Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author A questionnaire study of risk-taking in psychiatric patients,1972,45,4,365-374,Steiner Retrieved memories of childhood sexual abuse,2000,73,1,1-13,Del Monte Representation of goodness or badness in contacts of 5-year-old children with mother and nursery school teacher,1999,72,1,93-104,Ben-Aaron Individual risk factors for early repetition of deliberate self-harm,1997,70,Pt 4,387-393,Scott Type A behaviour pattern and traffic accidents,1997,70,1,103-107,Magnavita Psychological responses to a marine disaster during a recoil phase: Experiences from the Estonia shipwreck,1996,69,Pt 2,147-153,Taiminen Male genital self-mutilation: a case report,1995,68,Pt 2,187-189,Mizuta A case study of female genital self-mutilation in schizophrenia,1995,68,2,179-186,David Pornography and the paedophile: Is it criminogenic?,1995,68,Pt 1,15-27,Howitt Children in war: a silent majority under stress,1994,67,4,363-375,Dyregrov Increased substance use in survivors of the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster,1993,66,Pt 2,185-191,Williams Mental well-being of good sleepers in a random population sample,1991,64,Pt 1,25-34,Hyyppä Life events coping strategies social resources and somatic complaints among combat stress reaction casualties,1990,63,Pt 2,137-148,Mikulincer Counter-transference reactions contributing to completed suicide,1987,60,Pt 4,379-385,Modestin The relationship between stereotyped and self-injurious behaviour,1987,60,3,287-289,Jones Type A behaviour and time urgency: perception of time adjectives,1987,60,3,267-269,Mueser The influence of alcohol on judgement of facial expression of emotion,1987,60,Pt 1,71-77,Borrill Hostility and deliberate self-poisoning,1986,59,4,311-316,Creed 'To be or not to be'--anxiety following bereavement,1986,59,2,149-156,Towse Lightning strike disaster among children,1985,58,Pt 4,375-383,Dollinger 'Psychic sensitivity' mystical experience head injury and brain pathology,1985,58,1,35-44,Brown Crisis intervention in theory and practice: a selective review,1984,57,1,23-34,Hobbs Physiological and psychological correlates of motion sickness,1983,56,pt 2,189-196,Bick Psychological correlates of solvent abuse,1982,55,Pt 1,63-66,Woolfson Quarrels separations and infidelity in the two days preceding self-poisoning episodes,1981,54,Pt 4,349-352,Fieldsend The attitudes of psychiatrists to deliberate self-poisoning: comparison with physicians and nurses,1981,54,Pt 4,341-348,Hawton The reasons people give for taking overdoses: a further inquiry,1979,52,4,353-365,Simkin Crisis intervention: an experimental study of the effects of a brief period of counselling on the anxiety of relatives of seriously injured or ill hospital patients,1979,52,2,191-195,Bunn The after-pleasure of suicide,1973,46,3,227-238,Morse A consideration of the meaning of certain types of aggressive behaviour,1971,44,4,373-378,Edgcumbe Towards a unified theory of human aggression,1971,44,4,355-365,Zegans Melancholic violence and cognitive dysfunction,1971,44,3,267-276,Malmquist Patterns of masochism: an empirical study,1971,44,1,59-66,Myerson Risk-taking and arousal regulation,1970,43,4,333-348,Steiner Minor accidents and EPI scores,1970,43,3,297-298,Horne Parents' and children's reactions to burns and scalds in children,1970,43,2,183-191,Martin Antecedents of burns and scalds in children,1970,43,1,39-47,Martin The natural history of attempted suicide in Bristol,1969,42,4,303-312,Roberts The syndrome of delicate self-cutting,1969,42,3,195-206,Pao The theme of Electra and Orestes: a contribution to the psychopathology of matricide,1969,42,2,99-108,Rubinstein Subincision among Australian western desert Aborigines,1969,42,2,183-190,Jones A study of the relation between personality and accident history,1968,41,4,399-404,Craske Suicide amongst alcoholics,1968,41,3,235-242,Ritson Medico-legal considerations of the A9 murder,1968,41,2,125-138,Whittet Two cases of auto-castration due to religious delusions,1967,40,3,293-298,Kushner Fatigue work decrement and endurance in a simple repetitive task,1963,36,,279-282,Pierson An analysis of the verbal content of suicide notes,1960,33,,195-204,Gottschalk Problems of T.A.T. interpretation and the diagnosis of delinquent trends,1958,31,1,51-59,Lyle Paranoia of the exalted type in a setting of folie a deux; a study of two adolescent homicides,1955,28,4,205-223,Medlicott Repeated suicidal attempts,1954,27,3,158-163,Batchelor Defences against aggression in the play of young children,1954,27,1-2,61-71,Albino Suicidal incidents in military personnel,1953,26,2,93-109,Pozner A case of genital self-mutilation,1951,24,4,291-295,Hemphill