Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Mean-level change and intra-individual variability in self-esteem and depression among high-risk children,2009,33,3,202-214,Kim The relationship of aggression and bullying to social preference: Differences in gender and types of aggression,2009,33,4,323-330,Lee The relationship between interparental conflict and adolescents’ affective well-being: Mediation of cognitive appraisals and moderation of peer status,2009,33,5,421-429,Ziqiang Xin Strong families tidy houses and children’s values in adult life: Are "chaotic" "crowded" and "unstable" homes really so bad?,2009,33,6,496-503,Flouri Consistent patterns of interaction in young children’s conflicts with their siblings,2009,33,6,504-515,Perlman Methods and Measures: Growth mixture modeling: A method for identifying differences in longitudinal change among unobserved groups,2009,33,6,565-576,Ram The associations between information and communication technology (ICT) and peer and parent relations in early adolescence,2009,33,6,556-564,Rimpelä Interpersonal competence configurations and peer relations in early elementary classrooms: Perceived popular and unpopular aggressive subtypes,2010,34,1,73-87,Robertson Romantic relationships in intra-ethnic and inter-ethnic adolescent couples in Germany: The role of attachment to parents self-esteem and conflict resolution skills,2010,34,2,128-135,Seiffge-Krenke Negotiation styles in mother—child narrative co-construction in middle childhood: Associations with early attachment,2007,31,2,149-160,Gini Is maternal depression related to side of infant holding?,2004,28,5,421-427,Levendosky Peer victimization trajectories and their association with children’s affect in late elementary school,2010,34,2,136-146,Biggs The delicate balance between parental protection unsupervised wandering and adolescents’ autonomy and its relation with antisocial behavior: The TRAILS study,2010,34,2,159-167,Veenstra Adolescent dating aggression in Canada and Italy: A cross-national comparison,2010,34,2,98-105,Pepler A transactional analysis of maternal negativity and child externalizing behavior,2010,34,3,218-228,Pepler Are children’s views of the "enemy" shaped by a highly-publicized negative event?,2010,34,4,345-353,Oppenheimer The role of culture in relational aggression: Associations with social-psychological adjustment problems in Japanese and US school-aged children,2010,34,4,354-362,Crick Urban/rural and gender differences among Canadian emerging adults,2010,34,4,339-344,Cheah Moral cognitive processes explaining antisocial behavior in young adolescents,2010,34,4,292-301,van der Velden A description and illustration of the Triadic Relations Model: Who perceives whom as bullying whom?,2010,34,4,374-383,Card Best friends’ preference and popularity: Associations with aggression and prosocial behavior,2010,34,5,398-405,Haselager Initiation and continuation of best friends and adolescents’ alcohol consumption: Do self-esteem and self-control function as moderators?,2010,34,5,406-416,Engels Personality development and problem behavior in Russian children and adolescents,2010,34,5,441-451,Slobodskaya Children’s perceptions of maternal hostility as a mediator of the link between discipline and children’s adjustment in four countries,2010,34,5,452-461,Dodge The effect of population heterogeneity on statistical power in the design and evaluation of interventions,2010,34,5,473-480,Pepler Daily family interactions among young adults in the United States from Latin American Filipino East Asian and European backgrounds,2010,34,6,491-499,Masten Contributions to variations in academic trajectories amongst recent immigrant youth,2010,34,6,500-510,Suárez-Orozco Military trauma and social development: The moderating and mediating roles of peer and sibling relations in mental health,2010,34,6,554-563,Qouta Studying cross-cultural differences in temperament in the first year of life: United States and Italy,2011,35,1,27-37,Gartstein Review: The development of coping across childhood and adolescence: An integrative review and critique of research,2011,35,1,1-17,Zimmer-Gembeck Analyzing multiple informant data on child and adolescent behavior problems: Predictive validity and comparison of aggregation procedures,2011,35,1,84-92,Egeland Predicting family poverty and other disadvantaged conditions for child rearing from childhood aggression and social withdrawal: A 30-year longitudinal study,2011,35,2,97-106,Schwartzman The longitudinal relations among dimensions of parenting styles sympathy