Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Childhood injury prevention: the views of health visitors and nursery nurses working in deprived areas,2007,45,1,4-10,Watson Inequality among men in standardised years of potential life lost from external causes 1971-1991,2001,39,1,4-6,Blane Health and safety education: a report of a health education programme for motor vehicle repairers in Warri Metropolis Nigeria,2006,44,4,138-140,Ogbe Alcohol and its impact on facial bone fractures in a district general hospital,2001,39,2,36-39,Nandasoma Is it only 'safe' families who request home safety checks?,2000,38,4,134-137,Marsh Overwhelming health expenditures among the poor in a transition economy: a case study from Turkey,2009,47,3,72-79,Yilmaz The effectiveness of Tai Chi as a fall prevention intervention for older adults: a systematic review,2009,47,3,94-100,Watson Active Living For All: an evaluation,2007,45,4,114-120,Simmill-Binning Views and use of over-the-counter weight loss products among the general public,2009,47,2,63-68,Andronicou An evaluation of the role of elementary school teachers in Kuwait in promoting health,2007,45,4,121-124,Al-Amari An evidence base for mental health promotion through supported education: a practical application of Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health,2008,46,1,11-20,Morrison An investigation of non-participation in health promotion interventions and its impact on population level outcome,2008,46,3,107-112,Davies Assessing the quality of primary studies in systematic reviews,2008,46,4,139-141,Haq Behaviours and attitudes towards physical activity and lifestyle factors: a questionnaire survey of school-aged children,2007,45,4,125-130,Clark Drug use among secondary school children in Central Delta State Nigeria,2008,46,1,33-34,Blinkhorn Ethnicity deprivation and road traffic injury risk: a survey of risk and road safety and implications for injury prevention,2008,46,4,133-138,Towner European update. The Healthy Workplace campaign: reducing work-related accidents and illness through better risk assessment,2008,46,3,115, Mine risk education in the Lao PDR: time for a public health approach to risk reduction?,2008,46,1,27-32,Ali Parliamentary committees turn road safety research and ideas into practice: examples from Australia,2008,46,4,123-127,Hansen Promoting indigenous mental health: cultural perspectives on healing from Native counsellors in Canada,2008,46,2,49-56,Stewart The alcohol behaviour of independent older people in Denmark,2007,45,2,49-52,Leeson The determinants of lifestyle counselling among practice nurses in Ireland,2008,46,3,94-99,Lambe Traumatic stress and mental health among war-zone immigrants in Toronto,2008,46,2,57-64,Stermac Using pedometers as motivational tools: are goals set in steps more effective than goals set in minutes for increasing walking?,2008,46,1,21-26,Lowry A multi-disciplinary approach to assessing health promotion occupational health and safety in the workplace,1999,37,3,101-109,Houston A population based survey to estimate the prevalence of ownership and maintenance of smoke alarms in households in two inner London boroughs,1999,37,2,65-67,DiGuiseppi An evaluation of the scope for parasuicide prevention in primary health care,1999,37,1,22-25,Scriven Evidence-based health promotion: the contribution of qualitative social research methods,1999,37,1,11-15,Learmonth Evidence-based health promotion? Some methodological challenges,1999,37,2,59-64,Peersman Health information on the Internet: is quality a problem?,1999,37,1,30-33,Eachus More scrutiny required: an audit of the distribution of the Royal College of Psychiatrists' 'Help is at Hand' leaflet on social phobia,1999,37,1,19-21,Baldwin School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project: formative development of intervention materials and processes,1999,37,4,137-143,Midford Understanding mental illness in India and Britain,1999,37,4,144-157,Laungani What do mothers tell their children about stranger-danger? The place of health education and the creation of safer environments for children,1999,37,2,40-46,Dixey "You haven't told us how to tell!": an evaluation of an intervention raising awareness of paedophile activity,1999,37,4,126-128,Joyce Having a good time: young people talk about risk and fun when combining alcohol consumption and water activities,2014,52,1,47-55,Sinkinson The role of empathic concern internalized moral principle and anticipated guilt in college students' intentions to send or read text messages while driving,2014,52,6,346-354,Wang Talk About Alcohol: impact of a school-based alcohol intervention on early adolescents,2014,52,5,283-299,Lynch Analyzing the extended parallel process model and health belief model constructs in texting while driving: news coverage in leading U.S. news media outlets,2014,52,4,210-221,Brann An independent evaluation of a home safety equipment scheme in a high-risk community: views and safety practices of families,2013,51,6,312-322,Errington Heuristics of human enhancement risk: a little chemical help?,2013,51,4,212-227,Wells Psychosocial and environmental factors associated with dog-walking,2013,51,4,198-211,Troped Teachers' perspectives on their role in school-based alcohol and cannabis prevention,2012,50,6,328-341,Van Hout Implementing a national programme at local level: findings from a multiple-site case study,2012,50,6,318-327,Watson It's making us look disgusting…and it makes me feel like a mink…it makes me feel depressed!: using photovoice to help 'see' and understand the perspectives of disadvantaged young people about the neighbourhood determinants of their mental well-being,2012,50,6,278-295,Douglas Understanding the causes of trauma: the Indigenous African perspective,2012,50,4,178-193,Nevhutalu Use of a consensus-based process to develop international guidelines to decrease recreational open water drowning deaths,2012,50,3,135-144,Quan The Dampier Peninsula Prevention Project: working with a group of remote Australian Aboriginal communities to address alcohol and drug use,2012,50,3,111-124,Midford Framing and dosage effects: use of protection motivation theory to examine efficacy of anti-cocaine visual messages,2012,50,2,68-80,Greene Psychological social and environmental barriers to cycling to school,2012,50,1,34-44,Benson Parental perceptions of unintentional injury risks to children,2012,50,1,20-27,Whitehead The Fort McMurray Demonstration Project in Social Marketing: self-reported safety-related health behaviours following a combined community and workplace intervention,2011,49,1,16-20,Guidotti Mobility and safety are conflicting goals for transport policy makers when making decisions about graduated driver licensing,2010,48,2,46-51,Watson Culturally anchoring an intervention for gender-based violence,2018,56,2,85-94,Gary "Go hard or go home": exploring young people's knowledge attitudes and behaviours of alcohol use and water safety in Western Australia using the Health Belief Model,2021,59,3,174-191,Leavy How do adolescents perceive intimate partner violence and its associated issues?,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bryan The distribution of health authority health promotion and education expenditure in England: A preliminary assessment,1999,37,2,52-56,Buck An evaluation of content related to violence in personal health texts,2015,53,2,87-101,Joslin Birth supporters experiences of attending prisoners being compulsorily separated from their new-born babies,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Abbott