Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Children's ability to copy triangular figures is affected by their sleep-wakefulness rhythms,2005,3,2,86-91,Nakamura Sleep debt: Theoretical and empirical issues,2003,1,1,5-13,Dinges Sleep deprivation: A clinical perspective,2007,5,1,2-14,Murphy Does variation in workload affect fatigue in a regular 12-hour shift system?,2007,5,1,74-77,Kandelaars Effects of physical exercise on human circadian rhythms,2006,4,3,199-206,Miyazaki Epidemiology of exercise and sleep,2006,4,3,215-221,Youngstedt Excess workload and sleep-related symptoms among commercial long-haul truck drivers,2006,4,2,121-128,Suzuki Sleep disorders and suicidal ideation in Japanese patients visiting a psychosomatic clinic in a university hospital,2006,4,2,137-143,Akamine Risk factors for traffic accidents in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,2006,4,2,144-152,Kato Observations of age-related differences in neurobehavioral performance in a 12-hour shift system,2006,4,2,171-174,Kandelaars Sleep patterns and sleep problems among Egyptian school children living in urban suburban and rural areas,2010,7,2,84-92,Abou-Khadra Circadian preference nighttime sleep and daytime functioning in young adulthood,2010,8,1,52-62,FernáNdez-Mendoza A new perspective on sleepiness,2010,8,3,170-179,Johns Shift-work research: Where do we stand where should we go?,2010,8,2,95-105,Roenneberg The effects of a 30-min nap during night shift following a prophylactic sleep in the afternoon,2010,7,1,34-42,Lack Returning from night shift to day life: Beneficial effects of light on sleep,2010,8,3,212-221,Arendt Sleep Disorders – Breathing (Therapy),2007,5,s1 worldsleep07,A140-A153, Sleepiness and safety: where biology needs technology,2014,12,2,74-84,Dinges Sleep loss sleep disorders and driving accidents,2014,12,2,96-105,Komada Assisting shift workers through sleep and circadian research,2014,12,2,85-95,Takahashi Insomnia symptom mental disorder and suicide: a case-control study in Chinese rural youths,2015,13,2,181-188,Zhang Day workers suffering from a wider range of sleep problems are more likely to experience suicidality,2016,14,4,369-376,Ishitake Five-year mortality trends associated with sleep disorders in South Korea: a population-based cohort study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oh The effect of listening to Iranian pop and classical music on mental and physiological drowsiness,2022,20,2,275-285,Alimohammadi One night of 10-h sleep restores vigilance after total sleep deprivation: the role of delta and theta power during recovery sleep,2023,21,2,165-173,Ma Is insufficient sleep duration associated with suicidal behavior in Korean adolescents?,2017,15,2,117-125,Kim Small shifts in diurnal rhythms are associated with an increase in suicide: The effect of daylight saving,2008,6,1,22-25,Berk Kleine-Levin syndrome: A series of case reports,2012,10,3,244-246,Ramdurg Bright light exposure augments cognitive behavioral therapy for panic and posttraumatic stress disorders: a pilot randomized control trial,2020,18,2,101-107,Nagao