prosocial moral reasoning and prosocial behaviors,2011,35,2,116-124,Samper Victims and their defenders: A dyadic approach,2011,35,2,144-151,Veenstra Planned versus unplanned risks: Neurocognitive predictors of subtypes of adolescents’ risk behavior,2011,35,2,152-160,Schulenberg Text message content as a window into college student drinking: development and initial validation of a dictionary of "alcohol talk",2021,45,1,3-10,Hussong Predictors of student defenders of peer aggression victims: Empathy and social cognitive factors,2011,35,4,289-297,Bussey Depressive symptoms during adolescence: Do learning difficulties matter?,2011,35,4,298-306,Salmela-Aro Predicting substance use behavior among South African adolescents: The role of leisure experiences across time,2011,35,4,343-351,Mathews Predicting aggressive behavior in children with the help of measures of implicit and explicit aggression,2011,35,4,352-357,Grumm Effects of early relationships on children's perceived control: A longitudinal study,2011,35,5,449-456,Eshel The broken curve: Effects of the Norwegian manifesto against bullying,2011,35,5,383-388,Roland Promoting relationships and eliminating violence in Canada,2011,35,5,389-397,Craig National Safe Schools Framework: Policy and practice to reduce bullying in Australian schools,2011,35,5,398-404,Cross Counteracting bullying in Finland: The KiVa program and its effects on different forms of being bullied,2011,35,5,405-411,Salmivalli National strategy for violence prevention in the Austrian public school system: Development and implementation,2011,35,5,412-418,Strohmeier Why interventions to reduce bullying and violence in schools may (or may not) succeed: Comments on this Special Section,2011,35,5,419-423,Smith Translational research: National strategies for violence prevention in school,2011,35,5,381-382,Salmivalli Beliefs about parental authority parenting styles and parent-adolescent conflict among Iranian mothers of middle adolescents,2011,35,5,424-431,Smetana A developmental shift in Black-White differences in depressive affect across adolescence and early adulthood: The influence of early adult social roles and socio-economic status,2011,35,5,457-469,Jager Attachment emergent morality and aggression: toward a developmental socioemotional model of antisocial behaviour,1997,21,4,703-727,van Ijzendoorn The development of aggressive behaviour during childhood: What have we learned in the past century?,2000,24,2,129-141,Tremblay Age differences in everyday problem solving: The role of problem context,2013,37,1,13-20,Thornton Cognition and character traits as determinants of young children's behaviour in traffic situations,2000,24,4,492-505,Briem Adolescent home-leaving and the transition to adulthood: A psychosocial and behavioural study in the slums of Nairobi,2013,37,4,298-308,Jessor Parental employment and child behaviors: Do parenting practices underlie these relationships?,2013,37,4,332-339,Robinson Teacher Mother and Peer Support in the Elementary School as Protective Factors Against Juvenile Delinquency,1995,18,1,1-22,Tremblay Older driver and passenger collaboration for wayfinding in unfamiliar areas,2014,38,4,378-385,Charlton Children's empathic responses to emotional complexity,1995,18,2,211-225,Ricard Aggression and noncompliance among Swedish children in centre-based care family day care and home care,1995,18,1,43-62,Sternberg The effects of domestic violence on children's perceptions of their perpetrating and nonperpetrating parents,1994,17,4,779-795,Sternberg Some high-risk adolescents do not develop conduct problems: a study of protective factors,1994,17,4,753-777,Lösel Boys' disruptive behaviour school adjustment and delinquency: the montreal prevention experiment,1994,17,4,739-752,Tremblay Age differences in understanding peace war and conflict resolution,1994,17,4,717-737,Rose-Krasnor Children's and adolescents' response to the prospect of nuclear war: a review,1994,17,4,697-715,Boyd Encounters with aggressive peers in early childhood: frequency age differences and correlates of risk for behaviour problems,1994,17,4,675-696,Dodge Children and political violence: an overview,1994,17,4,669-674,Cairns The psychological state of Holocaust survivors' offspring: an epidemiological and psychodiagnostic study,1994,17,4,649-667,Rieck Children of "the Troubles" in Northern Ireland: perspectives and intervention,1994,17,4,629-648,Toner Community violence and young South African children's involvement in aggression,1994,17,4,613-628,Liddell Coping with the consequences