Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Small group drinking behavior: an experimental study of chronic alcoholics,1968,46,,399-430,Solomon Performance under sleep loss and fatigue,1967,45,,506-513,Lubin Race relations and violence: a social psychiatric perspective,1969,47,,118-129,Spiegel Televised violence: recent research on its effects,1974,52,,271-286,Siegel Crime and violence in the United States,1974,52,,319-323,Clark Control of violence,1974,52,,313-318,Kolb Murder--single and multiple,1974,52,,304-312,Frazier Third-party intervention in community conflict,1974,52,,260-270,Spiegel Behavioral and cognitive effects of violent stimuli,1974,52,,248-259,Geen Alcohol aggression and androgens,1974,52,,225-247,Mendelson Drug use among youthful assaultive and sexual offenders,1974,52,,209-224,Tinklenberg The hypothalamic "savage" syndrome,1974,52,,52-92,Glusman The effects of the organic solvents and industrial poisonings on the central nervous system,1953,32,,475-505,Baker Effects of heavy metals on the central nervous system,1953,32,,463-474,Aring Evaluating therapy in a delinquency prevention program,1953,31,,138-150,Teuber The relationship of resting autonomic activity to motor impulsivity,1958,36,,144-209,Lacey Sleep and activity: their relation to the 24-hour clock,1967,45,,8-29,Richter The problem of defining depth of sleep,1967,45,,277-287,Williams The neurophysiological mechanisms of the postrual and motor events during desynchronized sleep,1967,45,,351-423,Pompeiano XXXIV. Sociocultural aspects of alcohol addiction,1968,46,,455-471,Barry Some implications of recent research on the dynamics of fear and stress tolerance,1969,47,,86-100,Janis Psychosocial changes following racial and political persecution,1969,47,,101-117,Haefner Recovering spatial motor coordination after visual cortex lesions,1970,48,,163-175,Hein Memory and perception,1970,48,,108-122,Penfield Cognitive factors in perceptual dysfunction,1970,48,,255-265,Bridger Human studies on the biological basis of reinforcement. A neuroendocrine perspective,1992,70,,131-155,Mendelson The earliest indicators of pathological development: comparison of symptoms during infancy and early childhood in normal subnormal schizophrenic and autistic children,1973,51,,298-232,DeMyer Mother-infant interaction: effects of early deprivation prior experience and sex of infant,1973,51,,154-175,Leiderman The role of ontogeny in the establishment of species-specific patterns,1973,51,,381-397,Kaufman Brain dysfunction in cerebral hypoxia and ischemia,1974,53,,75-112,Siesjo Aggression in children,1974,52,,201-208,Bender The role of limbic brain dysfunction in aggression,1974,52,,186-200,Mark Aggression in the Ko-Bushmen,1974,52,,1-20,Eibl-Eibesfeldt The experimental imperative: laboratory analyses of aggressive behaviors,1974,52,,21-41,Kelly Biologic antecedents of psychosis in children,1975,54,,49-83,Fish Amine precursors in neurologic disorders and the psychoses,1975,54,,259-276,Klawans Adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs,1983,61,,249-266,Dreifuss Narcotics,1959,37,,334-355,Wikler Drug use among youthful assualtive and sexual offenders,1974,52,,209-224,Tinklenberg Electrophysiological studies in an animal model of aggressive behavior,1974,52,,93-118,Rose Steroid hormones and aggressive behavior: approaches to the study of hormone-sensitive brain mechanisms for behavior,1974,52,,149-185,Pfaff Central neurotransmitters in aggression,1974,52,,119-148,Reis Sign language and the brain,1988,66,,39-56,Poizner Neurogenic and psychogenic behavioral correlates of HIV infection,1990,68,,291-304,Grant