Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism: The Origins and Dynamics of Civil Wars (Book Review),2006,33,1,130-132,Manigart Peacekeepers and Prostitutes: How Deployed Forces Fuel the Demand for Trafficked Women and New Hope for Stopping It,2006,33,1,5-23,Allred Reassessing Victory in Warfare,2007,33,4,461-495,Mandel The Deployment Experiences of Ft. Carson's Soldiers in Iraq,2009,35,3,460-476,Scott Americans' Knowledge of U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq April 2004 to April 2008,2009,35,3,587-604,Bennett Understanding Russian—South Korean Arms Trade,2009,35,3,421-436,Se Hyun Ahn Increasing Operational Effectiveness in UN Peacekeeping,2009,36,1,120-130,Bridges A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Perceptions of the Media by Members of the British Forces during the Iraq War,2009,36,1,131-152,Iversen Veterans the Vietnam Era and Marital Dissolution,2009,36,1,19-37,Cohen Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military Reserve Component,2009,36,1,86-102,Firestone Western Soldiers and the Protection of Local Civilians in UN Peacekeeping Operations: Is a Nationalist Orientation in the Armed Forces Hindering Our Preparedness to Fight?,2010,36,2,290-309,Blocq Soldiers as Police Officers/ Police Officers as Soldiers: Role Evolution and Revolution in the United States,2010,36,2,327-350,Campbell "Na krilima patriotisma" -- On the Wings of Patriotism: Delegated and Spin-Off Violence in Serbia,2010,36,2,310-326,Schlichte Theoretical Traditions and the Modeling of Sexual Harassment within Organizations: The Military as Data,2010,36,2,193-222,Sibley Butler Laying Down Their Rifles: The Changing Influences on the Retention of Volunteer British Army Reservists Returning from Iraq 2003—2006,2010,36,2,264-289,Dandeker Citizen Support for Military Expenditures: A Longitudinal Analysis of U.S. Public Opinion 1999—2002,2010,36,3,454-480,Lovrich Exploring Stress and Coping Strategies among National Guard Spouses during Times of Deployment: A Research Note,2010,36,3,545-557,Wheeler Marriage and the Military: Evidence That Those Who Serve Marry Earlier and Divorce Earlier,2010,36,3,420-438,Hogan Notes Regarding the 2006 Survey of Active Duty Spouses,2010,36,3,558-570,Losinger Soldiers Scholars and Spies: Combining Smarts and Secrets,2010,36,4,695-715,Miller Beyond Civil—Military Relations: Reflections on Civilian Control of a Private Multinational Workforce,2010,36,4,671-694,McCoy Privatizing Defense Support Operations: The Need to Improve DoD’s Oversight and Management,2010,36,4,660-670,Terry From Nationalization to Privatization: The Case of the IDF,2010,36,4,716-749,Seidman Rainbow Snow and the Poplar’s Song: The "Annihilative Naming" of Israeli Military Practices,2010,36,5,825-842,Gavriely-Nuri Major Armed Conflicts Militarization and Life Chances: A Pooled Time-Series Analysis,2010,36,5,864-889,Carlton-Ford The Arab Security Sector: A New Research Agenda for a Neglected Topic,2010,36,5,804-824,Barak The Second Lebanon War: Examining "Democratization of War" Theory,2010,36,5,786-803,Levy Dangerous Drafts? A Time-Series Cross-National Analysis of Conscription and the Use of Military Force 1946—2001,2011,37,1,119-140,Pickering What Motivates Swedish Soldiers to Participate in Peacekeeping Missions: Research Note,2011,37,1,180-190,Hedlund Contradictory and Complementary Identities of U.S. Army Reservists: A Historical Perspective,2011,37,2,261-283,Griffith The Changing Nature of the Israeli Reserve Forces: Present Crises and Future Challenges,2011,37,2,216-238,Perliger The Transformation of Switzerland’s Militia Armed Forces and the Role of the Citizen in Uniform,2011,37,2,239-260,Tresch Use Them or Lose Them? Australia’s Defence Force Reserves,2011,37,2,301-320,Smith The French Military Reserve: Real or Abstract Force?,2011,37,2,321-340,Weber Reserve Forces—After the Cold War: An International Perspective,2011,37,2,209-215,Griffith Epilogue: Theoretical and Comparative Notes on Reserve Forces,2011,37,2,361-371,Lomsky-Feder The UK’s Reserve Forces: Retrospect and Prospect,2011,37,2,341-360,Greenberg Sociology in the Canadian Military Academy Curriculum,2008,35,1,71-90,Pinch The Enigmatic History of Sociology at the United States Naval Academy,2008,35,1,106-121,Segal The competing claims of operational effectiveness and human rights in the Canadian context,2008,34,2,208-229,Harrison Once We Put Our Helmets On There are No More Friends: The ''Fights'' Session in the Israeli Army Course for Close-Combat Instructors,2011,37,3,512-533,Cohen There and Back Again: How Parental Experiences Affect Children's Adjustments in the Course of Military Deployments,2011,37,3,418-447,Andres Key Questions and Challenges to the Standard Model of Military Group Cohesion,2011,37,3,448-468,Siebold The Impact of Shared Location on the Mental Health of Military and Civilian Adolescents in a Community Affected by Frequent Deployments: A Research Note,2011,37,3,550-560,Harrison No News Is Good News: The Longevity of Australian Humanitarian Interventions,2011,37,4,571-597,Abdiel Elites and Death in