of living in danger: the case of Palestinian children and youth,1994,17,4,595-611,Garbarino Authoritarian child rearing parental locus of control and the child's behaviour style,1994,17,3,485-501,Janssens Portuguese children's judgements of moral prosocial and academic norms: duty or aspiration?,1994,17,2,367-381,Lourengo Narrative and logical strategies in socio-cognitive interaction between children,1994,17,2,383-395,Smorti Developmental measurement of mental attention,1994,17,1,161-200,Baillargeon Developmental change in a spatial task of attentional capacity: an essay toward an integration of two working memory models,1994,17,1,5-35,Ribaupierre Important variables in reasoning about social rules,1993,16,4,589-607,Barbieri Maternal education and maternal behaviour in Mexico: implications for the changing characteristics of mexican immigrants to the United States,1993,16,3,395-408,LeVine Adolescent control beliefs: cross-cultural variations of primary and secondary orientations,1993,16,2,243-260,Essau Children's judgements of emotion following moral transgression,1993,16,1,93-111,Robinson Patterns of boys' social adjustment in two cultures and at different ages: a longitudinal perspective,1992,15,4,527-553,Tremblay Young children's conceptions of transgressions with friends and nonfriends,1992,15,2,247-258,Killen Availability of control and preschoolers' responses to interadult anger,1992,15,2,207-226,Cummings A prosocial scale for the Preschool Behaviour Questionnaire: concurrent and predictive correlates,1992,15,2,227-245,Piché Childrearing patterns in Japan and the United States: a cluster analytic study,1992,15,2,185-205,Kelley Developmental trajectories of substance use in adolescence: differences and predictors,1991,14,3,305-328,Pandina The impact of lived experience on cognitivoethical development of today's women,1990,13,4,407-430,Lavallee The effects of reasoning and choice on children's prosocial behaviour,1990,13,3,345-353,Power Developmental differences in the accuracy of reporting the causal determinants of behaviour,1990,13,2,251-262,Brown What causes success and failure in school and friendship? Developmental differentiation of children's beliefs across middle childhood,1990,13,2,157-176,Skinner Getting mad at mom and dad: children's changing views of family conflict,1990,13,1,31-48,Fisher Physical and verbal aggression in peer groups among Finnish adolescent boys and girls,1989,12,4,473-484,Wright Models of behaviour and the behaviour of models,1989,12,3,403-406,Loehlin Prosocial behaviour in preschool children: a look at the interaction of race gender and family composition,1989,12,3,385-401,Rehberg A cross-national study of the influence of culture on conflict between parents and adolescents,1989,12,2,207-219,Rosenthal Associations between parental agreement regarding child-rearing and the characteristics of families and children in Sweden,1989,12,1,115-129,Lamb Transformations in adolescents' perceptions of parents,1989,12,1,71-84,Smollar Age as an ambiguous variable in developmental research: some epidemiological considerations from developmental psychopathology,1989,12,1,1-34,Rutter False beliefs about emotion: children's understanding of misleading emotional displays,1988,11,4,475-488,Harris The adult outcome of early behavioural abnormalities,1988,11,1,3-19,Clarke Wartime in men's lives: a comparative study of American and Japanese cohorts,1987,10,4,439-466,Elder Children's knowledge of the situations that provoke emotion,1987,10,3,319-343,Harris Grade and gender differences in and the stability and correlates of the structural complexity of children's playground games,1987,10,2,241-251,Kurdek Development of concepts of justification in German university students,1987,10,2,171-185,Kitchener Patterns of early socialization: mother-and father-infant interaction in the home,1986,9,3,331-341,Parke Mother-infant interaction and perceived infant temperament,1986,9,3,297-313,Bohlin Siblings and the development of prosocial behaviour,1986,9,3,265-284,Munn Children's social behavior: a cross-cultural comparison,1986,9,2,153-173,Bronstein Cognitive and motor development in infants of adolescent mothers: a longitudinal analysis,1986,9,1,1-13,Carlson Cognitive mediation of aggressive assertive and submissive behavior in children,1985,8,3,355-369,Deluty Japanese cooperative and competitive attitudes: age and gender effects,1985,8,3,313-328,Shwalb The structure of temperament among Japanese and American young adults,1985,8,2,217-237,Lerner The cumulative deficit hypothesis