Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The effectiveness of a new law to reduce alcohol-impared driving in Japan,2006,49,11-12,365-369,Perry The Public Health Impact of Disasters on Children,2005,48,7,377-384,Nakamura Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Disaster: Issues of Screening and Early Support,2005,48,7,353-362,Morimoto Tendency for Increasing Severity of Natural Disasters and the Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster,2005,48,7,325-326,Yamamoto The Life-Threat of Everyday Disasters to Children in Japan and the Need for Safety Promotion As a Public Health Policy,2005,48,8,410-416,Shirakawa Suicide Is Preventable,2006,49,1,44-46,Ono Drug-Induced Liver Injury by Dietary Supplements in Japan,2006,49,9-10,327-329,Takikawa Child abuse in Japan: current problems and future perspectives,2006,49,11-12,370-374,Okuyama An Analysis of Ambulance-Transported Cases of Attempted Suicide in 3 Prefectures (Akita Aomori and Iwate) in the Northern Tohokuk Area in Japan,2006,49,11-12,345-350,Motohashi Mechanism of the Occurrence of Earthquakes and Tsunamis,2007,50,1,55-71,Tsuji Disaster Management in the Acute Phase,2007,50,1,72-79,Yamamoto Disaster Medical Services: Medical Response to the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake,2007,50,4,345-346,Imai The IT Era and the Personality Formation of Children,2007,50,4,330-334,Yanagida Implementing Medical Checkups to Prevent Sports-Related Injuries and Disorders,2005,48,1,1-5,Matsumoto Crush Syndrome in Disaster,2005,48,7,341-352,Yokota Lessons From Hanshin Awaji Earthquake: Experience of a Medical Association,2005,48,7,327-333,Kako Lessons From the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake in Japan - Experience of a Small Medical Association in Hilly and Mountainous Areas,2005,48,7,334-340,Niwayama Conflicts between public car insurance and public medical insurance in Japan: international comparison survey,2014,57,2,93-103,Sakaguchi Disaster management at Soma General Hospital in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake,2014,57,5-6,331-334,Fukunaga The communication of information such as evacuation orders at the time of a nuclear power station accident: -recommendations for responses by the national government and electric power utilities to the "information disaster",2014,57,5-6,293-319,Ishii Participation in relief activities in the aftermath of the Great Nepal Earthquake and disaster reconstruction assistance,2015,58,3,111-113,Yamamoto Japan Medical Association's view of disaster measures and practice,2016,59,1,31-34,Ishii Disaster management in Japan,2016,59,1,27-30,Ogata The significance of iJMAT: a new framework for international disaster medicine support,2016,59,1,19-24,Nagata Japan Earthquake 2011 and Fukushima Nuclear Accident: experience and physicians and veterinarians collaboration to recover,2016,59,1,3-9,Yokokura Present state and issues of workplace mental health,2008,51,3,169-174,Shima Brain mechanisms of poor anger management,2009,52,3,184-190,Arita Cases of low back pain in psychiatry and their diagnostic problems,2011,54,2,112-116,Kato The role of occupational physicians at workplace,2011,54,2,87-91,Honda The Case of Fukushima Prefectural Ono hospital from the standpoint of the person concerned,2012,55,2,186-188,Kato Inaugural address,2014,57,4,e166,Sabili