Vietnam and Other U.S. Wars: A Research Note,2011,37,4,743-752,Campbell Defense Transformation and Legitimacy in Scandinavia after the Cold War: Theoretical and Practical Implications,2011,37,4,701-724,Petersson Contemporary Peace Support Operations: The Primacy of the Military and Internal Contradictions,2011,37,4,657-679,Ben-Ari Redefining Soldierly Role Models in Germany,2011,37,4,680-700,Mannitz Guns for Hire: Motivations and Attitudes of Private Security Contractors,2011,37,4,725-742,Franke Ambivalence on the front lines perceptions of contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan,2013,39,1,5-27,Kelty Armed society in the Niger Delta,2013,39,2,331-358,Isumonah Canadian values and military operations in the twenty-first century,2013,39,3,511-530,Rennick Fighting wars or controlling crowds? The case of the Czech military forces and the possible blurring of police and military functions,2013,39,3,450-466,Weiss Helping the postmodern Ajax: Is managing combat trauma through pharmacology a Faustian bargain?,2013,39,3,395-414,Kamieński Regime stability in post-1986 Uganda counting the benefits of coup-proofing,2013,39,3,531-559,Rwengabo The effectiveness of contracted coalitions: Private security contractors in Iraq,2013,39,3,467-488,Petersohn The nongovernmental organizations-military security collaboration mechanism Afghanistan NGO safety office,2013,39,3,489-510,Yalçınkaya The nonmartial origins of the "martial races": ethnicity and military service in ex-British colonies,2013,39,3,560-575,Ray Citizen soldier or citizen-soldier? Negotiating identity in the U.S. National Guard,2013,39,4,602-627,Vest Civil-military relations and democratic control over the armed forces in the Republic of Serbia,2013,39,4,675-694,Rokvic Fearless fighters and submissive wives: Negotiating identity among women soldiers in the Congo (DRC),2013,39,4,711-739,Baaz Perspectives on suicide in the Army National Guard,2013,39,4,628-653,Griffith Readiness and DADT repeal: Has the new policy of open service undermined the military?,2013,39,4,587-601,Segal The thin line between "crazy" and "hero": exploring the multiple statuses of us veterans in a work-therapy program,2015,41,1,3-22,Feinstein Women warriors: female accession to ground combat,2015,41,2,379-387,King A sociological analysis of military resilience: opening up the debate,2015,41,2,352-378,Walklate The all-volunteer force and crime: the effects of military participation on offending behavior,2015,41,2,329-351,Connell Status- and stigma-related consequences of military service and PTSD: evidence from a laboratory experiment,2015,41,3,477-495,Kleykamp Military service and alcohol use in the United States,2015,41,3,460-476,Teachman The impact of multiple deployments and social support on stress levels of women married to active duty servicemen,2015,41,3,395-412,Lipari Integrating two theoretical models to understand and prevent military and veteran suicide,2016,43,3,478-499,Bryan Is military employment fair? Application of social comparison theory in a cross-national military sample,2016,42,3,518-541,Goldenberg Employment gaps between military spouses and matched civilians,2016,42,3,542-561,Griffin Suicides in the U.S. Military birth cohort: vulnerability and the all-volunteer force,2016,42,3,483-500,Bryan Freedom of navigation assertions: the United States as the world's policeman,2016,42,3,501-517,Etzioni Military service and the civilian labor force time- and income-based evidence,2016,42,3,562-584,Brown Assessing partnerships between the military and civilian agencies to meet transitioning service members' needs,2016,42,3,585-604,Vandecar-Burdin "Managing the migration from military to civil society" motivation model for socioeconomic needs in resettlement of veterans in India,2016,42,3,605-625,Maharajan Coping styles and combat motivation during operations,2016,42,4,655-674,Ben-Shalom Prospect theory and civil-military conflict: the case of the 1976 Korean axe murder incident,2017,43,4,734-757,Winger Sexual harassment in the military: individual experiences demographics and organizational contexts,2018,44,1,25-43,Harris A rehabilitative justice pathway for war-traumatized offenders caught in the military misconduct catch-22,2018,44,1,139-155,Sreenivasan Subjective cohesion as stress buffer among civilians working with the military in Iraq and Afghanistan,2018,44,2,238-260,Kelty Muslim mothers in ground combat against the Islamic State: women's identities and social change in Iraqi Kurdistan,2018,44,2,261-279,Nilsson Rethinking coup risk: rural coalitions and coup-proofing in Sub-Saharan Africa,2018,44,2,322-346,Rabinowitz Risk factors explaining military deaths from suicide 2008-2017: a latent class analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,London The Pragmatic Dimension of the Palestinian Hamas: A Network Perspective,2003,29,4,569-589+ii,Mishal A continuum of nation-state resiliency to watershed terrorist events,2014,40,3,476-503,Chasdi Stress and Suicide in the U.S. Army: Effects of Relocation on Service Members' Mental Health,1991,17,3,449-458,Rothberg