in the light of cross-cultural evidence,1985,8,1,75-97,Saco-Pollitt Further evidence on preschoolers' interpretation of facial expressions,1985,8,1,15-38,Russell Preschool children's interpretation of facial expressions of emotion,1984,7,2,193-214,Russell Time and distance in spatial cognition development,1984,7,1,35-51,Herman Female preschoolers' verbal and nonverbal empathic responses to emotional situations and facial expressions,1983,6,4,427-440,Wiggers Behavioral factors life changes and the development of vital exhaustion and depression in myocardial infarction patients,1983,6,4,405-425,Falger Understanding and auto-control of cognitive functions: implications for the relationship between cognition and behavior,1983,6,1,15-35,Lefebvre-Pinard The relationship of infants' physical environment to their Binet performance at 21/2 years,1978,1,1,51-65,Wachs Is imprinting an appropriate model for human infant attachment?,1983,6,1,51-69,Leiderman The consistency of the home environment and its relation to child development,1982,5,4,445-465,Bradley Patterns of health behavior life satisfaction and future time perspective in a group of old aged women: data of 'survivors' from a Longitudinal Study on Aging,1982,5,3,367-390,Fooken A naturalistic study of young children's explorations away from caregiver,1982,5,2,217-228,Martinsen Recent progress in the study of the effects of television viewing on social development,1982,5,2,171-193,Collins The social networks of preadolescent children in Sweden,1982,5,1,111-130,Tietjen Young children's compliance and noncompliance to parental discipline in a natural setting,1982,5,1,81-94,Zahn-Waxler Interpretation of the spatial prepositions 'in front of' and 'behind',1981,4,3,359-368,Cox Peer support among Soviet day care toddlers,1981,4,2,255-269,Ispa German children's behavior towards their mothers at 12 months and their fathers at 18 months in Ainsworth's strange situation,1981,4,2,157-181,Grossmann Parents' attitudes and children's deprivation: child-rearing attitudes of parents as a key to the advantaged-disadvantaged distinction in pre-school children,1981,4,1,125-142,Sheintuch Cognitive socialization during adolescence,1981,4,1,61-76,Oerter Do friends share and communicate more than non-friends?,1981,4,1,45-59,Sharabany Relationship of adolescent self-concept to perceptions of parents in single and two-parent families,1980,3,4,441-453,Rosenthal Continuity and change in women's characteristics over four decades,1980,3,3,333-347,Bieber The development of moral behavior: continuities and discontinuities,1980,3,3,323-332,Siegel Follow-up study of children born from unwanted pregnancies,1980,3,3,243-251,Matějček Four questions in psychological development,1980,3,3,231-241,Kagan The consequences of adolescent childbearing on postnatal development,1980,3,2,191-214,LaBarba Perceived maternal disciplinary practices and their relation to development of moral judgment,1980,3,1,91-109,Saraswathi Mother-infant studies: subject refusals and sampling bias,1980,3,1,83-89,Becker Advisement to take risk: a study of attitudes toward the old,1980,3,1,19-26,Hutchison The effects of physical attractiveness on the behavioral attributions and peer preferences of acquainted children,1979,2,4,325-341,Langlois Behavioral analysis of aging: a review of the operant model and research,1979,2,3,297-320,Baltes Perceived deprivation of material and nonmaterial rewards as related to altruistic behavior among young adolescents,1979,2,3,287-295,Yinon Developmental trends in reaction to social pressure from adults versus peers,1979,2,3,269-286,Andersson Children's conceptions and use of rules of distributive justice,1979,2,3,253-267,Simons Kindness in the kindergarten: the relative influence of role playing and prosocial television in facilitating altruism,1979,2,2,133-157,Murray Infants at risk: perinatal and neonatal factors,1979,2,1,23-42,Lipsitt Cognitive dissonance and internalization of social norms: effects of threat severity on children,1978,1,4,355-362,Amerio Psychological and biological perspectives on altruism,1978,1,4,323-339,Hoffman Heredity-environment interaction in the development of twins,1978,1,4,313-322,Fischbein Sex differences in spatial ability: a critique,1978,1,3,241-246,Clear A dual model of cognitive development: structure in cultural stimulation construction by the child,1978,1,3,221-228,Aebli The development of the processing of social perspectives: A cognitive model,1978,1,2,149-171,Oppenheimer Sequential analysis of exploration and play,1978,1,1,83-97,Hughes