The psychological relationship between man and aircraft,1951,24,4,283-290,Ward The moon the seasons and man,1951,24,4,267-276,Inman Periodicity; Guy Fawkes Day,1951,23,3-4,220-222,Inman The persistence of national hatred and the changeability of its objects,1949,22,3-4,166-168,Richardson Aggression in nature and society,1949,22,3-4,161-165,Harding Aggression in nature and society,1949,22,3-4,156-160,Turquet Aggression in nature and society,1949,22,3-4,151-155,Hanson Women who stab: a personal construct analysis of sexual victimization and offending behaviour,1994,67,Pt 1,13-22,Pollock Structural equation modelling of some of the determinants of suicide risk,1992,65,2,157-165,Bleich An Analysis of the Verbal Content of Suicide Notes,1960,33,3,195-204,Gottschalk Old and New Trends in Suicide Research,1960,33,4,283-286,Stengel Assessing adult attachment status with clinically-orientated interviews: a brief report,2000,73,Pt 2,279-283,Kendrick Self-mutilation within a hospital setting: a study of identity and social compliance,1969,42,3,213-221,Podvoll The body as transitional object: a psychoanalytic study of a self-mutilating patient,1969,42,3,207-212,Kafka Stereotyped aggression in a group of Australian Western Desert Aborigines,1971,44,3,259-265,Jones Varieties of adolescent 'separation conflicts',1972,45,4,299-313,Stierlin Psychological breakdown at sea: hazards of singlehanded ocean sailing,1974,47,3,189-210,Bennet Identification and hysterical symptoms,1977,50,4,317-318,Roy Deliberate self-poisoning and self-injury in the psychiatric hospital,1978,51,3,253-259,Hawton Self-mutilation,1978,51,2,201-203,Roy Why people take overdoses: a study of psychiatrists' judgements,1983,56,2,197-204,Hawton Differences in reasons for taking overdoses in high and low hopelessness groups,1986,59,3,269-277,Williams The management of a sexually charged clinical problem: social structural and psychoanalytic functionalist approaches in a therapeutic community,1986,59,1,27-34,James Younger man/older woman: a cautionary tale,1985,58,2,175-178,Seeman Overdosing as communication: a cultural perspective,1990,63,4,319-333,Hodes Attribution and intervention in self-poisoning,1991,64,Pt 4,345-358,Williams Psychoanalytic views of aggression: some theoretical problems,1992,65,Pt 2,95-106,Pedder Some notes on suicide,1948,21,Pt 3,222-228,O'Connor Trauma and predictive memories,1969,42,3,290-291,Leff Prevalence of worry in normal aircrew,1969,42,3,283-286,Aitken Susceptibility to accidents. A developmental study,1965,38,4,289-297,Frankl Childhood adversity and adult defence style in eating disorder patients--a controlled study,1993,66,Pt 4,353-362,Schmidt Peripheral victims of the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster,1993,66,Pt 2,193-202,Dixon Physique and temperament of women delinquents compared with women undergraduates,1952,25,4,249-255,Epps Three cases of attempted suicide in children,1953,26,2,110-114,Liebermann The interrelations of delinquency and neurosis; the analysis of two cases,1954,27,1-2,1-14,Peto A preliminary investigation of the effects of continuous stimulation on the perception of apparent motion,1954,45,1,58-67,Shapiro Some observations on relationships between delinquent girls and their parents,1955,28,1,59-66,O'kelly A further study of the predicitive validity of a psychological test of brain damage,1961,34,,73-75,Walton Psycho-social factors in the aetiology of disturbed behaviour,1961,34,,43-52,Miller Group identification under conditions of external danger,1963,36,,227-238,Janis A longitudinal study of psychomotor functioning in acute psychiatric patients,1964,37,,167-173,Court Remission of malingered amnesia following a natural disaster,1967,40,2,183-184,Greenberg Interrupting psychotherapy with patients who exceed the limits,1967,40,4,359-370,Rodman Transactional escalation in rigidity and intensity of interpersonal behaviour under stress,1993,66,Pt 1,15-31,Van Denburg Bereavement reactions of female Scots and Swazis: a preliminary comparison,1993,66,Pt 3,259-274,Hill Mother-son incest as a defence against psychosis,1993,66,Pt 3,239-248,Bachmann Attentional bias persecutory delusions and the self-concept,1994,67,Pt 1,53-66,Kinderman The phenomenology of shame and guilt: an empirical investigation,1994,67,Pt 1,23-36,Gilbert An outbreak of copycat fire raising,1995,68,Pt 4,341-348,Cook Life-events and psychiatric symptoms in a general psychiatry clinic: the role of intrusion and avoidance,1995,68,Pt 4,333-340,McFarlane The role of the father in parental postnatal mental health,1995,68,Pt 2,157-168,Marks Clinical issues in the cognitive analytic therapy of sexually abused women who commit violent offences against their partners,1996,69,Pt 2,117-127,Pollock The possible consequences of early parent death,1969,42,1,1-12,Birtchnell Termination of pregnancy on psychiatric grounds: a comparative study of 61 cases,1969,42,3,243-254,Kenyon Symposium on impulsive self-mutilation: discussion,1969,42,3,223-229, The motivation and emotional state of 91 cases of attempted suicide,1971,44,1,45-52,Birtchnell Personal constructs of survivors of childhood sexual abuse receiving cognitive analytic therapy,1994,67,Pt 3,273-289,Clarke Post-traumatic stress disorder 'once removed': a case report,1994,67,Pt 2,125-129,Bledin Personal constructs childhood sexual abuse and revictimization,2001,74,Pt 3,379-397,Freshwater Contingent reinforcement or defending the self? A review of evolving models of aggression in people with mild learning disabilities,2001,74,Pt 3,305-321,Trower Poor metabolic control during menstruation and sexual abuse issues in an adolescent with diabetes,2000,73,4,561-565,Geffken Childhood trauma dissociation and self-harming behaviour: a pilot study,2000,73,2,269-278,Jones Hospital adjustment in personality disorder patients admitted to a therapeutic community milieu,2000,73,2,259-267,Chiesa Personal constructs of male survivors of childhood sexual abuse receiving cognitive analytic therapy,2000,73,2,169-177,Clarke Therapeutic commitment and role security in work with men with violence-related problems: an investigation and test of a model,1999,72,3,371-384,Manley An investigation of shame and guilt in a depressed sample,1999,72,3,323-338,Alexander Bridging the gap or damming the flow? Some observations on using interpreters/bicultural workers when working with refugee clients many of whom have been tortured,1999,72,4,567-576,Tribe The identification and characteristics of the partially dissociated states of patients with borderline personality disorder,1999,72,4,429-445,Ryle Bodily experience in psychotherapy,1970,43,4,301-312,Fedfearn Rereavement in a Samoan community,1971,44,4,329-337,Ablon Clinical features and motives among 42 artifactual illness patients,1983,56,1,57-66,Carney Social drop-outs and hippies: fantasy object-relationship and aggressiveness,1973,46,2,181-190,von Zeppelin The psychological investigation and treatment of auditory hallucinations: a second case report,1973,46,3,293-296,Slade The effect of children upon the marriage relationship,1975,48,3,273-279,Humphrey The modification of abnormal beliefs,1973,46,4,359-363,Powell Learning how to pretend: a distinction between intent and pretence observed in the treatment of a borderline psychotic boy,1973,46,3,297-302,Wax Follow-up study of British military hostages and their families held in Kuwait during the Gulf War,1998,71,3,247-252,Bisson A repertory grid study of interpersonal perception within a married couples psychotherapy group,1976,49,3,287-293,Wijesinghe A factor analytic study of the Dynamic Personality Inventory using a psychiatric population,1976,49,4,325-328,Bromley Mother-Son Incest as a Defence Against Psychosis,1993,66,3,239-248,Bachmann Physique and Temperament of Women Delinquents Compared with Women Undergraduates,1952,25,,249-255,Parnell Frames of reference in psychoanalytic psychology. XI. Limitations of the topographical model,1978,51,1,61-65,Sandler Methodological issues in the content analysis of brief psychotherapy,1980,53,1,19-27,Sullivan Some observations on the meaning of confabulation,1981,54,Pt 3,213-218,Whitlock Social support and psychological distress of parents of children with acute lymphocytic leukaemia,1986,59 ( Pt 4),,383-385,Magni Anxiety supervision and a space for thinking: some narcissistic perils for clinical psychologists in learning psychotherapy,1989,62 ( Pt 2),,113-122,Mollon The theory of transitional phenomena and its application to the psychotherapy of the borderline patient,1982,55 (Pt 4),,349-360,Macaskill A CAT-derived one to three session intervention for repeated deliberate self-harm: a description of the model and initial experience of trainee psychiatrists in using it,2000,73 ( Pt 2),,179-196,Rees Therapy factors in treating severely ill psychiatric patients,1992,65 ( Pt 2),,147-156,Würmle Predisposition to emotional distress and psychiatric illness amongst doctors: the role of unconscious and experiential factors,1991,64 ( Pt 4),,317-329,Johnson Transference--counter-transference constellations and enactments in the psychotherapy of destructive narcissism,1999,72 ( Pt 1),,63-74,Ivey Attribution and intervention in self-poisoning,1991,64,4,345-358,Jack Certain personality problems in relation to mental illness with special reference to suicide and homicide,1929,9,1,60-66,Gordon