Becoming cruel: appetitive aggression released by detrimental socialisation in former congolese soldiers,2013,37,6,505-513,Elbert Predictors of Disordered Eating in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study of Females and Males in Norway,2014,38,2,128-138,Lien Measurement and Associations of Pregnancy Risk Factors with Genetic Influences Postnatal Environmental Influences and Toddler Behavior,2013,37,4,366-375,Leve Gender differences in two decision-making tasks in a community sample of adolescents,2006,30,4,352-358,d'Acremont Risky decision making in a laboratory driving task is associated with health risk behaviors during late adolescence but not adulthood,2016,40,1,58-63,Steinberg Associations between mother-child relationship quality and adolescent adjustment: using a genetically controlled design to determine the direction and magnitude of effects,2016,40,3,196-204,Boivin Parental aggression as a predictor of boys' hostile attribution across the transition to middle school,2016,40,5,452-458,Wells Focusing on teacher-student interactions eliminates the negative impact of students' disruptive behavior on teacher perceptions,2015,39,5,426-431,Allen Sibling relationship quality and Mexican-origin adolescents' and young adults' familism values and adjustment,2017,41,2,155-164,Updegraff Severity and justness do not moderate the relation between corporal punishment and negative child outcomes: a multicultural and longitudinal study,2017,41,4,491-502,Dodge Predictive effects of social anxiety on increases in future peer victimization for a community sample of middle-school youth,2017,41,5,588-596,Hutteman Examining cohort effects in developmental trajectories of substance use,2017,41,5,621-631,Chassin Using configural frequency analysis as a person-centered analytic approach with categorical data,2017,41,5,632-646,Stemmler Cohort-sequential study of conflict inhibition during middle childhood,2017,41,6,663-669,Rollins Poverty and behavior problems during early childhood: the mediating role of maternal depression symptoms and parenting,2017,41,6,670-680,Boivin Associations between Dutch and Indian adolescents' bullying role behavior and peer-group status: cross-culturally testing an evolutionary hypothesis,2017,41,6,735-742,Goossens The development of global and domain self-esteem from ages 10 to 16 for Mexican-origin youth,2018,42,1,4-16,Donnellan Resilience and acculturation among unaccompanied refugee minors,2018,42,1,52-63,Idsøe Decreases in the proportion of bullying victims in the classroom: effects on the adjustment of remaining victims,2018,42,1,64-72,Salmivalli Beyond the positive reinforcement of aggression: peers' acceptance of aggression promotes aggression via external control beliefs,2018,42,1,73-82,Krahé Overweight or obesity associations with physical aggression in children and adolescents: a meta-analysis,2018,42,1,116-131,Toumbourou Emotion dysregulation mediates the longitudinal relation between peer rejection and depression: differential effects of gender and grade,2018,42,2,155-166,Becker Parenting anger and effortful control as predictors of child externalizing behavior: the role of child sex as a moderator,2018,42,2,248-256,Smith Storied lessons: learning from anger in childhood by narrating,2019,43,6,553-562,Bourne Exploring the psychometric properties of the Parent Daily Report - Toddler Version (PDR-T),2019,43,5,447-456,Pears Sex differences in associations between early adversity child temperament and behavior problems,2020,44,6,490-504,Seifer Associations between trauma during adolescence and sense of purpose in middle-to-late adulthood,2020,44,5,441-446,Hill Assessing peer influence and susceptibility to peer influence using individual and dyadic moderators in a social network context: the case of adolescent alcohol misuse,2022,46,3,208-221,Burk Interpretations and revenge goals in response to peer provocations: comparing adolescents in the United States and Pakistan,2022,46,6,555-561,McDonald Optimistic children engage in more constructive risk-taking behaviors,2023,47,1,72-81,Tillman Exploring effects of multi-level factors on transitions of risk-taking behaviors among middle-to-late adolescents,2023,47,3,210-220,Guo Disengagement is as revealing as prosocial action for young children's responding to strangers in distress: How personal distress and empathic concern come into play,2020,44,6,515-524,Lin Psychosocial factors associated with adolescent depressive and anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,46,4,308-319,Gartland